Discuss Scratch

100+ posts


Welcome to CyberTech

Here, we will complete your orders and requests in speedy time with total perfection

- Orders that are incorrectly filled out or that are hard to understand will not be taken
- We are now offering emojis they are for a limited time only!
Banner Maker:
Banner Type (shop, signature, etc):
Picture link (if you have one):
Other Details:
Where should we notify you when your order is finished:
Thumbnail Maker:
Thumbnail Type (profile, studio, project, etc.):
Other Details:
Where should I notify you when your order is finished:
Profile Picture Picture
PFP Maker:
Other Details:
Where should I notify you when your order is finished:

Here are some quotes from our customers

RSriram2010 on 18/2/21 wrote:
“They delivered it faster than expected, and better than expected. I'm definitely coming back!”

Join the Team
Applications are currently closed.

Review Your Order
Who took your order:
How long order took:
Good Things:
Things to Improve:
Rating out of ten:

Our staff
Owner/Founder: ISAACSFA
Co-owner: spcoding10
Chairman: Needed
Regular staff
Staff leave form
Starting on:
Ending on:

Customer Rights and Responsibilities
You the customer are responsible for:
- Using a clear order form to show what I want your order to look like.
- Being polite and respectful to the staff taking your order.
You have right to:
- Get updates about my order on your profile unless you opt out.
- Have your order changed or edited on your request.

Staff Rights and Responsibilities
You are responsible for:
- Completing all orders you take to the best of your ability.
- Being polite, responsible and respectful and give CyberTech a good reputation.
- When you take an order, writing “Taken!”
- Notifying customers about their orders on their profile unless they have chosen not to be notified.
You have right to
- Please include the word “Cyber” to your application, to prove you read the Rights and Responsibilities.
- Polite, respectful treatment by everyone while at CyberTech.
- As much holiday as you would like if you let us know first.
- Leave at any time without a reason.

Partnering with us

Here are some of the shops we're partnered with

Shop Name/Link:
How Long Shop Has Been Open:

Last edited by ISAACSFA (May 23, 2021 14:57:25)

68 posts


Thumbnail Type (profile, studio, project, etc.): project
Colors: whatever
Text: maybe
Fonts: any
Pictures: a weasel that popped and someone mopping it up
Other Details: this is for my music called ‘Mop Up the Weasel.’ You can read about the genre here
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: comment on my profile. I will mention you in the notes and credits of the project with the song in it.
Thanks so much!
Also I do ASCII art if you're interested.
100+ posts


zfn wrote:

Thumbnail Type (profile, studio, project, etc.): project
Colors: whatever
Text: maybe
Fonts: any
Pictures: a weasel that popped and someone mopping it up
Other Details: this is for my music called ‘Mop Up the Weasel.’ You can read about the genre here
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: comment on my profile. I will mention you in the notes and credits of the project with the song in it.
Thanks so much!
Taken! Your order will be done soon

Edit: Your order is now done, and can be found here and I made two so you can choose witch one you want, let me know if there is anything you want changed.

Last edited by ISAACSFA (Feb. 8, 2021 23:41:29)

68 posts


Who took your order: @ISAACSFA
How long order took: 1 day
Good Things: Looks nice
Things to Improve: Preferred it to have been done on Scratch Vector Editor, doesn't really go with the style of the other two thumbnails.
Rating out of ten: 8/10
Quote: wait wat
500+ posts


Banner Type (shop, signature, etc): Shop
Colors: Gray, Yellow
Text: We meet All your needs!
Fonts: Pacifico
Picture link (if you have one):
Size: 500x250 px
Other Details: 3 Lightning bolts
Where should we notify you when your order is finished: My Profile

Open for orders!

Click the image.
100+ posts


madcoding1 wrote:

Banner Type (shop, signature, etc): Shop
Colors: Gray, Yellow
Text: We meet All your needs!
Fonts: Pacifico
Picture link (if you have one):
Size: 500x250 px
Other Details: 3 Lightning bolts
Where should we notify you when your order is finished: My Profile
Taken! Your order will be done soon.
Edit: Your order is complete! Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to change. Here it is

Last edited by ISAACSFA (Feb. 10, 2021 18:47:11)

500+ posts


Who took your order: @ISAACSFA
How long order took: 30 minutes
Good Things: Speed, and the product
Things to Improve: The response to my question was a little slow, but that's not much
Rating out of ten: 8.5/10
Quote: The shop lives up to its name, though it's faster than computers.

Last edited by madcoding1 (Feb. 11, 2021 13:23:36)

Open for orders!

Click the image.
500+ posts


I have a question: How do you upload a scratch banner to my shop?

Open for orders!

Click the image.
1000+ posts


Co-owner/Chairman Application

Username: SaitamaGTOPM.

What job do you want (Co-owner or Chairman): Co-Owner.

Do you specialize in everything we offer: Everything but banners.

Example of your work? Link to a profile picture I made for SpaceMud.

On a scale of 1-10, what is your activity: 8.5/10.

How many days a week are you on scratch: It depends. I check at least once every day, and I can spend more time from there.

How many hours a day are you on scratch: It depends. It can be 1, but that can turn to 3.

