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  • » Requests
  • » ♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫ [RSS Feed]
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

minikiwigeek2 wrote:

Username: minikiwigeek2
Product you would like to order: a nes-style chiptune version of these jingles from the warioware gold game: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/youtube/CGD-07VQivE
Product specifications (describe your order): please include every jingle in the order it's provided in the video. please keep your finished product at the same tempo and speed as the original product.
Preferred employee: n/a
Due date: originally 10 days - extended
Where should we contact you: my user profile
Have you read the Terms of Service: yep
Other: thanks in advance! i'd like to put the finished product in a game i'm making. if the person who makes the finished product wants to be credited for their work, i'll happily do so.
hello, i apologize if this sounds rude but i wanted to make in inquiry.

i placed this order about a month ago and while it has been taken, i have not received my order since then. is it still in the works, or…?

According to our staff page, @moneeman, who's taking your order, is currently on leave until May 25th. Your order will probably not be finished until then. I am sorry for any problems you might have because of this.

NOTE: In order to fix this, if any other employee wants to take your order they are welcome to do so.
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫


Username: JACOB_PONCE-
Alt accounts you are going to use (optional): Just this account!
Activity level (1-10): 6/10
What products can you make (please notify your music genres): I'm good at drum & bass, all kinds of edm, and alt rock!
Work examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o_Y7UTnDlE
Are you following this thread: yes!
Why should we pick you: I've been studying music for about 2 years and have 4 years of experience (on YouTube and soundcloud)
Have you read the Terms of Service: Yes!
Other: I have a deep passion for music, so I would love to be apart of this!
Hello! In order for us to accept your application, we must be sure that the work examples provided are made by you. This cannot be checked in a youtube video, so you must provide proof of it. In order to do this, please add in your youtube channel's description a sentence saying you are JACOB_PONCE- from Scratch. We will then accept your application and you will be able to remove the notice on YouTube.
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

Builder_53_Studios wrote:

Username: Builder_53_Studios
Are you leaving permanently: Not yet at least
Why are you leaving (if not personal): Wedding trip
When are you leaving: 5/10/2024
When are you returning (if you're returning): 5/15/2024
Other: no im not getting married
Have a good time!
1000+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

asdfperson135 wrote:

Builder_53_Studios wrote:

Username: Builder_53_Studios
Are you leaving permanently: Not yet at least
Why are you leaving (if not personal): Wedding trip
When are you leaving: 5/10/2024
When are you returning (if you're returning): 5/15/2024
Other:im so getting married
wow, i can't believe you are getting married already. i also didn't ever recieve the invite, maybe it got lost in the mail.

Hey, I'm Builder_53_Studios, aspiring composer! I'm an (ex) manager for The Piano Shop, which you should totally check out if you need music, and a composer for Kokoro Beats, an upcoming rhythm game inspired by Project Sekai!

I compose various styles, including:

- Video Game music
- Cinematic/Epic Orchestral Music
- Electronic Music
- Unique rock style that is a mix of J-rock and regular rock and synths and cool stuff

Used to do FNF songs lol

Need music? Hit me up!
I think part of the reason I still compose is because I really enjoy it. Music composition has instilled a passion inside of me, which so far hasn't died yet. I've wanted to compose for an actual game (that doesn't get discontinued) for a while, so if you are creating a game that you'll dedicate and not scrap it, I'd love to help out!

I suggest you listen to some of my music before asking me to compose for you. Check out my Music Portfolio for all of my orders/requests/whatever I feel like I have a specific style that I don't know if everyone likes. Listen and see if I would fit for your game!
1000+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

Username: Fluffygamer_
Musical genre: see example here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWKvpDvjfR0&list=PLdFD7A-dTiOaNRL4D0wPV7ysG9X_8HhAN&index=32&ab_channel=Whocouldthisbe%3F
Instruments to be included (optional):
Rhythm/time signature (optional):
Speed/tempo (optional):
Specifications (describe your order): I think the example is pretty much showing the style, but I would like it to be at least 2 minutes long and not too repetitive, while still respecting the example's style.
Preferred employee: N/A
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): 3 weeks
Do you want more than one version (by different employees, not ensured)? no, thank you
Where should we contact you: profile
Have you read the Terms of Service : yes !
Other: none

Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (May 7, 2024 23:47:47)

The evil kumquats have rebelled and now they don't just eat signatures.

Credit to @jmdzti_0-0

((0) - (0)) //  This is Zero. He protects my signature from evil kumquats

------(:-:)------ :: pen //  This is Bumpa. She bumps my topics when necessary. She also have a few skills at fighting since Zero taught her.

