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⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

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swc mar '24 : daily #27

“ getting back into the classics… it’s time for a fan favorite! head on over to google translate and switch up the lyrics of a song of your choice. once they are completely different, and probably silly, write a 300 word story inspired by your new words! then you can take home 200 points for your cabin and an extra 150 points will be added for providing proof : D ”

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english > chinese > spanish > french > german > hawaiian > polish > indonesian > japanese > english

presenting: ‘now it’s a mango.'

that's finished
Discard other details unnecessarily
this is a misunderstanding of the truth
The tears we saw were gone now.

I can't laugh
Not so this week.
It is very difficult to imagine any other story.
I was distracted

I say continue this
I ended up writing more than I expected.
Anyway, there's no doubt about it.

Run away from the fire.
Pour more fuel into the firebox
my life and projects
Now it's a mango.

The idea failed and there was nothing left to hold on to.
It includes the goals I set for myself.
Project “My Story”.
Now it's a mango.

Would you like to go? I won't let you go.
Let's burn the present and future with mango fire.
Writing stories like this allows us to place ourselves in this chaos.
Living this life, we all fail eventually.

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finally, that's finished.

you know, we can just ignore everything in between, discard all those other details. they’re pretty unnecessary anyways. no, don’t get me wrong, i’m just telling you that this is all a big misunderstanding. the truth is a whole other story. all you have to know is that i’m not depressed anymore- the tears we once saw are now gone.

no, this is no laughing matter. we’re starting anew. story ideas are hard to come by these days. i wasn’t procrastinating, of course not- i was distracted, okay? there’s a lot on hand and i don’t believe any human being can finish all of this. this project rests solely on my shoulders, i’m not going to give up until i get there, there’s no time to lose.

and that determination did get me somewhere- i ended up writing more than i expected. anyway, there's no doubt about it, no questions asked. are you accusing me of lying now? no, i would never. as i said earlier, this is no laughing matter.

procrastination? in my eyes, there was only one solution- resist and run away from the fire as the deadline continues to pour more fuel into the firebox, whatever that is. as you can probably see, i’m losing my mind. ask me to explain what i’m saying a few months later and i’d probably not remember a thing. i thought i had my life under control and projects set to be finished on time. so why does my whole world look like mangoes now?

even after all that work, the idea failed, and now there’s nothing left to hold on to. the goals I set for myself thrown in the rumoured firebox. i had high hopes for myself, high hopes for project “my story”. and now sitting on my desk is not finished project of a story, but instead a rather depressing mango.

would you like to go now? is that silent complaining? no, i won't let you go just yet. do you not understand? all i need now is for someone to save me from this mess. together we’ll burn the present and future with mango fire and none of this will matter anymore.

yes, writing stories like this, this piece of seemingly random nonsense, allows us to decipher the deeper meaning of this world. all just by placing ourselves in this chaos.

i’ve wasted my life. the truth is, if we go on like this, we'll all fail eventually.

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extra: mango ni natte iku, chinese version
by: google translate







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to be honest, even i’m not too sure what i even wrote there- somehow i decided to take every single line of the song literally and write based off entirely off of that. okay, i’ve lost my mind writing about someone who lost theirs working on a project. how wonderful, the sarcasm. anyways, here’s what i interpret the piece as.

our character here, yet to be named, has been working on a project named ‘project “my story”’, a song portraying a story. songwriting has brought them tears before, but they’re determined to start anew and finally create an ideal piece of musical writing that can bring them up from the dumps that they are facing now. idea after idea scrapped, with a looming deadline that continues to add pressure to the main character, and they’re slowly losing their mind because of all this hectic chaos happening in their life. to their sleep deprived eyes, the whole world looks like nothing but mangoes.

even after all their hard work, the original idea of the project still failed, all the drafts scrapped and tossed away, nothing left to work off of. i suppose mangoes have a certain symbolism in this very abstract short story, seemingly bearing the meaning of feeling melancholic or defeated, until the next paragraph in which they talk to the reader, trying to get them to stay, possibly to ‘save’ them, and voicing out the idea of ‘burning the present and future’, which can be translated to ‘leaving the past behind and the future untold’, and the part about mango fire is basically what we call mango arson, only this time it’s used to release negative feelings and not to burn down an enemy cabin.

the piece concludes with the narrator, the focus of the piece, bringing out the message that these seemingly abstract and random stories could give us a deeper understanding to the world, just as it has done to them. they state that their life has been wasted, and if we don’t want to end up the same way, there’s no giving up, no getting distracted, no procrastination.

alright, that’s about it. this is one of those times where even i have some sort of trouble deciphering my own writing, i’m guessing mainly because i based it so heavily off of the translated lyrics, but honestly, i do like the feel of the piece. obviously it’s far from being perfect, and i should probably have provided more details for better context, but that’s it for today’s daily- the reflection is now longer than the daily itself. if i ever do come back to this piece, i’m assuming it’ll be another session later. i actually really enjoyed this, getting to use something from last session brought back some pretty nostalgic memories. now i’ve went too far, haven’t i? see you next time in another daily reflection, if i do decide to write one. yume out-

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word count : 414
reflection word count : 488
= total word count : 902

current session total (since last save) : 12664 / 25000

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Last edited by yumetopia (March 27, 2024 23:01:09)

100+ posts

⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

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swc mar '24 : weekly #4

“ it's the moment you've been waiting for - happy 4th weekly! <3 this one will involve some frolicking back through memory lane, or for some of you, some brand new adventures through swc lore. the daily team has been cooking up a storm for you all session, and now we’re very excited to present to you an opportunity to make your own stew - in writing form, of course ; ) enjoy, and we can't wait to see your creations! ”

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part 1: outline - (314 words)
no the 314 words wasn't a coincidence lol

just a side note that the beginning part of this was written when i didn’t know the hero’s journey was optional :sob:


exposition: yume is struggling on the weekly, and readers are introduced to what scratch writing camp is, as well as the epistolary letter terminal (ordinary world). yu, from the future, is also introduced, having returned to the past for yet another session. references back to how yu and yume first met, and leads back to the present.

rising action: the two rush into the letter terminal for the usual daily lineup of tasks in the terminal, but when lunch break came around, they realise that all the mangoes have disappeared, as well as some of the letters that had to be delivered that day, so yume decides to investigate (call to adventure). yu, however, decides against it, trying to convince yume that it’s not worth putting the terminal at risk for an investigation like this (refusal). however, yume insists on needing yu’s help, and goes on to convince her with the help of one very smart bird from the enclosure (meeting the mentor). slightly hesitant, yu decides to go along with them, though knowing it’s unlike her to agree.

climax: they find the culprit- gurtle, and go through a chase through the cabins in their future form in an attempt to get the mangoes back.

falling action: the trio confront gurtle about all the chaos he’s wrecked during the session, and yu finds that she might have accidentally helped with girdle’s heist without even knowing. with that, she, yume, and divela return to the present letter terminal with gurtle, bringing back the remainder of the mangoes.

resolution: with the return back to the present, the terminal staff enjoy a delicious meal of motivational mangoes. yume sends divela out to deliver her letter of an extension request for the weekly to the daily team, and continues to work on the weekly with full effort, but while pretty much exhausted from the adventure they just had.

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part 2: exposition - (139 words)

yu stepped out of the mango-powered time machine. she was finally back for another session, after the three-month wait. “yume,” she called, “i'm back!!”

yume rolled around in her bad, “is it time already?”

“it's 7 a.m.,” yu informed her.

yume sat up. “oh wait- ALREADY?!” she quickly got to brushing her teeth and changing. “yu!” she squealed, “you came! oh gosh, i have so much to catch you up on- the attack of the procrastination potatoes, the opening of the warrior wharf, and the balrog's war against the link devourer gurtle…”

something that could oppose motivational mangoes? an all-our war against a turtle that swallows links? “uh, yume,” yu asked, “what day are we in?”

“24th march,” yume replied, “the day after the second cabin wars.”

so i'm that late, yu realised, letting out a sigh.

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part 3: the story - (1662 words)

“i can’t believe i didn’t even know i messed up the weekly part due date,” yume said to herself, typing away furiously at her laptop, “oh well, i’m completing this weekly anyways. fourth weekly is almost always the best, right? brings back the most memories when you look back at it. i remember the heavy procrastination i went through for last session’s last weekly like it was yesterday…” to yume, recollecting past highlights always brought a smile to her face. last session was yu’s first appearance in her writing thread too.

“isn’t the weekly literally called memorieswc?” yu, who was currently filling in for yume’s job, asked from the reception desk, “and you might want to hurry, the deadline is in less than a week.” yu logged letter after letter dropped off in front of her, tossing them into piles that were to be delivered to the sorting room.

the reminder only made yume even more anxious than before. “yeah, it is. but that just makes it extra memorable, so i need to finish this!” scratch writing camp, a triannual virtual writing camp, runs in the months of march, july, and november. the 31st of march was creeping closer with every passing second, and it didn’t help that the terminal was going through a very busy day indeed. so many distractions, and a weekly worth more than three thousand points on the line. “oh no,” she suddenly remembered, “binary said she had something she wanted to do with me at the end of the month when i mentioned the session’s end yesterday- now i’m just piling more stress on myself, am i,” she realised, letting out a sigh. she played around with the small metal key on her desk, trying to come up with ideas to write about.

finally, the lunch bell rang, and the sign on the main entrance was flipped to show ‘closed’. the terminal workers rushed to the dining area, what they called the ‘relaxing room’, and prepared for their long-awaited meal when suddenly, they heard a cry. “the mangoes are gone!” everyone gasped in shock at the news, including yume. how in the world did their three hundred and fourteen crates of mangoes just disappear into thin air? to make matters worse, the letter sorters reported that some of the letters that were scheduled to be delivered for the day were gone before they could even get sorted. with that, panic and chaos broke out through the terminal.

we have to get to the bottom of this, yume thought as she scanned the crowd to find yu. “yu, we should investigate what’s going on here,” she suggested.

