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500+ posts


Hey guys! Yesterday, I checked my messages, and saw plantskym2. I was really confused, but then when I clicked the so-called plantskym2's profile, they just tried to impersonate me. They were even remixing my projects, and copying my about me and my What I'm working on! They used a capital i to represent the L in my name. What should I do? I have already reported him many times, and others have too, but nothing has happened. I got him to stop copying me, but still, I want this account taken down, because what if he goes back to copying me behind my back? Thanks.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make. (Credits to ZaChary) My signature thankfully hasn't been eaten by an evil kumquat yet, so I hope it remains that way. My 100th post!! Be sure to follow after watching my animations!!
Please note that I may sometimes give out incorrect information.
Ever wondered why your project wasn't showing up in the search bar or on trending? Here is an explanation why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p1zLeGoXLQ
1000+ posts


Contact-us, and no naming and shaming

Remember kids, don’t eat batteries dipped in paint thinner and anti-freeze

hey, you can call me kyoo
I am a minor on the internet, who’s also apparently an artist and a coder
April 13th - Non-binary - Aroace - Any pronouns

I know Scratch and HTML, and I’ve been doing art for as long as I can remember.

enjoy this picture of Five from Glitch Techs :’)

500+ posts


hydrofungus wrote:

Contact-us, and no naming and shaming
Sorry, but Contact-Us takes a long time to respond. What could he do during that time? And Contact-Us was already the thing that I did right after this post. And sorry for naming, but wouldn't that be right in this case to know if it is a real impersonator or just a coincidence? Anyways, sorry.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make. (Credits to ZaChary) My signature thankfully hasn't been eaten by an evil kumquat yet, so I hope it remains that way. My 100th post!! Be sure to follow after watching my animations!!
Please note that I may sometimes give out incorrect information.
Ever wondered why your project wasn't showing up in the search bar or on trending? Here is an explanation why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p1zLeGoXLQ
1000+ posts


plantskym2 wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:

Contact-us, and no naming and shaming
Sorry, but Contact-Us takes a long time to respond. What could he do during that time? And Contact-Us was already the thing that I did right after this post. And sorry for naming, but wouldn't that be right in this case to know if it is a real impersonator or just a coincidence? Anyways, sorry.
Yeah, because st has along lists of emails, but wait and they’ll get to it. And remember to report inappropriate behavior

Remember kids, don’t eat batteries dipped in paint thinner and anti-freeze

hey, you can call me kyoo
I am a minor on the internet, who’s also apparently an artist and a coder
April 13th - Non-binary - Aroace - Any pronouns

I know Scratch and HTML, and I’ve been doing art for as long as I can remember.

enjoy this picture of Five from Glitch Techs :’)

500+ posts


hydrofungus wrote:

plantskym2 wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:

Contact-us, and no naming and shaming
Sorry, but Contact-Us takes a long time to respond. What could he do during that time? And Contact-Us was already the thing that I did right after this post. And sorry for naming, but wouldn't that be right in this case to know if it is a real impersonator or just a coincidence? Anyways, sorry.
Yeah, because st has along lists of emails, but wait and they’ll get to it. And remember to report inappropriate behavior
Yeah, I understand that the ST has many things and takes a while, that wasn't my concern. I was just concerned that in the time it takes for them to get back to me, the impersonator can do something bad. And I have already reported him many times, and others have too, which is why I am a bit annoyed his/her account isn't taken down yet.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make. (Credits to ZaChary) My signature thankfully hasn't been eaten by an evil kumquat yet, so I hope it remains that way. My 100th post!! Be sure to follow after watching my animations!!
Please note that I may sometimes give out incorrect information.
Ever wondered why your project wasn't showing up in the search bar or on trending? Here is an explanation why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p1zLeGoXLQ
1000+ posts


plantskym2 wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:

plantskym2 wrote:

hydrofungus wrote:

Contact-us, and no naming and shaming
Sorry, but Contact-Us takes a long time to respond. What could he do during that time? And Contact-Us was already the thing that I did right after this post. And sorry for naming, but wouldn't that be right in this case to know if it is a real impersonator or just a coincidence? Anyways, sorry.
Yeah, because st has along lists of emails, but wait and they’ll get to it. And remember to report inappropriate behavior
Yeah, I understand that the ST has many things and takes a while, that wasn't my concern. I was just concerned that in the time it takes for them to get back to me, the impersonator can do something bad. And I have already reported him many times, and others have too, which is why I am a bit annoyed his/her account isn't taken down yet.
He Said that he's not you in his about me, he's not impersonating you. But it's still not allowed because he didn't get your permission, please snip this part if you quote this
Contact Us.

Last edited by chippysmall4 (March 29, 2024 11:23:50)

(Highlight + Shift + Down To See The Rest Of My Signature!)
Hi! I'm Cosmic-

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*digital art noises*
*forum noises*
500+ posts


chippysmall4 wrote:

That was after I convinced him to do so. Originally, he copied everything of mine, even remixing my projects, and my profile picture and about me and What I am working on, which is why I believe he may do that again, so I want that account taken down.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make. (Credits to ZaChary) My signature thankfully hasn't been eaten by an evil kumquat yet, so I hope it remains that way. My 100th post!! Be sure to follow after watching my animations!!
Please note that I may sometimes give out incorrect information.
Ever wondered why your project wasn't showing up in the search bar or on trending? Here is an explanation why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p1zLeGoXLQ
22 posts


Use contact us. Don't feel like waiting? deal with it, they get a lot of emails
500+ posts


goofynamesnipe wrote:

Use contact us. Don't feel like waiting? deal with it, they get a lot of emails
It's not that I don't feel like waiting. I am perfectly fine with waiting, and have contacted them about other things many times before and had no trouble waiting. It's just about what can the impersonator do in the time that I have to wait? There is nothing I can do then…

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make. (Credits to ZaChary) My signature thankfully hasn't been eaten by an evil kumquat yet, so I hope it remains that way. My 100th post!! Be sure to follow after watching my animations!!
Please note that I may sometimes give out incorrect information.
Ever wondered why your project wasn't showing up in the search bar or on trending? Here is an explanation why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p1zLeGoXLQ
22 posts


plantskym2 wrote:

goofynamesnipe wrote:

Use contact us. Don't feel like waiting? deal with it, they get a lot of emails
It's not that I don't feel like waiting. I am perfectly fine with waiting, and have contacted them about other things many times before and had no trouble waiting. It's just about what can the impersonator do in the time that I have to wait? There is nothing I can do then…
Wait, mostly
500+ posts


goofynamesnipe wrote:

But they could do a lot in that waiting time…

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make. (Credits to ZaChary) My signature thankfully hasn't been eaten by an evil kumquat yet, so I hope it remains that way. My 100th post!! Be sure to follow after watching my animations!!
Please note that I may sometimes give out incorrect information.
Ever wondered why your project wasn't showing up in the search bar or on trending? Here is an explanation why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p1zLeGoXLQ

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