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Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

joeyer666 wrote:

can someone make a mod that increases the individual asset limit?
This thread isn't for requesting mods to be made. It's for learning to make and asking questions about how to make Scratch 3 mods. I think the mod you're suggesting would be possible, though, but I don't have the time atm to make it.
2 posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0


I'm working with a real time monitoring tool for my undergraduate thesis.

Right now I'm looking for a way to get the updated XML of the “code part”. I mean: everytime I add a new block on my code, I want to get an XML file with the new information (and I'm not talking about the toolbox). I can get the json file provided by the scratch-vm, that contains the updated code, but I need the XML file.

Any thoughts about this? Is this even possible?

500+ posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Please don't make duplicate posts
3 posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

I checked this a while ago and completely faceplanted because I didn't know how to build scratch-blocks. I'm glad I know how to do that now!

Anyway, I succeeded in making a new function in the MATHOP_ category (a sigmoid function), but then I decided to make a new math block. I basically just copied and changed the divide block's code, but even after building everything, the block remains red in the GUI. Even stranger, the console spits out a warning saying
lib.min.js:19388 Ignoring non-existent input NUM1 in block operator_exponent
I tracked that down to scratch-blocks/core/xml.js:750, but it turned out to be unrelated.
Nothing I've done makes it render properly. To test whether I've done something wrong, I followed the instructions for the motion_move100 block entirely, and it's red in the GUI again, however, it still works.

Has anyone seen this before? Am I missing a step?

EDIT: It turned out I deleted the scratch-blocks/build folder, and gen_blocks.js with it. Oops. It's all fixed now.

Last edited by scratchDefender (Aug. 18, 2019 17:31:42)

500+ posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Thanks for this great guide!

My signature was completely outdated and a new one is under construction.
92 posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

json = JASON

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New to Scratch
1 post

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0


I was following the guide until npm run prepublish. Sadly the new block was undefined. Therefore I continued with the scratch-vm steps.

I changed:
moveSteps (args, util) {
const steps = Cast.toNumber(args.STEPS*100);
const radians = MathUtil.degToRad(90 - util.target.direction);
const dx = steps * Math.cos(radians);
const dy = steps * Math.sin(radians);
util.target.setXY(util.target.x + dx, util.target.y + dy);

accordingly in src/blocks/scratch3_motion.js., but when refreshing the page, the sprite doesnt move a longer distance.
Building and releasing new blocks didnt work for me aswell, but first I want to find the reason, why the modification in moveSteps does not work.
Has anyone an idea what the reason could be?
New to Scratch
13 posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Yum,,,, really appriciate for step by step guide … thanks buddy.
1000+ posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Fixing link. Don't mind me.

Not here much, but sometimes I lurk.
God has a plan. He has a plan for everything, and everyone.
New to Scratch
14 posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

I am facing the following issue. I just want to change the block names and values (motion block, sound block etc) and as per your solution I setup the scratch-gui and scratch-block and I linked it together but whenever I making changes on scratch-block section its not working, nothing is reflecting on scratch-gui also i am getting the following error can you please help me?

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “build.py”, line 595, in <module>
test_proc = subprocess.Popen(test_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
File “C:\Python27\lib\subprocess.py”, line 710, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File “C:\Python27\lib\subprocess.py”, line 958, in _execute_child
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! scratch-blocks@0.1.0 prepare: `python build.py && webpack`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the scratch-blocks@0.1.0 prepare script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

Thanks in advance
1000+ posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Darsh1994 wrote:

I am facing the following issue. I just want to change the block names and values (motion block, sound block etc) and as per your solution I setup the scratch-gui and scratch-block and I linked it together but whenever I making changes on scratch-block section its not working, nothing is reflecting on scratch-gui also i am getting the following error can you please help me?

