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500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

221 words

I watch in horror as the crowd rustles slowly, a sad murmuring echoing through the square. It's the reaction anyone has when a twelve-year-old is chosen.
My throat is choaked with horror. I can't breathe. I can't breathe, I can't breathe. She had one slip, one slip in thousands, and yet her name was called.
Primrose Everdeen.
I watch in horror as she slowly moves through the crowd, to the center aisle, and up towards the stage. She walks slowly, her face pale and ashen. The back of her too-big blouse has come untucked, leaving her with a little duck tail.
A wrangled sob escapes my throat. The duck is going to die.
Slowly, carefully, her face scrunching in almost-tears, my sister takes her place on the stage, next to the Capitol lapdog Effie Trinket. She looks so out of place. A drab child amongst Effie in her lopsided wig and the mayor in his crisp suit. She is silent. The crowd is silent.
“Well, may we have a round of applause for our newest tribute, Primrose!” Effie exclaims spiritedly, hand supporting her wig. She beams into the crowd, to no avail. The square is silent.
I'm silent, tears streaming down my face. My feet are stuck to the ground. I can't move, I can't move. I can't breathe.
Primrose Everdeen.

ello ello ello
CD, they/them

hey, you should join graffiti
in sac
100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

word war <3

time to yap about random stuf yipee :0 okay what should i do hmmm i really don't know i'll write a story
"once upon a time, a young little girl walked on a street. she was tired, and the path felt endless. and yet, she didn't give up. she walked, and walked, and walked until she couldn't. then she collapsed. she fell down for quite a while, until later. and when she did, she still felt weak. but she continued to walk, and walk, and walk. she finally reached into the castle. she was so glad, and so happy, that she smiled, her smile reached the moon. there was nothing better in the world. she ate pasteries, and lived a happily ever after.

123 words

500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily 5
word count - 264 words

Deep within the waters the light reflected upwards. It was down there.. at least that was obvious. Now we had to figure a way to actually claim it back. Under the waters lurked a creature - one who would never let you see the light of day if it saw you in its territory. The kingdom was guarded closely by all the sea creatures who lived in the realm, but there were often a few that would stray away for some reason.. it became evident that something was happening behind the scenes. How could the runes be in one place, and completely change its location the next moment you know.

Looking down from the cliff the water began to bubble. The waves emerged gently, as dolphins and other sea life seemed to enjoy the lovely weather. You jumped down to take a look, but the water was too deep. As you swam downwards towards the light, you couldn't help but notice that it was getting brighter and more opaque as you went deeper. You ended up at the pits of a cave and had nowhere to go. There was one option, but did you really want to risk it? Not thinking twice, you treaded your way through the water in hopes of making it to the light. The path seemed never-ending - just as you were going to give up, you spotted the entrance just a few meters ahead. That's when the lights shined even brighter - illuminating themselves on the water, and reflecting off of the walls of the caves.

It was such a magical experience.

58 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

daily 5, 253 words
book: This Book is Not Good for You by Pseudonymous Bosch

When Cass, Max-Ernest, and Yo-Yoji got to the circus, it was quiet and mostly empty. This surprised Cass, as she had expected people to arrive early to see the shows.
“Hey, this is great!” said Yo-Yoji, cutting into her thoughts. “With nobody here, we’ll be able to search for the Tuning Fork and nobody will see what we’re doing!”
Cass shrugged. Her stomach still twisted into knots at the mention of the Tuning Fork. “Yeah, I guess.”
But when they got to the doors, there was a small problem. The doors were locked.
“Well, you really couldn’t have expected them to be open, could you?” said Max-Ernest as Cass groaned. “If they were open all the time, someone could come in during the night and rob the circus!”
Cass rolled her eyes. “What could a circus—especially this one—possibly have that someone would want to rob?”
“Uh, the Tuning Fork?”
Cass had to admit, he had her there. She would have argued that no one even knew about the Tuning Fork, but that wasn’t really true. What if Señor Hugo was there at that very moment hidden behind a tree, watching them?
“Come on,” said Cass. “We have to find a way in. Maybe there’s a window we could open or something.”
“I doubt it,” said Max-Ernest, but he and Yo-Yoji followed her anyway. Unfortunately, after much hunting, they had no luck finding an open window or any other means of getting in. And Cass was getting the feeling that they were being watched.

Last edited by Gladiolus12 (March 5, 2024 23:54:21)

94 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

(What If? 2 fanfiction because I suck at actual fanfiction ajfjakdjkl)

