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❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

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Welcome, traveler, to the dragon's den.

This is my personal writing thread, so please do not post here–if you need to contact me about anything, do so on my profile!

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SWC March 2024

SWC Main Cabin
Dystopian Cabin
Word Count Studio
March 2024 Daily Masterlist

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❧ 03/01/24 ○ Introduction Daily + 1k 2k Intro Challenge ○ 2035 words
❧ 03/02/24 ○ Compliment Daily ○ 488 words
❧ 03/03/24 ○ Anthems ○ 427
❧ 03/04/24 ○ Chance Daily ○ 338 words
❧ 03/05/24 ○ Continuation Daily ○ 206 words
❧ 03/06/24 ○ Genre Daily ○ 250 words
❧ 03/08/24 ○ International Women's Day Daily ○ 208 words
❧ 03/11/24 ○ Reflection Daily ○ 204 words
❧ 03/12/24 ○ Bestselling Bookstore Daily ○ 100 words
❧ 03/13/24 ○ Profile Quote Daily ○ 397 words
❧ 03/14/24 ○ Pi Daily! ○ 619 words
❧ 03/16/24 ○ SWCer Daily ○ 307 words
❧ 03/17/24 ○ Hozier Daily ○ 327 words
❧ 03/19/24 ○ Atmosphere Daily ○ 410 words
❧ 03/??/24 ○ title ○ xxx words
❧ 03/??/24 ○ title ○ xxx words
❧ 03/??/24 ○ title ○ xxx words
❧ 03/??/24 ○ title ○ xxx words
❧ 03/??/24 ○ title ○ xxx words
❧ 03/??/24 ○ title ○ xxx words

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❧ Weekly 1 ○ title ○ 1758 words total
❧ Weekly 2 ○ title ○ 1611 words
❧ Weekly 3 ○ title ○ total word count
❧ Weekly 4 ○ title ○ total word count

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Word Wars

❧ 03/05/24 ○ vs Chloe ○ won ○ 302 words
❧ 03/06/24 ○ vs Nova ○ won ○ 162 words total
❧ date ○ opponent ○ won/lost? ○ word count

━⋅ ❦ ⋅━


❧ date ○ title ○ reason for writing ○ word count
❧ date ○ title ○ reason for writing ○ word count
❧ date ○ title ○ reason for writing ○ word count
❧ date ○ title ○ reason for writing ○ word count

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Goals This Session

❧ Word Count Goal: 25k
❧ Daily goal: At least 15 dailies
❧ Weekly goal: All four weeklies
❧ Word War goal: At least five word wars
❧ Critique goal: At least one critique
❧ Self-care goal: Attempting to fall asleep before 11:30 as much as possible
❧ Writing goals: Finish draft three of my novel, write three short stories I'm proud of, write poems, write two songs, and write in a genre I've never written in before!

⊱ ━━━━⋅ ❦ ⋅━━━━ ⊰

Last edited by -BookDragon- (March 20, 2024 03:47:40)

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/01/24 ○ Introduction Daily + 1k 2k intro challenge ○ 2035 words ○ 0 points
Welcome, leaders, campers, fairies, and trolls, to the March ‘24 session of SWC! We hope you're as excited as we are for the exciting month ahead of us. To start us off, introduce yourself to your fellow writers and jot down your goals for this session. Who's your favorite author? How long have you done SWC? Give encouraging messages and compliment each other's intros - some of this might just come into play in tomorrow's daily. Have fun, and happy writing! <3

Hello! I’m Skyler (I also go by Mouse, either is fine!), a chaotic teen who loves reading, drawing, singing, and (of course) writing! I am the leader of Dystopian this session, and I am incredibly excited about it–we’re going to have a blast (and hopefully dominate the leaderboard mwahahaha)
I have a whole lot of goals for this session, and my main ones are to finish draft three of my novel, write three polished short stories I’m proud of, write some poems, write two songs, and write in a genre I’ve never written in before! (Yes, I intend to keep myself quite busy with writing this session XD).
Picking a favorite author is hard, but it’s probably Eion Colfer! Artemis Fowl is definitely one of my favorite series of all time, and his characters and stories are absolute masterpieces!
I started SWC in March 2022, as a backup camper. This is my third year in SWC, which is absolutely crazy!!!
I was sorted into Real-Fi in March 2022, and while I was completely confused, I had a blast!
My second session was July 2022 in Script, and I was a backup camper again. As it was my second session, I was still pretty confused, and I was sorted pretty late into the session. Script was an amazing cabin, but I got overwhelmed and confused–I couldn’t find where to add words, or even which wcg was mine, so instead of asking for help, I just went inactive–a choice which I regret to this day, since Script had incredibly awesome leaders and July 2022 was such an iconic session.
In November 2022 I actually signed up on time and was sorted into Hi-Fi! I had an absolute blast, being quite active and causing a bit of chaos. I enjoyed Hi-Fi a lot and I actually had an idea as to what I was doing, and I just genuinely had a great time <33
I applied for leader for the first time in January 2023, and I didn’t get accepted. I was sad about it, but as the session drew near I just was excited for another amazing session of SWC. About a week before the session Ris reached out to me and said Horror’s leader had gone inactive, they needed a new co, and they had chosen me. I had to rewrite my response three times to sound sane because I was just so excited! The next week was a flurry of activity as we rushed to get ready for the session. It was during that week I met Reese, and we started talking… and never stopped.
March 2023 is my favorite session of all time to date. Why? Because of the people I met <33 Ris, Reese, and I created ultimate chaos, from stealing souls (me), burning down cabins (me and Ris), kidnapping Reese and stealing her veins (Ris), and trying to convince each other to join each other’s cabin (all three of us), it was a truly unforgettable session.
Next came July 2022, as a co-leader in Action. It was the first time Action was a cabin, and I had a blast planning it. It was a chaotic and fun session, and despite the fact that I was in The Void for a week during summer camp, I had an amazing time.
Last November, I was a leader of a cabin for the first time. It was really full circle to March since Ris was my co-leader and Celina is friends irl with Horror’s leader! It was the most complicated plotline I’d ever attempted pulling off, and while it didn’t work as initially planned, it still turned out pretty great <33
Also in November, I attempted NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer’s Month) for the first time!! I had never written 50k words in a month before (I think my most was 25k at that point XD), but I wanted to give it a shot! At the end of the month, I emerged victorious, with fully drafted novel–word count 50,081!!!
Since then, I’ve been working on editing that novel (I’m currently on draft 3), and I’m hoping to be published by July this year!
Being published has always been a dream of mine. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been telling myself stories. When I got my first computer at the age of seven, it came with (very old version of) Microsoft Word, and I started numerous books there, but I wasn’t really serious and they seldom got past their first chapter. I still remember the day I decided to really write a novel:
I was flopped on the couch, listening to the Magic Treehouse series on CD. One of our CDs had a bonus content interview with Mary Pope Osborne (the author), and I got inspired to write a novel after I listened to that, so I grabbed my computer, opened Microsoft Word, and began writing! I wrote this story for a long time, and it got extremely long. I don’t remember what the exact word count was, but it was definitely the longest thing I’d ever written. With that project, my love for writing and my dream to be published was born.
That project remains unfinished and has yet to see the light of day, but I’ve started several others since then. I joined a writing club, which was extremely disorganized but a lot of fun, and during the second session, I asked one of the people in the club to write a book with me.
Turns out, we had an incredible amount of shared interests, and we wrote the book. Our book outlasted the writing club, and we were working on it as much as we could. I am fairly certain that its word count surpassed that of my old novel, with roughly 19k words in the most recent draft.
I also worked on a novel about an assassin for a while, but the plot wasn’t working and the project only got to roughly 4k words before it got scrapped </33
I had the idea for my current project a while ago, and I’ve been working on it for quite longer than I’ve realized–I found notes from last July on it!! This novel I took all the way through NaNoWriMo, and it’s my shining gem of an Actually Fully Drafted Novel.
But alas, when you draft a novel and your dream is to publish it, you have to edit it.
And you know what? I hate editing.
I mean, I don’t mind it sometimes. It’s a game, if you do it right! But it’s a long and draining process, full of stressful choices on what to keep and what to scrap, and I am not the most patient person.
But it’s going, and I hope to have finished draft three (plot issues) by the end of the month!
Aside from writing, I have a huge passion for singing. While I haven’t posted any of my singing on scratch I do plan to eventually!
I’ve always loved music and I actually started singing lessons last July, but I’m really self-conscious about singing, which leads to me not doing it often, which I really want to change but just can’t manage to.
I love the musical genres of pop, (some) indie, emo, and rock, and also some others that I can’t remember the names of right now skdljfjklfjk, and I even have a playlist for Writing Motivation which actually motivated me to actually write :0
At this point I’m past 1k words and have for some reason decided to go for 2k words because I really want to get back into writing since I really haven’t done it since November and that’s making me sad. So I suppose I’ll talk about something I actually don’t talk about often: fandoms.
I am in a shocking number of fandoms.
Marauders fanfiction is the only vaguely Harry Potter-related thing I like. And I definitely like the Marauders–they are extremely underrated characters <33
I love Wings of Fire (before you other WoF fans ask, my favorite characters at the moment are Winter and Sundew), and I read the entire series a while ago but plan to re-read it. Eventually.
I finally read Six of Crows recently, and I am in love with it. It is tied with Artemis Fowl for my favorite book series, and it’s an absolute literary masterpiece! Kaz is probably my favorite character in all of literary fiction.
Like I said above, I love Artemis Fowl, the characters in it are absolutely amazing <33 It’s my comfort series bwahaha–
I am only in the KotLC fandom for the side characters. Sophie is probably the most annoying character I have ever read about (no offense to those who like her, she is just not my type of character <33) and Fitz is even worse. But Keefe is amazing, and so are Dex, Biana, Marella, Mr. Forkle, and a few more that I can’t think of right now–they’re the only reasons I read the series lol
There are a couple of other series that I like but can’t remember or aren’t scratch-appropriate, so I’ll end the list there hehe
As for movies, I love Raya and the Last Dragon–it’s just a fun movie to watch ahaha <33
But my favorite movie is Nimona!!!! But I don’t have Netflix!!! *cries*
I could rant forever about Nimona the art is incredible, Nimona herself is incredible, Ballister is two of my favorite character tropes, and everything is just done so well!!!
I also love Star Wars. Star Wars is amazing. That is all <3333333
As for random likes, I love dragons, bugs, animals, mythical beasts, fantasy, birds, ice cream, cookies (but not selling cookies that’s rough), and I also play D&D two-going-on-three times a week! If you think I’m chaotic in SWC you should see me play D&D I am quite honestly terrifying. /hj
Another thing I love is a passion project I’ve been doing with Bella: Mangoes and Mayhem, the SWC Podcast :0 It started as a random idea and exploded into something quite huge, and I have so much fun making it. A lot goes on behind the scenes and we are sometimes busy all week working on it! As I write this, we haven’t released episode 5 yet, so I can’t rant about that, but I must say that we’ve been planning it for over a month and it is going to be incredible!!! We are so excited for it. The idea for the podcast actually hit us at the same time, and we started planning it as a joke, but then we just went all the way through with it, writing the script, making the account, and getting permission from the hosts (not in that order)… and it turned out amazing. We were shocked at how many people found the first episode basically the day we shared it, and we were really happy with how many positive reactions we got!
Of course, right after we shared the first one our lives got crazy busy, so we weren’t able to continue it until February, but we’re so glad we were able to!
Making a podcast (informal as it may be) is a fun challenge, and while we’ve run into some Problems You’d Never Think Of Until You Start A Podcast, we’ve overcome all the obstacles and had a ridiculous amount of fun along the way, and plan to continue releasing episodes for the foreseeable future
I’m going to wrap up this intro turned rant, because I will have hit 2k words by the time I’m done writing this conclusion and I have some lines to record for a certain podcast hehe <33 This is admittedly a very long rant, but if you actually read this whole thing I am very impressed! I hope you managed to get something out of reading this lol it was quite fun to write, despite being a chaotic mess of words kjdfssjkdfl but it’s certainly gotten this session off to a great start word count wise!!! Again if you read all this–ultimate respect. :>
Farewell, and I’ll be back with a (significantly shorter) daily for my next post! <33