(error message)
This error means that Windows wasn't able to find a file. Is the Closure library installed correctly? Try running this command in the scratch-blocks directory:
mklink /D ..\closure-library node_modules\google-closure-library

If it still doesn't work, try replacing the file build.py with this one:
# Compresses the core Blockly files into a single JavaScript file.
# Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
# https://developers.google.com/blockly/
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# This script generates two versions of Blockly's core files:
# blockly_compressed.js
# blockly_uncompressed.js
# The compressed file is a concatenation of all of Blockly's core files which
# have been run through Google's Closure Compiler. This is done using the
# online API (which takes a few seconds and requires an Internet connection).
# The uncompressed file is a script that loads in each of Blockly's core files
# one by one. This takes much longer for a browser to load, but is useful
# when debugging code since line numbers are meaningful and variables haven't
# been renamed. The uncompressed file also allows for a faster developement
# cycle since there is no need to rebuild or recompile, just reload.
# This script also generates:
# blocks_compressed.js: The compressed common blocks.
# blocks_horizontal_compressed.js: The compressed Scratch horizontal blocks.
# blocks_vertical_compressed.js: The compressed Scratch vertical blocks.
# msg/js/<LANG>.js for every language <LANG> defined in msg/js/<LANG>.json.

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] != 2:
raise Exception("Blockly build only compatible with Python 2.x.\n"
"You are using: " + sys.version)

import errno, glob, httplib, json, os, re, subprocess, threading, urllib


CLOSURE_DIR = os.path.pardir
CLOSURE_ROOT = os.path.pardir
CLOSURE_LIBRARY = "closure-library"

CLOSURE_DIR_NPM = "node_modules"
CLOSURE_ROOT_NPM = os.path.join("node_modules")
CLOSURE_LIBRARY_NPM = "google-closure-library"
CLOSURE_COMPILER_NPM = "google-closure-compiler"

def import_path(fullpath):
"""Import a file with full path specification.
Allows one to import from any directory, something __import__ does not do.

fullpath: Path and filename of import.

An imported module.
path, filename = os.path.split(fullpath)
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
module = __import__(filename)
reload(module) # Might be out of date.
del sys.path[-1]
return module

def read(filename):
f = open(filename)
content = "".join(f.readlines())
return content

HEADER = ("// Do not edit this file; automatically generated by build.py.\n"
"'use strict';\n")

class Gen_uncompressed(threading.Thread):
"""Generate a JavaScript file that loads Blockly's raw files.
Runs in a separate thread.
def __init__(self, search_paths, vertical, closure_env):
self.search_paths = search_paths
self.vertical = vertical
self.closure_env = closure_env

def run(self):
if self.vertical:
target_filename = 'blockly_uncompressed_vertical.js'
target_filename = 'blockly_uncompressed_horizontal.js'
f = open(target_filename, 'w')
var isNodeJS = !!(typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports &&
typeof window === 'undefined');

if (isNodeJS) {
var window = {};

window.BLOCKLY_DIR = (function() {
if (!isNodeJS) {
// Find name of current directory.
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var re = new RegExp('(.+)[\/]blockly_uncompressed(_vertical|_horizontal|)\.js$');
for (var i = 0, script; script = scripts[i]; i++) {
var match = re.exec(script.src);
if (match) {
return match[1];
alert('Could not detect Blockly\\'s directory name.');
return '';

window.BLOCKLY_BOOT = function() {
var dir = '';
if (isNodeJS) {
dir = 'blockly';
} else {
// Execute after Closure has loaded.
if (!window.goog) {
alert('Error: Closure not found. Read this:\\n' +
if (window.BLOCKLY_DIR.search(/node_modules/)) {
dir = '..';
} else {
dir = window.BLOCKLY_DIR.match(/[^\\/]+$/)[0];
add_dependency = []
base_path = calcdeps.FindClosureBasePath(self.search_paths)
for dep in calcdeps.BuildDependenciesFromFiles(self.search_paths):
add_dependency.append(calcdeps.GetDepsLine(dep, base_path))
add_dependency.sort() # Deterministic build.
add_dependency = '\n'.join(add_dependency)
# Find the Blockly directory name and replace it with a JS variable.
# This allows blockly_uncompressed.js to be compiled on one computer and be
# used on another, even if the directory name differs.
m = re.search('[\\/]([^\\/]+)[\\/]core[\\/]blockly.js', add_dependency)
add_dependency = re.sub('([\\/])' + re.escape(m.group(1)) +
'([\\/]core[\\/])', '\\1" + dir + "\\2', add_dependency)
f.write(add_dependency + '\n')

provides = []
for dep in calcdeps.BuildDependenciesFromFiles(self.search_paths):
# starts with '../' or 'node_modules/'
if not dep.filename.startswith(self.closure_env["closure_root"] + os.sep):
provides.sort() # Deterministic build.
f.write('// Load Blockly.\n')
for provide in provides:
f.write("goog.require('%s');\n" % provide)