The dogs were everywhere.
And I mean EVERYWHERE. The happy, barking masses swarmed the planet, flooded the streets, piled up like furry mountains.
“Why did we made a gray goo scenario with DOGS?” my friend, Alfredo, lamented. They sneezed. “At least paperclips wouldn’t have been an allergen…”
I held a puppy in my lap, stroking its soft ears as three more twined around my legs, hundreds more just outside the room we huddled in, the door bulging against the weight of so much densely-packed biomass.
“I don’t know; they’re kinda cute,” I shrugged. “Of all the ways we could have ended the world, this wasn’t the WORST idea.”
Alfredo just groaned. “I just hope they fill the universe soon so that we can end this simulation and get outta here.”
“The estimated time was 330 years, remember?”
The dogs were set to continuously reproduce and never disappear, so that the entire cosmos would eventually become pure dog. If our calculations were correct, it would take roughly three centuries to pack the visible universe with canines. Thankfully, we could timeskip most of it.
They rolled their eyes and sighed with resignation. “Remind me why we’re doing this again…”
I laughed. We both knew very well our only purpose was to test the calculations and provide observations to improve the algorithms. “For science!” I grinned.
As the sun set for what was perhaps the last time, as Earth’s sky was rapidly being eclipsed by squirmy, fuzzy mounds, we measured the rate of dog expansion.
“Matches predictions almost exactly,” I reported, watching a building collapse under the weight of thousands of dogs. We were outside now, riding the tide of writhing fur. Happy as ever, the dogs licked our faces and snuggled against our sides.
I smiled. “You know, I don’t know if this is the apocalypse or just a new kind of utopia…” I commented. “Might be one of my favorite simulations yet.”
Alfredo nodded grudgingly. “It’s… it’s better than the time we filled the solar system with soup, I’ll give you that.”
I giggled. “Next time, we’ll make soup OUT OF the planets!”
22 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

-lxve-bug- wrote:

pup's thread (boy am i late :skull: )


word war 3-5-24 <33

ahh my first word war !! im super excited, I remember doing wars in wellness in march of last year lol. Life was just so GOOD last year if you know what i mean. I just had so much fun in general. Especially with new friends! usually i dont like meeting new people, but last year I made so many good friends that i still have to this day <3 speaking of new people, i had a debate tournament on saturday and i was partnered with someone from a random school that i didnt know and she was so nice !! i was really scared lol, i suspect i may possibly have some sort of anxiety disorder because I always get so nervous when i know i need to meet new people, like i get sick to my stomach and start sweating and stuff, but i'm not going to self diagnose myself because thats weird, please dont self diagnose TT

158 words <33

10 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024


“sometimes doors don’t lead where they’re supposed to…”

I was gonna make a lil thing that showed her that she wasn’t real but didn’t get to it, might continue it later for fun :0

126 words :)

Sasha’s pace picked up, and she opened each door, one by one, still not finding a familiar face in each one….

It could feel her fear boiling up, her pushing through door after door after door, not finding anybody she knew.

It called out their names, but every room was empty….

No noises or anything of the sort…

Until one final door….

The theorist’s….

The one that it was terrified of….who looked like they knew too much….

The little girl swallowed her emotions, telling herself that this was needed….

What if they knew what was going on?

Would they know why nobody was there?

Why the glitches kept happening?

Sasha pushed open the door, and…

….nothing but a ransacked room….

the theory board was

┆ aster ┆ they/them ┆ intp-t ┆ chaotic lil writer + artist ┆omori + ddlc obsessed <33 ┆epistolary ftw! ┆
22 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

-lxve-bug- wrote:

-lxve-bug- wrote:

pup's thread (boy am i late :skull: )


word war 3-5-24 <33

ahh my first word war !! im super excited, I remember doing wars in wellness in march of last year lol. Life was just so GOOD last year if you know what i mean. I just had so much fun in general. Especially with new friends! usually i dont like meeting new people, but last year I made so many good friends that i still have to this day <3 speaking of new people, i had a debate tournament on saturday and i was partnered with someone from a random school that i didnt know and she was so nice !! i was really scared lol, i suspect i may possibly have some sort of anxiety disorder because I always get so nervous when i know i need to meet new people, like i get sick to my stomach and start sweating and stuff, but i'm not going to self diagnose myself because thats weird, please dont self diagnose TT

158 words <33

yet another word war

My SECOND word war and it’s only been a few minutes !! i love doing word wars so much but the only thing is that i dont really know what to say most of the time. I kind of just have to yap until the timer goes off, and im better at yapping while i speak than yapping while i type but hey, youve got to do what you got to do in this establishment. I love swc so much, it gives me so much nostalgia from last year, and i can’t believe its been a full year since I’ve last done it !! i haven’t written that much lately so i’m hoping swc will help me out of that slump, and so far it has! Ive yet to do the daily but im planning on doing that promptly after this word war in order to help poetry, we’re so close to winning! I think, anyway, its been a hot minute since i last checked the leaderboard, but i feel kind of bad since i havent contributed that much lol. Im hoping to get some SERIOUS points with word wars though, because they’re my favorite part of swc, i remember being lowkey addicted to them

203 words! gj partner <3

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

word wars :thumbsup:

“sometimes doors don't go where they're supposed to.” with rockie!

sometimes, instead, they lead to the moon. have you ever been to the moon? maybe someday you should take a trip up there. the world looks all different, all light, all darkness shielded by distance and the cold of space, from way up out of the atmosphere. you would like it up there, i think. and sometimes. sometimes that is where my wardrobe door leads.
it is silly, i know. like something out of those cs lewis books you read me as a child. maybe my imagination is still over active, but maybe… maybe it is real. and everything out there is too. and the moon, i mean when i visit the moon, i am really there. the moon is real, of course, i have seen it nearly every night of my life. and its impacts on the world are real too. the tides. oh, how i always hated the tides. but there was something about them that you always loved. wasn’t there?
you liked going to the beach and never knowing, for sure, where the water would

