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Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

MC Daily 3/29 - Prologue
367 words! you can obviously tell i know nothing about engineering
infinite mango cookies to you if you can guess who the MC is ;D

Metz, 1871

F’s steps were light as he walked towards his quarters, holding his books steadily under his arms. He had been delighted to find that there were still copies of the engineering and trigonometry books available, and he was quite eager to begin his examination of the volumes once he returned home. After all, the École Polytechnique was his goal after his studies in Metz were concluded. And the qualifying exams aside, he was simply fascinated by the concepts and practicality of engineering, however complex they may be.

His idealistic planning of his future was quite rudely interrupted when he caught sight of soldiers emerging from a nearby building. Germans, of course. Ever since France had surrendered in the short-lived war, the Germans had taken over this portion of the country. At least Paris remained free, he thought. That was the important thing. Once his stay in this German-occupied town was over, he’d be on his way to Paris if all went well.

And thus he continued onward, realizing that he still had a bit to go before he reached his lodgings. It wasn’t an unusual practice for him to stay up quite late, but not necessarily out here. He supposed he was simply too caught up by his lucky find of reading tonight.

But then he was snapped out of thoughts (and of course anticipation) when he bumped into something- or rather, someone. He lept back and quickly issued a string of apologies, but they cut out rather abruptly short when he realized who he had just run into.

A German officer. Words of incomprehensible German issued from his mouth as he glared at F. And before he could do anything, the officer lept at him.

F’s first instinct was to run, but the German officer pinned him down, and his books fell to the side of the road with a rather loud clatter. And then the officer leaned down towards F, who finally came to his senses and kicked him in the face before wriggling loose out of his reach.

His freedom did not last long. As soon as he escaped his grasp, the officer lept towards F again, this time grabbing his arm.

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (May 25, 2024 23:47:56)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Critique for Alia
222 words! it's a bit disjointed bc it was done elsewhere

overally i think the context was done really well i wasn't particularly confused by anything, but i think the only think i'd say is that there could be a tiny bit more of worldbuilding in the first portion of the story? because up until the point when the ley line was mentioned the fic reads a lot like real-fi - which isn't a bad thing, but i feel like that might be helpful for you to know

ooh this is a nice bit of context

hmm yeah i kinda like “the moon and sun and stars” a bit better
but this works!

how does adam look at himself

wait what's this
oops sorry looks like this is a real thing i wasn't familiar with this that's why, sorry!
maybe more description of the setting would help though

okay so the thing is i didn't realize ronan and gansey were that close - like i know you had the first intro snippet but up until this point i haven't really seen their relationship be developed that much
but! to be fair we're less than halfway(?) through the fic

is this like their nonverbal interactions put into words? that's cool!

this dream sequence works super well though!!

i'm pretty sure this is referring to adam judging from the context but it can be a bit unclear

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

3/30 - Least Favorite Superpower.
200 words exactly!
One day, as Reinhard lounged around in the dugout, he felt a strange ripple pass through his body. Or something along that line; he wasn’t entirely sure how to describe it.

In any case, if he tried hard enough, he could feel himself lifting into the air: an inch, another inch, and-

He hurriedly let himself fall back to the ground, crouching low under the cover of the trench walls. Was he… able to fly now? Reinhard furrowed his brows. What an absolutely useless ability to have out here. He’d be hit by a sniper or even just any old French soldier before his head was so much out of the trenches for a few seconds. And if he was able to get past that, he’d be nailed by an artillery cannon, and then the planes that stalked the skies above, staring down like vultures. There was simply nowhere safe until much higher, but then Reinhard doubted that he’d make it there, given all of the aforementioned hurdles and his incredibly slow speed of ascent.

He stalked back towards his dugout, prepared to hide this strange newfound ability, when he heard Max pipe up somewhere: “What if we could fly?”

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Critique for Ceeslay!!
309 words, again done elsewhere lol

i love this intro!!
it's more consistent with “embedded in” this way i feel like
sorry this is a bit nitpicky but this flows better
wait did they just meet? this kinda escalated quickly
i love this line! (although wouldn't it be steam not smoke)
should this be “can't” instead? not sure though
hmm how exactly was running crazy though - i feel like maybe a slightly different word would work better?
i think a more gradual transition from before would be helpful because again this is kinda a sudden development? (although i'm not very sure how relationships work oops)
callback to the intro!! this is so cool
hmm again transition would be helpful! their relationship changed a lot starting from before this point and if you can have a bit of an intro narration that'll clarify stuff a lot i feel like
also a bit confused as to exactly how old they were here - bc it's their 20th anniversary later on but i thought they were like in their 60s or something already
up to you! either way this is such a good part of the story
yay another callback! now that i think about it the consistency between the intro scene and the rest of the story is super cool too
ceeslay hello!! unlike moonlit i did do a bit of nitpicking oopsies - but yes i agree with everything she said! the storytelling was so engaging and the pacing was amazing, it definitely felt wayyy longer than 2000 words and worked out super well! i love the portrayal of indifference in a relationship too, it's something that's really not talked about a lot. i would say though that the transition between certain different scenes could be clearer - maybe as a recap of what has happened between two scenes? overall though this is super amazing and slaysies, good luck!

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Critique for @1lMaM

Helloooo - some general comments! First off, I absolutely love the worldbuilding of your piece it's super original and really well-done! Admittedly sometimes I got a bit of whiplash because of the real-fi elements of the story contrasted a bit weirdly with the fantasy ones (like the image of a dishwasher in the same world as a Magician's Union and a queen is a bit strange personally), but in general it was blended very well and it was fun to read. Everything was really consistent too, and the backstory that Nick gave was a cool addition to what you had prior to when he shows up!
The pacing and flow of the part worked really well too :> there wasn't really any confusion involved for me in the way that the plot proceeded.

Some line-by-line comments:
It’s never told me about John before.
Wait, who's John? :'D I'd assume that he's the man that the walls were talking about first, but it would've been a bit better to name him ahaha - also, the walls kinda forget all about him after Julia's mom talked to her, which I thought was a bit abrupt?

“Julia!” Mum says. “I have to go to work. See you later.”
I found it a bit weird how her mom (sorry, American moment :p) was so casual about her going off into who-knows-where on her own - like I can see that she's a very laid-back parent but that's pushing it a bit xD also, was Julia just not worried about her mom? Since she was sure that the suburbs would be raided, at least she could've made arrangements or pushed harder for her mom to do something :0

He stares at me as if I’m not there.
“What’re you looking at?” someone drawls.
The man blinks. “Oh, nothing.” He looks at me again. “Just the trees.”
From the sounds of it he made Julia invisible? I'm not sure though - a bit of clarification would be helpful :>

Honestly that's all I can really think of for the critique! Sorry if it's not a lot to go on - I loved reading your part, and good luck with the weekly!