delete this.BLOCKLY_DIR;
delete this.BLOCKLY_BOOT;

if (isNodeJS) {
module.exports = Blockly;
} else {
// Delete any existing Closure (e.g. Soy's nogoog_shim).
document.write('<script>var goog = undefined;</script>');
// Load fresh Closure Library.
document.write('<script src="' + window.BLOCKLY_DIR +
print("SUCCESS: " + target_filename)

def format_js(self, code):
"""Format JS in a way that python's format method can work with to not
consider brace-wrapped sections to be format replacements while still
replacing known keys.

key_whitelist = self.closure_env.keys()

keys_pipe_separated = reduce(lambda accum, key: accum + "|" + key, key_whitelist)
begin_brace = re.compile(r"\{(?!%s)" % (keys_pipe_separated,))

end_brace = re.compile(r"\}")
def end_replacement(match):
maybe_key = match.string[match.string[:match.start()].rindex("{") + 1:match.start()]
except ValueError:
return "}}"

if maybe_key and maybe_key in key_whitelist:
return "}"
return "}}"

return begin_brace.sub("{{", end_brace.sub(end_replacement, code)).format(**self.closure_env)

class Gen_compressed(threading.Thread):
"""Generate a JavaScript file that contains all of Blockly's core and all
required parts of Closure, compiled together.
Uses the Closure Compiler's online API.
Runs in a separate thread.
def __init__(self, search_paths_vertical, search_paths_horizontal, closure_env):
self.search_paths_vertical = search_paths_vertical
self.search_paths_horizontal = search_paths_horizontal
self.closure_env = closure_env

def run(self):

def gen_core(self, vertical):
if vertical:
target_filename = 'blockly_compressed_vertical.js'
search_paths = self.search_paths_vertical
target_filename = 'blockly_compressed_horizontal.js'
search_paths = self.search_paths_horizontal
# Define the parameters for the POST request.
params = [
("compilation_level", "SIMPLE"),

# remote will filter this out
("language_in", "ECMASCRIPT_2017"),
("language_out", "ECMASCRIPT5"),
("rewrite_polyfills", "false"),
("define", "goog.DEBUG=false"),

# local will filter this out
("use_closure_library", "true"),

# Read in all the source files.
filenames = calcdeps.CalculateDependencies(search_paths,
[os.path.join("core", "blockly.js")])
filenames.sort() # Deterministic build.
for filename in filenames:
# Append filenames as false arguments the step before compiling will
# either transform them into arguments for local or remote compilation
params.append(("js_file", filename))

self.do_compile(params, target_filename, filenames, "")

def gen_blocks(self, block_type):
if block_type == "horizontal":
target_filename = "blocks_compressed_horizontal.js"
filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join("blocks_horizontal", "*.js"))
elif block_type == "vertical":
target_filename = "blocks_compressed_vertical.js"
filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join("blocks_vertical", "*.js"))
elif block_type == "common":
target_filename = "blocks_compressed.js"
filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join("blocks_common", "*.js"))

# glob.glob ordering is platform-dependent and not necessary deterministic
filenames.sort() # Deterministic build.

# Define the parameters for the POST request.
params = [
("compilation_level", "SIMPLE"),

# Read in all the source files.
# Add Blockly.Blocks to be compatible with the compiler.
params.append(("js_file", os.path.join("build", "gen_blocks.js")))
# Add Blockly.Colours for use of centralized colour bank
filenames.append(os.path.join("core", "colours.js"))
filenames.append(os.path.join("core", "constants.js"))

for filename in filenames:
# Append filenames as false arguments the step before compiling will
# either transform them into arguments for local or remote compilation
params.append(("js_file", filename))

# Remove Blockly.Blocks to be compatible with Blockly.
remove = "var Blockly={Blocks:{}};"
self.do_compile(params, target_filename, filenames, remove)

def do_compile(self, params, target_filename, filenames, remove):
if self.closure_env["closure_compiler"] == REMOTE_COMPILER:
do_compile = self.do_compile_remote
do_compile = self.do_compile_local
json_data = do_compile(params, target_filename)

if self.report_errors(target_filename, filenames, json_data):
self.write_output(target_filename, remove, json_data)
self.report_stats(target_filename, json_data)

def do_compile_local(self, params, target_filename):
filter_keys = ["use_closure_library"]

