Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

moigam wrote:

API is not related to AI.

“An application programming interface (API) is a way for two or more computer programs or components to communicate with each other. It is a type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of software.”

It's a basically a thing for coding where you can get / access info of a service of a website
For more examples, here's something I made a few days ago. Not scratch (cuz scratch can't be an API unless you know python and how to use replit, which I do not know either). It uses a thing called “computer vision” aka (the start of the aka loophole) just detecting colors in a JS canvas. The program looks for a selected color and colors in a set range and “highlights” them aka , an API.
Interacts with “another computer” and “offers services” to my computer. Now right now it's kinda in the middle of being an API and just programming. The reason I say that is because on my dinky little school pc, I can't use shell, node, etc. so I can't actually automatically screenshot a page, send it to my program, and highlight it on my page. One day…

Btw I would give you the link to the best working version but it uses a website that I don't wanna be filled up with requests so I'll just give you the version not using a screenshot. Also the current screenshot is google classroom and I don't want y'all seeing my dang classes lol.

JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/junibug/0wqdyumv/216/
Keep in mind this suprising does NOT run super fast. Takes like 5-10 seconds to load it. Pretty much like scratch printers and how it has to scan the entire screen. And actually it's pretty simple-ish code. Only took like 2-3 hours to write (mainly cuz I knew almost nothing about canvas and had to surf for awhile, now though I understand it fairly well.) oh and if 2-3 hours sounds like a lot, it's absolutely nothing. Longest time i've spent programming (not consecutively) was 10+ hours…

Anyways back on topic. Application time! Yippie.

Realaether wrote:

Username: Realaether
Position: Lead Art
Why do you want to join us? I'd like to collaborate and help your team make games for the community
How active will you be? I spend around 3 hours a day on scratch
How skilled are you at the position you chose? Pretty well skilled.
Proof of work (if possible): Check my profile for my pinned project ( the first one thats big (like what im working on or something) )
Notes (optional): I am also skilled at animation, and i can work more than three hours than needed, but also, i live in australia, so my schedule might not meet up with you guys.
Sorry but I don't think I can accept you as an animator. Maybe you can try applying for another role?

Samalam304 wrote:

quoting is broken for me on the site at the moment for me, I'm replying to Mineturte
It kind of depends on the week, I'm open Tuesday to Friday mostly.
Accepted! I will soon invite you to all of the things necessary.
Here are some links to help ya out:
Official Website (this includes the roles and a link tree and also the rules. Please look at the rules ASAP).
Sound Team

If I missed responding to anyone sorry, had to catch up with all of the chaos ;-; I am not superhuman or something. I am still mortal

Last edited by MineTurte (April 28, 2024 12:41:23)

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

moigam wrote:

It's basically a thing for coding where you can get / access info of a service of a website
Then isn't it unrelated to AI, at least in this context?

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or desparately trying to get his Twin Famicom to work as a Disk System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A good friend of mine that I met on this site.

Random filler text part 2: My mission to beat all GG Sonic games
1: Done
2: Done
Chaos: Done
TT: Done
Blast: Done
Drift: Done
Drift 2: Trash
Labyrinth: 3-2
Mean Bean: Stage 6
Spinball: Trash
SkyPatrol: Training
Adventures: Somewhere

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 84/100
Banish count: 14/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 27/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

There's no way I could pad this out even more, or so I thought,
But then i had a very good idea. I used F5. See, using F5 gave me a whole new perspective and i was able to see a chest i couldn't have seen before.

Why are you still here?
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Sohta_kun wrote:

moigam wrote:

It's basically a thing for coding where you can get / access info of a service of a website
Then isn't it unrelated to AI, at least in this context?
“API is not related to AI.”

We're desperately needing game designers, who will think about the lore, story and gameplay of games we will make!
21 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Coder + Animator seems good for me
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Realaether wrote:

Coder + Animator seems good for me

MineTurte wrote:

Sorry but I don't think I can accept you as an animator. Maybe you can try applying for another role?

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or desparately trying to get his Twin Famicom to work as a Disk System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A good friend of mine that I met on this site.