“Saving people does not make you a hero.” with HermioneVoiceActress

the words still echoed in my head, replaying from when she last said them. for she had said them more than once, but they never seemed to stick until this final time. it was a tragedy, i suppose. i suppose i should have paid better attention, so that when it came down it it, she would still be here at my side. still have that stupid twinkle in her eye and that cockiness in her smile. and that siwdom, way too deep for someone of her age, but still so much better than anything that i have. i am someone who needs someone like her. too shy for myself. too set in my ways. too quiet. too stubborn. oh man, she is the worst. her ghost will haunt me forever and ever and i do not know why in the world i will never escape it. her voice it is still there, again and again. and i wish that i could have saved her. or that she could have given it all up just to save her life. i wish i could give mt soul to get her back what i would trade to see her just a moment more. to tell her what i need. to hear what i need. what a day it would be. but she is gone forvere because of myself and bercause of herseld. how i miss her. how i need her here today, so that i can keep going. will i eveer be able to ontinue withou her? will anything ever be the same withou her in my life? i know it will not. i know nothing will ever happen to me that was as good as her, her wisdom, her insistence on being right, her laughter, i must go on so that i can see her again some day but will it ever happen to me that i will be able to live on into the future? and i know that this is something terrible, but i must go

“sometimes doors don't go where they're supposed to.” with penguin-vibes

that is just how it happens here. but i thought that this area had stabilizeed. it has this is just how it decided to go about it. whenever there is any sort of outburst, the doors will swap. there is not really any discernable pattern yet, but we are working on tracking one. we can only makre some predictions based on what the previous occu[ants all seemed to know. but of course no that cannot be. they did not know anything. they were silly and useless and there is a reason that we now can go through these halls while they cannot
do you really think that that just happened? that it was not caused by some human force of history interfering with nautre? you think that they deserved what happened to them?
yeah. of course. that is the cerntral idea we have
well times are changing and we need to change too. the people kknew things, things that we have trouble figuring out and that cuould save lives and presever their and our future. we need to work with them instead of cotingintung to press against them or some major things will go wrong. you know wre are already in the process of reopening their connections throughout the whole house?
yeah but that is not here, where evberythign is so volitble
it is not, thaough this area is not very eractive at all i already said that it it quite stable and really you must take a closer look at the schmateics if you think that is it still reactve
whatecer i tuink. you are just a useless old man and we should have flushed you out with those new scholars who have no idea what
they know what they are doing, youne man and so do i you are the one who needs to change you are the

“if my life was a movie, i wouldn't be the main character.” with PixelDucko

and honestly i would probably not be in it at all. because no one knows who i am, what i do, who i work with or why. so making a movie about it all would be confusing for the audience, without me there. but they would have no idea to put me in there in the first place because again, i am invisible. no one knows that i am the one pulling all those strings and making all those events fall into place. they think they just happen on chance, or they are inevtiable, but i worj very hard to make sure they keep happening and so i also work hard to keep myself hidden as i always have been this is what i must tell you right now you cannot keep this secret forever. that is why i am getting it out of solely my mind. buecause i really really need for someone to know. for a whole world to know. that i have been here the whole time. that i matter. and that i can make a change, just like anyone can, just like you can. and maybe they will actually make a movie about me. i do not know, and also i cannot say that i care much about movies either way.

“saving people does not make you a hero.” with -lxve-bug-

maybe not, but it does make me feel better. and is that not enough, dee? is there anything else that matters, anymore?
the health of your family, glen. you have to care about people who are not strangers, you hacve to care about them more than the strangers. they are not— they arent your family.
they are still people. they deserve to have some of what we have—
do you hear yourself? do you think anyone got by, in the past, at any time, by just giving away everything they had?
no, glen, you have to listen. saving people— it is not possible. these people are just more competitors. and we have to survive. we have to. with what we know. with who we love. with the kis…
dee. i understnad. but they have kids too. and they could help. i need you to remember, before, how manty strangers you loved. how many strangers helped you. how many people touched you, who you never met, and how many lives you touched too. i need you to trust in that. that we can love others, just as we loved outselves

Last edited by opheliio (March 17, 2024 03:23:19)

omg lio remembered to change their signature !!

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Word wars 002: 318 words, Dino Doors

I screamed. There had to be a way out–there must be a way out!
The doors stared me in the face, cold, unrelenting. They would never let me out not if they had a choice. But I needed to go, I needed to flee this place. They had to understand! Shouting, I pounded on one of them, but to no avail I might be trapped here for forever! I couldn’t bear the thought of it and tears streamed down my face. Instead I decided to sit down and open my computer and write words, setting a timer for myself and pouring them out in a torrent of rage and anger and sadness. There had to be a better way, but if there was, I didn't see it. It was gone as though it never existed. Maybe it never did. Sighing, I kept writing, keeping a close eye on the doors. Maybe one would open, but would it go where I wanted it to? I didn’t know anymore and it troubled me. It needed to! I needed it too! But nothing was certain anymore. As I thought this, a door swung open, but it didn’t lead to the hallway. Rather, it was in a jungle. Blinking moisture out of my eyes, I ran through, desperate to go anywhere but where I had been, and the door slammed shut behind me. Oops. I didn’t know where I was, and I had no way back. Hopefully this wouldn’t turn out to be a huge, huge mistake. Panting, I tried to search for the door, but it had vanished completely. There wasn’t a sign of it. Panic pressed in again and I wasn’t entirely surprised when something roared, shaking the nearby branches. Cold reptile eyes assessed me from the bushes, and I decided it was time to run. My flying footsteps took me past the dinosaur, or what looked like one, anyway.

