Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

Name of Organization*: ShopCart
Link to Organization*: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/336381/
Motto/Slogans: Complication Free Shop Boosting
Population*: 2
Focus*: Helping small shops reach big goals.
Representatives*: @CaptainRatlex


Also I'm gonna add a banner here but cubeupload is blocked at my school so I'll do it later lol.
100+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

Can I Be A Moderator?

I promise to remain active and to complete tasks assigned to me within the given date. If I can no longer complete my tasks for any reason, I will inform USS leaders. I will also follow the shops I will be assigned and ensure they are abiding the Community Guidelines and USS Guidelines.

Many Thanks,

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

CaptainRatlex wrote:

Name of Organization*: ShopCart
Link to Organization*: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/336381/
Motto/Slogans: Complication Free Shop Boosting
Population*: 2
Focus*: Helping small shops reach big goals.
Representatives*: @CaptainRatlex
Accepted! Thanks for applying! Your shop will be added to the front page soon.

JJBullet wrote:

Can I Be A Moderator?

I promise to remain active and to complete tasks assigned to me within the given date. If I can no longer complete my tasks for any reason, I will inform USS leaders. I will also follow the shops I will be assigned and ensure they are abiding the Community Guidelines and USS Guidelines.

Many Thanks,
Accepted! Thanks for applying! Your assignments will be given soon.

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

-XxX-MEOW-XxX- wrote:

CaptainRatlex wrote:

Name of Organization*: ShopCart
Link to Organization*: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/336381/
Motto/Slogans: Complication Free Shop Boosting
Population*: 2
Focus*: Helping small shops reach big goals.
Representatives*: @CaptainRatlex
Accepted! Thanks for applying! Your shop will be added to the front page soon.

JJBullet wrote:

Can I Be A Moderator?

I promise to remain active and to complete tasks assigned to me within the given date. If I can no longer complete my tasks for any reason, I will inform USS leaders. I will also follow the shops I will be assigned and ensure they are abiding the Community Guidelines and USS Guidelines.

Many Thanks,
Accepted! Thanks for applying! Your assignments will be given soon.
Thank you!!


Also I'm gonna add a banner here but cubeupload is blocked at my school so I'll do it later lol.
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!


1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

Name of Shop*: Hedgehog Corner
Link to Shop*: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/336678/
Motto/Slogans: “Art and quality at its finest”
Representatives*: @DefeattheHuns
Population*: 7 employees as of right now but still hiring
Specialties*: Banners, Logos, Ads, Reviews, Custom sprites, Thumbnails, Project ideas, BBcode, and pfp's!

~ They/Them ~ ~ Demiboy ~ ~ Quaker ~ ~ Anarcho-Communist ~ ~ Terms ~ ~ Gaeville ~

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

DefeattheHuns wrote:

Name of Shop*: Hedgehog Corner
Link to Shop*: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/336678/
Motto/Slogans: “Art and quality at its finest”
Representatives*: @DefeattheHuns
Population*: 7 employees as of right now but still hiring
Specialties*: Banners, Logos, Ads, Reviews, Custom sprites, Thumbnails, Project ideas, BBcode, and pfp's!
Your shop has been accepted! Sorry for the late reply.

Major changes said in my speech will hopefully be made this week.

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

bump, also the INV store has closed and so has Adsuri's shop, please can you give me two others shops to watch?

Thank you.


| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
100+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

FollowCherryBlossom wrote:

bump, also the INV store has closed and so has Adsuri's shop, please can you give me two others shops to watch?

Thank you.

How did you even manage to do that so quickly! I was just about to let you guys know, so well done.

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

PurpleRabbit07 wrote:

FollowCherryBlossom wrote:

bump, also the INV store has closed and so has Adsuri's shop, please can you give me two others shops to watch?

Thank you.

How did you even manage to do that so quickly! I was just about to let you guys know, so well done.

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

Don't worry, everything will be done tomorrow.

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

Activity Check!
Shop Owners: Please respond to this post with your shop's name. If your shop has closed, please don't respond.
Staff (Moderators, Watchers, etc.): Please respond to this post with your roll.
The activity check will end in two weeks! Respond now!

Watchers Needed!
If you would like to be a watcher (more information on the first page), then please reply with the oath and you will get the job!

If you are a staff member, your assignments will be changed after the activity check.