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (March 31, 2024 03:12:33)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Weekly 4

309 words!
  • Madeline stands on the bow of the ship with Buteo as she sets off for a new land - waves symbolism!
  • Flashback to her meeting Selle, who interrupts a card game of Buteo and Madeline’s.
  • Inner monologue moment: Madeline wonders whether she will be able to find Selle there, and she ponders what exactly happened to her.
  • Touch down on land: a tiny rocky island to the north of Flammox, where Madeline and her crew had set off from Port Slate. MORE WAVES/ocean SYMBOLISM
  • Backstory about Flammox and the Organization. Madeline and Buteo talk about whether it was such a good idea for them to leave on a wild goose chase while leaving Leander and their siblings alone to take care of things. Madeline offhandedly mentions Selle; Buteo questions whether it was worth it to search for her after seven years.
  • Wouldn’t you know it, as Madeline sits outside after they just set up camp, surveying the area and wondering how to proceed, she catches a figure rushing around. She gets ready to fight, but as the figure gets closer, Madeline thinks it’s Selle!!
  • Flashback to when Selle left - of course more water and waves symbolism, but then the tide recedes.
  • Theme: saying goodbye, change
  • Character arc: Throughout the course of the story, Madeline reflects that change isn’t always bad I guess??

Okay backstory: basically Selle and Maddie meet as teens, they fall in LOVE yippee, and then when they got old Selle leaves and Maddie is very sad. Selle eventually end up on the stronghold island.
But why exactly did Selle leave? What happened to her? I have NO IDEA but oh well we’re about to find out!
Soooo I have some ideas right now:
Her parents disapprove
She got sent away to Flammox forcibly
Either way yeah she was forced into the deal by someone, somebody

123 words!
Captain Madeline Strigid gazed into the azure waters ahead. Beneath their shimmering surface, they held quite the secrets. She was no stranger to the dangers of the sea.

But that was a different matter entirely. The ship and its crew were well above all those lurking below.

“How's progress?” she called to Buteo.

“Difficult to tell when we don't know where exactly our destination is,” he replied dryly. “If it's north of Flammox like they said, then it should be close. If we keep at 20 knots we'll be there by nightfall.”

Madeline nodded thoughtfully. The stronghold to the north of Flammox. From their actions so far, reprinted in the press of the continent across the sea, the Organization didn't quite seem deadly.

1431 words!
ingredients: new char, flashback, cliffhanger, new conflict, symbolism
But it was impossible to take over an entire continent through just sheer force of will, she thought.

Amidst the monotony of the ship, Madeline’s mind began to wander. She was quite used to this, after so many years serving on the seas. But on this particular journey, she couldn’t help but be reminded of…

The clear waters.

Yes, that’s right, she admitted wearily to herself.

The sun. It was just as warm as now, wasn’t it? When she said goodbye?

Countless other days were filled with sun, she told herself, but it was too late. It seemed that even after all those years, her mind was still always looking for a reason to bring this up. The memory of Selle departing…

But it was on a sun-dappled salt-aired day when she came into her life too.

Madeline winced as Buteo’s hand came crashing down on hers. Couldn’t he have been more soft?

No matter. It was all part of the game, and if she had to get slapped to win, so be it.

She deftly snatched the pile and placed them into her own deck. It was a victory for her, as rare as it was, but he seemed as unperturbed as ever as he placed down another card.

“Can I join?”

The two of them looked up to see a girl watching their game with wide eyes, taken aback by the strangeness of her request. Madeline and Buteo did not tend to play card games with their friends, much less a stranger.

And strangers were hard to come by in the Academy. Madeline may not have known everyone by name, but she did recognize most students by sight.
She surveyed the girl more closely: she seemed around the same age as Buteo and herself, dark eyes brimming with curiosity and perhaps something else.

“Sure,” Buteo said first, letting her sit next to him on the grass.

Fortunately, the girl knew the rules of the game. And soon enough Madeline lost all of her cards, as so often happened, while Buteo and the girl faced off.

Madeline watched the stranger as the two played. Her short dark hair blocked her eyes as she leaned over the card stack, and the speed of her reactions even beat that of Buteo’s. Soon enough, he placed his last card on the current pile, and she quickly concluded the game.

“I’m Madeline,” she suddenly said as she offered her hand to the girl. A gesture that was stressed quite often, but she seemed a tad wary as she looked at it.

And then she shook. “Selle,” she replied.

“And I’m Buteo,” he piped up, shuffling the deck and looking rather impressed.

“Well, won’t you look at the time,” Selle said hurriedly. Madeline glanced at her own watch: still ten minutes until classes. “I gotta go, uhm-”

“See you later!” Buteo said, saving her froming to finish her sentence.

And so Selle scampered in the direction of the sea until she disappeared. Madeline wouldn’t see her again until three months later.

Before then, however, came the news that a thief broke into the academy.

It was truly an auspicious beginning, Madeline thought. Even if a tad strange. When the two of them had met again in the marketplace, Selle confessed to everything, and Madeline kept quiet about the whole affair. So that was what was in her eyes—thievery.

But Madeline didn’t mind. Perhaps she should have.

Gazing over at the horizon, it suddenly struck her that she had better things to do than reminiscent about events a decade past. Right. Her hands found the papers that the Bane siblings have left to her to aid in her search, and she retrieved them.

The Organization. The island to the north of Flammox. Reputedly the headquarters were hidden well in the island, for it was a mildly popular tourist attraction. Starrgo berries. Flammoxi prisoners. She turned these pieces of information around in her head, and for the first time, she began to wonder whether she had brought enough to deal with this whole mess.

“We’ll be fine,” Buteo reassured as he appeared besides her. Good old him.

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” she returned. But she was comforted by his simple words, and he knew that.

“Leander, Muiren, and Camphora will be fine too,” he continued as he followed her gaze to the waters. “They’re smart. Leander’s almost ready to become an officer, if you recall.”

Madeline nodded, recalling the three siblings and Camphora’s friend Basil. They were capable kids, and they’d helped with the whole fiasco. But this task was for the Shore Guard’s power alone.

