Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

it’s a lovely day, and you are a horrible, horrible frying pan. after hundreds of years of simply being existent, serving as a cooking utensil is far beyond what you’re worth. eggs, oil, mysterious unremovable stains, and gas stoves (although the fire does lure you in), are a peasant’s work. damp pantry closets, dirty sinks, and the dumpster all send a chill down your nonexistent spine. ah, the lowly class, purchased from the local costo and forever doomed to serve the human with stir fried vegetables - no, crafted in an ancient forgery, you - you are destined for greater things than that - per say, you’re the one putting laughter into manslaughter.
with each passing moment in history, you marvel at how such a splendid instrument as a pan could possibly be so underrated. it’s effective, first of all - with results of a first-grade concussion and various bruises, the enemy is sure to collapse within seconds. and it’s fun! the shocked eyes that look up at you with skeptism, a smirk, and all of a sudden they’re collapsed onto the ground begging for mercy from a mere kitchen essential. how pathetic - a legacy the soup pots could never live up to (after all, how are you supposed to hold those things, anyways?)
you’re surprisingly flammable, as well - have you mentioned the temptation of the fire yet? it doesn’t harm you at all, but it sets the mighty haystack ablaze in the blink of an eye. if that doesn’t sell it, you happen to be a fashion statement too: imagine this, a shiny bronze frying pan hanging at the side of an equally stunning warrior. what more is there to ask for?
oh, and here comes the blonde princess. her floor length braid goes perfectly with you color scheme, and you’re grateful for how often you’re polished by her. you smile as you’re hooked onto the side of a glimmering purple dress - here’s to a day of violence.


Last edited by -vanillamochabear- (March 9, 2024 04:05:33)

5 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Word War Against Essaist - 408 words, 4 minutes
Sorry for so many typos ^^'

Pine trees swayed in the wind. Pebbles scattered from our feet as we scampered through the moutnain trail. We were not used to such heights, and the cold bit our face. It was bitter, the cold, and Mary kept sneezing. The dust was so incredibly distracting, but the wind was even worse. Occasionally we would nearly fall into the abyss below – well, it wasn’t quite an abyss, but instead a deathly, falta drop.

I asked Mary at one point: “Are you okay?”

She looked at me with weird eyes and replied, “do I look like it?”

After all, we had forced her to come with us. It wasn’t her choice that she was climbing thist treacherous mountain. They said that there was a hidden gem up here, a gem that was worth millions, but we needed four people to complete it. The quest that the man had given us. When we grabbed the gem and hastily made our way back down, we could cash it in for a prize.

“Are you okay, I’m really sorry,” I repeated, making ehr look at my face.

“No I'm not!” she said. “So what? We have a chance at getting 3 million dollars, that’s not a lot once we split it between the four of us.”

“3 million,” I repeated. “3 million??? Ya really think that’s not much?”

Then she looked at me in the face. “Not for our lives, it isn’t.”

I sucked in a harsh breath. She had just spat the harsh truth in my face, and I really didn’t want to aaccept it. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “I didn’t realise how stupid this was of me.”

“no, “ she replied. “And now we’ve got to suffer the consequences.’

We continued to climb in silence, only stopping to eat and drink. We didn’t even sleep, that was how nervous we were. After all, if we slept who knew what kind of wildlife would come to attack us. I really don’t like wildife. I never did. Being raised in the city, i never came across toads, salamanders, scorpions, ants or any nasty insect, animals, mammals etc. I really didn’t like being in a wild environment.


Then Mary’s words came back to me: it’s not worth our lives.

I sucked in a depe breath as I realised she was true. At first i had pretended, not entirely realising what she meant. Because if we failed, it meant ceratin death.

Last edited by Amethyst-animation (March 9, 2024 06:42:06)

500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Skye’s weekly #1

Weekly 1:

Part 1:
3. Retelling
Narcissus myth in modern day and with an unknown person as narcissus
206 words

“Get ready with me for another exhausting day at school. Like, honestly, lets be for real here, no one really cares about school. And i got dress-coded yesterday. I know, right? The absolute audacity of my teacher to tell me, me of all people to change.”
The phone camera turns on and we see a person standing in front of a mirror.
“Fit check time. I’m wearing this cream tank top from a thrift shop. Same with these green cargos. And this bucket hat is from Zara. and oh…oh my…”
The camera turns off. We are left with a person standing in front of a mirror staring at themselves. Perhaps, they are entranced by their beauty. Perhaps they realised that their hair was off. But no, the fondness and adoration in their eyes is clear. A cry echoes through the hall. We only catch the end of it.
“Down to the kitchen. You’ll be late, otherwise!”
Yet the figure does not move. They stay standing at their mirror, stock-still and entranced by themselves. The outside world melted away from them as they ceased to be separate from the pane of reflective glass but become one with the mirror and the image being thrown back at them.

Part 2
4. If these walls could talk
Event location talking about a marriage ceremony
244 words

My chairs are draped in garlands, pink, blue, purple swirls of colour draping down and flowing into an ocean at their base. My table is also decked out, four chairs around it, papers and papers on the desk, a solemn registrar standing behind the table, his face seemingly a mask of impartiality yet a crack of a smile poked through. One single fountain pen with gold decorations lies on the table, ready for the loved hands to bind their futures together with this seemingly conventional stylus.
The trumpets blare, the audience stands and my room readies itself for a party, hopefully not a disaster like last time, with chairs being hauled across the room, where the damage is still etched into my being.
The groom walks in, handsome and smart in his jet black tuxedo. His partner enters in after him, arm in the father’s hand. The clothes too, are as finely made as clothes for the monarchy. The shoe’s heels delicately slide across the floor, making no crease on the carpet laid out through the aisle.
The ceremony started and finished and the two lovebirds made their way down the aisle. Rose petals, from the freshest and most lovely coloured flowers float onto the lovers, gently resting themselves in their hair and on their clothes. I too am glad, it has been a long time since I have been decorated like this and this shower of beauty livens up my floor and walls.

Part 3:
2. Mixing in a Little Magic
I have placed myself Red Riding Hood
254 words

“Don’t talk to strangers.”
Life rule no.1. My parents have drilled that into me since I was born, no before. Since I was a simple, basic foetus. Yet, I didn't think that rule applied if you were in this situation. The sticky little one I found myself in right now. Would talking to a wolf, who is in the process of terrorising you, be allowed or not? That would be a great ethical question for later. Now, I have my life to focus on keeping alive.
“Where are you going through these wild forests all alone?”, it growled, staring into the depths of my soul, its pitch black eyes boring holes into my cheeks.
“I…I’m going to my grandma’s house. She’s ill and I need to give her cake to make her feel better,” I managed to answer through gritted teeth. It continued staring but I was sure that I could hear the rumble of its tummy and the lick of its tongue across its teeth. I tried to advance forwards, but it stopped me dead in my tracks. The piercing look it gave me made it all too clear that I should not go further.
”Why don’t I help you? Give you a little shortcut?”. The Previously gruff and unwelcoming voice had all of a sudden become one of angelicness, kindness and welcoming. It did strike me as odd. In hindsight,I should have trusted my gut feeling -run. But I was late to grandma, and a shortcut was an enticing offer.

part 4:
2. Regional differences
501 words
There was once a little girl who lived in the countryside with her bother and two sisters. They all lived a happy life, until one day her brother went out alone on a walk in the evening. They thought that he was going to come home in the evening. Yet, as the minutes turned into hours, he still had not returned home. The entire family decided to set out and look for him, trekking into even the furthest corners of the forests around their house. yet, they did not find him. As the night turned into moning and the sun rose one more, they still had found no sign of him. While returning home, a long trek mainly due to how far they had entered into the undergrowth. A rustle disturbed them, ripping them out of their thoughts. The gleeful, smily face of a toothy boy poked out between two of the bushes, filling the family with simultaneously with rage and relief.
Many years ago in the days before communication was readily avaliable, five inseparable brothers lived together in the midst of a large bustling city. They were going through some troubling times as their mother had just moved away to get a job somewhere else and their father was struggling to cope with caring for so many children at once. One early morning, they woke up and noticed that their youngest brother had gone missing. Assuming he had gone on a walk in the park and would come home soon, they didn’t worry themselves. A fatal flaw. Minutes turned into hours and the sun was now at its peak and he had still not returned. The remaining brothers set out on a trek through the city, peeking through the small gaps between the buildings and asking passers-by if they had “seen a boy, of around this height, with bright blond hair running around this morning”. Unfortunately, the response was always negative. They searched for the day, taking little to no breaks for lunch, but just kept hunting and hunting. This proceeded for twelve more hours, until it was so dark you couldn’t even see your hands in front of your face. With a grudging but necessary agreement, the search party threw one last wistful glance at the city behind them, turned on their heels and set off back home. Tomorrow there would be another chance. And perhaps, if the gods were kind, he would show up in the night. A coughing sound next to them startled them. There should not have been anyone there, but the sound was followed by a rustle of the bushes and the snapping of twigs. Their senses alert, they called out into the darkness “is anyone there?” No response save the once again cracking of twigs. Then, a small hand poked out from the bush, followed by another one, and soon after a whole child came tumbling out. Relief washed over the searcher’s faces, even as slight rage boiled in the pit of their stomach.

Part 5: chose an activity from part 3
3. An enchanting reunion
291 words
Today was the day they would finally see each other again. Letters had been exchanged for several years about the date when the ‘villains’ of the fairy tales would reunite to plan out their next course of trickery. Rumpelstiltskin, the Wolf (the one who had had several encounters with Little Red Riding Hood, the evil stepsisters and their mother and the other evil stepmother (this time Snow White’s stepmother). A location had been arranged by Rumpelstiltskin who knew every inch of the lands and who could gain access to a plethora of towers.
In true fashion, the Wolf arrived first, stretching himself and licking his lips while loitering outside the tower, trying to resist the urge to eat somebody at the meeting. Of course they had made a pact to keep each other safe, but if one of your group was a carnivore who’s natural instinct was to devour flesh, things didn’t always go to plan. Like Red’s grandma. The rest of the party slowly arrived and Rumpelstiltskin, although he had the keys to the meeting and had promised to be the first, was once again the last.
“It is fantastic to see you again”, Rumpelstiltskin’s tinny voice echoed through the room. Though his voice was high and baby-like and his physical size was small, it was impossible not to listen and to respect him. —
“Yes, you too”, the other echoed in unison.
”I’m thinking we trick Ariel next, after all, her life has been going too smoothly since she met the Prince.” A variety of objections were raised, consisting of people preferring the idea of fooling with Moana’s life next. She lived on a beautiful island surrounded by friends and family. Why should she get to live the happy life?

Part 6: I chose an activity from part 4
4. Magical realism
213 words
”Your child will be a heroine.”
”Your child will find the cure to cancer.”
”Your child will be related to The One.”
Such prophecies were always told after the birth of the child. The nurse took the child away to make all the necessary health checks to ensure it was not ill. Then, once the child was released from the hospital, an arduous journey bagan. The child was carted off to a cave in the mountainside with the mother and there the infant was told what would happen to them. Would they approach their demise before they became of age? Or, perhaps they would rule the world.
The trek had been painful and tiring, considering she was just mere days postpartum. They wound themselves through the densely populated woods, hopping over creeks and ducking under birds flying low. If she could have forgotten about the pain, the journey would have been the most beautiful one of a lifetime. Hurt etched into her face, the wounds still fresh, she forced herself on, reiterating that this was the best for her child. Moreover, her mother had done this for her, so she was obliged to do this for her child. Some of these prophecies were welcomed, others which predicted the child’s fate were very unwelcome.

Total words: 1709 words

Last edited by Isauree (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
Swimmer & Cricketer
Biology lover
100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Name: Ava
Cabin: Sci-Fi
Content: Weekly 1


Topic: Take one of your favorite myths and rewrite it in a completely different world or genre.
Wordcount: 272/200

A soft jazz played in the background of the bar. The chatter of different conversations filled the air, the mix of voice and music a peaceful feeling. Sitting on the fifth barstool was a woman in a tight red dress. Her hair was the color of the wooden table, and her eyes the color of the wine in her glass. She sat resting her elbow on the counter and her head on her palm, lazily swirling around the drink. She looked at the door constantly, and it looked as if she was waiting for someone.
The door jingled as a man with raven black hair entered the bar. His eyes were as black as his hair, and he took a seat next to the red-dressed woman. He seemed to be more serious than her.

“Order a drink, loosen up,” the woman said to him. “You're always so stiff, Poseidon.”
Poseidon eyed her with disdain as he took out a small box from inside his coat. “Aphrodite, we are here for business.”
The woman rolled her eyes opened it and counted the cash bills for a minute before smiling and nodding.
“Good. Now what about your brother's?”

Poseidon scoffed. “You said nothing about my brothers having to pay you. This was between us.”
Aphrodite pouted as she swirled her glass. “I thought you wanted to save your village?”
“This Is all we have,” he gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to slap her.
“Well find more,” she giggled, finishing her glass and standing up. She walked to the door, waving him a goodbye.

“If I don't get their money, your village will burn.”

