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How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

Great forum!
100+ posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

You're brilliant! Thank you for helping me! I love this guide!

Statistics is used to approximate values of things. 23% of people know that.

Check out my profile! and the official Dawn Animated Series forum topic. Here, you can find updates about what happens with Dawn!
5 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

I'm trying to let people notice my hard work…

I just noticed that Scratch has a forum!
29 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

Do you know any people who can test run my game once it is finished in the new year?

``How the heck is my strength my weakness`` Franklin`Mouse`Finbar`: Jumanji,
3 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

I myself think reputation would be a learning opportunity for those new to scratch and to prepare them for the outside world. :D
34 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

bubble103 wrote:

That's a brilliant and thorough guide! Awesome!! And it's written in such a friendly, easy-going way.

-LadyNightLore- wrote:

Reputation is not all about fame - It's also about simply being a good friend.
Oh, I love this!! ^u^
I think this will be a wonderful thing for new scratchers to learn from.
I'm new, but I've learned it in experience. It's a great quote!

Hi! I am a fanboy normal person! I enjoy protesting gender role stereotypes playing sports, and I like being a nerd, and playing on my computer school.
100+ posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

Nice post, keep up the good work!
47 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Alexandars_Fist/ Follow the Alexandars_Fist, he wont fail you!
say [Yes my master!]
when [I go on this link ] 
go to [Townside or Battleside or Hexaball]
47 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/277538543 Townside best strategy ever!
500+ posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

sonicthehedgehog20 wrote:

Do you know any people who can test run my game once it is finished in the new year?
Ask around or create a new forum in this topic/discussion.

W i N T Y
Just your average nerdy, geeky, mintastical artist.

47 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

13 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

This is great and all, but even following all these things it can be very difficult for scratchers (like me) to gain popularity. I understand that I haven't created many projects but when I do I always try to put days of work into it (My biggest game, Space Flight Pixel took at least 50 hours of work total, usually in sessions of 1-6 hours a day). I think Scratch should try and come up with a way to help less popular Scratchers gain popularity, maybe putting the “New” section at the very bottom of the front page. This wouldn't be too powerful of a way to give popularity because of the mass-production of projects, which would make it hard to see all the newest good projects but it'd still help.

define Signature
1000+ posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

I'll stick to your advice all the time, because I kindly requested -ELECTROMAN- to view my forum but the Scratch Team sent me a message that I shouldn't do that sort of thing again!

(sorry for advertising here - I didn't know you were able to make signatures back then)

Last edited by Nambaseking01 (Dec. 8, 2019 13:51:13)

Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
1000+ posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

Alexandars_Fist wrote:

say [This is awesome!]

AMAZING one of the best projects I've seen!


My Profile ~ My Test Account ~ My YouTube Channel ~ My Blog ~ My Website

Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
47 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/279248616/ this is very good!!!
say [AMAZING!]
100+ posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

-LadyNightLore- wrote:

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

Over the past two months, I've been trying to build up a good scratch reputation, and a few people have asked how I've gotten to this point so quickly. Well, it all starts with patience.

Originally, I had one to five views on all my projects. That was mainly because nobody was interested in my projects… yet. That leads to my first step:


There are different ways to advertise other than spam, so don't go running off and pasting links to your profile on comment sections. That will most likely bring your reputation down. Instead, go to only users you know are interested in that type of project. For example, if your projects were mainly literature-based, ask users such as blackswift to review your projects rather than spamming multiple people. If your projects were mainly animations, possibly ask bubble103 to take a look. Take your best projects and suggest for them to be curated by an FPC! (Front Page Curator)

Try not to spam, though, and make sure that you add a “please!” (It's always best to stay polite and mind your manners.)

The Projects

Yes, we are getting into the ‘projects’ section. Projects are the building block of scratch - They provide you with a template for art, games, animation, etc. When creating projects, try the following:

-Create A Professional Thumbnail
Your projects are more likely to be noticed if they appear professional and neat. It's human nature to judge something by its looks, so, in a way, take advantage of that. Don't overly crowd projects, and try to learn to use vector art. Even if you cannot use vector or don't find yourself very good at graphic design, that's where other scratchers come into play! Simply ask those who offer to make logos and such.

-Put Effort Into The Project
The longer a project will take to be worked upon, the better quality it will probably turn out. You can't simply post a platformer that took only an hour and expect it to be amazing - You have to take time to work out the bugs and glitches and tiny things. Try to use vector, again, seen as it is for professional graphics. Make transitions and motion (if used) smoother, and pay attention to the tiny details. Test-run your own projects to see how others will view it. Don't spend too much time on the computer either! Ask for help if needed.

-Take Note Of Other People's Interests
This is probably the most important part of making projects. All projects should follow the scratch guidelines - Everything online must be for all ages. That includes no inappropriate language, visuals, etc. Create something that everyone can enjoy - Maybe create a story that people can relate to or a simple game that even an eight year old can play. Try to not only focus on a certain group of people but the whole of the scratch community.

The Community

Scratch is a place for everyone. Therefore, you can't just ignore the community itself. Other users are not computers - They are real, genuine people from around the world. Take part in the community not just by sharing projects - Be friendly. Keep yourself from participating in arguments on scratch and report any content that violates the guidelines. Review other people's work and help them to improve, but don't be harsh either. Maybe even help out with coding, and ask for help yourself to improve your own projects. Talk to other scratchers, participate in collaborations, enter contests and so on. Reputation is not all about fame - It's also about simply being a good friend.

The Scratch Team And Guidelines

Don't get yourself into trouble with the ST and the guidelines! Make sure that everything you do on scratch follows the rules - Something that you agreed to on the day you joined the scratch community.

Scratch Community Guidelines:
We need everyone’s help to keep Scratch a friendly and creative community where people with different backgrounds and interests feel welcome.

Be respectful. When sharing projects or posting comments, remember that people of many different ages and backgrounds will see what you’ve shared.

Be constructive. When commenting on others' projects, say something you like about it and offer suggestions.

Share. You are free to remix projects, ideas, images, or anything else you find on Scratch – and anyone can use anything that you share. Be sure to give credit when you remix.

Keep personal info private. For safety reasons, don't use real names or post contact info like phone numbers or addresses.

Be honest. Don’t try to impersonate other Scratchers, spread rumors, or otherwise try to trick the community.

Help keep the site friendly. If you think a project or comment is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise inappropriate, click “Report” to let us know about it.

Scratch welcomes people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

Be Yourself And SCRATCH ON!!!

Have fun on scratch! Don't force yourself to do what others want you to do for recognition in the community. What's the point in recognition if you can't enjoy what you are doing? Scratch on because it's what you love!

D: I usual don't mind if people advertise on my profile, unless it someone out of the ordinary, but i am not the big of a user just yet so i don't see it much.

Try my game! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/273042793/

Try one of my games!

Check out my studios!
The Best RPGs!
2 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

Please Check out my stuff!
7 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

3 posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)


It has 4 levels and a final ‘Bowser’ boss!
The controls are arrow keys but I'll be adding w,a,s,d for those who play games like that in a few moments.
500+ posts

How To Build Up A Good Reputation (On Scratch)

Dark_Angel777 wrote:

Please Check out my stuff!

Strongdude66 wrote:

Ey check out this chat. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/337085/?page=1#post-3409058

Superich321 wrote:


It has 4 levels and a final ‘Bowser’ boss!
The controls are arrow keys but I'll be adding w,a,s,d for those who play games like that in a few moments.
This isn't the best place to advertise. But there are other forums where you can advertise.

mira ⭒ she/her

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