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⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

521 words

Lily looked at her with wide eyes, surprised by her sudden burst of energy.

“The frying pans?” someone repeated, a glimmer of hope now in their eyes.

“Exactly!” Lily replied, her voice full of excitement. “We have the power of the frying pans on our side. We can use them to fight back against Gurtle and take him down!”

The other SWCers nodded in agreement, now fired up and ready to take on Gurtle and his massive arsenal.

“Let's do this!” lily cried out, leading the charge towards the Main Cabin.

From then on, the SWCers fought fiercely, using their frying pans to deflect Gurtle's mango attacks and deal damage to his massive form. With their determination and teamwork, they fought their way through the desolate landscape, eventually making their way to Gurtle's lair.

Gurtle was waiting for them, but as they realize he was asleep so they had time to work on thbere plan!
Lily looked at her friends, smiling triumphantly. “The power of the frying pan is real,” she said, her voice filled with pride. “We will prove this with a victory.”

The SWCers nodded, also feeling a sense of readiness. They had stood up to fight Gurtle.
“But,” Lily added, her expression turning serious. “Now we must strategize how to fight this.”

As they gathered in a quiet corner of the main cabin, Lily and the SWCers discussed their plans in hushed whispers. They knew that Gurtle was a formidable opponent, with a massive arsenal and a cunning strategic mind. But they were determined to take him down, whatever the cost.

“We have the power of the frying pans on our side,” Lily said, her voice filled with determination. “But we need more than just the power of the pans. We need a strategy, a plan of attack.”

The others nodded in agreement, the intensity of their resolve palpable in the air. They all knew what was at stake. Gurtle's reign of terror had gone on for too long, and it was time to put an end to it once and for all.

“Gurtle is a massive, formidable opponent,” another SWCer said, her voice a barely audible whisper. “We need to be careful how we approach this.”

“We can't just attack blindly,” Lily said, her voice still stern but with a note of caution. “We need to know what he's capable of first. We need to gather intel.”

The others nodded, understanding the importance of what Lily was saying. They all knew that knowledge is power, and that in order to take down Gurtle, they needed to know everything about him. So, they spent the rest of the afternoon discussing and refining their plans, honing their strategies and gathering as much information as they could about Gurtle and his weaknesses.

As the sun began to set, they felt a new sense of purpose and determination. They knew that the road ahead would be long and arduous, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay in their path. For they knew that victory would be theirs, and that Gurtle's reign of terror would finally come to an end.

Last edited by stvrriii (March 23, 2024 11:40:00)

100+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

unclaimed, as i doubt i'll be active for much longer

Last edited by smalltoe (March 23, 2024 05:39:56)

ave, she/they
27 posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

unclaimed (skipped by 10 minutes sobbing crying)

Last edited by rainy-rayne (March 23, 2024 10:56:36)

100+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

unclaimed bc I gtg to sleep…. I'll claim again once I'm back online. Good luck!

Last edited by lilyjen (March 23, 2024 02:35:38)

“Don't stay in one place for too long. Run. It was the only way to stay ahead of the sadness. The jokes and smiles to hide the pain. For this smile is fake. And this laugh hurts. I am broken. And it's the one thing I can't fix.” - Leo Valdez, HOO

“It's… hard, when you can't trust yourself. I spent my whole life believing I was doing something good for someone good… but it was a lie. And some part of me still wants to believe in that lie, just like you wanna believe you're dumb, or whatever. But it's not true. I promise. I wouldn't mess with you.” - Hunter, TOH
100+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