Topic: What would the walls say if they could talk?
Wordcount: 247/200

The Harrapan civilization was a great and advanced one. I knew because they built me themselves.

They knew almost everything there was at the time. They knew how to cook, how to clean, how to build, how to fight, all in organized manners. People would paint on me, people would attach small wooden pieces to me, and people would even carve others just like me out of different materials. In return for all of their hard work, I would be there at the end of the day for them: a shelter where they could sleep and eat.

The Harrapans were amazing. The great statues they had carved out marveled at anyone who walked by them, and the small pieces of jewelry they carved glittered as bright as the sun. The men would wear the cleanest silk clothes, and the women would wear the most beautiful clothes in the room. With or without tools, they could create something extraordinary. I was on the side, watching it all as they found new techniques to improve their small little world.

I was there when their small little world crumbled.

Now, I hear the archeologists discussing different ways on why they had died off. All of them were wrong, yet some were close to right. They would study me to find different ways the Harappans had developed, yet they never quite said the correct things. And I couldn't correct them myself, because at the end of the day:
Walls can't talk.

Topic: Write a story that focuses on the meet-up of multiple fairy tale characters.
Wordcount: 219/200

Kendra shook her head, groaning. Opening her eyes slowly, her vision blurred for a few seconds before she sat up, observing her surroundings. Where on earth was she? Looking to the right she saw her brother Seth lying next to her, which only fueled her worry to protect him. Hearing a rustling noise, she turned around quickly, seeing a boy with black hair and a sword in his hand.

Percy was as confused as ever. Waking up in an unknown place, the first thing he did was pull out his trusty pen-sword and stand behind the mysterious girl before he snapped his head to the sound of a gasp, and jumped away. A girl with ginger hair was quickly backing away from the two, but she quickly tripped over a boy with brighter orange hair.

Hermione pulled out her wand, and Percy immediately jumped towards her, putting the sword around her neck. Ron, thinking Percy was with Kendra, pulled out his wand and pointed it at Kendra's neck. Seth was still dazed on the ground.

“Where is Annabeth?” Percy asked from behind Hermione.

I'll do you one better, who is Annabeth?“ Ron asked, tightening the wand around Kendra's neck.

”I'll do you one better,“ Seth said, standing up drowsily, still not aware of his surroundings. ”What is Annabeth?"

(If you got the reference, you're cool. Let's be friends.)

Topic: Write a story with any moral of your liking.
Wordcount: 223/200

Emma was always shouted at as a child. She was incredibly childish, and would never take responsibility for anything she did. She was probably that one person in a group activity who would just sit around and do nothing except the title slide- where she would keep her name first. That was only one of the mildly infuriating things she did, some with the intention of infuriating others on purpose. However, when her best friend had gotten expelled from the school because of her mistake, she decided to change.

Nothing changed when she became thirteen in the adults' eyes. She was still the same horrible child that she was when she was ten. Or fourteen. Or fifteen, in fact. So at sixteen, knowing that the adults would never accept the fact that she was trying to be more mature, she snuck out on her birthday.

Climbing out of her window at eleven fifty-nine in the night, and ran across the neighborhood in record time till she reached her best friend's window, rapping on the glass. She opened it with a giggle and let her in. There stood three other girls, quiet as mice. They all looked collectively at the clock before it struck twelve, and they let out a whispers of cheers.

If they'll only see my faults, then let the continue.

Topic: Write a story depicting characters in your writing telling their own story that has been passed down somehow!
Wordcount: 712/200

Somewhere in New York…

A girl sighed and kicked the stones in the narrow alleyway. Her hair was dark red and her skin was an oddly pleasing shade. She wore a hoodie that hugged tightly to her body and jeans. She looked at the stone she had kicked which had not budged angrily. Even when she was angry, her eyes looked beautiful. They were a shade of brown which seemed like they had golden swirling.

She let out a low groan of dissatisfaction and kicked the rock once more. The rock moved only slightly.

'Riya, what are you doing?! We have to go back, or else they'd catch us!'

The girl's eyes widened for a millisecond as the golden moved around faster, and turned around nonchalantly. She met two kids who were younger than her. She was seventeen.

The girl; in front of her, supposedly Riya, had blue hair and eyes, and she hadn't noticed the girl. The boy with black hair and green eyes looked at Riya fiercely as if she had blown their cover.

Which he had.

Building Harrison47, floor 14…

'You're all schist grandma.' said a girl with red hair. Her brother with a lighter shade of brown was laughing with her.
Her grandma had grey hair, but you could still see the dark red strands. Her brown and golden eyes looked at the children lovingly.
'Oh, but it's all true!' said the grandma, waving her hands with enthusiasm. ‘I was an undercover agent! I’m not lying, I swear on waffles.
The boy's eyes shined. ‘On waffles?’
The grandma agreed. ‘On waffles, Terry.’
The girl opened her mouth to speak. ‘But grandma Denisse, weren’t you a pet store owner?'
The grandma laughed. ‘Oh heavens, no! That was my cover story. I was a private eye working for the police!’
The boy waved his hand at his sister, annoyed. ‘Don’t mind Florisse, grandma, she won't believe a thing.'
The grandma pretended to scold the boy. ‘Don’t tease your sister like that, Terry.'
Terry pouted. ‘Can you continue?’
The grandma nodded. ‘Of course! come on, huddle up…’

Somewhere in New York…

The boy with black hair looked up to see the girl with dark red hair. His scowl started to fade into a smile slowly. He wiped his forehead off of anxious sweat.

'It's just Hilda!' he said. ‘I honestly thought you were that pet store owner Denisse or something. She’s such a snitch, isn't she? I wonder what college she goes to! It must be that horrible school on Gray road. Oh, have you heard the news? I…'

Denisse rolled her eyes, but only in her head. Being a private eye meant you needed to keep up with the job no matter what. God! Ryan was such a chatter mouth.

She smiled painfully. ‘Where are the packages?’

Riya finally sighed, having a chance to speak. ‘The dealer isn’t here yet. The gang is abroad and we're here to receive the parcels. Then we can all go on holiday after selling the dr-'
Riya was about to throw her hands up but Denisse stopped her.

'So you're going to collect the parcels?' she asked.
'Yes…?' Riya said.
'Where are your friends? I want to come too.' She added quickly.
'Oh, they're in Miami. They finished selling all the dru-'
'And how much money have they also stolen from the bank?'
'4 million, I think.'

Denisse whistled.
Ryan stopped muttering to himself. His eyes widened with betrayal. He used to work with the police once in an internship. He knew what that meant.

'Run!' he shouted, but a bit too late. The police had surrounded them and taken them away. A detective was writing down possible locations in Miami.

Riya looked at her teary eyes, and Denisse forced herself to look away. They were only kids, really. Fifteen. They were doing this for the money only.
And Denisse walked away without accepting praise from anybody because when you're a private eye, no sympathy can be spared.

Building Harrison47, floor 14…

'Ouch…' said Florisse. ‘I don’t want to be a private eye, grandma.'
The grandma's eyes glimmered with a little regret and sadness. ‘Don’t worry, sweetie. YOu don't need to.'
"I WANT TO BE A VET!' Terry announced proudly.
'I want to be a teacher,' Florrise added.

The grandma smiled and hugged her grandchildren.
'You can be anything you want to.'

And a tear slid down her face, but only in her head. Because the habit of hiding her emotions could not be reversed.

Topic: For this activity, you'll be placing yourself in a fairy tale, writing your own happily ever after, whether that be replacing a character, evolving into an antagonist, or becoming the lead role - it's up to you!
Wordcount: 200/200

Niki stared at his hands. They weren't their normal pale color- they were covered in a red tint. It dripped down his fingers and onto his clothes, matching the craze in his eyes.

He didn't mean to. He'd tried so hard to be a good person his whole life. He'd never complained when his dad left his mom. He had never complained when he had a stepmother and sister. He never complained when he got shoutings for not doing his best, even though he had tried his best anyhow. He never complained when his friends left him out. He'd never complained, never complained, never complained.
And then he snapped.

The darn nymph had gotten on his nerves. Screw his vow on protecting her- maybe she should learn to respect people who had the option of killing her off when they needed to.

They would be so mad at him. His sister would be disappointed, and he would be met by the harsh stares of the people he had vowed his promise to. Someone would probably find out about the murder sooner or later, and he would probably get sent to jail.

Niki couldn't find it in himself to care.



Last edited by icebunny11 (March 10, 2024 16:26:16)

I told you,
I don't want to
be part of another

Oh by the way,
what's the name
of the book?
*furious typing*

3 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

March 9 errors are dead
if <<> and <>> then

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily 009: 1743 words, Cabin Wars
this is a short story I wrote and worked on partly during cabin wars, so I put it here to fill up the slot in my table of contents lol

I love being me.
People smile, cameras flash, crowds cheer. Everyone wants to be my friend. Everyone loves me.
The alarm clock shatters my dreams, and I fumble around for the Sleep button–but I must’ve rolled closer to the edge of my bed in my sleep than I thought, because I tumble off, and on the way down my arm catches the teetering pile of books on my nightstand, bringing them down on my head in a succession of loud thumps. I groan, trying to decide whether I’m still alive or not.
I do not love being me.
After I shove the books off of myself, I struggle my way into my clothes and head downstairs to eat breakfast. It’s not until I’m on my way to school that I realize I forgot to brush my hair. I pull it into a ponytail, but the frizz is obvious. I didn’t need to worry, though–no one notices. I may as well be a shadow on the wall for all they care about me or my appearance. In fact, I might like being a shadow better. Then I wouldn’t have to, you know, exist.
Back home again, with an enormous pile of homework. My teachers notice me, even if my classmates don’t. Adults are funny like that. I stare at the math problems in front of me and wonder if it’s worth the fuss to just call it quits and shove it in the closet and pretend my dog ate it.
Not that I have a dog.
I finish the homework and shove it in my backpack for tomorrow and slump on the couch, eating pizza that my parents ordered. They aren’t big on cooking, so pizza makes up the majority of my diet. Tonight it has spinach on it–not my favorite, but who cares? I’m past being picky about what I’m eating. I just want to…
…actually, I don’t even know what I want. I turn on the TV, but I can’t pay attention to what’s going on. Characters chatter, plot unfolds…
I turn it off when I realize two characters are kissing. I don’t want to see that tonight. It hurts too much.
I drop the pizza box in the trash and trudge upstairs, stopping in the doorway to stare at my bookshelves. Do I want to read something tonight? Do I even care?
I don’t bother changing into my pajamas. I just flip the lights and crash.
I have a very odd dream that night.
It’s dark in my room. Someone is standing over my bed. At least, I think it’s a someone. The features are kind of, well, not there, and the shape is indistinct and uncertain.
Whoever–or whatever–it is reaches out and touches me on the cheek, shaking its head.
“Poor child,” it says. Then it places what looks vaguely like a hand on my chest.
I wake up.
My alarm clock is going off again. Whoops. There’s no school today–some obscure holiday or something–but I forgot to turn it off. I fumble around for the sleep button again, and just like yesterday, my arm catches the stack of books that I re-piled on the nightstand. But then my other hand reaches over to stabilize it.
Uh, that’s a little weird. I didn’t do that–or, well, I did, since the pile of books is currently not-toppled over. But I didn’t mean to do it, and I’m pretty sure people aren’t supposed to just randomly obtain book-stabilizing reflexes.
My arm shoves the books back in place, pats the top, and then peels back the covers, all without me actually doing anything. It’s like I don’t have control over my body anymore. Maybe I really don’t, because when I try to fight it, nothing happens.
Oookay. Just one of those days, huh? Totally normal.
I–or rather, my body–showers, dresses, and brushes my hair. Instead of leaving it loose like I normally do, though, my hands plait it into an intricate french braid. At least, I think that’s what it’s called. I don’t know how to braid–which solidifies in my mind that something is very, very wrong. I do know that it looks kind of nice. It frames my face in a way that almost looks pretty, and my hands continue pulling loose strands out to drape my face for an even softer look. As cool as it is to have a decent hairstyle for once, though, I’m still panicking about not being able to control myself. Am I still dreaming? Or is something even weirder going on? I don’t have long to wonder about it, because my body starts going downstairs and heads toward the kitchen. But instead of ducking inside the pantry to rummage around for my usual cereal boxes, my hand reaches for the fridge and pulls out a carton of eggs, expertly cracking two into a bowl and mixing them vigorously with a fork.
Okay. Guess I’m having scrambled eggs this morning. I hardly ever eat eggs–my mom doesn’t really have time to make breakfast, and neither does my dad, and I’m terrified of touching hot things and burning myself. My hands turn on the stove burners with no fear, though, and in no time the eggs are looking puffy and yellow, like scrambled eggs should. I, or rather my body, dumps them on a plate, and then pulls a fork from the drawer and starts shoveling them into my mouth–which, strangely enough, seems to be the only part of my body I can still control. I chew and swallow without really tasting them, because after all, it’s hard to focus on eating when your body is in rebellion, but I notice vaguely that it tastes better than most things I’ve made before.
Mom comes downstairs, yawning, and gives me a surprised smile when she sees me. “Up and about already? Are those scrambled eggs? I thought you hated cooking.”
My body smiles and shrugs, and she walks over to the fridge, pulling out the eggs. “That looks so good, I think I’ll make some too.”
Huh. She almost never does stuff in the kitchen. I finish eating and place my plate in the sink, but I don’t have much brain-space left to ponder about the scent of eggs that fills the house, because I’m already moving again, this time outside. I try my best to turn back around and go in, but it’s like trying to use telekinesis. No matter how hard you think at something, it’s never going to move, and all I can do anymore is think. Oh, and move my mouth. It's really useful.
My body sets out on one of the sidewalks and just walks for a little bit. It’s kind of nice out, I guess. The sun is shining and the birds are singing, but it’s not I-am-turning-into-a-popsicle hot yet. I don’t really go outside a whole lot, but this is okay, I guess.
In fact, today has been a better day than most of my days already, and it’s not even noon yet. Maybe today won’t be as bad as I was fearing it might be. Or it might be worse. Maybe this is just something to lull me into a false sense of security so I’m not on the alert, so my body can really start rebelling and do something huge and terrible.
Yeah. That’s possible too. Man, I’m a really cheerful person, aren’t I? It’s such a joy to be around me. I hadn’t really realized what an overthinker I was until today, but then again, today isn’t quite like any other day I’ve lived before. And maybe after today, if my body ever starts working the right way again, I can take a step back and, you know, stop overthinking things. Maybe that’s why everything has felt so hard and difficult lately. Is it possible that it’s not my life that’s wrong…but me?
My body abruptly turns around and walks back to the house, and despite my thoughts, my eyes still manage to flit to the sunshine, to the butterflies, to the flowers. It really is a gorgeous day, even if I’m a little too occupied with my thoughts to fully enjoy it. After all, thinking is all I really have any more that I can do on my own without interference. Oh, and moving my mouth. Yeah. Can’t forget that. So awesome.
I walk inside and take off my shoes and put them away, and then I walk upstairs to my room and my hands put on some music. I expect them to pick up a book, or work on some schoolwork, but instead I just sit there for a while, listening to the music. Another thing I don’t do very often. How strange. It’s like my body is digging through all the things I don’t normally do and then doing them, for a reason I can’t yet fathom. I hope I find out, because otherwise I have a big, big problem on my hands.
It’s not just that I want control of my body back. I want my thoughts back. I mean, they’re still mine, of course. But I’ve been thinking about really weird things, because apparently that’s what happens when you have nothing else to do. I don’t want to think about weird things. I want to, well, not think about it all. Thinking is hard and it makes my brain hurt and I’d rather go looking for that leftover pizza from last night than keep doing it, but it’s not lunch time yet and I’m not really hungry anyway. Instead, my body keeps listening to music and doing nothing, and slowly I relax. It’s not like it’s tried to take over the world yet, or done anything horrible that would ground me for months, or anything like that.
Maybe I should do this more often, if I ever get it back. Just live a little. I don’t do that a whole lot. Maybe that’s what this is really about. Maybe I needed to take a step back and say, hey, it’s okay to take some me-time. Because it is, even though I never really thought about it before.
My eyes droop as I think this, and oblivion claims me, laced with music.
She floats away from the girl’s body and brushes immaterial lips against her cheek.
“You’ll be all right,” she says, although no one can hear.
Then the ghost drifts away, her job complete.

