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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Welcome to the Official Host Transfer Topic of the Christian HQ!

** Please read the forum topic https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/751030/ Before making a post! **

What is the purpose of this topic?

As we all know, our founder, @Blaze349 and numerous other managers have served this studio faithfully in the last decade of our existence as a studio (or what was then known as galleries) Every day, they woke up, logged on to scratch, and dedicated their time to our beloved studio. Until one day, our good lord decided to call them elsewhere, somewhere beyond Scratch.

as a result, Christian HQ has suffered many tragedies, trials and hardships that could have been easily prevented if those people were still here at Christian HQ. And as the days progress, it is becoming more and more impossible to manage a studio with managers only limited to the powers ST had taken away from us (known as Manager's Rights)

And the sad reality is, unless God tells our founders otherwise, they are simply not coming back to the studio. Them not coming back to the studio means that the situation is only going to get worst— until we do something about it.

The solution to our problems

About a month ago, I created a Forum topic (the topic mentioned above) asking if the ST will ever reimplement Manager Rights (the ability for managers to preform tasks like editing the studio description, thumbnail, and closing down the comments in addition to what managers can do now) I written this considering how the removal of Manager Rights hurts studios like Christian HQ. @Za-Chary, a former member of ST replied by saying

Za-Chary wrote:

-Expo wrote:

do you know if or when ST will reimplement Manager Rights (i.e. Editing the thumbnail and description)?
They will not.

-Expo wrote:

this feature is hurting studios who's owner has gone inactive.
A manager of such a studio can use Contact Us to request for the studio host to be changed.

Za-Chary wrote:

-Expo wrote:

Assuming I take that path, who would be selected as the host if there are multiple managers?
You and the other managers should decide who would be a good fit. The Scratch Team will likely ask to verify that active managers of the studio accept your (collective) choice for the new host.
Please refer to the Forum topic listed above!

What to do now / steps we can take as a studio

Given what was said, before any action(s) could be taken, there must be as @Za-Chary said a collective process in which we (the managers) must choose the best person to lead Christian HQ and revise old standards and procedure to ensure another 10 years of the studio. As per the forum topic listed above, the ST will ask for a final verification of who the role of “Studio Host” should go to.

† Christian HQ †

The Christian HQ Official Host Transfer Process

** For all curators reading this topic, please note that only Managers can make decisions on the Studio Host transition **
* We want to hear your opinion! curator discussion is still encouraged, and input on the process is greatly apreciated *

The Process Explained

In order keep the process of Studio Host transition running smoothly, there will be {x} phases to the verification process. To keep the process as collective as possible, All active managers must agree to the preliminary stage. Active Managers are defined as managers who have shown activity on Scratch in the last thirty (30) days and shown activity in Christian HQ in the last forty-five (45) days:

Preliminary Stage:
In order to submit a Manager for ST to promote, Managers must collectively agree to do the following:

• Use this Forum Topic as the main and official source of host transfer discussion in CHQ
◦ Recognize @-Expo as the owner of the discussion topic
◦ Any comments surrounding the host transfer discussion on the main website must be noted on the Forum Topic
◦ Use this forum topic as opposed to the Christian HQ Manager Discussion

• Agree to the conditions set upon for manager discussion as it goes on

• Give a non-biased, God-inspired discussion with no hidden or ulterior motive
◦ No campaigning for studio host
◦ No campaigning for any one person
◦ if it comes down to only two (2) people, the discussion and prayer will resume until there is a decision

• Upon @Blaze349 coming back to Scratch, the role of Studio Host will be immediately handed back to him if he consents

• This Forum topic will be the verification of the managers for the ST to use in host promotion as per the forum topic above

If you disagree or want to change/add anything, tell me below!

Managers who have agreed so far:

When you agreed, say it in the discussion

Stages of the host transfer in a nutshell

The first stage of the Christian HQ host transfer will be initiated after every active manager signs the Preliminary Stage (duh) and completed when all candidates have agreed upon the best logistics for the studio ownership (i.e. if the host should be switched regularly or have a main host and a vice host when they are away)

The second stage of the Christian HQ host transfer will be initiated when everyone has agreed on the logistics for studio ownership and completed when there is a clear option for a candidate to notify the ST

The third stage of the Christian HQ host transfer will be initiated when everyone has agreed on the best studio host and completed when we find the best way to notify ST about our proposal.