They landed on the rocky shores of the island at dusk. There were no obvious strongholds, no ominous guards with ominous weapons, and yet there was something distinctively troubled about the place that Madeline couldn’t quite place her finger on. With a glance at Buteo, she could see that he felt it too.

“Let’s set up camp over by the shore,” she instructed the officers who came along on the trip. Only half a dozen. The Shore Guard, as important as it was, was not an army. This was meant as a reconassiance mission. Right?

Madeline joined Buteo as he started unloading the items from the dock. He had a tendancy of being her opposite voice: when she was worried, he would reassure her; when she was overconfident he would bring her hopes down to something more realistic. They balanced each other out quite nicely, she would say. Like the waves and the sand.

(Selle didn’t. Selle was the clouds over the sea, the whirlpools of the wild waters.)

“She can’t be here,” she whispered to herself.

“The lieutenant?” The exiled lieutenant from the Organization. The last they heard, she was in the capital of North Starrgo.

“No. Selle.”

In her defense—she always, always, had to make defenses for herself—she had heard rumors. The papers that came in from the reports: Selle. Her name. Madeline, as much as she should have, never quite caught her last name. Such were the ways of those who lived in the dark corners of the world.

Buteo tipped his head at her wordlessly and looked up at the gathering storm clouds, and then over at the sea. Madeline followed his gaze to where the distance shores of Flammox were.

“She could be there, she could be anywhere,” he said.

“Or dead,” she added.

“Or dead.”

Rumors, all rumors, had circulated in the past years. Madeline wasn’t sure if she believed in any of them, really. But Selle had always been the talk of legends.

As she watched the waves crash into the cliffs, Madeline felt oddly lost. This was her life, and these were her people: but she was missing something, something that had never felt quite secure. She loved Selle, truly. She always would. But with each passing year she returned less and less to her memories, stalked fewer and fewer of her dreams.

She remembered the paper clearly. Camphora and Basil, bless their souls, placed it at the very top of the stack as they handed it to her. A part of the Organization, reputedly.

Night fell onto the island. The stars were brighter here, much brighter than she had known anywhere else. The waves lapped forlornly against the rocky shore, over and over again, scattering starlight in the water’s reflection

And then. And then.

The shadow came more slowly than she expected, but Madeline took longer to notice it too. Stay alert, she reminded herself. However hidden the Organization was, they were still here. On this island. And so her hand rested upon her weapon in her belt as the figure approached.

But no. No, it couldn’t be. Madeline was surely projecting her delusions upon reality. And yet this figure was so familiar, the narrow face and the cautious stance and then the black eyes that pulled her further and further in-


Their last day together. Madeline wished she knew. Before it happened.

Two years together and they thought that they could share forever, together.

But Selle only showed up to the marketplace, clutching a satchel tightly. “I have to leave.”

Madeline wouldn’t have thought more of it if it wasn’t for her panicked expression. “What?”

“Flammox. I- I have to, I’m sorry, I can’t tell you more but maybe someday-”

Madeline had never understood. But she was certain that Selle had a good reason, something she couldn’t ever divulge. It still hurted, though.


But Selle had already threaded through the bustling crowd. Madeline would never see her again.

1678 words, critiqued by @TheWItch_of_Jam!
Captain Madeline Strigid gazed into the azure waters ahead. Beneath their shimmering surface, they held quite the secrets. She was no stranger to the dangers of the sea.

But that was a different matter entirely. The ship and its crew were well above all those lurking below.

“How's progress?” she called to Buteo.

“Difficult to say when we don't know where exactly our destination is,” he replied dryly. “If it's north of Flammox like they said, then it should be close. If we keep at 20 knots we'll be there by nightfall.”

Madeline nodded thoughtfully. The stronghold to the north of Flammox. From their actions so far, reprinted in the press of the continent across the sea, the Organization didn't quite seem deadly.

But it was impossible to take over an entire continent through just sheer force of will, she thought.

Amidst the monotony of the ship, Madeline’s mind began to wander. She was used to this, after so many years serving on the seas. But on this particular journey, she couldn’t help but be reminded of…

The clear waters.

Yes, that’s right, she admitted wearily to herself.

The sun. It was just as warm as now, wasn’t it? When she said goodbye?

Countless other days were filled with sun, she told herself quite rationally, but it was too late. It seemed that even after all those years, her mind was still always looking for a reason to bring this up. The memory of Selle departing…

But it was on a sun-dappled salt-aired day when she came into her life too.


Madeline winced as Buteo’s hand came crashing down on hers. No matter. It was all part of the game, and if she had to get slapped to win, so be it.

She deftly snatched the pile of cards below her hand and placed them into her own deck. It was a victory for her, as rare as it was, but Buteo seemed as unperturbed as ever as he placed down another card.

“Can I join?”

The two of them looked up to see a girl watching their game with wide eyes, taken aback by the strangeness of her request. Madeline and Buteo did not tend to play this particular card game with anyone else: not their friends, and certainly not a stranger that neither of them recognized.

And strangers were hard to come by in the Academy. Madeline may not have known everyone by name, but she did recognize most students by sight. She surveyed the girl more closely: she seemed around the same age as Buteo and herself, dark eyes brimming with curiosity and perhaps something else.

“Sure,” Buteo said eventually, letting her sit next to him on the grass.

Fortunately, the girl knew the rules of the game. And soon enough Madeline lost all of her cards, as so often happened, while Buteo and the girl faced off.

Madeline watched the stranger as the two played. Her short dark hair blocked her eyes as she leaned over the card stack, and the speed of her reactions even beat that of Buteo’s. Soon enough, he placed his last card on the current pile, and she quickly concluded the game.

“I’m Madeline,” she suddenly said as she offered her hand to the girl. A gesture that was stressed quite often in the Academy, but the stranger seemed a tad wary as she looked at it.

And then she shook. “Selle,” she replied.

“And I’m Buteo,” he piped up, shuffling the deck and looking impressed by Selle’s skills.

“Well, won’t you look at the time,” Selle said hurriedly. Madeline glanced at her own watch: still half an hour until classes. “I gotta go, uhm-”

“See you later!” Buteo said, saving her from having to finish her sentence.

And so Selle scampered in the direction of the sea until she disappeared. Madeline wouldn’t see her again until three months later.

Before then, however, came the news that a thief had broken into the academy.


It was truly an auspicious beginning, Madeline thought. Even if a tad strange. When the two of them met again in the marketplace, Selle confessed to everything, and Madeline kept quiet about the whole affair. So that was what was in her eyes—thievery.

