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scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

Hi, Raihan! I left a comment on your profile the other day (https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Raihan142857/#comments-157843985) about a problem I was having with scratchclient. I have been using Google Colab for scratchclient for a month or so, but only this week I was having the problem that scratchclient.ScratchSession('Dinosu', ‘<my password>’).create_cloud_connection(565436202) was not loading. I saw this question was already asked here, but I didn't see a response. I tried running this single line for two hours, and it didn't load, but this is the traceback I got when I did a keyboard interrupt:

KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-eba3ae30fb2c> in <module>()
—-> 1 connection = session.create_cloud_connection(565436202)

14 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/scratchclient/ScratchSession.py in create_cloud_connection(self, project_id)
139 def create_cloud_connection(self, project_id):
–> 140 return CloudConnection(project_id, self)
142 def explore_projects(self, mode=“trending”, query=“*”):

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/scratchclient/CloudConnection.py in __init__(self, project_id, client)
18 EventEmitter.__init__(self)
19 self._client = client
—> 20 self.connect(project_id)
22 def _send_packet(self, packet):

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/scratchclient/CloudConnection.py in connect(self, project_id)
43 )
44 self.emit(“handshake”)
—> 45 response = self._ws.recv().split(“\n”)
46 for variable in response:
47 try:

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/websocket/_core.py in recv(self)
352 “”“
353 with self.readlock:
–> 354 opcode, data = self.recv_data()
355 if opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT:
356 return data.decode(”utf-8“)

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/websocket/_core.py in recv_data(self, control_frame)
375 tuple of operation code and string(byte array) value.
376 ”“”
–> 377 opcode, frame = self.recv_data_frame(control_frame)
378 return opcode, frame.data

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/websocket/_core.py in recv_data_frame(self, control_frame)
394 “”“
395 while True:
–> 396 frame = self.recv_frame()
397 if (isEnabledForTrace()):
398 trace(”++Rcv raw: “ + repr(frame.format()))

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/websocket/_core.py in recv_frame(self)
433 self.frame_buffer.recv_frame(): ABNF frame object
434 ”“”
–> 435 return self.frame_buffer.recv_frame()
437 def send_close(self, status=STATUS_NORMAL, reason=bytes('', encoding='utf-8')):

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/websocket/_abnf.py in recv_frame(self)
335 # Header
336 if self.has_received_header():
–> 337 self.recv_header()
338 (fin, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3, opcode, has_mask, _) = self.header

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/websocket/_abnf.py in recv_header(self)
292 def recv_header(self):
–> 293 header = self.recv_strict(2)
294 b1 = header
295 fin = b1 >> 7 & 1

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/websocket/_abnf.py in recv_strict(self, bufsize)
370 # buffers allocated and then shrunk, which results in
371 # fragmentation.
–> 372 bytes_ = self.recv(min(16384, shortage))
373 self.recv_buffer.append(bytes_)
374 shortage -= len(bytes_)

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/websocket/_core.py in _recv(self, bufsize)
517 def _recv(self, bufsize):
518 try:
–> 519 return recv(self.sock, bufsize)
520 except WebSocketConnectionClosedException:
521 if self.sock:

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/websocket/_socket.py in recv(sock, bufsize)
111 bytes_ = sock.recv(bufsize)
112 else:
–> 113 bytes_ = _recv()
114 except socket.timeout as e:
115 message = extract_err_message(e)

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/websocket/_socket.py in _recv()
88 def _recv():
89 try:
—> 90 return sock.recv(bufsize)
91 except SSLWantReadError:
92 pass

/usr/lib/python3.7/ssl.py in recv(self, buflen, flags)
1054 “non-zero flags not allowed in calls to recv() on %s” %
1055 self.__class__)
-> 1056 return self.read(buflen)
1057 else:
1058 return super().recv(buflen, flags)

/usr/lib/python3.7/ssl.py in read(self, len, buffer)
929 return self._sslobj.read(len, buffer)
930 else:
–> 931 return self._sslobj.read(len)
932 except SSLError as x:
933 if x.args == SSL_ERROR_EOF and self.suppress_ragged_eofs:


Do you know why this generally happens? Thank you in advance!
500+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

Chiroyce wrote:

JackK211424 wrote:

Let me re-phrase that. They cant do anything about it.
Nothing is impossible
It could be possible, but the entire internet protocol would have to be changed.

1000+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

Dinosu wrote:

Do you know why this generally happens? Thank you in advance!
probably related to https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/5358270/

I use scratch.
GF: I'll dump you. BF: hex dump or binary dump?

93 posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

something went wrong with the request, but not in a way that scratchclient knows how to handle. I’ve never looked the format of this sort of request, so I don’t know why this happens, but you could try checking if your password was correct.
Ya… no the pass is perfect.

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Wireframe ship pro here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/369638452/
500+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

hey there, can someone help me check my code before i run it? i want the server to run clean without bugs. here's a link to the repl. thanks!

hi im silver

i eat orphan babies
500+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

hey got scratchencoder error can someone please help?

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 50, in <module>
get = [receive("send"), match(receive("send")), db.keys()]
File "main.py", line 22, in receive
return Encoder.decode(temp2)
TypeError: decode() missing 1 required positional argument: 'text'

hi im silver

i eat orphan babies
1000+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

silvxrcat wrote:

hey got scratchencoder error can someone please help?
Inside the brackets put the encoded text to be decoded, like this
# or even pass a a variable into it like this
encoded = "020405201348285728348"

silvxrcat wrote:

TypeError: decode() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘text’
It means that decode takes one argument called text

silvxrcat wrote:

hey there, can someone help me check my code before i run it? i want the server to run clean without bugs. here's a link to the repl. thanks!
Do you have any environment variables in that repl? Then anyone can see it as it's an invite to EDIT the repl and not a place to check the code

Last edited by Chiroyce (Sept. 2, 2021 02:57:59)

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
Make a statue for Jeffalo
Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence
28 posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

Is it possible to view studio comments using this?

