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1000+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

alexphan wrote:

ZZ9PluralZAlpha wrote:

What does “Take back and alert” mean?

TheAwesomeMaster wrote:

NOTE: Please make a new topic for your question. DO NOT ask here. Thanks!

71 posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

The only thing that should belong in the questions forum is a question

The only that I can think of is when I laugh lol!

Last edited by mihirp (Nov. 24, 2016 04:42:34)

71 posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

Follow the Community Guidlines
when [12 v] > (10)

Last edited by mihirp (Nov. 24, 2016 04:46:58)

1000+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

mihirp wrote:

Follow the Community Guidlines
when [12 v] > (10)
Are you talking to me? Is the scratchblock necessary?

1000+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

Erm…I posted a topic with an answer to a question that people may ask, not a question. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/229895/
I'm too lazy to search, because the search button doesn't work anyway.

Come check out Sonic LUX, my Sonic thing!
100+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

New to Scratch
1 post

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

please help
when ii clic on create a blink page open
I can't even start using scratch
1000+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

elisabelle wrote:

please help
when ii clic on create a blink page open
I can't even start using scratch
Please, post questions on a separate topic. Or, as what you seem to be talking about is a glitch, post it on the Bugs and Glitches forum.

New to Scratch
5 posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

Hello. I'm very new to scratch and I'm having a problem with making a shield move with a sprite. Can someone please help me.
2 posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

how do we make a chat room please respond and tell me how
1000+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

Astroracer wrote:

Hello. I'm very new to scratch and I'm having a problem with making a shield move with a sprite. Can someone please help me.

SuperLea wrote:

how do we make a chat room please respond and tell me how
Hi there! Please make your questions on a separate topic. It'll help others see it better so you can get answers quicker.

1000+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

-frostyiceprincess- wrote:

Astroracer wrote:

Hello. I'm very new to scratch and I'm having a problem with making a shield move with a sprite. Can someone please help me.

SuperLea wrote:

how do we make a chat room please respond and tell me how
Hi there! Please make your questions on a separate topic. It'll help others see it better so you can get answers quicker.
Should we get this closed so this incident stops happening?

100+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

Is it okay to ask IF a user is banned though? Note that I said “IF” and not “WHY” a user was banned. If not, where would the topic go, if anywhere at all?

Last edited by lance4dragons (Jan. 7, 2017 18:16:18)


You are being watched…

New to Scratch
5 posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

TheAwesomeMaster wrote:

The Questions Forum

NOTE: Please make a new topic for your question. DO NOT ask here. Thanks!

I've been seeing a lot of closed topics (except for the stickies) in the questions forums, mainly because it doesn't relate to asking general questions about Scratch. I used cheddergirl's sticky in the Requests forum to help make this one, so most credit for this go to her.

Help with Scripts - Ask for help getting your project to work right
Show and Tell - Ask for people to look at your project/studio
Project Ideas - Ask for help to think up of project ideas
Collaboration - Ask to help make projects with another Scratch or ask other Scratchers for help
Requests - Ask other Scratchers for something; from art to music to reviews
Suggestions - Ask if something more can be put into Scratch
Bugs and Glitches - Ask if something you've been seeing is a bug or not
Advanced Topics - Ask questions about more advanced topics
Connecting to the Physical World - Ask about connecting Scratch projects to the physical world
Developing Scratch Extensions - Ask for help creating Scratch extensions
Things I'm Making and Creating - Ask about what others are creating outside of Scratch
Things I'm Reading and Playing - Ask about media outside of Scratch
Translating Scratch - Ask for Scratch to be translated into your language

*You may have noticed that I also skipped ‘Scratch Helper Groups’; that probably won't apply to you.*

Some things you should not use the forums for at all:
Asking to report something/somebody: Use the report button instead
Asking to close a topic: Also use the ‘report’ button or click the close button
Asking for the Scratch team to take back and alert: Use the Contact Us button
Asking if a project is allowed to be on the front page: Also use the ‘Contact Us’ button
Asking is something needs to be stickied: Also use the ‘report’ button
Asking for something to be featured: Go here instead.
Asking for a reason why someone was banned: That's between the banned user and the Scratch Team

Does your question not apply to these categories? If so, then it's probably okay to post it in the ‘Questions’ forum. Be sure to read the other stickies before you post it to make sure it's not already answered.

Scratch On!
And have a nice day!
10 posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

can anyone pls tell me what the new updates are on scratch cause I cant figure it out

2 posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

Can anybody pls tell me how to make a new forum or just tell me about forums plsssss i don t understand anything about this
1000+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

SuperLea wrote:

Can anybody pls tell me how to make a new forum or just tell me about forums plsssss i don t understand anything about this

TheAwesomeMaster wrote:

NOTE: Please make a new topic for your question. DO NOT ask here. Thanks!

100+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

when green flag clicked
i want you for scratch army,
a very strong army!
change [power v] by [98]

Last edited by tali1665 (Jan. 22, 2017 23:39:14)

when green flag clicked
100 posts!
change [excitement v] by (1)
60 posts achieved on July 1st, 2017, 11:52 AM.
100 posts achieved on December 18th, 2017, 9:51 AM.
tali1665 has 1 internet. to give an internet, click here.
56 posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

scratch cat

Last edited by thesuperscratchcat13 (April 4, 2017 00:08:56)

when green flag clicked
follow [thesuperscratchcat13 v] :: motion
stop [tails v]
1000+ posts

What belongs in the 'Questions' forum?

I think this forum should be closed to deter people from asking questions that should be their own post or spamming on this topic.

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