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/02/24 ○ Compliment Daily ○ 488 words ○ 350 points
Hello, swc-ers, and welcome to our second daily of camp! Yesterday was world compliment day, and we all exchanged compliments on our introductions. Today, we'll use them in our writing! Take someone else's compliment and integrate it as a focal point of your story. How does the main character react to these compliments? How does it affect other people? Complete this daily with a minimum of 250 words for a scrumptious 300 points for your cabin, plus a bonus 100 points for providing proof!

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Compliment(s) used:
“you have the vibes of someone who would be good at making cookies” (@opheliio)
“You horrify me” (@Imacreamoo) (I took this as a compliment hehe, it makes no sense out of context but I promise it was not intended to be mean <33)

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Misty walked down the long dark passageway of the cave, gazing at the sharp spikes of the stalagmites and stalactites, and the glowing red gems in the wall that were lighting her path. Despite the dark and gloomy atmosphere of the cave, she could smell something sweet up ahead. She slowed her footsteps as she came to a blank section of the cave wall, which she pressed her hand against. It swung open silently, revealing a room. It was clearly set up for living in, and its occupant had their back to her.
Misty guessed, making the figure jump. They whirled around at her. Their face was blurry, and today their hair was black and red, tied back in a messy bun.
“Misty! You aren’t supposed to be here.”
Misty shrugged.
“Says who?”
“Says me! You said you wouldn’t be back for a few days!”
Misty glanced away, a shadow crossing her face.
“Plans change.”
The figure said nothing in reply, turning back to whatever they were doing.
“Are you really making cookies?”
Misty asked, coming closer.
“Yes. Go away.”
“Hmm… you do have the vibes of someone who would be good at making cookies,” Misty said thoughtfully. The figure turned back to her, angry exasperation on their face.
“I’m a demon, Misty. How does that give you good at making cookies vibes??”
Misty smiled.
“You’re prickly, but you can’t hide the cracks in your dark shell. I’ve seen you be nice, and you also critiqued the party food that one time with the air of someone who knew what it should’ve tasted like.”
“The party food that one time! You’re so specific!”
Misty laughed.
“I’ve always been so specific. What kind of cookies are you making?” She asked as she walked closer, trying to peer over the demon’s shoulder.
“Chocolate chip. Go away, Misty.”
“Ooooo chocolate chip is my favorite!!” Misty grinned, “How did you know?”
“I didn’t intend-”
“Joke. It was a joke. I know you’d never make them if you knew they were my favorite, which is why I’ve gotta enjoy them now, while I can,” She said, grabbing a raw cookie from the nearest tray. The demon watched her eat the raw dough with an annoyed expression.
“You could get sick from eating raw dough, you know.”
“I know,” Misty said through a mouthful of cookie, “But it’s worth it!” Before the demon could stop her, she jammed another cookie into her mouth.
“You horrify me.”
The demon muttered.
“I’ll take that as a compliment!”
Misty said cheerfully. The demon rolled their eyes.
“Whatever. Stop eating raw cookies and I’ll give you an actually baked one.”
Misty grinned, sitting down at the small worn table.
“Offer accepted. I will wait here to be fed cookies.”
The figure laughed.
“This is a one-time thing, by the way.”
“I’ll let you think that,” Misty said innocently, accepting a baked cookie from the demon.

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/03/24 ○ Anthems ○ 427 words Total ○ 400 points
Hello, patriots! Today is national anthem day, so you’ll be writing national anthems! Write an anthem for your cabin and 1-3 other cabins for a maximun of four anthems - 100 points per anthem in at least 100 words each. Be sure to think about the cabin’s values, history, and ethics. If you need some inspiration, head on over to this link https://nationalanthems.info/ to find a list of national anthems for you to draw from. Happy writing, adventurers!