If so, how?

I decided that this wasn't possible with scratchclient and after creating an issue in the Github repo someone told me about another module where this is possible but I decided to just use the requests module instead.

Last edited by ajsya_test (Sept. 16, 2021 02:44:12)

(Not edited by a moderator - Don't impersonate a moderator by adding this since a moderator didn't moderate to add this moderation in.)

Congratulations! You found an alt-account of @ajsya!
100+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

how do I check loves favorites and remixes?

^^^just remember, the server is offline most of the time so don't expect it to work 100% of the time^^^

owner of wonows os (not working on it too much anymore) https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/30519993/
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21 posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

What I Did To View Comments Was I Used The Requests Module In Python And Used The Api Made By Scratch Here: https://en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Scratch_API

If You See A TurboWarp Autoplay Link Like This One Its Probably Important And You Should Click It
1000+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

Maclator wrote:

how do I check loves favorites and remixes?
Here's an easy way to do it using scratchclient:

from scratchclient import ScratchSession
session = ScratchSession("password", "username") # replace with your scratch account's password and username
project = "1581299" # Put the project's ID that you want to lookup
# Getting the counts and setting them to variables to make the easy to work with
project_loves = session.get_project(project).love_count
project_favorites = session.get_project(project).favorite_count
project_remixes = session.get_project(project).remix_count
# Just showing you the data
print("Project {0} has: {1} loves, {2} favorites, and {3} remixes.".format(project, project_loves, project_favorites, project_remixes))

Feel free to message me on my profile if you need to tell me something/want someone to talk to.

Hi, I'm ajsya!

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100+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

ajsya wrote:

Maclator wrote:

how do I check loves favorites and remixes?
Here's an easy way to do it using scratchclient:

import snip
I got an error…
session = os.environ is just the session
from scratchclient import ScratchSession
import os
session = os.environ['session']
connection = "579010075"
project_loves = session.get_project(project).love_count
project_favorites = session.get_project(project).favorite_count
project_remixes = session.get_project(project).remix_count
connection.set_cloud_variable("heart", project_loves)
connection.set_cloud_variable("star", project_favorites)
connection.set_cloud_variable("remix", project_remixes)

and error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", in line 5, in <module>
project_loves = session.get_project(project).love_count
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get_project'

edit: if it is on scratches side https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/579010075/

Last edited by Maclator (Oct. 5, 2021 02:28:34)

^^^just remember, the server is offline most of the time so don't expect it to work 100% of the time^^^

owner of wonows os (not working on it too much anymore) https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/30519993/
for collaboration, my time zone is central US time
and I am a part of:
PenHD (kind of)
BlueList (new topic, not too active in it anymore)
say [I'm happy!]
100+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

Maclator wrote:

ajsya wrote:

Maclator wrote:

how do I check loves favorites and remixes?
Here's an easy way to do it using scratchclient:

import snip
I got an error…
session = os.environ is just the session
import snip

and error
Traceback (most recent call last):

edit: if it is on scratch's side https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/579010075/
I figured out the error! thanks for helping!

Last edited by Maclator (Oct. 5, 2021 02:38:02)

^^^just remember, the server is offline most of the time so don't expect it to work 100% of the time^^^

owner of wonows os (not working on it too much anymore) https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/30519993/
for collaboration, my time zone is central US time
and I am a part of:
PenHD (kind of)
BlueList (new topic, not too active in it anymore)
say [I'm happy!]
500+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

Maclator wrote:

import snip

I like that one given we are using python

87 posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

I'm geting all followers of a user but i get realy weird objects and idk how to turn them in to usernames pls help me
500+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

nini2009ph wrote:

I'm geting all followers of a user but i get realy weird objects and idk how to turn them in to usernames pls help me
Would you mind sharing your code? I would help better if I would see the code. My best guess is either you didn't parse the output or you have passed it to an object instead of an array, which will of course result with JSON objects.

Türkçe Scratch Viki'ye katılın!
Türk Scratch'çiler için Türk Scratch'çiler yapıyor.

87 posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

ahmetlii wrote:

nini2009ph wrote:

I'm geting all followers of a user but i get realy weird objects and idk how to turn them in to usernames pls help me
Would you mind sharing your code? I would help better if I would see the code. My best guess is either you didn't parse the output or you have passed it to an object instead of an array, which will of course result with JSON objects.
data = session.get_user(“FREEZING_BLAZER”).get_followers(all=False)
87 posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

ahmetlii wrote:

nini2009ph wrote:

I'm geting all followers of a user but i get realy weird objects and idk how to turn them in to usernames pls help me
Would you mind sharing your code? I would help better if I would see the code. My best guess is either you didn't parse the output or you have passed it to an object instead of an array, which will of course result with JSON objects.
and i get:
87 posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

<scratchclient.User.User object at 0x000001B34B1AD730>
500+ posts

scratchclient - A scratch API wrapper for python

nini2009ph wrote:

<scratchclient.User.User object at 0x000001B34B1AD730>
isn't that typescript? i think you use async or something to handle that. haven't looked into it.


Last edited by silvxrcat (Oct. 17, 2021 16:55:18)

hi im silver

i eat orphan babies

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