Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

hydrofungus wrote:

There’s already one, but it’s somewhere
Actually there are two, but it's just a hot mess now.
Neither of them have been bumped, nor decided.
One was Crispydog101's and the other was GlitcX's.

Forget both. I will create an organized and beautiful new second topic. Soon…
1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

Conquered the entirety of the forums.
1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

Vaibhs11 wrote:

Conquered the entirety of the forums.
You edited them because there is no way you can post in announcements right now lol

Vaibhs11 wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:

There’s already one, but it’s somewhere
Actually there are two, but it's just a hot mess now.
Neither of them have been bumped, nor decided.
One was Crispydog101's and the other was GlitcX's.

Forget both. I will create an organized and beautiful new second topic. Soon…
Just bump ‘em, you can’t create a dupe when there’s already one


Remember kids, don’t eat batteries dipped in paint thinner and anti-freeze

hey, you can call me kyoo
I am a minor on the internet, who’s also apparently an artist and a coder
April 13th - Non-binary - Aroace - Any pronouns

I know Scratch and HTML, and I’ve been doing art for as long as I can remember.

enjoy this picture of Five from Glitch Techs :’)

1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

The forums are mine!
QaS is dead, now which one shall I conquer next?

500+ posts

Homemade Memes

hydrofungus wrote:


Vaibhs11 wrote:

Conquered the entirety of the forums.
You edited them because there is no way you can post in announcements right now lol
He actually made it before the last topic was closed:

I am a guy who codes weird stuff. Don’t check my GitHub only if you want stupid HTML pages (or something to host them). Check my platformer if you want to see something to see.

Profiles: GitHub.
You won't understand stuff in my signature because I talk about stuff in the ATs (Advanced Topics).
Check out this song for @griffpatch https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/887382049/

1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

DifferentDance8 wrote:

That rarely happens in TiMaC, they just let them do that.
QaS, Suggestion and HWS are unforgiving though.
1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

Vaibhs11 wrote:

DifferentDance8 wrote:

That rarely happens in TiMaC, they just let them do that.
QaS, Suggestion and HWS are unforgiving though.
It isn’t allowed in TIMAC, but they rarely check those anyways
And when they necropost too


Remember kids, don’t eat batteries dipped in paint thinner and anti-freeze

hey, you can call me kyoo
I am a minor on the internet, who’s also apparently an artist and a coder
April 13th - Non-binary - Aroace - Any pronouns

I know Scratch and HTML, and I’ve been doing art for as long as I can remember.

enjoy this picture of Five from Glitch Techs :’)

1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

Vaibhs11 wrote:

The forums are mine!
QaS is dead, now which one shall I conquer next?

Nawwwww studio update ones are replaced by subjectnamehere lol
I dare you to do New Scratchers


Remember kids, don’t eat batteries dipped in paint thinner and anti-freeze

hey, you can call me kyoo
I am a minor on the internet, who’s also apparently an artist and a coder
April 13th - Non-binary - Aroace - Any pronouns

I know Scratch and HTML, and I’ve been doing art for as long as I can remember.

enjoy this picture of Five from Glitch Techs :’)

1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

You guys can only conquer different subforums, I conquered the forums as a whole (and even some of teh Scratch site!)

(here's the JS code I used lol:
// Select all <p>, <h#>, <th>, <a>, and <span> tags
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, th, a, span');
// Loop through the selected elements
elements.forEach(element => {
  // Replace the text content with a certain string
  element.textContent = 'Your desired string';
1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

DifferentDance8 wrote:

“Search posts on the entire Scratch Forums
‘,: )

(It’s an eyebrow raising emoji I made)

Last edited by hydrofungus (Nov. 20, 2023 13:06:50)


Remember kids, don’t eat batteries dipped in paint thinner and anti-freeze

hey, you can call me kyoo
I am a minor on the internet, who’s also apparently an artist and a coder
April 13th - Non-binary - Aroace - Any pronouns

I know Scratch and HTML, and I’ve been doing art for as long as I can remember.

enjoy this picture of Five from Glitch Techs :’)

100+ posts

Homemade Memes

Aperture science on its way to utterly destroy the foundation of reality itself and explore the MULTIVERSE for some quick buck:

Welcome to the most random profile ever. please do not the politics. as einstine said: “a”
1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

hydrofungus wrote:


Vaibhs11 wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:

I once conquered QaS, Suggestions, BaGs, TIMAC and TIRAP
I once conquered QaS, Suggestions, BaG, AT, CttPW, DSE, OSP, TIMaC and TIRaP,
and had posted the screenshot here, I think.
That's what I was talking about in my post.