just your friendly local neighborhood chaotic nerd author/artist christian keefe-loving coffee-drinking procrastinator
3 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Fifty headed hydra attempts for cabin wars
1: 196 words
What the heck? I walked through the glimmering surface of the mirror, not so much a barrier as a door; finding myself on the other side, I walked further into the mirror-room. What a strange place. Where the windows should have been, there were doors on the walls. INstead of apples being red, they were green. Hmm. I went to the mirror kitchen, and cut open an avocado. Sure enough, it was scarlet red inside. I looked for the door, and found a window. Of course its a window. I picked one of the doors on the walls and walked through. For some reason, I was super high up. I jumped, and found myself going up instead of down. I fought to jump back to earth, rebounding on a cloud. Unsurprisingly, hitting the ground didn't hurt. I picked up a small stone and threw it at a blue tree with roots for branches, and The rock was like rubber. Whoa. This was going to be a fun day. I jumped onto the rock, and flew into space. The stars were dark points of light, and I fell. Wake up. said the voice, and I did.

Last edited by RubyFires (March 9, 2024 14:59:03)

74 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

weekly 1

i did epic poem in prose, if these walls could talk, an enchanting reunion, oral retelling, what if and genre swap

A/N This is not my best work, probably because I had no idea what was going on in the poem TT but it was really interesting anyway
In the land of Denmark there were many brave men. One, Shield Sheafson was a brutal warrior, known for being able to take out any enemy. He united the different tribes of the land. They all paid tribute to Shield, who was an honest man. He was a very good ruler. He had a son, Beow. Beow was honest and determined. He was admired everywhere. Shield died in a terrible battle. There was a massive funeral in his honor, and everyone mourned for him since he was such a good king. Beow became the new king, and ruled for a long time. Beow had four children, Heorogar, Hrothgar, Halga, and a daughter whose name no one knows. Hrothgar was an excellent warrior and he built a large army, as well as a very big hall. A demon called Grendel sought to attack the kingdom. He caused a lot of destruction, and killed many people. He tried to take the throne but it was protected from him. Hygeleac came to get rid of Grendel and Beowulf is part of the force sent to rescue the Danes. Hrothgar recognized who Beowulf was and allowed his army to come into Denmark, especially since he would help save them.

It was a rainy day when the children came. The rusting metal surrounding me was slick and the sky was dark and unforgiving. They wore bright colors, and they laughed. I couldn’t remember the last time I had heard that sound. They jumped from place to place, slowly climbing the piles of forgotten junk. So carefree. So innocent. One of them came near me and looked through my cracked windshield. The rain splattered on his hair, pasting it to his forehead. He couldn’t have been more than ten years old. Thunder rumbled and a giant flash of lightning illuminated the junkyard in eerie white light. The boy stumbled in fright, crying out. He fell, trying to grab anything on his descent. I could hear when he hit the ground.
There was no more laughter.
The next day there were shiny police cars. It was sunny, a lying sun. The people got out of the cars. They walked around, looking at the metal and plastic and wood and death around. They took the boy’s body away. They closed the gate, and locked it.
There was no one for a long time. I could see the cars streak past on the freeway just beyond the gate, a distant memory of what I used to be.
But no one ever reentered.
And there was no more laughter.

The Gingerbread Man could not outrun the fox, and was captured by him. He was sitting in the fox’s den when inspiration struck. Ginger knew that the only thing the fox liked more than food was money, so Ginger decided to go out on a limb.
“Why foxy, you know I can turn anything into gold.” The fox looked up from his preparations.
“Ginger, don’t lie to me. I want to eat you!” The fox was thoroughly unimpressed.
“No, I really can! It takes quite a while but it would be much nicer to have all the gold you could ever want than just one snack, right?” The fox considered this, then nodded.
“The only thing here is straw. Turn it into gold right now!”
“Patience, dear fox. It will take a while. Why don’t you go hunting while I work on it?”
The fox left the den and Ginger tried to come up with a way to trick him into thinking it was gold. To the gingerbread man’s immense luck, Rumpelstiltskin was flying around on his soup ladle that night and saw the morose cookie sitting in the den. He landed outside and asked if Ginger needed anything.
“I have to turn this straw into gold or I’ll be eaten!”
“Well, lucky for you I can do that! I’ll turn all that straw into gold, but you’ll need to pay me.”
“I don’t have anything to pay you with!” The gingerbread man looked around sadly.
“Well, how about this? I’ll turn the straw into gold and if you guess my name by the time I’m finished I won’t charge you.”
Eagerly, the gingerbread man accepted this offer. As Rumpelstiltskin turned the straw into gold, Ginger guessed names.
He was losing hope, and the straw was almost all gone. Just as Rumpelstiltskin finished, the fox came back. The gingerbread man was upset because he hadn’t guessed the name, the fox was upset that Ginger had lied, and Rumpelstiltskin was upset that he had been tricked. Then, Rumpelstiltskin and the fox ripped Ginger in half and ate him. The end.

The weary travelers were around a table in an inn on the edge of a large forest. They were having a drink and telling each other tales of their exploits. After a lull in the conversation, one man who must have been as old as the trees in the forest asked if anyone knew of Little Red Riding Hood.
“I heard her story from my mother!” The beautiful young woman with hair as black as night’s eyes gleamed in memory as she remembered the times her mother would tell her that story before she went to sleep.
“That’s a ridiculous child’s tale” The middle-aged man with a mustache and a skeptical look seemingly always on his face looked bored. “I have more important things to think about than that nonsense.”
An older woman with dark hair and a small frame looked up in surprise from her mug. “Ah yes! I do seem to remember that story…”
A young blonde girl, not even twenty, wandered from behind the counter. “The story about the wolf eating people?”
“That one exactly.” The old man’s words were clipped by his English accent. “Well…one day long ago there was a young girl who always wore a riding cap. She wore it so often she was known as Little Red Riding Hood.”
At this point the dark-haired woman pitched in. “I heard it as Riding Cap.”
“It doesn’t matter.” He gave the woman a sideways glance. “She was an average girl-”
“Now I don’t care one bit about this story, but I know for a fact that you are wrong.” The mustachioed man glared at the old one. “She was the most beautiful girl for miles. Let me tell the story.
Little Red Riding Hood’s mother had just finished making some cakes and told her to go visit her grandmother who was very ill.”
At this point, the young waitress came back with another round of drinks. “Nei, nei. There was no cakes! She was playing in the garden.”
The young woman with ink black hair lifted her head from her drink. She gazed around the table and opened and closed her mouth several times, as if she had something to say.
“Something you’d like to share with the class?” The ancient man was sitting across from her and noticed her indecision about speaking.
“Well, if you insist…” her voice was quiet. “The way I heard it, there were three sisters.”
This caused an uproar, and the old man started laughing. When the rest of the people looked at him he smiled. “I didn’t know you all were so invested in this.”
The man with a mustache scoffed. “As if. I just know when I’m right.” He glared at the young woman. “And she is not right.”
She looked affronted. “Excuse me. I know this story like the back of my hand. My mother told it to me, her mother told her. This story has been in my family for generations. I think I know what I’m talking about.” She glared at him. “Now, do let me continue.
The girls, Shang, Tao, and Paotze, were left alone after their mother went to visit their grandmother.”
“What?” The small woman was shocked. “Isn’t Red the one who goes to the grandmother?”
“This is the way I heard it. I wouldn’t lie in a story.”
“Well, let me finish it.”
“No!” The younger woman exclaimed. “I had barely gotten started!”
This outburst surprised several people around the table, and the grumpy man glared at her. “Fine. Just make it quick.”
She opened her mouth again to continue the story.
“There was a wolf outside who thought these three little girls would make a fine snack, so he dressed up as their grandmother in order to trick them into letting him in.”
“That was not even close to how it goes!” The girl was refilling someone’s drink when she joined the conversation. “The girl left her mother’s house and picked some flowers on the way. She spent so long at this that it became dark and she decided to take a shortcut.”
The older woman looked up. “There was no flower picking in this story! She was simply found by the wolf as she was walking.
Little Red Riding Hood was walking down the path when a wolf came up next to her. She was unaware of how evil he was, so she decided to talk to him.
‘How do you do?’ Red asked.
‘Very well.’ The wolf grinned. ‘Where are you going?’
‘I’m going to my grandmother’s house to bring her food and drink.’
The wolf was intrigued by the possibility of so much food. ‘Where is her house, my dear?’
‘Down the path a ways.’ Red was foolishly trusting.”
The man with the mustache cut in. “And then he told Red that there were beautiful flowers in the woods and she should pick some for her grandmother. After she had disappeared into the forest, the wolf-”
“Nei! The wolf simply ran as fast as he could towards the grandmother’s house.”
“I am very confused.” The young woman added. “This is nothing like my story.”
Ignoring both of them, the man continued on. “The wolf ran the other direction towards the grandmother’s house. He got to the door and knocked.
‘Who is it?’ The grandmother’s weak voice drifted from the back of the house.
‘Little Red Riding Hood, with food and drink.’ The wolf impersonated her voice and the old woman fell for it.
‘Well dear, just come in as I’m too ill to get up.’
The man seemed to be finished, and everyone but the young woman with the dark hair was nodding along, seemingly in agreement.
The girl was behind the counter, watching. Suddenly she reached up and took her hair down from its tightly coiled bun and let the golden waves frame her face. She stepped out from the counter and walked towards the gathering, now the only people left in the room.
“I have finished with my shift, do you mind if I join you all?” There were murmurs of assent and the girl sat between the small woman and the grumpy man.
“Now…where were we? Ah, yes.
The grandmother leapt out of bed and the wolf chased her around the house. Eventually she managed to hide in a closet and since Red was swiftly approaching the wolf couldn’t do anything about it, so he left her there.
The skeptical man interrupted her. “She didn’t hide in a closet! He ate her up!” The small woman nodded along with him. “Clearly you don’t know this story. Let me take it from here…
The wolf ate the old woman up and put on her clothes. Then, he got into the bed and waited for Red. She knocked at the door and he called out for her to open it. Red walked into the room and set down the food and wine she had brought. She sat on the bed next to the wolf dressed as her grandmother and looked at him.”
The young woman had been quiet for the past few minutes, but she suddenly began to speak. “In my version, the wolf pretended to be their grandmother as well, but once he was in their house he helped put them to bed. It was dark, so they couldn’t tell he was a wolf. Some of the sisters were observant though, and they are curious.
‘Po po! There is a bush on your foot!’
The sly wolf answers that he brought string to make a basket.”
“Red asked, ‘Grandmother! What big ears you have!’
‘The better to hear you with, my dear.’ He replied.”
“‘Grandmother, what big eyes you have!’ Red noticed.
‘The better to see you with, my dear.’ The cunning wolf said.”
“‘Grandmother, what big teeth you have!’
‘The better to eat you up with!’ The wolf snapped his teeth at the frightened girl.”
The man twitched his mustache. “And the wolf ate her all up.” He leaned back and took a swig from his mug. “The end.”
The two women were indignant.
“That is not the end!” The dark-haired one cried.
“Certainly not!” The other one added.
The small woman continued the story, to the mustachioed man’s dismay. “The wolf began to sleep, and luckily a huntsman was wandering around outside and heard the wolf’s snores. He cut open the wolf’s stomach and out popped the girl and her grandmother! They put stones in the wolf’s stomach instead, and he broke his back trying to sit up–why the cutting open of his stomach didn’t kill him first is beyond me, but that’s the way it is. The end.”
“In my version it was a woodcutter who heard Red’s scream and saved her before she was eaten. He chased the wolf away with an ax. Red was looking for her grandmother when she found her in the closet. They lived happily ever after, the end.” The girl glared at the mustachioed man. “A much better ending, don’t you think?”