(back to table of contents: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/744314/?page=1#post-7831826 )

Last edited by ChueyTheCat (March 6, 2024 01:56:59)

just your friendly local neighborhood chaotic nerd author/artist christian keefe-loving coffee-drinking procrastinator
46 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily March 6th
252 words

Anonymous, 3/6/24(Wed)2:57:32 No. 109831098
>be me
>30 minutes ago
>walk down the side of a river
>look desperately for any signs of life
>find none
>lay down to rest in the shade of a oak tree
>curl in on yourself in pain and shame
>freeze in panic as footsteps approach
>look up to find and old man with a long beard
>gasp through the sobs as you try to explain what happened
>wince as he frowns judgmentally
>listen attentively as he begins to speak
>listen attentively as he tells you that it wasn’t your fault
>listen attentively as he tells you that you should run before they find you
>stand up
>tremble in fear as the old man explains what you must do to hide
>ask him your voice shaking why he is helping you
>shake your head when he tells you that he is just doing the bare minimum
>stammer out that you will pay him back someday for his kindness
>start to cry again when he tells you that you won’t get the chance if you don’t run
>make it to a city
>look for a hotel to stay the night in
>find one
>pay for your room at the counter
>climb the rickety old stairs to your room
>open the door with the keycard after a few failed tries
>take off your shoes
>take off your coat
>take off your hat
>collapse onto your bed
>open your phone
>look at pictures of her
>see the old man in the background
>cry one last time

4 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

March 5

“Whatever it takes”
That’s what I think when people ask me how hard I will work to win.
“I was born to run, I was born for this”
Running is my sport. I am amazing at it. I love it. I get up and run and I feel free. My mind can focus just on the run and forget about everything else.
“Break me down and build me up”
Practice is hard. I will fail sometimes, but failing is a part of growth. I will grow back faster and stronger than ever before.
“Everybody hoping they could be the one”
Everyone wants to win. Not everyone is willing to work hard enough to get there though. Being willing to work hard sets you apart from half of your competitors.
“Working onto something that I'm proud of”
I am proud of how far I have come from when I first started. I am proud of all of my accomplishments, big and small. I will continue making progress that I am proud of.
I run…
“ ‘Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins”
I can feel the adrenaline pumping through me. It feels exhilarating. I never want to stop, I feel like I could keep on running forever.
“ ’Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains”
I can break through barriers that I previously thought were impossible to break through. I learn that I am so much stronger than I ever thought I was.
“Yeah, take me to the top I'm ready”
I am ready for all my hard work to show. I am ready to prove how strong I have become. I am ready to win. Big or small, I will celebrate my achievements either way.
“I do what it takes”
I will do whatever I have to in order to succeed. I know that in the end I can succeed if I am willing to work for it.

Lyrics from Whatever it Takes by Imagine Dragons
Word count minus lyrics- 255 words

Last edited by strxwberi_kiwi (March 6, 2024 04:37:38)

Izzi ✧ she/her

❝ Never underestimate the power of the page. ❞
59 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

{181 words. This was from a word war. I'm REALLY bad at typing fast.}

There were ten hosts in February. Now there are six.
And we only have four days to destroy them.
How, we’re not so sure. We have banded together, the last of us unrelenting campers in this war of words. The leaders have been launching attacks ever since the start of March – we were never expecting it, not in the slightest. They’ve been banding together with the hosts, creating horrible and tragic situations we could never possibly get out of, showing us only the slightest inkling of hope for escape, to keep us alive only to destroy us.
They won’t get out of it alive, though. We have a plan.
The last six Tragedy campers have banded together with their siblings, Sci-Fi (they only have five campers) and a few Fantasy campers are in the mix as well. Even a leader has agreed to break aleggiances (allegiances) with their leaders and forgo the horrible word killing.
The things we ve (we've) been cooking up are not the greatest, but they work anyway. We ave (have) to go as quickly as possible, but we rarely ever ein (win).
{I only just realised stuff in square brackets is cut out.}

Last edited by 1lMaM (March 6, 2024 07:19:06)

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

go to main post

March 6th Daily
To understand the context, I suggest looking through the game called OMORI

My eyes closed.
My breath steady.
My head pounding.
It is time for our recital.

I walked to the stage, carrying my violin by my side. I looked towards the piano, seeing Mari sitting there, preparing for me to address the crowd before we play. I did so. The melody started. We play the same melody that we practice every day. Mari calls it ‘Sibling Love’; I call it ‘My Time’. However, Hero calls it 'Duet', which was the title we agreed on. It was a simple melody, but a heart warming one. Basil kept taking photos of me and my sister practicing for our duet, while Kel, Aubrey and Hero cheer us on. Today is the day we get to play. Today is the day where me and my sister can be closer again.

Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned. Did it?