Random filler text part 2: My mission to beat all GG Sonic games
1: Done
2: Done
Chaos: Done
TT: Done
Blast: Done
Drift: Done
Drift 2: Trash
Labyrinth: 3-2
Mean Bean: Stage 6
Spinball: Trash
SkyPatrol: Training
Adventures: Somewhere

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 84/100
Banish count: 14/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 27/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

There's no way I could pad this out even more, or so I thought,
But then i had a very good idea. I used F5. See, using F5 gave me a whole new perspective and i was able to see a chest i couldn't have seen before.

Why are you still here?
21 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

maybe game tester?
50 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

igtnathan5 wrote:

sieugach wrote:

what do you mean by that, API? btw i like to code bots
API in my terms..
oh ok.

50 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

so can i code bots and stuff?

1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

hey! sorry, i was on a school trip in DC.

what happened this wknd?

highlight (double click) a piece of text + control (command if on mac) + shift + down arrow key to see my full “siggy”.
If your computer can't see images from Cubeupload, that's not my problem
My school collected all computers for the rest of the school year, so I will be less active.
“Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”

cool stuff: 500th post | an awesome suggestion made by moi | an awesome controversial suggestion also made by moi | gen z has attacked | why did tfh get deleted yall


Hi! I'm @RecessFailsOffical. This is my signature, where I am allowed to advertise, blockspam, etc. It goes under every post I make. I know I spelled Official wrong in my username because I made this account when I was like 2. I'm in 6th Grade, I like coding and I want to be a software developer when I grow up.
Pronouns: He/Him or any pronouns as long as I'm not referred to as “Gibson”, “she/her”, or “TommyInnit”.

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Realaether wrote:

maybe game tester?
Accepted! For links just go back to my really long post and go to them. Especially go to the website and then the rules, those are important.

RecessFailsOffical wrote:

hey! sorry, i was on a school trip in DC.

what happened this wknd?
Literally nothing.

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

25 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

I'm back!
If I did somehow manage not to miss an activity check, then I'm Blessed. lol
sorry, I had exam month and we went on a trip…. totally forgot about dis.
anything happen in the month I was gone?

Last edited by PixelGod677 (May 2, 2024 16:46:55)

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

PixelGod677 wrote:

I'm back!
If I did somehow manage not to miss an activity check, then I'm Blessed. lol
sorry, I had exam month and we went on a trip…. totally forgot about dis.
anything happen in the month I was gone?

please stop asking for people to summarize everything that happened while you were gone. Its your job to keep track, no one else's. This applies for everyone.

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

We are now entering the general school ending period. This means nearly half of the staff will most likely be very unactive. I am about to do an activity check, failing it will not remove you instantly, instead something else (details specified in activity check). Once everyone is in spring break, activity will most likely be close to none. People are working real jobs, people are living their lives. I myself have a job I am in training for. This will cause production of anything to be at a stand still. I will announce the start of a “hibernation” period. There will be no activity checks, and no need to be active until said period is over. Those who can still work are allowed to but on one condition, either a staff member or lead is still active enough. Leads have no restriction. Moderation will also be paused. Rules are still in place but will not be enforced until hibernation period is over in which all rules broken will be dealt with accordingly. TOU is always in place.

Starting: June 1st.
Ending: N/A.

There will be no activity checks, and no need to be active until said period is over. Those who can still work are allowed to but on one condition, either a staff member or lead is still active enough. Leads have no restriction. Moderation will also be paused. Rules are still in place but will not be enforced until hibernation period is over in which all rules broken will be dealt with accordingly. TOU is always in place.

Enjoy your spring break!

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

We are now entering the general school ending period. This means nearly half of the staff will most likely be very unactive. I am about to do an activity check, failing it will not remove you instantly, instead something else (details specified in activity check). Once everyone is in spring break, activity will most likely be close to none. People are working real jobs, people are living their lives. I myself have a job I am in training for. This will cause production of anything to be at a stand still. I will announce the start of a “hibernation” period. There will be no activity checks, and no need to be active until said period is over. Those who can still work are allowed to but on one condition, either a staff member or lead is still active enough. Leads have no restriction. Moderation will also be paused. Rules are still in place but will not be enforced until hibernation period is over in which all rules broken will be dealt with accordingly. TOU is always in place.

Starting: June 1st.
Ending: N/A.