Dystopian○ 103 words
A utopia escaped
A ruin, desolated
Together we will shape
The society we created

They said they were perfect
But we saw the cracks
In the end we were all tricked
So we left to make our own tracks

A crumbling ruin
A ragtag team
Secrets to uncover
And one shared dream

The road will be hard
But we can’t fail
We might be scarred
But hope will prevail

A group of changemakers
Determined and ready
To uncover the past
And make something that’s steady

Yes the road will be hard
But we can’t fail
We might be scared
But hope will prevail

Fairy Tales ○ 103 words
Trapped in a forest
With no visible escape
Following the footsteps of a girl
In a pretty red cape

Dwarves and Witches
And delicious poisoned apples
They have a long road ahead
To find their ever-after
But is that a thing?
Or a hopeless fantasy?
Because whatever the journey will bring
Sure won’t be easy

With the Archetypes to guide them
And goats to keep them safe
Surely there won’t be mayhem
And they’ll get out of their trap posthaste

Do they have the strength to make it out?
Or will they be trapped forever
In a twisted land of fear and doubt

Mythsy ○ 102 words
Hold fast, demigod
Brave the storm
Hold fast, demigod
Always have your sword

The seas aren’t always easy
But we will sail across
As long as we’re together
Nothing will be lost

So hold fast, demigod
Brave the storm
Hold fast, demigod
Uphold what we have sworn

Nothing is impossible
Nothing can hold us back
With hope in our arsenal
Our enemies we will smack

Because the road’s gettin’ bumpy
But we’ll always get along
And the monsters may get grumpy
But we’ll still sing this song

Hold fast, demigod
Always brave the storm
Hold fast, demigod
A hero will be born

Poetry ○ 119 words
A valley lost
The hope to regrow
The limits will be crossed
And only we will know

They said nothing can grow there anymore
But we proved them wrong
Beautiful blooms from the dry scorched ground
We’ll make them come back strong

We’ll regrow the valley
Take back what’s lost
Add flowers to the tally
No matter the cost

The flowers will bloom again
And hope will be restored
With gardening supplies and some pens
We’ll heal the valley once more

We’ll regrow the valley
Take back what’s lost
Add flowers to the tally
No matter the cost

We’ll regrow our valley
Take back what we’ve lost
Add new flowers to the tally
And take care of the cost

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/04/24 ○ Chance Daily ○ 338 words ○ 350 points
For today's daily we'll be breathing in the air of spontaneity! Start by grabbing a die and rolling it - if you get 1 or 2, write in present tense, 3 or 4, write in past tense, and 5 or 6 write in future tense. Now roll it again! If you get 1 or 2, write in 1st person POV, 3 or 4, write in 2nd person POV, and if you get 5 or 6 write in 3rd person omniscient POV. Using this tense and POV, write 300 words of a story to earn 250 points, and an additional 100 points can be earned for sharing proof!

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Numbers rolled: 1 (present tense) and 6 (third person omniscient)

it's an unfinished story, but I have to go shovel snow, so I'll leave the ending a mystery >;D

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Snow is drifting down from the grey sky, covering the dirty ground in a light dusting of whiteness. Three people walk down the still street, close together but not speaking. The first goes by the name of Shale, the second is called Emma, and the third they just call Thing. It had had a name once, but that was a long time ago. Before it died.
Shale had tried to bring her dead friend back, but she failed. So now they had Thing, a fragment of its former self. Sometimes the person it used to be peeked through, but that only happened rarely.
Tired of the awkward silence, Emma says,
“Will you tell us where we’re going yet?”
“Nope,” Shale replies lightly, her version of cheerful. “It’s a surprise.”
Emma laughs.
“I don't know whether to be excited or terrified, your surprises usually range from ‘something I’d like’ to ‘something terrifying’!”
“I think you’ll like it this time,” Shale says, glancing at Thing with a little bit of sadness, “Both of you.”
Thing doesn’t react, but Emma claps her hands excitedly.
“Can I ask what brought this on? You usually never do surprises, and especially not ones for me and Thing!” It was true. Shale was not one for surprises, gifts, and often kindness of any kind.
Shale shrugs. “Felt like it.”
Thing hadn’t said anything all day, but it was paying attention to everything. A trait from who they used to be. It speaks.
Neither girl physically reacts to the word, but the book Emily was carrying hits the ground (she dropped in on purpose). She turns back and scans the street behind them. A figure is leaning against a lamppost, reading a newspaper. She usually wouldn’t find this weird, except for the fact that she could distinctly remember seeing this person at least twice before on this walk: once near a mailbox a few houses down when they left, and once coming out of a shop. Thing is right. They are being followed.

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/05/24 ○ Word War ○ 302 words ○ vs Chloe (smartypantschlo) ○ 5 minutes ○ prompt: none
how exactly I wrote at TWICE MY WPM I am not sure :sob: if you want proof that I wrote this in 5 minutes lmk, I'll happily provide <33

⊱ ━━━━⋅ ❦ ⋅━━━━ ⊰

Darkness. All I ever knew was darkness. Until I met you. You were a shining light, cutting through my dark like the rising sun. I never saw you coming, and I never thought you’d leave. But even now that you’re gone, I can still feel the light. You changed my life. And for that, I’ll never forgive you.

I was wandering lost.

My world was shattered.

You came in an explosion of color of light, filling my world with your laughter.

You showed me everything you could.

Everything that made you smile.

Everything you wanted to make me smile.

I wanted to smile back.

I never did.

But I want you to know that you did cut through my dark.

I almost smiled so many times before the dark crept back in.

I almost laughed.

But by the time I did, it was too late. I watched you go. And I smiled.

I never thought you’d come back, but some days I wish you would.

I’m never going to be the same.

I never want to go back to where I was.

But the dark wants me

it wants me

it wants me.

and how can I resist? You’re not here to guide me.

The light you left is a shining trail, but I’m too afraid to follow.

That’s how it always is.

Someone like you will come along again, and the same thing will happen. I’m not sure if I’m doing it on purpose.

Maybe I like being lost to the darkness

But I also like being happy.

That’s what you made me, whether I showed it or not.

You made me happy.

So happy.

Now I wonder if you’ll ever come back, or if you’ll always be a memory;

A ghost of the past.

A shining spark.

A shimmering memory.

Last edited by -BookDragon- (March 6, 2024 00:25:25)

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/05/24 ○ Continuation Daily ○ 206 words ○ 150 points
Hey there! Today, word wars begin—ready for the adventure? Hop on over to this project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/977035871 (Gurtle sends love to you all <3) to begin clashing swords! Additionally, here's a mini-activity: read one chapter of a book, then write a continuation of it—perhaps Percy refuses to go to Camp Half-Blood, or Elphaba and Galinda defy gravity together! Write 200 words for 100 points, and an extra 50 for sharing proof <3

⊱ ━━━━⋅ ❦ ⋅━━━━ ⊰

Book chosen: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer, chapter twenty (this was chosen by a random spinner wheel because indecision ahahaha)

(I am aware that not much is changed in this part, but there is more (that I'm not really comfortable sharing </3) that is vastly different from the book XD)

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“But that’s not possible!” Alex cried, mind reeling as the Wishing Spell activated in front of her. “You needed Fairy’s tears. And Connor broke the vial. You can’t have activated it from me!” The evil queen–Evly–didn’t answer, instead witched as the light from the items floated up and surrounded her. The spell was ready to receive the second wish. Alex didn’t know what to do. This was their only shot at going home, and it was about to disappear. And how? By some sort of loophole. Some element that no one could’ve accounted for. The Queen had said her only powers were that of intimidation, but could she have been lying? It was possible.
The Queen was evil, after all.
She herself had said it.
But it didn’t seem probable.
Did it?
Or was there something else?
So something Alex was missing?
“Wait!” She called out, “How did that happen?”
She didn’t get an answer.
The Evil Queen was hesitating. She hadn’t made the wish yet. Was she scared of something? Or was something wrong? Maybe the spell wasn’t working properly because the real fairy’s tear had been destroyed. Alex decided to take a risk.
“Please don’t use the spell! We need it to go home!”