But Madeline didn’t mind. Perhaps she should have.

Gazing over at the horizon, it suddenly struck her that she had better things to do than reminiscence about events a decade past. Right. Her hands found the papers that the Bane siblings had left to her to aid in her search, and she retrieved them.

The Organization. The island to the north of Flammox. Reputedly the headquarters were hidden well in the island, for it was a mildly popular tourist attraction. Starrgo berries. Flammoxi prisoners. She turned these pieces of information around in her head, and for the first time, she wondered whether she had brought enough to deal with this whole mess.

“We’ll be fine,” Buteo reassured as he appeared beside her. Good old him.

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” she returned. But she was comforted by his simple words, and he knew that.

“Leander, Muiren, and Camphora will be fine too,” he continued as he followed her gaze to the waters. “They’re smart. Leander’s almost ready to become an officer, if you recall.”

Madeline nodded. The Bane siblings were capable kids, who’d helped with the research of the whole fiasco. But this task was for the Shore Guard’s power alone.


They landed on the rocky shores of the island at dusk. There were no obvious strongholds, no guards with strange weapons, and yet there was something distinctively troubled about the place that Madeline couldn’t quite place her finger on. With a glance at Buteo, she could see that he felt it too.

“Let’s set up camp over by the shore,” she instructed the officers who came along on the trip. Only half a dozen. The Shore Guard, as important as it was, was not an army. This was meant as a reconnaissance mission. Right?

Madeline joined Buteo as he started unloading the items from the dock, appreciating his presence as always. He had a tendency to be her opposite voice: when she was worried, he would reassure her; when she was overconfident, he would bring her hopes down to something more realistic. They balanced each other out quite nicely, she would say. Like the waves and the sand.

(Selle didn’t. Selle was the clouds over the sea, the whirlpools of the wild waters.)

“She can’t be here,” she whispered to herself.

“The lieutenant?” The exiled lieutenant from the Organization. The last they heard, she was in the capital of North Starrgo.

“No. Selle.”

In her defense—she always, always, had to make defenses for herself—she had heard rumors. The papers that came in from the reports: Selle. Her name. Madeline, as much as she should have, never quite caught her last name. Such were the ways of those who lived in the dark corners of the world.

Buteo tipped his head at her wordlessly and looked up at the gathering storm clouds, and then over at the sea. Madeline followed his gaze to where the distant shores of Flammox were.

“She could be there, she could be anywhere,” he said.

“Or dead,” she added.

“Or dead.”

Rumors, all rumors, had circulated in the past years. Madeline wasn’t sure if she believed in any of them, really. But Selle had always been the talk of legends.


As she sat alone and watched the waves crash into the cliffs, Madeline felt oddly lost. This was her life, and these were her people: but she was missing something, something that had never felt quite secure. She loved Selle, truly. She always would. But with each passing year she returned less and less to Madeline’s memories, stalked fewer and fewer of her dreams.

She remembered the paper clearly. Camphora, bless her soul, placed it at the very top of the stack. Selle, reputedly part of the Organization. That stung. But it was perfectly in character with her wild self working against peace, and Madeline’s wild self working towards it. And the news brought Selle back to her dreams: always out of reach on those gray cliffs.

(Perhaps they should’ve known that despite being the same, they were also so much more different than they could’ve thought.)

Night fell onto the island. The stars were brighter here, much brighter than she had known anywhere else. The waves lapped forlornly against the rocky shore, over and over again, scattering starlight in the water’s reflection

And then. And then.

The shadow came more slowly than she expected, walking along the shore, but Madeline took longer to notice it too. Stay alert, she reminded herself. However hidden the Organization was, they were still here. On this island. And so her hand rested upon her weapon in her belt as the figure approached.

But no. No, it couldn’t be. Madeline was surely projecting her delusions upon reality. And yet this figure was so familiar, the narrow face and the cautious stance and then the black eyes that pulled her further and further in-

The waves receded.



Their last day together. Madeline wished she knew, before it happened. Two years together and they thought that they could share forever, together.

But Selle only showed up to the marketplace, clutching a satchel tightly. “I have to leave.”

Madeline wouldn’t have thought so much of it if it wasn’t for her panicked expression. “What?” Only the day before they were talking about the Academy graduates and reminiscing about Selle’s unlikely acceptance and hoping for the bright shores of the future.

“Flammox. I- I have to, I’m sorry, I can’t tell you more but maybe someday-”

Madeline did not understood, had never gotten to understand in the coming years. But she was certain that Selle had a good reason, something she couldn’t ever divulge.

It still hurt, though.


But Selle had already threaded through the bustling crowd.

Madeline would never see her again in the twelve years since.

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (March 31, 2024 18:09:06)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Critique for Summer <3

Hi Summer! Overall, this is a super cool piece. I liked the backstory and the worldbuilding was pretty well-thought out especially in terms of architecture and stuff. Like you said, though, the pacing definitely could use some work, especially in the second half of the story. I also thought that the characters were pretty interesting: mostly Gale ahaha but honestly the MC had a personality too!! Although I would maybe feature Ove a bit more in the later part of the story. I would also maybe characterize Mahi a bit more, but the scene with the sand kinda showed her character pretty well. I mean, well enough for the purposes of Relia's character arc!!

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
17 posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

This is a good story, I like your writing style, the characters, it was a very nice story! However, I am here to critique it, so lets get into that. Throughout the whole thing I don't know if it was just me, but I had a hard time figuring out what everyones names (besides Selle) were, as well as remembering them. in the sentence ‘no ominous guards with ominous weapons’ Maybe change it to something else? Same goes to ‘In her defense—she always, always, had to make defenses for herself’. But yeah, this was a good story, just edit a couple things and your good to go! Bye (Also sorryIwassortofmeanIdidntmeantobeasdfghj) -thewiitchofjam
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Crashing Waves
Main Comp Entry, SWC March 2024
1678 words

Captain Madeline Strigid gazed into the azure waters ahead. Beneath their shimmering surface, they held quite the secrets. She was no stranger to the dangers of the sea.

But that was a different matter entirely. The ship and its crew were well above all those lurking below.

“How's progress?” she called to Buteo.

“Difficult to say when we don't know where exactly our destination is,” he replied dryly. “If it's north of Flammox like they said, then it should be close. If we keep at 20 knots we'll be there by nightfall.”

