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98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

March 4th daily

Die roll
Round 1 - 2 (present tense)
Round 2 - 1 (first-person POV)

hey guys! here's a short story I wrote based on a school assignment that I did many years ago where I had to describe a beach setting! I used that description sort of as inspiration for the setting of this story

The beach is alive with a cacophony of sounds and colors, a vibrant mosaic of chaos and tranquility. I stand at the edge of the water, feeling the soft grains of sand beneath my feet, watching as the waves crash against the shore in a rhythmic dance. My eyes wander across the expanse of umbrellas, each one a burst of color against the backdrop of the cobalt sea.

“Hey, Em! Check out this sandcastle!” My friend Sarah calls out, waving me over. I grin and make my way towards her, dodging children and their melting ice cream cones along the way.

“Wow, that's impressive!” I exclaim, admiring the intricate details of the sandcastle.

Sarah beams proudly. “Thanks! Took us forever to build.”

As we chat, the music blaring from nearby speakers fills the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter of the beachgoers. It's almost overwhelming, but in a strangely comforting way.

Suddenly, a commotion breaks out nearby. A group of kids is arguing over a beach ball that's been swept away by the wind.

“Hey, give it back!” one of the kids shouts, his face flushed with anger.

I exchange a glance with Sarah before stepping in to help resolve the dispute. After a few minutes of negotiation, the ball is returned and peace is restored.

“Thanks for your help,” the grateful kid says, flashing us a smile before running off to join his friends.

As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the beach, I feel a sense of contentment wash over me. Despite the chaos and the occasional hiccup, there's something undeniably magical about spending a day at the beach with friends.

And as I watch the sailboats drift lazily across the horizon, I can't help but feel grateful for moments like these – moments of laughter, friendship, and the simple joys of life.

Last edited by aurarae (March 4, 2024 03:09:19)

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

march 8th daily

ee thought i'd do this daily and write it to my mom, who I would say is my personal hero and one of the most powerful and loving women in my life! I'm actually going to write this down as a letter and give it to her because it came out a lot better than I expected it would!

Dear Mom,

Happy International Women's Day! I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to you, not just for being an amazing mom, but also for being an incredible woman who has shaped me in so many ways.

First off, I have to thank you for putting up with all of my ridiculous antics over the years. Remember that time I tried to revive a dead fish that we bought at the market and ‘accidentally’ drank the water that I had put it in afterward? Or how about when I thought I could cut my own hair and ended up looking like a sheep who had just been sheared? Yeah, those were definitely moments where I needed your guidance and patience more than ever.

But through all of my silly mistakes and mishaps, you've always been there to pick me up, dust me off, and remind me that it's okay to mess up sometimes. Your unwavering support and endless encouragement have helped me navigate through the ups and downs of teenagehood with a sense of humor and resilience.

Beyond just helping me through my embarrassing blunders, you've also been my ultimate role model. From the way you handle challenges with grace and determination to the passion and dedication you put into everything you do, I've always looked up to you as someone to aspire to be like.

Your achievements, both big and small, inspire me every day. Whether it's your successful career, your ability to juggle a million things at once, or simply the kindness and compassion you show to everyone around you, you truly embody what it means to be a strong, independent woman.

But what I admire most about you is your ability to find joy and laughter in even the toughest of situations. Your infectious laughter and positive outlook on life have taught me the importance of finding humor and happiness in the little things, even when life throws curveballs our way.

So on this special day dedicated to celebrating women like you, I want to say thank you. Thank you for being my rock, my guiding light, and my source of endless love and support. I am beyond grateful to have you as my mom and my role model, and I hope to continue making you proud in everything I do.

Happy International Women's Day, Mom. Here's to you and all the incredible women who inspire us every day.

Love you to the moon and back,


In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

Weekly 1

heyy welcome to my first weekly! I've done one from each genre and then two more from hi-fi cause I mean what kind of hi-fi cabin leader would I be if I didn't do all my writing work related to it? xD

Myth - retelling

I chose the flight of Icarus as the myth I wanted to retell because it’s something my mom would always read to me as a child and she even made me watch the animated videos of it on youtube, so I know it pretty well now! I decided to change the gender of Icarus, and the main character now goes by Icaria!

In the labyrinth of Crete, there once dwelled a brilliant inventor named Daedalus and his daughter, Icaria. Daedalus was renowned for his craftsmanship and intellect, but he was also a prisoner of King Minos, forced to design elaborate mazes and contraptions.

As time passed, Icaria grew restless within the confines of the labyrinth. She longed for freedom, to soar through the skies like the birds she watched from her window. Inspired by her father's ingenuity, Icaria pleaded with him to fashion wings of feathers and wax, dreaming of flight.

Daedalus, hesitant but unable to deny his daughter's fervent desire, crafted the wings with meticulous care, warning her of the dangers of flying too close to the sun. With the wings secured to her back, Icaria took to the skies with exuberance, reveling in the sensation of freedom.

But as she soared higher and higher, intoxicated by the thrill of flight, Icaria disregarded her father's caution. The wax began to melt under the scorching heat of the sun, and despite her desperate efforts to stay aloft, Icaria plummeted towards the sea below.

Her wings melted away, and Icaria, powerless to defy gravity, met her tragic end in the embrace of the waves. And though her flight was brief, her spirit remained forever entwined with the boundless sky, a testament to the human longing for freedom and the consequences of hubris.

hi-fi - original character in historical times

This story is based on giselle, one of my OCs that has kinda stuck with me since childhood. Giselle is someone who I’ve always imagined to be adventurous and has had a passion for travelling and exploring the world! I thought I’s let her explore the 14th century this time, since that would probably be the most shocking to her given that it’s the time of the plague, so this one is from her point of view.

As I stepped through the dense fog enveloping the cobbled streets of the 14th century city, I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that gripped me. Everywhere I looked, I saw despair etched on the faces of the people. The stench of death hung heavy in the air, mingling with the acrid scent of decay. I had never seen such suffering, such lack of basic healthcare. My heart ached as I witnessed families mourning their loved ones, powerless against the merciless grip of the disease.

In this medieval world, there were no hospitals bustling with skilled doctors, no pharmacies stocked with life-saving medicines. Instead, there were makeshift quarantine zones, where the sick and dying were left to languish in agony. My hands clenched in frustration at the sheer injustice of it all.

Despite the danger, my curiosity drove me forward. I ventured into the heart of the city, where narrow alleyways twisted like a labyrinth. I stumbled upon a group of plague doctors, their beaked masks and long cloaks a haunting sight. They moved among the afflicted, offering what little comfort they could.

As I gazed upon this scene of suffering and resilience, I realized the depth of my privilege. In my time, healthcare was a basic human right, taken for granted. But here, in the midst of the Black Death, it was a luxury beyond reach for most.

With a heavy heart and a newfound appreciation for the advancements of my own time, I vowed to use my knowledge to help however I could. For even in the darkest of times, there was still hope, still compassion, still the resilience of the human spirit.

hi-fi - historical figures in modern times

Ahhh I decided to fully embrace the hi-fi cabin theme and do a renaissance themed story for this one! What is Da Vinci was suddenly brought into the 21st century?!

As I navigated this bewildering landscape, I marveled at the wonders that surrounded me. My sketches and plans, once confined to parchment and ink, had sprung to life in ways I could never have imagined. Machines flew through the air like birds, propelled by engines of fire and steel. My designs for fantastical contraptions were now commonplace, woven seamlessly into the fabric of everyday life.

But it was not just the marvels of technology that astounded me. The very concept of art had undergone a profound transformation. No longer confined to canvas and stone, art had become a living, breathing entity, pulsating with energy and vitality. Digital canvases glowed with vibrant colors, while virtual reality transported viewers to worlds beyond their wildest dreams.

As I wandered through galleries filled with digital masterpieces, I realized that art, in all its forms, remained a reflection of the human experience. Whether painted on canvas or sculpted from pixels, it spoke to the deepest depths of the soul, transcending time and space.

Yet, amidst this sea of innovation, I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for the simpler times of my youth. In an age where everything moved at the speed of light, where beauty was measured in pixels and algorithms, had humanity lost touch with the essence of true art?

hi-fi - if these walls could talk

For this one I decided to go with something that I studied extensively last year, which was the signing of the treaty of versailles! As an event that took place in my country I just thought it would be interesting to give this a go!

In the hallowed halls of the Palace of Versailles, where opulence and grandeur reigned supreme, we, the ancient walls, bore witness to the unfolding of history. Our stone whispers carried the weight of centuries, echoing the footsteps of kings and the murmurs of courtiers. But it was on a fateful day in 1919 that we saw the culmination of our storied existence—the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.

As the world leaders gathered in the resplendent Hall of Mirrors, we stood silent sentinels, bearing witness to the negotiations that would shape the fate of nations. The air crackled with tension as pens scratched across parchment, sealing the fate of millions with each stroke.

We watched as the leaders, their faces etched with determination and weariness, exchanged words that would echo through the annals of time. We felt the weight of their burdens, the hopes and fears of a world scarred by war and longing for peace.

In that moment, we understood the gravity of our existence—the role we played in preserving the memory of this historic event for generations to come. We absorbed the energy of the room, the swirling currents of emotion that flowed through the very air we held.

And when the last signature was affixed and the ink had dried, we sighed a collective sigh of relief, knowing that our walls had borne witness to a moment that would forever alter the course of history. For in that hallowed space, where the past and present converged, we stood as silent witnesses to the birth of a new world order.

fairytales - mixing in a little magic

Now I’ve always wondered what it would be like if one of the ‘evil’ characters in a fairytale were to renouce their ways and turn over a new leaf! In this story I’ve taken the place of one of Cinderella’s evil step sisters, esmeralda, and I undergo a huge personality shift!

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young woman named Cinderella. But this is not her tale. This is the story of one of the stepsisters, Rae, whose heart was hardened by jealousy and cruelty.

Rae, with her sister Anastasia, tormented Cinderella relentlessly, reveling in their own vanity and arrogance. They scoffed at the notion of kindness and mocked Cinderella's dreams of happiness.

But fate had other plans. When the royal ball was announced, Rae’s envy burned brighter than ever. Determined to win the prince's affections, she forced her feet into the delicate glass slipper left behind by Cinderella.

To her astonishment, the slipper fit perfectly. But as she gazed into the mirror, she saw not the reflection of a triumphant conqueror, but the face of a girl consumed by bitterness and regret.