Last edited by -BookDragon- (March 5, 2024 22:48:30)

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/06/24 ○ Word War ○ 162 words ○ vs Nova (Novanuhea123) ○ 3 minutes ○ prompt: “in the presence of ghosts, there was only one thing to do…”

⊱ ━━━━⋅ ❦ ⋅━━━━ ⊰

I am walking when I see a ghost. And there’s only one thing you should do in the presence of ghosts. No, not run. You would’ve said run. You always liked to joke about that, that if you’d ever met a ghost you’d run and hope ghosts aren’t fast. I always secretly disagreed but never said so. If I’d been with you, I would’ve run so you weren’t alone. But now, looking at this one, I do the one thing one should do: I say hi.
“Hi,” I say to the ghost nervously, and it looks at me blankly before hesitantly replying,
I look at it. It just looks confused.
“Who are you?” I ask. It shrugs.
“Does it matter? I died a long time ago, unremembered. If I wasn’t remembered then, I won’t be remembered now. I’m not sure why you’re even asking.”
“Maybe you are remembered? My good friend told me that when one’s dead one’s words are louder."

Last edited by -BookDragon- (March 6, 2024 00:25:02)

Mouse(y), any/all

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❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/06/24 ○ Genre Daily ○ 250 words ○ 250 points
Get ready to stretch your imagination with this daily! Today, you'll be inventing a new genre. It can be anywhere from something like a Cashier Memoir to Sci-Fi. Get creative! What genre would you love to write in? Then, write a story in this genre that is 250 words long. Post it in the comments, and try to guess other people's made-up genres. You will receive 200 points for doing this daily and an extra 50 points for sharing proof!
I know I could lie but I’m telling the truth
You’re a world away
And I miss you I miss you I miss you more
Because the more we’re apart I'm desperate and confused
I want you back
I want it the way things used to be

Because since you’ve been gone
Countless nights I lay alone
I’m waiting for you to come home

If you do I’ll always say
Just take my hand; hold on forever
I’m broken up without you
I wish you could’ve stayed

But they could see the wild burning in your eyes
The animal inside of you
Always knew no limits
You said
Someone could save you (but they won’t)
I was the only one who cared

We were nothing more than friends
But good friends we were
I never wanted to lose you
I never wanted them to take you
But they did

Somedays I wonder where you are
Are you happy now

I know deep down
They’d never let you be happy
Because you’re always fighting
The constant battle that you hate to fight

I’d take it all away if I could
I’d take you home
I’d keep you safe

I always wonder
What if I gave all my life to find some way to stand beside you
Will you even let me
Will you even care

They took you
Years ago
I suppose it’s in the past
What’s done is done

I suppose
I’ll never know now

But I’ll always miss you

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/08/24 ○ International Women's Day Daily ○ 208 words ○ 300 points
Channel your inner gratitude for international women's day! Pen a 200 word thank-you note to a feminine figure – historical trailblazer or personal hero. dive into what makes her amazing, add a splash of humour and spread the love! This daily is worth 200 points, and you can gain an additional 100 points for sharing proof.
Hey Dr. A!
Happy International Women’s day! You’re an amazing person, and you’ve been (and continue to be) a huge part of my writing journey!
I wanted to thank you for everything–from being such a fun person to inviting me to do those writing classes you taught during the pandemic, (which were so much fun! I still have every single workbook from them, and I’m constantly referencing them hehe–my all-time favorite was (unsurprisingly) the creative writing one, and I definitely use that one the most.)
You were the person who really encouraged my writing, from sending me the Hero’s Journey chart (which I’ve printed out countless times) to introducing me to the concept of Save the Cat (which has since brought me all the way through my first two drafts and is my favorite plotting method), teaching me countless writing techniques, and helping me with the daunting task of editing my novel (which is quite the project asdfghjkl I’m currently working on ✨plot✨), every aspect of my writing today is influenced by you, and yet I can’t seem to find the words to express how much I look up to you and respect you for all you do and all you’ve taught me. Never stop being awesome.

Last edited by -BookDragon- (March 8, 2024 23:18:55)

Mouse(y), any/all

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❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/09/24 ○ Weekly One ○ 1758 words total ○ 2000 points

⊱ ━━━━⋅ ❦ ⋅━━━━ ⊰

❧ Part 1: Mythology (retelling) ○ 230 words

You stole from Them.
Why did you steal from Them?
You knew They’d make you pay.
And now look at you! Chained in endless torture, bound to a grim fate.
You can’t even die! A million years will pass and you’ll still be here, everything will still be the same.
Do you regret it?
You were always too giving.
You cared too much about them.
You gifted them everything you could, gave them a wonderful gift and a bright future.
But it couldn’t last long. They came, and They punished you both.
Naturally, your punishment was worse, because they are… entertaining to Them. Something to watch live and die in what seems to be a mere moment.
They never really care.
Not like you do.
But it doesn't matter now, does it?
You made a mistake, you acted hastily.
You knew this would happen? Then why, may I ask, did you do it?
They deserved it?
Don’t make me laugh. They are insignificant.
They don’t matter.
And now you are here, and you will receive your endless punishment for your deed, and you will have an eternity to think about what you’ve done wrong, and an eternity to wish you hadn’t disobeyed Them.
You regret nothing?
The humans deserved the fire?
You’d happily suffer through your eternal punishment for them?
You’ve always been more kindhearted than I, Prometheus.

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❧ Part 2: Hi-Fi (oc in historical times) ○ 451 words

When I open my eyes, I know something was wrong. First of all, I’m not in my room. Second? The walls are made out of wood.
Blinking, I slowly sit up and look around. I’m in a small room, made of wood, with canvas bags and wooden crates stacked up against one wall. The entire room seems to be moving, and when I get up to walk I take one step and instantly fall down.
I give up on standing for a momen and look around again. This is certainly not my room. Melody isn’t here either, and I distinctly remember her being in my room last night because she had another nightmare.
I’m beginning to get worried about her nightmares.
But that’s not important right now. Right now, I have to figure out where I am. I bring two fingers to my earpiece.
“Hey, does anyone copy?”
No answer. Not even a snarky comment from Red. Maybe the thing’s dead?
I try standing up again, and this time manage to make it to the door. I turn the knob and push it open, making my way down the narrow hallway.
This part’s wooden too, and I’m a bit confused. Where am I?
Someone grabs my arm and pulls me into another room. I look at them, and they look at me. There are three people in the room; two boys and a girl. It’s the girl who has ahold of my wrist.
“You have to stay hidden. They hate kids on the ship.”
So it was a ship, then. But a wooden ship??? Those were replaced centuries ago!
“Who’s they?”
“The pirates! You didn’t know this was a pirate ship?”
“If you said they hated kids on the ship, why are you here? And why do you speak so… not like a pirate?”
I say, avoiding the question.
“I could ask you the same question,” She says stiffly.
“Well, I asked first.”
Not the greatest comeback, but oh well.
She pouts.
“We wanted an adventure. You?”
Shoot. SHe actually answered. I shrug.
“Same. Wanted to see if the treasure was real, too.”
She looks impressed.
“Planning on stealing from the pirates?”
I shrug. The ship rocks, and I stumble. I have to figure out where I am and get off this ship.
“By the way, what year is it? I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a calender.”
She looks at me funny.
“1674. Why?”
I choke. 1674???? That’s CENTURIES in the past. How did I end up here? I need a plan. The only one I can come up with is survive the day and hope I go back to my own time when I wake up.