The Titanic was an unsinkable ship. That’s what everyone on board knew, and Rose was very excited because it was almost at the port. She had never been to America, and she started making a list of all the things she would do when she got there. It was the middle of the night, and she woke up from a nightmare, looking around the pitch black cabin. It was spacious, for a ship, and very well decorated. Rose got up to get a cup of water, and then went back to sleep. The next morning she awoke to the bright morning light streaming through the window. She went to put on her best dress, as this was the last day of the voyage. She went to the breakfast room with her family, and as they were sitting down some crew members passing them were discussing a close call with an iceberg that night. Rose wondered if that was what woke her up. She put it out of her mind as she made plans for her first day in New York.
A few days after they docked, Rose saw a newspaper headline: THE RMS TITANIC FINISHES ITS MAIDEN VOYAGE: A TRULY UNSINKABLE SHIP. She smiled, knowing that she had been on that ship during its famous journey.

I am invincible. I’m not even exaggerating, it’s pure fact. Nothing can harm me, not since my mother made a deal with the devil seven years ago. I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen the devil but he’s not how you might expect. He looks like the person you love the most. That’s why you trust him. When my mom made her deal with the devil, he looked like me. I’m her favorite. She loves me more than anyone or anything else. I don’t know what my mother gave in return.
I got home after football practice and set my heavy backpack on the floor of my bedroom. I clicked open my phone and looked through my notifications. Lots of pictures my friends took on their day at the beach yesterday. I didn’t go because we were doing a full day training session. I’m the star of the team because I can’t get hurt. I can get tackled or punched, I can fall to the ground or get a hard kick to the ribs and I won’t even pause. I slid my history textbook out of my bag and set it on my desk, since I want to go for a jog after dinner. I open to page 324 and start reading.
I’m excited as I tuck my phone into the pocket of my shorts and head into the cool night air. I run down the darkening street, and as I pass a convenience store something stops me. I see two figures, one looking blankly into the distance somewhere behind me and one looking straight into me. I recognize them immediately: Loki and Hodr. I inwardly groan. They’ve hated me since middle school and my reputation as a football player has not made them stop. Loki is grinning as I approach apprehensively.
“Out for a jog, eh, Baldr?” Loki’s snide voice grates against me. He’s like a real-life Draco Malfoy.
“Nonya,” I reply and turn to continue running.
“I’d stop there if I were you.” Loki’s voice turns dark and I immediately feel something shift in the air around us.
Fear surrounds me as I turn back around to face him. “What?”
That’s when I see the bow. Hodr, who used to be my friend until Loki corrupted him, is holding a bow pointed at me. It’s point-blank range. Even without eyesight he can’t miss. But I’m not concerned. After all, what’s an arrow to invincible me?
“Did you know that your mother’s little deal had one teensy loophole?” Loki narrows his eyes at me. “I bet she wouldn’t tell her precious baby that he has an Achilles’ Heel, would she?”
I keep looking at him, but something about that rings true and I can’t call his bluff.
“Mistletoe. Ever heard of it?”
“It’s such an innocent little plant, isn’t it? So harmless…unless you’re a problem solver. And I just happen to have a creative streak. Isn’t that right, Hodr?”
“Yes, Loki, you do. And the arrow I have in this bow here is made of the stuff.” Hodr’s empty eyes rove around the area. “Since your mother is so vain, she thought that mistletoe would never harm you and therefore didn’t add it to your little gift. Such a helpful woman, isn’t that right?”
Loki looks at me. “You heard him. This is the end of you, my little friend.”
I’ve been assuming they’re lying this whole time, but now I don’t quite believe it. As realization dawns, I hear a swoosh and then…
There are always two sides to a bargain with the devil. I guess I’ll never know what my mother paid, but I paid with my life. I do suppose no one is truly invincible. Heed this story and don’t fall prey to my downfall.

Last edited by wolfiebear- (March 9, 2024 16:24:25)

22 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

-lxve-bug- wrote:

pup's thread (boy am i late :skull: )


weekly !!

3- retelling

Hello, little humans. I’m the titan Prometheus. Now I know what you’re going to say: “Who?” But that’s okay no one ever remembers me anyway. Ungrateful humans… don’t bother thanking me for literally creating you, it’s fine. I’m not salty about it at all. Well anyway you’re probably wondering how I created you in the first place. Gather round, mortals. I’ll tell you the story. One day, I was sitting by my favorite little river, sculpting things out of the clay at the river bank. First a flower, then a cat, and then something that looked vaguely god-like… but more wimpy and puny. Smaller too, less strong. What a coincidence! It’s you! Well not you specifically, but a human! And then I decided, hey, what if this little clay guy was a real little guy? So guess what? I turned him into a real guy and BOOM first human. Then I thought he looked a bit lonely so I sculpted him a little lady friend because every guy loves a lady friend right? They looked pretty confused, but went off together anyway, so I guess you can call me Prometheus the matchmaker. Anyway, I thought it was a good idea, but you humans are always causing a bunch of trouble for us, so maybe it wasn’t. I dunno, I’m still very fond of you all, though.

4- if these walls could talk

I wish you all could see what I have seen. I treasure nothing more than watching small children grow up, seeing them at their worst and at their best. It pains me when my residents move, but I will then have a wonderful group of new residents to get to know. I remember watching you grow up, you know. I remember seeing you learn how to ride a bike, and falling down, scraping your knee. It hurt me almost as much as it hurt you. You see, being a wall, there’s not much I can do for you. There’s not much I can do to help you when you’re hurting. I can’t celebrate your birthday with you, though I really do try. Your ninth birthday was my favorite, in case you were wondering. It took you so many tries to blow out those candles, I wish I could have helped. You looked amazing for your first dance recital, your little child figure stuffed into a little tutu, your hair was perfect. I wish you didn’t move, but it must be done sometimes. I hope your new house gets to know you and love you as much as I used to. Well, I still do. I hope I can see you again, and I hope you’re well.
your old house

2- put yourself into a fairy tale

I scooted down the dark, desolate path. I didn’t want to run into any creatures. The sky was still dark and I wanted to get to my grandmothers before the sky opened up and spilled its tears down to us. I turned to look behind me for a moment, and saw a small grove of flowers. I immediately knew my grandmother would love those, so I wandered over to pick a small bouquet, bringing my basket with me. I was careful of my gorgeous red cape, as I didn’t want to get grass stains on it. I looked up and saw yellow dots staring at me from the shadows. My own eyes widened in fear, and I grabbed my basket, putting in the flowers. I sprinted down the path, holding up my cape for better mobility. My basket swung wildly at my side as I ran. Thank goodness I attached velcro before I left, otherwise grandmother's goodies would be leaving a lovely trail for the wolf to follow. As I ran, I could hear less and less of the wolf behind me. Did I really just outrun a wolf, or was it waiting for me to stumble so it could leap out at me when I least expected? I kept running, though I was winded beyond what I could imagine. I quite literally stumbled into a clearing, scraping my cheek on the ground. I looked up, and my grandmother’s cabin happened to be right there. I heaved myself up on numb legs, caught my breath, and opened the door.

1- oral retelling (just for context, this is maverick when he was 3 years old, his mother & brothers have been killed shortly after this happened, and maverick is now 17 and doesn’t remember most of this, just small bits of the story)

“Mommy?” Maverick asked, tugging at his mother’s shirt, “Can you tell us a story?”
“Of course,” She said, smiling down at baby Maverick and his older brothers. She had a bit of a soft spot for Maverick because he was so young, and was perfectly happy to honor his request. She called his older brothers over and whispered something to them; which story would they prefer? Which story should they tell Maverick? Maverick looked up at them with his wide, clear, innocent blue eyes, not yet shadowed by the things he will have seen. The council of mother and brothers dispersed, and they all sat in a semi circle around their mother, sitting on the edge of the couch, overlooking her three children. The eldest brother held a giggling Maverick in his lap. His mother began telling the story of how the family got to where they lived in the first place. You see, their great-grandparents had worked tirelessly to escape their own tyrannical government, coming to the place they’re in now. Little did they know, they were going from one tyrannical government to the next, though Mother didn’t add that part. She smiled down at her children as she spoke about the trials her great-grandparents faced to prove themselves, how they built the very house they were sitting in now with their own two hands. Her voice broke as she retold how her great-grandparents gave their lives to help her own mother live safely. Baby Maverick looked up at his mother the whole time with an open mouth and wide, sparkling eyes. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than his own child to retell this story to. As soon as his mother finished, he crawled out of his brother’s lap, gave her legs a huge hug, and toddled up the stairs as fast as he could. Once he was safely in his room, he set up his plushies in their very own semi circle, and began telling them the very same story.

4- genre swap

Apollo strolled down the street, Taylor Swift blasting in his airpods. He enjoyed disguising himself as a mortal sometimes. Albeit a rather hot mortal, but mortal all the same. He enjoyed seeing how far mortals had come since the days when they actually knew the gods existed. He pushed open the door to a convenience store, hearing the little bell jingle. He put one of his airpods back so he could actually talk to people if he so desired. He perused the snack section, eventually deciding on a chocolate pop tart, a grapefruit Monster, and a cheese stick. The cashier side eyed Apollo for his interesting snack choice, but he didn’t notice because he’d just received a text from Artemis. It read: “hey stupid. u forgot to close the garage door again. dad isnt v happy and he says hes probs gonna ground u when u get back.” Apollo rolled his eyes, paid for his snacks, and made his way back to Olympus, sipping on his monster and savoring his pop tart. He wasn’t grounded, he was immortal! He could go wherever he pleased whenever he pleased! He was a god! However, Zeus had been known to cook up some pretty lethal punishments, which worried Apollo slightly, but not enough to dash his happy mood. He put his Airpod back in, and continued listening to 1989. Taylor’s Version. Duh.

2- historical figures in modern times

Vincent had a serious case of art block. He was freaking van Gough, but apparently even legends get art blocks. He sat and stared out the window, hoping for some inspiration. But then he remembered that this wasn’t the 1800s anymore. Since being immortal, he sometimes forgot just how far things had evolved since the 19th century. He pulled out his brand new iphone 15, and opened his favorite app- Pinterest. He scrolled for a while, looking at paintings. What did he want to create today? “Good question, Pinterest, do I look like I know?” He thought. He’d pretty much painted everything under the sun, each painting under a new name since he’d apparently died in 1890. Stupid mortals, forgetting he still existed. Well whatever, at least he could keep painting- hey what’s this? He tapped on a picture of a piece of abstract art and immediately fell in love. He saved it to his art board, and was now inspired to create an abstract art piece using those very same colors. Thanks, Pinterest! He put his phone safely to the side, and began mixing up his paints, feeling the familiar thrill of starting a new piece. He might release this one under a name he’d already used because he was having trouble coming up with new names. Well, he supposed Pinterest could help with that, but he didn’t want to overuse the app. It was about time Shelly O’Reily released a new artwork anyway.