Huh? I stopped playing the violin abruptly. The audience was curious at my sudden pause, as it was time for the violin solo.

You didn't get to play the recital. You and me, Sunny. Did you forget?

I opened my eyes suddenly, laying down on my bed, with sweat wetting my pillow entirely. “Oh… it was just a dream…” I said. It was still night. “I'm starving, maybe there's some steak downstairs…” As I walk down the stairs, I remembered the contents of my dream. Four years ago, I was supposed to play the recital with my sister, but I don't remember why we didn't do it in the end. I heard a note coming from the piano room. I froze at my spot on the staircase. I never went into the piano room during my isolation period. Curious, I peeked behind the door. Something came out and pass through me, sending shivers all over my body. “M-Mari?” I asked, looking at the figure sitting at the seat of the piano. The figure turned around, “Sunny. I love you.” She lunged towards me as her features became more and more like something. I screamed for help, but blacked out.

“Sunny? Sunny!” Voices reached my ears as I felt a slap on my face. “Ow!” “Good, he's awake!” I shielded my eyes from the lights of the piano room. My friends are all here. “Sunny, what's wrong?” Kel asked as he helped me to my feet. “I-I just saw Mari…” I gasped, suddenly noticing all of their horrified faces, “What?” Aubrey was the first that took the courage to speak, "S-Sunny, how could y-you see Mari? You couldn't have seen her… she's dead."

Fun fact:
The genre is Goth-Fi

425 words

Last edited by theawesomemarbler (March 6, 2024 23:45:05)

Marbles || he/him || has absolutely no idea what to add here

play sound [writing is life] until done
3 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Prompt: Saving people does not make you a hero Written in 5 mins
I don't know why they ‘saved’ me..whisked me out of that dreamland, a long with the others. Too scared to be sure what they meant by it. They said “Its for your own good” I don't believe them. How far away will they take us? How far away? From our Dreamland? Where to, anyway? We're going towards some dirty contenint.. Nothing like our dreamland. Nothing like it. How far, how far, until we get there? How long, how long, until wer'e done? How much are they going to take? When will it stop? So many questions, none of them answered. They plucked us off the hills, and took us here. No asking us anything. Where are we going? Where are they taking us? When will we get there? No idea. We were taken.

Last edited by RubyFires (March 6, 2024 12:47:27)

40 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Churro's Dailies #6- 3/6/2024
To be written…

Last edited by CHUROS000 (March 6, 2024 14:34:31)

58 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

lol i missed the daily yesterday so I suppose this will count as my daily
For more context read Into The Wild

Smudge watched as Rusty disappeared into the long, deep shadows of the forest. It was a beautiful day, with the sun softly shining down and clouds drifting across the sky, and a slight breeze rustling his long fur. However, anxiety filled every part of him, making him jumpy as crackling leaves touched in the trees. One drifted down, landing on his nose. He brushed it off with a paw, still staring after Rusty.
He was surprised when Rusty had decided to explore the forest. Smudge himself had always longed for it secretly, but the word of wild cats from Henry kept him in. Gradually, since Rusty had announced that he would be exploring the forest a bit, a voice had curled around his thoughts like a snake, whispering in his ear.
Henry? That fat old cat? What does he know? The snake whispered. Has he ever set a single paw in the forest?
And now Rusty was going off to explore. Rusty, of all cats! This was the perfect opportunity. And yet, he wasn’t convinced he could fend off wild cats. But he vowed that he would at least try some fighting against his scratching post that night.
As the chill of the leaf-fall air curled around him like a pyre of smoke, Smudge jumped off the fence to head inside his den. The snake settled around his thoughts again, leaving intrusive whispering.
His folks were in the kitchen, preparing some strange-smelling food. It was never for him, but sometimes they fed him scraps.
The snake suddenly tightened. Scraps? What kind of horrible creature are you, relying on some stupid folks for scraps? What would you do if they left? You disgust me. It hissed. Smudge could almost feel it’s tongue flicking around his ear as it’s mouth unhinged and-
He shuddered. They’ll always be here. He pointed out. He knew a cat named Noodle who had been with her folks for seasons upon seasons. She was older than Smudge, Henry and Rusty combined.
One of his folks yowled, and Smudge heard the familiar clink of his food bowl against the strange, cold floor.
As he reluctantly started towards his meal, he wondered what it would be like to have real, crunchy leaves underneath his paws as he stalked underneath the shadows of the forest. He imagined tilting and leaping towards a mouse, having the satisfying feeling of a lesser creature beneath his claws.
He stifled a purr.
He gobbled the rest of the repulsive food down before walking back outside to wait for Rusty. He jumped up onto the post. As he watched for a bit, he heard paw steps.
“Rusty!” He shouted as a familiar orange pelt glowed in the moonlight. The tom had an awed look glittering in his eye as he gazed up at Smudge. “I thought you weren’t coming back for a moment.” He half-joked, leaping down to meet his friend.
“Rusty, are you okay?” He asked, noting dirt streaks on him and a scratch on his hind leg. Lucy told him scars made you ugly and made no one want you, but Smudge begged to differ. He thought that they were marks of bravery.
“Smudge, Smudge, the most amazing thing happened!” Rusty gasped, blinking shock out of his eyes. “I was walking and there was a mouse, and then I leaped but then this grey cat named Graypaw slammed into me and-“
“YOU MET A WILD CAT?!” Smudge shouted, eyes wide. “You’re so lucky!” Slipped out before he could stop it.
He clamped his tail to his mouth.
Rusty blinked at him, hesitation clear in his eyes.
“Smudge, if you wanted to come, you could have asked.” He said softly. Smudge ducked his head. “I know, I know, I just…” He trailed off. Why hadn’t he gone?
“Well, anyways, you won’t believe what happened. The leader of their Clan- That’s what they call a group of cats- showed up and offered for me to leave kittypet life and join ThunderClan!” Rusty exclaimed, tail slashing through the air behind him. “Smudge, maybe you could come with me!”
Smudge blinked. “R-Rusty… Are you sure? You would do that for me?”
“Of course I would!”
Smudge let a grin spread over his face.
“What are we waiting for?”