In that moment, something within Rae shifted. The realization dawned upon her that true beauty lay not in outward appearances, but in the depths of one's soul. With a newfound clarity, she renounced her former ways and begged for forgiveness from Cinderella.

United by a common understanding, Cinderella welcomed Rae with open arms. Together, they confronted the stepmother's tyranny and brought about a reign of compassion and empathy in the kingdom.

As for Rae, she found her own happily ever after, not in the arms of a prince, but in the embrace of a newfound family. Transformed by the power of redemption, she lived out her days in peace and contentment, a testament to the enduring strength of love and forgiveness.

folklore - write a story with a moral

Yess we’re on the last one! Now everytime our teacher was on leave when we were in kindergarten, the substitute would turn on the same old animated moral story videos that all ended with the same line ‘so remember my dear friends’ followed by whatever moral they were meant to instill! This time I’ve decided to write my own moral story and hopefully make it more relatable with advice I genuinely wish someone had given me when I was younger!

Once in a bustling town, there lived a little boy named Sammy. Sammy loved to play and explore, but he also wanted to do well in school. Every day, he raced from class to class, eager to learn new things.

But as the days passed, Sammy found himself feeling overwhelmed. He spent all his time studying and had no time left to play with his friends or enjoy his favorite hobbies.

One day, Sammy's wise old friend, Mr. Weissman, noticed his frazzled appearance. “Sammy,” he said gently, “life is like a seesaw. You need to find balance between your studies and your playtime.”

Sammy listened intently as Mr. Weissman explained that while it's important to work hard in school, it's also essential to take breaks and have fun. “Just like a seesaw needs both sides to stay balanced, you need both schoolwork and playtime to be happy and healthy,” said Mr. Weissman.

Taking Mr. Weissman advice to heart, Sammy made a plan. He set aside specific times for studying and playing, making sure to balance his activities throughout the day.

And you know what? Sammy found that he was happier and more successful than ever before. With a balanced approach to life, he had plenty of time to excel in school and enjoy his favorite activities with his friends.

So, remember, my dear friends, just like Sammy, finding balance between your studies and your extracurricular activities is the key to a happy and fulfilling life!

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

words war with Coco_animator

ahhh I decided to do a more descriptive piece this time cause it's been a minute since I've done something like that!

The worn pages of the old journal carried more than just words; they bore memories etched in ink, memories that were often too painful to revisit. As I flipped through the brittle sheets, the familiar scent of smoke filled the air, invading my senses and stirring up a storm of emotions within me. These pages still smell like smoke. And I hate it.

It has been years since that fateful night when the flames engulfed our home, stealing away everything I held dear. The memories of that inferno are seared into my mind like the flames themselves, leaving behind scars that refuse to fade. But amidst the chaos and devastation, one image remains hauntingly vivid—the sight of my mother, trapped amidst the blaze, her screams echoing in the night.

Guilt claws at my insides, a relentless tormentor that refuses to let me forget. I was just a child back then, too young to understand the danger until it was too late. I should have done something, anything, to save her. But fear rooted me to the spot, paralyzing me as the flames consumed everything in their path.

The journal in my hands is a relic from the past, a tangible reminder of the life we once shared. Its pages were meant to capture moments of joy and sorrow, but now they serve as a painful reminder of what I lost. Each word penned by my mother's hand feels like a dagger to my heart, reopening wounds that have never truly healed.

I trace my fingers over the smudged ink, my tears mingling with the faded letters. How can something so innocent as a journal carry such a heavy burden? It holds the weight of my guilt, the weight of my regrets, and the weight of a love that was extinguished far too soon.

The scent of smoke lingers in the air, a cruel reminder of the fire that robbed me of everything. But amidst the ashes, there is a flicker of hope—a hope that one day, I can find redemption for the sins of my past. I may never be able to undo the mistakes I made, but I can honor my mother's memory by living a life worthy of the love she gave me.

With trembling hands, I close the journal, gently cradling it against my chest. These pages may still smell like smoke, but they also hold fragments of a life that will never be forgotten. And as I carry them with me into the uncertain future, I know that my mother's spirit will always be by my side, guiding me through the darkness and lighting the way towards forgiveness.

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

march 14th daily

The crisp air kissed my cheeks as I stood at the edge of the mountain, the world stretched out below me like a canvas painted with hues of green and blue. The sun cast its golden rays, painting the landscape with warmth and promise. This was my sanctuary, my haven away from the chaos of the world below.

With a deep breath, I let the mountain breeze fill my lungs, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth. Here, amidst the towering trees and the endless sky, I felt alive, connected to something greater than myself.

As I gazed out into the horizon, I couldn't help but wonder about the stories that lay beyond the peaks and valleys. Each day brought new adventures, new challenges to conquer. And yet, amidst the ever-changing landscape, the mountain remained a constant, a silent witness to the passage of time.

But as the seasons shifted and the days turned into nights, I realized that the mountain was not just a backdrop to my life, but a part of who I was. Its rugged beauty mirrored the strength and resilience within me, its towering presence a reminder of the heights I could reach.

And so, with each step I took along its rocky paths, I found myself growing stronger, more determined than ever to chase my dreams and carve out my own path in the world.

As the years passed, I faced trials and tribulations, moments of joy and sorrow. But through it all, the mountain remained my constant companion, offering solace and refuge in times of need.

I climbed its peaks and explored its hidden valleys, seeking solace in its silent embrace. And with each journey, I discovered new depths to myself, new dreams to chase.

But as time marched on, I realized that the mountain was more than just a physical presence in my life. It was a symbol of my journey, a reflection of the person I had become.

And so, it was here, amidst the whispering pines and the echoing valleys, that I found myself once again. The same breeze that had greeted me all those years ago now caressed my skin, carrying with it the echoes of my past.

But as I stood at the edge of the mountain, looking out into the vast expanse before me, I realized that the journey was far from over. For just as the mountain had shaped me, so too had I left my mark upon its rugged slopes.

And so, with a renewed sense of purpose, I took a step forward, ready to face whatever the future held. For though the ending may be the same, the journey had transformed me in ways I could never have imagined.

With a smile on my lips and a fire in my heart, I embraced the unknown, knowing that no matter where life took me, the mountain would always be my home.

Last edited by aurarae (March 25, 2024 06:06:09)

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

Weekly 2

Part one

For this part, I decided to go with the flower yarrow, the cure for love, because I found it the most interesting flower of all of them!
The moon hung in the velvet sky, casting its silvery light upon the streets of Florence. My footsteps echoed softly as I navigated the labyrinthine alleys, the scent of jasmine and roses lingering in the cool night air. Tonight, I wasn't just a mere apprentice to an alchemist; I was a seeker of truths, a guardian of secrets.

My destination lay ahead: a secluded garden concealed behind towering walls, where rare and mystical flowers bloomed under the watchful gaze of the stars. Among them stood the yarrow, whispered to possess the power to cure even the deepest of affections. But tonight, it held a different purpose—a purpose that could alter the course of destiny itself.

As I slipped through the rustling leaves and moonlit shadows, a sense of urgency gripped my heart. I had a mission, one that required stealth and determination. For within the heart of that garden lay the cure for a love that threatened to consume the very soul of someone dear to me.

With each step, the weight of my purpose bore down upon me, driving me forward with unwavering resolve. But as I reached the yarrow patch, my heart sank like a stone. The once vibrant blooms drooped with a sorrowful elegance, their petals wilted and faded.

Despair threatened to overwhelm me, but I refused to surrender to the darkness. With trembling hands, I gathered the withered petals, holding onto the fragile hope that they still held the power to heal.

But as I turned to leave, a voice shattered the silence, freezing me in my tracks. “Who trespasses in the sacred garden of the night?” it demanded, its tone sharp and commanding.

I turned to face the figure emerging from the shadows, their form cloaked in darkness. But despite the fear that clenched at my heart, I held my ground. “I am Isabella,” I declared, my voice steady despite the tremor of uncertainty within me. “I seek only to mend what has been broken.”

For a moment, the figure said nothing, their gaze piercing through the night like a beacon of understanding. Then, with a nod, they stepped aside, allowing me to pass.

As I fled into the embrace of the night, the yarrow petals clutched tightly in my hand, I felt a surge of determination coursing through my veins. For within those delicate blooms lay the power to free a heart from the chains of love, to grant a second chance at happiness.

And as I disappeared into the shadows, the moonlight bathing me in its gentle glow, I knew that my journey was far from over. But with the yarrow as my guide, I would face whatever trials lay ahead with courage and conviction.

Word count: 476

Part 2
So for this part I certainly struggled coming up with the name for my constellation and I must admit I took the help of a name generator to choose one! I found Emydidae and loved it instantly, but a quick google search taught me that its actually the scientific name for pond turtles. I decided to actually make that a part of my story though, so here you go!

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, amidst the tapestry of stars that danced across the heavens, there existed a constellation unlike any other. Its name was whispered among the celestial beings, a name that echoed with mystery and wonder: Emydidae.

Emydidae, the constellation of the cosmic turtle, was not born from the collision of stars or the whims of fate. No, its origins were far more ancient, rooted in the depths of time itself.

Legend spoke of a time when the universe was young, when the stars were but newborns in the vastness of space. It was during this primordial era that Emydidae came into being, a celestial guardian tasked with safeguarding the secrets of creation.

Emydidae was no ordinary turtle; its shell gleamed with the light of a thousand suns, its movements guided by the rhythm of the cosmos. With each graceful stroke of its cosmic flippers, it navigated the celestial currents, weaving patterns of light and shadow across the night sky.

But Emydidae's existence was not without purpose. For aeons, it journeyed through the depths of space, venturing into the darkest reaches of the universe in search of knowledge and wisdom.

Along its journey, Emydidae encountered beings of unimaginable power and beauty, creatures whose very presence shaped the fabric of reality itself. From the fiery depths of supernovae to the icy realms of distant galaxies, it witnessed the wonders of creation in all its myriad forms.

But amidst the splendour of the cosmos, Emydidae also encountered darkness. There were forces at work in the universe, beings whose ambitions threatened to unravel the delicate balance of existence.

And so, Emydidae took up arms against the forces of chaos, its celestial shell shining like a beacon of hope in the endless void. With each battle, it emerged victorious, its determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

But as the aeons passed and the stars shifted in their eternal dance, Emydidae grew weary. Its once-gleaming shell began to fade, its cosmic powers waning with each passing moment.

