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bigpuppy wrote:

Can you review This?

Added to the request list! If no one gets round to it I'll start some again
1000+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Borrego6165 wrote:

bigpuppy wrote:

Can you review This?

Added to the request list! If no one gets round to it I'll start some again
Okay! Thanks!

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Make sure to keep up to date with The Scratch Cat's Hideout… there's a special project coming soon!

(And no it's not City Cast)

Last edited by Borrego6165 (Sept. 29, 2013 15:41:48)

500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

I'd like to be a member, please.

Generation 379: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
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The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

100+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Can you review this: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/12778066/ ?

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The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

This is my first review.
Jumpy Square - jh1234l

Game Design 3/10
“The game was relatively boring and I didn't want to keep playing. I played it for a while, but there's no real challenge in it. It really feels incomplete. If it had more obstacles and perhaps ran a little faster, it would have scored much higher.“

Originality 5/10
”I've only given 5 points here, as there's not much to do. It's pretty much. Wait to press space. Press space. Repeat. It would be nice to see more features, then I would have scored it higher.“

Ease Of Use 4/5
”The game was really easy to use. It provided instructions for the game, and the buttons were easy. However, the shop was click a button to open and press space to close. It would have been much nicer to have it so pressing the ‘shop’ button also closed it.“
Difficulty Balance 1/5
”This game was way to easy. It didn't get harder as you went on as well as only having a single obstacle.“

Graphics 4/5
”I liked the graphics. They were simple and pleasing to the eye. However, the Instructions at the beginning felt uncomfortable and the shop seems out of place.“

Sound 2/5
”The music is too repetitive. And there is no mute button. However, props to you for having music. “

Firing Round /10 (This is the addition of the following scores)
Reliability 2/2
0 (Very Glitchy) 1 (A few glitches) 2 (Hardly any glitches)
Game Length 2/2
0 (Too Short) 1 (Descent Length) 2 (Long lasting or endless)
Game Pace 0/2
0 (Very slow or too long for it's own sake) 1 (Quite engrossing) 2 (Very well paced and fun)
Replay Value 1/2
0 (Would never replay/ did not want to finish it the first time) 1 (Might replay) 2 (Too good to stop!)
Programming 0/2
0 (Simple to make) 1 (Fairly advanced) 2 (It was very complex)

Overall Experience 15/50
“The game just felt incomplete. That's the thing about it. It's a good concept, good design but the let down is there's no challenge. I'd like to give this more, but the game just doesn't cut it. ”
TOTAL: 38/100

0-19 I could have made that in my sleep!
20-39 Needs a lot of work.
40-59 An average project I suppose.
60-79 Quite a cool project.
80-94 Wow! It only needs a bit of tweaking.
95-100 You're the top cat!

Last edited by ssss (Sept. 30, 2013 00:31:25)

Generation 379: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
100+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Borrego6165 wrote:


Your review contains too many exclamation marks, almost like you're mocking the project or shouting at the creator. Please remove some of it.
Got it. I removed the exclamation marks quite a bit from the review. I admit that was a bit too tough on the creator there… So no more exclamations! (Oops! Darn! WHY DO I KEEP DOING IT???! )

Last edited by FireNinjaGAME (Sept. 30, 2013 02:34:27)

Moving on from Scratch, to much bigger things. It's gonna be one fun adventure.
1000+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

I suggest adding soundbible.com to the sfx section

; Oh this? This is just my semicolon. I got it a long time ago, it's quite innocuous. Don't worry about it.

You —> http://i.imgur.com/iVHfwLc.gifv

500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

FalconGunner99 wrote:

I suggest adding soundbible.com to the sfx section
I felt their licensing was a bit complicated, so I stuck to simplar sites
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

ssss wrote:

This is my first review.
Jumpy Square - jh1234l

###Note- I have not played this myself. I'm just editing the review by ssss.

Game Design 3/10
“The game was relatively boring and I didn't want to keep playing. I played it for a while, but there's no real challenge in it. It really feels incomplete. If it had more obstacles and perhaps ran a little faster, it would have scored much higher.“

Originality 5/10
”I've only given 5 points here, as there's not much to do. It's pretty much. Wait to press space. Press space. Repeat. It would be nice to see more features, then I would have scored it higher.“ ###Originality has nothing to do with how much there is to do. It's to do with how original it is. Saying that, this has scored five but you never mention where the five points came from. You say ”only“ five, but five means in the middle, as though it is sort of original but copies elements of other games. Based on your opinion and what you've said, this should be a 1 unless you can add to what you've said. Also, the bit about ”Wait to press space“ should be under game design and the difficulty.###

Ease Of Use 4/5
”The game was really easy to use. It provided instructions for the game, and the buttons were easy. However, the shop was click a button to open and press space to close. It would have been much nicer to have it so pressing the ‘shop’ button also closed it.“

Difficulty Balance 1/5
”This game was way to easy. It didn't get harder as you went on as well as only having a single obstacle.“

Graphics 4/5
”I liked the graphics. They were simple and pleasing to the eye. However, the Instructions at the beginning felt uncomfortable and the shop seems out of place.“

Sound 2/5
”The music is too repetitive. And there is no mute button. However, props to you for having music. “

Firing Round 5/10 (This is the addition of the following scores)
Reliability 2/2
0 (Very Glitchy) 1 (A few glitches) 2 (Hardly any glitches)
Game Length 2/2
0 (Too Short) 1 (Descent Length) 2 (Long lasting or endless)
Game Pace 0/2
0 (Very slow or too long for it's own sake) 1 (Quite engrossing) 2 (Very well paced and fun)
Replay Value 1/2
0 (Would never replay/ did not want to finish it the first time) 1 (Might replay) 2 (Too good to stop!)
Programming 0/2
0 (Simple to make) 1 (Fairly advanced) 2 (It was very complex)

Overall Experience 15/50
“The game just felt incomplete. That's the thing about it. It's a good concept, good design but the let down is there's no challenge. I'd like to give this more, but the game just doesn't cut it. ” ###What would make it better? More obstacles? Increasing speed? Enemies? Lasers? Highscore? For a game to score 38, there must be much more to improve then how challenging it is.###
TOTAL: 38/100

0-19 I could have made that in my sleep!
20-39 Needs a lot of work.
40-59 An average project I suppose.
60-79 Quite a cool project.
80-94 Wow! It only needs a bit of tweaking.
95-100 You're the top cat!
I'll go through this in a bit

Last edited by Borrego6165 (Oct. 1, 2013 15:35:59)

500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Make sure to keep up to date with The Scratch Cat's Hideout… there's a special project coming soon!

(And no it's not City Cast)
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Am I still on 5 points? Did I not do the review correctly.

Generation 379: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

ssss wrote:

Am I still on 5 points? Did I not do the review correctly.

I told you I haven't read it yet, but I'm about to
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Borrego6165 wrote:

ssss wrote:

Am I still on 5 points? Did I not do the review correctly.

I told you I haven't read it yet, but I'm about to
Sorry, time difference. I don't know when you read what I have ;_;

Generation 379: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

ssss wrote:

Borrego6165 wrote:

ssss wrote:

Am I still on 5 points? Did I not do the review correctly.

I told you I haven't read it yet, but I'm about to
Sorry, time difference. I don't know when you read what I have ;_;

I went through it http://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/151547/
100+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Can someone review:

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88 posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

can i be a member?

| roblox.com?rbxp=57965597

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The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

500+ posts

The Scratch Cat's Hideout: Change of plan: I'm renovating this thread. Click inside for details.

Super special scratch-cats-hideout game coming very soon…

Also I'll remember to do some reviews today! I wonder where the members have gone?

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