“what? obviously not! are you being serious?” she led yume to a quieter place in the terminal, away from the relaxing room. “you can’t just leave the terminal hanging like that, you know. people are already in panic, you don’t want it to worsen, right?”

“if they’re already worried, there’s no reason we should drag them into this,” she protested, “the best way is if we go alone. besides, nat and silky will still be here, they’ll calm everyone down and the terminal will run as usual again.” yume did have a point, and from what yu’s been told, nat and silky are amazing leaders of their respective groups.

just after yume left to tell the other two leaders what was going on, i spotted a letter tucked behind a counter from the corner of my eye. what was it doing here? i thought, confused, shouldn’t the letters be sent to the sorting room after they’ve been registered? what shocked me the most, however was the name the letter was addressed to. “yume wouldn’t mind, right?” i asked myself, “besides, it’s addressed to me anyways,” so i opened the letter and read.

dear yu,

hello again! how have you been, and how’s the future doing? all questions aside though, i sent this letter just wanting to make sure you’ll be here for cabin wars- i know it’s your favorite part about swc, and i wouldn’t want you to miss it for anything. as you probably know by now, my letters are usually much longer than this, but work in the terminal is really quite busy, so i don’t have much time. the first cabin wars, which are also letter rushes in the terminal are on march 9th, so be sure to set your time machine to sometime before then. if you’d like to help out at the reception desk- definitely much appreciated, since we’re getting a lot more than usual these few days, just tell me once you get here. i’ll make sure to get you prepared for it, so don’t worry!

best wishes,

so the letter never got delivered, i realized. if it had, i would have set the date much earlier. partially my fault for forgetting there was swc in march though. even still, yume kept her promise- she didn’t have to arrange me for a full makeover if i were to continue hiding in her room during sessions. after all, the community knows about me now, plus my hair, with added mango yellow highlights, is now curled and worn in a ponytail. i put the letter in my pocket for safekeeping. i’ll find a better place to put it later.

yume made her way back to where yu was, and the two began the search. upon their visit to the bird enclosure, a dove, divela, agreed to help them on the mission. the trio split up and searched around the terminal for clues. yume looked around the crates that once held the glorious mangoes. surely the culprit would have left some clues behind? she felt her pocket for the key. it wasn’t there. panicking, she retraced her steps. at the corner of a beanbag, she spotted a glinting object. “my key!” she hurried to get it, but before she could reach her hand out to grab it, a familiar-looking turtle took it by its mouth and quickly hurried off. without a moment of hesitation, yume took off after the turtle, who was somehow running- very impressive for a turtle. “yume?” yu saw someone rush past her, calling out gurtle’s name, and she joined in the chase.

gurtle, however, did not stop. the key in his mouth, he ran outside the terminal and only kept going. tired as they were, yume, yu, and divela followed. finally, gurtle stopped in front of a large contraption- the mango machine. “no, no, no, not the mango machine,” yu muttered worriedly. the turtle stepped onto the time machine.


“where are we…?” yume’s voice trailed off as the door slid open. was this… the epistolary letter terminal? it did look a lot like it, but this one seemed a lot more… futuristic.

“welcome to the future,” yu sighed, “it would be a lot more exciting if it weren’t for- wait, where is gurtle??” turns out, divela had already taken off after the speedy turtle, and the two girls had no choice but to follow them. they ran through the terminal, which was now filled with new equipment to sort letters with, conveyor belts which carried them through the different stations, and lots more. they followed gurtle as he hopped onto a floating device that took them to the sci-fi database, now even better protected against traitors and ai’s of all sorts. they wandered through different fairy tales, which evolved into versions suitable to the era they were in, and the fully functioning society that the dystopian ruins had become.

finally, they were back at the terminal. gurtle ran through the automatic doors of the entrance. no one could stop him now, right? he hurried to a once empty storage room, now filled with a large pile of mangoes. the turtle took a few steps back, collapsed, got up again, and spit out the key. it was no match for mangoes anyways.

yume and yu stood in front of the door. “y-you have n-nowhere to run now,” yume said between breaths, “we-we’re going home.”


“so- it was partially my fault?!” yu implied, “yume, remember when i led you away so we could talk somewhere quieter? maybe it was then…” her voice trailed off as she realised her mistake.

“don’t worry about it,” yume reassured her, “at least we’ve found our culprit- and the stolen mangoes. come on, we should probably head back. hopefully no one in the main cabin has noticed gurtle missing yet.” bending down, she picked up the key. “good to know he’s not off eating links now…”

or was he?


“here, help me deliver this,” yume sealed the envelope shut and held it up to divela, who took the letter with her beak and fluttered off. “wouldn’t hurt to ask for an extension, wouldn’t it.” she took a bite out of the mango in her other hand. “might as well get to working on the weekly again- why am i so tired…”

“well, we’ve just been running through thirteen cabins in their future state to chase down our mango culprit. who wouldn’t be exhausted from all that chasing?” yu popped a mango cube in her mouth. “mmmph, delicious.”

“but still, how was gurtle able to get all the mangoes to the future terminal? there’s no way he could do that all by himself, right? does that mean he knew about your time machine?” yume slammed her head against the keyboard. “i just have so many questions…”

“it’s okay, we’ll find out someday. hopefully by the end of the session. for now, your weekly seems like a pretty big priority if i do say so myself.”

yume felt the weight of the key in her pocket. this moment was sure to link to many more…


ingredients used:
- flashback
- foreshadowing
- epistolary
- symbol
- pov
- open ending

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part 4: final story after the critique, final edits

i really didn't change a lot besides everything mentioned in blau's critique

“i can’t believe i didn’t even know i messed up the weekly part due date,” yume said to herself, typing away furiously at her laptop, “oh well, i’m completing this weekly anyways. fourth weekly is almost always the best, right? brings back the most memories when you look back at it. i remember the heavy procrastination i went through for last session’s last weekly like it was yesterday…” to yume, recollecting past highlights always brought a smile to her face. last session was yu’s first appearance in her writing thread too.

“isn’t the weekly literally called memorieswc?” yu, who was currently filling in for yume’s job, asked from the reception desk. “and you might want to hurry, the deadline is in less than a week.” yu logged letter after letter dropped off in front of her, tossing them into piles that were to be delivered to the sorting room.

the reminder only made yume even more anxious than before. “yeah, it is. but that just makes it extra memorable, so i need to finish this!” scratch writing camp, a triannual virtual writing camp, runs in the months of march, july, and november. the 31st of march was creeping closer with every passing second, and it didn’t help that the terminal was going through a very busy day indeed. so many distractions, and a weekly worth more than three thousand points on the line. “oh no,” she suddenly remembered, “binary said she had something she wanted to do with me at the end of the month when i mentioned the session’s end yesterday- now i’m just piling more stress on myself, aren’t i,” she realised, letting out a sigh. she played around with the small metal key on her desk, trying to come up with ideas to write about.

finally, the lunch bell rang, and the sign on the main entrance was flipped to show ‘closed’. the terminal workers rushed to the dining area, what they called the ‘relaxing room’, and prepared for their long-awaited meal when suddenly, they heard a cry. “the mangoes are gone!” everyone gasped in shock at the news, including yume. how in the world did their three hundred and fourteen crates of mangoes just disappear into thin air? to make matters worse, the letter sorters reported that some of the letters that were scheduled to be delivered for the day were gone before they could even get sorted. with that, panic and chaos broke out through the terminal.

we have to get to the bottom of this, yume thought as she scanned the crowd to find yu. “yu, we should investigate what’s going on here,” she suggested.

“what? obviously not! are you being serious?” she led yume to a quieter place in the terminal, away from the relaxing room. “you can’t just leave the terminal hanging like that, you know. people are already in panic, you don’t want it to worsen, right?”

“if they’re already worried, there’s no reason we should drag them into this,” she protested, “the best way is if we go alone. besides, nat and silky will still be here, they’ll calm everyone down and the terminal will run as usual again.” yume did have a point, and from what yu’s been told, nat and silky were indeed amazing leaders of their respective groups.