# Drop arg if arg is js_file else add dashes
dash_params = []
for (arg, value) in params:
dash_params.append((value,) if arg == "js_file" else ("--" + arg, value))

# Flatten dash_params into dash_args if their keys are not in filter_keys
dash_args = []
for pair in dash_params:
if pair[0][2:] not in filter_keys:

# Build the final args array by prepending google-closure-compiler to
# dash_args and dropping any falsy members
args = []
for group in [["google-closure-compiler"], dash_args]:
args.extend(filter(lambda item: item, group))

proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()

# Build the JSON response.
filesizes = [os.path.getsize(value) for (arg, value) in params if arg == "js_file"]
return dict(
originalSize=reduce(lambda v, size: v + size, filesizes, 0),

def do_compile_remote(self, params, target_filename):
filter_keys = [

("output_format", "json"),
("output_info", "compiled_code"),
("output_info", "warnings"),
("output_info", "errors"),
("output_info", "statistics"),

# Send the request to Google.
remoteParams = []
for (arg, value) in params:
if not arg in filter_keys:
if arg == "js_file":
if not value.startswith(self.closure_env["closure_root"] + os.sep):
remoteParams.append(("js_code", read(value)))
# Change the normal compilation_level value SIMPLE to the remove
elif arg == "compilation_level" and value == "SIMPLE":
remoteParams.append((arg, "SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS"))
remoteParams.append((arg, value))

headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("closure-compiler.appspot.com")
conn.request("POST", "/compile", urllib.urlencode(remoteParams), headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
json_str = response.read()

# Parse the JSON response.
return json.loads(json_str)

def report_errors(self, target_filename, filenames, json_data):
def file_lookup(name):
if not name.startswith("Input_"):
return "???"
n = int(name[6:]) - 1
return filenames[n]

if json_data.has_key("serverErrors"):
errors = json_data["serverErrors"]
for error in errors:
print("SERVER ERROR: %s" % target_filename)
elif json_data.has_key("errors"):
errors = json_data["errors"]
for error in errors:
print("FATAL ERROR")
if error["file"]:
print("%s at line %d:" % (
file_lookup(error["file"]), error["lineno"]))
print((" " * error["charno"]) + "^")
if json_data.has_key("warnings"):
warnings = json_data["warnings"]
for warning in warnings:
if warning["file"]:
print("%s at line %d:" % (
file_lookup(warning["file"]), warning["lineno"]))
print((" " * warning["charno"]) + "^")

return True

return False

def write_output(self, target_filename, remove, json_data):
if not json_data.has_key("compiledCode"):
print("FATAL ERROR: Compiler did not return compiledCode.")

code = HEADER + "\n" + json_data["compiledCode"]
code = code.replace(remove, "")

# Trim down Google's (and only Google's) Apache licences.
# The Closure Compiler preserves these.
LICENSE = re.compile("""/\\*

[\w ]+

Copyright \\d+ Google Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 \(the "License"\);
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
code = re.sub(LICENSE, "", code)

stats = json_data["statistics"]
original_b = stats["originalSize"]
compressed_b = stats["compressedSize"]
if original_b > 0 and compressed_b > 0:
f = open(target_filename, "w")

def report_stats(self, target_filename, json_data):
stats = json_data["statistics"]
original_b = stats["originalSize"]
compressed_b = stats["compressedSize"]
if original_b > 0 and compressed_b > 0:
original_kb = int(original_b / 1024 + 0.5)
compressed_kb = int(compressed_b / 1024 + 0.5)
ratio = int(float(compressed_b) / float(original_b) * 100 + 0.5)
print("SUCCESS: " + target_filename)
print("Size changed from %d KB to %d KB (%d%%)." % (
original_kb, compressed_kb, ratio))

class Gen_langfiles(threading.Thread):
"""Generate JavaScript file for each natural language supported.

