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Mari's Writing Thread // March and April

Hi! This is for SWC (Scratch Writing Camp) and where I post random writing ideas. See my table of content below to see my work.
SWC. March 2024.

SWC Weeklies::
Last Weekly

SWC Dailies::


Random Writing::
None Currently.

March SWC Cabin


Last edited by SongBirdCat_ (March 30, 2024 19:10:36)

Hey friends my name is Mary! I love writing.
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Click Here For Lessons I made!

Be sure to check out my roleplays.
Cya later!
11 posts

Mari's Writing Thread // March and April

Official Introduction
Hey! I'm mari. I go by she/her pronouns. I'm introverted and my zodiac sign is Scorpio. This is my first time participating in SWC and I can't wait.
I am writing a few stories and I roleplay. I decided to join SWC because I love to write.
I write short stories, poems, and novels. My favorite top two seasons are Autumn and Winter. I'm also still developing a writing style.

Some of my work is fantasy. And I like space. I also enjoy watching rain fall down. I also LOVE snow.
You may think I live in a snowy place, but we live in a place that gets BARELY any snow. I actually miss being where the snow is because I really, really wanna husky or a malamute.

My goals for this month's session is to have 5K to 10K words. Also to make friends and develop an interesting writing style. Bye!


Sorry my introduction was short…

Hey friends my name is Mary! I love writing.
Click Here For My Profile!
Click Here For Lessons I made!

Be sure to check out my roleplays.
Cya later!
11 posts

Mari's Writing Thread // March and April

Daily 3.2.24
Compliment: “The way your writing flows is like a peaceful river” -TokoWrites
One morning I woke up to the sound of thunder. It echoed through my room. I got up and started writing. I heard a message pop up on my phone and quickly grabbed it.
It was from my best friend, Wayne. He never texted me in a few weeks and I was worried sick! He texted me, “Meet me by the bookstore at 12:00PM.”
I wanted to ask him why, but I was too shy to ask. I walked downstairs fixing up breakfast.

As I drove my car to the bookstore, I saw Wayne hanging out in the pouring rain. I grabbed an umbrella and walked over to him. “Wayne! You never texted me in a long time!”
Wayne grabbed my hand and then said, “I spent those weeks reading two books of your newest book series.”
I smiled, “What did you think of it?”
We looked at each other and he finally said, “Your writing is beautiful. The way your writing flows is like a peaceful river.”

Everything grew silent. He really thought that? I never thought my writing was that beautiful… I'm only a 22-year-old author.
After a few minutes of silence he then fell down to his knees and proposed.

I happily said yes and I walked back to my car. I waved bye and drove off.
I sat down, thinking about his precious words he said to me. “Your writing is beautiful. And the way your writing flows is like a peaceful river.”
He really thought that? I also can't believe he proposed me. I can't wait for the wedding!
I was in the mood for a bit of a heartwarming, romantic story, hope you liked it. ;')
-Word Count:: 264

Last edited by SongBirdCat_ (March 2, 2024 18:39:50)

Hey friends my name is Mary! I love writing.
Click Here For My Profile!
Click Here For Lessons I made!

Be sure to check out my roleplays.
Cya later!
11 posts

Mari's Writing Thread // March and April

Part One :

1 : June is brought into an house to solve a mystery. Three children went missing… possibly d3@d because blccd was found in a place the children went missing. June must find the mvrderer before another child gets k1lled. She finds a handprint on the wall and believes it was one of the kids because it was a child handprint. But she isn't exactly sure… (Words: 64)

2 : After June finds some more clues, she interviews the teacher who should've been watching the children.. but the teacher says she doesn't know who've done it. June suspects that the teacher was part of this, but she needed more evidence. As she tells her ideas of who caused this. Plus, she found another handprint. But it was an adult handprint… (60 Words)

3 : After June does more research and studied the clues. She has three suspects she needs to interview, none of them said that they did it. But the teacher looked suspicious. June finds the kids bodies near a place that the teacher likes to go… although… the teacher was there. Mystery solved. But the teacher was very unhappy. (57 Words)

4 : Though the mystery was solved, things didn't quite work out. The teacher, and a kid was missing. But why did the teacher do this - she had lots of other things to do. When June heads out in the dark forest things turn to a dark turn. The teacher was evil… more evil then anyone this this town. June fights the teacher and curses her with a permanent curse… (69 words)

5 ; Mystery solved! The evil teacher is gone forever - but the story isn't finished… what happened to the young girl? Why did the teacher sacrifice many kids, was she forced to. After June searches the area she doesn't find any clues, maybe the girl found her way to the other side… or was she a slave? (56 words)
Part 2::

Clue : There is footprints and handprints, some were child and some were adult ones. June suspects it was from one of the missing children - or was it? Well she can't be to sure, but it may be… though she is a good detective, she didn’t solve all of the mysteries she was given. (53 words)

Red Herring : June first suspected that “Emily” took the children. That was because Emily had blccd on her hands - blocd of one of the children as most people believe. But Emily claims that it was red paint. It was actual bl00d, but wasn't from any of the missing children. So she didn’t take the children. (54 words)