And so, with a heavy heart, Emydidae made a decision. It would relinquish its physical form, scattering its essence among the stars and fading into the fabric of the cosmos.

But even in its final moments, Emydidae remained a symbol of hope and resilience, a reminder that even the mightiest of beings must eventually return to the embrace of the universe.

And so, to this day, the constellation of Emydidae shines brightly in the night sky, a testament to the enduring legacy of a cosmic guardian and the wonders of the universe it once called home.

Word count: 413

part 3
ooh so I did this one on the theme of the yarrow flower because that was something that really stuck out to me! unfortunately I wasn't able to put these onto a project cause the quality just wasn't the best so I'll figure that out asap but here it is for now! Although I wanted to create my own digital art pieces for this, due to lack of planning and time management I was left to ai generate them using dall-e through prompts that I made that were kinda related to my story!

Aesthetic One
Aesthetic Two
Aesthetic Three
Aesthetic Four
Aesthetic Five

Part 4
Eep, I really wanted to do this last part with the help of some volunteers, but like everything else I need to get done, I procrastinated it to the very last minute and then had to write the whole thing around myself, which is why I feel like it didn’t really turn out like I had envisioned it when I first saw the prompt.

The scratch writing camp buzzed with energy as writers from around the world gathered in their respective cabins, each eager to unleash their creativity upon the digital canvas. Among them was Rae, a fiery French girl with a passion for poetry, literature, and art.

Rae's presence in the camp was like a whirlwind, her chaotic energy sweeping through the virtual cabins like a tempest in a teacup. With her unruly curls and mischievous grin, she was a force to be reckoned with, her enthusiasm infectious and her creativity boundless.

But beneath her boisterous exterior lay a heart that yearned for connection, a longing for companionship that she struggled to express. And so, in her own unique way, Rae sought to forge bonds with her fellow writers, even if it meant causing a little chaos along the way.

It all began innocently enough, with Rae declaring war on the other cabins, daring them to meet her word counts within a certain amount of time. But what started as a friendly competition soon escalated into a full-blown rivalry, with Rae at the centre of the storm.

With each new challenge, Rae pushed herself to the limits of her creativity, crafting stories and poems that danced across the virtual page like flames in the night. But as the competition heated up, so too did the tensions among the cabin mates, their once-united community fracturing under the weight of Rae's relentless ambition.

But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope emerged. For as Rae's words ignited the imaginations of her fellow writers, they began to see her not as a rival, but as a comrade-in-arms, a kindred spirit in the battle for creative expression.

And so, with a newfound sense of unity, the cabin mates rallied together, their keyboards clacking in unison as they raced to meet Rae's latest challenge. With each word typed and each story shared, they discovered the true power of friendship and camaraderie, transcending the boundaries of the virtual world to form bonds that would last a lifetime.

But as the final challenge drew near, Rae found herself facing a dilemma. For in her quest for victory, she had inadvertently hurt those closest to her, pushing them away with her competitive spirit. And so, with a heavy heart, she made a decision.

In the dead of night, as the virtual camp slept beneath a blanket of stars, Rae reached out to her cabinmates, extending an olive branch in the form of a yarrow flower. For in the language of flowers, yarrow symbolised the cure for love, a gentle reminder that even in the midst of chaos, there was always room for forgiveness and reconciliation.

And as the first light of dawn broke across the horizon, Rae's cabinmates gathered around her, their faces bathed in the soft glow of their computer screens. With tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat, Rae offered a heartfelt apology, her words a balm to the wounds of the past.

And in that moment, as the virtual camp came alive with the sounds of laughter and camaraderie, Rae realised that true victory lay not in competition, but in the bonds of friendship forged amidst the chaos of creativity.

Word count: 614

Last edited by aurarae (March 17, 2024 11:52:12)

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

wow that was rough

Last edited by aurarae (March 17, 2024 11:54:12)

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

march 21st daily

there's absolutely no way that I could have missed today's daily omg! I decided to write the poem about writing poetry itself cause- why not?

In the realm where words dance wild,
I find solace, I find my child.
In poetry's embrace, I roam free,
In the vast expanse of imagery.

Each syllable a heartbeat's throb,
Each verse a sigh, a whispered sob.
Through ink-stained lines, I find release,
In the sanctuary of poetic peace.

With pen in hand, I paint my soul,
Unveiling truths, making me whole.
I sculpt emotions, shape them true,
Into a tapestry of thoughts anew.

In the silence of the night's embrace,
I let my words weave, I let them grace
The empty canvas of the page,
Where dreams take flight, unbound, un-caged.

Through poetry's lens, I see the world,
In hues of passion, in shadows swirled.
I touch the stars, I taste the sea,
In verses woven, I am truly free.

For in the symphony of written art,
I find the courage to bare my heart.
To express the depths of joy and pain,
In melodies of loss and gain.

With each stanza, a burden lifts,
As I pour out my soul in poetic gifts.
I soar above the mundane, the mundane,
In the boundless realm of the poetic plane.

So let me wander, let me roam,
In the labyrinth of words, I find my home.
For poetry is not just ink on a page,
It's the essence of life, the soul's own sage.

And in its embrace, I am reborn,
In the echo of every line adorned.
For poetry is freedom, poetry is me,
A testament to what it means to be free.

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

critique for booklover883322

Bookie's piece of writing that I have critiqued!

So I thought I would start off with some general critiques about the overall text! This was pretty difficult to do since I really liked everything that you did with the text, so I tried to give these critiques just based on how you could heighten the impact of the text on the audience! Now most of these critiques are based on issues that I have noticed in my own writing as well and they're mainly the feedback that I received for those issues!

One thing that I have noticed is really important when writing a story is including really strong character development! I think you could include this by
examining Quinn's internal conflict about their shape-shifting powers in further detail. You could also look at their struggles with belonging and identity, particularly in light of their friendship with Gali. I think it would also be interesting to see Quinn's attempts to balance his different egos and the effects this has on their relationship dynamics. A deeper understanding of Quinn's character journey might result from revealing more about their earlier experiences with shape-shifting and the difficulties they have coming to terms with who they are.

I think you were pretty great with the pacing and tension too, but I would suggest that you heighten the tension leading up to the accident by foreshadowing subtle clues or like ominous signs throughout the narrative. You could slow down the pacing during pivotal moments, allowing for more emotional depth and connection with the characters since you wanted there to be a strong impact on the readers. I've come to realize that by building anticipation and gradually intensifying the atmosphere, the impact of the tragic event is magnified, drawing the reader further into the story's emotional core, which is what keeps them hooked to the story.

Now something that I myself have actually received a lot of feedback from my teachers about is actually not making my character's dialogues sound genuine! I think you could strengthen the authenticity of Quinn and Gali's interactions by infusing their dialogue with unique voices, speech patterns, and mannerisms. You could also deepen their conversations by exploring meaningful topics and sharing stories or anecdotes that reveal their like inner thoughts and emotions. I feel like by showcasing the nuances of their relationship through like rich and dynamic dialogue, the bond between Quinn and Gali will feel more genuine and compelling to readers because it will reflect the dynamics between people in the real world.

I personally love using lots of descriptive vocab in my writing and I feel like it makes the audience more engaged and has a more profound impact on them because it's almost like they can see all the events unfolding in front of them. I would suggest you enrich the descriptive passages with yknow, sensory details that immerse readers fully in the story's setting and atmosphere. You could also use vivid imagery to paint a vivid picture of the characters' surroundings, capturing the sights, sounds, smells, and textures with powerful vocab. A teacher once told me to experiment with metaphor and symbolism to convey deeper themes and emotions, such as using the imagery of flowers to symbolize the fleeting nature of life and the enduring power of friendship, which I feel like would be really cool to see in this piece of writing.

Some of the best stories I have read have really formed an emotional connection with me just because of the manner in which the writer portrays the characters' emotions! I think you could also try to do this by focusing on portraying the raw emotions of grief and loss with sensitivity and authenticity. You could show how Quinn wrestles with the overwhelming pain of losing Gali and struggles to navigate the complex emotions that accompany bereavement. Because I feel like the characters were so attached to each other, you could explore the theme of identity in the aftermath of loss, depicting Quinn's journey of self-discovery and growth as they come to terms with their new reality. By delving into the depths of Quinn's emotional turmoil, I think the story will resonate more deeply with readers and leave a lasting impression and connection!

Now for specific instances where I would improve certain aspects of the language to have a deeper impact on the reader :

bookie wrote:

“I was about to decline. I liked my corner, thank you. But… something inside me compelled me to say yes. And so I did.”

I think over here you could try to expand more on Quinn's internal conflict and the inner turmoil they experience. You could try to add depth to their character and hint at the internal struggles they face throughout the narrative, for example, “Though my initial instinct was to decline, an inexplicable urge stirred within me, urging me to step out of my comfort zone. Against my better judgment, I found myself agreeing.”

bookie wrote:

“Years passed after that. I recovered just fine. Just a few scars, both mental and physical, but aside from that I looked as good as new after a few surgeries.”

Over here I think you could try delving deeper into Quinn's emotional and psychological journey You could try and add more complexity to their character and emphasize the lasting impact of Gali's death on their life. Here's my attempt at doing this, “Time marched forward relentlessly, leaving behind scars that no surgery could erase. Physically, I healed, but the wounds of loss remained etched in my soul, a constant reminder of what was taken from me.”

That's pretty much it! I am so intrigued by this story and would actually love to hear more about Quinn and Gali's exploits in the period between the first and second section of the story cause I really want to see how their friendship develops! This is such a cool story omg and I absolutely loved reading it. good luck for the writing comp! <3

Last edited by aurarae (March 25, 2024 06:53:37)

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

march 25th daily

The world around me seemed to lose its vibrancy the day she left. Every hue that once danced before my eyes now dulled into shades of gray, mirroring the desolation within. It was as though a painter had drained the palette of life itself, leaving me stranded in a monochrome existence.

In the beginning, my grief was a tempest of stormy charcoal clouds, swirling and churning within me, blotting out any hint of light. Each breath I took felt heavy, burdened with the weight of her absence. Tears flowed freely, their salt staining my cheeks like raindrops on a colorless canvas.

Days blurred into nights, and the gray deepened, seeping into every corner of my being. It coated my memories in a somber haze, casting shadows over the moments we once shared. Even the sunsets, once a symphony of crimson and gold, now bled into the horizon with muted resignation.