- the very same story, in yu’s perspective -

just after yume left to tell the other two leaders what was going on, i spotted a letter tucked behind a counter from the corner of my eye. what was it doing here? i thought, confused, shouldn’t the letters be sent to the sorting room after they’ve been registered? what shocked me the most, however was the name the letter was addressed to. “yume wouldn’t mind, right?” i asked myself, “besides, it’s addressed to me anyways,” so i opened the letter and read.

dear yu,

hello again! how have you been, and how’s the future doing? all questions aside though, i sent this letter just wanting to make sure you’ll be here for cabin wars- i know it’s your favorite part about swc, and i wouldn’t want you to miss it for anything. as you probably know by now, my letters are usually much longer than this, but work in the terminal is really quite busy, so i don’t have much time. the first cabin wars, which are also letter rushes in the terminal are on march 9th, so be sure to set your time machine to sometime before then. if you’d like to help out at the reception desk- definitely much appreciated, since we’re getting a lot more than usual these few days, just tell me once you get here. i’ll make sure to get you prepared for it, so don’t worry!

best wishes,

so the letter never got delivered, i realized. if it had, i would have set the date much earlier. partially my fault for forgetting there was swc in march though. even still, yume kept her promise- she didn’t have to arrange me for a full makeover if i were to continue hiding in her room during sessions. after all, the community knows about me now, plus my hair, with added mango yellow highlights, is now curled and worn in a ponytail. i put the letter in my pocket for safekeeping. i’ll find a better place to put it later.


yume made her way back to where yu was, and the two began the search. upon their visit to the bird enclosure, a dove, divela, agreed to help them on the mission. the trio split up and searched around the terminal for clues. yume looked around the crates that once held the glorious mangoes. surely the culprit would have left some clues behind? she felt her pocket for the key. it wasn’t there. panicking, she retraced her steps. at the corner of a beanbag, she spotted a glinting object. “my key!” she hurried to get it, but before she could reach her hand out to grab it, a familiar-looking turtle took it by its mouth and quickly hurried off. without a moment of hesitation, yume took off after the turtle, who was somehow running- very impressive for a turtle. yu felt the wind rush past her. looking closer, she saw a familiar figure. was that- “yume?” she heard her friend calling out gurtle’s name, and so yu joined in the chase.

gurtle, however, did not stop. the key in his mouth, he ran outside the terminal and only kept going. tired as they were, yume, yu, and divela followed. finally, gurtle stopped in front of a large contraption- the mango machine. “no, no, no, not the mango machine,” yu muttered worriedly. the turtle stepped onto the time machine.


“where are we…?” yume’s voice trailed off as the door slid open. was this… the epistolary letter terminal? it did look a lot like it, but this one seemed a lot more… futuristic.

“welcome to the future,” yu sighed, “it would be a lot more exciting if it weren’t for- wait, where is gurtle??” turns out, divela had already taken off after the speedy turtle, and the two girls had no choice but to follow them. they ran through the terminal, which was now filled with new equipment to sort letters with, conveyor belts which carried them through the different stations, and lots more. they followed gurtle as he hopped onto a floating device that took them to the sci-fi database, now even better protected against traitors and ai’s of all sorts. they wandered through different fairy tales, which evolved into versions suitable to the era they were in, and the fully functioning society that the dystopian ruins had become.

finally, they were back at the terminal. gurtle ran through the automatic doors of the entrance. no one could stop him now, right? he hurried to a once empty storage room, now filled with a large pile of mangoes. the turtle took a few steps back, collapsed, got up again, and spit out the key. it was no match for mangoes anyways.

yume and yu stood in front of the door. “y-you have n-nowhere to run now,” yume said between breaths, “we-we’re going home.”


“so- it was partially my fault?!” yu implied, “yume, remember when i led you away so we could talk somewhere quieter? maybe it was then…” her voice trailed off as she realised her mistake.

“don’t worry about it,” yume reassured her, “at least we’ve found our culprit- and the stolen mangoes. come on, we should probably head back. hopefully no one in the main cabin has noticed gurtle missing yet.” bending down, she picked up the key. “good to know he’s not off eating links now…”

or was he?


“here, help me deliver this,” yume sealed the envelope shut and held it up to divela, who took the letter with her beak and fluttered off. “wouldn’t hurt to ask for an extension, wouldn’t it.” she took a bite out of the mango in her other hand. “might as well get to working on the weekly again- why am i so tired…”

“well, we’ve just been running through thirteen cabins in their future state to chase down our mango culprit. who wouldn’t be exhausted from all that chasing?” yu popped a mango cube in her mouth. “mmmph, delicious.”

“but still, how was gurtle able to get all the mangoes to the future terminal? there’s no way he could do that all by himself, right? does that mean he knew about your time machine?” yume slammed her head against the keyboard. “i just have so many questions…”

“it’s okay, we’ll find out someday. hopefully by the end of the session. for now, your weekly seems like a pretty big priority if i do say so myself.”

yume felt the weight of the key in her pocket. this moment was sure to link to many more…

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if you were wondering, the key actually symbolises links. yes, it might seem oddly specific, but i thought it was a fun idea ^^ links as in connections to the past and present, connections to potential other pieces or writing, maybe even to some iconic moments in swc (the gurtle part says it all), and of course, links itself- all hail the mighty devourer gurtle.

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word count : too lazy :,)
= total word count :

current session total : ? / 25000

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Last edited by yumetopia (April 2, 2024 23:34:37)

100+ posts

⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

i made a mistake lol

Last edited by yumetopia (March 27, 2024 22:20:10)

100+ posts

⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

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letters to ocs - #2
a yume 2024 goal <3

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dear rose,

words cannot express how much you mean to me in terms of a character. because of you and your pen friends, i was made fun of, but at the same time, an entire fandom creation with you included in it was made because i met one of my closest friends i had in my six years of primary school, and i still keep in contact with her now.

pen idol- the creation that changed my life. seriously though, i am not at all kidding. it all began with school during the pandemic. the virus had slowed down a bit, allowing us to go to school with safety measures in place such as the big plastic boards which were used to shield each desk from one another, and of course, the wearing of masks, which evolved into mask fashion over time, and screening procedures done before we left home for school each day. it was hectic, alright, but a ton of amazing things would not have happened without that not-so dreaded at all pandemic. alright, it was pretty bad, but here we are.

everything started off with pen olympics, with the original four teams- team playful, team elegant, team nice, and team special, forming the acronym ‘p.e.n.s.”. later on, adding that onto my friend and i’s obsession with aikatsu, pen idol was born, and so were new pen teams. although many of the teams reformed, you were one of the ones that stayed in your original pen olympics team, even up until now. has it really been almost four years? cause i find that hard to believe, don’t you?

for a fact, you might not know how significant your story has had on me- mainly because it was right around the time i was writing the pen idol team playful’s journey story, i joined my first ever session of scratch writing camp. not just writing, but because of pen idol, i got into using canva and have been using it ever since. pretty unfortunate that i didn’t have much time back then to type the entirety of the story, although the roleplays kept on going. it was fun trying to write from a younger sister’s perspective too, trying to get to know what you feel- i’m an older sister myself, though i feel overshadowed too. we do have our similarities, hehe. it’s also worth mentioning that i’ve been continuing to write the team playful story for recent swc sessions, using it for dailies and so on.

all of this impact and origin story stuff aside, i would just like to thank you for being there for me which is actually the main reason i decided to write all these letters in the first place. wishing you the best of luck on your idol journey- you’re a fourth year now- and of course, all the best for your friends too. i’ll always have that special feeling about the first pen idol! protagonist of my creation- have i mentioned my obsession with your hairstyle? it’s quite unique and cute at the same time. ah, for once character creators don’t let me down! i hope this letter finds you well, and that you enjoyed reading all about how you came to be as a character of mine. knowing your personality, i’m sure you would.

best wishes,
march 28, 2024

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word count : 561

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100+ posts

⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

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swc mar '24 : daily #30

“ imagine your character getting the superpower they've always wanted to have…now throw that thought out the window. today, you'll be writing about a character getting their least favorite superpower in 200 words, for 200 points. feel free to share for an additional 100 points! ”

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“uhh, so just how does this work again?!” lotti fumed, circling around the crystal flower, slightly raging, “i thought you were the flower of destiny, but come on, there’s no way granting wishes is my destiny whatsoever.” seeing the other fairy behaving like that made yume sigh. yes, it was usual that people get surprised by their sorting, but to react in such a way, insulting the very essence that keeps the balance of the different fairy types and the academy’s magic in general.

“you know,” yume tried to reason, “maybe you’ll learn to like it afterwards. you don’t want to keep everyone waiting on the other side of the portal, don’t you?”

“hmpf,” lotti headed towards the portal following the guardian of the star showers. “life isn’t fair, i guess,” she said in a low voice, “might as well.”

when they arrived in the showers, lotti was immediately greeted by the luminescent streaks of starlight scattered throughout the sky. well, they were technically in the sky. yume rounded up the new group of fairies-in-training. “welcome to the star showers,” she bagan, “this is where you’ll be staying while training your magical abilities to the fullest.” she continued, showing the group around the different locations- the sleeping quarters, the training rooms, and more. just great, lotti thought, i’m stuck here now.

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reflection :

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word count : 221
reflection word count :
= total word count : 221

current session total (since last save) : ? / 25000

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Last edited by yumetopia (March 30, 2024 23:58:59)

100+ posts

⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

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swc mar '24 : daily #31 (thank you notes)

“ with that, another session has come to a wrap! we hope you enjoyed it - perhaps leaving with newly built friendships, and lasting memories to cherish! as we finish up this session and start preparations for the next, take some time to reflect. what are your favorite memories of this month? who or what made an impact on you? now go ahead and let those people know! write some thank you's to express your gratitude for the influence they've made on you and others <3 ”

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to our dear (g)hosts:

thank you for yet another amazing session! as usual, you did not disappoint, with a new iconic camp mascot and all the activities you’ve provided throughout the session. all the work you put in behind the scenes has definitely payed off and will go down in history, all of you (g)hosts who have contributed so much to make this camp what it is today.

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to the daily team, and everyone who gave suggestions:

thank you for providing us with endless activities and ideas for them every session, some swclassics, others completely new, and of course, the trip back to memory lane with memorieswc, the fourth weekly of this session. i’m honored to have the chance to write some of those dailies and weekly parts as well, especially the pi day one ^^ it truly made my day seeing the ‘and a free pi pie!’ up in the main cabin desc, hehe.