~time skip~

“Alright Smudge, it’s time to go.”
Smudge blinked his eyes open and stretched before padding after Rusty. The spiky grass below his paws felt oddly fake as he walked after his friend. They were going to see if they could both join this ThunderClan.
The two jumped over the fence together, landing on the crunchy leaves on the other side. A shiver of excitement went through him as he sat and looked around, drinking in the scenery.
It wasn’t his first time seeing this view, but it was from a different angle now. It was more… real. It had always seemed like something just out of reach, but now he was here.
He pricked his ears as a slender blue-gray cat slid through the trees, a massive golden cat covered in shaggy fur just behind her. A smaller gray cat, the size of Smudge and Rusty was there too. He assumed that was the Graypaw Rusty had mentioned last night, because they exchanged nervously smiles as they trio approached.
“Hello Rusty. Who is this?” The she-cat asked, sitting down and studying Smudge. It was unnerving to have a wild cat right there in front of him, watching.
Not a wild cat. A Clan cat.
“Bluestar, this is Smudge, my friend. He’s amazing. And, he wanted to ask…” Rusty introduced, glancing up at Smudge.
“Please, let me join your Clan.” Smudge asked, keeping his voice calm and level as the golden cat stared him down from behind Bluestar.
What odd names they have. Smudge thought as Bluestar considered him.
“Lionheart, let’s talk for a moment.” The she-cat said, leading the enormous cat out of earshot.
“Graypaw! I didn’t know you would be here!” Rusty bursted out as soon as they were gone. “I thought it would just be Bluestar and Lionheart. Not that I’m mad to see you.” He said with a purr.
“Well, I sorta sneaked along behind them, and then they caught me.” Graypaw said sheepishly.
“Rusty told me about you. I’m Smudge.” Smudge said as Graypaw turned to look at him.
“Well then, you’ll already know my name, but I’m Graypaw. Nice to meet you.” He said, tail swaying slightly behind and rustling up the crackling leaves. A couple spun through the air and landed on Smudge’s nose. He sneezed them off.
“Nice to meet you too.” He said.
The leader and Lionheart made their way back and sat back down. “We have considered the offer,” said Bluestar. Smudge’s heart pumped. “And accepted. You can protect each other. Trust me, the other Clan cats won’t be happy about it, but it will have to do. We’ll have your ceremonies at camp, if you are still set on coming.”
Smudge gazed back at his twoleg’s den, imagining them wailing and trying to find him. He remembered the awful food they had fed him and the spiky grass and turned back to Bluestar.
“We’re ready.”

~seasons later~

Patchpelt purred as his kits raced around him, exploring the new camp. He felt awfully tired. The trip had done a number on him and the rest of his Clan. He gazed around the hollow proudly, imagining how grand it would look once everything was finished. It was the perfect place. He knew that StarClan had found this lake territory for everyone, and it was just perfect.
Firestar padded over to him and sat down, looking around. “We made it.” He whispered. “We made it without Graystripe, but we did it.”
Patchpelt allowed himself a grin.
“Patchpelt, do you remember back when we were young, and you were Smudge and I was Rusty?”
Patchpelt nodded. “It all started when you decided to explore the forest…”

For the first time in years, the snake settled down, and went to sleep… For good.

1341 words
100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Im so late this time


Hi guys!!! I'm Ava!! Well, that isn't a bit close to my name, but I love it sOOOOO much it's my alias everywhere online.

WARNING- pronounce the beginning like how you would do art. It is not Ava with the a like baked. I will seriously blow my head off if anyone makes that mistake again. :D

Nicknames- Ava, Icebunny
Age- I'll let you guys decide- 10-18
Pronouns- she/they
Nationality- Indian
Culture- Hindu-Parsi(also probably Greek-Roman) so Hindu-Parsi-Greek-And-Roman. GRAPH. Huh.
Cabin- Mystery
Favourite genres to read and write- fantasy, fanfiction, thriller, romance, comedy
Hobbies- Reading, Writing, Drawing, Singing, Making music, hearing music, binge watching kpop, reading memes, reading anything related to kpop or Percy Jackson, staring into someone's soul

Dailies -

March 1st
March 2nd
March 3rd
March 4th
March 5th
March 6th
March 7th
March 8th
March 9th (CABIN WAARS)
March 10th - CRITIQUE DAY
March 11th
March 12th
March 13th
March 14th
March 15th
March 16th
March 17th
March 18th
March 19th
March 20th
March 21st
March 22nd
March 23rd
March 24th
March 25th
March 26th
March 27th
March 28th
March 29th
March 31th
March 31st


First Week
Second Week
Third Week
Fourth Week

Cabin wars


Writing Competition-


Word Wars-

Last edited by icebunny11 (March 10, 2024 16:24:37)

I told you,
I don't want to
be part of another

Oh by the way,
what's the name
of the book?
*furious typing*

New to Scratch
3 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

First word war, kind of just a practice round. 119 words.