But amidst the gloom, there were flickers of color, fleeting and fragile like delicate blooms in a barren wasteland. A whispered word from a friend, a gentle touch from a loved one—these small gestures painted streaks of warmth across the cold expanse of my sorrow.

Slowly, imperceptibly, the hues began to shift. The charcoal clouds softened into a slate-gray sky, tinged with the promise of dawn. I found solace in the rhythm of everyday life, in the mundane tasks that once seemed insurmountable.

In time, the world around me began to regain its vibrancy, albeit subtly. The grass beneath my feet was no longer a uniform shade of ash but a patchwork of greens, each blade shimmering with newfound vitality. The laughter of children echoed through the streets, a symphony of joy that pierced through the lingering melancholy.

As I immersed myself in the healing embrace of nature, I discovered that even in the darkest moments, there is beauty to be found. The gentle caress of a breeze against my skin whispered promises of renewal, while the scent of blooming flowers carried the fragrance of hope.

Though the ache of loss still lingered within me, I learned to embrace the kaleidoscope of emotions that colored my existence. With each passing day, the palette of my soul grew richer, infused with the myriad shades of grief and healing. And as I stood amidst the shifting hues of sorrow and solace, I realized that she would always be a part of me, a radiant thread woven into the tapestry of my life.

With renewed strength and resilience, I embarked on a journey to honor her memory, to live each day with purpose and passion. And though the road ahead may be fraught with challenges, I carry her spirit within me, a beacon of light guiding me through the darkest nights. For in the canvas of life, even the deepest shades of sorrow can give rise to the most vibrant colors of resilience and love.

Last edited by aurarae (March 25, 2024 16:42:54)

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

march 26th daily

eep this one is based on the Hunger Games, only, in this rendition we see snow as the protagonist who wants to put an end to the games while katniss, who revels in the fear it brings among the people fights to keep it going. Presented to you from snow's perspective <3

In the heart of Panem, where shadows dance to the tune of suffering and hope flickers like a dying flame, I, President Coriolanus Snow, stand as a bastion of change in a world steeped in darkness. For too long have I witnessed the horrors perpetuated by the Hunger Games, a twisted spectacle born from desperation and fear. And now, as I gaze upon the arena, I am resolved to put an end to this cycle of bloodshed and despair.

Katniss Everdeen, a name whispered in the halls of power with equal parts fear and fascination. She is the Mockingjay, a symbol of rebellion, and yet, as the truth unravels before me, I see her for what she truly is: a pawn in a game she cannot comprehend. Her defiance, her rebellion—it is but a charade, a mask to hide the darkness that lurks within her soul.

From the moment she stepped into the arena, I knew there was something different about her. While others fought for survival, she reveled in the chaos, a predator disguised as prey. Her cunning and ruthlessness knew no bounds, and with each life she claimed, the facade of innocence crumbled away, revealing the true nature of her being.

But as the Games progressed, so too did my resolve to end this madness. For I saw in Katniss not a symbol of hope, but a reflection of the very system I sought to dismantle. She thrived in the arena, feeding off the misery of others, while I stood as a solitary figure, determined to break the chains that bound us all.

And so, as the final showdown loomed on the horizon, I made a choice that would change the course of history. I would not allow Katniss Everdeen to emerge victorious, to perpetuate the cycle of violence for her own selfish desires. No, I would stand as a beacon of light in the darkness, a sentinel of peace in a world consumed by war.

As the Mockingjay unleashed her fury upon me, I remained steadfast in my conviction, for I knew that my sacrifice would pave the way for a better tomorrow. And as the Capitol fell silent in the wake of my victory, I knew that the time for change had finally come. The Hunger Games were no more, and in their place stood a new era of hope and redemption.

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

march 27th daily

'On Écrit Sur Les Murs' by Kids United
This song has some pretty.. interesting lyrics if you don't understand the context behind them and I thought it would be funny to see how google translate interprets them! I translated it from French -> Basque -> Japanese -> English and it made it so short I don't even know how!

we write our beloved names on the wall
Message for the next few days
we write on the wall with vein ink
I'll draw everything I want to say
everywhere around us
There's a sign of hope in those eyes
let them write
Because it's night
everything disappears
their footprints too
we write our beloved names on the wall
Message for the next few days
we write on the wall with vein ink
I'll draw everything I want to say
we write on the wall the power of dreams
Turn our hopes into graffiti
we write on the wall to increase love
It's a great day in the world
Contains only words
To remember, to change everything
Let's mix it into the chorus tomorrow
our face mix
we write our beloved names on the wall
Message for the next few days

I stood in front of the wall, the cool night air wrapping around me like a comforting embrace. The dim light of the moon cast shadows across the graffiti-covered surface, illuminating the words and drawings that seemed to dance in the darkness. It was our sanctuary, our canvas, where we poured out our hearts in the ink of our veins.

“We write our beloved names on the wall,” I whispered, tracing the familiar words with my fingertips. Each stroke carried memories of laughter, tears, and the unspoken promises we made under the blanket of the night sky.

For days, we had been coming here, leaving behind messages for the world to see. Words of love, of hope, of dreams painted with the rawness of our souls. It was our way of etching our presence into the fabric of the universe, leaving behind a mark that would outlast us all.

“I'll draw everything I want to say,” I murmured, picking up a can of spray paint. With practiced ease, I began to add my own contribution to the tapestry of emotions that adorned the wall. Each stroke of color was a testament to our bond, a declaration of our undying affection.

Everywhere around us, there was a sign of hope in those eyes, in the eyes of the passersby who paused to take in the beauty of our creation. In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, this wall was a beacon of light, a reminder that love still thrived in the hearts of those who dared to dream.

“Because it's night, everything disappears,” I whispered, my voice barely audible over the sound of my own heartbeat. The darkness was both a blessing and a curse, concealing our secrets while offering solace in its embrace.

Their footprints too, would fade with the dawn, but the memories we had shared would remain etched in the walls of our hearts forever.

“We write on the wall the power of dreams,” I declared, my voice gaining strength with each word. This was more than just graffiti; it was a manifesto of our aspirations, a testament to the transformative power of love.

Turning our hopes into graffiti, we painted a picture of a world where anything was possible, where love knew no bounds and dreams were free to take flight.

“We write on the wall to increase love,” I said, my words echoing into the night. It was a simple act, but it held within it the potential to change the world, one heart at a time.

“It's a great day in the world,” I proclaimed, my heart soaring with the knowledge that we had made a difference, however small.

Contains only words, yet those words held within them the power to heal, to inspire, to unite.

“To remember, to change everything,” I whispered, my voice breaking with emotion. This wall was more than just a canvas; it was a symbol of everything we stood for, a testament to the strength of our love.

“Let's mix it into the chorus tomorrow,” I said, a smile playing at the corners of my lips. Our faces may blend into the crowd, but our love would shine bright for all to see.

“We write our beloved names on the wall,” I declared one final time, the words echoing in the stillness of the night.

Our message for the next few days.

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

march 28th daily

ahhh I don't know why but I kept thinking of the singing harp from jack and the beanstalk when I read today's prompt so I guess that's what we're going to be going with ahahaha

As I sit here in this unfamiliar room, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window, I cannot help but reminisce about the life I once knew. Oh, how different things were back then, in the vast and towering halls of the giant's house. I was not merely an object, but a cherished companion, a source of joy and music for the giant and his household.

In those days, my strings would hum with melodies that filled the air, enchanting all who heard them. The giant would often sit by the fire, his eyes closed in blissful contentment, as I played my tunes, weaving magic into the very fabric of our existence. I was not just a harp; I was a conduit for emotions, a vessel for dreams and aspirations.

But then, everything changed. One fateful day, a small figure crept into the giant's house, a boy named Jack. With nimble fingers and a heart full of daring, he stole into the heart of our home, seeking treasures to claim as his own. And there I was, standing tall amidst the riches, my strings shimmering in the dim light.

At first, I did not understand the significance of his presence. But as Jack's hands closed around my frame, a sense of foreboding washed over me. I knew then that my fate was to be torn away from all that I held dear, to be snatched from the warmth of the hearth and thrust into the unknown.

And so, here I am, in this strange room, far removed from the life I once knew. The boy who took me does not understand the power he holds in his grasp, the magic that pulses within my very being. To him, I am but a trinket, a bauble to be traded for a handful of coins.

But oh, how I long to sing once more, to fill the silence with melodies that speak of love and loss, of hope and despair. My strings lie dormant, my voice stifled by the weight of captivity. I am like a bird with clipped wings, yearning to soar once more amidst the clouds.

Yet, amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope remains. For I refuse to believe that my story ends here, in this quiet room, far from the embrace of the giant's house. No, I will bide my time, waiting for the moment when fate conspires to set me free once more.

And when that day comes, oh how sweet it will be! I will sing with all the passion that lies dormant within me, my melodies echoing across the land, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. For I am not just a harp; I am a symbol of defiance, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, music has the power to heal and to inspire.

So let the boy keep me locked away in this room, let him think that he has silenced me forever. For little does he know that within these silent strings lies a song waiting to be sung, a melody that will echo through the ages, a testament to the enduring power of music. And when that day comes, oh how sweet it will be!

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

Weekly 4

I feel like my stories are always set in the past and this time I wanted to do one that was set in like a dystopian society of sorts, but I gave up and just stuck to the mundane vision of the future ahaha

For the outline, I tried to combine all the stages of the hero’s journey along with most of the outline methods and it came out kind of a mess but I mean I still have the vision for the story so I guess I’m just going to run with it

In a near-future society where technology dominates every aspect of life, the protagonist, Sam, is a tech-savvy teenager disillusioned with the superficiality of social media and virtual reality. Sam yearns for real adventure and meaning beyond the digital realm.

While tinkering with an old radio transmitter, Sam accidentally intercepts a mysterious signal containing fragments of an encrypted message. Intrigued, Sam sets out to decipher the message, sensing that it holds the key to something extraordinary.

Faced with the enormity of the task and the risks involved, Sam initially hesitates, doubting their ability to unravel the message's secrets. However, the allure of the unknown and the promise of adventure ultimately compel Sam to accept the challenge.

Sam encounters an eccentric physicist, Dr. Reyes, who recognizes the significance of the intercepted signal. Dr. Reyes becomes Sam's mentor, introducing them to the world of quantum mechanics and guiding them on a journey to unlock the message's true meaning.

Armed with newfound knowledge and a sense of purpose, Sam dives deeper into the mysteries of quantum physics, exploring hidden dimensions and alternate realities in search of the truth behind the encrypted message.