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❧ Part 3: Fairy Tales (retelling) ○ 258 words

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom.
It was a happy kingdom, ruled over by a kind king and queen. The queen was pregnant with their firstborn child, but she was very sick. She’d never really been well, but the child made it worse. The queen was doomed to die, and their firstborn would die along with her. But then an old woman came to the palace. She was a witch, and she was willing to heal the queen.
But for a price.
If she saved the queen’s life, their firstborn child would beong to her.
The king, desperate and terrified of losing his wife, agreed.
And so the witch healed the queen, and she gave birth to a healthy child.
The king remembered his promise, and when the witch came around to collect the child, he said no.
He doubled the guards on the child and proclaimed to his wife that that witch would never get their child.
He was wrong.
The witch used her powers and she stole the child, and took him far away, to a tall tower hidden in the woods.
She raised the boy, promising that he would never go back to the palace and that the kingdom would remain heirless forever.
That wasn’t the case, of course. Two bandits scaled the tower, and they found the lost prince (alhtough none of them knew he was a prince at the time).
They faced many trials, but eventually, all four of them (the prince, the bandits, and the witch) found their happy ending.

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❧ Part 4: Folklore (magical realism) ○ 262 words

I am sitting on the roof of Kira’s house as a red bird flits over and lands next to me with an ungraceful flop.
“Hey, Red,” I laugh, “Long flight?”
“Yeah. Frantic flight, more like.”
“Oh? What happened? And why couldn’t you have just commed me?”
The bird ruffles his feathers indignantly. Upon closer examination, he is a cardinal.
“I’m a bird. Do I look like I can comm you?”
“Look, Sparrow. All our comms are down. The base got found.”
My shout is much louder than it should’ve been. Whoops.
“Yeah. So. Uh. We kind of need your help.”
I sigh.
“How can I help?”
“Get a message to Blood Ink. Tell him we need backup.”
“I am not starting a war.”
“Okay, tell him we need shelter, then.”
“Which city is it?”
I raise two fingers to my comm.
“Blood Ink, this is Bird Song. You here?”
Static. Then, his voice comes through, in a low murmur.
“Not a good time, Bird Song.”
“I’m sorry about that, but Mistrom’s base got found and they need shelter.”
A crackle came from his side of the line, as if he had just blown out a big breath.
“Alright. I’ll do what I can.”
I glance at the bird, who is looking relieved.
“I think that’s handled. Anything else?”
“Nope! Actually, yes. I’m going to go use your room for a nap.”
“What! No wait-”
But the bird was gone. I sigh. Hopefully his nap is over with by the time I actually need to use the bed.

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❧ Part 5: Hi-Fi (if these walls could talk) ○ 210 words

Compared to other houses, I am an infant. Compared to some, an elder.
At 42 years old, I’ve seen a fair share of things, and had a fair share of experiences. I’ve seen the faces of many people. The people that walk within my walls now have been here for over fifteen years, and I’ve seen two of them grow up.
Out of the furry four-legged ones, I’ve seen more than two of them die.
Well, I didn’t exactly watch them die.
But they never came home.
I’ve seen people get hurt (one child split open his forehead on my corner and had to get several stitches because of it) and people laugh. I’ve had hundreds of drawings proudly displayed through the years, and in recent years a fair amount of sticky notes.
If I had to pick a favorite memory out of all I’d seen, I’d laugh and say I couldn’t possibly pick.
But what I love most?
It’s the little things.
The laugher over something said, the hugs and the gifts, the little moments of togetherness. I know that eventually these people will move on, and I hope the next ones will have the same little moments the families came before them had.
I’ll miss the little moments.

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❧ Part 6: Folklore (oral retelling) ○ 347 words

I love the summer. It’s my favorite season. The warm sun, the beautiful starry nights, the playful days. But my favorite part of summer is when we go visit my grandparents. They have a house in the mountains, and they always have something new for us to do. We’re driving there now, actually. It’s been a long day, from getting up at the crack of dawn to go to the airport to having our layover delayed to the pain of getting a rental car, I am just ready to get there and go to sleep. But I know I’m not going to sleep right away. First, we have to have dinner. And then, it’s storytime.
We pull up to their house and I stumble out of the car, relieved to finally stand again after all the sitting I’d done. Grandma opens the door to the porch, and I break into a run, hugging her. We unload the car and have a homemade dinner. Grandpa gets up from the table early, and when we go out back he’s already set up a fire and gathered more marshmallows than we could ever eat in a night–which is saying a lot, considering our record is five bags. We settle in, and I carefully put a marshmallow on the silver marshmallow stick and begin to carefully roast it while grandma begins to tell a story like she always does.
“This is an old story, one that’s been passed down for generations. Your great-great-great grandmother swore she met a mermaid. She was walking through the forest one day when she came to a bridge. It was an old bridge, and she was curious. She began to cross it, but it crumbled beneath her feet. She didn’t know how to swim, so she sunk fast. She was bound to drown, but then she saw something. A girl, swimming through the water toward her. She lifted her up and brought her to the surface, getting her to land. She turned around to thank the girl, but she was gone. She never saw her again.”

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this is so rushed because I have to go but here it is :')

Last edited by -BookDragon- (March 9, 2024 21:59:07)

Mouse(y), any/all

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❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/11/24 ○ Reflection Daily ○ 204 words ○ 500 points
Today is the first day of Ramadan, a month of fasting, introspection, and charity that is considered the most important part of the year for millions of Muslims worldwide. Do some introspection yourself - what are things you are happy with? What are things, both in the world and about yourself, that you'd like to see changed? Make a list, pick one or two things, and create a 200 word story out of it for 400 points. An additional 100 points will be given for sharing!
She pulled her hoodie’s hood over her head as she stepped outside, tucking loose strands of hair back. She headed down the street, keeping her head low. It was a nice day, sunny but cool, with white wispy clouds in the sky. She smiled at the niceness of the day, but the smile faded as she though about what the evening would bring. She wanted to see the stars–she’s wanted to ever since she was little–but she never had. She lived in a city. And in the city? You don’t see the stars.
It’s the way it is, but it’s still sad. Light pollution causes so many problems, all because humans decided they need to leave all the lights on.
She reached her destination and walked through, passing a bunch of people on her way to the counter. Most ignored her, but some looked at her curiously as she passed–after all, who would wear a hoodie with the hood up on such a nice day–but she ignored them all, hoping to avoid attention. She wanted none of their attention. She reached the counter and mumbled her name, hoping her order was in so she could take it and go and not have to wait.

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/13/24 ○ Profile Quote Daily ○ 397 words ○ 450 points
Ominous or lucky, thirteen has a variety of attributes – there are 13 loaves in a baker's dozen, 13 lunar cycles in a year, including a blue moon, and 13 cards every suit. Today, 13 happens to be a host's favorite number - for 350 points (and a bonus 100 for sharing your creations), you'll be writing at least 300 words using any line or comment from a host or daily team coordinator's profile as inspiration! Best of luck, and have fun <3

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Quote used: “friendly neighbourhood vampire” from Starr's profile!

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I watch the sun set from where I’m hidden behind the peak of a roof, carefully avoiding the rays of sun. It’s not that I don’t like the sun. I used to love it. But now I can’t let it touch me. The curse of being a vampire. After the sun has sunk, I step out on top of the roof. A lone dog is barking furiously in the dusk, and I smile, knowing exactly what dog it is. I walk across the roof and jump down, landing in an easy crouch. Standing back up, I look around to figure out if anyone’s there. No one is. Yet. I walk down the street quickly, a smile settling over my features. The neighborhood is beautiful, dark or daylight.
A voice calls, and I turn. A boy is standing on the porch of his house. It’s the kid who just moved in, and I freeze for a second. He doesn’t know what I am. I quickly decide to probe him before revealing it. You never know when someone would be a wannabe vampire hunter.
“Hello,” I reply, “What’s up?”
“I’m just curious about you. I’ve never seen you in school, and you’re wandering the streets at night, which isn’t safe. Do you live around here?”
“Oh! I-I’m homeschooled,” I say, which isn’t technically a lie. Just not a full truth. “And I’m fine. I do live around here, and I’ve lived here for a while. I know how to take care of myself.”
“Even with the gang that hangs out around here?”
“Yep! I’ve made friends with them.”
Truthfully, the gang is terrified of me.
He squints.
“Really? Who are you? What’s your name?”
“Sorry, I can’t answer that,” I say lightly.
Now he’s definitely suspicious. I open my mouth to reply when a car speeds down the street toward me. It’s out of control, and I’m not sure the driver is conscious.
If I don’t stop it, it’s going to hurt someone. So much for probing the boy. I brace myself and let the car slam into my waiting hands, stopping it. My suspicions were confirmed–the driver had passed out at the wheel. The boy was now looking at me with a strange expression bordering on terrified.
“What are you?”
I sigh. Guess it’s time for him to know the truth.
“I’m Eva, your friendly neighborhood vampire.”