Red Herring : A journal was found on the floor with a written poem in it. It was written by “Lynn.” June's second suspect was Lynn. But Lynn only wrote it by a nightmare. A nightmare about the kids d1eing near the teacher's home… that made June believe that the teacher did this. But she needed more evidence and proof. (57 words)

Clue : June finds a mysterious thing in of the witnesses room. It wasn't one of the lost children - it was their older sibling. They claim that they heard a scream down the hallway at night and saw two fiery red eyes walking out. Though June think's there was more to this - maybe the older sibling wasn't telling the truth. (60 Words)


Part 3 :
(I have another conversation going on, but I'm noting just one of them <3)

Interview One :
There was a circus show, but the entire show was lit on fire. Young Lina is now being interviewed with Rosalinn.
Rosalinn was calling Lina and asks her if she knew what happened.
Lina gives her an odd reply, but feels as if this situation connects somehow. I am not completely sure, but in the corner of my eye I saw somebody light it on fire…“ But she might know who caused this…

Rosalinn nods. ”Do you remember what this person looked like?“
”No, not really. They were wearing a dark coat and hoody. They kinda looked like they were related to somebody in the show…“
”Well, there are multiple sets of twins performing at the show…“ Rosalinn mused. ”Did you happen to see what shoes they were wearing?“

”No, the coat was so long I couldn't see it.“ Lina replied. ”But I got a bit of a glimpse of the hair color…“ The suspect couldn't have been a twin..
“Do you mind telling me which hair colour? And…” Rosalinn trailed off. “This might sound like a bit of a weird question, heh, but did anything at all about this relate to a past murder — I think you know the one I’m talking about — that happened around these parts? Do you think it's possible that the person who lit the fire was involved in that crime, too?”
Lina sighs softly and thinks about some past experiences. She then finally answers with, ”The hair color was a dark blueish color, I remember one time my parents house was lit on fire a few months ago… when I entered their house to investigate I saw a piece of dark blueish hair. But four people in the show wore pretend blue hair… except…“ She paused and didn't finish her sentence.

“Alright, alright, interesting…” There was a pause, as Rosalinn racked her brain, trying to remember which performers had blue hair. “Didn’t the acrobat on the trapeze have blue hair? No, that could’ve been a wig…” She gasped. “The contortionist, right? The one with blue-black hair. The stage lights would’ve made it seem even more blue.” She scribbled something down in a notebook. “And I’m sorry for your parents. Are they okay now? What happened to them, and their house?”
The contortionist?! Really?! Lina thought, She was my auntie it couldn't have been her!”
Suddenly Lina replied, “Well the contortionist was my auntie… she would never do such a thing.” “But here is something more weird… my auntie and I were visiting my parents house that time when their house was destroyed due to the fire. And my parents were fine, but my mother had some issues breathing. My auntie never visited her while she was recovering.”

Rosalinn’s eyes widened. “Do you think there’s a connection there? And did your auntie have any rivals or… or enemies, at the circus? Is there anyone she’d want to… get rid of?”
Lina knows her auntie had many rivals. “Well… she didn't like my mother at all. She also wanted to run the circus for herself… wait I noticed a few dollars in everyone's wallet or purse was stolen. Everybody had also had at least one thing stolen.” Lina then realizes another thing, “Ahead of time before she went onto the stage she told me to leave near the very end of the circus. And that coat that the person who lit the show on fire was my auntie's… she must've done it! She also never spoken about her performance to me!”

585 Words

(this conversation had to end though… and sorry if this pt is a bit messed up lol.)

Pt 4 :

The room filled with silence as a few interviewers entered the room. One of the interviewers looked at one of the victims and started to interview them, “Lee, I've heard that your children were the victims - June wants to speak with you.”

June enters the room quietly, she then sits down. “I had a few suspects in mind - the teacher, Lynn, and Emily. Emily is crossed off the list though and Lynn's mystery part is still being uncovered… does any evidence in your house prove that one of my suspects did it?”

Lee stood in place before answering. She almost felt tears drip from her eyes, “I-I don't know! I still can't b-believe my children were m-mvrdered!”

June then sighs again, “Don't worry Lee, we are still finding the suspect.”

June enters the forest, and noticed blccd covering the ground. She then realizes this is where the kids d1ed. She notices one of the children’s velvet-reddish hair standing on the ground. “Interesting…”

She then uncovered the bodies of the missing children—then noticed a blccdy handprint on one of the children’s arms – all the children had one.

June flinches after she uncovers this and then walks over to the victims house. She started examining the clues again, “These all point to either The Teacher or Clementine…”

June looks at half of the clues, “Clementine would do these sorts of things… not the teacher!”

Suddenly Lee enters the room, “Clementine…?”

“Maybe… I’m not sure,” June said. “I need to interview Clementine.”

Clementine stares in disbelief before answering, “So… you think I, did it?!”

June sighs, “Please be honest, Clementine. Did you mvrder them?”

Before Clementine replies she was thinking. “Nope. Don’t remember k1lling a child… and I saw somebody taking the children… I don’t know who though.”

