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500+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

None of the projects on the Scratch homepage are showing except the “Projects Loved by Scratchers I’m Following”. All the words are still there (ex. “Featured Projects”) except the SDS and Curated row. This has happened to users on any device, as I've gotten reports of it appearing on phones, tablets, and computers. I myself tested this on a phone (first row) and a Mac (second row). Both times, the projects were gone.

My browser / operating system: iPhone iOS 15.8, Safari 15.6.6, No Flash version detected
My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Safari 16.6, No Flash version detected

I took a screenshot of the front page: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1018038086/
I found other screenshots by medians, MyCollegeStudent, o97doge, roeieju, plus many more.
Many other people have created a topic concerning this bug, too. So, this bug isn’t a “bad-Internet” bug or something. It’s affecting every person every time it comes.

(As far as I know) the bug first started on the night of May 10th, 2024. The bug has gone away and come back multiple times.

The cause for this bug is unknown. The Scratch Team has not said anything since the bug occurred. One possible cause of this was thought of in this post:

BrilliantGamer6 wrote:

I think I may know why. This API link is the only proxy link on Scratch that uses a GET request (i.e. the only proxy link you can view with your browser), and it appears a start tag is missing. It's supposed to show the projects on the front page, but right now it's glitched. This might not be the cause, but there's a chance it is.
Someone has theorized that the API was hacked with Python, but there is no proof of that, and is unlikely. (source)
In addition, former Scratch Team member Za-Chary said that:

Za-Chary wrote:

This bug has happened in the past before and generally occurs as an unintentional side effect to standard website maintenance. I don't know the full details, but this is at least what I understand.
Another theory is that the recent solar flare is malfunctioning the front page, but this was deemed unlikely by Za-Chary. (source)

For info on this bug and other bugs, including the notorious “My Stuff” bug, see this thread by chippysmall4.

Random edit: It’s stickied? Nice, I’ve never had one before. It seems BrilliantGamer6 asked for a sticky, so thanks!

Last edited by LionCoder10 (May 13, 2024 15:27:02)

Highlight this signature, then hold Shift+Down to see the rest of my signature!


POST MILESTONES: 1st, 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 100th, 250th!

Thanks for reading all of my signature :) Comment “curiosity” on my profile if you did
500+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

it's happening to me too, i thought it was just my laptop

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected

26 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

I think I may know why. This API link is the only proxy link on Scratch that uses a GET request (i.e. the only proxy link you can view with your browser), and it appears a start tag is missing. It's supposed to show the projects on the front page, but right now it's glitched. This might not be the cause, but there's a chance it is.

Also, reported to be stickied

Edit later: This has been fixed for me, although I'm not sure if this is fixed for everyone else.

Last edited by BrilliantGamer6 (May 11, 2024 03:10:47)

I don't really use the forums, so I don't really need to make a signature, but uhh…

Here's a link to one of my best projects!

(seriously it's amazing)

Don't click this link though.

stop [hammer time v]
36 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

LionCoder10 wrote:

My browser / operating system: iPhone iOS 15.8, Safari 15.6.6, No Flash version detected
On my screen, none of the projects on the Scratch homepage are showing except the “projects loved by Scratchers I’m following”. All the words are still there (like “featured projects”) except the SDS row.

Screenshot: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1018038086/
same thing

Hello, I have moved accounts. If you want to see me there, then go to my new account.
500+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

Same: My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15, Firefox 127.0, Flash 32.0 (release 0)
Information (for the record):
{"community_newest_projects": [], "community_most_remixed_projects": [], "scratch_design_studio": [], "curator_top_projects": [], "community_featured_studios": [], "community_most_loved_projects": [], "community_featured_projects": []}

Everything below this point is not part of the post above, as everything beyond this point is a signature.
A TL;DR of that link is that a signature is text that is added automatically to every post I make; you're allowed to advertise and do whatever you want in it as long as it follows the Community Guidelines.
SHIFT+DOWN or addon

The aesthetic community is discovering the forums?!?!?!?!?
I feel by next year we wont have the forums anymore, I'm not joking.
How did you find out about the Discussion Forums?

I found this masterpiece of a post:

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:


EDawg2011 wrote:

Gamer_Logan819 wrote:

I think it’s snap!.
This is Scratch, not Snap.
Is that the case though? Is it really? Or is it just a figment of your imagination? What if scratch never existed, and you’re just hallucinating? All of these people you’ve met, they might not be anything more than a figment of your imagination? And now that you know this, you have to ask yourself the question: is scratch real? Are you truly on an online platform named scratch? Or are you dreaming, seeing this so-called “programming for kids platform” in a completely different way from everybody else? How can you fully be sure you’re not hallucinating? How can you be so sure that there is a real thing called scratch?

(>:3)::boolean #000000 // this is my evil kumquat generator, this is where all the evil kumquats come from.

a woam ate the rest of my signature
100+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

BrilliantGamer6 wrote:

I think I may know why. This API link is the only proxy link on Scratch that uses a GET request (i.e. the only proxy link you can view with your browser), and it appears a start tag is missing. It's supposed to show the projects on the front page, but right now it's glitched. This might not be the cause, but there's a chance it is.