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to silky:

thank you for being an amazing co for epistolary. the terminal simply wouldn’t exist without the help of you and nat. i’ve had the most wonderful time cabin planning with you, and you’re just one of the nicest people i’ve worked with, like ever. thank you! p.s., your leader app brought back so many memories <3

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to nat:

i know this might sound a bit strange, but really, thank you for taking care of yourself. real life can pose challenges, and as always, life > swc. thank you for being a wonderful co nonetheless- you’re truly amazing. <33

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to mouse:

thank you for your endless support through my swc journey! i find it interesting the way we met, which just so happens to be last year’s march session when you and horror were on a quest to burn down all the other cabins with mango flame. and thank you for agreeing to make me a dystopian pfp… i’m totally a camper btw :> i also enjoyed the little conversations we’ve had, mostly during the times i was stalking your cabin, hehe.

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to mousella (aka mouse + bella):

thank you for giving me the chance to be on your podcast hehe- mangoes and mayhem is such an amazing idea (like seriously, a swc podcast!?) that all swc-ers should know about. thank you for all the inspiration and motivation you’ve given me, and i’m sure that applies to everyone who’s heard even a single episode.

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to bella and nova:

thank you for cheering me up about the name situation with my supply teacher, it felt so much better getting it off my shoulders and it’s great to know that there are people out there who are there for you wherever you need it <3

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to zion:

how has it been so long?!? thank you for being the first person to ever interact with me during swc- well, i wasn’t officially a camper then, but i have no idea if i’d ever be in this camp at this moment if it weren’t for the comment you left on that one project. it was fun being the sci-fi database’s traitor, though /obviously/ the credit has to go to the sci-fi leadership team for coming up with the storyline. once again, congrats on leading your first-ever swc cabin! you deserve it <3

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to blau:

did i force you into this? most likely, though i’m not entirely sure exactly what i said xD thank you for being such a nice friend, in and outside of swc. hearing that you enjoyed this experience just makes my day like eighty-eight percent better (wxs ref hehe). thank you and wandahoi~ to you too! ;D

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to sooeun:

yes. this has been the best session i’ve had for many reasons, one of them being forcing recommending two people to join swc. thank you for being a great friend ^^ hope you enjoyed this new experience, and thank you again!

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to summer, recca, and sophia:

thank you to you, and the rest of poetry, for being our amazing siblings!! your cabin is soo pretty and i’m so glad poetry has been brought back for yet another session. thank you for being such amazing siblings, you’re all so nice too :sob:

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to summer:

first and foremost, thank you for leading poetry and making it so amazing aah- and of course, having made the stunning sibling cabin thumbnail and coming up with the name (yes, the sibling trio name that will forever be iconic xD). and of course, our little secret april fool’s switcheroo was your idea to begin with. seriously, your ideas are always amazing <3

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to luka, september, and mabel:

utopian!! i actually asked for utopian as my second choice, after epistolary, and i practically screamed when it was in the session lineup, and to such wonderful leaders too :0 the concept is amazing, and being siblings makes it even better <3 poetic epistopia for the win! (and unlimited cookies for tctwnw, as always. maybe even unlimited +1 <3)

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to alana:

thank you for being so patient with us when it came to mb deadlines, and all the fun and chaos that you’ve brought to epistolary during cabin wars. most importantly, i know i can never stress this enough, but thank you for bringing back fairy tales for yet another session. i know i’m saying this on behalf of the whole camp when i say that fairy tales is probably one of the most iconic swc cabins ever ; )

edit: and also for helping me clarify some small things about weekly 4 :,) totally my fault i messed up, sorry i hooked you into this </3

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to alana, sienna, and amethyst:

how??!?! every time i look at your cabin i gasp in shock at the storyline, the graphics, and everything. one of the most iconic swc cabins ever, and wow, you three did not disappoint- this is sure to go down in swhistory :00

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to river:

ah, our local enemy warrer river. thank you for consistently keeping us campers engaged throughout cabin wars. we probably wouldn’t have written the amount we have without you and alana’s very frequent wars :,D

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to epistolary:

thank you for everything- adding words and finishing activities to help our cabin, being the supportive and friendly people you are, and well, camper-ing in general. epistolary just wouldn’t be complete without you all. (and if you see a seemingly random follow, i have a thing of following every camper during the last day- treat it as a thank you for making the session amazing ^^)

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to the poetic epistopia:

probably the best sibling trio name i have ever seen, credits to summer xD it was really fun getting to know all of you, and being a part of the activities in our sibling studio. throughout the session, we’ve learned so much about each other through assumptions, two truths one lie, and many more. i’ve truly enjoyed our time together, and i hope you have as well <3

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to swc:

yes, you! everyone who has been a part of swc past and present. if you don’t see your name here, i’m here to tell you that you all have my deepest gratitude, from the bottom of my heart. it’s slightly embarrassing to say that i found this camp through stalking profiles, but i’m so glad i did. after all, i probably wouldn’t have been able to get through a lot of irl issues if it weren’t for this super supportive and welcoming community. it’s amazing to think that even though most of us have never met before, since we’re all spread out all over the world, it’s like we know each other better than most people we know in real life. to be fair, swc is real life for us too, hehe.

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when i first signed up for swc, it was because i wanted to improve my writing. when i decided on making my first leader app, it was because i wanted to share this experience with you all on a larger scale, to hopefully inspire swc-ers old and new for the better, and i can’t be happier to say that my goal has been accomplished throughout fairy tales and epistolary the past two sessions.

swc, thank you so much for everything. <3

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word count : 1339
reflection word count :
= total word count : 1339

final session total : 14570 / 25000

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Last edited by yumetopia (April 3, 2024 17:18:00)

100+ posts

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mmap daily #11

setting - 6. big city
plot - 4. are being hunted by someone or something
character - 9. a spy
twist - 6. but they're from the past or future
hair length - 1. short
hair color - 5. dirty blonde
eye color - 1. light blue

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Last edited by yumetopia (May 6, 2024 21:33:00)

100+ posts

⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

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➷ yume's guide to editing
forum version ^^

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now that you have written the base of your story, it’s time to edit! use this opportunity to polish up your piece and make the best out of what you’ve got. not sure where to start? don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! this guide might be able to help you out. whether you’re an experienced writer or are just starting out, here are a few tips to guide you on your journey…

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- read your story aloud. yes, we know, it can be slightly awkward to listen to yourself as you go through each and every word, but trust me, it works. while reading, you might notice a few small mistakes or strangely worded sentences, which might not be obvious by just looking it over.

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- keep it simple. if you find a certain part hard, long, or kind of slow a read, your readers are most likely going to feel the same way. avoid long or difficult words, but do watch out for abstract and vague words like ‘stuff’ and ‘things’, which can usually be replaced with a more descriptive alternative.

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- make sure your dialogue flows naturally. this can prove to be hard to many writers, myself included. while reading through your piece, look out for lines of dialogue that might need some fixing, and make sure to keep your characters’ voices and perspectives consistent throughout the story, as well as their motivations.

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- don’t be afraid to press that backspace button. you’ve written something great, but now that you’ve read the story over, it feels a little extra. the truth is, we’ve all been there! if the part needs to be cut out, do it. what i like to do is to keep a copy of the original piece while editing on a copy, just so you can have a reference at hand- you might even find a way to make use of those scrapped details later on.

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- show, not tell - a classic writer’s tip to give more depth to your writing. instead of simply telling the readers everything, give descriptions and let readers experience the action themselves. the most important part of this tip is to know when to and not to use it, since too much description can make your piece wordy and hard to read.

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- make use of literary devices. another thing that you can’t have too much of, but the right ones used in the right places can help bring out the theme of your story. weaving figurative language, cliches, tropes, and symbolism to your story can be quite difficult at times, so don’t feel like you have to include them, as every piece of writing is unique and should be treated accordingly ^^

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- just relax! to many writers, editing their novel is considered a very healing process, and probably one of the most important as well. take breaks between your editing, there’s no need to rush. sometimes, over-stressing can result in not being able to recognise parts that need to be fixed, which are usually made pretty clear after a short break. after all, writing is supposed to be fun, so let’s keep it that way <3

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after reading through the guide, take some time to edit your story. after you’re done, send it over to the critquitaire to get feedback (and extra points for your cabin ;0) for your writing. to finish this part of the weekly, edit your story stew for a second time, this time based off the comments you received from the critquitaire. oh well- apparently i was over-stressing and editing this guide way too much i ended up missing the weekly part deadline ^^' either way, i hope you found this guide useful. good luck, editors!