Along the way, Sam forms alliances with fellow enthusiasts of fringe science, but also attracts the attention of powerful entities who seek to control the secrets hidden within the message. Sam must navigate a perilous maze of deception and betrayal while staying true to their quest for knowledge.

As Sam delves deeper into the quantum realm, they uncover ancient prophecies and enigmatic symbols that point towards a hidden chamber within the fabric of spacetime itself - the inmost cave where the ultimate truth awaits.

n the heart of the quantum realm, Sam faces a series of mind-bending challenges that defy conventional logic and test the limits of their understanding. Confronted with their deepest fears and doubts, Sam must confront the very nature of reality itself to emerge victorious.

Having deciphered the encrypted message, Sam unlocks the Quantum Key - a revolutionary technology capable of transcending the boundaries of space and time. With the power of the Quantum Key at their fingertips, Sam holds the potential to reshape the world and unlock humanity's greatest mysteries.

With the Quantum Key in hand, Sam embarks on the journey back to the ordinary world, knowing that their discovery will forever change the course of history. Yet, they also realize that the true adventure has only just begun.

Just when it seems like victory is within reach, Sam faces one final, unexpected challenge - a shadowy organization intent on seizing control of the Quantum Key for their own dark purposes. In a desperate battle of wits and wills, Sam must risk everything to protect the future of humanity.

Now for the exposition.. I really tried to give some context to the story and like the main character but I didn’t really know how to introduce him in the situation and just ended up using ‘ My name is Sam’ which I really want to work on.

The morning light filtered through the blinds, casting soft patterns on the cluttered desk strewn with electronic gadgets and half-finished projects. This was my sanctuary, my refuge from the relentless noise of the outside world. My name is Sam, and I've always found solace in the hum of circuits and the glow of LED lights.

In this bustling world of constant connectivity and instant gratification, I've always felt like a misfit. While my classmates were busy chasing likes and followers, I found myself drawn to the forgotten corners of the internet, exploring obscure forums and tinkering with ancient technology that most would consider obsolete.

One such relic was my father's old radio transmitter, a battered contraption that had been gathering dust in the attic ever since his passing. It was a relic of a bygone era, a testament to a time when the world was simpler and technology still held a sense of wonder and mystery.

I remember the day I first stumbled upon it, hidden away in a dusty corner of the attic like a forgotten treasure. As I ran my fingers over the worn dials and faded buttons, a flood of memories came rushing back - memories of lazy Sunday afternoons spent listening to crackling broadcasts from distant lands, of my father's gentle smile as he showed me how to tune in to the frequencies of the world beyond our doorstep.

In that moment, I made a silent vow to breathe new life into this forgotten relic, to honor my father's memory by unlocking the secrets it held within. And so, with a mix of determination and curiosity, I set to work, pouring over schematics and manuals in a quest to restore the old radio to its former glory.

It was during one of these late-night tinkering sessions that I stumbled upon something unexpected - a faint, rhythmic pulse buried amidst the static. At first, I dismissed it as nothing more than interference from nearby electronics, but as I adjusted the dials and fine-tuned the frequency, the signal grew stronger, more insistent.

And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me - this was no ordinary transmission. This was a message, encoded in a language beyond my comprehension, yet somehow resonating with a primal urgency that sent shivers down my spine.

As the words echoed through the speakers, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through my veins. This was it - the beginning of an adventure that would take me beyond the confines of my ordinary world and into the unknown.

Okayyy so here’s the storyy it’s really long and I feel sorry for anyone who has to go through it omg! Here are the ingredients I tried to use:
1. New character intro
2. Flashback (kinda?)
3. New conflict arises
4. Introduce a symbol
5. Foreshadowing
6. Epistolary
7. Plot twist
8. Cliffhanger?

The morning light filtered through the blinds, casting soft patterns on the cluttered desk strewn with electronic gadgets and half-finished projects, and making my bedsheet, adorned with the symbol of a twisted serpent coiled around a darkened globe, almost glow in the daylight. This was my sanctuary, my refuge from the relentless noise of the outside world. Oops I've forgotten to introduce myself again, my name is Sam, and I guess I've always found solace in the hum of circuits and the glow of LED lights.

In this bustling world of constant connectivity and instant gratification, I've always felt like a misfit. While my classmates were busy chasing likes and followers, I found myself drawn to the forgotten corners of the internet, exploring obscure forums and tinkering with ancient technology that most would consider obsolete.

One such relic was my father's old radio transmitter, a battered contraption that had been gathering dust in the attic ever since his passing. It was a relic of a bygone era, a testament to a time when the world was simpler and technology still held a sense of wonder and mystery.

I remember the day I first stumbled upon it, hidden away in a dusty corner of the attic like a forgotten treasure. As I ran my fingers over the worn dials and faded buttons, a flood of memories came rushing back - memories of lazy Sunday afternoons spent listening to crackling broadcasts from distant lands, of my father's gentle smile as he showed me how to tune in to the frequencies of the world beyond our doorstep. It's at times like these that I miss him the most. Two years since he has been missing and unlike what everyone tells me, every day seems to hurt even more.

In that moment, I made a silent vow to breathe new life into this forgotten relic, to honor my father's memory by unlocking the secrets it held within. And so, with a mix of determination and curiosity, I set to work, pouring over schematics and manuals in a quest to restore the old radio to its former glory.

It was during one of these late-night tinkering sessions that I stumbled upon something unexpected - a faint, rhythmic pulse buried amidst the static. At first, I dismissed it as nothing more than interference from nearby electronics, but as I adjusted the dials and fine-tuned the frequency, the signal grew stronger, more insistent.

And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me - this was no ordinary transmission. This was a message, encoded in a language beyond my comprehension, yet somehow resonating with a primal urgency that sent shivers down my spine.

As the mysterious message continued to echo through the speakers of my father's old radio transmitter, I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was about to change in ways I could never have imagined. Determined to unravel the enigma before me, I delved deeper into the world of amateur radio enthusiasts and fringe scientists, seeking answers to questions that seemed to defy logic.

It was while researching more about this particular radio transmitter that I stumbled upon the work of Dr. Reyes, a reclusive physicist with a reputation for pushing the boundaries of conventional science. Intrigued by Dr. Reyes' theories on quantum mechanics and the nature of reality, I reached out to them in the hopes of gaining insight into the strange transmission that had captured my attention.

To my surprise, Dr. Reyes responded with a cryptic message of their own, expressing interest in my discovery and inviting me to meet them in person. Nervous yet excited, I accepted the invitation, eager to learn more about the secrets that lay hidden within the static.

Our first meeting was nothing short of extraordinary. Dr. Reyes was unlike anyone I had ever met - brilliant, eccentric, and utterly unapologetic in their pursuit of knowledge. Over the course of several weeks, they became my mentor, guiding me through the intricacies of quantum theory and teaching me to see the world in a way I never thought possible.

As my understanding of the transmission grew, so too did my circle of allies. Among my newfound friends were Sarah, a fellow enthusiast with a knack for deciphering codes, and Marcus, a brilliant hacker with a mischievous streak. Together, we formed an unlikely alliance, united in our quest to unlock the secrets of the message and uncover the truth that lay hidden within.

As we delved deeper into the mysteries of the transmission, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been here before, that this journey was somehow intertwined with my past in ways I couldn't yet comprehend. And then, as if by magic, I found myself transported back to a moment long forgotten - a lazy Sunday afternoon spent with my father in the attic, surrounded by the comforting embrace of his old radio transmitter.

“Sam, listen to me,” my father said, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency that I couldn't quite understand at the time. “There are secrets in this world beyond our wildest dreams, secrets that have the power to change everything we know.”

I looked up at him, curious yet unsure of what he meant. “What kind of secrets, Dad?” I asked, my young mind struggling to grasp the enormity of his words.

My father smiled, a wistful look in his eyes. “The kind of secrets that lie hidden within the fabric of spacetime itself,” he replied cryptically. “The kind of secrets that hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.”

I listened intently as my father spoke of prophecies passed down through generations, of ancient symbols that held the power to reveal the truth hidden in plain sight. And though I couldn't fully comprehend the magnitude of his words at the time, something deep within me stirred, a sense of destiny unfolding before my very eyes.

As the echoes of the past reverberated through my mind, I found myself more determined than ever to unravel the mysteries that had eluded me for so long. Seeing that my dad could have possibly been connected to all this filled me with enough motivation to conquer the world. With the guidance of Dr. Reyes and the support Sarah and Marcus, we delved deeper into the ancient prophecies and enigmatic symbols, piecing together fragments of knowledge with painstaking precision.

Each clue we deciphered brought us closer to the truth, but it was the revelation hidden within the flashback that proved to be the key to unlocking the final mystery. My father's words echoed in my ears as we combed through the ancient texts, searching for a connection that would bridge the gap between past and present.

And then, all of a sudden, it hit me - the answer had been staring us in the face all along, hidden in plain sight amidst the symbols and riddles that had confounded us for so long. With a sense of clarity that bordered on exhilaration, I shared my revelation with my companions, their eyes alight with excitement as they realized the significance of what lay before us.

Together, we poured over the ancient texts with renewed vigor, drawing on the knowledge passed down through generations to decipher the final piece of the puzzle. And as the pieces fell into place, a picture emerged - a map, of sorts, that pointed towards a hidden chamber within the fabric of spacetime itself, the inmost cave where the ultimate truth awaited.

But our journey was far from over. Armed with the knowledge of the ancients and the determination of those who dared to defy the limits of reality itself, we set out on a quest to uncover the secrets hidden within the inmost cave, knowing that our destiny awaited us on the other side.

As we ventured deeper into the unknown, the air crackled with anticipation, each step bringing us closer to the heart of the mystery that had consumed us for so long. And then, finally, we stood on the threshold of the inmost cave, our hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement as we prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

With a silent nod of encouragement, we stepped forward into the darkness, our fate intertwined with the forces that lay beyond the bounds of comprehension. And as we descended into the depths of the inmost cave, I knew that whatever awaited us on the other side would challenge everything we thought we knew about the nature of reality itself.

As we descended into the heart of the quantum realm, the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and shift around us, bending to the will of forces beyond our comprehension. The air crackled with energy as we navigated through a labyrinth of swirling colors and shimmering lights, each step bringing us closer to the truth that lay hidden at the heart of the mystery.

“This place is unlike anything I've ever seen,” Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of strange noises that echoed through the chamber.