Last edited by -XxX-MEOW-XxX- (Feb. 2, 2019 17:27:56)

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

-XxX-MEOW-XxX- wrote:

Activity Check!
Shop Owners: Please respond to this post with your shop's name. If your shop has closed, please don't respond.
Staff (Moderators, Watchers, etc.): Please respond to this post with your roll.
The activity check will end in two weeks! Respond now!

Watchers Needed!
If you would like to be a watcher (more information on the first page), then please reply with the oath and you will get the job!

If you are a staff member, your assignments will be changed after the activity check.
Hedgehog Corner is active.

~ They/Them ~ ~ Demiboy ~ ~ Quaker ~ ~ Anarcho-Communist ~ ~ Terms ~ ~ Gaeville ~

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

-XxX-MEOW-XxX- wrote:

Activity Check!
Shop Owners: Please respond to this post with your shop's name. If your shop has closed, please don't respond.
Staff (Moderators, Watchers, etc.): Please respond to this post with your roll.
The activity check will end in two weeks! Respond now!

Watchers Needed!
If you would like to be a watcher (more information on the first page), then please reply with the oath and you will get the job!

If you are a staff member, your assignments will be changed after the activity check.
Bigger Than The Sun is Active and watcher is active.

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

FollowCherryBlossom wrote:

-XxX-MEOW-XxX- wrote:

Activity Check!
Shop Owners: Please respond to this post with your shop's name. If your shop has closed, please don't respond.
Staff (Moderators, Watchers, etc.): Please respond to this post with your roll.
The activity check will end in two weeks! Respond now!

Watchers Needed!
If you would like to be a watcher (more information on the first page), then please reply with the oath and you will get the job!

If you are a staff member, your assignments will be changed after the activity check.
Bigger Than The Sun is Active and watcher is active.
Oh and so is opal stores

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

-XxX-MEOW-XxX- wrote:

Activity Check!
Shop Owners: Please respond to this post with your shop's name. If your shop has closed, please don't respond.
Staff (Moderators, Watchers, etc.): Please respond to this post with your roll.
The activity check will end in two weeks! Respond now!

Watchers Needed!
If you would like to be a watcher (more information on the first page), then please reply with the oath and you will get the job!

If you are a staff member, your assignments will be changed after the activity check.
The PFTV Review Shop is here!

Got to be good looking cause he's so hard to see -The Beatles

(Thank you @just-there from The Profile Picture Shop for the banner ^^)

Nothing's down here, sorry to disappoint you.

JK. there may be something down there…

Maybe not, tho.

You're determined, aren't you?

Talar du Svenska? Om inte, det ar fin.

Just stop it, will ya?

Fine, you win.

Take a rice cake. *yeets you a rice cake*
Say “Thanks for that rice cake, Kewpie!” if you made it this far.
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

-XxX-MEOW-XxX- wrote:

Activity Check!
Shop Owners: Please respond to this post with your shop's name. If your shop has closed, please don't respond.
Staff (Moderators, Watchers, etc.): Please respond to this post with your roll.
The activity check will end in two weeks! Respond now!

Watchers Needed!
If you would like to be a watcher (more information on the first page), then please reply with the oath and you will get the job!

If you are a staff member, your assignments will be changed after the activity check.
Adsuri's shop is temp closed

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

DefeattheHuns wrote:

-XxX-MEOW-XxX- wrote:

Activity Check!
Shop Owners: Please respond to this post with your shop's name. If your shop has closed, please don't respond.
Staff (Moderators, Watchers, etc.): Please respond to this post with your roll.
The activity check will end in two weeks! Respond now!

Watchers Needed!
If you would like to be a watcher (more information on the first page), then please reply with the oath and you will get the job!

If you are a staff member, your assignments will be changed after the activity check.
Hedgehog Corner is active.
Another note: HC will be closed on valentines day for the 1 year anniversary of the parkland shooting.

~ They/Them ~ ~ Demiboy ~ ~ Quaker ~ ~ Anarcho-Communist ~ ~ Terms ~ ~ Gaeville ~

100+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

I've been thinking of doing something like this. If I do, would you like to partner

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Join With Your Shop Today!

--Fyre-- wrote:

I've been thinking of doing something like this. If I do, would you like to partner
Possibly. We can see if it's created.

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