June stares at Clementine. She then sighs, “Well do you have any information that may be useful in solving this mystery?”

After a moment Clementine answered, “No…”

She quickly left the room before June could answer, just then suddenly the teacher walked in furious. “You haven’t solved this mystery yet?!”

“And do you have any clues?” June yells.

The teacher sighed softly and sat down. Lee came into the room and sat next to her. “Sister… I know, I know. We will find out who k1lled them.”

The teacher started shedding a few tears before saying some words, “This is all my fault!”

June notices the teacher’s behavior is unsettling – why is she crying? She should’ve been watching the children.

“Uhm, Linda. I need to ask you a few questions!”

Just then Lee exited the room and Linda stared at June sobbing a bit, “Yes?”

June’s suspicion grew a bit and then she asked her first question. “Do you have any clues that may have been useful in our investigation?”

“Uh… blccdy handprints on the walls.” Linda says. “I don’t really remember a-”

“Really? Can you please answer two more questions?” June said, “Please be honest!”

Linda stares at her and then thought, Ugh! Why!

“Uh sure! What are they?” Linda tries to hide any suspicion.

“My first question is did you notice strange things when the children went missing?” June asks. “And my second question is did you see the possible mvrder?”

Linda hesitates with her answer, “I-I think I heard strange noises! I don’t remember though… and I – think I saw the mvrder. Her name I think is Clementine!”

“Niomi! Can you go get Clementine and Lee?” June said, “And Linda stay here!”

Niomi nods and runs off to go get Lee and Clementine. Clementine steps in the room, her face was so furious. Her brown eyes faced June. “What do you want?”

“Did you k1ll the children?” June asks, sighing for a moment. This will not end well…

“For a fact I did not indeed k1ll ‘em!” Clementine claims. Before June answers she thinks of possible others who could’ve.

“Clementine! You did not answer my question last time!” Niomi fumes, “Did you k1ll them!”

“No! No I did not!” Clementine then collapses on the ground and silence filled the room for a moment…

(Word Count: 684)
Hope you liked it! My total word count for all of this::
Word Count Total : 1,799

Last edited by SongBirdCat_ (March 24, 2024 16:38:24)

Hey friends my name is Mary! I love writing.
Click Here For My Profile!
Click Here For Lessons I made!

Be sure to check out my roleplays.
Cya later!
11 posts

Mari's Writing Thread // March and April


The clouds rolled in.
The sky began to wept. It's tears drizzle down, over the dark sorrowful street.
Many deaths hang there,
many tears were shed by the trees who once stood there.

Nobody ever cared about the life that once stood,
in this city.
All the tears that drizzle,
all the tears that were shed.

The beautiful flowers,
are now drooping with sadness.
The people living there were
blinded with the invisible tears.

The sky began to shed more tears,
more trees were cut down.
This place was lifeless,
no life. Just pets.

Very few people owned a
lovely plant.
What happened to the wonderful
forest that stood there with peace and happiness?

All the life,
was gone.
Nobody knew how this felt,
but a girl stood with a drooping, red rose. Crying in the distance.

“Do not forget me,” the voice was so
sad. So sorrowful.
More tears were shed,
more tears shed.

The red rose, was dropped.
Lonely, very quiet.
The morning sun began to rise,
blinding all the tears,

The morning rain just hit the earth softly,
with deep sorrow.
The air was polluted,
the water was contaminated.

The factory blinded the forest,
it silenced the forest.
This little city, and giant factory,
ruined this forest forever

As the forest was cut down, to make way for more tears.
The trees, plants, and
animals drooped in sorrow.
The loss of their home is forgotten forever.

Nothing can save this lonely feeling,
Nobody can ever escape sorrow,
Nobody can escape these long lasting tears,
Nobody can save these quiet souls that once lived in the forest….
269 words
Omg, so sorry for not posting enough dailies. It's been an important month lol.
Today's daily we are writing a story with pathetic fallacy , and this story/poem (no i do not know what this is lol)
is like overwhelmed. I think i overdid it… lol XD

Hey friends my name is Mary! I love writing.
Click Here For My Profile!
Click Here For Lessons I made!

Be sure to check out my roleplays.
Cya later!
11 posts

Mari's Writing Thread // March and April

Word Wars // Just writing random // 246 words.
The night time sky brushed over the quiet town. There was stars that twinkled so brightly. And the moon was shining above the sky. Lots of people lived here, and some people moved here. But one night in this quiet little town, a storm brewed in. It caused a giant flood, reaching tremendous heights. Some people made it out safely, some didn't.
My parents were one of the victims of this disaster, and I'll never forget this moment in my life. But I still never wanted this to happen.
The only reason I survived was because I was the only one fully prepared, I was the only one who prepared for this disaster.
My family didn't care to prepare, and I tried warning them.
Now I'm here, holding a rose. And mourning them sadly forever.

Many people asked why I wasn't talking in class, I refused to answer them. It wasn't because I was scared - I didn't want to tell anyone about the death of my two parents. I didn't want to tell them why it happened.
I still never talk about myself and it feels… wrong.
No I can't be.