“I agree,” Marcus replied, his eyes wide with wonder. “It's as if we've stepped into another dimension entirely.”

I nodded in silent agreement, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement as we pressed on, guided by an instinctual sense of purpose that seemed to transcend the boundaries of logic.

But as we delved deeper into the quantum realm, the challenges we faced grew increasingly surreal, pushing the limits of our understanding to the breaking point. Time itself seemed to lose all meaning as we navigated through shifting landscapes and impossible geometries, each obstacle more perplexing than the last.

“This doesn't make any sense,” I muttered, frustration mounting with each passing moment. “How are we supposed to make sense of any of this?”

“We have to keep going,” Dr. Reyes urged, their voice steady despite the chaos that surrounded us. “We're close, I can feel it.”

With renewed determination, we pressed on, our resolve bolstered by the knowledge that the ultimate truth lay just beyond our grasp. And then, finally, we reached the culmination of our journey - the moment of reckoning that would determine the fate of the world itself.

As we stood on the threshold of victory, a sense of calm washed over me, banishing the doubts and fears that had plagued me since the beginning of our quest. With a steady hand, I reached out and unlocked the Quantum Key, feeling its power surge through me like a bolt of lightning.

“It's beautiful,” Sarah breathed, her eyes shining with awe as she gazed upon the shimmering artifact in my hands.

“Yes,” Marcus agreed, a grin spreading across his face. “And with this, we hold the power to reshape the world.”

But even as we reveled in our triumph, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, a reminder that our journey was far from over. With the Quantum Key in hand, we embarked on the journey back to tour lives, knowing that our discovery would forever change the course of history.

Yet, as we gazed into the unknown horizon that stretched before us, I knew that the true adventure had only just begun. With the power of the Quantum Key at our fingertips, we held the potential to unlock humanity's greatest mysteries and usher in a new era of possibility and wonder.

But just as victory seemed within our grasp, a new threat emerged from the shadows, casting a pall over our hard-won triumph. The rise of The Obsidian Circle, fronted by the enigmatic Dr. Howard, sent ripples of unease through our ranks. Dr. Howard was a figure shrouded in mystery, his motives obscured by layers of deceit and deception.

It soon became clear that Dr. Howard was no stranger to Dr. Reyes; in fact, they had once been colleagues, their relationship soured by jealousy and rivalry. Dr. Howard harbored a deep-seated resentment towards Dr. Reyes, viewing them as a rival whose success threatened his own ambitions.

As The Obsidian Circle's influence grew, they began to make their presence known, their symbol - a twisted serpent coiled around a darkened globe - appearing in clandestine messages and cryptic warnings. It was a symbol of power and dominance, a reminder that their reach extended far beyond the confines of our ordinary world.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, there was something familiar about the organization's leader, something that stirred a faint memory deep within the recesses of my mind. It was as if I had seen his face before, not as a stranger, but as someone I had once known - someone whose presence had been a constant presence in my life, yet whose true identity remained shrouded in mystery.

But even as doubts gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, I knew that I couldn't let them distract me from the task at hand. The Obsidian Circle posed a grave threat to humanity, and it was up to me to stop them, no matter the cost.

With the quantum key as our only weapon, we set out to confront Dr. Howard and his followers, knowing that the fate of the world hung in the balance. It would be a battle of wits and wills, a desperate struggle for the future of humanity.

As the final confrontation with The Obsidian Circle loomed before us, tension hung thick in the air like a storm on the horizon. Dr. Howard and his followers were relentless in their pursuit of the quantum key, their determination matched only by our own.

Despite our best efforts, The Obsidian Circle proved too powerful to resist. In a harrowing showdown, they managed to seize control of the quantum key, their victory sending shockwaves through our ranks. It was a bitter blow, a devastating setback that left us reeling in disbelief.

As I stood amidst the wreckage of our shattered hopes, a sense of betrayal gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. How could this have happened? How could we have let The Obsidian Circle slip through our fingers so easily?

Three months later

My Dearest Sam,

It is with disdain that I address you now, for you have proven to be a disappointment in every sense of the word. You have clung to the misguided belief that you are fighting for justice, but in reality, you are nothing more than a pawn in a game much larger than yourself.

You see, my son, I have long known of your misguided attempts to thwart The Obsidian Circle, the very organization that I lead. Your feeble attempts at rebellion have amused me, but they have also grown tiresome. It is time for you to accept your fate and acknowledge the truth of your heritage.

From the moment of your birth, you were groomed to be a part of The Obsidian Circle, to wield the power of the quantum key in service to our cause. The symbol on your bedsheets is not just a coincidence, but a reminder of the legacy that you were born into, whether you choose to accept it or not.

I know that this revelation may come as a shock to you, but there is no denying the truth of your lineage. You were raised in the shadow of The Obsidian Circle, taught to believe in our vision for the future. And yet, you have chosen to betray everything you were taught, to align yourself with our enemies.

But it is not too late to rectify your mistakes, Sam. You have proven yourself to be a formidable opponent, and I would be remiss not to acknowledge your strength. Join us, and together, we can crush our enemies beneath our feet and usher in a new era of dominance.

Do not be fooled by false notions of morality, my son. There is no such thing as right or wrong in this world, only power and the will to wield it. Embrace your destiny, Sam, and together, we will conquer all who stand in our way.

With disdain,
Your Father

Now I feel like the only reason for someone to have gone through all of that was if they critiqued it, and if you did then I really appreciate everything you have done for me! I have no doubt that it wasn't an easy task!

Here are some things that I would like the critique to help me with
I want to know if someone reading this would actually understand what is happening cause I tend to keep a lot of info to myself while writing and have a hard time writing down what exactly I'm thinking
I also need some advice on where to include more dialogue cause there's very little dialogue in the story I've noticed
I think the story is very abrupt and confusing so please let me know what needs to be expanded on in order for it to be better understood!
anything else would be really appreciated! Thank youu!

Critique from pepper
Critique for pepper

ahhh so here's the final edited version!

The morning light filtered through the blinds, casting soft patterns on the cluttered desk strewn with electronic gadgets and half-finished projects, and making my bedsheet, adorned with the symbol of a twisted serpent coiled around a darkened globe, almost glow in the daylight. This was my sanctuary, my refuge from the relentless noise of the outside world. Oops I've forgotten to introduce myself again, my name is Sam, and I guess I've always found solace in the hum of circuits and the glow of LED lights.

In this bustling world of constant connectivity and instant gratification, I've always felt like a misfit. While my classmates were busy chasing likes and followers, I found myself drawn to the forgotten corners of the internet, exploring obscure forums and tinkering with ancient technology that most would consider obsolete.

One such relic was my father's old radio transmitter, a battered contraption that had been gathering dust in the attic ever since his passing. It was a relic of a bygone era, a testament to a time when the world was simpler and technology still held a sense of wonder and mystery.

I remember the day I first stumbled upon it, hidden away in a dusty corner of the attic like a forgotten treasure. As I ran my fingers over the worn dials and faded buttons, a flood of memories came rushing back - memories of lazy Sunday afternoons spent listening to crackling broadcasts from distant lands and of my father's gentle smile as he showed me how to tune in to the frequencies of the world beyond our doorstep. It's at times like these that I miss him the most. It’s been two years since he went missing, and unlike what everyone tells me, each day seems to hurt more than the last.

In that moment, I made a silent vow to breathe new life into this forgotten relic, to honor my father's memory by unlocking the secrets it held within. And so, with a mix of determination and curiosity, I set to work, pouring over schematics and manuals in a quest to restore the old radio to its former glory.

It was during one of these late-night tinkering sessions that I stumbled upon something unexpected - a faint, rhythmic pulse buried amidst the static. At first, I dismissed it as nothing more than interference from nearby electronics, but as I adjusted the dials and fine-tuned the frequency, the signal grew stronger, more insistent.

And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me - this was no ordinary transmission. This was a message, encoded in a language beyond my comprehension, yet somehow resonating with a primal urgency that sent shivers down my spine.

As the mysterious message continued to echo through the speakers of my father's old radio transmitter, I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was about to change in ways I could never have imagined. Determined to unravel the enigma before me, I delved deeper into the world of amateur radio enthusiasts and fringe scientists, seeking answers to questions that seemed to defy logic.

It was while researching more about this particular radio transmitter that I stumbled upon the work of Dr. Reyes, a reclusive physicist with a reputation for pushing the boundaries of conventional science. Intrigued by Dr. Reyes' theories on quantum mechanics and the nature of reality, I reached out to them in the hopes of gaining insight into the strange transmission that had captured my attention.

To my surprise, Dr. Reyes responded with a cryptic message of their own, expressing interest in my discovery and inviting me to meet them in person. Nervous, yet excited, I accepted the invitation, eager to learn more about the secrets that lay hidden within the static.

Our first meeting was nothing short of extraordinary. Dr. Reyes was unlike anyone I had ever met - brilliant, eccentric, and utterly unapologetic in their pursuit of knowledge. Over the course of several weeks, they became my mentor, guiding me through the intricacies of quantum theory and teaching me to see the world in a way I never thought possible.

As my understanding of the transmission grew, so too did my circle of allies. Among my newfound friends were Sarah, a fellow enthusiast with a knack for deciphering codes, and Marcus, a brilliant hacker with a mischievous streak. Together, we formed an unlikely alliance, united in our quest to unlock the secrets of the message and uncover the truth that lay hidden within.

As we delved deeper into the mysteries of the transmission, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been here before, that this journey was somehow intertwined with my past in ways I couldn't yet comprehend. And then, as if by magic, I found myself transported back to a moment long forgotten - a lazy Sunday afternoon spent with my father in the attic, surrounded by the comforting embrace of his old radio transmitter.

“Sam, listen to me,” my father said, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency that I couldn't quite understand at the time. “There are secrets in this world beyond our wildest dreams, secrets that have the power to change everything we know.”

I looked up at him, curious yet unsure of what he meant. “What kind of secrets, Dad?” I asked, my young mind struggling to grasp the enormity of his words.

My father smiled, a wistful look in his eyes. “The kind of secrets that lie hidden within the fabric of spacetime itself,” he replied cryptically. “The kind of secrets that hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.”

I listened intently as my father spoke of prophecies passed down through generations, of ancient symbols that held the power to reveal the truth hidden in plain sight. And though I couldn't fully comprehend the magnitude of his words at the time, something deep within me stirred, a sense of destiny unfolding before my very eyes.