There will be no activity checks, and no need to be active until said period is over. Those who can still work are allowed to but on one condition, either a staff member or lead is still active enough. Leads have no restriction. Moderation will also be paused. Rules are still in place but will not be enforced until hibernation period is over in which all rules broken will be dealt with accordingly. TOU is always in place.

Enjoy your spring break!

Last edited by MineTurte (May 2, 2024 17:02:38)

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

77 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

moigam wrote:

Main post | Roles | Forms


If you want to join, please fill the following form! Please read the roles post before applying.


moigam wrote:

Main post | Roles | Forms


If you want to join, please fill the following form! Please read the roles post before applying.

Why do you want to join us?
How active will you be?
How skilled are you at the position you chose?
Proof of work (if possible):
Notes (optional):
Username: MegiumZ
Position: Art Lead
Why do you want to join us? because i just saw this and im pretty intrested
How active will you be? ill be active sometimes
How skilled are you at the position you chose? pretty good (i have a cartoonish style with my drawings)
Proof of work (if possible): all my projects
Notes (optional): im terrible at coding, not so got at making music, and even still im kinda bad at digital art, but on pen and paper im the best at my style

"i am here" -megiumz
if you click on my page
insanity awaits you
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Uhhhhhh so my school ends on may 24th.

i will leave for armenia sometime in june and will be back somewhere around july 18th

the wifi there is not good so…. yeah i'll probs be inactive.

highlight (double click) a piece of text + control (command if on mac) + shift + down arrow key to see my full “siggy”.
If your computer can't see images from Cubeupload, that's not my problem
My school collected all computers for the rest of the school year, so I will be less active.
“Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”

cool stuff: 500th post | an awesome suggestion made by moi | an awesome controversial suggestion also made by moi | gen z has attacked | why did tfh get deleted yall


Hi! I'm @RecessFailsOffical. This is my signature, where I am allowed to advertise, blockspam, etc. It goes under every post I make. I know I spelled Official wrong in my username because I made this account when I was like 2. I'm in 6th Grade, I like coding and I want to be a software developer when I grow up.
Pronouns: He/Him or any pronouns as long as I'm not referred to as “Gibson”, “she/her”, or “TommyInnit”.

1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Can i join
Username: LP372
Position: Programmer
Why do you want to join us: To code.
How active will you be: Often, mainly on weekends.
How skilled are you at the position you choose: Probably about a 7/10
Proof of work: Since i started fresh, none.

Projects I want people to see:
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

LP372 wrote:

Can i join
Username: LP372
Position: Programmer
Why do you want to join us: To code.
How active will you be: Often, mainly on weekends.
How skilled are you at the position you choose: Probably about a 7/10
Proof of work: Since i started fresh, none.
Can you get proof of work and describe what you are capable of coding?

We're desperately needing game designers, who will think about the lore, story and gameplay of games we will make!
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

moigam wrote:

LP372 wrote:

Can i join
Username: LP372
Position: Programmer
Why do you want to join us: To code.
How active will you be: Often, mainly on weekends.
How skilled are you at the position you choose: Probably about a 7/10
Proof of work: Since i started fresh, none.
Can you get proof of work and describe what you are capable of coding?
How can i get proof with no projects?

Projects I want people to see:
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

LP372 wrote:

moigam wrote:

LP372 wrote:

Can i join
Username: LP372
Position: Programmer
Why do you want to join us: To code.
How active will you be: Often, mainly on weekends.
How skilled are you at the position you choose: Probably about a 7/10
Proof of work: Since i started fresh, none.
Can you get proof of work and describe what you are capable of coding?
How can i get proof with no projects?

make one

highlight (double click) a piece of text + control (command if on mac) + shift + down arrow key to see my full “siggy”.
If your computer can't see images from Cubeupload, that's not my problem
My school collected all computers for the rest of the school year, so I will be less active.
“Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”

cool stuff: 500th post | an awesome suggestion made by moi | an awesome controversial suggestion also made by moi | gen z has attacked | why did tfh get deleted yall


Hi! I'm @RecessFailsOffical. This is my signature, where I am allowed to advertise, blockspam, etc. It goes under every post I make. I know I spelled Official wrong in my username because I made this account when I was like 2. I'm in 6th Grade, I like coding and I want to be a software developer when I grow up.
Pronouns: He/Him or any pronouns as long as I'm not referred to as “Gibson”, “she/her”, or “TommyInnit”.

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