Runs in a separate thread.

def __init__(self):

def _rebuild(self, srcs, dests):
# Determine whether any of the files in srcs is newer than any in dests.
return (max(os.path.getmtime(src) for src in srcs) >
min(os.path.getmtime(dest) for dest in dests))
except OSError as e:
# Was a file not found?
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
# If it was a source file, we can't proceed.
if e.filename in srcs:
print("Source file missing: " + e.filename)
# If a destination file was missing, rebuild.
return True
print("Error checking file creation times: " + e)

def run(self):
# The files msg/json/{en,qqq,synonyms}.json depend on msg/messages.js.
if self._rebuild([os.path.join("msg", "messages.js")],
[os.path.join("msg", "json", f) for f in
["en.json", "qqq.json", "synonyms.json"]]):
os.path.join("i18n", "js_to_json.py"),
"--input_file", "msg/messages.js",
"--output_dir", "msg/json/",
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
# Documentation for subprocess.check_call says that CalledProcessError
# will be raised on failure, but I found that OSError is also possible.
print("Error running i18n/js_to_json.py: ", e)

# Checking whether it is necessary to rebuild the js files would be a lot of
# work since we would have to compare each <lang>.json file with each
# <lang>.js file. Rebuilding is easy and cheap, so just go ahead and do it.
# Use create_messages.py to create .js files from .json files.
cmd = [
os.path.join("i18n", "create_messages.py"),
"--source_lang_file", os.path.join("msg", "json", "en.json"),
"--source_synonym_file", os.path.join("msg", "json", "synonyms.json"),
"--source_constants_file", os.path.join("msg", "json", "constants.json"),
"--key_file", os.path.join("msg", "json", "keys.json"),
"--output_dir", os.path.join("msg", "js"),
json_files = glob.glob(os.path.join("msg", "json", "*.json"))
json_files = [file for file in json_files if not
(file.endswith(("keys.json", "synonyms.json", "qqq.json", "constants.json")))]
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
print("Error running i18n/create_messages.py: ", e)

# Output list of .js files created.
for f in json_files:
# This assumes the path to the current directory does not contain "json".
f = f.replace("json", "js")
if os.path.isfile(f):
print("SUCCESS: " + f)
print("FAILED to create " + f)

def exclude_vertical(item):
return not item.endswith("block_render_svg_vertical.js")

def exclude_horizontal(item):
return not item.endswith("block_render_svg_horizontal.js")

if __name__ == "__main__":
closure_dir = CLOSURE_DIR_NPM
closure_root = CLOSURE_ROOT_NPM
closure_library = CLOSURE_LIBRARY_NPM
closure_compiler = CLOSURE_COMPILER_NPM
# Load calcdeps from the local library
calcdeps = import_path(os.path.join(
closure_root, closure_library, "closure", "bin", "calcdeps.py"))
closure_dir = CLOSURE_DIR
closure_root = CLOSURE_ROOT
closure_library = CLOSURE_LIBRARY
closure_compiler = CLOSURE_COMPILER
calcdeps = import_path(os.path.join(
closure_root, closure_library, "closure", "bin", "calcdeps.py"))
except ImportError:
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.pardir, "closure-library-read-only")):
# Dir got renamed when Closure moved from Google Code to GitHub in 2014.
print("Error: Closure directory needs to be renamed from"
"'closure-library-read-only' to 'closure-library'.\n"
"Please rename this directory.")
elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.pardir, "google-closure-library")):
print("Error: Closure directory needs to be renamed from"
"'google-closure-library' to 'closure-library'.\n"
"Please rename this directory.")
print("""Error: Closure not found. Read this:

search_paths = calcdeps.ExpandDirectories(
["core", os.path.join(closure_root, closure_library)])

search_paths_horizontal = filter(exclude_vertical, search_paths)
search_paths_vertical = filter(exclude_horizontal, search_paths)

closure_env = {
"closure_dir": closure_dir,
"closure_root": closure_root,
"closure_library": closure_library,
"closure_compiler": closure_compiler,

# Run all tasks in parallel threads.
# Uncompressed is limited by processor speed.
# Compressed is limited by network and server speed.
# Vertical:
Gen_uncompressed(search_paths_vertical, True, closure_env).start()
# Horizontal:
Gen_uncompressed(search_paths_horizontal, False, closure_env).start()

# Compressed forms of vertical and horizontal.
Gen_compressed(search_paths_vertical, search_paths_horizontal, closure_env).start()

# This is run locally in a separate thread.
# Gen_langfiles().start()

Last edited by Maximouse (March 24, 2020 08:34:51)

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
1000+ posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Here's how to publish the GUI to github pages:
After running
npm run build
yarn build
fork LLK/scratch-gui and run
npm run deploy
yarn deploy
If it gives you the error that ‘touch’ is not defined, run
npm install touch-cli -g
yarn install touch-cli -g
The first time it might say: ‘Please tell me your name’. Follow the instructions on-screen and run
npm run deploy
yarn deploy
again. Now, wait until it says that it's published. The GUI should be published to the gh-pages branch, at your fork. I do not have yarn so tell me if i did something wrong.