(O(w :: variables)O :: sensing) // This is Dogee. He helps me doing projects

('-' :: list) // This is Little. She verify that evil kumquats aren't coming.

° ° :: #0055ff //  This is 2S. He is the best animator I never seen on scratch. His account is Scratcheurscratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Scratcheurscratch)

when green flag clicked :: cap //  This is Soja. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl but who cares ? Soja often draw thumbnails for my projects.
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

Username: Fluffygamer_
Musical genre: see example here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWKvpDvjfR0&list=PLdFD7A-dTiOaNRL4D0wPV7ysG9X_8HhAN&index=32&ab_channel=Whocouldthisbe%3F
Instruments to be included (optional):
Rhythm/time signature (optional):
Speed/tempo (optional):
Specifications (describe your order): I think the example is pretty much showing the style, but I would like it to be at least 2 minutes long and not too repetitive, while still respecting the example's style.
Preferred employee: N/A
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): 3 weeks
Do you want more than one version (by different employees, not ensured)? no, thank you
Where should we contact you: profile
Have you read the Terms of Service : yes !
Other: none
Adding to the UOC
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

seg-leinad wrote:

Builder_53_Studios wrote:

OK then. I'll setup the contest as soon as possible, but I would like to know how long you think the contest should be (I don't know hat deadline to have).
Emmm, can anyone answer this? I would like to start the contest as soon as possible.
1000+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

seg-leinad wrote:

seg-leinad wrote:

Builder_53_Studios wrote:

OK then. I'll setup the contest as soon as possible, but I would like to know how long you think the contest should be (I don't know hat deadline to have).
Emmm, can anyone answer this? I would like to start the contest as soon as possible.
Two weeks or so?


if you could give me an internet, that'd be great, but it's up to you.

i make music on the beepbox forum

At The Piano Shop, we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
The Piano Shop is a shop owned by @seg-leinad which focuses on music. Nowadays, we need staff, so please apply if you're willing to share your music skills with others!

Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts.

I hang around the forums a lot.

Musician - panromantic - 13 - 8th grade - Gifted - bored - The Beatles - other 60's bands - Manager of the Official Beatles Fan Club!! - idk what else to say. if you have something else for me to put in here lemme know on my profile comments.


21 posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

seg-leinad wrote:

seg-leinad wrote:

Builder_53_Studios wrote:

OK then. I'll setup the contest as soon as possible, but I would like to know how long you think the contest should be (I don't know hat deadline to have).
Emmm, can anyone answer this? I would like to start the contest as soon as possible.
end it the day before the anniversary. the new official song of the shop will be the winner!
500+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

gomongemu wrote:

Username: GomonGemu
Musical genre: Weirdcore? Yume Nikki??
Instruments to be included (optional): ones that sound similar to these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MItjAoxieZ4&list=PLDQ_BOXDxT-
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): 8 weeks for each order
Where should we contact you: Preferably My profile comments, but here is fine
Have you read the Terms of Service : Yes
Other: Can you guys make this simular to yume nikki/2kki music? also, this music will be used for an indie project of mine, you will be credited

Username: GomonGemu
Musical genre: Weirdcore? Yume Nikki??
Instruments to be included (optional): ones that sound similar to these
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): 8 weeks for each order
Where should we contact you: Preferably My profile comments, but here is fine
Have you read the Terms of Service : Yes
Other: 3 versions needed

Username: GomonGemu
Musical genre: Weirdcore? Yume Nikki??
Instruments to be included (optional): ones that sound similar to these
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): 8 weeks for each order
Where should we contact you: Preferably My profile comments, but here is fine
Have you read the Terms of Service : Yes
Other:Just kinda make some quiet ambient music, with noises in the background like ceiling fans or ac, maybe cars

Username: GomonGemu
Musical genre: Weirdcore? Yume Nikki??
Instruments to be included (optional): ones that sound similar to these
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): 8 weeks for each order
Where should we contact you: Preferably My profile comments, but here is fine
Have you read the Terms of Service : Yes
Other : make it sound kinda like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8muWpmOGuw&list=PLDQ_BOXDxT-ThYFL2E4SkaDoF1jXkkePj&index=89

i apologize for the workload, take as much time as you need, if you end up making a good song i might ask to hire you for my game

taking all four
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

684pika wrote:

seg-leinad wrote:

seg-leinad wrote:

Builder_53_Studios wrote:

OK then. I'll setup the contest as soon as possible, but I would like to know how long you think the contest should be (I don't know hat deadline to have).
Emmm, can anyone answer this? I would like to start the contest as soon as possible.
Two weeks or so?
OK, that's probably fine for me. We can make it two weeks long, and then have some time to vote on the winner (I think we should all vote on it) before announcing it on our anniversary.
I'll start working on it now.

