Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

discounicorn wrote:

Please tell me how many Projects a day, comments a day, and responding to forums a day you should do, each answer separately.
… Fine. I think you need at least:

3 projects;
1 month since account creation.

But I don't know about the forum posts.
7 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

I am WDTK. Please visit my game called: Warrior Cats: The Game.
500+ posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

NoxSpooth wrote:

discounicorn wrote:

Please tell me how many Projects a day, comments a day, and responding to forums a day you should do, each answer separately.
… Fine. I think you need at least:

3 projects;
1 month since account creation.

But I don't know about the forum posts.
You don't need forum posts. I became a Scratcher without knowing what the forums were.

1000+ posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

LacyGirls wrote:


We're new to Scratch, and having a little trouble with our first project, which is a tennis game. It is still a work in progress, but we can't stop the game once the time limit has finished. Instead of the stage switching at zero, our timer variable continues on to minus numbers and the game keeps going. Any ideas? We've tried scripting next background and blocks to select the background we want, but to no avail.

Just a quick pointer-this goes in Help With Scripts.

17 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Hi i've been on scratch for a few weeks and today i released my first project Run way Red. I love scratch but its not my only experience w/ programming i'm in FLL which is a robotics program. any wy my main question is cloud data. how long do i have to be on scratch in order to use it? oh nd how would my project end up featured?
New Scratcher
6 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

discounicorn wrote:

Please tell me how many Projects a day, comments a day, and responding to forums a day you should do, each answer separately.
I'm pretty sure the actual number is undisclosed (is that the right word), so just be active and have fun!

Edit, found a glitch with editing

Last edited by letmethink_test (June 9, 2013 18:56:43)

New Scratcher
6 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Although I'm not sure.

Edit, found a glitch with editing

Last edited by letmethink_test (June 9, 2013 18:56:04)

1 post

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Ummmmm… I'm not that new but is just my computers that don't work or does the “import sprite” not work on
Scratch 2.0???

Last edited by Dragonfly72 (June 10, 2013 19:37:53)

5 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

I'm not new, but I have been inactive for a while, considering I signed up only for a summer camp I did. What are some of the changes in Scratch 2.0?
5 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

I'm not new, but I have been inactive for a while, considering I signed up only for a summer camp I did. What are some of the changes in Scratch 2.0?
5 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Sorry! I didn't mean to post that twice. My computer is being funny today!
7 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Hi, i'm new. I seemed to get used to scratch easily! If any new scratcher needs help, i can try and help them. I got the hang of adding cloud data easily! And, my first demo of a game is http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11109431/ , if your asking what it is, its a pony. I'm a brony…
100+ posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Hi!! I am new to scratch but made 20 projects already. I want to become a Scratcher but i can't get on Tuesdays or Sundays and I do want to become a legend like Suspenders101 or Paddle2See. I also want to start a topic (I don't care if it's stickied). I do not like bad words and will report any project containing them. I hope to post more soon!

Last edited by BlueDogXL (July 26, 2013 16:23:15)

1 post

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Hello! I am new to the Scratch website, but not Scratch itself. I hope to become a good Scratcher sometime, but even now I am pretty good… Ish. Scratch team, can you check out my project and tell me how to make a scrolling background? That is my one target. Anyway: Hi.

The Vulcan Time Lord. Spock 5: V
100+ posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

dsaztur wrote:

NoxSpooth wrote:

discounicorn wrote:

Please tell me how many Projects a day, comments a day, and responding to forums a day you should do, each answer separately.
… Fine. I think you need at least:

3 projects;
1 month since account creation.

But I don't know about the forum posts.
You don't need forum posts. I became a Scratcher without knowing what the forums were.
you don't need the
3 projects either. I think you need to have been on for a month

what most people dont know is that rocket science is very simple…
8 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

Hi I am giggles1224 I am new to scratch and i was wondering if i could have a frined to show me around scratch???
53 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

LacyGirls wrote:


We're new to Scratch, and having a little trouble with our first project, which is a tennis game. It is still a work in progress, but we can't stop the game once the time limit has finished. Instead of the stage switching at zero, our timer variable continues on to minus numbers and the game keeps going. Any ideas? We've tried scripting next background and blocks to select the background we want, but to no avail.