Madeline nodded thoughtfully. The stronghold to the north of Flammox. From their actions so far, reprinted in the press of the continent across the sea, the Organization didn't quite seem deadly.

But it was impossible to take over an entire continent through just sheer force of will, she thought.

Amidst the monotony of the ship, Madeline’s mind began to wander. She was used to this, after so many years serving on the seas. But on this particular journey, she couldn’t help but be reminded of…

The clear waters.

Yes, that’s right, she admitted wearily to herself.

The sun. It was just as warm as now, wasn’t it? When she said goodbye?

Countless other days were filled with sun, she told herself quite rationally, but it was too late. It seemed that even after all those years, her mind was still always looking for a reason to bring this up. The memory of Selle departing…

But it was on a sun-dappled salt-aired day when she came into her life too.


Madeline winced as Buteo’s hand came crashing down on hers. No matter. It was all part of the game, and if she had to get slapped to win, so be it.

She deftly snatched the pile of cards below her hand and placed them into her own deck. It was a victory for her, as rare as it was, but Buteo seemed as unperturbed as ever as he placed down another card.

“Can I join?”

The two of them looked up to see a girl watching their game with wide eyes, taken aback by the strangeness of her request. Madeline and Buteo did not tend to play this particular card game with anyone else: not their friends, and certainly not a stranger that neither of them recognized.

And strangers were hard to come by in the Academy. Madeline may not have known everyone by name, but she did recognize most students by sight. She surveyed the girl more closely: she seemed around the same age as Buteo and herself, dark eyes brimming with curiosity and perhaps something else.

“Sure,” Buteo said eventually, letting her sit next to him on the grass.

Fortunately, the girl knew the rules of the game. And soon enough Madeline lost all of her cards, as so often happened, while Buteo and the girl faced off.

Madeline watched the stranger as the two played. Her short dark hair blocked her eyes as she leaned over the card stack, and the speed of her reactions even beat that of Buteo’s. Soon enough, he placed his last card on the current pile, and she quickly concluded the game.

“I’m Madeline,” she suddenly said as she offered her hand to the girl. A gesture that was stressed quite often in the Academy, but the stranger seemed a tad wary as she looked at it.

And then she shook. “Selle,” she replied.

“And I’m Buteo,” he piped up, shuffling the deck and looking impressed by Selle’s skills.

“Well, won’t you look at the time,” Selle said hurriedly. Madeline glanced at her own watch: still half an hour until classes. “I gotta go, uhm-”

“See you later!” Buteo said, saving her from having to finish her sentence.

And so Selle scampered in the direction of the sea until she disappeared. Madeline wouldn’t see her again until three months later.

Before then, however, came the news that a thief had broken into the academy.


It was truly an auspicious beginning, Madeline thought. Even if a tad strange. When the two of them met again in the marketplace, Selle confessed to everything, and Madeline kept quiet about the whole affair. So that was what was in her eyes—thievery.

But Madeline didn’t mind. Perhaps she should have.

Gazing over at the horizon, it suddenly struck her that she had better things to do than reminiscence about events a decade past. Right. Her hands found the papers that the Bane siblings had left to her to aid in her search, and she retrieved them.

The Organization. The island to the north of Flammox. Reputedly the headquarters were hidden well in the island, for it was a mildly popular tourist attraction. Starrgo berries. Flammoxi prisoners. She turned these pieces of information around in her head, and for the first time, she wondered whether she had brought enough to deal with this whole mess.

“We’ll be fine,” Buteo reassured as he appeared beside her. Good old him.

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” she returned. But she was comforted by his simple words, and he knew that.

“Leander, Muiren, and Camphora will be fine too,” he continued as he followed her gaze to the waters. “They’re smart. Leander’s almost ready to become an officer, if you recall.”

Madeline nodded. The Bane siblings were capable kids, who’d helped with the research of the whole fiasco. But this task was for the Shore Guard’s power alone.


They landed on the rocky shores of the island at dusk. There were no obvious strongholds, no guards with strange weapons, and yet there was something distinctively troubled about the place that Madeline couldn’t quite place her finger on. With a glance at Buteo, she could see that he felt it too.

“Let’s set up camp over by the shore,” she instructed the officers who came along on the trip. Only half a dozen. The Shore Guard, as important as it was, was not an army. This was meant as a reconnaissance mission. Right?

Madeline joined Buteo as he started unloading the items from the dock, appreciating his presence as always. He had a tendency to be her opposite voice: when she was worried, he would reassure her; when she was overconfident, he would bring her hopes down to something more realistic. They balanced each other out quite nicely, she would say. Like the waves and the sand.

(Selle didn’t. Selle was the clouds over the sea, the whirlpools of the wild waters.)

“She can’t be here,” she whispered to herself.

“The lieutenant?” The exiled lieutenant from the Organization. The last they heard, she was in the capital of North Starrgo.

“No. Selle.”

In her defense—she always, always, had to make defenses for herself—she had heard rumors. The papers that came in from the reports: Selle. Her name. Madeline, as much as she should have, never quite caught her last name. Such were the ways of those who lived in the dark corners of the world.

Buteo tipped his head at her wordlessly and looked up at the gathering storm clouds, and then over at the sea. Madeline followed his gaze to where the distant shores of Flammox were.

“She could be there, she could be anywhere,” he said.

“Or dead,” she added.

“Or dead.”

Rumors, all rumors, had circulated in the past years. Madeline wasn’t sure if she believed in any of them, really. But Selle had always been the talk of legends.


As she sat alone and watched the waves crash into the cliffs, Madeline felt oddly lost. This was her life, and these were her people: but she was missing something, something that had never felt quite secure. She loved Selle, truly. She always would. But with each passing year she returned less and less to Madeline’s memories, stalked fewer and fewer of her dreams.

She remembered the paper clearly. Camphora, bless her soul, placed it at the very top of the stack. Selle, reputedly part of the Organization. That stung. But it was perfectly in character with her wild self working against peace, and Madeline’s wild self working towards it. And the news brought Selle back to her dreams: always out of reach on those gray cliffs.

(Perhaps they should’ve known that despite being the same, they were also so much more different than they could’ve thought.)

Night fell onto the island. The stars were brighter here, much brighter than she had known anywhere else. The waves lapped forlornly against the rocky shore, over and over again, scattering starlight in the water’s reflection

And then. And then.

The shadow came more slowly than she expected, walking along the shore, but Madeline took longer to notice it too. Stay alert, she reminded herself. However hidden the Organization was, they were still here. On this island. And so her hand rested upon her weapon in her belt as the figure approached.