Also, by the way, the “Projects Curated by (user)” section is also missing.
for me it says that the response from the get request is empty

I used to be this guy
I own a namesnipe here

3 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

LionCoder10 wrote:

My browser / operating system: iPhone iOS 15.8, Safari 15.6.6, No Flash version detected
On my screen, none of the projects on the Scratch homepage are showing except the “projects loved by Scratchers I’m following”. All the words are still there (like “featured projects”) except the SDS row.

I took a screenshot: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1018038086/
Others are experiencing this as well.

Yep, same. running this on iPad IOS however.

Last edited by pantherasdoodles (May 11, 2024 00:31:21)

darling what am i supposed to put here?
avid roleplayer
lore creator

that’s me!
1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

I also have this issue.
My browser / operating system: ChromeOS 14541.0.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected

Welcome to my signature! This is not part of any of my posts, meaning that my signature can be as off topic as I want!

Datsu | They/any/none pronouns | Aroace | Filipino
Scratcher | Forumer | Griffpatcher
cool thing you should see
PFP: Osage-chan with non-binary questioning, aroace, and panpronominal flag [edit by me; original character from Inabakumori; art by nukunukunigirimeshi]
Certified japanese music listener and OSC member :3

totally not an advertisment to give me internets

random emoticons i made up and put here because why not :
c ^^ c '^w^ `>n<`
500+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

how did this even happen
My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Firefox 125.0, No Flash version detected

Want to view the rest of my signature? Highlight this text and press Shift+Down!

Support the suggestion HERE by adding this button to your signature

Name: Meep
Adopt one yourself! @ Pokémon Orphanage
“Angel Gabby? Angel Gabby!” ~ Francis, the best boye

Hello! My name is XCartooonX, but please call me Low-Key. I'm super into Pokemon, My Singing Monsters, and more. Feel free to follow me!

4 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

This happened to me too

Last edited by The_Awesome_SR-71 (May 11, 2024 01:05:27)

8 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

HAVE NO FEAR, ILM IS HERE!!! (in the forums, of course)

Last edited by iloveminecraft134_77 (May 11, 2024 01:13:20)

14 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

As someone on a pc, this is happening to me too. I have no idea what is causing it, sadly. ☹️

Hi I'm -StarryCat-! I'm not that good at making projects, but I can make decent remixes! She/her
77 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

Same My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Safari 17.3, No Flash version detected

Last edited by PeteyBirdd (May 11, 2024 01:19:58)

7 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

LionCoder10 wrote:

My browser / operating system: iPhone iOS 15.8, Safari 15.6.6, No Flash version detected
(This big has happened to iPhone, iPad, and PC users)
None of the projects on the Scratch homepage are showing except the “Projects Loved by Scratchers I’m Following”. All the words are still there (ex. “Featured Projects”) except the SDS and Curated row.

I took a screenshot: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1018038086/
Many other people have created a topic concerning this bug, too. And I was first lol

Ha' yeah, I was so confused! Thanks for making me feel not crazy!

Thanks for reading!

1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

Can replicate still
My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Chrome, No Flash versions detected

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators
68 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

I got this too
Maybe they're working on something?

Edit: Ok, nvm. It's a bug…

Last edited by The_Olcia (May 11, 2024 12:40:19)

Hey, don't eat toasts from my lunchbox… :D
47 posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

I'm experiencing the same issue

1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

got this as well. i signed out and it still persisted, plus i checked all my devices and for each it was the same error, so it's not an account thing. however, my friend said he wasn't experiencing the same issue. perhaps it's location based? i'm in central us, and he is in hawaii. can't think of anything else, though.
1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

The only survivor was Projects Loved by Scratchers I’m Following

1000th post also use -forbidden- or highlight and ctrl (optional on some browsers) + shift + down arrow for more of my siggy

I gotta go touch sum grass

If it causes issues make it optional - gdfsgdfsgdfg

Do some research before replying to my posts - gdfsgdfsgdfg

curse you 60 sec rule

glory to Gdfsg Land

gdfsgdfsgdfg returns

Ocular(don’t look at my old posts plz)

kumquats? nah
my siggy is built with titani- *gets eaten*

A new game that no one asked for:

Are you sleeping you tall cat (project):

The only suggestions I fully support are:

Don’t force me to get proof
get it yourself

my favorite topic is this (due to comedic purposes):

my favorite post is this (it’s deleted but I got it from ocular):

Longest project that can be completed (by me):

Guess the game by its mission name:

GBC (GTA) topic:

BF (Battlefield) topic:

still don’t have the popularity lol (atleast I reached 100 followers)

Skill issue

Embrace :)

Help I ran out of ideas
1000+ posts

[MAIN] Missing Projects from the Homepage

gdfsgdfsgdfg wrote:

The only survivor was Projects Loved by Scratchers I’m Following
perhaps that's because it's the only row which differs from person to person? means it's a server issue and not just an issue with specific accounts

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