Would you want the timer to disappear when it gets to zero? it would come back when you start the game again if you wanted it to

  • Scratch'ing your head?
  • Don't know what to do?
    Just use your IMAGINATION!
53 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

I was on for 2 months before I got an invite to become a scratcher

  • Scratch'ing your head?
  • Don't know what to do?
    Just use your IMAGINATION!
4 posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

I am a new scratcher. One of my friends(Ean173) intoduced me to scratch and I really liked it. I am not to good yet and I already got like 3 mean comments from people who are scratchers. Most of my creations are just for fun and to make people laugh. I dont really try super hard to get a creation with awesome graphics or amazing recordings.Though I have always been a rather sensetive person who hates name calling and cursing. It has been hard for me on scratch cause I dont get many comments from other scratchers rather then @Ean173. And when I do I look forward to someone saying LoL or something.I do like scratch but I do not like mean people who don't take seriosly how others feel. In fact just today somebody said that He could do better then me at my gummie bear song. So I checked his Profile and I did not like his Videos though I did not comment because I did not want to bully back. I am not going to quiet scratch any time soon though I just want more people to know that I do not try to work to hard I try to have fun. I have injoyed scratch and I am not saying that everybody is mean cause a few people have said nice things. Infact this one thing I didn't work to hard on this guy favorited and loved because he thought it was funny. unfortenetly on the same day Somebody who played a REMIX of my favorite game cussed at ME because it was to hard. and he didnt even have ANY scratch creations on his profile. I was sad and almost cried that anyone could be so crule like that. My whole life I have been around a nice family with nice people.Although I have always been scared of of things. And I got introbel a lot by my dad cause I wasnt that smart as a boy. I knew about video games and played a playstation2 at my house.but I wasnt that much good. My dad called me stupid because of that. And cried for a whole day. He apoligized and we hugged but I have always been sensetive since. so If you are reading this and you later find something you dont like. Then theres no point in posting a mean comment beacuse you could have no idea how that affects somebodys LIFE. this may be the cyber world but behind each computer is another PERSON.Not a robot who when you cuss at has no fellings and dosent care but there are people and they are not computers!
100+ posts

Guidelines for the New Scratchers Forum

I know how you feel, people can be mean. and I really HATE that. if they say something mean on one of your projects, you can delete that comment. if it's too harsh like, (This is just a suggestion, I am NOT I repete. NOT yelling at you.) Like, “THIS PROJECT STINKS! YOU SHOULD QUIT SCRATCH!!!!!” That IS reportable. you should keep scratching for a long time. hope this helps.

Jakeob wrote:

I am a new scratcher. One of my friends(Ean173) intoduced me to scratch and I really liked it. I am not to good yet and I already got like 3 mean comments from people who are scratchers. Most of my creations are just for fun and to make people laugh. I dont really try super hard to get a creation with awesome graphics or amazing recordings.Though I have always been a rather sensetive person who hates name calling and cursing. It has been hard for me on scratch cause I dont get many comments from other scratchers rather then @Ean173. And when I do I look forward to someone saying LoL or something.I do like scratch but I do not like mean people who don't take seriosly how others feel. In fact just today somebody said that He could do better then me at my gummie bear song. So I checked his Profile and I did not like his Videos though I did not comment because I did not want to bully back. I am not going to quiet scratch any time soon though I just want more people to know that I do not try to work to hard I try to have fun. I have injoyed scratch and I am not saying that everybody is mean cause a few people have said nice things. Infact this one thing I didn't work to hard on this guy favorited and loved because he thought it was funny. unfortenetly on the same day Somebody who played a REMIX of my favorite game cussed at ME because it was to hard. and he didnt even have ANY scratch creations on his profile. I was sad and almost cried that anyone could be so crule like that. My whole life I have been around a nice family with nice people.Although I have always been scared of of things. And I got introbel a lot by my dad cause I wasnt that smart as a boy. I knew about video games and played a playstation2 at my house.but I wasnt that much good. My dad called me stupid because of that. And cried for a whole day. He apoligized and we hugged but I have always been sensetive since. so If you are reading this and you later find something you dont like. Then theres no point in posting a mean comment beacuse you could have no idea how that affects somebodys LIFE. this may be the cyber world but behind each computer is another PERSON.Not a robot who when you cuss at has no fellings and dosent care but there are people and they are not computers!

Roses are red.
Violets are red.
Bushes are red.
Trees are red.

If you cringe at what you've done years ago, that means you've grown as a person.

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