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[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

And I would like to stress one more time that it is not a “simple fix,” it's quite complicated to pick a website theme color and use it for all of the accent colors. They would have to change the whole <style> format for everything.

when I receive [karaoke time v]
if <you like (the way [you v] look that much::operators)::sensing> then
maybe [you] should go and{
love yourself::sound

Make another song in [scratchblocks] and send it to me ;)
1000+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

ProfessorThickhead wrote:

And I would like to stress one more time that it is not a “simple fix,” it's quite complicated to pick a website theme color and use it for all of the accent colors. They would have to change the whole <style> format for everything.
Plus pretty sure they'd have to use a cookie just to save what theme you were on.
(I'm not a webdev, feel free to correct this)

Toru said:

“全てが終わってその後に残るものは…夢と……想い出だけだ それだけだ”
100+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

ProfessorThickhead wrote:

And I would like to stress one more time that it is not a “simple fix,” it's quite complicated to pick a website theme color and use it for all of the accent colors. They would have to change the whole <style> format for everything.
Of course it wouldn't be a simple fix, the ST would have to take their time on it, but it would be a massive improvement. Not to mention, @ceebee's original forum announcement suggested that more color options may come in the future, so they may very well be working on this already.

This reminds me of the whole Thanos Cat debacle from the ye olde days of 2019.


“Meatballs, tasty”

~Jonathan Coulton

Maker of art, songs, and other various nonsense
97 posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

I agree!!

“Fly high little bird”
500+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

74 posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

rdococ wrote:

Did anyone on the Scratch Team bother to try a dark blue?
Well that does look good, but they could’ve also changed the sites whites to some light and dark shades of grey and a lil navy blue in the links, show me an image with THAT example.

my man sodium.
Hi there,
fire in the hole
1000+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

rdococ wrote:

Did anyone on the Scratch Team bother to try a dark blue?

They didn’t, but since the Scratch Wiki nav bar is purple, then I guess they went with dark purple instead.

Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

⇢ Scroll down with CTRL+Shift to see the rest of my signature below!

Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

97 posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour


“Fly high little bird”
44 posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

It would be great, I agree completely. For now, an option to switch between blue and purple would do, and later on the st should add the rest- just so we don't have to wait for another major update.

I rarely follow forum threads so if you need to tell me something, tell me on my profile.

Hey! Call me Wild.
11 year old person who does art and animation.
Advertise on my profile if you like, but I don't do F4F (follow for follow) or FOR (follow on request).
I mostly post art but sometimes I post random stuff.
This is a link to my alt account.
Not very active on the forums.

14 posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

Dear Scratch Team, could you please add a feature where you can switch the website color back to blue?
Please do it, because my eyes really hurt from the purple change. Thank you for taking my comment into consideration!
500+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

This is a wonderful idea!
Forbidden-To-Mention things already have the option to change nav bar / site colors, and it'd be lovely to have it on the main site. I've never cared enough myself, but with this new update, it'd likely make everyone who dislikes the purple a little bit happier. That and I know some have been requesting dark mode for ages!
We also have to remember that some people don't have access to Forbidden-To-Mention things, due to school computer settings… Or those who don't use Chrome (where extensions are found) at all! I used Microsoft Edge for a bit and they don't have extensions, to my memory.
I'm personally into the new color scheme. It makes it more accessible to color blind people, and I'm here for it. But we also don't want a (half) repeat of the 3.0 Studio update. I don't think it's going to get to that level, but prevent the fire before it blows up, if y'know what I mean. Or don't. I don't know and I don't care what happens in the slightest-

Hi! I'm Onyx. Or Crazi, either name works.
Before I left Scratch, I used the forums a lot. This is actually where I met my online best friend, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
I mainly was in the Ace Attorney forum, writing informal essays about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. And outside of the forums, I animated stuff or did a cover of a song with a friend. I'm not active here anymore, but do feel free to say hi if I do decide to show my cute avatar again.

My “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
1000+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour


Visit my shop!
Be high contrast
Hi! I'm NeonG4! I help on the HWS forum, create lame projects, and give advice.
My advice: Read this => https://en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/User:Jvvg/Essays/Some_thoughts_on_the_forums
ROYGBIV (Rainbow text)

Sigs can go on for a while lol

when green flag clicked
set [move (10) steps] to [10]
think [move (10) steps]

Golly gee, what if I say something important like: I'm making minecraft in scratch! Follow me or I'll steal your ovens' fans' cabinets' glass. Or just a glass from your cabinet next to your oven fan. Do ovens have fans? Maybe its a stove fan, idk.


Generation 3: The first time you see this, copy and paste it on top of your signature in the Scratch forums, and increase the generation by 1. Social experiment.

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.
You didn't learn.
1000+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

NeonG4 wrote:

And WHY do you support this?

Neco-Arc is my spirit animal
Leaving Scratch
Remember, religion isn't an excuse for discrimination. If you can't handle that, I suggest you seek a different platform. It's also not an excuse to purposefully misgender someone.
“There's a spider in the server room again…”

Skill Issue Caught Live

Also no this picture isn't editted I just use an extension so I can view the website without being flashbanged.


23 posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

This is unusual… The color pallete is purple. and the editor changed. The desktop app & the mobile app might update to this format too. So be on the lookout.

(I didint quit scratch, I'm just busy with my life right now.)

Updated: 6/28/2023 8:51PM

The 2.0 pages also changed to purple. (I started scratch in late 2020 and it didn't look like this.)