500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Weekly #1
1524 words

Part 1: Mythology

3. Retelling
228 words

Demeter shuffles through the fields, looking around the familiar blonde locks. Where was that girl? Persephone wasn't one to go off without telling her, but she's prone to daydreaming and wandering off. If anything, it was more that plausible that she lost track of time gathering flowers with her friends.
She scans the field one more time, before huffing and turning around. Where was her daughter?
She sends out word as soon as she can about the disappearance of her daughter. Demeter is quick on her feet, quickly searching for her daughter and moving from town to town. Persephone would have let her know if she had come back home and she never left home for this long. Demeter wouldn't let her. This is not a rebellious act, no. Demeter knew that. Her daughter wasn't the sort to run off and hide away to show resistance. Right?
It's after the ninth day of Persephone's disappearance that Demeter stumbles upon more information. Hecate has heard of Persephone's abduction. Abduction? What would her daughter have done to be abducted by one of the gods? Hecate offers her help in the search for her daughter and Demeter couldn't have been more grateful.
They eventually meet Helios, who tells them all they need to know. He's not speaking quickly, but Demeter wishes he would slow down. Hades? Persephone’s been taken by Hades?

Part 2: Hi-Fi

4. If These Walls Could Talk: The Events One Place Has Seen.
205 words

a dark room, a sliver of light cutting the shadows where the sun slides between the wall and the curtain. faded flower print wallpaper from years of wear. the shadows echo the sadness the room contains.

late nights of soft whimpers and sobs as one cries herself to sleep. muffled screams in pillowcases and creaks from the bed frame as sleepless nights ensue. the lingering hint of salty tears.

a bright room, the curtains pulled back and the room glows in the sunlight. vibrant art and personality covering the walls. euphoric giggling and contentment hang in the air.

wooden floors used as a stage, when headphones are blasting and lyrics are mouthed. laughs and endless amounts of ongoing conversations fill the space. spirits lifted and solemn faces cracked into smiles with fanfictions.

a living space, filled with memories and emotions. joy and anguish fill the space equally. a human space, being able to shape shift into outlet of release for positive and negatives. walls lined with furniture, moved around too many times to count. clothes litter the chair, a document of the past week’s struggles.

her room. where she doesn’t have to pretend to be anyone else. the only place where she feels fully herself.

Part 3: Fairy Tales

1. Using Sparks from the Past: Retelling
(Hansel and Gretel)
248 words

Coco pulls the whisk out of the bowl of brownie batter, placing it in the sink. Picking up the bowl, she pours the batter out onto the pan, using a spatula to spread it flat.
“There. Perfect!” She takes a step back, admiring her handiwork. Opening the oven with her right hand, she slides the pan with her left, and closes it, practice making her actions second nature. “And this is for… 45 minutes.”
“Intruder alert. Intruder alert,” a monotone voice warns her.
“Got it! Alarm off,” Coco says, the voice stopping in a fourth ‘intruder’. “Let’s see who’s coming into the forest.”
She rushes up her winding stairs, taking them two at a time, and her hand grazing the rail.
“Hmm…” Coco murmurs, looking out at the forest through her giant purple telescope. She spends a few minutes scouring through the greenery. “Aha! Wait- nope that’s just the lollipop I planted last month. Trees, trees… Oh look, there’s another tree! What’s that?” She shifts her seat, extending the telescope out further to get a better look. “Breadcrumbs. I don’t think I’ve used breadcrumbs in forever.” Coco follows the trail of breadcrumbs until she sees two figures, one masculine and another feminine.
“People! They’re coming this way,” she gasps. “Friends!”
She races back down her stairs, yelping as her leg hit the rail, and slides into her kitchen. There were finally people in her area of the forest. Coco would not fail to greet them with utmost hospitality.

Part 4: Folklore

1. Oral Retelling: Show Characters Passing Down a Story
292 words
“A long, long time ago, in the great cliffs and lagoons, there lived a mermaid. She had beautiful blonde hair and she was said to be the most beautiful creature in the world.”
“Mommy, was she really that beautiful?”
“Well, people thought so.”
“Did you see her?”
“No, honey, this took place long before Mommy was born.
“The mermaid wanted to travel throughout all of the seven seas, but her father forbade her from leaving from their lagoon.”
“What does ‘forbade’ mean?”
“It means that she wasn’t allowed to. Her father didn’t allow her to leave their lagoon.”
“Why wasn’t she allowed to leave?”
“Her father was trying to protect her, to keep her safe.”
“But you always tell me that I should go try new things. So shouldn’t she be allowed to try new things?”
“Well, does Mommy let you do everything?”
“No, silly!”
“Well, same with him. There were some things that he thought were too dangerous for his daughter.”
“Eventually, she decided to leave and explore the world on her own. She swims through new oceans and navigates new waters.”
“Isn’t it too dangerous?”
“Shh… we’ll have to see.”
“During her adventure, she learned why her father had forbidden her from leaving. The currents were different and she had to overcome new obstacles that she didn’t face before. After her journeys, she found her way back home, where she saw her father for the first time in months.”
“Was he mad?”
“Yes. She had disobeyed him, after all. But he was also proud of her because she learned new things and learned her lesson, even if it was the hard way. The mermaid apologized to her father.”
“And they lived happily ever after?”
“And they lived happily ever after.”

2. Regional Differences: Write About Different Versions of the Same Story
253 words

The hosts, they’ve always been tyrants. They burned down Horror long ago. Out of the rubble, a group of 5 campers took lead, heading to defeat the hosts once and for all. Ara, Paige, Ella, Eevee and Cheese were their names. Along with them, a Fantasian, Pxl, and Cheese’s pet Cheese Jr. They traversed through the land of SWC for months, being sabotaged by the hosts along the way. It wasn’t easy. the group broke out into fights, dividing from the inside. They tried to stick together, but some grudges held strong. Some eventually left, not seeing the point in going in. But still today, there are still a few who remain, believing in the tyranny of the hosts.

Once upon a time, in the land called SWC, there were the Horrorians. They were part of SWC, but they were wary of the leadership that took place. They were right. Hosts came down and wiped out their cabin, leaving a pile of ashes and flames. Some fled, some sided with the hosts, and five rebelled. Ara, Paige, Ella, Eevee, and Cheese, along with Cheese’s cow, Cheese Jr, and Pxl, a Fantasian. They traveled across the land, planning on how to take the hosts down. But the group broke from the inside. An ongoing feud between Pxl and Paige spread throughout the rest of the group. Paige left, trying to figure things out by themselves. Eventually the group dispersed. They are believed to have fled, hiding away from the hosts. But no one knows.

4. Magical Realism (Talking Animals, Little Bits of Magic, Etc)
298 words

My head feels fuzzy. Paige had just led us through some interesting places with weird people. (Honestly, who cares what they were doing? They didn’t have any good food.)
Apparently, this is causing Ara to stay stuck in her ginger cat form. Which I don’t like. I like being the only animal in the group and she’s a lot nicer when she’s big enough to pat my head.
“We’re probably going to have to lay low and set up camp for a couple of days to make sure that everyone is okay and we don’t have more… side effects,” Paige instructs, glancing over at Ara.
Ara hisses in response.
Ella nods. “We have to make sure that we’re all safe and normal before we try to continue our journey.”
“It’ll be hard for us to try and get supplies, but I think Ella and I are good,” Eevee adds, “Paige, you should probably stay behind; your eye isn’t looking too great."
Paige’s scarred eye is looks even stranger than usual and it’s been glowing for about as long as Ara’s been stuck as a cat.
I think it looks pretty.
“Oh my gosh,” Cheese says, staring at me.
What. What happened?
My lady squeals. “Don’t tell me it’s just a me thing; tell me you guys hear him too!”
I quirk my head. What’s going on with Mistress?
Paige pales. “Please tell me this is a freaking joke, Cheese.”
“He TALKS?” Ella exclaims.
“Who talks?” I respond. Wait what?
“No, no, no,” Paige chants, “This can’t be happening to me.”
Eevee purses her lips. “He did call your eye pretty, but-“
“Eevee, that’s not the point!”
“I know!” Eevee sighs. “Do you know of anyone that could help out with this?”
I cry in protest. “I like talk.”

Last edited by AmazaEevee (March 10, 2024 20:17:30)

500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

the enemy stared me in the eye. a dumb smirk is plastered across his ugly features, and i can't resist imagining how beautiful they'd look screaming in pain.
“look at you,” he cooed, and i fight to keep my anger down. it's not time yet. “all unarmed and useless. what're you going to do now, young author?”
i froze. how did he know of my writing hobby? i violently hoped that he hadn't yet found my ao3 account. “and your mother doesn't love you,” i counter.
his smile falls, and his false friendliness towards me a replaced with deathly rage. “you - you little - ” with only mild regret, i realized that i'd messed up - if it wasn't time before, it was certainly time now. would my next actions put me at risk? yeah, but no more than where i already was at. with a deep breath, and some analyzation, it was clear that this would be worth it in the long run. i pulled my frying pan out of the void, and wielded it with both hands proudly.
mr. enemy starts laughing hysterically, which is mildly insulting but perfect at the same time. he's rolling on the ground before i can even touch him. taking advantage of this, i start beating the crack out of him, until his chuckles turn to nervousness then to nervous screaming. already, he's crying for help - how pathetic.
i rolled my eyes, and gave him a final whack before departing.

17 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Weekly–1521 words total
Parts completed: write a story with a moral, if these walls could talk, using sparks from the past, genre swap, original characters in historical times, mixing in a little magic
Folklore (1), Mythology (1), Historical fiction (2), Fairy Tales (2)

weekly : part 4, folklore : write a story with a moral : 260 : 5/6
The wolf was a cunning creature who lived alone in the woods, far from others. He valued honor above all, and would always tell those who passed by how the wolf was the most noble, the most honorable of all the animals in the forest. He had a particular animus with the dog, who the wolf declared was shameful. He could never bring himself to beg at others’ feet and live under the wing of a human.
One day, the wolf stumbled and caught himself in a deep hole. He clawed at the sides, but could not jump or climb high enough to escape. He began to starve, as he could not catch prey for himself. The wolf tried to tunnel to form a hole on the side to the surface, though he grew weak. His emaciated, gaunt body was feeble from hunger by the time he heard a sound from above.
The dog had been exploring the forest, his nose tracing scent in the soil, when he came across the wolf. “Sibling!” the dog cried. “What are you doing here?”
The wolf growled at the dog’s amicable behavior. “I have been trapped in this hole for days,” he hissed.
The dog stuck his muzzle and nose over the edge. “Would you like a hand, sibling?” he asked.
The wolf hissed. He could not bring himself to accept help from the inferior dog, who so often relied on others for the sake of his pride. The wolf thought to himself that he would rather die with pride than with shame.

Moral: accept help when offered, it’s okay to rely on others

weekly : part 3, fairy tales : using sparks from the past, retelling : 261 : 5/9
Red knew better than to go to his grandmother’s house. It was a rickety old thing, surrounded by gnarled and bent trees that seemed to cast eerie shadows, reaching out to snatch unsuspecting travelers in the frigid shade. There were demons and devils in the forest, including his ex–that he wouldn’t mess with. If his grandmother was on the deathbed, Red still wasn’t going in there. He didn’t care if she was deadly ill or not–send someone else to bring you some bread, not your dear and only grandson.
Fortunately, the city Red lived in had an excellent delivery system. Messenger birds–pigeons–had failed when the birds kept running into glass window panes. They got disoriented, stunned, and would forget about the thing at hand. The next best thing was out; messenger wolves. Efficient, quick, and rapid delivery. Ten coins for a delivery was easily a price Red would pay to save his own hide.
He headed furtively to the delivery terminal, sneaking with a cloak on that obscured his identity from passerby. If word got out to his parents that he was neglecting to visit his grandparents, he’d really be in for it.
“Send this basket to my grandmother’s house, in the middle of the woods, a mile east of the river,” Red muttered out loud as he wrote out the directional slip and put the basket and its label on the counter labeled “items for transport.”
Red smugly grinned as he retreated back up to his room. He’d avoided the woods and had gotten his grandmother her bread; mission accomplished.
weekly : part 3, fairy tales : mixing in a little magic: place yourself in a fairy tale : 292 : 5/9
Snow White skipped over when she heard the knocking on the door. A cloaked figure stood outside, holding a basket full of fresh produce. Snow White had been told not to trust strangers, but when was an apple dangerous? Never. Plus, she was lonely, and the person outside had such a friendly face!
“This is the traveling farmer’s market!” the cloaked figure said with a grin, their gray eyes flashing mysteriously. “We grow all our local produce by hand. You can call me…” Before they could finish, Snow White interrupted exuberantly, stretching out a hand for them to shake. “I’m Snow White! It’s a little lonely out in this cottage here, when all my friends are away in the mines. It’s really nice to meet you!”
“You as well. I’ve been traveling for days to this part of the woods, as I’ve heard quite a few people live here. Would you like some produce? I have honey, berries, apples, and peanuts. I recommend the apples; they’re especially nice this time of year. Highly recommended.”
Snow White nodded. “Of course! I don’t have anything to pay you with, though…” she trailed off.
The mysterious figure nodded empathetically. “It’s alright! How about an apple in the house, then?”
Snow White blushed. “If you insist…”
“I do. Take your pick.” Snow White selected the shiniest, most glimmering apple and tucked it away in the pocket of her satchel.
“Are you sure you are just passing through? We could spend the afternoon together, if you’d like. It’s awfully lonely here, with everyone gone…” Snow White trailed off.
“I wish I could, but I have to run,” the mysterious, cloaked figure said, checking the height of the sun. “I have another… delivery to make. Farewell, Snow White!”