Have you read the Rights and Responsibilities: Yes, I have read the Rights and Responsibilities.

Are you following the thread: Yes, I have.

Other: CyberTech is a distinctive shop name.

saitama - argentinian - she/her

i like playing videogames and coding and eating good food

Also, yay, 1000 posts! *Insert sad confetti*
36 posts


Colors: Light brown, black, Teal (dark)
Text: rosieclub
Fonts: marker (I think that is what it is called)
Pictures: Kitten (cartoon)
Other Details: none
Where you should notify me when my order is finished: My profile comments

Thank you!

Hi! I'm rosieclub, you can call me RC for short. I really enjoy coding and I do lot's of art. I LOVE cats and cows, and also Dragons!

when green flag clicked
switch costume to [cat v]
play sound [meow v]
say [Meow] for (1,000,000) secs
100+ posts


SaitamaGTOPM wrote:

Nice, everything looks awesome! But, can you provide more examples please. Also I have a question, do you do the drawings directly on scratch or do you use another website to make them?

100+ posts


rosieclub wrote:

Colors: Light brown, black, Teal (dark)
Text: rosieclub
Fonts: marker (I think that is what it is called)
Pictures: Kitten (cartoon)
Other Details: none
Where you should notify me when my order is finished: My profile comments

Thank you!

Taken, your order should be complete soon.
Edit: Your order is complete, I hope to is is what you wanted you can ask for any additions or changes, or if you want it in a project here it is

Last edited by ISAACSFA (Feb. 11, 2021 13:24:04)

1000+ posts



SaitamaGTOPM wrote:

Nice, everything looks awesome! But, can you provide more examples please. Also I have a question, do you do the drawings directly on scratch or do you use another website to make them?

I do the drawings directly on Scratch, but I have a few drawing applications I could use. I don't really know what other examples I could provide since that's the only pfp order I have made. I could draw something, if needed.

saitama - argentinian - she/her

i like playing videogames and coding and eating good food

Also, yay, 1000 posts! *Insert sad confetti*
100+ posts


SaitamaGTOPM wrote:

I do the drawings directly on Scratch, but I have a few drawing applications I could use. I don't really know what other examples I could provide since that's the only pfp order I have made. I could draw something, if needed.
I'm gonna give you a order, and you have to complete it good so here it is
Thumbnail Type: project
Colors: blue grey
Text: Icon maker
Fonts: marker
Pictures: just a plain blue for the background
Other Details: I would like @SaitamaGTOPM to make it
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: my profile

36 posts


Who took your order: @ISAACSFA
How long order took: 17 hours
Good Things: Looks amazing, has exactly the design I wanted
Things to Improve: I don't really have anything you need to improve.
Rating out of ten: 9.5/10
Quote: Good job?

Hi! I'm rosieclub, you can call me RC for short. I really enjoy coding and I do lot's of art. I LOVE cats and cows, and also Dragons!

when green flag clicked
switch costume to [cat v]
play sound [meow v]
say [Meow] for (1,000,000) secs
8 posts


Forget this post.

Last edited by hashtagpotatoeater (Feb. 11, 2021 21:29:25)

To code is to code is to code is to code.

say [See ya later!] for (2) secs
set [me v] to [not here anymore]
26 posts


Banner Type (shop, signature, etc): signature
Colors: Please use cyan, teal, and white
Text: Teal Here!
Animator/Game maker
Human with a taco on their head
Voice actor!
Kind Scratcher!
Fonts: Put Teal Here! Using the pen tool and for the rest write it in Sans Serif with an outline like @-NerdAnimator-
Picture link (if you have one): Link to my OC: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/475056598
Size: I don't know what you mean…
Other Details: Make sure to use my oc in it and use vector!
Where should we notify you when your order is finished: Notify me on my profile.
26 posts


tealandtaco wrote:

Banner Type (shop, signature, etc): signature
Colors: Please use cyan, teal, and white
Text: Teal Here!
Animator/Game maker
Human with a taco on their head
Voice actor!
Kind Scratcher!
Fonts: Put Teal Here! Using the pen tool and for the rest write it in Sans Serif with an outline like @-NerdAnimator-
Picture link (if you have one): Link to my OC: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/475056598
Size: 500x250 pixels
Other Details: Make sure to use my oc in it and use vector!
Where should we notify you when your order is finished: Notify me on my profile.
100+ posts


tealandtaco wrote:

Banner Type (shop, signature, etc): signature
Colors: Please use cyan, teal, and white
Text: Teal Here!
Animator/Game maker
Human with a taco on their head
Voice actor!
Kind Scratcher!
Fonts: Put Teal Here! Using the pen tool and for the rest write it in Sans Serif with an outline like @-NerdAnimator-
Picture link (if you have one): Link to my OC: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/475056598
Size: I don't know what you mean…
Other Details: Make sure to use my oc in it and use vector!
Where should we notify you when your order is finished: Notify me on my profile.
Taken! Your order will be complete soon
Edit: Your order is complete here it is

Last edited by ISAACSFA (Feb. 12, 2021 16:38:35)

1 post


Banner: None
Text: Me on my profile
Fonts: louisiana state police badge
Picture link louisiana state police badge it need to be gold

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