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6 posts

GIF's input is very distorted and out-of-order

When I ever upload a GIF, it always is out of order and makes new pictures as well. I have had this issue for a year, please fix it.


A simple signature, as is.
when green flag clicked
say [hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal i don't mean to be rude my friend pal home slice bread slice dawg but i gotta warn ya if u take one more diddly darn step right there im going to have to diddly darn snap ur neck and wowza wouldn't that be a crummy juncture, huh? do you want that? do wish upon yourself to come into physical experience with a crummy juncture? because friend buddy chum friend chum pally pal chum friend (This is a joke please don't take this seriously and mass report me. If you understand the meme, good for you.)]
100+ posts

GIF's input is very distorted and out-of-order

Same issue I have.

when the imposter is sus
1000+ posts

GIF's input is very distorted and out-of-order

This is a known issue. More info and a way to work around the bug can be found here.

(Note that the following is my signature - it appears automatically below all of my posts. You can tell where a post ends and where a signature starts because there is a grey line separating them. To get your own signature, follow the instructions here.)

Add a SPOOKY SKELETON to your project!

The Scratch 3 Project Save Troubleshooter - find out why your project won't save

ST, Please Add A Warning When A Size Limit Is Exceeded

My Dumb Creations - THE BEST ANIMATION | The Windows 98 Experience (made on Windows 98) | nobody cares about Me… | the2000 Reveals His New Profile Picture | Not Dumb Creations - Ten Years
Ctrl+Shift+Down for more…
Do evil kumquats keep eating your signature? Assert your dominance and eat the evil kumquats. Did you know that kumquats are only about the size of an olive?

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