64lu was the first one to do it, I think. Then I did the same thing but conquered even more.
Dang suggestions not having a contraction because if you do it sounds like something inappropriate lol
Announcements and New Scratchers also

Wowzers you posted on a lot of forums
Sgs, Ann, NS would be decent shortenings

hydrofungus wrote:


Vaibhs11 wrote:

DifferentDance8 wrote:

That rarely happens in TiMaC, they just let them do that.
QaS, Suggestion and HWS are unforgiving though.
It isn’t allowed in TIMAC, but they rarely check those anyways
And when they necropost too
It might have something to do with Cheddargirl being the usual mod for TiMaC and TiRaP

hydrofungus wrote:


DifferentDance8 wrote:

“Search posts on the entire Scratch Forums
‘,: )

(It’s an eyebrow raising emoji I made)
Scratch Avocados moment

Forum Clout: 232,655 but needs updating. Alright, who ate my Kumquats?

Enjoy my music.

[small]non-member post, take whatever I say with a hint of salt and remember there's no authority behind it[/small]
1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

Vaibhs11 wrote:

Conquered the entirety of the forums.
nvm the last pic didn't show up

Last edited by floppasyay (Nov. 20, 2023 13:14:45)

“If you want posts, remember that it is all about quality, not quantity.”
Союз цей злочинний усім нав'язала
Комуно-фашисько-імперськая Русь.
Хай згине навіки цей проклятий Богом
Кривавий і хижий Радянський Союз.

1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

floppasyay wrote:

They did that already hyagajavsjsggsfxhwjqnbgdhdzkgwgdq


Remember kids, don’t eat batteries dipped in paint thinner and anti-freeze

hey, you can call me kyoo
I am a minor on the internet, who’s also apparently an artist and a coder
April 13th - Non-binary - Aroace - Any pronouns

I know Scratch and HTML, and I’ve been doing art for as long as I can remember.

enjoy this picture of Five from Glitch Techs :’)

1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

hydrofungus wrote:

floppasyay wrote:

They did that already hyagajavsjsggsfxhwjqnbgdhdzkgwgdq
ik, but the forums were too slow to edit my post

“If you want posts, remember that it is all about quality, not quantity.”
Союз цей злочинний усім нав'язала
Комуно-фашисько-імперськая Русь.
Хай згине навіки цей проклятий Богом
Кривавий і хижий Радянський Союз.

1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

You guys are conquering forum names while I conquered the entire English language!

Here's the code I used to conquer the forums, not the language:
let x;for(x=0;x<200;x++){document.getElementsByClassName("byuser")[x].innerHTML="by Vaibhs11"}

Last edited by Vaibhs11 (Nov. 20, 2023 13:25:17)

1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

kkidslogin wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:


DifferentDance8 wrote:

“Search posts on the entire Scratch Forums
‘,: )

(It’s an eyebrow raising emoji I made)
Scratch Avocados moment
Unfortunately, my code only works for certain kinds of text objects and as such other text objects (like text placeholders) won't be affected.
1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

hydrofungus wrote:

floppasyay wrote:

They did that already hyagajavsjsggsfxhwjqnbgdhdzkgwgdq
I'm surprised Vaibh isn't banned yet

I really just wanted to call him Vibin' lol

also why did I center it

Forum Clout: 232,655 but needs updating. Alright, who ate my Kumquats?

Enjoy my music.

[small]non-member post, take whatever I say with a hint of salt and remember there's no authority behind it[/small]
1000+ posts

Homemade Memes

Vaibhs11 wrote:

Conquered the entirety of the forums.
Now conquer Srcath.

“If you want posts, remember that it is all about quality, not quantity.”
Союз цей злочинний усім нав'язала
Комуно-фашисько-імперськая Русь.
Хай згине навіки цей проклятий Богом
Кривавий і хижий Радянський Союз.


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