That one night I was hanging out with my bestie, she stole my diary and read it. I was so angry and so embarrassed at the same time.
It's like my life is so difficult and hard.
I broke up with my boyfriend two months before that happened… Maybe this endless time will end?

Sorry this is VERY short, I literally had no ideas. AND I had nothing to write about.
I KNOW I'll loose this word war thingy. lol

Last edited by SongBirdCat_ (March 22, 2024 23:46:17)

Hey friends my name is Mary! I love writing.
Click Here For My Profile!
Click Here For Lessons I made!

Be sure to check out my roleplays.
Cya later!
11 posts

Mari's Writing Thread // March and April

Weekly // Sun, 24/25
PT 1 :
The main character experiences the loss of her two parents and lives with her aunt and uncle who do not treat her well.

The setting starts off in the real world, the main character’s brother finds a message laying near the old well. The well led to a magical world.

The main character lives with her brother, aunt, and uncle

The magical world is where the main character learns that she cannot let the loss of her parents take control of her life. Ever since they died, she felt lonely and didn’t think that she will live her life without them.

Before she discovered the magical world, she was a slave of her aunt and uncle. They didn’t treat her nor her brother as part of the family. Her cousins also treat her like that too.

Her cousins pushed her and her brother down the well and found another note; they believed this was their chance to be free.

When they are in this academy, things kind of work out. Some things didn’t - some children didn’t like that they were here, some just didn’t care at all.

When the main character and her brother discover they were related to a powerful family, they are shocked. They weren’t all that shocked though

Near the end they hugged their mean aunt, uncle, and cousins and didn’t care what they thought.
(229 Words)

Exposition :
The main character and her brother are forced to live with their aunt, uncle, and cousins after the loss of their parents. However, things didn’t work out because their aunt and uncle didn’t treat them as part of the family – they forced them to do ALL the work. They even made them MAKE EVERY meal. Now that they were forced into this situation, they needed a way to free themselves from this chaos – this happened after they were pushed down a well by their spoiled little cousins…

After they fell down the well, they needed to find a safe place to stay, then they found an academy.
(107 Words)

Elements: Foreshadowing, plot twist, open ending, cliffhanger, flashback, new conflict.


Story : (Rough Draft)

(NOTE: Story is a bit long, the format looked better on the word processor I used <3)

My parents died a few weeks ago, my brother and I had to move into my aunt and uncle’s house… I mean that is fine! But the problem was that my brother and I did all the work. We made them breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We cleaned up the house, did ALL the chores, and cleaned everyone’s rooms! I know this sounds crazy, but I know they are doing this because they hate my parents!

“Rosy, clean our rooms.” She looked at me disgusted face. “And you look so much like your mother… that long red hair… And Joan! Make us breakfast!”

“Aunt Lucy!” I say before heading upstairs, “When will I ever get a life! Get full-time in school or anything!”

She looked at me more disgusted, “Go. Clean. Our. Rooms. Now!”

I walk upstairs with anger bursting inside of me, it is fine. It is fine. No, it is not fine! And what does she want from my red hair? I walked upstairs frowning more, I saw Joan stomping downstairs still frowning more. I look at him waving as my cousin knocked me onto the floor.

“Haha!” She laughs, “You could not even bare to punch me downstairs—oh wait! You did!”

She started to slide on the staircase and when she reached the bottom she started crying. “Mama! R-Rosy pushed me downstairs!”

I ran to somebody’s room and started to clean it. When I walked downstairs after I cleaned everyone’s rooms, my aunt grabbed my arm and threw me towards the couch.

“You despicable child!” She stared at me before grabbing my hair, “Explain why you pushed your cousin downstairs!”

“I didn’t!” I claim, “I didn’t!”

My aunt then yelled, “No more breaks for you! You are going to pay for what you did to Lina!”

Lina stares at me for a split second before turning over to my aunt, “Mama! Cousin is mean!”

“Yeah, she is!” My aunt then started to hug Lina.

Me and my brother walked outside and looked over to the well, suddenly Lina came running towards us and yelled. “Haha! You will pay for what your family had down to Mama!”

Our other cousins came over and pushed us down the well, “This is the end of us brother!” I say, before closing my eyes.

I woke up and we were in a pile of leaves, the world was… weird. My brother looks at me and sighs, “Sister! We would not have entered this place if you have not pushed Lina down the staircase!”

“I-I didn’t!” I said before turning my head around, “Please, please, please believe me!”

He did not reply but helped me get back up. My legs wabbled a bit before I could stand on my legs. We arrived near a giant academy; I froze before turning over to my brother. “J-Joan, what is that giant academy looking thingy?”

Before replying he started walking over to the rusted gate, after touching, it had glowed a bright golden color. I walk over to him and my eyes glitter, “It’s beautiful!”

We walked in the place and the ground was covered with bright golden flowers. The academy got more beautiful when we went through the gate. It was less scary to be honest.

I then heard some whispers and saw somebody walking out of the academy’s side. I could not tell what they were saying, but another walked out. Suddenly they noticed me and my brother and walked over.