Last edited by Boomer001 (March 25, 2020 15:06:08)

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#########   ########   ########  ###       ### ########## ###    ###  #######   #######  ####### 

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Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Hi can you please help me how can I change the motion block color? is it possible to change the blocks shape also? I am trying to find the code file from where I can change the blocks color but I failed so please help me with this thanks in advance
1000+ posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Darsh1994 wrote:

Hi can you please help me how can I change the motion block color? is it possible to change the blocks shape also? I am trying to find the code file from where I can change the blocks color but I failed so please help me with this thanks in advance
Block colors can be changed in scratch-blocks/core/colours.js. Changing block shape is possible, but hard. You will need to edit scratch-blocks/core/block_render_svg_vertical.js.

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New to Scratch
14 posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Maximouse wrote:

Darsh1994 wrote:

Hi can you please help me how can I change the motion block color? is it possible to change the blocks shape also? I am trying to find the code file from where I can change the blocks color but I failed so please help me with this thanks in advance
Block colors can be changed in scratch-blocks/core/colours.js. Changing block shape is possible, but hard. You will need to edit scratch-blocks/core/block_render_svg_vertical.js.
Thank you so much
New to Scratch
12 posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Is anyone aware of any documentation on how to implement projectHost and assetHost, and a custom API at all?
1000+ posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

paulallington wrote:

Is anyone aware of any documentation on how to implement projectHost and assetHost, and a custom API at all?
Unfortunately there is no complete API documentation. You will need to look at the source code to see what requests are made. Also see this unofficial API documentation (contains a lot of information but not everything).

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1000+ posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

paulallington wrote:

Is anyone aware of any documentation on how to implement projectHost and assetHost, and a custom API at all?
I think the APIs are fairly simple to replicate, but I'm not 100% sure. This is based on my observations of the Network tab in Chrome devtools

The project host has each project's project.json. GET /[project_id] gets the project.json, PUT /[project_id] with the request body containing the project.json saves it, and POST / creates a project with the given project.json and responds with a JSON object with fields “content-name,” the new project ID, and “content-title,” a base64 encoded auto-generated title such as “Untitled” or “Untitled-2.”

Example URL: https://projects.scratch.mit.edu/277386722

The asset host has all the other files, such as bitmap and vector costumes and sounds. GET /internalapi/asset/[md5].[file_type]/get/ gets the asset, and POST /[md5].[file_type] with the request body containing the asset file uploads it. Assets are given an ID based on the md5 hash of the file so that the same asset is stored in the same place on the servers.

Example URL: https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/internalapi/asset/4d4e2400c5989a5ebeccc918aa0ec2f8.svg/get/ and https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/e37d49c1e6fdf02edd09385e0471f6d0.svg Making a GET request to the latter URL works, but I don't think the Scratch editor uses that.

If you're modding Scratch, you can change how they structure the GET requests probably in src/lib/storage.js

Project information such as the instructions or thumbnail are stored separately

- Sheep_maker This is a kumquat-free signature. :P
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New to Scratch
14 posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Hi! Is anyone know how can I change the blocks category name( eg. change “motion” category name to “movement” )? how to remove some blocks? and add a custom blocks with custom shape?
1000+ posts

Guide to Modding Scratch 3.0

Darsh1994 wrote:

Hi! Is anyone know how can I change the blocks category name( eg. change “motion” category name to “movement” )? how to remove some blocks? and add a custom blocks with custom shape?
  • Renaming block categories: edit scratch-blocks/msg/messages.js and change the values of constants starting Blockly.Msg.CATEGORY. Then go to the scratch-blocks directory and run npm run translate.
  • The toolbox is defined in scratch-gui/src/lib/make-toolbox-xml.js in XML format. You can remove a block by deleting its <block> element.
  • Block shape: most bult-in block have the “shape_statement” extension. You can replace it with “output_string” for text reporters, “output_number” for number reporter and “output_boolean” for booleans.

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