Seven sessions of Scratch Writing Camp. It was Wild’s seventh time here. Seven was a lucky number, or so they’d been told. They had seen cabins rise and fall, buildings get built and destroyed and rebuilt again within a single night. Chaos was a constant.
And Wild liked it that way.
This seventh session of theirs had opened so promisingly. A turtle mascot! Wild loved turtles! Surely, this was an omen of good things to come. On the first day, Wild concluded their introduction with an assurance that with Gurtle blessing their writing endeavors, they were certain to achieve success.
But now, surveying the smoldering ruins of SWC, Wild could no longer hold onto that naive hope. As they let go of their last shred of faith in Gurtle, something inside of their mind hardened, darkened.
Where had it all gone so wrong? The day before Cabin Wars, no one expected anything awry. Gurtle had eaten a few links before, sure, but it was all done in jest. He always gave them back in the end, and everyone had a good laugh. Then Sun teased that Cabin Wars would be a little different.
“Now I’m scared- What’s different?” Chuey had worried.
“I’m a little worried, too,” Wild had replied, but shrugged it off. “Hey, best case scenario, they combine Cabin Wars with Roleplay Day! Worst case scenario, someone burns my house down with mangoes,” they joke.
And then both those things came true.
The description was eaten up, leaving words missing. However, “it’s a madlib!” people commented in third-person. The third-person roleplaying was called a curse. “No way! It’s the best for writing words!” several exclaimed. Wars broke out in typical mango-y fashion, and Gurtle even joined in, growing to enormous size and smashing into the Main Cabin. “We can write so much about this!”
Wild had appeared on the scene a little late and were dazed by what they saw. “Oh my flippin’ mango,” they choked out. “That comment I made yesterday… I was… right?!”
“You jinxed us all,” Chuey gave a small laugh.
Gradually, Wild came to a realization. “No… Gurtle heard what I said and made it come true! He is the giver of blessings!”
Chuey and Wild high-fived. But Wild failed to notice the doubt in Chuey’s eyes. Wild rushed off to tell everyone of Gurtle’s greatness.
Not everyone saw it the same way. Seven chased after Gurtle, pleading with him to stop his rampage. “What are you doing?” Wild interfered, a manic glint in their eye. “Gurtle is helping us! More words can be written about disorder than serenity!”
Seven shook their head, their hair singed and barely-contained hysteria evident in their expression. “Can’t you see what hes doing to me? To us?” They bit into a mango in an attempt to ease their stress.
But then they crumpled to the ground. “The mangoes- poisoned- the Balrog poisoned them-” they wheezed before falling unconscious.
Wild quickly crouched by their side. “The Balrog?” they questioned, concern flashing across their face. There was no response.
Climbing to the top of their cabin’s roof, Wild saw the Balrog in the distance, a monstrosity of shadow and flame. “It could be a threat to Gurtle!” Wild gasped, a powerful resolve to protect their beloved turtle deity overcoming them.
Suddenly, a voice from behind made them swivel around. “Traitor!” Chuey growled.
“Wh-what?” Wild responded, surprised by the change in their friend. Wild started to argue in defense of Gurtle, but Chuey cut them off.
“The Balrog and Gurtle- They’re one and the same!”
Wild paused, unable to process this information. Finally, they choke out a denial. “No! You’re lying! Gurtle would never turn evil. He always returns the links he eats. He doesn’t want to destroy SWC permanently…”
However, Wild couldn’t lie to themselves for long. They noticed how the Balrog looked an awful lot like Gurtle, but with a pirate hat and a lot more flaming destruction. The old, sweet, cute Gurtle was nowhere to be found. The monster was Gurtle, indeed.
This betrayal shattered Wild down to their core. They watched as other campers rushed off to fight the beast, but Wild just slumped down beside a charred wall, one of the few structures still standing. Penny the flying turtle stopped by, though Wild barely heard what she said. A strange figure from Hi-Fi visited for a chat on his way to fight the Balrog-Gurtle, and as he left, Wild stood up.
But not to follow him.
Instead, they simply analyzed all the broken remains of the cabins that once stood proudly. Now, looking over it all, they can’t believe they ever trusted Gurtle, and furthermore, believed their actions actually affected the affairs of deities.
“What’s the point of trying?” Wild mutters. “I have no power here…”

799 words, Thriller

Last edited by -WildClan- (March 23, 2024 15:06:45)

500+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

claimed! if it's anytime after 12pm utc, consider me skipped.

Last edited by essayist (March 23, 2024 04:47:53)

to feel another’s grief
the pain lingering in one’s soul
is a haunting thought indeed.

soil of buoyancy,
for the weeds that bind the cerebrum.

they rot.

100+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024


Marbles || he/him || has absolutely no idea what to add here

play sound [writing is life] until done
500+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

Unclaiming - I'm heading to bed now <3

Last edited by -NightGlow- (March 23, 2024 05:27:12)

New Scratcher
1 post

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

Matchlocks coming up!
100+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024


100+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

hey guys! i think it's officially been about two hours since skye's claim was counted ( as she might be busy ) so i think it needs to be passed on to the next person <3
update, the person after her also isn't responding- ( for an hour ) skip again??

edit: i'm really really sorry ( i hate to be a killjoy- ) but whatever happened to this lmao?
Please only claim one or two posts ahead - if there are already two posts already claimed, you'll have to wait.<3
i think anyone after this comment should probably wait until a /lot/ of stories have been made to claim further haha <3

Last edited by Coco_animator (March 23, 2024 05:08:09)

100+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

21 posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

Unclaimed— i’ll claim after some stories have been made <3

Last edited by starunicorn_5 (March 23, 2024 06:19:23)