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- the absolutely incredible gurtle taskbar for presenting you the fourth weekly
- yume @yumetopia for writing the guide and missing the deadline ^^'
- many many thanks to moonlit's workshop which i used for some inspiration and reference <33

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Last edited by yumetopia (June 5, 2024 13:08:52)

100+ posts

⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈ ˖˚₊‧ ꒰ა ꄗ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˖ ┈┈┈┈┈ ⋆

the key to our dreams ִֶָ˚˖ꄗ·₊⠁yume's swc leader app
~ text version ~

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door 1 ✽ the awakening

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1 ⋆ about me - 511 words

hello there! I’m Yume, and I go by the pronouns she/her. currently, I reside in the est timezone, with daylight saving turning the clocks an hour early. is this foreshadowing? probably yes, but we’ll get to that later. first and foremost, let me introduce yourself.

and one last thing before we get into it- I did say last time that my app was going to be overflowing with the recollection of past memories. to past Yume, I guess you- no, we really had no idea how far this idea would get in the now-present future, didn’t we ^^
I’m an avid writer of many genres, ranging from many writers’ go-tos, fantasy and dystopian, to smaller, or lesser-known ones like epistolary and fantastopian (as in a combination of the two previously said genres). I’ve been writing for quite a long while now, and although I was never a huge fan of essay writing, one thing I know for sure is that I’ve always had a love for songwriting. often times I like reading my old notebooks to cheer me up and provide motivation. I really did go through many of those over the years, but one thing they all have in common is, you guessed it: songs. maybe it’s an excerpt of lyrics, or notes written in solfege, and often times even both. to me, songwriting and journaling have been and still are what help me get through all that I have in life, and I can’t imagine where I’d be now if I never found the interest to. writing can change your life, and all of us SWC-ers are living proof that it’s true.

besides all these forms of writing, some of my other hobbies include singing and graphic design. music in general has always been a huge passion of mine, whether that means singing in the shower, during choir, recording a song cover, building songs with loops, or my attempts on teaching myself piano. I love designing thumbnails and slides for my projects or studios, and that’s really come in handy for cabins as well.

if you have an obsession with project sekai like I do, (maybe even as a pjsk and overall rhythm game addict,) I’m assuming you got the reference before clicking into this app- perhaps that’s what brought you here in the first place. the title of this app, ‘the key to our dreams’, also known as ‘yume no kagi’ in a not-that-exact japanese translation, is based off of ‘momoiro no kagi’, or ‘the peachy key’. I like to choose app themes that represent who I am, and this song really has a special place in my heart. the past few months have really been tough due to family trust issues, growing distance between old friends, and internal conflicts, but scratch, all of SWC, and this very specific song, helped me get over it. the lyrics, especially, resonated with me a lot. I could write a whole essay explaining the connections, but to keep it simple, it provided reassurance and reminded me that I’m truly not alone.

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2 ⋆ experience - 407 words

I’ve been a camper in SWC since march 2021, but truth be told, I wasn’t in every in-between session and only participated again in march of 2023. that session though, was a life-changer, as I decided to apply for leader the next session. so far, I’ve participated in a total of five sessions, with july marking the sixth.

camper-ing is super fun on its own, but after my second time camping, I discovered that there was more to a writing camp than just writing and earning points for your cabin- don’t get me wrong though! those are important too. still, I wanted to do more to help the SWC community, and that determination has led me back here once again, having made three previous apps and led fairy tales and epistolary in the two past sessions. and of course, quoting past Yume again: “resilience and determination are the keys to success.” wait- ‘keys’ to success? how, that’s literally perfect- :00

leading a cabin is seriously one of the best things I’ve ever done. getting to learn more about how the camp works and experience the behind-the-scenes for yourself is truly a rewarding experience. the bonds you form with your fellow (co)leaders and campers is just really special. I wanted to lead in the hopes that I could inspire SWC-ers new and old (by no means am I forcing people into SWC- more like introducing them to it ;)), and I’m truly delighted and grateful that I’ve been able to accomplish this goal of mine. <3

as of recently, I’m a part of a rhythm game collab called Kokoro Beats. despite all the obstacles we’ve run through, the team managed to get past each and work together towards our end goal. I’ve also been given the role of managing a smaller group within the team. it’s a new experience for me, and I’m more than happy to try it out. so far, I think communication throughout the departments has become significantly easier, which is really great!

as for outside of scratch, I joined a programme in back in grade 4 which taught me essential leadership skills such as teamwork, initiative, and taking responsibility. the programme really helped with my fears of public speaking and believing in myself, and I also met a few friends along the way, though unfortunately we lost contact afterwards. still, it was a really meaningful experience, and I’m sure I won’t ever forget it.

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door 2 ⭒ constellations

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3 ⋆ cabin preferences - 233 words

as both an avid SWC-er and a project sekai enthusiast, it’s only natural that this idea has occurred to me before. yes, it’s about time- a SWSekai cabin. back in the november ‘23 session, the idea struck me for the first time while leading fairy tales. after that, various people have brought up the idea to me, and my response was something along the lines of “it would be a bit hard to pull off, but maybe one day”. what I didn’t expect was that there were in fact a lot of sekai fans amongst the SWC community, which was proven when I created the SWC proseka club and released my march ‘24 leader app- sekai. as this will be a fandom-based cabin, I would most prefer fan-fi for this idea.

if I don’t get selected for fan-fi, I would most prefer script or utopian next. for script, my idea is to set the storyline on bringing a stage back up from the dust. inspired by wonderlandsxshowtime’s main story? ahh, I had to- yes, for my hopes and dreams of a project sekai cabin, but I do like this story idea a lot, pjsk aside.

and of course, TCTWNW! I wouldn’t mind leading it, though I do gravitate more towards leading a more competitive cabin since one of my favorite parts of SWC are cabin wars and all the chaos that it brings ^^

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4 ⋆ excerpt - 1685 words

“i can’t believe i didn’t even know i messed up the weekly part due date,” yume said to herself, typing away furiously at her laptop, “oh well, i’m completing this weekly anyways. fourth weekly is almost always the best, right? brings back the most memories when you look back at it. i remember the heavy procrastination i went through for last session’s last weekly like it was yesterday…” to yume, recollecting past highlights always brought a smile to her face. last session was yu’s first appearance in her writing thread too.

“isn’t the weekly literally called memorieswc?” yu, who was currently filling in for yume’s job, asked from the reception desk. “and you might want to hurry, the deadline is in less than a week.” yu logged letter after letter dropped off in front of her, tossing them into piles that were to be delivered to the sorting room.

the reminder only made yume even more anxious than before. “yeah, it is. but that just makes it extra memorable, so i need to finish this!” scratch writing camp, a triannual virtual writing camp, runs in the months of march, july, and november. the 31st of march was creeping closer with every passing second, and it didn’t help that the terminal was going through a very busy day indeed. so many distractions, and a weekly worth more than three thousand points on the line. “oh no,” she suddenly remembered, “binary said she had something she wanted to do with me at the end of the month when i mentioned the session’s end yesterday- now i’m just piling more stress on myself, aren’t i,” she realised, letting out a sigh. she played around with the small metal key on her desk, trying to come up with ideas to write about.

finally, the lunch bell rang, and the sign on the main entrance was flipped to show ‘closed’. the terminal workers rushed to the dining area, what they called the ‘relaxing room’, and prepared for their long-awaited meal when suddenly, they heard a cry. “the mangoes are gone!” everyone gasped in shock at the news, including yume. how in the world did their three hundred and fourteen crates of mangoes just disappear into thin air? to make matters worse, the letter sorters reported that some of the letters that were scheduled to be delivered for the day were gone before they could even get sorted. with that, panic and chaos broke out through the terminal.

we have to get to the bottom of this, yume thought as she scanned the crowd to find yu. “yu, we should investigate what’s going on here,” she suggested.

“what? obviously not! are you being serious?” she led yume to a quieter place in the terminal, away from the relaxing room. “you can’t just leave the terminal hanging like that, you know. people are already in panic, you don’t want it to worsen, right?”

“if they’re already worried, there’s no reason we should drag them into this,” she protested, “the best way is if we go alone. besides, nat and silky will still be here, they’ll calm everyone down and the terminal will run as usual again.” yume did have a point, and from what yu’s been told, nat and silky were indeed amazing leaders of their respective groups.


- the very same story, in yu’s perspective -

just after yume left to tell the other two leaders what was going on, i spotted a letter tucked behind a counter from the corner of my eye. what was it doing here? i thought, confused, shouldn’t the letters be sent to the sorting room after they’ve been registered? what shocked me the most, however was the name the letter was addressed to. “yume wouldn’t mind, right?” i asked myself, “besides, it’s addressed to me anyways,” so i opened the letter and read.

dear yu,

hello again! how have you been, and how’s the future doing? all questions aside though, i sent this letter just wanting to make sure you’ll be here for cabin wars- i know it’s your favorite part about swc, and i wouldn’t want you to miss it for anything. as you probably know by now, my letters are usually much longer than this, but work in the terminal is really quite busy, so i don’t have much time. the first cabin wars, which are also letter rushes in the terminal are on march 9th, so be sure to set your time machine to sometime before then. if you’d like to help out at the reception desk- definitely much appreciated, since we’re getting a lot more than usual these few days, just tell me once you get here. i’ll make sure to get you prepared for it, so don’t worry!

best wishes,

so the letter never got delivered, i realized. if it had, i would have set the date much earlier. partially my fault for forgetting there was swc in march though. even still, yume kept her promise- she didn’t have to arrange me for a full makeover if i were to continue hiding in her room during sessions. after all, the community knows about me now, plus my hair, with added mango yellow highlights, is now curled and worn in a ponytail. i put the letter in my pocket for safekeeping. i’ll find a better place to put it later.


yume made her way back to where yu was, and the two began the search. upon their visit to the bird enclosure, a dove, divela, agreed to help them on the mission. the trio split up and searched around the terminal for clues. yume looked around the crates that once held the glorious mangoes. surely the culprit would have left some clues behind? she felt her pocket for the key. it wasn’t there. panicking, she retraced her steps. at the corner of a beanbag, she spotted a glinting object. “my key!” she hurried to get it, but before she could reach her hand out to grab it, a familiar-looking turtle took it by its mouth and quickly hurried off. without a moment of hesitation, yume took off after the turtle, who was somehow running- very impressive for a turtle. yu felt the wind rush past her. looking closer, she saw a familiar figure. was that- “yume?” she heard her friend calling out gurtle’s name, and so yu joined in the chase.

gurtle, however, did not stop. the key in his mouth, he ran outside the terminal and only kept going. tired as they were, yume, yu, and divela followed. finally, gurtle stopped in front of a large contraption- the mango machine. “no, no, no, not the mango machine,” yu muttered worriedly. the turtle stepped onto the time machine.