The fourth stage of the Christian HQ host transfer will be initiated when we find the best way to notify Scratch team and completed when we receive input from the Scratch team, and a manager is promoted as studio host.

after these for the fifth stage, we will reevaluate stage 2

There is a possibility that we could add more stages if the process feels rushed. Make sure to pray extra hard about this! <3


Love y'all soo much! @-Expo

Last edited by -Expo (May 20, 2024 10:55:05)

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Yep I agree. The only change I might make is that we maybe won’t give blaze ownership again? But idk

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Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Also Rivers & Robots “Burn for You” really hits
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Mathboss12 wrote:

Yep I agree. The only change I might make is that we maybe won’t give blaze ownership again? But idk
If he consents. I feel like it would only be fair if he came back we should at least offer him the position again. But then again, what is the likelihood that he is actually going to come back?

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

-Expo wrote:

Mathboss12 wrote:

Yep I agree. The only change I might make is that we maybe won’t give blaze ownership again? But idk
If he consents. I feel like it would only be fair if he came back we should at least offer him the position again. But then again, what is the likelihood that he is actually going to come back?
Yeah you’re right lol

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Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Also Rivers & Robots “Burn for You” really hits
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

I'm including this discussion between me and @Bandit_MVR_2023 in the Christian HQ Manager Discussion (link)

Last edited by -Expo (April 25, 2024 13:13:18)

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ



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28 posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Alright, tell me more. Just FYI, please don’t do anything else until May 6, since it’s Holy Week soon for the Orthodox. I would suggest Johnathan to be the host, and if not him Expo, but at the moment I’m to busy to type up anything else
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Jets-fan-2187 wrote:

Alright, tell me more. Just FYI, please don’t do anything else until May 6, since it’s Holy Week soon for the Orthodox. I would suggest Johnathan to be the host, and if not him Expo, but at the moment I’m to busy to type up anything else
Jonathan is hardly active at Christian HQ. So if anything happened there would be no real-time response

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

-Expo wrote:

Jets-fan-2187 wrote:

Alright, tell me more. Just FYI, please don’t do anything else until May 6, since it’s Holy Week soon for the Orthodox. I would suggest Johnathan to be the host, and if not him Expo, but at the moment I’m to busy to type up anything else
Jonathan is hardly active at Christian HQ. So if anything happened there would be no real-time response
I agree. He doesn’t seem to be that active.

Hello World

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Also Rivers & Robots “Burn for You” really hits
100+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

I do like the idea Kate brought up about having the managers change weekly. I know large studios such as GWDFI use that concept.
Maybe we could have a schedule or something so that managers can tell the other managers when or if they plan on being inactive, to avoid our current situation from repeating itself.
The weekly system definitely lightens the load on the owner, so they don’t have to do the VOTW, QOTW, QOTM by themselves all the time.
If we don’t use the weekly system though, we should definitely have an owner and a vice owner, to whom the ownership could be transferred to in case of any absence of the host.

Another thing: if we elect one host, will that person have more authority in the studio, or will that person simply have the added responsibilities of updating the description?

Hello World

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Also Rivers & Robots “Burn for You” really hits
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Ok. I agree (to whatever everyone else decides). I would have said that it probably doesn't matter whether the host is active all the time, since it'll just involve changing the description (and transferring host-ship when needed), except we may well keep the QOTW part of the description (having a list of managers is superfluous).

Not yet a Knight of the Mu Calculus.
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Mathboss12 wrote:

I do like the idea Kate brought up about having the managers change weekly. I know large studios such as GWDFI use that concept.
Maybe we could have a schedule or something so that managers can tell the other managers when or if they plan on being inactive, to avoid our current situation from repeating itself.
The weekly system definitely lightens the load on the owner, so they don’t have to do the VOTW, QOTW, QOTM by themselves all the time.
If we don’t use the weekly system though, we should definitely have an owner and a vice owner, to whom the ownership could be transferred to in case of any absence of the host.

Another thing: if we elect one host, will that person have more authority in the studio, or will that person simply have the added responsibilities of updating the description?
Well, going off my idea of having a main host and designated hosts after them, and that studio ownership can be temporarily given to the manager who wants to update the VOTW, QOTW, QOTM, etc., I think it is more responsibilities since it is every managers job to keep the studio running smoothly. Also, a big thing is shutting down the comments when there is a trolling raid or a raid from elsewhere *cough*. Then again, having the ability to shut down comments gives a little bit of authority.