But no. No, it couldn’t be. Madeline was surely projecting her delusions upon reality. And yet this figure was so familiar, the narrow face and the cautious stance and then the black eyes that pulled her further and further in-

The waves receded.



Their last day together. Madeline wished she knew, before it happened. Two years together and they thought that they could share forever, together.

But Selle only showed up to the marketplace, clutching a satchel tightly. “I have to leave.”

Madeline wouldn’t have thought so much of it if it wasn’t for her panicked expression. “What?” Only the day before they were talking about the Academy graduates and reminiscing about Selle’s unlikely acceptance and hoping for the bright shores of the future.

“Flammox. I- I have to, I’m sorry, I can’t tell you more but maybe someday-”

Madeline did not understood, had never gotten to understand in the coming years. But she was certain that Selle had a good reason, something she couldn’t ever divulge.

It still hurt, though.


But Selle had already threaded through the bustling crowd.

Madeline would never see her again in the twelve years since.

thanks to @TheWItch_of_Jam for critiquing <3
author's note here (not part of word count)

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (March 31, 2024 20:53:17)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

A/N - Court’s Hallowed Reign
Hello there, thanks for reading my fanfic Court’s Hallowed Reign! In this A/N I’ll talk a bit about my writing process for this fic, if passersby like you happen to be curious about it. (And truth be told, it’s a good more interesting and exciting than my process for my main entry ahaha)

So! I wrote it initially for a daily in July 2023. As I happened to have been somewhat obsessed with the Convergence Canon of the Backrooms during that time, it was what I wrote about using the prompts I got from SWCers as part of the daily! Interestingly enough, back in the day I also used to ship the Keymaster and the Crimson Wanderer. This wasn’t canon, and quite few people were fans of this specific Backrooms canon anyway, so to my knowledge no one wrote any ship fics of them together. However, sometime around late fall (by which I’ve kinda grown out of my Convergence Canon phase but planned to enter this fic anyway) I changed my mind about their relationship, and I had a gut feeling that it worked much better platonically than romantically. I also did end up revising the piece heavily in order to improve clarity, because when you speedrun a 1500-word fanfic in a day it’s bound to be not that polished xD and finally, I decided on the title an hour before the comp deadline - it’s the first line of a poem I wrote about this fic!

So, that’s about it for the development of this piece! Lately I’ve been getting a bit more invested in the Backrooms again, although I’ve still got a good bit of the Convergence Canon (and its alternate universe Pantheon Canon) to research. As of right now I can’t think of anything else to say and I have a gigantic list of other things I want to speedrun during the last day of SWC bahaha so I suppose I’ll just end the note here I hope you enjoyed reading, have a great rest of your day!

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (April 2, 2024 03:50:21)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Main Entry a/n
Hello, and thank you for reading Crashing Waves! This is meant to be a companion to the novel I’ve worked on for NaNoWriMo, although this point of the overall plot of the novel (or probably series, as it’s been expanding beyond what I anticipated) hasn’t occurred yet in what I have written so far :p I’m basically working ahead of myself here, and this piece may very well end up being not-canon later on!

Still, it’s a joy to be working with two characters (among the first four to exist in this universe, even before the main character was created) I’m familiar with, and Selle, who I’ve had vague ideas for but had never written before! Although I’m not quite sure how much it was inspired by the song and how much the similarities are coincidental, Madeline and Selle’s relationship definitely reminds me of This Love by Taylor Swift, not least in the overall theme and in the waves symbolism :>

In any case, that’s about all I had to say for this fic - I hope you enjoyed reading, and feel free to let me know if you want to hear more about the characters, world, plot, or the novel overall <3

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (April 3, 2024 03:07:09)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Critique for Gigi (again hehe)

Gigi hello! To start off, I really liked the intrigue of the story - the overarching conflict was set up really well! Although at the end I wasn't 100% sure what happened and the certain significance of things, I feel like that's probably part of the open ending. I felt like the main thing was that I kept mixing up Cecelia and Olivia in the beginning. Probably because of their similar names (which I don't think you can do a lot about lol), and maybe also because the living situation conflict was introduced immediately before I really got a chance to really get used to the characters and kinda distinguish them :0 I also have a feeling that for some reasons this is just a me thing, but I thought this might be helpful for you to know! That's about it, lovely story and good luck with the weekly!

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

answers draft nom nom

About (121 words)
Hello! I’m Sandy, a 15-year-old girl (she/her) who lives in the western land of PST—west coast best coast ;D I enjoy reading (something I’ve been starting to make into a habit this school year), listening to music (my music taste is mostly composed of two artists—Taylor Swift and Sabaton—and musicals, then Everything Else), card games (especially Speed and Egyptian War), the occasional digital art, and obviously writing! And as you can probably see from the theme of this app, history is something that fascinates me as well—especially the two world wars, which are both so multifaceted and different depending on the perspective they’re approached from!! Finally, I can’t mention myself without mentioning my cats, because they’re just that iconic :p

Participation (157 words)
For me, writing as a hobby began in earnest with my first SWC session, which was in March 2021. I’ve been working steadily on writing my own personal works—primarily fiction, but also the occasional historical nonfiction—ever since then, both during sessions and outside of them. Here’s a handy list of my ten sessions:

March 2021, camper in Real-Fi
July 2021, camper in Hi-Fi
November 2021, camper in Thriller
March 2022, camper in Fan-Fi
July 2022, co-leader in Fairy Tales
November 2022, camper in Horror
March 2023, co-leader in Folklore
July 2023, camper in Steampunk
November 2023, camper in Non-Fi
March 2024, camper in Poetry

In my program club, I’m the assistant social chair as well as a yearbook committee member, and I’ve gotten great collaboration experience from these two roles :> I’m also a tutor in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Club at my school. On Scratch, I have been the co-host of Scratch Inspiration Camp since December 2022.

Cabins (61 words)
Since I’m applying for co, I imagine that I wouldn’t have much of a choice as to which cabin I would like to colead :p I’ll be comfortable with any genre and I don’t have any preferences aside from cabin bingo (I’d like to colead a cabin I haven’t been in before, if possible), which is not an absolute for me!

Excerpt (__ words)
(i'll choose this later lol)

Time (79 words)
From mid-June to early August, I’ll be participating in either a research program or a volunteering program, possibly both - I’ll likely be busy with them for eight hours or so every weekday. That’ll leave me with approximately two hours to dedicate to SWC per weekday, and about three hours per weekend. I don't have any other major activities to take note of, but I'll be prepared for causes of inactivity and let my leading team know if they occur.