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/14/24 ○ Pi Daily! ○ 619 words ○ 500 points
Happy Pi Day! Although pi doesn’t have an ending, our stories (well, most of them) do. Try writing a story that begins and ends in the exact same way, but throughout all the events occurring in between, gives it a much different meaning by the end. Write 500 words for 400 points and an extra 100 (plus a free pi pie!) for sharing proof. Happy writing <3

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TW: mentions/implications of d3ath, murd3r, falling and etc <33

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I don’t like rain.
I did, once.
Before I lost you.
We had been best friends, wonderful partners in crime (well, bounty hunting. Technically not a crime.), and we always had so much fun together.
And we were the best bounty hunters in town, not that we cared. We just did what was fun. We were so good at having fun.
Our last mission… it wasn’t supposed to end the way it did.
It was supposed to be easy.
But we underestimated our opponents.
It had been a sunny afternoon when a rumpled businessman walked into our office. He had a desperate, scared look in his eyes, and he’d handed us a file with information on our new target with shaking hands. The targets were a trio of businessmen. Seriously shady businessmen. With a humongous reward. We accepted in a heartbeat, and set about our job. The man had asked for them to be dealt with as soon as we could, so we put off another smaller job to take care of it. The first night went as it always did–a stakeout. Two of the men were living together since one was a foreigner and didn’t have a place to stay in the area. I took their house, you took the lone man’s one. We got all the information we needed, and decided to go after the lone man first. It was easy, he was unprepared for us. He didn’t even have locks on his windows!
The next night, we went after the two men, knowing they had a meeting and would be in the upstairs study. We went, excited and confident. As we were waiting on a nearby roof for the meeting to start, it began to rain. You were grinning, because rain was good luck to you. The meeting began, and we waited until the clock struck 10:30 at night to strike.
We swept in, silent as ghosts, creeping toward the waiting window. You paused.
“Something's not right,”
You muttered. I turned to you.
“The window’s open, clearly revealing the meeting inside. They practically broadcasted the date and time of their meeting. And despite the… disappearance of their associate yesterday, they don’t even look worried. Something's fishy.”
I shrugged.
“They could just be stupid.”
“…I don’t think so.”
We hesitated, watching. Nothing seemed amiss. One man got up and closed the curtains, and it was still and silent after that. We kept waiting, expecting something to happen. It never did. The clock chimed eleven and you said that we should just get this over with. Be quick, and they won’t even know what hit them. By then, the rain was coming down in heavy torrents, and I was soaked through. I agreed, wanting to get this ove with so I could get dry and warm. We swooped in towards the window, and had almost reached it when two figures hidden in the shadows attacked. They were amateurs, and we evaded them somewhat easily, forced to do a messy job of shattering the glass on the window and slipping a gas releaser inside. It should do its job. Then, we turned our focus to our attackers. We took out the first two, but then more swarmed the roof. Too many. We were outnumbered, so we ran across the slick roofs, escaping them. You shot me a grin. And you slipped on the rain soaked roof. And fell. Because of the rain.
If it hadn’t been raining, we would have both made it. It would’ve been another successful mission by the best bounty hunters in town. But it had been raining. And because of that, I was the only one collecting the reward.
I don’t like rain.

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/15/24 ○ Ides of March Daily ○ 425 words ○ 500 points
"Beware the ides of march…” In typical Julius Caesar fashion, a character has just been informed by a mysterious cloaked figure that they're going to die. How are they going to spend their last day? Will they heed the warning - or try to escape their fate? Ponder this peculiar turn of events in 400 or more words, and perhaps you'll escape with 400 points, an extra 100 for proof, and your life <3

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TW: lots of mentions of death skjlfjkld

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A cloaked figure stood before Ashla. She was looking at it skeptically, wondering if it posed as a threat to her. The figure finally spoke.
“You will die tomorrow.”
Ashla raised her eyebrow.
“You’re going to dieEeEeEeEe!”
The figure repeated, wiggling their fingers for effect.
“But that doesn’t make sense! I’m not supposed to die for another couple of months!”
Ashla protested, confusion plain on her face. Now the figure was confused.
“…What. You have your death planned out??”
“No! I mean, yes, but also no. I was told yesterday by someone that I was going to die in a few months. And then the next day another mystery figure appears and tells me I’m going to die tomorrow? Why is everyone so focused on seeing me dead?”
The figure was silent, considering this.
“What if the person from yesterday was a fraud!”
“…She wasn’t. Don’t ask me how I know.”
The figure huffed.
“Well, I am also not a fraud. And my power is greater. I have foreseen your death. Goodbye.”
They left. Ashla watched them go and shrugged, heading back towards camp.

Ashla walked up to Samson, who was patrolling the camp.
“Hey, Sam!”
She called cheerfully. Samson turned to her.
“A weird figure in a cloak came up to me and told me I was going to die tomorrow,”
Ashla said casually, the way you’d talk about the weather. Samson rolled his eyes.
“This is the second stranger in as many days appearing in front of you and telling you you’re going to die.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s pretty weird, huh!”
“This isn’t funny,”
Samson muttered, but Ashla shrugged.
“Well, since it’s evidently my last day, why don’t we go have some fun!”
Samson held out a hand.
“Wait. First, we need to address two things. First, we need to talk about your tendency to run into strangers in the woods telling you you’re going to die. Second, what exactly are you planning to do?”
Ashla grinned.
“I can’t help that I seem to attract death omens! And I don’t know, let’s go bother Cyfrin.”
Samson groaned and followed his sister as she headed off toward the main area of the camp.
The next day, Ashla woke up and saw a note pinned to the top of her tent. She reached up and grabbed it. Scrawled across it in an unfamiliar handwriting was ‘wrong person, sorry. Enjoy your next few months.’ Ashla grinned. Looked like the first person was right after all. I still had a few months.

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/16/24 ○ SWCer Daily ○ 307 words ○ 300 points
One of the best things about SWC is its ability to connect young writers across different countries and cultures, which is absolutely incredible : D In today’s daily, we’ll be embracing our community’s uniqueness by writing about life from another swcer’s perspective! What would their average day look like? What hobbies, interests and activities do they engage in? Answer these questions and more in at least 300 words to claim 200 points for your cabin, plus an additional 100 for sharing proof!

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With her permission, I have written about a day in the life of Bella–this morning, to be exact ;D

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Bella lay sprawled on her bed with her computer, fingers flying across the keyboard. She had so much she should be doing, but she really didn’t feel like doing any of it.
Sure, some of it was important. Like getting out of bed, brushing her hair, and packing for her upcoming flight.
But she didn’t want to.
And besides, writing an anthem about a frying pan named Susan was much more important, since frying pans were amazing–so amazing they had their own SWC cult. Which was admittedly not hard for something to get (there was a cult for everything from Potatoes to Kermit), but frying pans were ✨special✨ and writing about them was just plain fun!
Or maybe she was avoiding packing as much as she could because she didn’t want to leave. Not only because she was having fun in the sunny state she was currently in…
But also because leaving meant going through airport security.
And that was always a nightmare.
Her mom shouted, and Bella yawned before replying,
“…GET MOVING, PLEASE,” her mom called, clearly not believing her. Bella sighed.
“FINEEE,” She called, and finally sat up…
…And decided to check her scratch messages first, because she had a few.

*ten minutes later*

…whoops. Bella hadn’t realized it had been ten minutes already. Maybe she could procrastinate for ten more minutes?
Never mind. She sighs and shuts her computer, swinging her feet off of the bed and onto the floor. Time to pack. Maybe.
This time, she answers truthfully when she calls back
And begins to gather her stuff from the various places it managed to get to around the room, dragging her feet only slightly. She really didn’t want to pack.

