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2 posts

Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

Hello. I would like to ask a quick question about how large a project can be before it can't be saved. I've tried uploading some recordings of mine, but it doesn't seem to want to save anything longer that 2.5 minutes.
My question is: How long can a recording be before the site can't save the project that it's been uploaded to?
Sorry to bother you.
1000+ posts

Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

It's not a length limit, it's a file size limit. Sound files can be at most 10 MB before they can't save.

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Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

50MB is how much it is

1000+ posts

Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

PoIygon wrote:

50MB is how much it is
This is not correct - this is old information that dates from Scratch 2.0 and is no longer true.

Current information can be found here, although @Za-Chary has already answered @Ebony_Starcutter's question.

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The Scratch 3 Project Save Troubleshooter - find out why your project won't save

ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded

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New Scratcher
2 posts

Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

Za-Chary wrote:

It's not a length limit, it's a file size limit. Sound files can be at most 10 MB before they can't save.
Thank you very much for telling me. I appreciate it.
6 posts

Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

the size doesnt matter if it doesnt go over 10 MB. its limited to 1hour if its less

this is my signature

and this is some text in a scroll box                                                                                                                                                                weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee                      
1000+ posts

Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

SneakyMind299 wrote:

the size doesnt matter if it doesnt go over 10 MB. its limited to 1hour if its less
Please don't necropost.

this https://scratch.mit.edu

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
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define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
2 posts

Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

I’m going to attempt a 384 second recording or higher!
500+ posts

Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

k0d3rrr wrote:

SneakyMind299 wrote:

the size doesnt matter if it doesnt go over 10 MB. its limited to 1hour if its less
Please don't necropost.
Oh no! The world is going to end now!

Male | He/Him | Norwegian | Fox Furry

4 posts

Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

I post some sounds. how long can you're recording be? just asking
500+ posts

Length limit on how long a recording can be before it can't be saved?

When you record a sound, Scratch records a WAV, mono, 768kbps (768 kilobits per second, that's awful, or 352kbps if it's too big) sound file picking up from your microphone. Scratch only records in 768kbps and 352kbps. Scratch has a 10MB asset limit. If we have a maximum of 10MB and a bitrate of 768kbps, that allows 104.17 seconds or 1 minute and 44 seconds of recording in Scratch. If we have a bitrate of 352kbps, that allows 227.27 seconds or 3 minutes and 47 seconds of recording in Scratch.

Also, don't necropost. The topic is 1 year, 2 months old. It's when you post something on old topics (3 months or higher). Reporting to be closed.

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Also, check out the Mineral Fish Topic (not by me) and the Numberblocks Fish Topic.
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