Time Management (331 words)
One of my strengths in time management is previewing and starting tasks ahead of time. Weeks (or even months, depending on what exactly it is) before a task is due, I'd try to make the slightest progress and plan ahead for how I want to work on it. Although I usually don't get any substantial work done on the task in question, it gives a good starting point for me to continue my work in the future.

A weakness of mine, however, is simply not getting distracted. Now of course this is pretty broad phrasing, but generally I think that my main weaknesses involved in this is that I can't seperate my work time from my break time. Many times, when I'm trying to get work done, I'd get off-track and work on something that would be considered break (or procrastination) rather than work.

Something that's both a strength and weakness of mine is my work mode :p once inside, I'm pretty much laser-focused on the task at hand! But the thing is that it can be difficult for me to get in, due to the perceived complexity of my tasks and the distractions abound (see the description above), and for the same reason, it’s simple enough for me to get ripped out of it.

I’ve been able to make progress on both of my weaknesses recently by putting in more effort in formatting my to-do list, thus minimizing any unwillingness I’d have to get started. Another solution would be to follow my work routine: getting water/tea when I do work, clearing out my tabs and my workspace, and putting on some music. Mindfulness/meditation, which I've practiced before a few times but have never made into a particularly permanent habit, can also help a lot with this.

In general, my solutions for time management would be to turn into some practices that I've tried before but have either never really made it into my routine or done correctly :0

Strengths & Weaknesses (599 words)

There are many aspects of teamwork that I've gotten the chance to experience, and I've found that I'm more adept at some of them than others!

One of my strengths is organization. There are a lot of specifics that this term encompasses, but I would say that I'm the most skilled with organizing and keeping track of tasks. Dividing up work is something that I have experience with, both on my own and amongst others. There are a lot of considerations that goes into who should get what task and when the tasks in question should be completed, and I have a good understanding on how to sort things accordingly so that they are all completed timely.

Another one of my strengths is creativity. This is in large part thanks to my experiences—I’m able to draw inspiration from various practices across my different experiences and apply them to each other. Many of my experiences with the memory book, for example, I have applied to my position in the yearbook committee irl. I'm also capable of combining the ideas of others to the best of my ability - often people have different suggestions for any given idea, and I find that I'm good at combining them so that all parties would see some of their original idea in what was originally proposed.

Of course, I'm not without my weaknesses! One thing that I'm not quite consistently good at is proactivity - essentially, I'm not as mindful about reaching out when I have uncertainties about what I should do, or if anything needs to be done. this usually happens when I am not knowledgeable about the full scale of any given work. For example, as assistant social chair in my club. I'm responsible for helping out the social chair with events for our club - essentially a co! However, there have been times that I haven't been assigned tasks to do when there were clearly thing going on, and I didn't ever think to ask about them. In retrospect, it is something I should have done :0

My solution to this would be two-fold. For one, to avoid ever being confused about what to do in the first place, I would make sure that I'd review a to-do list of everything we have to, well, do, and take into account the full scope of our work. Sometimes I don't have enough chances to familiarize myself with issues like this, or i get too caught up in the little details and the specific tasks, and neglect the overall picture. If I do happen to ever fall out of the loop, I would be sure to ask as soon as I can.

Providing quality work is something that I can also struggle with. While I usually start out a given task with decent motivation and care, as I work more on it I can sometimes slip up in the task. I often don’t edit well as thoroughly as I would like, especially. (note to critique givers - will elaborate more on this later hehe)

As for material assets in the context of SWC leading, I can provide a lot of them! I'm reasonably skilled with art, animation, and graphic design (although the former is for you to judge as you go through this app :p). And in regards to immaterial assets, I can provide ideas and experience, as well as insights from my past experiences. During my time in SWC, practices have changed a lot, and I've been able to see some nifty tricks and tips from certain cabins, as well as good inspiration for cabin operation.

Quality (324 words)
I believe the most valuable quality in a leader would have to be open communication. I do understand this is something of a broad category, but that is exactly why it's so important - it encompasses many parts of the leadership process :0

It is key for a leader to be able to communicate well to those they work with, so that everyone can follow along and know what is going on—both in the grand scheme of things, or simply the schedule of tasks. And fostering open communication allows people to be realistic and honest about their expectations and what they are able to accomplish.

While I'm always trying to improve, so far I've developed a good few good habits with regards to communication. For starters, I always like to report back with my progress and keep my teammates in the loop on what I'm doing—not only when I would like feedback, but simply to let them know what is going on on my side and to connect my (sometimes isolated/independent) work to the project at large.

I also would like to think that I'm approachable ;D I'm not typically the one to reach out, but I find that people are pretty communicative with me back when I speak up myself.

I'm also willing to voice any questions and critiques I have. Especially in such a friendly and relaxed environment as SWC, I don't fear anyone would be personally offended if I just point out some potential things to consider for an idea (politely, of course!) and I certainly do not either! This environment of open communication is something that I will continue to foster.

Some further ways I can work on this skill would be to proactively reach out to those I'm working with more often and to ask about how they are doing with their work, instead of focusing purely on my own - similar to the theme of proactivity I mentioned previously!

Atmosphere (22 words)
I hope to colead a cabin that favors skill development and socialization over competition, as well as encourages group work with cabinmates.

Question 10 lol (149 words)
(only co, promo project)

There are no leadership responsibilities I am unable to complete ^^

If there is a circumstance in which I'd have to go inactive, I would let my leading team know as soon as possible (along with any important details regarding time) and share any works-in-progress I have for my current tasks.
If someone else on the team happens to go inactive, I'd check over the inactivity policy that they gave in their app - it can help me confirm their inactivity if they hadn’t let us know directly. Following that, I'd split their work between the other leading team member and myself. If the inactive (co)leader doesn’t let us know, I'll reach out to them on their profile a couple of times per week until it's been a week—or a couple of days if they are the leader instead of a co—and then I’ll ask to report to the hosts.

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (May 5, 2024 21:32:17)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Critique for Summer <3
Hi Summer just to let you know I'm mainly going off your text version so I'm not sure if some of these don't apply to your project app ^^' and remember that you don't have to take any of the suggestions you don't agree with or will address differently hehe <3
Guess I'm just gonna get right into it!!