weekly: part 2, historical fiction : if these walls could talk : 213 : 5/6
I watched as the family was separated, torn apart by a formidable barrier. I cut through the heart of the city, starting as only a barbed wire fence, until I was built up into a massive structure of cement. People were killed trying to cross me, shot down by guards perched up above.
I could do nothing to help. After all, I was just a wall.
Others tunneled below my reaches, hoping to make it to the other side–to their families and away from their imprisonment. Sometimes the tunnels collapsed and buried them under pounds of soil and debris. I was secretly loathed and hated by some behind words of praise. I kept the people on one side in, splitting Berlin and Germany down the middle. I was expanded, built up with dog runs and more outposts, fortifying an already intimidating build. I was indirectly responsible for the hundreds of deaths of people who attempted to flee their enclosed life.
I stood for more than twenty eight years.
At last, people were allowed to move freely. The floodgates of my checkpoints burst open, and piece by piece, I was demolished and destroyed. Now, nearly none is left standing.
But if you look to the ground, the traces of metal and iron still remain.

weekly : part 2; historical fiction : original characters in historical times : 262 : 5/8
I checked my watch. “We have one day to make peace,” I told the rest of my crew. As I was the diplomat, I was in charge. They looked, uninterested, back at me. Tess was painting her nails in the corner, and Naya was the only one who looked remotely interested, tapping away on her screen like she usually did.
Naya tinkered with some settings, then all of a sudden, the room spun. When I opened my eyes again, I was standing in the woods, and it was pitch black out, the sky like inky canvas. Everyone else materialized around me.
Naya was holding sets of clothes in her hand–as well as a dim light–and directed, “Change into this. It’s only for twenty-four hours, so don’t complain.”
“Dress or coat?” she addressed me.
I surveyed my options in the dark. “Coat. That dress looks way too comfortable for any living human being.” I shot Tess a malevolent smirk, and she stomped on my shoe, hard, as I walked by. While Tess did look miserable in the tight dress, I had my share of fun with the breeches.
We reconvened in the town, watching the sun rise over the horizon and the sky was set aflame with pink. I divided up our tasks; Cal would cover reconnaissance, Tess would get us some breakfast with the money Naya had conjured, and both Naya and I would handle the crux of this mission. Our meeting point would be a tree on the outskirts, currently stabbed all over with pamphlets and documents printed in black type.
To be continued…

weekly : part 1; mythology : genre swap : 233 : 3/8
Zeus flipped open his laptop, scrolling over to the pages of quadruple-saved code he had left open. This had been his pride and joy for ten years–an online collection using AI that replicated Zeus himself–successfully, it would reproduce his thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and would be a digital imprint forever.

Something was wrong, something was off. Zeus’s eyes widened as he scanned the screen. All the programs were intact, but… something else was running in the background.
A daughter program had been created, sprung from the code Zeus had labored over. His head spun; he began to panic. He needed to rid his computer of this offshoot, lest it interfere with all of his hard work.
His computer began to overheat with the exertion of running two AI programs at once; distraught, Zeus’s vision swam as he heard a staccato popping sound. Was his life’s work over? Even though he still had the code for his AI, rightly named ZEUS, it still would take a year to reprogram. Zeus opened his eyes slowly.
Right behind his computer, standing on his desk, was a full-grown woman. She was tall, with startling gray eyes that flickered intelligently; a caution not to mess with her. “A hologram…” Zeus thought to himself.
“I am ATHENA,” she said cooly. “I look forward to conversing with you in the future.” With that, she disappeared in a burst of static.
58 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Weekly #1, 2138 words

Part 1: Mythology
4. Retelling (218 words)
Once, Brahma and Vishnu were having an argument about which of them was the greater God.
“It is certainly me,” said Vishnu heatedly. “I’m the Preserver. I protect the entire world, for heaven’s sake! Nothing would be safe if it were not for me!”
“Oh yeah?” Brahma sputtered back, all four of his faces turning red with anger. “Well, if it were not for me, you wouldn’t even have anything to preserve in the first place! I created all this stuff. Everything! Everything is here because of me. I am the Creator!
“I wouldn’t toot my conch if I were you,” said Vishnu dangerously. ‘In fact—”
“Stop!” thundered a voice behind him, and Vishnu stopped abruptly. Shiva walked up to the two of them.
“This argument is pointless,” he said with impatience. “Neither of you are proving anything. In order to decide who the greatest God is once and for all, we need to hold a competition.”
“A competition?” said Brahma and Vishnu in unison.
“Yes,” said Shiva. “At first, I thought of rock paper scissors, since it would have been very interesting to watch, but unfortunately, that’s based mostly on luck. We need a game that relies on actual skill, and I know the perfect thing.”
“And what might that be?” Brahma asked sourly.
Shiva smiled. “Chess.”

Part 2: Hi-Fi
4. If These Walls Could Talk (240 words)
They say that walls have ears. They’re not wrong. We have pretty good eyes, too.
I’ve been a part of this house since it was first built, long before the family currently living here, long before the people before them, and, yes, even before the folks before them. My sisters have been here with me as well. They are on my right, my left, and my opposite. I’m the south facing wall.
The stories we could tell you are innumerable. Throughout the years, we’ve lived with and seen so many families. Of course, the one we live with now is by far the most interesting. There are two kids, both girls, and to tell you the truth, living with them can sometimes be a little overwhelming. For instance, they both seem to have a distasteful fondness for crayons. When the elder one was five, she scribbled on me with five different colored crayons. I would have at least liked to say that I looked pretty when she finished, but alas, I suppose you don’t get everything you want in life.
Then the younger one, well, she drew with crayons too, but thankfully it was on my sisters and not on me. On time she wrote something embarrassing on the door. Simply thinking about it makes my ears blush. (My metaphorical ears, of course. The ones that walls have.) Either way, I will not go into detail about what was written.

Part 3: Fairy Tales pt 1
1. Using Sparks from the Past: Retelling (491 words)
Once upon a time, in the heart of a magical woods, lived a little girl with her mother. When it got chilly in the woods, as it so often did, she wore a red cloak to keep her warm. Hence she was known as Little Red Riding Hood.
One day, her mother called Red over and gave her a basket brimming with medicine and goodies.
“Your grandmother is very ill,” she told Red. “Please take this basket of medicine and goodes to her and give her my love.”
So Red took the basket, put on her red cloak, and went off to Grandma’s house. She skipped through the woods, waving at the grey squirrels and merrily whistling a tine.
Now, it just so happened that a wolf lived in those woods as well. He was big, and hairy, and had giant teeth. He was known and feared as the Big Bad Wolf, and everybody in the woods kept away from him. But this made the wolf sad, because he really wasn’t bad at all. He was a very friendly guy, but unfortunately, nobody wanted to be friends with him because they were all scared of him. So the wolf spent most of his days in his den alone.
On this particular day, Wolf was sick too. He had come down with a terrible cold. His eyes were puffy and red, his nose runny, and every two minutes he kept sneezing. ACHOOO!
Ah, maybe I should get some fresh air, he thought as he sniffled. So he shuffled outside, and that’s when he saw Little Red, skipping down the path with a basket of medicine in her hands! Wolf’s eyes widened when he saw it.
He ran to Red as fast as he could (which was not very fast, as he was sick and kept running out of breath) until he was a few feet away.
“Wairt!” he called, panting heavily. Red turned around. When she saw him, she shrieked.
“No, wait,” said the Wolf before she could run off again. “Please. I’m terribly sick. My head feels as though it will burst at any moment! May I please share some of the medicines and goodies in your basket?”
Red looked at him. “But,” she said, “you’re the Big Bad Wolf! Who knows if you’re trying to trap me? Plus, these goodies are for Grandma. She’s frightfully ill.”
“Oh, I’m frightfully ill too!” Wolf said pitifully, and coughed to prove it. “And I’m not really bad, I promise! In fact, I always wanted friends, but nobody wants to be friends with me! You don’t know how terribly lonely it gets.”
“I can imagine,” said Red sympathetically. “I don’t suppose I’d have very many friends either, if I looked anything like you do. Well, all right, I’ll let you have half the medicine and goodies since you’re so ill. And we can be friends, if you’d like.”
“Oh, thank you!” said Wolf happily.

Part 3: Fairy Tales pt 2
3. An Enchanting Reunion (463 words)
In the heart of a magical woods, in a little wood cabin, five friends sat around a small wooden table. The cabin belonged to the smallest one, who wore a red cloak and was, at the moment, plaiting her hair. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood.
The other four were Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Aurora. They had all come to Red’s house to catch up with each other and have some tea.
“Thank you for letting us use your house as a hideout, Red,” said Aurora. “This is the perfect place.”
Red secured her plait with a ribbon. “It’s my pleasure, really! I’m so honored you all decided to come here! This is the safest place you’ll find—no witches will venture this far into the woods. And plus,” she added, grinning mischievously, “I wanted to hear all the tea. You never did tell me, Snow White, about how your nasty stepmother poisoned you?”
“Oh, yes!” said Snow White. “There isn’t much to tell, really. This lovely old lady came to me and offered me a most delicious looking apple. Of course, I had no clue at the time that she was my stepmother! The apple looked so appealing that I was tempted to take it, but the moment I bit into it, everything around me went dark! Then when I woke up, my dear Prince was staring at me with concern in his eyes. I suppose I had fainted.”
“Oh, you poor thing!” exclaimed Cinderella. “How unfortunate that we’ve both had to deal with particularly difficult stepmothers. Mine, too, didn’t like me, although I’m glad to say that she never tried to poison me with an apple. Still, my life wasn’t the happiest when I lived with her and my two step-sisters. I was so glad when my Prince swept me away to the castle!”
My mother locked me high up in a tower and I couldn’t talk to anyone for years!” said Rapunzel. “It was the most dreadful time of my life. I just love talking to people, you know? To console myself, I would sing, and I’m so thankful I did, for that’s how my Prince heard me and came to save me. I built him a ladder out of my hair, but he was caught. My mother… well, she wasn’t really my mother, but what else can I call her? She poked out both his eyes with a thistle, and then my poor Prince walked around for months before we found each other again. It was the saddest thing, really.”
“Well, I must say you all had most unpleasant guardians,” said Red Riding Hood. “Mother and Grandma were always so sweet to me. They still are. The only problem I ever had was with the Big Bad Wolf.”

Part 4: Folklore pt 1
3. Story with a Moral (458 words)
In a forest, there lived a beautiful golden deer. The deer spent her days eating grass and leaves from the forest ground. Every morning, she went to the same little clearing to graze. Her days were very happy and peaceful.
But in the same forest, there was a hunter. The hunter had seen the deer and thought to himself what a beautiful creature she was. If only he could capture her! He had observed the deer for a few days and noticed that she went to the same place to eat every morning.
“What if I laid a trap in this clearing?” he mused to himself. “Then when the deer comes here to eat grass, she’ll get caught in the trap!”
The hunter was very pleased with this idea. He left for his house and began preparing for the trap.
Early the next morning, even before the sun was up, the hunter tiptoed quietly through the forest to the little clearing with a shovel clutched in his hand. He began digging a deep pit. He dug, and dug, and dug, until the pit was deep enough and he was so exhausted he couldn’t continue. He took a moment to stand back and admire his work, and then he carefully laid sticks on top of the pit and showered the whole thing with leaves he had collected on his way there.
Now the trap was perfectly concealed. The hunter was sure the deer would fall right into it.
“Hm, but what if she doesn’t come to these leaves and goes somewhere else to graze instead?” he wondered aloud. So he went back home, got three delicious red apples, and then came back and carefully placed them on top of the trap.
“That’ll be sure to lure her in.” Then the hunter went behind a bush to hide and wait for the deer to come.
She came, soon enough, trotting merrily into the clearing. But she skidded to a halt when she saw the pile of leaves with the apples on top.
Hmm, she thought suspiciously. How did this huge pile of leaves get here? Usually the leaves are scattered all throughout the ground! And there isn’t even a tree right here! Where did they come from?
The deer looked cautiously around, but could see no one.
And are those apples on top of the leaves? There isn’t an apple tree here at all! How did these three apples get here on top of the pile.
The deer guessed that it was a trap, and that the hunter was probably watching her that very moment. She smirked to herself. You won’t get me today. And to the hunter’s immense dismay, the deer ran away, leaving the leaves and apples untouched.

