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29 posts

Just A Few Bug Things I've Found Over Time.

My browser / operating system: Ubuntu Linux, Firefox 79.0, Flash 32.0 (release 0)

This ISN'T something posted in the wrong forum page. Read on and you'll see.

I have a project that showcases a few glitches I've found over my time on Scratch. Feel free to show me some of your screenshots of glitches, and I'll most likely add it to mine, and credit you for the image. I think it's a project for a good cause, and needs to be noticed so that Scratch can be the best it can be. Some of these I accidentally came across after pressing a sequence of buttons, then there are some that I have no explanation for. Some of these are freak accidents, so I don't come across them much, near to never. Then some can be a little annoying at times, and can sometimes be quite common, but none are like, always there, and will never go, and will come every day pfft The link is here. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/415232277/

A quick message before I go, and you stop reading, I chose to post this here, because it helps the ST with what to add to fix some bugs and glitches, possibly also to help prevent them in the future. If a ST forum moderator disapproves of my choice of forum page, I am no one to disagree. Thank you for reading!

Last edited by SophieDragon (Sept. 2, 2020 18:19:47)

1000+ posts

Just A Few Bug Things I've Found Over Time.

Can you please share or link to this project that contains all these bugs? Scratch can't fix the bugs if nobody tells them about it.

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29 posts

Just A Few Bug Things I've Found Over Time.

Flowermanvista wrote:

Can you please share or link to this project that contains all these bugs? Scratch can't fix the bugs if nobody tells them about it.

Oh, yes, I'm forgetful lol. I'll edit my thingy to say the link.
29 posts

Just A Few Bug Things I've Found Over Time.

Flowermanvista wrote:

Can you please share or link to this project that contains all these bugs? Scratch can't fix the bugs if nobody tells them about it.

Done :p

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