Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

Project "sharing"

It'd be very neat if you could allow certain users to view unshared projects! You wouldn't be able to edit or anything, just view and comment on the project as if it was shared.

Purple Scratch has grown on me. I think purple may be my new favorite color…
Psykronis Cerebrelipse
But… the Scratch logo is still Orange! Please fix this Scratch!
I did it for you

(This is a joke)
1000+ posts

Project "sharing"

private chat
sharing inappropriate projects
rejected for reasons above

scratchers on the forums from 10-500 posts have at most, a 7 short sentence span for replies. if you cant keep your posts in this range, then dont act suprised when someone asks for simplified version
bag randomizer for good games
experience the true chicken nuggies theft simulator : gobo | story
(Removed by Moderator - People with a TV head for a profile picture cannot discuss about the heart and soul of art) /j
OwO :: #44bd8d
^-^ :: #44bd8d
93 posts

Project "sharing"

that would be useful such as if im doing a collab

360 Noscope
500+ posts

Project "sharing"

MinecraftPlayer99999 wrote:

that would be useful such as if im doing a collab
This is rejected on account of the person above

Hello, this is my signature! it goes under every post I make and isn't part of it. shift control down and such to see more

Misconceptions about the Scratch Room

* Low floor: It should be easy to climb in and get started with Scratch - even for Scratchers who have no experience programming. - This does NOT mean complex things shouldn't be added. Making the ceiling higher or the walls wider doesn't make the floor harder to get on.
* Wide walls: Scratchers should be able to make all kinds of things with Scratch - not just animations and games, but news programs, science experiments, things we can't even imagine. - Wide walls means that some things that may be unconventional or odd or “useless” at first glance may still be worthwhile to add, because some people may find them useful for making new unique things.
* High Ceiling: Even though it's easy for someone who is new to programming to get started with Scratch, it should still be possible to make complex stuff. - Although the floor is there, many forumers just look up at the ceiling rather than thinking about the floor. They say “this would be too complicated, new Scratchers wouldn't understand it” without considering the fact that it can be worked up to with the handy floor we have.

((( OwO :: #DC381F) :: #FFCC00)  :: #FFCC00)
This is Georgie the evil grapefruit. He is much larger, stronger, more nutritious and scarier than a kumquat. Donate your soul to him at my profile to help him gain power to overthrow the kumquats and claim his position as the best signature eater!

This is a social experiment, comment and you MIGHT get curator

Get games off the other categories!
1000+ posts

Project "sharing"

PokePika__10339__ wrote:

It'd be very neat if you could allow certain users to view unshared projects! You wouldn't be able to edit or anything, just view and comment on the project as if it was shared.

sorry, rejected
see bolded part

TOLORS wrote:

4.1 Disable “See Inside” or restrict sharing
Some users want an option to prevent Scratchers from looking inside their project and using their artwork, scripts, or sounds. However, the core ideas of Scratch are "Imagine, Program, Share.“ By sharing a project on the Scratch website, you are allowing others to see the code and potentially remix or reuse the data inside, as long as they give credit. That being said, please use the Report button on any project that uses content from another Scratcher without giving credit to them. If you do not want other users to see inside your project, then do not share your project on the Scratch website.

Restricting sharing so that only certain users can view the project is also not going to be implemented. It is important for projects to be publicly shared for everyone to see so people can report them if they are inappropriate. Only allowing certain users to view projects could increase the chances of inappropriate projects being shared on the website. “Unlisted projects,” similar to a YouTube feature, will also not be implemented for the same reason; for more information, see this post. It could also be used for private messaging.

highlight (double click) a piece of text + control (command if on mac) + shift + down arrow key to see my full “siggy”.
If your computer can't see images from Cubeupload, that's not my problem
My school collected all computers for the rest of the school year, so I will be less active.
“Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”

cool stuff: 500th post | an awesome suggestion made by moi | an awesome controversial suggestion also made by moi | gen z has attacked | why did tfh get deleted yall


Hi! I'm @RecessFailsOffical. This is my signature, where I am allowed to advertise, blockspam, etc. It goes under every post I make. I know I spelled Official wrong in my username because I made this account when I was like 2. I'm in 6th Grade, I like coding and I want to be a software developer when I grow up.
Pronouns: He/Him or any pronouns as long as I'm not referred to as “Gibson”, “she/her”, or “TommyInnit”.

1000+ posts

Project "sharing"

MagicCoder330 wrote:

MinecraftPlayer99999 wrote:

that would be useful such as if im doing a collab
This is rejected on account of the person above
why can't you just say my username am i that unconstructive

scratchers on the forums from 10-500 posts have at most, a 7 short sentence span for replies. if you cant keep your posts in this range, then dont act suprised when someone asks for simplified version
bag randomizer for good games
experience the true chicken nuggies theft simulator : gobo | story
(Removed by Moderator - People with a TV head for a profile picture cannot discuss about the heart and soul of art) /j
OwO :: #44bd8d
^-^ :: #44bd8d

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