“where are we…?” yume’s voice trailed off as the door slid open. was this… the epistolary letter terminal? it did look a lot like it, but this one seemed a lot more… futuristic.

“welcome to the future,” yu sighed, “it would be a lot more exciting if it weren’t for- wait, where is gurtle??” turns out, divela had already taken off after the speedy turtle, and the two girls had no choice but to follow them. they ran through the terminal, which was now filled with new equipment to sort letters with, conveyor belts which carried them through the different stations, and lots more. they followed gurtle as he hopped onto a floating device that took them to the sci-fi database, now even better protected against traitors and ai’s of all sorts. they wandered through different fairy tales, which evolved into versions suitable to the era they were in, and the fully functioning society that the dystopian ruins had become.

finally, they were back at the terminal. gurtle ran through the automatic doors of the entrance. no one could stop him now, right? he hurried to a once empty storage room, now filled with a large pile of mangoes. the turtle took a few steps back, collapsed, got up again, and spit out the key. it was no match for mangoes anyways.

yume and yu stood in front of the door. “y-you have n-nowhere to run now,” yume said between breaths, “we-we’re going home.”


“so- it was partially my fault?!” yu implied, “yume, remember when i led you away so we could talk somewhere quieter? maybe it was then…” her voice trailed off as she realised her mistake.

“don’t worry about it,” yume reassured her, “at least we’ve found our culprit- and the stolen mangoes. come on, we should probably head back. hopefully no one in the main cabin has noticed gurtle missing yet.” bending down, she picked up the key. “good to know he’s not off eating links now…”

or was he?


“here, help me deliver this,” yume sealed the envelope shut and held it up to divela, who took the letter with her beak and fluttered off. “wouldn’t hurt to ask for an extension, wouldn’t it.” she took a bite out of the mango in her other hand. “might as well get to working on the weekly again- why am i so tired…”

“well, we’ve just been running through thirteen cabins in their future state to chase down our mango culprit. who wouldn’t be exhausted from all that chasing?” yu popped a mango cube in her mouth. “mmmph, delicious.”

“but still, how was gurtle able to get all the mangoes to the future terminal? there’s no way he could do that all by himself, right? does that mean he knew about your time machine?” yume slammed her head against the keyboard. “i just have so many questions…”

“it’s okay, we’ll find out someday. hopefully by the end of the session. for now, your weekly seems like a pretty big priority if i do say so myself.”

yume felt the weight of the key in her pocket. this moment was sure to link to many more…

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door 3 ʚїɞ fairy tale academy

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5 ⋆ time and dedication - 284 words

ah, yes, so it was foreshadowing after all. might as well get it out there- i’m going back to my home country for the entirety of july, which means that I won’t be in est or edt, but rather gmt+8. you might be asking, “wouldn’t twelve whole hours ahead be really confusing for you, Yume?” don’t worry, I’ve been there ^^ I joined my first session of SWC back in that timezone after all, so it should be fine. ahh, nostalgia.

by now, you’re probably worried about the real concern. no, it isn’t about the daily update times. since this is still a vacation, i’d probably be a bit less active in activity completion than in usual sessions. I’ve had the idea of a travel log for months, so SWC and my trip overlapping make it the perfect occasion to put my plan to action. my current speculation is that i’ll be online for at least 1-2 hours per day during the session, but it really does vary depending on what I do that day. anywhere from 1-4 hours makes sense, since I am devoting to actively writing during the month.

as I’ve experienced, the real magic of SWC happens behind the curtains. well, most of it, at least. ; ) time to actually get to the point, since with this point stated. if I get accepted as a (co)leader, I will dedicate 3-4 hours of time to SWC. this is usually comprised of the time I have after I finish schoolwork for the day and impatient Yume checking scratch during school once in a while as well. I do lose access to my laptop sometime around 10 pm, once again depending on the day.

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6 ⋆ time management - 132 words

I’ll just put it out there- I’m definitely not perfect at time management. still, I try my best at prioritising tasks so I can get everything done on time with the best quality possible. I’m sure we’ve all been through procrastinating on weeklies or other large tasks- I know I have. yes, it often feels stressful to finish such a large portion of work at once, so one way I use is splitting up the workload, assigning an amount of time for each specific task and work towards finishing it within that time, so everything can be done for the day. of course, that also includes SWC activities, but as always, life > SWC. it couldn’t hurt to speedrun a few dailies, and perhaps a weekly or two, if time is sufficient, right? ; )

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door 4 ⬦ sekai
(or should i say swsekai? ;D)

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7 ⋆ cooperation - 211 words

as usual, starting with weaknesses. I’m a bit indecisive at times, which is why I usually finalise decisions with the others I’m working with. I get hesitant to share my ideas and opinions that I don’t think are good enough because of the worry that they’re indeed not good enough. what I’ve learned though, is that even if an idea doesn’t seem polished at first, putting it out there for your teammates to pitch in can help you get to something that everyone can agree on.

as for strengths, I take initiative on tasks, and try my best to complete assigned work with the highest quality possible within the time given. I do think I’m an understanding person, and take everyone’s opinions and ideas into account before making a decision, so that what we come up with is something we’re all happy about. getting everyone together is also important, so I often try to make conversations as natural as possible to get everyone engaged, and hopefully, create lasting bonds with each other. it’s hard, I know, but I believe that if someone’s willing to take that first step, whether it’s starting a conversation, or supporting a newly established collaboration, it can start a chain reaction that leads to a lot more.

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8 ⋆ quality of a leader - 134 words

in my opinion, the most important trait in a leader, or any person in general, even, is compassion. you might ask, “why compassion out of absolutely everything else you could have said?” even though having patience with your teammates and having the flexibility to adapt when unexpected challenges arise are important traits amongst all others, no collaboration can go along smoothly if you don’t take the time to understand others’ opinions and feelings. this is important not only during brainstorming ideas and splitting up work, but also when it comes to conflicts related to scheduling and unforeseen circumstances that could affect the activity levels of your (co)leader or camper. after all, the need to focus on life outside camp is important, and you should never feel bad for taking care of yourself. <3

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door 5 ⸙ epistolary letter terminal

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9 ⋆ cabin atmosphere - 33 words

a supportive, welcoming place for you to work towards your goals with engaging activities and a hint of friendly competition in the mix, all while creating lasting bonds and memories within the cabin.

(200 characters)

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10 ⋆ checkboxes + 3-part - 115 words

a. check all that apply:
| ✓ | i am applying for both leader and co-leader.
| | i am applying for co-leader only.
| ✓ | i’m willing to share a promotional project for SWC.

b. no, i’m confident that i can fulfill all the leadership responsibilities listed.

c. in the case of inactivity, I’ll inform the other leaders in my cabin in advance, as well as Moonlit, or the other hosts if needed, and help come up with a solution to work with for the time being. if someone in the team has to go offline for any reason, I’ll willingly fill in for them where possible. if it involves a (co)leader in a different cabin, I’ll reach out to them and see how I can be of help. I’ll also make sure to let the campers know beforehand and that they can continue to add words while I’m gone.

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Last edited by yumetopia (May 17, 2024 22:30:25)

100+ posts

⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

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ssc may '23 - weekly #1

“ for this weekly, we will be writing a parody of a song! a parody is a song that has the same tune as another song, but has words that are changed from the original. this weekly consists of 3 parts, completing all of these parts will give you a total of 1500 points! ”

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Scratch Camps^^ Survey Team Theme

originally: Niccori^^ Chousa-tai no Theme
og lyrics by Jesus-P
parody lyrics by Yume @yumetopia

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Scratch Camps Survey Team!
Good morn-evenin-day! (How are you?)
Know this session’ll be the best
Oh~ Wandahoi!

Scratch camps! Collection! Let’s go!

Everyone! (Yes!)
We’re gathered here
To survey all scratch camps throughout the year~
Yes Officer that's a great idea but- Dismissed
But I haven't even said anything yet?

Well a-ny-way, look over there, everyone-
We’ve got a whole list to tackle today
Aah, I've heard about this one a hundred times, but- (Yeah, I like that!)
What about this one?
I said that’s not it

Officer! (Hmm? Tell me!)
I have a proposal
It's certainly something you'd want to hear
So now, first of all (First of all?)
First of all, joining all camps with no plan, yes?

Wait a minute– (Eh?)
We're taking off!
I said wait a minute! Now we prepare for liftoff~!

Okay, let start checking if we’ve got all this done~

First, the basics! Now:

So! Did you finish the daily today? (Yes!)
Ah- I think I forgot to let them know I’m away- (But!)
Well, you have access to wifi there, right? (Yes!)
Did you bring your motivation? (Well, of course!)

You have your cabinmates,
I'm right here next to you
Even though it’s just through our screens
Wonder who all of you are
But as for right now, we're gonna make the impossible possible
I know we’ll make all this work

Niccori-cori-cori-cori-camp’s started now!
Over here and over there, excited feelings
Our smiles and memories added to the lasting collection
Ee-yea-ee-yea-ee-yea-ee YEAH~

When the memory books come out after every session
They become our top notch ENTER↓TAINMENT↑

“You’ll come back for the next session, right?
I really hope to see you here again~” (we can do it!)
Feel the cabin pride no matter where you go
So come once again next time, it’ll sure be a blast

Dejection? Procrastination? We’re here to fix that
Leave it to us to make you smile once again (fufu~)
Sometimes we feel so high, but even during the low times
Mix it all up, add some spice

“Wow, that's perfect!”
“Huh, what is?”

