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stickfiregames wrote:

Drunken_Sailor wrote:

I'm trying to make an ‘achievements log’ in the credits section and I'm trying to type:
19/02/17 - 800+ views?! *mind blown*
Now, contrary to what you might think, it's actually the ‘800+’ bit that is setting it off, not the ‘mind blown’ as you might think. Also, I've done the (number+) views thing before on the same project, but that's all ok. Here's my whole log so far:
═════════════════ ★Achievements ★ ═════════════
18/02/17 - FRONT PAGED FOR THE SDS! So amazing!
18/02/17 - 700+ views?! *faint*
16/02/17 - 600+ views?! What?!
15/02/17 - 500+ views! Seriously?!
13/02/17 - 400+ views?! How??!!
11/02/17 - 300+ views??? Thanks you so much guys!

See? it's really annoying and weird.
Thanks everybody!
That's probably the “generic” phone filter - the one that blocks commercial prefixes like 1800, rather than the specific one that blocks specific 10-digit numbers with Xs.

I think they should stop filtering generic ones since they interfere so much with typing dates, but I don't know if that's rejected - removing the specific one is.
Ok thanks! XD
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It somehow thinks there's something wrong here: http://https/imageshack.com./18077583_60x60.png

Last edited by HurculesAnimator (March 1, 2017 21:48:36)

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HurculesAnimator wrote:

It somehow thinks there's something wrong here: http://https/imageshack.com./18077583_60x60.png
Won't load for me. Can you type it in?
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“kys” is banned. is that supposed to happen?
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I tried typing difficulty but 1 month ago it said it was a bad word
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JonathanSchaffer wrote:

“kys” is banned. is that supposed to happen?
Yes… it is… xD

Least I imagine so.

Last edited by braxbroscratcher (March 8, 2017 15:24:42)

Scratch Team
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braxbroscratcher wrote:

JonathanSchaffer wrote:

“kys” is banned. is that supposed to happen?
Yes… it is… xD

Least I imagine so.
Yeah - that's a really unfriendly thing to say.
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One time I tried to write this
░░▌░░▌█▀▒▒▒▒▒▄▀█▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▐ But it says its bad and be respectful but doge is not bad word Why doge no work :mad:
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dragon_crystal wrote:

One time I tried to write this
░░▌░░▌█▀▒▒▒▒▒▄▀█▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▐ But it says its bad and be respectful but doge is not bad word Why doge no work :mad:
The filter may have blocked it because ASCII art can be spammy.
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P-Code wrote:

dragon_crystal wrote:

One time I tried to write this
░░▌░░▌█▀▒▒▒▒▒▄▀█▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▐ But it says its bad and be respectful but doge is not bad word Why doge no work :mad:
The filter may have blocked it because ASCII art can be spammy.
I think the characters in ascii art have been blocked recently because of the spam.
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My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome 56.0.2924.87, Flash 25.0 (release 0)
here is the text:
████████▓▒░r a c e r 2 0 1 4░▒▓████████

They marked this as “bad word.”
But this is not a bad word…
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racer2014 wrote:

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome 56.0.2924.87, Flash 25.0 (release 0)
here is the text:
████████▓▒░r a c e r 2 0 1 4░▒▓████████

They marked this as “bad word.”
But this is not a bad word…
It's probably the same reason that ASCII art doesn't work; the characters commonly used (█, ▓, ▒, and ░) have been blocked to prevent spamming.
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I'm RPing and trying to write ‘he sniggered’ but the filter keeps going off. I understand probably why it is going off, but it could at least recognize the ‘s’ and the ‘ed’…
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Drunken_Sailor wrote:

I'm RPing and trying to write ‘he sniggered’ but the filter keeps going off. I understand probably why it is going off, but it could at least recognize the ‘s’ and the ‘ed’…
There's a racial slur in there. Don't you mean “he snickered”?
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jromagnoli wrote:

Drunken_Sailor wrote:

I'm RPing and trying to write ‘he sniggered’ but the filter keeps going off. I understand probably why it is going off, but it could at least recognize the ‘s’ and the ‘ed’…
There's a racial slur in there. Don't you mean “he snickered”?
I understand, but I would always say that ‘he sniggered’ as a small laugh.
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jromagnoli wrote:

Drunken_Sailor wrote:

I'm RPing and trying to write ‘he sniggered’ but the filter keeps going off. I understand probably why it is going off, but it could at least recognize the ‘s’ and the ‘ed’…
There's a racial slur in there. Don't you mean “he snickered”?
“sniggered” is British, and presumably other Commonwealth countries as well.
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stickfiregames wrote:

jromagnoli wrote:

Drunken_Sailor wrote:

I'm RPing and trying to write ‘he sniggered’ but the filter keeps going off. I understand probably why it is going off, but it could at least recognize the ‘s’ and the ‘ed’…
There's a racial slur in there. Don't you mean “he snickered”?
“sniggered” is British, and presumably other Commonwealth countries as well.
Actually, “sniggered” is simply a synonym, and not a Commonwealth-country-specific word.
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WolfCat67 wrote:

stickfiregames wrote:

jromagnoli wrote:

Drunken_Sailor wrote:

I'm RPing and trying to write ‘he sniggered’ but the filter keeps going off. I understand probably why it is going off, but it could at least recognize the ‘s’ and the ‘ed’…
There's a racial slur in there. Don't you mean “he snickered”?
“sniggered” is British, and presumably other Commonwealth countries as well.
Actually, “sniggered” is simply a synonym, and not a Commonwealth-country-specific word.
I expect both forms have some use across the English-speaking world, and of course there is nothing “incorrect” about using another region's word, but sniggered is the more common one here and as I understand snickered is more common in America.

Last edited by stickfiregames (March 27, 2017 00:01:59)

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stickfiregames wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

stickfiregames wrote:

jromagnoli wrote:

Drunken_Sailor wrote:

I'm RPing and trying to write ‘he sniggered’ but the filter keeps going off. I understand probably why it is going off, but it could at least recognize the ‘s’ and the ‘ed’…
There's a racial slur in there. Don't you mean “he snickered”?
“sniggered” is British, and presumably other Commonwealth countries as well.
Actually, “sniggered” is simply a synonym, and not a Commonwealth-country-specific word.
I expect both forms have some use across the English-speaking world, and of course there is nothing “incorrect” about using another region's word, but sniggered is the more common one here and as I understand snickered is more common in America.
I hear “snickered” more commonly everywhere; even from British people, so I don't see the need to use “sniggered” instead. “Snickered” would be the best use here, as I'm sure some members of the community would be confused as to what “sniggered” means; especially since most people on Scratch seem to be American.

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