As the echoes of the past reverberated through my mind, I found myself more determined than ever to unravel the mysteries that had eluded me for so long. Seeing that my dad could have possibly been connected to all this filled me with enough motivation to conquer the world. With the guidance of Dr. Reyes and the support of Sarah and Marcus, we delved deeper into the ancient prophecies and enigmatic symbols, piecing together fragments of knowledge with painstaking precision.

Each clue we deciphered brought us closer to the truth, but it was the revelation hidden within the flashback that proved to be the key to unlocking the final mystery. My father's words echoed in my ears as we combed through the ancient texts, searching for a connection that would bridge the gap between past and present.

And then, all of a sudden, it hit me - the answer had been staring us in the face all along, hidden in plain sight amidst the symbols and riddles that had confounded us for so long. With a sense of clarity that bordered on exhilaration, I shared my revelation with my companions, their eyes alight with excitement as they realized the significance of what lay before us.

Together, we poured over the ancient texts with renewed vigor, drawing on the knowledge passed down through generations to decipher the final piece of the puzzle. And as the pieces fell into place, a picture emerged - a map, of sorts, that pointed towards a hidden chamber within the fabric of spacetime itself, the inmost cave where the ultimate truth awaited.

But our journey was far from over. Armed with the knowledge of the ancients and the determination of those who dared to defy the limits of reality itself, we set out on a quest to uncover the secrets hidden within the inmost cave, knowing that our destiny awaited us on the other side.

As we ventured deeper into the unknown, the air crackled with anticipation, each step bringing us closer to the heart of the mystery that had consumed us for so long. And then, finally, we stood on the threshold of the inmost cave, our hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement as we prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

With a silent nod of encouragement, we stepped forward into the darkness, our fate intertwined with the forces that lay beyond the bounds of comprehension. And as we descended into the depths of the inmost cave, I knew that whatever awaited us on the other side would challenge everything we thought we knew about the nature of reality itself.

As we descended into the heart of the quantum realm, the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and shift around us, bending to the will of forces beyond our comprehension. The air crackled with energy as we navigated through a labyrinth of swirling colors and shimmering lights, each step bringing us closer to the truth that lay hidden at the heart of the mystery.

“This place is unlike anything I've ever seen,” Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of strange noises that echoed through the chamber.

“I agree,” Marcus replied, his eyes wide with wonder. “It's as if we've stepped into another dimension entirely.”

I nodded in silent agreement, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement as we pressed on, guided by an instinctual sense of purpose that seemed to transcend the boundaries of logic.

But as we delved deeper into the quantum realm, the challenges we faced grew increasingly surreal, pushing the limits of our understanding to the breaking point. Time itself seemed to lose all meaning as we navigated through shifting landscapes and impossible geometries, each obstacle more perplexing than the last.

“This doesn't make any sense,” I muttered, frustration mounting with each passing moment. “How are we supposed to make sense of any of this?”

“We have to keep going,” Dr. Reyes urged, their voice steady despite the chaos that surrounded us. “We're close, I can feel it.”

With renewed determination, we pressed on, our resolve bolstered by the knowledge that the ultimate truth lay just beyond our grasp. And then, finally, we reached the culmination of our journey - the moment of reckoning that would determine the fate of the world itself.

As we stood on the threshold of victory, a sense of calm washed over me, banishing the doubts and fears that had plagued me since the beginning of our quest. With a steady hand, I reached out and unlocked the Quantum Key, feeling its power surge through me like a bolt of lightning.

“It's beautiful,” Sarah breathed, her eyes shining with awe as she gazed upon the shimmering artifact in my hands.

“Yes,” Marcus agreed, a grin spreading across his face. “And with this, we hold the power to reshape the world.”

But even as we reveled in our triumph, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, a reminder that our journey was far from over. With the Quantum Key in hand, we embarked on the journey back to tour lives, knowing that our discovery would forever change the course of history.

Yet, as we gazed into the unknown horizon that stretched before us, I knew that the true adventure had only just begun. With the power of the Quantum Key at our fingertips, we held the potential to unlock humanity's greatest mysteries and usher in a new era of possibility and wonder.

But just as victory seemed within our grasp, a new threat emerged from the shadows, casting a pall over our hard-won triumph. The rise of The Obsidian Circle, fronted by the enigmatic Dr. Howard, sent ripples of unease through our ranks. Dr. Howard was a figure shrouded in mystery, his motives obscured by layers of deceit and deception.

It soon became clear that Dr. Howard was no stranger to Dr. Reyes; in fact, they had once been colleagues, their relationship soured by jealousy and rivalry. Dr. Howard harbored a deep-seated resentment towards Dr. Reyes, viewing them as a rival whose success threatened his own ambitions.

As The Obsidian Circle's influence grew, they began to make their presence known, their symbol - a twisted serpent coiled around a darkened globe - appearing in clandestine messages and cryptic warnings. It was a symbol of power and dominance, a reminder that their reach extended far beyond the confines of our ordinary world.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, there was something familiar about the organization's leader, something that stirred a faint memory deep within the recesses of my mind. It was as if I had seen his face before, not as a stranger, but as someone I had once known - someone whose presence had been a constant presence in my life, yet whose true identity remained shrouded in mystery.

But even as doubts gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, I knew that I couldn't let them distract me from the task at hand. The Obsidian Circle posed a grave threat to humanity, and it was up to me to stop them, no matter the cost.

With the quantum key as our only weapon, we set out to confront Dr. Howard and his followers, knowing that the fate of the world hung in the balance. It would be a battle of wits and wills, a desperate struggle for the future of humanity.

As the final confrontation with The Obsidian Circle loomed before us, tension hung thick in the air like a storm on the horizon. Dr. Howard and his followers were relentless in their pursuit of the quantum key, their determination matched only by our own.

Despite our best efforts, The Obsidian Circle proved too powerful to resist. In a harrowing showdown, they managed to seize control of the quantum key, their victory sending shockwaves through our ranks. It was a bitter blow, a devastating setback that left us reeling in disbelief.

As I stood amidst the wreckage of our shattered hopes, a sense of betrayal gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. How could this have happened? How could we have let The Obsidian Circle slip through our fingers so easily?

Three months later

My Dearest Sam,

It is with disdain that I address you now, for you have proven to be a disappointment in every sense of the word. You have clung to the misguided belief that you are fighting for justice, but in reality, you are nothing more than a pawn in a game much larger than yourself.

You see, my son, I have long known of your misguided attempts to thwart The Obsidian Circle, the very organization that I lead. Your feeble attempts at rebellion have amused me, but they have also grown tiresome. It is time for you to accept your fate and acknowledge the truth of your heritage.

From the moment of your birth, you were groomed to be a part of The Obsidian Circle, to wield the power of the quantum key in service to our cause. The symbol on your bedsheets is not just a coincidence, but a reminder of the legacy that you were born into, whether you choose to accept it or not.

I know that this revelation may come as a shock to you, but there is no denying the truth of your lineage. You were raised in the shadow of The Obsidian Circle, taught to believe in our vision for the future. And yet, you have chosen to betray everything you were taught, to align yourself with our enemies.

But it is not too late to rectify your mistakes, Sam. You have proven yourself to be a formidable opponent, and I would be remiss not to acknowledge your strength. Join us, and together, we can crush our enemies beneath our feet and usher in a new era of dominance.

Do not be fooled by false notions of morality, my son. There is no such thing as right or wrong in this world, only power and the will to wield it. Embrace your destiny, Sam, and together, we will conquer all who stand in our way.

With disdain,
Your Father

Last edited by aurarae (March 31, 2024 17:21:08)

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

march 29th daily

ahhh this is the prologue to alice in wonderlandd

Even before Alice fell into Wonderland, strange occurrences had been a part of her life. In the quaint, sunlit gardens of her home, she often caught glimpses of peculiar creatures darting between the flowerbeds and hedges. At first, she dismissed these sightings as figments of her imagination, the whimsical musings of a child lost in her own fantasies.

Yet, as she grew older, the sightings persisted, becoming more frequent and vivid with each passing day. She would catch sight of a white rabbit with a waistcoat and pocket watch, or a grinning Cheshire Cat perched upon the gatepost, its eyes twinkling with mischief.

Her family, of course, brushed off her tales as the fanciful ramblings of a young girl with an overactive imagination. But Alice knew better. She could feel the magic tingling in the air, the whisper of secrets that danced on the edge of her consciousness.

And so, she kept her sightings to herself, content to explore the wonders of her own imagination in the solitude of her garden. But little did she know that these encounters were merely the prelude to a much grander adventure, one that would take her beyond the confines of her home and into a world where the impossible became possible.

For even in the mundane world of her everyday life, Alice was destined for extraordinary things, her journey through Wonderland merely the beginning of a tale that would captivate the hearts and minds of generations to come.

And so, as she sat beneath the shade of the old oak tree, watching the butterflies flit lazily through the air, Alice couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden just beyond her reach. Little did she know that soon, she would embark on the greatest adventure of all, a journey that would change her life forever.

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

march 30th daily

ahhh so I've always read books and watched tv shows where people control the weather by their emotions and I thought controlling you odour or the odour of a room just by your emotions would be the absolute worst thing so here's a little story!

Parisian mornings always carried a hint of magic, the city awakening with a gentle embrace of sunlight and the promise of a new day. As I joined Élise and Jacques at our favorite café, Le Petit Coin, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted us like an old friend. But beneath the surface of our lighthearted banter, I carried a secret—a peculiar power that bound my emotions to odors.

Élise leaned in, her hazel eyes twinkling with mischief. “So, Aurélie, have you given any more thought to our conversation about superpowers?”

My heart skipped a beat, a nervous laugh escaping my lips. “Oh, you mean the one where I said it would be awful to have a power tied to your emotions? Absolutely.”

Jacques raised an eyebrow, a playful grin tugging at his lips. “But come on, Aurélie. Flying or super strength? You wouldn't want any of that?”

I shrugged, a knot of unease forming in my stomach. “I suppose it would be nice, but some powers can be more trouble than they're worth.”

Little did I know, fate had a cruel sense of humor.

The following morning, I awoke to a strange sensation—a tingling at the base of my spine, like a dormant power stirring to life. Tentatively, I whispered to my reflection in the mirror, “Show me.”