The blonde-hair one waved her hand and said, “Oh hello! Hi new arrivals, I am Solara. And this is my sister Luna.”

Luna had a quieter personality than Solara. Luna looked at me and said, “And you two are Rosalia and Joan? The-”

Solara then interrupted Luna before she could finish her last sentence, “Do not worry about that last sentence! It is not important!”

Luna pulled Solara towards her and whispered in Solara’s ear.

After they were done Solara then said, “Ah, that is right! Time to see your personality traits to sort you!”

We walked into the magical building; everyone was walking away. We entered a room, and I sat down on a comfortable ground. “First up you Joan.”

Joan walked over to the crystal and touched it, it glowed golden like the flowers that we saw.

“You have a bold personality trait… your strong, kind, and brave… Thats right! You will be sorted in our adventurer category; you will receive your schedule tomorrow…” He left off with someone to his dorm room.

“Time for you Rosalia,”

I got near the crystal and felt a pinch in my back. I touched it before everything darkened slowly… I felt myself suffocating, yet the air around me dropped temperature—colder. I stayed calm before everything brightened.

“You are resourceful, kind, cheerful, sweet, creative, brave, strong, and are ready to take on any risks or anything—bold. You are a bit introverted also…”

That was Solara’s voice, but I heard somebody else whispering, “Moonlight…” Did Joan hear these weird whispers? I started to breathe slowly, my heart began thumping, I heard the beats in my ears.

I wake up and face my head around everyone around me. Luna and Solara. Solara smiled, “You are like my sister… Luna will mentor you.”

Luna sighed softly before facing me again, “Follow me… Moonlight.”

I was following her over to the dorm room, when I entered it, I only saw one girl. “Since Moonlight’s are exceedingly rare. There is barely anyone in this dorm. Meaning that you have enough space. Enjoy.”

Before she left, she then said. “Also, Moonlight is receiving weird visions on full moon. Tomorrow is full moon when your powers are mostly active, so we will be training at night.”


It was the next day; I was eating dinner. I was sitting next to other fellow moonlights—no I was sitting next to this incredibly quiet girl.

Hello, I am Rosy. What is your name?” I ask.

The quiet girl then said, “Tranquilo…”

“Oh! Hello Tranquilo!” I said, the girl then looked at me confused.

“Mi nombre es Adriana!” The girl frowned at me before turning back to her book.

“Oh! Hi… Adriana!” I speak.

She looked at me again and frowned more. “Hola.”

Luna then walked towards me and pulled my arm, “C’mon Rosy, it is time for training. Es hora de irse, Adriana!”

Adriana nodded and got up. We walked outside and saw the full moon. I always loved the full moon…

We were then training I got the moves quickly—but Adriana did not.

“Adri! It is all right,” Adriana looked at me and smiled.

“Thanks,” She said, “And yeah I know English too.”

We walked back inside… I noticed the sky was brighter than usual. And noticed that there was stuff in the sky, it is nothing.


The night was getting colder, the summer was also getting colder. The golden flowers that bloomed had just died. And the golden gates to the academy were rusted and brown.

A young shapeshifter appeared out of nowhere and decided to destroy the entire place for good…


We had four WHOLE months of training; the flowers began to die. And the Summer began to become colder.

I had a weird vision two weeks ago, during the night of the full moon. I never told anyone but my brother, you might think it is weird I did not tell my mentor. But she seems to not know a lot about visions to be honest.

I was here sitting down in the meeting room, Luna, Solara, and the other masters were standing on the stage and were looking down onto us. “We have chosen a few children to stop HELP us stop this… we know that the banished Shapeshifting, Falerii, has caused this.”

Luna stepped up and said, “And those children are… Adriana, Joan, Rosy, and Victoria.”

Luna then told us to come up here, I then grabbed Luna and told her to come with me for a second.

We entered a small room. Luna asked, “What do you need to talk about?”

“A-A vision!” I say nervously. Luna sighs and then looks at me.

“What was it about?”

“I should’ve told you, but I couldn’t!” I say, “I thought I could handle it, but it is meaning was so strong! Falerii is seeking revenge for her banishment! She will flood the place with darkness intel everyone is gone…”

Luna exclaims and stands up, “You should have told me! We would have prepared!”

“I-I, thought I could handle this myself!”

Luna looks at me before exiting the room, “A good Moonlight would never keep harmful secrets—never betray! You were not meant to be a Moonlight; you were not meant to be here…”

She left the room, slamming the door. I stood in the corner trying to cry all my fears out. She is right! I was never meant to be here… All my cousins were right…

But they are not, A voice said.

“What do you mean voice?” I said looking around. I felt so crazy after the voice replied.

You were forced into living with them, I have been following you all your life. The voice sounded so calm, so sweet also.

“But everyone said I’m such a failure!” I spoke.

Remember those dreams before you visited this realm? The voice said.

It sounded just like my mother… “Are you mother?”

Yes… I love you so much! You are related to a magical family—me! The voice said, she appeared as a glowing figure I walk to her and touch her hand

Know I love you with all my heart, Falerii is waiting for you… My mom’s voice said, the figure disappeared.