And another thing, if we don't choose another route, I think that the most active manager should be host and second active vice host by default. But, this is God's decision, so let's keep that in mind. Perhaps instead of having an “election” per se, let's rule managers out using logic and insight until there is 2 left. The most active of them is the studio owner and the second vice host

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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Jonathan50 wrote:

Ok. I agree (to whatever everyone else decides). I would have said that it probably doesn't matter whether the host is active all the time, since it'll just involve changing the description (and transferring host-ship when needed), except we may well keep the QOTW part of the description (having a list of managers is superfluous).

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Most of all, closing down comments. That is what I am concerned about.

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Jets-fan-2187 wrote:

Alright, tell me more. Just FYI, please don’t do anything else until May 6, since it’s Holy Week soon for the Orthodox. I would suggest Johnathan to be the host, and if not him Expo, but at the moment I’m to busy to type up anything else
Alright, I completely understand. I don't expect for any major breakthroughs (or else God is good) Are you fasting Scratch my friend?☦️

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

-Expo wrote:

Jonathan50 wrote:

Ok. I agree (to whatever everyone else decides). I would have said that it probably doesn't matter whether the host is active all the time, since it'll just involve changing the description (and transferring host-ship when needed), except we may well keep the QOTW part of the description (having a list of managers is superfluous).

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Most of all, closing down comments. That is what I am concerned about.
I don’t really remember us needing to close comments but yeah that’ll definitely be a benefit.

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Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Also Rivers & Robots “Burn for You” really hits
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Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Mathboss12 wrote:

-Expo wrote:

Jonathan50 wrote:

Ok. I agree (to whatever everyone else decides). I would have said that it probably doesn't matter whether the host is active all the time, since it'll just involve changing the description (and transferring host-ship when needed), except we may well keep the QOTW part of the description (having a list of managers is superfluous).

| Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between each post |

Most of all, closing down comments. That is what I am concerned about.
I don’t really remember us needing to close comments but yeah that’ll definitely be a benefit.
I don't want to grieve the HQ by saying what happened, but yes. There has been times since march that we needed to shut the comments down, which was frankly more or less brought upon by ourselves.

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
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100+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

-Expo wrote:

Mathboss12 wrote:

-Expo wrote:

Jonathan50 wrote:

Ok. I agree (to whatever everyone else decides). I would have said that it probably doesn't matter whether the host is active all the time, since it'll just involve changing the description (and transferring host-ship when needed), except we may well keep the QOTW part of the description (having a list of managers is superfluous).

| Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between each post |

Most of all, closing down comments. That is what I am concerned about.
I don’t really remember us needing to close comments but yeah that’ll definitely be a benefit.
I don't want to grieve the HQ by saying what happened, but yes. There has been times since march that we needed to shut the comments down, which was frankly more or less brought upon by ourselves.

Hello World

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Also Rivers & Robots “Burn for You” really hits
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Mathboss12 wrote:

-Expo wrote:

Mathboss12 wrote:

-Expo wrote:

Jonathan50 wrote:

Ok. I agree (to whatever everyone else decides). I would have said that it probably doesn't matter whether the host is active all the time, since it'll just involve changing the description (and transferring host-ship when needed), except we may well keep the QOTW part of the description (having a list of managers is superfluous).

| Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between each post |

Most of all, closing down comments. That is what I am concerned about.
I don’t really remember us needing to close comments but yeah that’ll definitely be a benefit.
I don't want to grieve the HQ by saying what happened, but yes. There has been times since march that we needed to shut the comments down, which was frankly more or less brought upon by ourselves.
Not to name names, but their were also numerous “satan” or “why not” accounts that tried to troll CHQ.

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

-Expo wrote:

Most of all, closing down comments. That is what I am concerned about.
Oh yeah it's been so long since managers could do that, I forgot you can do that. Right. In that case I suggest not-me. Expo maybe (though that isn't for stage 1 to decide).

Not yet a Knight of the Mu Calculus.
1000+ posts

Official Host Transfer Topic | Christian HQ

Jonathan50 wrote:

-Expo wrote:

Most of all, closing down comments. That is what I am concerned about.
Oh yeah it's been so long since managers could do that, I forgot you can do that. Right. In that case I suggest not-me. Expo maybe (though that isn't for stage 1 to decide).
stages are just to guide the discussion.

So we can go ahead and rule out @Jonathan50. I will honor your choice by the time we need to pick a proper owner

Last edited by -Expo (May 15, 2024 14:00:32)

I donated 1$USD to the Scratch foundation, which automatically makes me better than 98% of the scratch poulation.
Perhaps donating an Internet will get you to the 2% club

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