Kat~ signing off
77 posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

go here to see where this storyline (this is not part of the main, btw) came from
the word count of my part: 364
Faith has been watching all the other SWC-ers make plans that were decent, but she pridefully thinks hers was the best. The plan was to pretend to be on Gurtle’s side- who would believe that but the silly turtle himself?- and then attack at the perfect moment, yet she wasn’t sure how soon that would be.
She hears a roar behind her, and swirls around swiftly. Standing behind her is the ten-foot-tall Gurtle, flaming procrastination potatoes at the ready.
“Hi, Gurtle,” Faith says, trying to sound brave but her voice is quivering.
“ROAR RAWR.” Gurtle states in reply.
“Okay? Anyways, Gurtle… I have mangoes!” Faith says, thinking up a plan as soon as she can, even though she has no idea where the nearest mango is- that isn’t burnt, anyways.
“WHERE.” Gurtle demands, then tilted his head and added some more flair. “ROAR RAWR!”
“Um… in my room!” Faith comes up with this idea quickly, but she knows she has a stash of mangoes somewhere… for cabin wars, of course, but she isn’t sure where exactly.
“GIMME NOW.” Gurtle roars, then, of course, adds a few ‘roars’ after his statement, “ROAR RAWR.”
Faith runs to her room, finding her mango stash hidden away behind her mango-decorated clothes, by her now too-small mango shoes.
Gurtle’s eyes lit up when he spied the mango. He grabs it from Faith’s hands, and slowly chews away. “Om nom nom,” he taunts, but Faith doesn't care. “YUMMY MANGO.”
Then Faith had an idea. “Mangoes for Gurtle,” she said simply. “If he gives up SWC.”
“NO RAWR RAWR!!” Gurtle says, instantly spitting the mangoes out. “BLAHRG.” He narrowed his eyes, and Faith awwwed. After all, he was still the cutest turtle on the planet, even though he isn't good anymore. For now, anyway.
She didn’t realize what was coming until a potato sack was over her and she was in darkness, thrown over Gurtle’s shoulder as he hums an unfamiliar tune.
Wiggling around, she tries to escape. “GAHH!” she screams. “Let me go!!”
“Mwahaha!” Gurtle said giddily, skipping- Faith could tell because she was annoyingly being bounced around.
Soon, the feeling became soothing and she fell to a deep sleep…
to be continued…

Last edited by ReadWriteSing (March 23, 2024 14:40:34)

⚠ h ⓘ p ⓔ o ⓟ l ⓔ i ⓣ ‘ ⓢ f ⓐ i ⓣ h ⚠
➳ sⓗe|hⓔr
➳ ⓦrⓘtⓔr
➳ rⓔaⓓeⓡ
➳ ⓒaⓜpⓔr
➳ ⓨoⓤ’ⓡe ⓐwⓔsⓞmⓔ, ⓓoⓝ'ⓣ fⓞrⓖeⓣ tⓗaⓣ
❝iⓣ's ⓘmⓟoⓢsⓘbⓛe ⓣo ⓛiⓥe ⓦiⓣhⓞuⓣ Fⓐiⓛiⓝg Ⓐt ⓢoⓜeⓣhⒾnⓖ, uⓝlⓔsⓢ yⓞu ⓛiⓥe ⓢo ⓒaⓤTⓘoⓤsⒾy ⓣHⓐt ⓨoⓤ ⓜiⓖhⓣ aⓢ wⓔlⒾ nⓞt ⓗaⓥe ⓛiⓥeⓓ aⓣ aⒾl, ⓘn ⓦhⓘcⓗ cⓐsⓔ yⓞu ⓗaⓥe ⓕaⓘlⓔd ⓑy ⓓeⓕaⓤlⓣ.❞ - j】k】r】o】w】l】i】n】g】
100+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

( exactly 500 wordss )

coco woke up with a yawn and stretched her arms. she looked out of the window, expecting the bright rays of the sun to bathe her in their shimmering light, and for the sounds of campers laughing and playfully fighting echo.

however, unexpectedly, she was met with quite an opposite sight.

the campers looked worried and anxious, and were frantically scribbling away at their notebooks. coco shrugged- maybe the daily was just a bit unusual, or involved thinking about something that made you panic.

she made herself a glass of mango milkshake and cheerfully headed outside to the main cabin.

coco was not greeted with the sight that she'd expected to see.

the announcement for SWC had been severely damaged, and words were fading in and out, so only particular clauses were visible. as coco looked around, she saw cabins burning and smoke emerging from the areas were white-hot fire had previously dominated.