I walk outside and walk to Falerii who looked at me with curiosity. “Hello foolish child!”

I look at her, “You are right, I am foolish.”

Falerii smiles, “I am right? Usually, those people would start insulting me… but you? Your different…”

“Different…?” I question, she twirls her hair around before walking to me.

“Yes, you're different… you are a Starlight Daughter…” She says, then snickers.

“Why do you want to destroy the school?”

Falerii sighs and then said, “I never wanted to destroy the school. I suppose I can tell you the story, I was a young girl, about your age. I fell down a well and fell into a pile of leaves and flowers. I found the academy and two people walked out… Gabriella and Fiona. Sisters. I was mentored by Fiona, the quietest sister, she then got mad at me when I did not tell her I had a vision about a darkness surrounding the school… I tried to save the school—but Fiona claimed I was the one…”

“So… why was I brought here?” I ask, “Why are our stories so similar?”

“I was your mother’s sister…” Falerii says, “And I promised your mother that I’d protect you.”

Falerii’s chestnut brown hair transformed into long locks of beautiful red hair as she walked to me. “I am your second aunt… That is where your hair, and your personality came from.”

Suddenly Luna and Solara walked out of the school. “Falerii! Why are you holding the hands of Rosy?”

“Behind you!” Falerii yells as a new figure appears behind Luna and Solara.

Falerii then exclaims, “That is the person who caused it! Not me!”

I quickly use my powers to stop the person. It was Crimson, the evil witch. I continued trying to stop her.

“Haha!” Crimson laughs manically, “Young Rosy can’t stop me!”

I make a full ball of moonlight and launch it towards Crimson before she can launch her powers towards me.

She falls to the ground and disappears, “She is not gone.” Falerii said, “And she WILL come back, you need to return home. We will call you back when we need you.”

My brother stands next to me and said, “You are braver than me, I love you sister.”

Everything darkened once more, and we were being pulled out of the well by our cousins.

“Come on Sephanie! Mom is not happy we pushed them down the well, help us now!” Daisy said.

Sephanie helps pull us out and we walked back inside. My aunt walks over to me and asks, “Are you alright?”

“Yes!” I say, hugging her tightly.

Sephanie walks over to me and then apologizes, “I’m sorry for pushing you down the well!”

“I’m sorry for pushing you down the staircase.” I speak. I know I did not do that, but I will apologize anyway.

Aunt walks over to me and says, “So you did push Sephanie downstairs!”

Sephanie gulps before looking back to her mom and said, “Actually… I lied!”

Her mother screamed at her loudly before making her clean her room.


It was nighttime, I woke up to the sound of screaming outside. I got scared, but the only creepy thing was that it sounded so odd…

The End… Or is it?

Story (Final Draft w/ critique)

My parents died a few weeks ago, my brother and I had to move into my aunt and uncle’s house… I mean that is fine! But the problem was that my brother and I did all the work. We made them breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We cleaned up the house, did ALL the chores, and cleaned everyone’s rooms! I know this sounds crazy, but I know they are doing this because they hated my parents!

“Rosy, clean our rooms.” She looked at me disgusted face. “And you look so much like your mother… that long red hair… And Joan! Make us breakfast!”

“Aunt Lucy!” I say before heading upstairs, “When will I ever get a life! Get full-time in school or anything!”

She looked at me more disgusted, “Go. Clean. Our. Rooms. Now!”

I walk upstairs with anger bursting inside of me, it is fine. It is fine. No, it is not fine! And what does she want from my red hair? I walked upstairs frowning more, I also saw Joan stomping downstairs. I look at him waving as my cousin knocked me onto the floor.

“Haha!” She laughs, “You could not even bare to punch me downstairs—oh wait! You did!”

She started to slide on the staircase and when she reached the bottom she started crying. “Mama! R-Rosy pushed me downstairs!”

I ran to somebody’s room and started to clean it. When I walked downstairs after I cleaned everyone’s rooms, my aunt grabbed my arm and threw me towards the couch.

“You despicable child!” She stared at me before grabbing my hair, “Explain why you pushed your cousin downstairs!”

“I didn’t!” I claim, “I didn’t!”

My aunt then yelled, “No more breaks for you! You are going to pay for what you did to Lina!”

Lina stares at me for a split second before turning over to my aunt, “Mama! Cousin is mean!”

“Yeah, she is!” My aunt then started to hug Lina.

Me and my brother walked outside and looked over to the well, suddenly Lina came running towards us and yelled. “Haha! You will pay for what your family had done to Mama!”

Our other cousins came over and pushed us down the well, “This is the end of us brother!” I say, before closing my eyes.

I woke up and we were in a pile of leaves, the world was… weird. My brother looks at me and sighs, “Sister! We would not have entered this place if you have not pushed Lina down the staircase!”

“I-I didn’t!” I said before turning my head around, “Please, please, please believe me!”