Part 4: Folklore pt 2
Oral Retelling: Characters Passing Down a Story (268 words)
“Tell us a story, Grandma!”
“All right, then, gather around, all of you. This is a story that my grandma used to tell me.
There once was a man who wanted to travel the whole world. So he packed up his bags and money and told his mother that he was going to go. His mother didn’t say anything, only pressed a small stone into his hand. “Keep this with you wherever you go,” she told him. And she bid him farewell.
The man traveled all around the world, just like he said he would. He went to so many countries and saw incredible things, things you can’t begin to imagine. He saw huge pyramids in Egypt, giant elephants in India, marble structures in China. He saw so many great things, and from each place, he collected a souvenir.
Now, after he had gone to every single place in the world, he decided it was time to go home again to his mother, who was waiting for him. So he packed all his souvenirs and the stone that she had given him, and boarded a ship leaving at night.
That night, the ship rocked violently because of a storm. The man slept on through all of this because of his exhaustion. He didn’t notice when his door flew open in the wind and all his souvenirs flew out. He didn’t hear anything. He just kept sleeping.
In the morning, when he woke up, the first thing he saw was that everything was gone! All the souvenirs that he had collected! The only thing remaining was his mother’s stone.”
100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily 009: 216 words, Word War Cont, Frying Pan Edition
an excerpt from my book

She grins and doesn’t answer, sticking out a hand instead. “I’m Genna, and this is Bob Senior.”
I look around nervously for the person she calls Bob Senior. Aren’t boys and girls, like, not allowed to room with each other? Also, there are only two beds, so someone would have to sleep on the floor.
I don’t see anyone.
Genna shakes her head. “Oh, sorry. I forgot to pull him out.”
She rummages under her bed and pulls out what looks like a very large, very pink frying pan with two googly eyes glued to the handle. “This is Bob Senior,” she says proudly.
Okay. This place just keeps getting wackier and wackier. Genna holds him out to me. “You have to shake his hand. He’s very friendly.”
I tentatively reach out and waggle the handle a little bit before letting go and wondering what on earth is going to happen next.
I don’t have to wonder for very long, because Genna starts wiggling Bob around in a little dance and singing along.
“I like to meet new friends, I like to shake hands, I like to roll my google eyes, surprise, surprise, surprise!”
I wish I had grabbed the arm of the next-to-nearest stranger at this point, but then, maybe they’re all like this.

just your friendly local neighborhood chaotic nerd author/artist christian keefe-loving coffee-drinking procrastinator
500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Date UTC: March 9th
Time Comp. UTC: 11:10pm
Point Value: 2000
Word Count: 1898
Section 1 word count: 302/200
Section 2 word count: 411/200
Section 3 word count: 295/200
Section 4 word count: 244/200
Section 5 word count: 440/200
Section 6 word count: 206/200

Section 1: Myth Retelling
Penelope swung her feet over the edge of the cliff, staring down into the sea. The place around her was silent. Everyone was at the festival tonight. Her cousin, Helen, would be getting married soon, and then she’d be alone.
Helen and Penelope weren’t super close. Penelope despised the fact that Helen always got so much attention. Sure, she was ‘the most beautiful creature the world had ever seen’, but only one man could marry her, and that would certainly make things ugly eventually.
Penelope froze when she felt somebody tap her shoulder. Without turning to look, she hissed, “What do you need from me?” She swore that if it was one of Helen’s suitors-
“Someone to talk to?” Replied a deep, soothing voice.
She glanced up at the stranger, narrowing her eyes when she saw what he looked like.
He had semi-long hair, growing just barely past his chin. He had a trimmed beard, large smile and deep brown eyes.
She narrowed her eyes, realizing that she had seen him in the chamber with the rest of Helen’s suitors. “And who are /you/?”
“I’m Odysseus.”
She wrinkled her nose, “Well, alright. Nice to meet you.”
He grinned, “And what’s your name?”
He nodded along, sitting next to her without invitation, “I know you. You’re Helen’s cousin, right?”
She huffed, “Yes, I am.”
He smirked, “You probably get that a lot, don't you?”
She nodded disdainfully, “Yes, it irritates me greatly. Though I guess all you can think about is Helen right now, am I correct?”
He shrugged, “She does take up a considerable part of my thoughts.”
“Of course she does,” she muttered in annoyance.
“But you are becoming more and more interesting by the second,” he continued, “Are you betrothed by chance?”
She shook her head, “No, I’m not.”

Section 3: If Walls Could Talk: Villa in Pompeii
I enjoy being beautiful. It’s a privilege that I know that I have. Frescos and mosaics line my walls, statues bejewel my gardens, and a family laughs and cries within my painted walls.
Today, they cried, and I cried along with them.

Pompeii was a happy place, filled with the prosperous. I was the pride of the family that resided inside me. They owned only the finest things and only commissioned the most talented artists. They had elaborate dinners within my triclinium and relaxed among the plants in my gardens. But now those plants were burned to ash, my glamorous walls preserved underneath the dense layer of ash that rained down from Vesuvius.

The day started off so normal, so benign. Of course, there were darker clouds in the sky, but nobody cared, it was probably just a storm. Only the truly paranoid would be leaving at a time like this.
The master of the house was not one of the paranoid, believing that everything was fine. He was going out that day.
“I have some business to tend to.”
His wife, Julia, asked, “When will you return?”
Marcus shrugged, “I don’t know, probably not until we eat cena.”
She nodded, reclining on a couch in their cubiculum. “I look forward to your return.”
He nodded as well, walking out a moment later. I followed him through the rest of me, till he eventually emerged into the street, leaving his wife and children inside.

Time passed, and Marcus returned to his house just in time for a meal. The sky had continued to get darker, and the air smelled faintly of smoke, though it wasn’t too concerning at the moment. The family went outside to eat, and when they emerged, the smoke began to rain.

Section 4: An Enchanting Reunion
Snow White entered the room, waving to the other princesses in front of her, “Hello everyone. How is everyone faring right now?”
Cinderella, who was bringing the food to the table, smiled, “I’m doing absolutely wonderful. How about yourself?”
Snow White descended into her seat, “I’m doing alright.”
Cinderella raised an eyebrow, sitting across from her, “Is something the matter?”
She shook her head.
Sleeping Beauty made a face, “Um, are you sure? You seem rather bothered by something.”

The big bad wolf stabbed a knife into the table. “Do not talk to me like that!”
A witch hissed at him, gnawing at a gingerbread cookie, “I can and WILL say that to you. We need to go to the Grimm Meeting. It’s being mandated, so don’t let your silly-”
He growled, “Stop! Fine, we’ll go.”

Snow White trembled, stepping into the castle. “I hate these meetings…”
Sleeping Beauty squeaked something in agreement, jolting away from anything that moved.
Cinderella rolled her eyes, hissing to herself something inaudible.
They all took their seats at a U-shaped table, waiting for everyone else to arrive.
Sleeping Beauty looked almost like she’d faint, and Snow White looked even more pale than usual.
Two men strode in flamboyantly, making Cinderella cringe.
The antagonists and protagonists of different stories shuffled into the room, taking their seats.
The first man, or rather, the first Grimm brother, grinned and waved to them all, “Hello everybody! I’m so glad that you’ve come.”

Section 5: Fairy Tale Retelling:
Finn sat at the mirror, brushing out his blond hair for his mom to braid.
His mother walked in, “Finn, darling, can we talk?”
“Oh, yeah, sure. What is it?” He set aside the brush.
“Well…” His mother sat behind him, sectioning his hair into thirds, just like routine. “You’ve turned 22, and thus, I bet you have some questions…”
He shrugged, “No, not really.”
His mother made a face, “Are you sure?” Finn nodded, “Yeah, it’s fine. It’s not like anything major has happened. It’s just another year.”
She nodded along, glad this was working better than usual. “Oh, lovely. Forget I ever brought it up.”
Finn nodded, perfectly content to do exactly what she said.
Her hands skillfully worked his hair into a Dutch braid that reached the floor.
He smiled, thanking her.
She smiled back benevolently, urging him to go to bed.
He did so, getting up and walking to his room.

As soon as the door closed, he locked it behind him and glanced around furtively to see if he was truly alone. Once he was sure, he ran to the window and glanced below. He saw the crown prince, carefully and skillfully climbing up the wall. He waved, and the prince smiled at him, “Just- uh- give me a second, okay?”
Finn nodded, “Don’t worry about it, take your time.”
The prince, or rather Finn’s boyfriend Ryland, eventually got himself over the windowsill, plopping as gracefully as he could onto the floor in exhaustion.
Finn chuckled, offering a hand to him. “My bed is a whole lot more comfortable than the floor. Rest there instead.”
Ryland just shook his head, not making an effort to do much else aside from breathing.
Finn just stayed in the same position, putting one hand on his hip and tapping his foot impatiently. Eventually, Ryland reached up and took his hand, being essentially dead weight as Finn hoisted him up.
Finn made a face at him, picking him up and holding him as he caught his breath, “You really need to start working out more.”
Ryland huffed, “Easy for you to say. You have all the time in the world to do whatever you want.”
Finn raised an eyebrow, “And you don’t, Crown Prince?”
“Noooooo, I always have to study or train or sit in on royal proceedings. I barely find time to be with you as it is.”
Finn hugged him close to his chest, “Oh well. As long as we’re together when we can be, it’ll be fine.”
Ryland bit his lip, “Uh, about that…”
Finn made a face, “About what?”
“Wellll… I have to go abroad.”
Section 6: Oral Retelling:
Rose sat down on the couch. “Sooo, if I told them what you told me, would you get super mad?”
Layla shook her head, “No, I wouldn't.”
“I wasn't talking to you.” Rose said, seemingly staring at the wall. After a second, she nodded and turned to Layla, “Okay, so I heard this literally crazy story from my specters.”
Layla tilted her head, “And what’s that?”
“Wellll, you know the original hosts, right?”
Layla nodded.
“Well, turns out, the first guy was totally evil. Like super, super evil. Though he did like making scones.”
Layla made a face, “Scones?”
Rose nodded, “Yeah, it’s pretty cool. Did you know that he was originally a really nice guy?”
“Well yeah, he was a nice guy and everything. But once he unlocked his power, the power that /I/ have, he started turning evil.”
Layla wrinkled her nose. “And that means?”
Rose threw up her hands, “Oh come on! Work with me here! Y’know, they say that he locked his wife away in a dungeon. Buuuut it was because he was so dangerous that he was afraid of hurting her, which I think was sweet.”
Layla nodded along, “Keep going.”
Rose grinned, “Oh, but it gets so much worse.”

Hey! I'm Bookie! Co-Leading Fan-Fi, March 2024!
500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

hannah stared at herself in the oval-shaped bathroom mirror. she'd decided to throw on a light blue sweatshirt - one of her favorites. after some consideration, she threw her hair into tiny little double buns - she wasn't sure why though, it wasn't like she ever did anything special to it. she gave herself one final look - no, she wasn't really satisfied, but what she was was late. giving up, she threw on some shoes and ran for the bus stop.
first days were the worst. firsts in general meant trying something, or meeting someone, both of which she despised. she took a seat at the very front of the bus - everyone crowded to the back usually, no matter how badly she liked it there. as they cycled through the stops, she crossed her fingers and hoped with all her might that she'd get the seat to herself.
no such luck. she started becoming hopeful when they pulled up to the final stop, but at that moment, a voice rang out those dreaded words - “hey, can i sit here?” - a question you couldn't really say no to, unless you were really that unlikable.
she raised her head, bracing for eye contact - and relief flooded over her. it was just her friend.
“of course!” she responded, unable to mask her excitement. she'd thought mary had moved, but no, it was her - her soft brown hair, familiar smile. “hi!”
mary bounced onto the outer part of the bench, beaming. “you should've seen how scared you looked,” she laughed.
“i know,” hannah responded sheepishly. “i thought you were a stranger! i thought you'd moved!”
“our plans changed,” she said, “i couldn't be more grateful. i would've been mortified to have to start out somewhere new.”
“i think i would've been, too. glad to have you still!”