“ouch,” coco winced. “that- that's a bit…harsh. i mean, which cabin would do that?”
a particular thought struck her head. this sounded like the work of a particular something, but way worse-

“gurtle!” a camper yelled in frustration. “i made songs about you, and we practically worshipped you! how could you do this to us?”
coco groaned. that mischevious turtle had caused ALL of this?

she listened around more and interacted with her friends and got to know the entire truth- that gurtle had became evil, and a balrog had somehow magically fused with it.

coco sat up, having a thought. “maybe we can contact the hosts about it, and ask them to help!” she exclaimed.

snowy shook her head. “unfortunately, that's not possible. the hosts- something's happened to them!”

coco followed her glance and looked towards the thrones, where the hosts sat. they had cold, nonchalant eyes and glazed down at the campers as if nothing was going on. the fire, the warmth in their eyes were blown out- and so were their frequent smiles.

she desperately tried waving at the hosts, and greeting them, but their eyes passed right over her.

“they've been hyptnotised by gurtle or something,” lily said. “so we can't go to them for help. but snowy had this idea-”

“frying pans,” snowy continued. “they're possibly the most helpful solution. mangoes and cookies don't work, so it's the only option.”

“that's amazing!” coco said. “we'll just have to form a plan. we can gather campers, form a mission, and set everything out. we can make a base foundation, and possibly hire goats, spread awareness, gather information,”

she looked at the balrog-gurtle, and coco's eyes filled with determination and persistence.

“and then, we'll bring peace to scratch writing camp.” the campers said in unision, having the same thought.

they were interruped by the sound of coco munching a blueberry chocolate croissant. they stared at her with amusement and coco looked up.
“huh? oh yeah, i was thinking the same thing, but the croissant…delicious. what? stop looking at me like that, i was hungry.”

Last edited by Coco_animator (March 23, 2024 14:56:53)

28 posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024


26 posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

seven is incredibly confused, but decided to claim a spot anyway. “sorry guys-” they say sheepishly…
500+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

Hey Y'all! As it stands, I'm pretty sure that it's @theawesomemarbler's turn, as thirty minutes has passed since Wild's turn.

Just so that Starr's comment in the main cabin doesn't get buried, here it is:

starr bounces into the main cabin. “hey folks! i'm glad to see you're all having… fun, but just a reminder that time is passing for the collab story. the waiting period is now 30 minutes, instead of 1 hour - if your part isn't done within that time, the people below you may start writing. **please** be conscious of the time limit, as others are waiting on you! additionally, if you're waiting in the queue, you're welcome to go ahead and write a contribution that doesn't feature the main plot lots of other adventures could be happening elsewhere, of course. just make sure you clarify it's not part of the main plot so that other writers can move on quickly.” they grin mischievously. “the tyrants are so proud of all of you! keep fighting, talking in third person, and good luck with your wars. much love.”

Edit: It's @ReadWriteSing's turn, sorry! Math is hard *sob* Please correct me if I'm wrong

Last edited by booklover883322 (March 23, 2024 14:22:47)

Hey! I'm Bookie! Script FTW!
77 posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

ignore this <33

Last edited by ReadWriteSing (March 23, 2024 14:30:58)

⚠ h ⓘ p ⓔ o ⓟ l ⓔ i ⓣ ‘ ⓢ f ⓐ i ⓣ h ⚠
➳ sⓗe|hⓔr
➳ ⓦrⓘtⓔr
➳ rⓔaⓓeⓡ
➳ ⓒaⓜpⓔr
➳ ⓨoⓤ’ⓡe ⓐwⓔsⓞmⓔ, ⓓoⓝ'ⓣ fⓞrⓖeⓣ tⓗaⓣ
❝iⓣ's ⓘmⓟoⓢsⓘbⓛe ⓣo ⓛiⓥe ⓦiⓣhⓞuⓣ Fⓐiⓛiⓝg Ⓐt ⓢoⓜeⓣhⒾnⓖ, uⓝlⓔsⓢ yⓞu ⓛiⓥe ⓢo ⓒaⓤTⓘoⓤsⒾy ⓣHⓐt ⓨoⓤ ⓜiⓖhⓣ aⓢ wⓔlⒾ nⓞt ⓗaⓥe ⓛiⓥeⓓ aⓣ aⒾl, ⓘn ⓦhⓘcⓗ cⓐsⓔ yⓞu ⓗaⓥe ⓕaⓘlⓔd ⓑy ⓓeⓕaⓤlⓣ.❞ - j】k】r】o】w】l】i】n】g】
100+ posts

⊛ The Final Boss ⊛ SWC Cabin Wars March 2024

aaaaaack I was almost done

Edit: I'm doneee check the next forum page

Last edited by theawesomemarbler (March 23, 2024 14:43:55)

Marbles || he/him || has absolutely no idea what to add here

play sound [writing is life] until done

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