He did not reply but helped me get back up. My legs wabbled a bit before I could stand on my legs. We arrived near a giant academy; I froze before turning over to my brother. “J-Joan, what is that giant academy looking thingy?”

Before replying he started walking over to the rusted gate, after touching, it had glowed a bright golden color. I walk over to him and my eyes glitter, “It’s beautiful!”

We walked in the place and the ground was covered with bright golden flowers. The academy got more beautiful when we went through the gate. It was less scary to be honest.

I then heard some whispers and saw somebody walking out of the academy’s side. I could not tell what they were saying, but another walked out. Suddenly they noticed me and my brother and walked over.

The blonde-hair one waved her hand and said, “Oh hello new arrivals, I am Solara. And this is my sister Luna.”

Luna had a quieter personality than Solara. Luna looked at me and said, “And you two are Rosalia and Joan? The-”

Solara then interrupted Luna before she could finish her last sentence, “Do not worry about that last sentence! It is not important!”

Luna pulled Solara towards her and whispered in Solara’s ear.

After they were done Solara then said, “Ah, that is right! Time to see your personality traits to sort you!”

We walked into the magical building; everyone was walking away. We entered a room, and I sat down on a comfortable ground. “First up you Joan.”

Joan walked over to the crystal and touched it, it glowed golden like the flowers that we saw.

“You have a bold personality trait… your strong, kind, and brave… Thats right! You will be sorted in our adventurer category; you will receive your schedule tomorrow…” He left off with someone to his dorm room.

“Time for you Rosalia,”

I got near the crystal and felt a pinch in my back. I touched it before everything darkened slowly… I felt myself suffocating, yet the air around me dropped temperature—colder. I stayed calm before everything brightened.

“You are resourceful, kind, cheerful, sweet, creative, brave, strong, and are ready to take on any risks or anything—bold. You are a bit introverted also…”

That was Solara’s voice, but I heard somebody else whispering, “Moonlight…” Did Joan hear these weird whispers? I started to breathe slowly, my heart began thumping, I heard the beats in my ears.

I wake up and face my head around everyone around me. Luna and Solara. Solara smiled, “You are like my sister… Luna will mentor you.”

Luna sighed softly before facing me again, “Follow me… Moonlight.”

I was following her over to the dorm room, when I entered it, I only saw one girl. “Since Moonlight’s are exceedingly rare. There is barely anyone in this dorm. Meaning that you have enough space. Enjoy.”

Before she left, she then said. “Also, Moonlight is receiving weird visions on full moon. Tomorrow is full moon when your powers are mostly active, so we will be training at night.”


It was the next day; I was eating dinner. I was sitting next to other fellow moonlights—no I was sitting next to this incredibly quiet girl.

Hello, I am Rosy. What is your name?” I ask.

The quiet girl then said, “Tranquilo…”

“Oh! Hello Tranquilo!” I said, the girl then looked at me confused.

“Mi nombre es Adriana!” The girl frowned at me before turning back to her book.

“Oh! Hi… Adriana!” I speak.

She looked at me again and frowned more. “Hola.”

Luna then walked towards me and pulled my arm, “C’mon Rosy, it is time for training. Es hora de irse, Adriana!”

Adriana nodded and got up. We walked outside and saw the full moon. I always loved the full moon…

We were then training I got the moves quickly—but Adriana did not.

“Adri! It is all right,” Adriana looked at me and smiled.

“Thanks,” She said, “And yeah I know English too.”

We walked back inside… I noticed the sky was brighter than usual. And noticed that there was stuff in the sky, it is nothing.


The night was getting colder, the summer was also getting colder. The golden flowers that bloomed had just died. And the golden gates to the academy were rusted and brown.

A young shapeshifter appeared out of nowhere and decided to destroy the entire place for good…


We had four WHOLE months of training; the flowers began to die. And the Summer began to become colder.

I had a weird vision two weeks ago, during the night of the full moon. I never told anyone but my brother, you might think it is weird I did not tell my mentor. But she seems to not know a lot about visions to be honest.

I was here sitting down in the meeting room, Luna, Solara, and the other masters were standing on the stage and were looking down onto us. “We have chosen a few children to stop HELP us stop this… we know that the banished Shapeshifting, Falerii, has caused this.”

Luna stepped up and said, “And those children are… Adriana, Joan, Rosy, and Victoria.”

Luna then told us to come up here, I then grabbed Luna and told her to come with me for a second.

We entered a small room. Luna asked, “What do you need to talk about?”

“A-A vision!” I say nervously. Luna sighs and then looks at me.

“What was it about?”

“I should’ve told you, but I couldn’t!” I say, “I thought I could handle it, but it is meaning was so strong! Falerii is seeking revenge for her banishment! She will flood the place with darkness intel everyone is gone…”

Luna exclaims and stands up, “You should have told me! We would have prepared!”

“I-I, thought I could handle this myself!”

Luna looks at me before exiting the room, “A good Moonlight would never keep harmful secrets—never betray! You were not meant to be a Moonlight; you were not meant to be here…”

She left the room, slamming the door. I stood in the corner trying to cry all my fears out. She is right! I was never meant to be here… All my cousins were right…

But they are not, A voice said.