To my surprise, the air filled with a faint, earthy scent, accompanied by a rush of emotions I struggled to contain. Confusion gave way to realization as I stared at my reflection, my eyes widening in disbelief. I had become the embodiment of my worst nightmare—a walking, talking olfactory anomaly.

Panic threatened to overwhelm me as I grappled with the magnitude of my newfound ability. How could I face the world knowing that my emotions were no longer mine alone, but a tangible presence that betrayed my every thought and feeling?

Determined to keep my secret hidden, I met Élise and Jacques at the café the following day. But fate had other plans.

Midway through our conversation, a sudden wave of anxiety washed over me, triggering a cascade of emotions I struggled to contain. In an instant, the air around me grew thick with the unmistakable scent of decay and sulfur, a noxious cloud that enveloped the café in a suffocating embrace.

Élise and Jacques recoiled in horror, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and disgust. My heart sank as I realized the truth could no longer be concealed.

“I'm so sorry,” I whispered, my voice barely audible above the din. “I didn't mean for this to happen.”

Élise reached out a trembling hand, her eyes brimming with sympathy. “Aurélie, what's happening? What is this?”

Unable to bear the weight of my secret any longer, I took a deep breath and confessed everything—my newfound ability, the fears that plagued me, and the overwhelming sense of isolation I had endured.

To my surprise, instead of recoiling in revulsion, Élise and Jacques enveloped me in a comforting embrace, their solidarity a beacon of hope in my darkest hour.

“We're here for you, Aurélie,” Élise murmured, her voice tinged with warmth. “No matter what.”

In that moment, amidst the chaos of my emotions, a sense of calm washed over me, and with it, a subtle scent of vanilla and lavender enveloped the air, a reflection of my friends' compassion.

As we walked away together, leaving behind a trail of serenity, I realized that perhaps my gift was not a curse after all, but a reminder of the beauty found within the depths of human emotion.

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

weekly 4

part 4 - crtitique

The morning light filtered through the blinds, casting soft patterns on the cluttered desk strewn with electronic gadgets and half-finished projects, and making my bedsheet, adorned with the symbol of a twisted serpent coiled around a darkened globe, almost glow in the daylight. This was my sanctuary, my refuge from the relentless noise of the outside world. Oops I've forgotten to introduce myself again, my name is Sam, and I guess I've always found solace in the hum of circuits and the glow of LED lights.

In this bustling world of constant connectivity and instant gratification, I've always felt like a misfit. While my classmates were busy chasing likes and followers, I found myself drawn to the forgotten corners of the internet, exploring obscure forums and tinkering with ancient technology that most would consider obsolete.

One such relic was my father's old radio transmitter, a battered contraption that had been gathering dust in the attic ever since his passing. It was a relic of a bygone era, a testament to a time when the world was simpler and technology still held a sense of wonder and mystery.

I remember the day I first stumbled upon it, hidden away in a dusty corner of the attic like a forgotten treasure. As I ran my fingers over the worn dials and faded buttons, a flood of memories came rushing back - memories of lazy Sunday afternoons spent listening to crackling broadcasts from distant lands, of my father's gentle smile as he showed me how to tune in to the frequencies of the world beyond our doorstep. It's at times like these that I miss him the most. Two years since he has been missing and unlike what everyone tells me, every day seems to hurt even more.

In that moment, I made a silent vow to breathe new life into this forgotten relic, to honor my father's memory by unlocking the secrets it held within. And so, with a mix of determination and curiosity, I set to work, pouring over schematics and manuals in a quest to restore the old radio to its former glory.

It was during one of these late-night tinkering sessions that I stumbled upon something unexpected - a faint, rhythmic pulse buried amidst the static. At first, I dismissed it as nothing more than interference from nearby electronics, but as I adjusted the dials and fine-tuned the frequency, the signal grew stronger, more insistent.

And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me - this was no ordinary transmission. This was a message, encoded in a language beyond my comprehension, yet somehow resonating with a primal urgency that sent shivers down my spine.

As the mysterious message continued to echo through the speakers of my father's old radio transmitter, I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was about to change in ways I could never have imagined. Determined to unravel the enigma before me, I delved deeper into the world of amateur radio enthusiasts and fringe scientists, seeking answers to questions that seemed to defy logic.

It was while researching more about this particular radio transmitter that I stumbled upon the work of Dr. Reyes, a reclusive physicist with a reputation for pushing the boundaries of conventional science. Intrigued by Dr. Reyes' theories on quantum mechanics and the nature of reality, I reached out to them in the hopes of gaining insight into the strange transmission that had captured my attention.

To my surprise, Dr. Reyes responded with a cryptic message of their own, expressing interest in my discovery and inviting me to meet them in person. Nervous yet excited, I accepted the invitation, eager to learn more about the secrets that lay hidden within the static.

Our first meeting was nothing short of extraordinary. Dr. Reyes was unlike anyone I had ever met - brilliant, eccentric, and utterly unapologetic in their pursuit of knowledge. Over the course of several weeks, they became my mentor, guiding me through the intricacies of quantum theory and teaching me to see the world in a way I never thought possible.

As my understanding of the transmission grew, so too did my circle of allies. Among my newfound friends were Sarah, a fellow enthusiast with a knack for deciphering codes, and Marcus, a brilliant hacker with a mischievous streak. Together, we formed an unlikely alliance, united in our quest to unlock the secrets of the message and uncover the truth that lay hidden within.

As we delved deeper into the mysteries of the transmission, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been here before, that this journey was somehow intertwined with my past in ways I couldn't yet comprehend. And then, as if by magic, I found myself transported back to a moment long forgotten - a lazy Sunday afternoon spent with my father in the attic, surrounded by the comforting embrace of his old radio transmitter.

“Sam, listen to me,” my father said, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency that I couldn't quite understand at the time. “There are secrets in this world beyond our wildest dreams, secrets that have the power to change everything we know.”

I looked up at him, curious yet unsure of what he meant. “What kind of secrets, Dad?” I asked, my young mind struggling to grasp the enormity of his words.

My father smiled, a wistful look in his eyes. “The kind of secrets that lie hidden within the fabric of spacetime itself,” he replied cryptically. “The kind of secrets that hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.”

I listened intently as my father spoke of prophecies passed down through generations, of ancient symbols that held the power to reveal the truth hidden in plain sight. And though I couldn't fully comprehend the magnitude of his words at the time, something deep within me stirred, a sense of destiny unfolding before my very eyes.

As the echoes of the past reverberated through my mind, I found myself more determined than ever to unravel the mysteries that had eluded me for so long. Seeing that my dad could have possibly been connected to all this filled me with enough motivation to conquer the world. With the guidance of Dr. Reyes and the support Sarah and Marcus, we delved deeper into the ancient prophecies and enigmatic symbols, piecing together fragments of knowledge with painstaking precision.

Each clue we deciphered brought us closer to the truth, but it was the revelation hidden within the flashback that proved to be the key to unlocking the final mystery. My father's words echoed in my ears as we combed through the ancient texts, searching for a connection that would bridge the gap between past and present.

And then, all of a sudden, it hit me - the answer had been staring us in the face all along, hidden in plain sight amidst the symbols and riddles that had confounded us for so long. With a sense of clarity that bordered on exhilaration, I shared my revelation with my companions, their eyes alight with excitement as they realized the significance of what lay before us.

Now I feel like the only reason for someone to have gone through all of that was if they critiqued it, and if you did then I really appreciate everything you have done for me! I have no doubt that it wasn't an easy task!

Here are some things that I would like the critique to help me with
I want to know if someone reading this would actually understand what is happening cause I tend to keep a lot of info to myself while writing and have a hard time writing down what exactly I'm thinking
I also need some advice on where to include more dialogue cause there's very little dialogue in the story I've noticed
I think the story is very abrupt and confusing so please let me know what needs to be expanded on in order for it to be better understood!
anything else would be really appreciated! Thank youu!

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw

Critique for pepper (weekly 4)
Pepper's story!

I really enjoyed reading this story omg! It was so interesting and was certainly very difficult to critique really, but here's what I think you could do to have a stronger impact on the audience!

For starters, I reckon you could show stronger character development by showing the reader how they are dealing with the death of their grandfather in a more realistic way. I think you've already done this really well, the flashback to all the time they spent with their grandfather was an awesome touch, but they're dealing with some heavy stuff, so showing more of their personalities and how they connected with their grandpa would help us feel closer to them. I think one thing that really connects to an audience is when a character feels a sense of regret like they were there with the person they loved at their last hour, and seeing them work through that regret would really help with the character development

I feel like the way they talk is pretty natural, but I think giving them more distinct voices could make their chats even more engaging. Maybe throw in some unique phrases or slang to make them stand out. My teacher always told me that every person has a unique way of expressing themselves in speech, so you could try to bring that in as well. For example, I usually use the word ‘really’ a lot as a filler word when speaking in English, since it isn't my first language and that has translated into my writing as well! Some people pick up habits as children and just stick with it even as they grow up so you could actually use speech to give a sort of background on their history. For example, if a character stutters, it kinda suggests to the audience that they aren't very confident and probably haven't been in the past as well.

For most of it, I think the pacing is perfect, but it does feel a bit rushed at times, especially when Oli and Calypso are going through their grandfather's things. I think Slowing down during those emotional moments would let us really feel what they're going through, and having them look at every object and remember something about their grandfather would add to the effect of the grief and would make it seem more real.

Speaking of emotions, some scenes could also have a stronger impact if they were shown instead of just told. Like when Oliver finds out about his grandpa's accident – instead of saying he collapsed, why not show his legs buckling and his heart pounding? I think having more descriptive vocabulary could really help the audience visualize what you're trying to convey and it makes them put themselves in the character's shoes!

The mystery with the chess piece is a neat twist, but I think having more buildup would make the audience really engage with the piece cause they'll be like ‘omg how could I have missed the significance of this before?’. Dropping hints earlier on would keep us guessing and make the payoff more satisfying, and instead of foreshadowing very evidently by like making oli notice it and start thinking about it, you could have it hinted at in the background of the story to make it all the more surprising!

Overall I absolutely loved this story and while it broke my heart in the beginning, I was on my toes towards the end, which was really cool! I would love to hear more about this omg and the characters are so cute! like ahhh <3

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.
98 posts

⚜ | rae's swc writing thread #hi-fiftw


Last edited by aurarae (May 14, 2024 06:33:06)

In Scratch's realm, I weave art's sweet song,
Sprites and scripts, where my poems belong.
A digital haven, my verses unfold,
In the language of code, my stories are told.

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