Niccori-cori-cori-cori-now we’re all here!
Anyone can come and join us (You’ll sure love this!)
Apparently we’re also the target of investigation-!
Run away-way-way-waaay~

“You’ll come back for the next session, right?
I really hope to see you here again~” (we can do it!)
Feel the camp spirit no matter where you go
So come once again next time and we’ll make it a blast

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change more than 10-15 words? definitely done lol

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link to song directory:

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Last edited by yumetopia (May 9, 2024 18:12:01)

100+ posts

⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈ ˖˚₊‧ ꒰ა ꄗ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˖ ┈┈┈┈┈ ⋆

the key to our dreams ִֶָ˚˖ꄗ·₊⠁Yume's SWC leader app
~ text version ~

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door 1 ✽ the awakening

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1 ⋆ about me - 511 words

hello there! I’m Yume, and I go by the pronouns she/her. currently, I reside in the est timezone, with daylight saving turning the clocks an hour early. is this foreshadowing? probably yes, but we’ll get to that later. first and foremost, let me introduce yourself.

and one last thing before we get into it- I did say last time that my app was going to be overflowing with the recollection of past memories. to past Yume, I guess you- no, we really had no idea how far this idea would get in the now-present future, didn’t we ^^
I’m an avid writer of many genres, ranging from many writers’ go-tos, fantasy and dystopian, to smaller, or lesser-known ones like epistolary and fantastopian (as in a combination of the two previously said genres). I’ve been writing for quite a long while now, and although I was never a huge fan of essay writing, one thing I know for sure is that I’ve always had a love for songwriting. often times I like reading my old notebooks to cheer me up and provide motivation. I really did go through many of those over the years, but one thing they all have in common is, you guessed it: songs. maybe it’s an excerpt of lyrics, or notes written in solfege, and often times even both. to me, songwriting and journaling have been and still are what help me get through all that I have in life, and I can’t imagine where I’d be now if I never found the interest to. writing can change your life, and all of us SWC-ers are living proof that it’s true.

besides all these forms of writing, some of my other hobbies include singing and graphic design. music in general has always been a huge passion of mine, whether that means singing in the shower, during choir, recording a song cover, building songs with loops, or my attempts on teaching myself piano. I love designing thumbnails and slides for my projects or studios, and that’s really come in handy for cabins as well.

if you have an obsession with project sekai like I do, (maybe even as a pjsk and overall rhythm game addict,) I’m assuming you got the reference before clicking into this app- perhaps that’s what brought you here in the first place. the title of this app, ‘the key to our dreams’, also known as ‘yume no kagi’ in a not-that-exact japanese translation, is based off of ‘momoiro no kagi’, or ‘the peachy key’. I like to choose app themes that represent who I am, and this song really has a special place in my heart. the past few months have really been tough due to family trust issues, growing distance between old friends, and internal conflicts, but scratch, all of SWC, and this very specific song, helped me get over it. the lyrics, especially, resonated with me a lot. I could write a whole essay explaining the connections, but to keep it simple, it provided reassurance and reminded me that I’m truly not alone.

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2 ⋆ experience - 407 words

I’ve been a camper in SWC since march 2021, but truth be told, I wasn’t in every in-between session and only participated again in march of 2023. that session though, was a life-changer, as I decided to apply for leader the next session. so far, I’ve participated in a total of five sessions, with july marking the sixth.

camper-ing is super fun on its own, but after my second time camping, I discovered that there was more to a writing camp than just writing and earning points for your cabin- don’t get me wrong though! those are important too. still, I wanted to do more to help the SWC community, and that determination has led me back here once again, having made three previous apps and led fairy tales and epistolary in the two past sessions. and of course, quoting past Yume again: “resilience and determination are the keys to success.” wait- ‘keys’ to success? how, that’s literally perfect- :00

leading a cabin is seriously one of the best things I’ve ever done. getting to learn more about how the camp works and experience the behind-the-scenes for yourself is truly a rewarding experience. the bonds you form with your fellow (co)leaders and campers is just really special. I wanted to lead in the hopes that I could inspire SWC-ers new and old (by no means am I forcing people into SWC- more like introducing them to it ;)), and I’m truly delighted and grateful that I’ve been able to accomplish this goal of mine. <3

as of recently, I’m a part of a rhythm game collab called Kokoro Beats. despite all the obstacles we’ve run through, the team managed to get past each and work together towards our end goal. I’ve also been given the role of managing a smaller group within the team. it’s a new experience for me, and I’m more than happy to try it out. so far, I think communication throughout the departments has become significantly easier, which is really great!

as for outside of scratch, I joined a programme in back in grade 4 which taught me essential leadership skills such as teamwork, initiative, and taking responsibility. the programme really helped with my fears of public speaking and believing in myself, and I also met a few friends along the way, though unfortunately we lost contact afterwards. still, it was a really meaningful experience, and I’m sure I won’t ever forget it.

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door 2 ⭒ constellations

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3 ⋆ cabin preferences - 233 words

as both an avid SWC-er and a project sekai enthusiast, it’s only natural that this idea has occurred to me before. yes, it’s about time- a SWSekai cabin. back in the november ‘23 session, the idea struck me for the first time while leading fairy tales. after that, various people have brought up the idea to me, and my response was something along the lines of “it would be a bit hard to pull off, but maybe one day”. what I didn’t expect was that there were in fact a lot of sekai fans amongst the SWC community, which was proven when I created the SWC proseka club and released my march ‘24 leader app- sekai. as this will be a fandom-based cabin, I would most prefer fan-fi for this idea.

if I don’t get selected for fan-fi, I would most prefer script or utopian next. for script, my idea is to set the storyline on bringing a stage back up from the dust. inspired by wonderlandsxshowtime’s main story? ahh, I had to- yes, for my hopes and dreams of a project sekai cabin, but I do like this story idea a lot, pjsk aside.

and of course, TCTWNW! I wouldn’t mind leading it, though I do gravitate more towards leading a more competitive cabin since one of my favorite parts of SWC are cabin wars and all the chaos that it brings ^^

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4 ⋆ excerpt - 1685 words

“i can’t believe i didn’t even know i messed up the weekly part due date,” yume said to herself, typing away furiously at her laptop, “oh well, i’m completing this weekly anyways. fourth weekly is almost always the best, right? brings back the most memories when you look back at it. i remember the heavy procrastination i went through for last session’s last weekly like it was yesterday…” to yume, recollecting past highlights always brought a smile to her face. last session was yu’s first appearance in her writing thread too.

“isn’t the weekly literally called memorieswc?” yu, who was currently filling in for yume’s job, asked from the reception desk. “and you might want to hurry, the deadline is in less than a week.” yu logged letter after letter dropped off in front of her, tossing them into piles that were to be delivered to the sorting room.

the reminder only made yume even more anxious than before. “yeah, it is. but that just makes it extra memorable, so i need to finish this!” scratch writing camp, a triannual virtual writing camp, runs in the months of march, july, and november. the 31st of march was creeping closer with every passing second, and it didn’t help that the terminal was going through a very busy day indeed. so many distractions, and a weekly worth more than three thousand points on the line. “oh no,” she suddenly remembered, “binary said she had something she wanted to do with me at the end of the month when i mentioned the session’s end yesterday- now i’m just piling more stress on myself, aren’t i,” she realised, letting out a sigh. she played around with the small metal key on her desk, trying to come up with ideas to write about.

finally, the lunch bell rang, and the sign on the main entrance was flipped to show ‘closed’. the terminal workers rushed to the dining area, what they called the ‘relaxing room’, and prepared for their long-awaited meal when suddenly, they heard a cry. “the mangoes are gone!” everyone gasped in shock at the news, including yume. how in the world did their three hundred and fourteen crates of mangoes just disappear into thin air? to make matters worse, the letter sorters reported that some of the letters that were scheduled to be delivered for the day were gone before they could even get sorted. with that, panic and chaos broke out through the terminal.

we have to get to the bottom of this, yume thought as she scanned the crowd to find yu. “yu, we should investigate what’s going on here,” she suggested.

“what? obviously not! are you being serious?” she led yume to a quieter place in the terminal, away from the relaxing room. “you can’t just leave the terminal hanging like that, you know. people are already in panic, you don’t want it to worsen, right?”

“if they’re already worried, there’s no reason we should drag them into this,” she protested, “the best way is if we go alone. besides, nat and silky will still be here, they’ll calm everyone down and the terminal will run as usual again.” yume did have a point, and from what yu’s been told, nat and silky were indeed amazing leaders of their respective groups.