Last edited by 763869 (June 29, 2023 00:53:06)

100+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

SylvaniansLover wrote:

I understand the color update was made so people with some eye problem would enjoy this. And maybe the people with eye problems DO like the update - I don't know any people with eye problems - but the new update hurts my eyes (and the eyes of about 5 other people whose comments I saw). All of this bright purple and bright orange and bright white looks awful, and after I look at it for a while I start feeling sick.
I think there should be an option in the settings to change purple back to blue. Like, when you visit the website for the first time, it's purple, but there's a note saying you can change it to blue and showing how it would look, and you can choose if you want to leave the purple color or change it to blue. And afterwards you can change blue to purple (or purple to blue) again in the settings.
About the comments such as “the moderators worked hard on this update, respect their work”: I understand the moderators did work hard. But thinking so does not make the color update prettier - or less eye-hurting - or easy to read. Such comments remind me of a book I read once. It was about a girl who was friends with some fairies; the fairies lived in the girl's dolls' house. Some mean girl from the main character's school saw the dolls' house and said she didn't like it - and then she stole the dolls' house and re-decorated it. Earlier the house was very pretty, decorated with flowers and petals and tiny pillows, and she made it awful. Well, and try to imagine that after re-decorating she'd say “I worked really hard on this, and so you must not change this back - who cares it looks awful and dirty? I like it so.” But it was the main character's dolls' house. And this website is to be used not only by colorblind people but also by others. It is unfair that colorblind people will enjoy it and others will not. In Ukranian schools, children learn coding on this website. And as many people have complained the color update hurts their eyes, I guess it will hurt the eyes of many Ukranian children, too. Would YOU like to spend 6 years learning to code projects on a website that hurts your eyes? So I think the moderators should add the option to change purple to blue.
(If something in this comment makes you feel uncomfortable, please don't report this but tell me instead. I did not mean to write something that makes people feel uncomfortable. Also, I might've spelled something wrong - I am from Ukraine and so my English may be bad - I hope you understand what I was trying to say.)
I agree, the purple is getting bad for non-colorblind scratchers

Hi! My name is alphabetlorefan2003 or ALF2003 for short!
I have an OC, named Й and it's like the letter from RALR but it has only 1 eye and the mouth has 2 tendrils.
My favorite color is red and my second favorite color is blue as you can see in the text.

BLOCK ARMY (Created in March 27 2024):
((0) + (0) + (0) + (0) :: operators) // This is Zero Two, an upgraded version of Zero with his skills to protect from evil kumquats but can also crush evil kumquats with his Gullible on the ceiling skill where he tells the kumquats there is the word "Gullible" on the ceiling and then the kumquats gets crushed by Zero Two

define Bumper
if <(current [hour v]) > [23]> then {
set [blur and bump v] effect to (100) :: cap
stop [the inactivity v]
} :: cap :: control

Bumper ::cap // This is Bumper, She bumps my topics when necessary. She also have some skills at fighting since Zero and Zero Two taught her.

UwU :: hat // This is Gullibleyee, He helps me doing Scratch Projects

when green flag clicked :: cap // This is Cap Green Flag, he is Zero Two's assistant because he starts a green flag at the end of a script which would make the evil kumquats crumble because the script is repeated over and over again.

when [wasd v] key pressed :: stack // This is Stack WASD, he is Cap Green Flag's assistant

when green flag clicked
say [I am very confused about Snap!] for (2) secs
visit [https://snapwiki.miraheze.org/] :: sensing
for each ((item :: variables) :: list) in (list [blocks] [features] [and others] :: list) {
think [hmm...] for (2) secs
say (join [I now know about] (item :: variables) [.] :: operators)
wait (0.5) secs
} :: list
say [That clears some things up.] for (2) secs :: cap
Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
23 posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

when green flag clicked
vote (purple) or (blue)

1000+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

I get occasional claustrophobia in places like lifts and attics. I have Keratoconus and hyperopia which i found out is a fancy word for farsightedness which makes it kind hard to use smaller screens like my phone. On my computer i use the extensions and its fine but the purple colour seems worse. It triggers a feeling similar to what i feel when i get claustrophobic and makes it hard to use the site on my phone for long periods of time before i get a headache. I'd love some way of switching it back to blue.

I'm hosting Country Clash Minecraft, a minecraft server where you can join or create a nation, trade, engage in politics, go to war and more!
CCMC is a Country Clash RP spinoff. It is currently in a trial period where CCRP admins will observe the server and see whether or not it should continue.
CCMC uses a custom map with volcanoes, nether and end islands, winding rivers and more!
CCMC will start within the next two days or so. It has a 10 player limit at any time. Anyone can join, as long as you have a copy of Minecraft Java Edition or Minecraft Bedrock Edition

100+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

Support! Although i have no problems with the new look, there’s gonna be many people who do have problems and want to change it back.

Slugcat_ and heybuddycanigeta’s alt for testing projects, sometimes im on the forums
23 posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

Moth-Comics wrote:

Support! Although i have no problems with the new look, there’s gonna be many people who do have problems and want to change it back.

Even the default profile picture changed?!
100+ posts

[PLEASE DO NOT PROTEST THE PURPLE] An option in account settings to change the site's theme and navigation bar colour

763869 wrote:

Moth-Comics wrote:

Support! Although i have no problems with the new look, there’s gonna be many people who do have problems and want to change it back.

Even the default profile picture changed?!
I actually don’t know if it did, but all i did was change my profile to a purple version of the default profile picture.

Slugcat_ and heybuddycanigeta’s alt for testing projects, sometimes im on the forums
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