Edit: I noticed our anniversary is only 16 days away. I think the deadline should end then on the 25th, and then have like 2/3 days to decide the winner.

Last edited by seg-leinad (May 9, 2024 16:51:35)

100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

can u extend to may 17 pls dont fire me i promise it will not extend!!!
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

enochx wrote:

can u extend to may 17 pls dont fire me i promise it will not extend!!!
The contest deadline is currently 14 days away, on our anniversary. That is, on May 25, 2024 (if you check this topic's name, you can see the shop was created on May 25, 2022).
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

My order is overdue… i made the music form on the 12th of April

kokaAOALAAKAOKAOkokoko ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
1000+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

While my due date for my order is ASAP, I do have a limit, and it's been a while.

I'm a professional forum lurker who likes Vocaloid, retro games, and story writing.

Social Experiment Generation 0: Add this to your signature increase generation by 1 and add the username of the person whose signature you saw this in to this studio

I am the 454th most active TIRAP forumer. Wow! Not surprised in any way though.

I love the OG mods. They are just done with forum trolls.

1000+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

Wow, you have way too much untaken orders !

The evil kumquats have rebelled and now they don't just eat signatures.

Credit to @jmdzti_0-0

((0) - (0)) //  This is Zero. He protects my signature from evil kumquats

------(:-:)------ :: pen //  This is Bumpa. She bumps my topics when necessary. She also have a few skills at fighting since Zero taught her.

(O(w :: variables)O :: sensing) // This is Dogee. He helps me doing projects

('-' :: list) // This is Little. She verify that evil kumquats aren't coming.

° ° :: #0055ff //  This is 2S. He is the best animator I never seen on scratch. His account is Scratcheurscratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Scratcheurscratch)

when green flag clicked :: cap //  This is Soja. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl but who cares ? Soja often draw thumbnails for my projects.
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫


My order is overdue… i made the music form on the 12th of April
It has been a month

kokaAOALAAKAOKAOkokoko ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
1000+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

co0lcr34t10ns wrote:

While my due date for my order is ASAP, I do have a limit, and it's been a while.


My order is overdue… i made the music form on the 12th of April
We are trying our best. We are a very busy shop.

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

Wow, you have way too much untaken orders !
Yes. We know. Please do not post if you don't have something constructive (such as feedback or a suggestion) or an order.


if you could give me an internet, that'd be great, but it's up to you.

i make music on the beepbox forum

At The Piano Shop, we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
The Piano Shop is a shop owned by @seg-leinad which focuses on music. Nowadays, we need staff, so please apply if you're willing to share your music skills with others!

Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts.

I hang around the forums a lot.

Musician - panromantic - 13 - 8th grade - Gifted - bored - The Beatles - other 60's bands - Manager of the Official Beatles Fan Club!! - idk what else to say. if you have something else for me to put in here lemme know on my profile comments.


1000+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

684pika wrote:


co0lcr34t10ns wrote:

While my due date for my order is ASAP, I do have a limit, and it's been a while.


My order is overdue… i made the music form on the 12th of April
We are trying our best. We are a very busy shop.

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

Wow, you have way too much untaken orders !
Yes. We know. Please do not post if you don't have something constructive (such as feedback or a suggestion) or an order.
Well… You could maybe give the most recent orders to partnering shops ? And also give higher requirements to order a music ?

Last edited by Fluffygamer_ (May 12, 2024 12:13:54)

The evil kumquats have rebelled and now they don't just eat signatures.

Credit to @jmdzti_0-0

((0) - (0)) //  This is Zero. He protects my signature from evil kumquats

------(:-:)------ :: pen //  This is Bumpa. She bumps my topics when necessary. She also have a few skills at fighting since Zero taught her.

(O(w :: variables)O :: sensing) // This is Dogee. He helps me doing projects

('-' :: list) // This is Little. She verify that evil kumquats aren't coming.

° ° :: #0055ff //  This is 2S. He is the best animator I never seen on scratch. His account is Scratcheurscratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Scratcheurscratch)

when green flag clicked :: cap //  This is Soja. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl but who cares ? Soja often draw thumbnails for my projects.
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  • » ♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫ [RSS Feed]

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