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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

THAT WAS A AD, ok so , clicker games , click=
when this sprite clicked
change [clicks v] by (1)
when this sprite clicked
if <<(clicks) = []> or <(clicks) > []>> then

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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

I am trying to make it so if a certain sprite is walking in a direction and the ‘s’ key is pressed, they will kick in that direction. I'm using a format like :
If ‘a’ key and ‘right arrow’ key are pressed, then switch to costume ‘Kick Right’
If ‘right arrow’ key is pressed and NOT ‘a’ key, then switch to walking costume 1, wait .2 secs, switch to walking costume 2
I'm not sure why it isn't working? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
(I know that this is supposed to be as a help topic, and it is, but I'm not getting any replies, and I'm really frustrated! Sorry)
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

can someone help me out with left and right transitioning backgrounds when you hit right or left wall. right now i have 2 sprites, left wall and right wall and they're green. so..

when green flag is clicked,
if (touching the color green), and ,(x position ,is greater than, 100)
switch to background 2 ,

and the same for reverse direction(left)

when green flag is clicked,
if (touching the color green), and ,(x position ,is less than, 100)
switch to background -2 ,

but this only seems to work for those first frames then messes up when i try and add more background transitions.
i also tried ,when switched to background, -3, -2, 1, 2, 3. instead of when green flag is clicked but i get a similar problem of looping and wrong backgrounds loaded. Trying to write this under main sprite character because it has x position
2 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

caleb_ninja wrote:

Hello everyone I hope you are doing well…. I'm trying to make like a gun shooting game but it seems impossible to make the bullet follow you and when fired GLIDE not take STEPS for if it takes steps it will miss it's target… If you can help me PLEASE do.

This video helped me with shooting
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

precision89 wrote:

can someone help me out with left and right transitioning backgrounds when you hit right or left wall. right now i have 2 sprites, left wall and right wall and they're green. so..

when green flag is clicked,
if (touching the color green), and ,(x position ,is greater than, 100)
switch to background 2 ,

and the same for reverse direction(left)

when green flag is clicked,
if (touching the color green), and ,(x position ,is less than, 100)
switch to background -2 ,

but this only seems to work for those first frames then messes up when i try and add more background transitions.
i also tried ,when switched to background, -3, -2, 1, 2, 3. instead of when green flag is clicked but i get a similar problem of looping and wrong backgrounds loaded. Trying to write this under main sprite character because it has x position
Hi, when you change the backdrop, say touching left wall, where you want the sprite appearing in the left side or the right side of screen? however adding a wait until not touching color green could be the solution.
Can you share the project? I would like to experiment on it.
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

It seems all of the links lead to 404 error pages with a distressed looking cat.
13 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

where do i find the “define” block
New to Scratch
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting


I'm working on a small game, where you have to defeat enemy waves by jumping on their heads.
How do I kill my enemies without getting damage or die myself?
13 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

well you could put certain colors on your enemies heads and then put in that if that character touches that color, he won't die, and the enemy will despawn. like this i guess.

if <color [#5258e4] is touching [#74fcff] ?> then
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

13 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

100+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Block ideas!

say nothing :: looks
comment [will stop a speach bubble] :: control

create text [helloworld] with font [New Roman Times v] at x(0) y(0) :: pen
comment[does exactly what you think it will do] :: control

stop all [when sprite clicked v] blocks :: control
comment [will stop a certain kind of hat block] :: control

quickly :: loop :: control{

comment [ will run something very fast] :: control

no matter what :: loop :: control{

comment [will run some code no matter what is happening in the project] :: control

Last edited by FloppyBop (Nov. 21, 2016 19:08:04)

Nothing can eat my signature because I'm inedible.

Below the line is my old signature.
If I have posted on this account, then I forgot to long onto my original account.

Cause I'm a cool guy!

13 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

just made a game called bear hunter v 1.0! i know it doesn't have much to do with scripting but i'm kinda excited about it, it's my third game and i think it looks good, and also, what is a kumquat?
78 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

comment [sorry, how do we make saving clickers , by that them with a save and load button. :)]
78 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

helpful to save:
when green flag clicked
if <(load)=[6]> then
broadcast [reset v]
set [CLICKS v] to (☁ save clicks)

Last edited by superrainbowmaster (Nov. 22, 2016 22:07:02)

New to Scratch
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

I love scratch and the accomplishments of building and finishing one. One thing that I don't like about scratch is that every time that you want to test something you have to do your program all over again. Does anyone know what do in that situation. If you have really long scratch games or stories then you have to play the game to get to the part when you are testing. And, what if you die in your game on the way? Then to test something you have to play your own game. Is there any way to avoid this?
New to Scratch
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

In the section Basic Topics the following links seem to be broken:

Arrow key control of a sprite
Basic Gravity
Moving objects in a scrolling game
Moving with sensor sprites
Scrolling with enemies
Toggle switch
Bouncing script
13 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

you could save the game that you are making and then make another one which you can instantly test the mechanic in.
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

dracae wrote:

Probably broken due to the transfer from 1.4 to 2.0!

this is togemaru. she protects signature from evil kumquats protects my pokemon from team rocket.
pokemon violet!

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