“What do you mean voice?” I said looking around. I felt so crazy after the voice replied.

You were forced into living with them, I have been following you all your life. The voice sounded so calm, so sweet also.

“But everyone said I’m such a failure!” I spoke.

Remember those dreams before you visited this realm? The voice said.

It sounded just like my mother… “Are you mother?”

Yes… I love you so much! You are related to a magical family—me! The voice said, she appeared as a glowing figure I walk to her and touch her hand

Know I love you with all my heart, Falerii is waiting for you… My mom’s voice said, the figure disappeared.

I walk outside and walk to Falerii who looked at me with curiosity. “Hello foolish child!”

I look at her, “You are right, I am foolish.”

Falerii smiles, “I am right? Usually, those people would start insulting me… but you? Your different…”

“Different…?” I question, she twirls her hair around before walking to me.

“Yes, you're different… you are a Starlight Daughter…” She says, then snickers.

“Why do you want to destroy the school?”

Falerii sighs and then said, “I never wanted to destroy the school. I suppose I can tell you the story, I was a young girl, about your age. I fell down a well and fell into a pile of leaves and flowers. I found the academy and two people walked out… Gabriella and Fiona. Sisters. I was mentored by Fiona, the quietest sister, she then got mad at me when I did not tell her I had a vision about a darkness surrounding the school… I tried to save the school—but Fiona claimed I was the one…”

“So… why was I brought here?” I ask, “Why are our stories so similar?”

“I was your mother’s sister…” Falerii says, “And I promised your mother that I’d protect you.”

Falerii’s chestnut brown hair transformed into long locks of beautiful red hair as she walked to me. “I am your second aunt… That is where your hair, and your personality came from.”

Suddenly Luna and Solara walked out of the school. “Falerii! Why are you holding the hands of Rosy?”

“Behind you!” Falerii yells as a new figure appears behind Luna and Solara.

Falerii then exclaims, “That is the person who caused it! Not me!”

I quickly use my powers to stop the person. It was Crimson, the evil witch. I continued trying to stop her.

“Haha!” Crimson laughs manically, “Young Rosy can’t stop me!”

I make a full ball of moonlight and launch it towards Crimson before she can launch her powers towards me.

She falls to the ground and disappears, “She is not gone.” Falerii said, “And she WILL come back, you need to return home. We will call you back when we need you.”

My brother stands next to me and said, “You are braver than me, I love you sister.”

Everything darkened once more, and we were being pulled out of the well by our cousins.

“Come on Sephanie! Mom is not happy we pushed them down the well, help us now!” Daisy said.

Sephanie helps pull us out and we walked back inside. My aunt walks over to me and asks, “Are you alright?”

“Yes!” I say, hugging her tightly.

Sephanie walks over to me and then apologizes, “I’m sorry for pushing you down the well!”

“I’m sorry for pushing you down the staircase.” I speak. I know I did not do that, but I will apologize anyway.

Aunt walks over to me and says, “So you did push Sephanie downstairs!”

Sephanie gulps before looking back to her mom and said, “Actually… I lied!”

Her mother screamed at her loudly before making her clean her room.

It was nighttime, I woke up to the sound of screaming outside. I got scared, but the only creepy thing was that it sounded so odd…

The End… Or is it?

(word count: 2163)

Total Words : 2,499
Points : 3500

Last edited by SongBirdCat_ (March 30, 2024 22:51:15)

Hey friends my name is Mary! I love writing.
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Cya later!
11 posts

Mari's Writing Thread // March and April

Daily 3/20/24
Prompt: Imagine your character getting the superpower they've always wanted to have…now throw that thought out the window. Today, you'll be writing about a character getting their least favorite superpower in 200 words, for 200 points. Feel free to share for an additional 100 points!
Superpower: Her powers are that she can predict terrible things not good things like she always wanted… (Uh, i was originally going to do a different superpower lol. The main character doesn't like watching people suffer)


I woke up, I was frightened and scared. I had a nightmare last night about my bestie getting run over by a car - it was a bus.
When I walked to school, my bestie was hanging out in the world. I wanted to help her, but I just froze. I watched her helpless body.
I then unfreeze, walking over to her quickly. I then yelled, “Stay out of the road forever!”
I pushed her out of the way before a car came rushing by, she then looked at me with fear.
“You wanted to k1ll me!” She walks away into the school building.

I did not reply to her, I just walked into school. After school I walked outside, I was holding my schoolbooks and saw my friend walking in the road.

The random dream then flashed in my mind, I imagined the suffering. The pain. Everything is happening. I got scared and walked over to her and said, “Bestie! Get out of the road! You will get run over by a bus!”
She walked up to me and was still in the road, “What do you want?!”
“You’ll get run over by a bus!” I spoke. My best friend started laughing and suddenly a bus came crashing towards her. Red splattered everywhere, and I was very scared…


Word Count: 219
Points: 300

Hey friends my name is Mary! I love writing.
Click Here For My Profile!
Click Here For Lessons I made!

Be sure to check out my roleplays.
Cya later!

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