- the very same story, in yu’s perspective -

just after yume left to tell the other two leaders what was going on, i spotted a letter tucked behind a counter from the corner of my eye. what was it doing here? i thought, confused, shouldn’t the letters be sent to the sorting room after they’ve been registered? what shocked me the most, however was the name the letter was addressed to. “yume wouldn’t mind, right?” i asked myself, “besides, it’s addressed to me anyways,” so i opened the letter and read.

dear yu,

hello again! how have you been, and how’s the future doing? all questions aside though, i sent this letter just wanting to make sure you’ll be here for cabin wars- i know it’s your favorite part about swc, and i wouldn’t want you to miss it for anything. as you probably know by now, my letters are usually much longer than this, but work in the terminal is really quite busy, so i don’t have much time. the first cabin wars, which are also letter rushes in the terminal are on march 9th, so be sure to set your time machine to sometime before then. if you’d like to help out at the reception desk- definitely much appreciated, since we’re getting a lot more than usual these few days, just tell me once you get here. i’ll make sure to get you prepared for it, so don’t worry!

best wishes,

so the letter never got delivered, i realized. if it had, i would have set the date much earlier. partially my fault for forgetting there was swc in march though. even still, yume kept her promise- she didn’t have to arrange me for a full makeover if i were to continue hiding in her room during sessions. after all, the community knows about me now, plus my hair, with added mango yellow highlights, is now curled and worn in a ponytail. i put the letter in my pocket for safekeeping. i’ll find a better place to put it later.


yume made her way back to where yu was, and the two began the search. upon their visit to the bird enclosure, a dove, divela, agreed to help them on the mission. the trio split up and searched around the terminal for clues. yume looked around the crates that once held the glorious mangoes. surely the culprit would have left some clues behind? she felt her pocket for the key. it wasn’t there. panicking, she retraced her steps. at the corner of a beanbag, she spotted a glinting object. “my key!” she hurried to get it, but before she could reach her hand out to grab it, a familiar-looking turtle took it by its mouth and quickly hurried off. without a moment of hesitation, yume took off after the turtle, who was somehow running- very impressive for a turtle. yu felt the wind rush past her. looking closer, she saw a familiar figure. was that- “yume?” she heard her friend calling out gurtle’s name, and so yu joined in the chase.

gurtle, however, did not stop. the key in his mouth, he ran outside the terminal and only kept going. tired as they were, yume, yu, and divela followed. finally, gurtle stopped in front of a large contraption- the mango machine. “no, no, no, not the mango machine,” yu muttered worriedly. the turtle stepped onto the time machine.


“where are we…?” yume’s voice trailed off as the door slid open. was this… the epistolary letter terminal? it did look a lot like it, but this one seemed a lot more… futuristic.

“welcome to the future,” yu sighed, “it would be a lot more exciting if it weren’t for- wait, where is gurtle??” turns out, divela had already taken off after the speedy turtle, and the two girls had no choice but to follow them. they ran through the terminal, which was now filled with new equipment to sort letters with, conveyor belts which carried them through the different stations, and lots more. they followed gurtle as he hopped onto a floating device that took them to the sci-fi database, now even better protected against traitors and ai’s of all sorts. they wandered through different fairy tales, which evolved into versions suitable to the era they were in, and the fully functioning society that the dystopian ruins had become.

finally, they were back at the terminal. gurtle ran through the automatic doors of the entrance. no one could stop him now, right? he hurried to a once empty storage room, now filled with a large pile of mangoes. the turtle took a few steps back, collapsed, got up again, and spit out the key. it was no match for mangoes anyways.

yume and yu stood in front of the door. “y-you have n-nowhere to run now,” yume said between breaths, “we-we’re going home.”


“so- it was partially my fault?!” yu implied, “yume, remember when i led you away so we could talk somewhere quieter? maybe it was then…” her voice trailed off as she realised her mistake.

“don’t worry about it,” yume reassured her, “at least we’ve found our culprit- and the stolen mangoes. come on, we should probably head back. hopefully no one in the main cabin has noticed gurtle missing yet.” bending down, she picked up the key. “good to know he’s not off eating links now…”

or was he?


“here, help me deliver this,” yume sealed the envelope shut and held it up to divela, who took the letter with her beak and fluttered off. “wouldn’t hurt to ask for an extension, wouldn’t it.” she took a bite out of the mango in her other hand. “might as well get to working on the weekly again- why am i so tired…”

“well, we’ve just been running through thirteen cabins in their future state to chase down our mango culprit. who wouldn’t be exhausted from all that chasing?” yu popped a mango cube in her mouth. “mmmph, delicious.”

“but still, how was gurtle able to get all the mangoes to the future terminal? there’s no way he could do that all by himself, right? does that mean he knew about your time machine?” yume slammed her head against the keyboard. “i just have so many questions…”

“it’s okay, we’ll find out someday. hopefully by the end of the session. for now, your weekly seems like a pretty big priority if i do say so myself.”

yume felt the weight of the key in her pocket. this moment was sure to link to many more…

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door 3 ʚїɞ fairy tale academy

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5 ⋆ time and dedication - 284 words

ah, yes, so it was foreshadowing after all. might as well get it out there- i’m going back to my home country for the entirety of july, which means that I won’t be in est or edt, but rather gmt+8. you might be asking, “wouldn’t twelve whole hours ahead be really confusing for you, Yume?” don’t worry, I’ve been there ^^ I joined my first session of SWC back in that timezone after all, so it should be fine. ahh, nostalgia.

by now, you’re probably worried about the real concern. no, it isn’t about the daily update times. since this is still a vacation, i’d probably be a bit less active in activity completion than in usual sessions. I’ve had the idea of a travel log for months, so SWC and my trip overlapping make it the perfect occasion to put my plan to action. my current speculation is that i’ll be online for at least 1-2 hours per day during the session, but it really does vary depending on what I do that day. anywhere from 1-4 hours makes sense, since I am devoting to actively writing during the month.

as I’ve experienced, the real magic of SWC happens behind the curtains. well, most of it, at least. ; ) time to actually get to the point, since with this point stated. if I get accepted as a (co)leader, I will dedicate 3-4 hours of time to SWC. this is usually comprised of the time I have after I finish schoolwork for the day and impatient Yume checking scratch during school once in a while as well. I do lose access to my laptop sometime around 10 pm, once again depending on the day.

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6 ⋆ time management - 132 words

I’ll just put it out there- I’m definitely not perfect at time management. still, I try my best at prioritising tasks so I can get everything done on time with the best quality possible. I’m sure we’ve all been through procrastinating on weeklies or other large tasks- I know I have. yes, it often feels stressful to finish such a large portion of work at once, so one way I use is splitting up the workload, assigning an amount of time for each specific task and work towards finishing it within that time, so everything can be done for the day. of course, that also includes SWC activities, but as always, life > SWC. it couldn’t hurt to speedrun a few dailies, and perhaps a weekly or two, if time is sufficient, right? ; )

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door 4 ⬦ sekai
(or should i say swsekai? ;D)

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7 ⋆ cooperation - 211 words

as usual, starting with weaknesses. I’m a bit indecisive at times, which is why I usually finalise decisions with the others I’m working with. I get hesitant to share my ideas and opinions that I don’t think are good enough because of the worry that they’re indeed not good enough. what I’ve learned though, is that even if an idea doesn’t seem polished at first, putting it out there for your teammates to pitch in can help you get to something that everyone can agree on.

as for strengths, I take initiative on tasks, and try my best to complete assigned work with the highest quality possible within the time given. I do think I’m an understanding person, and take everyone’s opinions and ideas into account before making a decision, so that what we come up with is something we’re all happy about. getting everyone together is also important, so I often try to make conversations as natural as possible to get everyone engaged, and hopefully, create lasting bonds with each other. it’s hard, I know, but I believe that if someone’s willing to take that first step, whether it’s starting a conversation, or supporting a newly established collaboration, it can start a chain reaction that leads to a lot more.

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8 ⋆ quality of a leader - 134 words

in my opinion, the most important trait in a leader, or any person in general, even, is compassion. you might ask, “why compassion out of absolutely everything else you could have said?” even though having patience with your teammates and having the flexibility to adapt when unexpected challenges arise are important traits amongst all others, no collaboration can go along smoothly if you don’t take the time to understand others’ opinions and feelings. this is important not only during brainstorming ideas and splitting up work, but also when it comes to conflicts related to scheduling and unforeseen circumstances that could affect the activity levels of your (co)leader or camper. after all, the need to focus on life outside camp is important, and you should never feel bad for taking care of yourself. <3

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door 5 ⸙ epistolary letter terminal

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9 ⋆ cabin atmosphere - 33 words

a supportive, welcoming place for you to work towards your goals with engaging activities and a hint of friendly competition in the mix, all while creating lasting bonds and memories within the cabin.

(200 characters)

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10 ⋆ checkboxes + 3-part - 115 words

a. check all that apply:
| ✓ | i am applying for both leader and co-leader.
| | i am applying for co-leader only.
| ✓ | i’m willing to share a promotional project for SWC.

b. no, i’m confident that i can fulfill all the leadership responsibilities listed.

c. in the case of inactivity, I’ll inform the other leaders in my cabin in advance, as well as Moonlit, or the other hosts if needed, and help come up with a solution to work with for the time being. if someone in the team has to go offline for any reason, I’ll willingly fill in for them where possible. if it involves a (co)leader in a different cabin, I’ll reach out to them and see how I can be of help. I’ll also make sure to let the campers know beforehand and that they can continue to add words while I’m gone.

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Last edited by yumetopia (May 17, 2024 22:42:19)

100+ posts

⋆ ୨୧ yume's writing thread ୨୧ ⋆

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a little except i wrote back in march i found on a random doc
somehow never got to share this until now :,0 i love this so much though aaahhh

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“last call for words! last call for words!” yume called out, “this is going to be the final rush before our shift ends for the night, then we wake up early tomorrow morning to continue on with- well, all this again.” she hurries to sort through the huge pile of letters that had been sent in to her at the reception desk, checking in each one with the scanner and tossing them onto the sky high piles, no, towers, of letters piling up behind the counter. this isn’t good, she thought, we need to make better progress, and fast. how were they going to be able to sort and deliver all these letters in time?

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word count : 115

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Last edited by yumetopia (May 28, 2024 18:39:15)

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