“What did you THINK I meant when I told you ‘KiII them before the last five days’ ?” She asks the apprentices. They weren't exactly . . . stellar assassins, but they had just started a month ago. A month in which they got their first assignment. KiII the six hosts of the blue moon banquet. Guess how many they got in three weeks. Two. They got two hosts. I sighed. Even though I TECHNICALLY wasn't supposed to be eavesdropping, it wouldn't matter.There was no way they could get the last four before the banquet, and I would undoubtedly be the one to take over the job. Why, you ask? Well, I'm the top of my class. Teachers pet, you could call me.
66 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024


1822 words
Prompt 4

Myth: Greek, the Amazons

Victorian London. Overcrowded slums. Impressive buildings. The streets were bustling, full of life. Crowds swarmed the squares, buzzing with liveliness. Small children dressed in rags with rashes on their arms begged for money, their ribs poking through their pale, ghostly skin, their eyes hollow and sunken-in. Wealthy ladies boasted large feather hats, while the men held their heads high, a condescending smirk never leaving their lips. Then a horrified hush fell over the city. The Amazons were here.

The Amazons were a group of fierce warriors who lived in the surrounding countryside. Mud was streaked across their faces and ragged spear tips threatened anyone who even dared to breathe. Twigs were nestled in their uncontrollable hair. Their smiles were fake and sickly.
“Excuse me.” A man stepped forwards, his hand raised. His voice was bored, even amused. “But what are you beasts doing here?”
His voice was laced with disgust. He realised his mistake as soon as he made it. The Amazons’ faces distorted with fury. They readied their weapons. A pigeon cooed overhead, flapping around clumsily. A thin white substance rained down from the sky. It landed on their heads. A lady with dirty nails and knotted hair shook herself in horror. A spiteful laugh rippled throughout the crowd. She fixed them with a penetrating stare.
“First you insult us, then you humiliate us! We will not have this!” She shouted. A crescendo of noise rose in the crowds.

They charged forward, their faces merciless and cold. Ladies screamed, tripping over ridiculous skirts and the men went red and retreated immediately, their hands held up in surrender.
“I am not amused!”
Queen Victoria’s voice rang out loud. People gasped and immediately bowed. The Amazons’ leader curtseyed elegantly.
“Pest control, madam.”

Hi-fi - If walls could talk - my house used to have a bomb shelter. I know that you are meant to do this from your early childhood, but I thought this would be quite interesting.

“Could you get some milk?” My mother asked.
I raced down the stairs, stumbling over my rucksack. My head hit the floor with a resounding thwack. An ache throbbed in my head, consistent and painful. I bit my tongue and flinched, finding it hard to deal with the endless pain. I carried on to the garage and delicately picked my way through mountains of cardboard boxes and empty bottles. I gently opened the fridge and pulled out a chilly bottle of milk, my arms straining under the weight.
“You know, they went through much more.”
The milk grew heavier in my arms. It tumbled to the floor, spilling its rich contents.
“What?” I exclaimed, my mouth hanging open. The grinding voice spoke again.
“They never cried when they hit their head.”
The voice was coming from the wall behind me. Just a wall. Just a wall. I was going mad. Walls couldn't speak! What was going on?
“Nice to see your face.”
I stepped backwards. It must have been when I hit my head. I started to plod out of the room.
“I remember their faces, shivering and scared, pale as the moon. They longed for the golden sunlight that had kept their souls alive for so long. They knew they couldn’t last much longer. They were people like you, but much tougher. They had seen so much in their lives, young or old…”
I spun around eagerly.
“They?” I inquired curiously. “Who’s they?”
I heard a smile in the voice.
“They were some of the bravest souls that ever existed. They were people from the First World War. Ordinary, like you, Mirabel, but extraordinary at the same time.”
“And who are you?” I demanded.
“I am Wall Number 3. Pleased to finally meet you.”
“Don’t you have an ordinary name?”
“What d’ya mean?”
I spread my arms wide, hitting my already bruised hand on the freezer.
“Clumsy one, aren’t you?” It chuckled softly. You can call me YoYo. The others do. I remember when you had a yo-yo. You never knew how it worked.”
“Tell me the story! About the people!”
“Ok… Well, they sat here, shaking like mad. Their eyes glinted in the dark like, I dunno, owls or something. Then the bombing began…

Hi-fi - Original characters in historical times

Lottie worked until her arms ached and sweat poured down her face. She heaved the wheel around one last time, sapping her last morsel of strength. She collapsed on the floor, her chest rising unsteadily fast. She felt the atmosphere grow tense around her, yet no one looked up from their work. They were too scared. Rigid with fear all the time they worked in the murky factories. The Industrial Revolution as they had come to know was the worst and only one they knew.

