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  • » ~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners! [RSS Feed]
100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Username: Wolfieboy09
What would you like?: Reactor Startup song, failure, shutdown success, and failure.
Description: My new game is a singularity reactor. The shutdown should kinda be sad but happy at the same time because you are shutting it down.

The startup should have some excitement because you are starting it up.
Urgency Level: I NEEEEEEDDDD IIIITTTT (SpongeBob reference)
Due Date: Feb 3, 2022
Are you following this shop? (Topic): ye
Where would you like us to contact you?: Main profile

Other: Have a link to the music. The shutdown success should be something like this not exactly (I really like that music btw): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18RrEwgQ-8Y

Owner and CEO of Wolfie Co.

Owner and CEO of Wolfie Co.
Languages I know:
- Python
- HTML, CSS, and JS
- Java (Minecraft modding)
- And many more
100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Username: CrownIR
Shop name & Link: The Bit Shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/563146/
Owner of Shop: CrownIR
Benefits: If there is a simple order I can do it, and if someone asks for pixel art we can do it!
What your shop sells: Pixel Art
Are you following this topic?: Yes
Your banner (Optional):

I'm not really expecting this to get accepted, it doesn't fit in that well with the shop, but hopefully it does!

The road to 1000 posts!

28% Complete!

283 ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ 1000
My Siggy is too big! Highlight this text and do Ctrl+Shift+Down!

(Banner by: bugsky2009)

look at this little bugger! (by EmeraldCreeper789Dev)

Generation 9: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

T-rex, the first time you see this add something to the text, without eradicating it. Gen 1

I'm fairly new to Scratch but I'm fairly good.

This is my Guard.

100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!


Last edited by Spaceboy1010 (Jan. 26, 2022 23:58:12)

 ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ::#19e007  // This is Lenny, he protects my siggy from evil kumquats.
If my signature is too big, highlight some text and press Ctrl+Shift+Down
i stand with Russia, yes I said it. No I’m not evil I just know some other pieces of the puzzle that most don’t.

To quote the 14.313MHz gigglegang:
I just LOOOOVE this amateur radio thing!!!!!1
1000+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Everyone, this shop is temporarily closed until the owner gets unbanned.

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
13 posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

I want some cool studio thumbnails
I need at least 2 different ones.
First one i need a rotating fire dragon thumbail
Second i need a cool thumbail written on it AngryMulti-Companies with some decorations.
I also need a cool profile picture because mine is bad, i want it to have dragons and guns if u can.

Hello, im a great scratch coder and here is my username. PLEASE FOLLOW ME!

100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

my order…………………. I NEVER GOT IT
500+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Username: –cherrykitty–
What would you like?: Art
Description: Some enchanted looking greenery please, need it for my FPCA
Urgency Level: Not urgent, I can't do it myself, so need some help…
Due Date: Whenever you are done ig…
Are you following this shop? (Topic): Yes, now I am
Where would you like us to contact you?: Profile
Other: Please take this, I think I got skipped once already…

There is more siggy after this! Highlight this and hit shift+down

Hi, I am –cherrykitty–!

Although I may seem new, I've actually been on the offline editor for some time already.

Feel free to ask me any questions on my profile!

I am working at a couple shops.

And I am now on a few collabs!
Online cloud quiz creator

Onscratch-a scratch social media
1000+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Angry_hd wrote:

I want some cool studio thumbnails
I need at least 2 different ones.
First one i need a rotating fire dragon thumbail
Second i need a cool thumbail written on it AngryMulti-Companies with some decorations.
I also need a cool profile picture because mine is bad, i want it to have dragons and guns if u can.

we are closed

maxkyle112233445566 wrote:

my order…………………. I NEVER GOT IT

production stopped

--cherrykitty-- wrote:

Username: –cherrykitty–
What would you like?: Art
Description: Some enchanted looking greenery please, need it for my FPCA
Urgency Level: Not urgent, I can't do it myself, so need some help…
Due Date: Whenever you are done ig…
Are you following this shop? (Topic): Yes, now I am
Where would you like us to contact you?: Profile
Other: Please take this, I think I got skipped once already…

we are closed

With the Paris Olympics starting, I recommend playing Running Simulator, with an Olympics update in the works.

Original signature down below (Shift + Down Arrow)

My 6900th post
Thank you Era 2 for the memories. May 5th, 2021 - June 10th, 2024
100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Since Mrcakeyman Is Banned And The Co-Owner (LightningAnimates) Is Offline Forever, I'm Thinking That @filly3000 (The Secretary) Should Overwatch The Shop For Now. We Can Still Run The Shop!

Last edited by -Winking- (Jan. 27, 2022 14:20:15)

100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

-Winking- wrote:

Since Mrcakeyman Is Banned And The Co-Owner (LightningAnimates) Is Offline Forever, I'm Thinking That @filly3000 (The Secretary) Should Overwatch The Shop For Now. We Can Still Run The Shop!