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/17/24 ○ Hozier Daily ○ 327 words ○ 450 points
It's Hozier the bog man's birthday today! (Yes, that would be the musical artist.) Here's an age-old prompt, but with a twist - pick a Hozier song lyric, and write a piece inspired by it - as abstract or literal as you like. If you're unsure about what lyric to choose, feel free to ask in the comments ^^ 300 points for 300 words, and an extra 150 for providing proof. (Bonus: Name your favourite Hozier song in the comments and Starr will give you a daisy <3)

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Lyric: “sweet music playing in the dark” from Almost (Sweet Music)

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I sat in the darkness. I always did. Until I met you. But you’re gone now. I didn’t think you’d ever come, and I never thought you’d be gone. They took you from me. They took it all.
But I met you. And that’s what matters. You were a beautiful light, sweet music playing in the dark.
I never knew what you were, but you cared about me. That’s what matters. And I’ll never forget you. I’ll never ever forget you. And I hope you won’t forget me.
I was lost in the dark. Never really touching the light. Maybe I couldn’t. Maybe I was afraid.
Maybe I didn’t want to.
But you saw the light in me.
And you let it out.
I’ll never be the same now that you’ve been through my life. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Probably good, but it depends on who you ask.
When you met me, I was of darkness. Cloaked in black silk and lace, face masked as it always was. My people always wear masks. I never knew why. I still don’t know. You were kind and curious, lost and alone as I was. We found each other in a dark moment, when I thought my world was going to crack into a million pieces.
You pulled it back together, whether you intended to or not. You stopped me from shattering, and you showed me the light. And the light was beautiful. I’d been raised to fear and even hate it. But once I saw it, I couldn’t. You were the light, and the light was you. And so you accidentally made me a traitor to my people. But I didn’t mind. Because I realized that maybe… maybe we were wrong. I couldn’t say that of course.
And then they came to get you, and then you were gone.
I hope I might one day see you again.
We shall see.

Last edited by -BookDragon- (March 17, 2024 21:06:13)

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/18/24 ○ Weekly Two ○ 1611 words total ○ 1500 points

⊱ ━━━━⋅ ❦ ⋅━━━━ ⊰

❧ Part 1: Flowers ○ 382 words

There were three sisters. Well, two sisters now. One had recently passed away in an accident. Her twin sister was devastated. And her adopted sister was not as devastated, because she could see ghosts. It came with the insanity, she supposed.
Everyone knew Hellebore was insane. She made no effort to hide it and secretly enjoyed scaring people off by being creepy. But deep down, she wished she was normal.
But seeing ghosts was a plus, at least. That was the one part of her madness that she didn’t tell anyone about. Of course, now that she was a ghost herself, the third sister (the recently passed away one) now knew her secret. Ghosts know when someone can see them. Hellebore was trying to avoid Meadowsweet, but the ghost girl was following her. Nonstop. Trying to get her to pass a message on to her twin. And Hellebore was doing everything she could to not talk to her. She didn’t need anyone thinking she was even less sane than she already was. Sure, she didn’t care. But if you’re too insane, you get put in an asylum. And that was the LAST thing Hellebore wanted. But Meadowsweet was persuasive, so she walked up to Marigold’s bedroom door and knocked lightly.
“Who is it?”
Marigold asked, sounding forlorn.
Hellebore said lightly. There was a sigh from the inside, and then Marigold said, “Come in.”
Hellebore entered her room. It was pretty, but the prettiness was taken down a notch by the empty bed across the room. Meadowsweet’s bed.
Marigold looked… not great. She was clearly taking the loss of her sister hard (as one should).
“Hi. So. Um. I can see ghosts.”
Not the best way to start a conversation. Hellebore cringed internally, but it was too late now. Marigold looked at her, confusion on her face.
“I can talk to ghosts,”
Hellebore muttered, color creeping into her cheeks. Marigold didn’t get it. Meadowsweet was beside her, concern on her face.
“She doesn’t believe you. You have to tell her what it means.”
Hellebore sighed. Her brain was tired of all this trying to form a cohesive sentence stuff.
“I can see ghosts. Your sister’s a ghost. I can talk to your sister.”
Realization flashed across Marigold’s face.

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❧ Part 2: Constellations ○ 328 words

My name’s Callisto.
Although… I suppose you know me by a different name.
You probably know me as Ursa Major.
How did the whole bear constellation thing happen?
I was a normal girl, a nymph of Artemis, goddess of the hunt.
Forbidden from romance, as followers of Artemis should be. But a certain god took a shine to me.
Zeus, the king of gods himself.
I was not interested.
But he wasn’t one to give up easily. If you ever met Zeus, you could tell that about him immediately. He was foolish, disloyal, and stubborn.
So what did he do? He disguised himself as Lady Artemis! I was foolish. I trusted that the person I saw before me was my Lady.
He slept with me that night.
The next morning, I was pregnant.
I panicked. I hid it from the others for as long as I could, but when they found out, Artemis was furious. She hardly ever gets mad, but she did this time. I had, after all, broken my sacred oath to her.
So what does she do? She turns me into a bear.
I had my son, Arcas, as a bear, but he was human. I couldn’t raise him, so I left him near a village and hoped they’d raise him well.
I didn’t want to leave the area of the village, but there were hunters from the village who hunted often. But I took a risk–and luckily, I escaped the notice of all hunters for several years, and I made peace with my new form. I tried to move on and forget what happened.
And it worked. Until a young man showed up with a bow and arrow. It took me a moment to recognize him, but as the bowstring sang, I realized who he was. Arcas. My son.
Zeus took pity on us in that moment, and he plucked us up and set us both among the stars, where we remain forevermore.

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❧ Part 3: Aesthetic

(This is super low effort and I was going to edit it but I can’t rn so it gets to be ugly forever :’D)

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❧ Part 4: SWC Fanfic ○ 901 words