The owner came in, his cane tapping the floor rhythmically. He was wearing a silk waistcoat, a glimmering pocket watch dangling from his pocket. Lottie’s eyes hardened, steely and cold.
“Well, well, well. Someone’s being lazy.”
He smirked, danger in his voice. Lottie stayed where she was, staring up at him defiantly. He pulled back his cane, the wood seeming t o laugh at her. Lottie laughed on the inside. The most wonderful feeling she had felt for a long time. The other children admired her non-stop work. She never seemed to stop. And Lottie never knew why. She felt every time she worked, her anger sparked a flame inside her. She knew all this work was for the wealthier. If they could afford such riches, they could afford to let young children live a proper life. She glanced at Alfie, a young boy of just 5 years old. His undeveloped body wasn’t coping with the harsh toil of the factories. A burning sorrow for him shone out.

The cane hit her back, a shocking pain that never ceased. She braced for another hit, her eyes scrunched tight shut. She didn’t deserve this! None of them did. Yet like the others, she was too scared. She gripped the cane with her oily hands and shrieked; she sprinted away,= and scooped Alfie up in her arms. She looked back once more. She nodded at them, to show she was coming back for them. But Alfie had to get out.
“Come back you rascal!”
But she didn’t turn back and never gave in.

Fairy Tales - Place yourself in a fairy tale

I growled. They were coming near again. The pigs. I licked my tangled fur with my rough tongue and pawed the ground. Those pigs had interrupted every day of my life. They were going to pay. I smiled. A little chase. Then we could all make friends.

One of them trotted up to me.
“Hello!” It squealed.
“Hello!” The second one squealed.
“So nice to meet you at last!” The third one squealed.
I narrowed my eyes.
“Are you so sure about that?” I asked menacingly.
“Yup! Apparently you’re great at playing games!”
“Let’s play one now!” I suggested. “What about the Big Bad Wolf! You all have to hide from me and I will huff and puff and blow your hiding place away. Whoever stays hidden the longest wins!”
They ran off and hid amongst the bushes.
I counted softly, my voice honeyed and sweet.

A minute later…

I padded through the dappled light of the trees noiselessly. I pricked my ragged ears.
I inhaled deeply. Then I let it out. Wind whistled in my ears as leaves flew on the strong breeze. A haystack disintegrated revealing two little piggies. They curled themselves into balls as they saw me. I rolled around on the rich soil, littered with pine needles, barking in amusement. I leapt on top of them; they squirmed and I heard muffled squeals meaneth me. My shoulders shook with silent laughter.

Fairy Tales - Retelling

Little Red Riding Hood skipped lightly through the woods, her basket bouncing in her arms. She clutched onto tightly, guarding the precious items that lay inside. The sunlight was dappled, shining warmly through the gnarled trees. Moist moss squelched beneath her feet and birds twittered sweetly. She herself had an aura of calm, her smooth hazel hair falling in soft curls around her shoulders and her eyes twinkling. Then she heard a noise.

The wolf streaked towards her, its shaggy fur brushing her face and its ragged claws scraping her skin. She shrieked in fear, her head tipped back as the wolf snarled at her, its dark eyes glinting menacingly. She raced to her grandma’s house and shivered in horror behind the great oak door. A rusty bolt blocked the wolf’s path.
“It’ll be alright. dear. Just a man-eating wolf.”

On the other side of the woods, a huntsman was rushing down the peaty pathway, a dagger in his hand. He confronted the wolf with incredible valiance and… got eaten. All of a sudden, the door was ripped away from its hinges as Grandma kicked it down violently. Her face was stormy.
“You tried to hurt my granddaughter! You’ll pay, little beast!”
The wolf’s belly bulged guiltily. It reared up and whimpered.
“I ain’t falling for that!”
Grandma yielded a small dagger and advanced on the wolf…
The huntsman came tumbling out of the wolf and they all lived happily ever after.

Folklore - Showing characters passing down a story

I panted, my heart hammering in my chest.
“So what’s your story?” I heard Jake say.
We were sitting in a small house, built into the hill, concealed by flowers and vegetation.
A soft, melodious voice replied, “Well… it goes back generations.
“We still wanna hear it! Don’t we?”
A muffled ‘yes’ came from the group of children on the floor.
“My family were cartographers. They mapped out the unknown, embarking on perilous missions to uncover the hidden secrets of the world. One day, they set out, and never returned. They were going to America, discovering the gems of the Wild West. My parents tell me that they were eaten by sea snakes, deep down at the bottom of the ocean when sailing on the stormy seas. Their bodies were never recovered, nor their boat. My grandparents say that they became lost, their maps destroyed by harsh weather and were pulled up by a tornado and through the atmosphere. My aunt says that their ghosts still haunt the place in eternal torture, that they starved to death. My uncle says it is unknown. So I don’t know. But I do know that I’ll be the one to find out. I was born in America, and spent my early childhood searching for clues. And I found a piece of driftwood. It had the initials F.M on it. And the name of the boat is said to be Frederick Marsius, named after my dead great-great-great-great and so on grandfather. To this day I have still been searching and I will find out.”

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