Owner and CEO of Wolfie Co.
Languages I know:
- Python
- HTML, CSS, and JS
- Java (Minecraft modding)
- And many more
1000+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

-Winking- wrote:

Since Mrcakeyman Is Banned And The Co-Owner (LightningAnimates) Is Offline Forever, I'm Thinking That @filly3000 (The Secretary) Should Overwatch The Shop For Now. We Can Still Run The Shop!
super skill store 2.0


Check out the Sodium Shop! its closed now lol
Also check out Cornmoji! Click here! also closed

(ツ) // one unicode character kumquat guard

I would indeed consider my forum signature to be quite small and/or short for the average Scratch forumer with over one thousand posts.
100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

maxkyle112233445566 wrote:

my order…………………. I NEVER GOT IT
Same. I Ordered a Thumbnail For a Game That Is for a event and Christmas is Already over And I Ordered It like more Than a Month Ago.

when green flag clicked
eat waffles
eat evil kumquats
Shall all the evil kumquats beware. I will eat them for breakfast as soon as I find one. I’ll bake them into my waffles. No more siggy eating!
13 posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Scratch_Cat_Coder8 wrote:

maxkyle112233445566 wrote:

my order…………………. I NEVER GOT IT
Same. I Ordered a Thumbnail For a Game That Is for a event and Christmas is Already over And I Ordered It like more Than a Month Ago.

Closed because owner of this got banned from scratch. Some people didnt get their orders too including mee.

Hello, im a great scratch coder and here is my username. PLEASE FOLLOW ME!

100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Angry_hd wrote:

Scratch_Cat_Coder8 wrote:

maxkyle112233445566 wrote:

my order…………………. I NEVER GOT IT
Same. I Ordered a Thumbnail For a Game That Is for a event and Christmas is Already over And I Ordered It like more Than a Month Ago.

Closed because owner of this got banned from scratch. Some people didnt get their orders too including mee.
Oh no! What happened? Was it a Account Deletion?

when green flag clicked
eat waffles
eat evil kumquats
Shall all the evil kumquats beware. I will eat them for breakfast as soon as I find one. I’ll bake them into my waffles. No more siggy eating!
100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Username: Super Cooper Hobbies
What would you like?: Debugging (code help)
Description: I have a game (linked below) that has a couple of bugs. I am trying to cap the speed of the dodgeballs, and it looks like it should work from the inside of the code, but it doesn't. I cannot find the problem and am absolutely stumped. If someone could take a look and figure it out, that would be great!
Urgency Level: Somewhat urgent, cause its a real problem for the game.
Due Date: No real due date, but the sooner the better.
Are you following this shop? (Topic): yes
Where would you like us to contact you?: here, and on the project.
Other: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/634852760/
100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Oh, this place is closed? I didn't see that until now. What happened?
59 posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Username: -OfficiallyApril-
What would you like?: Profile pic
Description: A profile picture with my character, Mogic and with a nice background
Urgency Level: 5
Due Date: n/a
Are you following this shop? (Topic): no
Where would you like us to contact you?: About me project

Mogic ref: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/626337294/
100+ posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

What would you like?: Image hosting
Description: Image hosting for the image in the Image sprite in the project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/636309959/
Urgency Level: From most to least on 1-10, 1
Due Date: 1/30/22 or 1/31/22
Are you following this shop? (Topic): no
Where would you like us to contact you?: profile page

Fun fact: Rick Astley has been rickrolled.
☆Check out my new shop, the Book Corner!☆

13 posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Nope just a ban not deletion

Hello, im a great scratch coder and here is my username. PLEASE FOLLOW ME!

13 posts

~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!

Scratch_Cat_Coder8 wrote:

Angry_hd wrote:

Scratch_Cat_Coder8 wrote:

maxkyle112233445566 wrote:

my order…………………. I NEVER GOT IT
Same. I Ordered a Thumbnail For a Game That Is for a event and Christmas is Already over And I Ordered It like more Than a Month Ago.

Closed because owner of this got banned from scratch. Some people didnt get their orders too including mee.
Oh no! What happened? Was it a Account Deletion?

ILikeProggraming123 wrote:

What would you like?: Image hosting
Description: Image hosting for the image in the Image sprite in the project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/636309959/
Urgency Level: From most to least on 1-10, 1
Due Date: 1/30/22 or 1/31/22
Are you following this shop? (Topic): no
Where would you like us to contact you?: profile page

-OfficiallyApril- wrote:

Username: -OfficiallyApril-
What would you like?: Profile pic
Description: A profile picture with my character, Mogic and with a nice background
Urgency Level: 5
Due Date: n/a
Are you following this shop? (Topic): no
Where would you like us to contact you?: About me project

Mogic ref: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/626337294/

They are closed

Hello, im a great scratch coder and here is my username. PLEASE FOLLOW ME!

  • Discussion Forums
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  • » ~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners! [RSS Feed]

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