Mouse walks out of the huge, overgrown, and once-beautiful Ruin and into the forest surrounding it, heading in the direction of the Main Cabin. It was a beautiful, warm morning, and she smiles as she walks, taking in the gorgeous landscape surrounding her. She spots a flower growing off to the side of the path and crosses over to it, curious. She recognises it almost immediately as a hellebore, which represents madness. Probably a warning for what she was about to find in the main cabin. She almost picks it, but then remembers that they aren’t exactly safe to touch. Probably best to leave it alone.
She continues on the path, singing softly as she went. A crow flew overhead and circled around, swooping down. As it landed, it transformed into a girl who looked just like Mouse, aside for a few minor differences. Mouse grinned.
“Reese! …Wait how did you do that I thought Ris stole your veins so you can’t shapeshift–”
Reese coughs.
“Um let’s not go into that. Far too complicated.”
Mouse laughs.
What do you mean? It’s only a year-long dispute!”
The two laugh, and then decide to go to the Main Cabin together.
“But I do have to warn you–it’s chaos there,” Reese says. Mouse shrugs.
“It always is!”
The two of them drive at the Main Cabin shortly, where they are greeted by three sci-fi-ians and Bella.
“Hey Morse!” Bella says with a wink, “long time no see!” Mouse laughs and is about to reply when Finley walks up.
“Hey Mouse!” Finley says, “Have you looked at the rankings recently?”
“Yes,” Mouse says, “Sci-Fi isn’t in first anymore!”
“T-that’s not the point I meant. Look where dystopian is compared to Sci-Fi! We’re winning–like I said we would!” Her words are accompanied by a teasing smile, and Mouse jokingly sticks her tounge out in reply.
“There’s still a little ess thank haf a month left! We can still beat you!”
“Hey, are you suggesting your cabin is greater than the mighty Sci-Fi?” Surf teases, and Mouse grins.
“Yes,” Bella agrees, “ except script is better than all of the cabins!”
“Well it’s not! We didn’t lose ANY wars last cabin wars, and you lost one!” Surf says to Mouse, and then turns to Bella, “And no.”
“And yes!” Bella says before Mouse says,
“Cabin wars doesn’t make a cabin better than another cabin–”
Mouse starts, but Surf cuts her off,
“And wasn’t it a war from Sci-Fi that gave you a lot of trouble?”
“Two wars, actually,” Mouse mutters.
“AHA! See!”
“BUT the war that gave us the most trouble was from Fan-Fi,” She finishes.
“But Sci-Fi–”
Lily started, but she was interrupted by Eevee.
“GUYS! It’s just some rankings! Let’s not have a war over it!”
“Yeah,” Chloe chimes in, “What if we had a war over apples instead?”
“NOOOO!!!” Everyone shouted, waving their arms frantically.
“Let’s not,” Amethyst suggests, “Why don’t we… play a game instead!”
Everyone looks at her skeptically.
“…What game?” Izzi asks quietly.
“I dunno,” Amethyst says, “does anyone have any suggestions?”
“Poison Dart Frog?” Mouse says eagerly.
“How do you play that? Maia asks.
“So basically everyone sits in a circle, with one person in the middle. That person is the detective, and they’re trying to find the poison dart frog. The poison dart frog sits in the circle, and if they stick their tongue out at someone, they’re… eaten! And the detective has to find the frog before they eat everyone! They have three guesses, and if they guess wrong whoever they guess is automatically eaten. Then, when the round is over, the poison dart frog becomes the new detective. Make sense?” Everyone nods.
“Alright, everyone get in a circle. Who wants to be the detective first?”
Herm’s hand shot into the air.
“Alright, Herm it is! Go over to the other side of the main cabin and turn your back to us while I choose a poison dart frog.”
Herm grins, nods, and skips away. After she makes sure Herm isn’t looking, Mouse calls, “Alright everyone—heads down, eyes closed. If I tap you, you’re the poison dart frog.” She waits a beat for everyone to put their heads down before walking around the group, tapping Lark on the head. Then, she rejoins the circle.
“Okay, I’ve chosen—everyone open their eyes, and HERM YOU CAN COME BACK NOW!!” Herm turns and hurries back, standing confidently in the center of the circle… and the game begins!
Lark is shockingly good at being the frog, and Herm is clearly getting worried. She points at Finley.
“Is it you?”
“Nope,” Finley laughs, and Herm huffs in disappointment. Lark has claimed five total victims by the time she points to Luna.
“You?” Luna shakes her head.
“Tragically, no.”
Herm has one guess left and Lark has almost won—only Eevee, Reese, Bella, Maia, and Amethyst are left. She gets Amethyst and Bella, but then Herm catches her in the act of getting Reese, and points at her.
“Aha! It’s you!”
Lark grins.
“Yeah, you got me!”
The game continues, with Luna being the next frog and winning.
By the time they were through with playing, they were all tired and none of them could stop smiling.
“Oh look! It’s time for a new daily!” Luna calls, and everyone runs over to see what it is, pulling up their writing pages as they did.

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Last edited by -BookDragon- (March 18, 2024 22:38:47)

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/19/24 ○ Atmosphere Daily ○ 410 words ○ 450 points
Capturing the perfect atmosphere is essential in writing! Come up with three words to describe one of your characters and three more for a setting you'd like to put them in. Use a thesaurus to make a list of six related words, and write a scene of at least 400 words that embodies the vibes of your list for 300 points. Earn 150 extra points for providing proof. Bonus: Post your list in the comments and write a scene using the words from someone else's list.

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Original six words:
Strong brave leader
Deserted silent haunted

Thesaurus words:
Powerful bold commander
Forgotten noiseless cursed

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He was a forgotten man in a forgotten place.
And he hated it.
He’d never asked for this, never wanted to be trapped. But of course, curses don’t ask. Curses take.
So now he stood and watched his land, the once kingdom, fall to the Wild.
And he could do nothing about it.
Nothing but watch.
It was the worst thing, to only be able to watch. To silently cry out as protective rune after protective rune crumbled to dust. After all, those runes were the only thing keeping the world safe. The stitches holding reality together and keeping the Shadows from seeping in. There weren’t many runes left now, and he could do nothing but watch. There was no one left to remember the runes, and no one left to repair them. Except him. And he was running out of energy. He’d repaired many. It was a never ending task, and his replacement runes weren’t as good as the old ones. They were weak, and they crumbled fast. He was a failure, because of the curse. At least the curse enabled him to continue to do his best to save it, despite his current state. And the current state of the others. The ghosts. He could see them, but they couldn’t see him. Ghosts existed in their own pocket reality, and he was on the borderline of it. Making him invisible to literally anyone in every dimension. Which was not fun at all.
He supposed that there was something that could see him. The Shadows. But he wasn’t about to consider that option. Because he was determined to keep the world from falling apart. A forgotten, disgraced commander in a forgotten haunted place.

━⋅ ❦ ⋅━

She was an ordinary girl. She didn’t want much, but she was connected to the world. She was connected to everything. She always had been. And she could feel the world falling apart. She could feel every attempt to fix it. Someone was trying to fix it. She could feel that. But they weren’t good enough. She had to help. She had to find some way somehow to finally fix everything. She needed to stop this world from falling apart, like the Guardians of old used to. She needed to form a new Guild. But she had no idea how. No one would take her seriously. She was just a girl. And the world wouldn’t take a seven year old appearing child as a commander.

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Note: I completed the daily on time (just barely) and then edited the post a few hours later to format it and spellcheck it ^^"
so that's why it says this has been edited ;D

Last edited by -BookDragon- (March 20, 2024 03:45:28)

Mouse(y), any/all

100+ posts

❧ The Dragon's Den: Skyler's SWC Writing Thread

❧ 03/20/24 ○ Villan Daily ○ 454 words ○ 450 points
Villains are often formed after some traumatic backstory that is later revealed to the hero and humanizes the villain. For this daily write 400 words about a villain, whether an existing one or one of your creations, who ends up not actually being the bad guy. Completing this daily will earn you 350 points with an additional 100 points for sharing!

The empress of snow was a terrifying and mysterious figure. She left destruction everywhere she went, and had a hand in the deaths of thousands over the centuries. People in cities feared and worshipped her since she brought the storms of snow that could mean the destruction of their crops. She hardly ever respected their wishes, but there was the occasional time when she took pity on the humans and prevented a storm. Everyone knew that. Many heroes had gone and tried to stop her, tried to destroy the empress, but they all failed. And none of them returned.
She was certainly the villain.
And her name was Lily.

━⋅ ❦ ⋅━

Lily sat alone in the middle of an empty room, shivering violently. She was so cold. She was always so, so cold. Usually, it didn’t bother her. Because of the curse. The monstrous cold she had taken within herself. When it was in control, she never felt the cold. But right now, she wanted to be in control. She had forced her way, and now she was just Lily again.
Tears fell down her face, freezing before they even hit the ground. She looked at her hands, which were slender and pale, blue fingertips tipped with ugly claws–a side effect of the curse. The curse. All her problems came from it. And yet a thousand years ago, it was her willing choice to accept it.
It hadn’t really been a choice. More of a “if you don’t do this everyone will die”. But no one else knew that. No one else cared.
So now here she was, either an evil empress or an endlessly cold eleven year old girl.
There was no way to win.

━⋅ ❦ ⋅━

She hadn’t always been cursed. She had been a normal girl in a normal place. The village had been happy. Until a dark mage had attacked. He summoned a storm that became an endless winter. People were dying. And Lily had decided she had to do something. She was the last of a long line of mages, and with the little magic she knew she had journeyed to the heart of the storm and taken it within herself to save everyone. And save everyone it did–but it changed her as well. She wasn’t stong enough to restrain it, so she became a monster. She had inadvertently made the storm even more powerful. But she also had some control. She fled up into the mountains and battled the curse, ending the winter. But the village viewed her only as a monster. The empress of snow. Lily herself was forgotten to time, just another name listed on the record of those lost to the storm.

Mouse(y), any/all


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