About Me

Overall great section! I think you gave the perfect description of who you are and what's important to you without being too vague or rambly :> just a couple of quick notes!

which really helped shape my personality
I feel like this phrase is a bit unclear? You don't really elaborate on it I believe :0 rephrasing it or clarifying it later on would be good! (specifically what parts of your personality if that makes sense?)

it’s also the first year that I can fully appreciate summer vacation
oooh love this connection to the theme ;D

One thing I do know about my future is that I want a career in the arts.
Small thing but I feel like you can kinda combine this with the paragraph above about theater - since I think theater is technically also performing arts? (You're the expert here on that though!) I think having them separated a little does help readability, but maybe stating the part about creativity & self-expression before you go into theater might help with flow :>


Love how you go into the specifics of your SWC sessions

You gave a great amount of detail about your other experiences too, although you might want to consider splitting up the paragraph a little to separate your on-site, off-site, and irl writing comp categories? It'll make your each of your experiences stand out a bit better, in my opinion - but this also works fine as is.

Also gl with your comp <33 you got thisss


This is a super well-written section too hehe :> I love that you give consideration to a lot of factors in regard to the cabin genre!

Not too familiar with any of the works you reference but I love the ideas you get from them

fast-paced genres
I get the gist of what you mean, but maybe elaborate on this a tiny bit? Fast-paced in terms of what exactly :0

I’ve seen several campers give voice to the need for variety in Mythology cabins
love that you point this out I feel like it shows that you're very perceptive of the SWC community! (also I'm not a big mythology person but I totally agree, there are so many cultures around the world with cool myths aside from the standard Greek/Roman, although no shade to them!)

Even though this may be a very niche theme, the colorful graphics and the wacky, fun-loving atmosphere could appeal to a variety of campers.
Personally I love that you point this out and clarify - I'm the type of person who's hesitant about joining cabins based on a fandom I'm not in xD and there are probably others who feel the same!

So while I suppose I am open to leading The Cabin That Will Not Win, if there is no one else fit for the role, it would definitely be quite low on my list of preferences.
Just a quick clarity thing ahaha but I feel like deleting the first comma might make this sentence clearer? The first time I was reading through, for a sec I thought you meant that it'll be low on your list if there is no one else fit for the role xD definitely not a huge issue though haha


Not much to say here - I saw that in your project you did give a sneak peek, so maybe you can do it for the text version as well?

Also congrats on best again hehe <3


This is a pretty short and straightforward section (which is great!) so I don't have much to say ahaha but it looks good! Some quick points:

there are only two events which will detract from my activity this session.
I'm not sure if you wrote this section with this in mind (if you did then disregard this haha), but clarifying any things that might come up during the planning time (so late May and June as well) is a good idea too!

but I don’t want to let my screen time get out of hand
aaa this is so relatable :') and such a valid concern! I like that you bring it up <3

Time Management

Awesome answers here! I love that they're so concise and honest and easy to understand! (Not to mention super relatable ;D)

where my shortcomings
extra space here xD

But honestly I think that's about all? Again great work with this section <3


Solid section overall, and it's as honest and understandable as ever :>

I am good at negotiation, making sure everyone has a fair workload, and keeping people together even when they aren’t all as dedicated as I am.
Hmm I could be understanding this wrong (I spent five minutes staring at this sentence and the one before AHAHA), but I don't think these are necessarily the strengths for you taking on a leadership role, if that makes sense? I think these are more so strengths for when you become leader, maybe not the process of becoming leader

Oh, and another thing: rewording the “even when they aren’t all as dedicated as I am” part might be a good idea! Maybe say something along the lines of “even when the group gets off-track” or something like that?

especially when they feel they’ve been mistreated
Also found this a bit vague - it felt contradictory to the first part of the sentence :0 maybe say “after they feel” instead of “when they feel” for clarity, if that's what you mean?
“Mistreated” could also be reworded/elaborated on to make it a bit more clear - “especially when they feel like they have not been treated with respect by the other members of the group” if that's something along the lines of what you're getting at <3

And finally, briefly mentioning the assets you can bring to the team might be a good idea?

Overall, great work with your points! They're all very applicable to SWC leading

Leader Quality
When I was new to SWC,
Love this little story segment! It sets up a really nice background for your answer.

The one thing I would recommend is to maybe put your answer (starting from “The one quality”) in a new paragraph for it to be read more easily?

But yeah, great work with this question! Your answer is so sweet aww <3

Not much to say here, but I like the little elaboration you had especially this part:

Although I wouldn’t pressure competition, competitive and ambitious campers wouldn’t feel hampered by this relaxed environment.
It's really thoughtful of you to recognize the differences in attitude between campers and plan for your atmosphere accordingly!

Three Part
Nothing to say for A and B xD

For C, your answer's definitely realistic and well thought-out! I did wonder whether you'd have the same plan if (as a co) it was your fellow co that went inactive instead of your leader :p maybe write about that as well?

Soooo I think that's about it! Quick reminder that it might be a good idea to let the hosts know if you're editing your answers haha - but yeah, overall your answers are outstanding and very genuine, and you're very thorough with your thinking not to mention how cool your project app looks! You got this Summer, good luck <33

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (May 8, 2024 04:52:02)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Critique for Mouse <3
Here are a couple of quick comments; feel free to disregard what doesn't work for you, and gl with your app anyways let's get right into it!!

About Me
!–I also love The Bone Spindle
Not sure if the – should be there? :0

as long as I can remember <33
I was always into writing,
I feel like these two paragraphs would be a bit better combined hehe

Overall great section love how you showed so much passion for your hobbies!!


No critiques here; everything is super well-elaborated!

Cabin Preferences
since I’m only applying for co
Technically not part of this section lol but maybe change your title to Co-Leader Application instead of Leader Application for clarity?

Aside from that I don't really have anything to say either - I like that you do have ideas but are also flexible with them if that makes sense :>


I'm not sure if it's a stylistic thing but the line breaks are a bit weird for the dialogue :eyes: maybe check that out? Other than that, great excerpt

Time Dedication

Solid section, just one thing to note:
Councilor In Training
I think it should be “Counselor” instead? :0

Time Management

Very thorough and honest section! Great work <3

Working With Others
“applying” maybe? ;D

But same as Time Management - you put so many details and your answers are so genuine ahhh

One Quality

You definitely embody this trait really well <3 no critique here either!

Cabin Atmosphere + Checkboxes

Sorry for combining both of these into one xD but yeah they're pretty straightforward questions and I think your answers look great!

soo that's about it! yippee

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)

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