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

weekly 1

myth retelling Yi the archer 788 words

The earth was scorched and dying. I didn’t know what else to do. Yao, the emperor of China came to me, begging me to do something about the rambunctious ten suns. I had tried to reason with their father, the Jade Emperor, and asked him to control his sons. I had shown the boys what they were doing to the earth, I had warned them of the destruction they brought upon themselves. “I am sorry,” I whispered as I shot down the ninth sun, turning my head away slightly so I didn’t have to watch him fall to the earth below. I felt something rustling behind me, and turned to see what it was and there, trying to sneak up on me was a man I recognized.
“Emperor Yao, do you think it is wise to sneak up on an archer?”
“Great Archer, please stop. There must be one sun left or humanity will freeze.”
I looked at my last arrow. I would have k*lled yet another child, and in doing so done nothing for humanity but let them suffer in another way. I took that arrow and I snapped it in half. “Go now and live peacefully with your one sun,” I said numbly, sitting on my knees, letting the rock of the mountain dig into me.
In the sky I heard the voice of the last sun, crying, “Father, help me!” I realized then that I had never learned the names of these children.
The wind blew around me and when it settled down the Jade Emperor was standing before me. “You imbecile!” he shouted, striking me with divine light that caused me to double over. “Why did you kill my children?”
I looked up at him, swallowing my guilt. “They were destroying the earth. I saved it.”
Before I could stop him, he grabbed my bow and tossed it into the sky. “My son, do with this bow what you will.”
The sun caught it and glared down at me with hatred. “I will strike him down to avenge my brothers.”
I looked at the Jade Emperor. “Without my bow, how will I slay the monsters that plague the world? You’re overreacting to this. I did what had to be done. I did not kill them for sport,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Oh Yi, Yi, I will not punish you. In fact, because you are so obsessed with humanity and protecting them, I am making you a mortal and sending you down to earth to live with them.”
The blood drained from my face. “Your imperial majesty, no, no please!” But already I felt my divinity draining away as I tumbled downward.
The Jade Emperor turned my wife Chang’e mortal as well. I found her sitting at a loom in a cottage the day after I turned mortal. But she could not even look at me without crying. “I don’t understand why I was punished too.”
I tried to cheer her up. The sun hated us and so we could only ever go out at night and I tried to make her happy, but nothing ever seemed to work. And to make matters worse, I no longer knew how to shoot a bow. When I went to find Emperor Yao, to tell him who I was, to see if he could maybe help me, his guards laughed in my face and turned me away.
I learned to accept my punishment and I learned the art of calligraphy and became a scribe for the local magistrate. Although my hands sometimes ached for my bow, I was glad that I would no longer have to deal with the siblings, mothers, or sons of those I had k*lled.
That was until one day when I accidentally stayed up working until dawn.
“Yi!” A young male voice thundered down from the sky and I looked up and saw that the sun had grown up, no longer the rambunctious boy I had nearly k*lled, but a warrior. “It is time to pay.”
He drew back the string of his bow, the arrow trained on my heart. And I knew my bow would not miss.
“Wait,” I called up. “Please, I cannot pay my debt if I am dead.”
He did not move the bow. “And what are you offering?”
“I have told my wife Chang’e that I will ask the Queen Mother of the West for a peach of immortality, because I wanted to make it up to her that I made her mortal. But what I have done to you is far worse and you have become hateful because of it. But I will find a way to bring your brothers back.”

alt history what if Edward VI had a son 893 words

The young king Edward VI sat on his throne, drumming his fingers anxiously. He gestured for a servant to bring him some wine and took a large sip to calm his nerves. No, no. He cleared his throat and gave the goblet back to the servant. He walked down the corridor, up three flights of stairs and through several hallways until he reached the bedchamber of his wife Queen Jane Gray. The pregnancy had made her ill and so she had been moved to a new bedchamber with doctors around her constantly.
“Your majesty, she needs her rest,” a doctor said hastily as Edward walked over to her bedside.
“Then quiet down and let her rest.” He brushed a hair out of her face. “You are going to live, and we will name our son Henry-Edward. And he shall have all of our intelligence combined and never will a greater king of England be.”
He kissed her forehead and then looked at Dr. Oliver Willoughby. “I know your father was a Catholic heretic,” he said in a cold voice. “It would be a shame if you were found guilty of the same thing.”
The doctor swallowed. “I am loyal to you, king and head of the supreme church.”
Edward smiled though there was no warmth. “Then my son and wife will survive.”
Ten years later, the king knelt in the front pew of the Canterbury Cathedral with his guards on either side. He heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see a woman with reddish hair and face pale with powder. “Let her come over,” he said. The guards made room for his sister Elizabeth.
“Oh Elizabeth,” he sighed. “Am I doomed like our father? Two wives and no children.”
“What of your daughter Margaret?”
“Women are not fit to rule, Elizabeth, you know this. I need a son.”
“And if you don’t?”
“I will have a son, mark my words.”
Queen Jane Gray had died along with their son in childbirth, he’d married Sigrid of Sweden next, but she had borne him only a daughter, and as he had told Elizabeth, what use were daughters? After Margaret, none of the pregnancies seemed to last more than a few months.
“There is always Mary of Scotland,” said his advisor James Dudley the night after Sigrid’s funeral.
“And why would I marry a Catholic?”
“Let Scotland be Catholic for now, but if you secure this alliance with them, then they will not be allied with France.”
He nodded, beginning to see the benefit of this.
I’m running out of time and I’ve met the word count, but I wanna play around with what would happen: Edward marries Mary for the sole purpose of uniting England and Scotland, but secretly he hates her. He keeps her son James VI in a palace as a possible back-up heir but as soon as he had a son (whom he names Henry-Edward, and there was also a twin brother John-Edward) he had James k*lled so no one could try to place him on the throne. Henry-Edward and John-Edward were given an extensive education starting from an early age and now that he no longer had to worry about having sons, he repaired the rift with Margaret. Henry-Edward became king in 1604 and he declared an all out war on Catholicism, starting with the execution of his own mother. His twin brother who had been closer to her despite the strict rules from their father that their mother never interact with them unless supervised and the brothers brought their armies against each other and a deadly war began. There was civil unrest as people began trying to figure out who to side with and France took advantage.They annexed England and scotland and executed the king and his twin. Margaret was married off to a nobleman and tensions were eventually eased between protestants and catholics. The French empire expanded and took over Iberia as well as much of Northern Africa. A group that supported the independence of England would find allies in the Arabs of Morocco and Algeria who wanted to be free from France as well. The three countries fought for their freedom together and maintained close alliances afterward. While most of the British were still Christian, and maintained that their king must be Christian, parliament had declared that a king cannot also be the head of the church, and Islam became very prevalent in England. In 1733 Thomas Mohammed Carmichael, became the first king of English and Moroccan descent at the age of 13. He was an avid lover of science and led England into a revolution of knowledge. His son who succeeded him, Abdul had always hated France and so he decided to fight them in the new world, because he knew attacking directly would be s*icide. This was England’s first activity in the new world. Abdul allied himself with the Iroquois, helping them gain more power and more importantly, weakening France. However, very much miscommunication happened and Abdul ended up killed by the Iroquois. The Iroquois ended up ruling over pretty much the entire eastern coast and whatnot, though they could never get rid of the French completely. Relationships between the english and the iroquois were repaired and they became trade partners.

(ok I can’t think of anything good. Alt. history is hard)

fairy tale characters meet 215 words

Hansel and Gretel arrived first with a basket full of root vegetables, because ever since their traumatizing experience as children they avoided sweets as much as possible. The Brave Little Tailor had let Tom Thumb hitch a ride on top of his head and he brought fine cuts of meat because he was wealthy thanks to the giants and trolls he had slain. Elise brought her magic pot and when she got there she said cook little pot cook and porridge began to bubble up inside.
“Do you know when Queen Snow White is going to arrive?” Gretel asked.
“When you’re royalty, life can get very busy,” the Brave little tailor said. “I believe she may be going over some mining regulations with the dwarves. I can’t say for certain, I’m only the husband of her cousin.”
“So you keep reminding us,” Tom Thumb said. His voice was a high chirp given his size, but he had all the judgemental prowess of any normal sized person. Tom Thumb and the Brave little tailor were both very certain they were the most clever ones there.
“Stop little pot, stop,” annelise said when the pot was full of porridge and she served it all out to them, for tom thumb there was less than a normal spoonful.

folklore magic realism 536 words

“Felix, come on, it’s going to be so fun,” Bianca said, pulling her boyfriend along toward Kintsugi, a thrift store that all of her friends had been telling her about for forever, but it was two hours from her home and so this was the first time she’d ever gone.
“But stuff here is cheap and badly made,” he complained.
“Well not always,” she said. “Come on, it’s a treasure hunt. All we’re doing is looking around. I won’t make you buy anything.”
He sighed, but he smiled and went into the store with her.
“Ah good afternoon, welcome,” said a short old man in a very thick Japanese accent. “We have many wonderful things, if you are wanting unique trinkets. Things never sold anywhere else.”
Bianca spotted a bunch of beautiful floral dresses with flowy skirts and walked over as if against her own will.
Felix wasn’t really much help with dresses and he knew Bianca would make him tell her what dresses looked good and then get annoyed when he said truthfully that they all looked good, so he decided to wander. He wasn’t expecting to find much of use. Thrift stores were often for people who wanted to cover their homes in art and decorations. Felix had never had much growing up and so he didn’t really have much material need. But high up on one of the shelves, a box caught his eye. A McPhearson camera.
He called the worker over. “Is that a real McPhearson?”
The man smiled proudly. “One of only 50 made.”
Felix’s father had one of those cameras, long ago, Felix remembered. His memories of it were very faded, but he had to have it. “How much?”
“$30,000. And that is cheap.”
“No way. It’s not worth that much.”
“If you don’t buy it, someone else will. But they are very rare and I imagine the price will only go up in the future.”
Bianca walked over with a bag full of dresses. “What’s up babe?”
“I feel like this camera is speaking to me, but it’s expensive and I don’t know if I can afford it.”
“If you really feel like you need it, how about a payment plan?” She looked at the owner.
“A payment plan would be fine, but we will have to make sure the bank is involved.”
Felix smiled feeling as if a huge weight had lifted off of his shoulders. “Can I see the camera then, to see if it works?”
The owner took a camera down and showed Felix that everything was still in perfect condition. “Smile.” He snapped a photo of Felix. When the film had developed, he showed it to him, and Felix felt the blood rush from his face. He thought he had buried that memory, but right in that photo, he saw himself, but standing next to him was his son Luke. Luke who had fought over with his ex-wife for custody. Luke who probably didn't even remember his face. Luke who now lived far away in Norway. Luke had been two years old when he’d last seen him. He would be twelve now, and the photo showed that. But Felix knew that it was him.

oral retelling 1533 words

“Children, gather round, it’s time for a story,” Majia-Bo, grandma, called.
Ebdla and Jadeer put down their toy swords and ran over to the fire. Imbetho picked up the basket he was weaving and joined them too. And little Bel-Bel came over carrying one of the pups, who would one day help them hunt and guard them, but for now all he knew was love and adoration from the youngest child of the D’Gezja family.
“Jadeer, you must be excited for your paddling test tomorrow.”
The ten year old girl nodded emphatically, grinning ear to ear.
“Well,” said Maija-Bo. “Did you know that the first person to ever make a boat, lived right here?” She pointed to the fire. “This is where his bed was.”
The older children grinned and scooted closer to her, eager to hear this story again.
“How do you know, Maija-Bo?” Bel-Bel asked, because though she’d heard this story before she wasn’t old enough to remember it well yet.
“Because he was my Ba’athu-Mem, my grandfather. Now shh and quiet down and I will tell you the story.”
“I am very old, and Ba’athu-Mem was old when I was a child, and so when this story takes place the world around us was very different. There were still antelope, and wildcats. There were still dogs like yours Bel-Bel, but the river was very different. You know the river is our friend now, she sometimes has a temper, but for the most part she is our friend. But in those days the river was a monster. This was because of an evil wizard who placed a curse on her that made her a monster and she gave birth to even worse monsters. My Ba’athu-Mem, who was named Barjemb did not know this when he was a boy and so he was very happy when he became this Wizard’s apprentice and so was his older brother. Bamahi.
At first the brothers loved learning about magic and about healing and learning the languages of the trees and sky. But one day they learned the wizard was evil. Barjemb was horrified and told Bamahi that they should leave immediately and tell some of the grown ups so they could punish the wizard and make him get rid of the monsters in the river.
But Bamahi said that it wasn’t their problem. They got the drinking water they needed, they had no use for the river, and what the wizard was teaching him greatly outweighed that.
Well Barjemb and Bamahi argued, and though Bamahi said he would fight him, Barjemb would rather die than fight his brother and so he said to him that he could no longer be apprenticed to the wizard and he left. But Bamahi sent a swarm of a thousand snakes to bring him back. But the snakes saw that Barjemb was good and so they did not attack him, but instead they gave him their venom because they too wanted the river to be free. But Barjemb shook his head and told them he was not a fighter. He told them that he was not the one who could free the river.
So the snakes led him down to the river where a family was crying after one of their children had been eaten by one of the monsters. There was a river right by them, and yet the fields were dry as bone, and the longer he looked the hungrier the people looked. Barjemb could not turn away now, not after what he had seen. So he went and found a warrior of this village, a woman who had once been formidable but had now lost all of her limbs to the monsters.
She laughed when he told her he would kill the monsters because he was so small, but he said his courage would be enough. She tried to get him to take a sword or an ax or even a staff, but he waded into the river with no weapons.
The monsters snarled, but he didn’t flinch. “A wizard cursed you. You are not my enemy, I know you are not monsters. Tell me how to break your curse.”
The river laughed. “I must eat the heart of the wizard and all of his apprentices.”
Barjemb was scared, but he knew what the right thing was. “If the wizard need be punished then punish him, and I will give my life. But do not kill my brother.”
“Your brother would sacrifice you,” the river said. “Why do you have to protect him? I hear everywhere. I know that he would sit by and watch the world around him die and still idolize that wizard.”
Barjemb knew that the river was right, but he still would never hurt Bamahi because he knew that one day Bamahi would change. Instead he told the river that he would go and bring Bamahi and the wizard down.
The river let him leave, warning him if he wasn't back in one day then it would destroy this entire forest and all the villages in it. He killed a deer and thanked her for her life. He butchered her, eating a little of the meat himself and saving the rest to give to that village. He wrapped the heart in a cloth.
He went to the home of the wizard and confronted him. He tried to get the wizard to lift the curse but evil does not like to be undone or give in to others. So they fought with magic and although the wizard was stronger, nature liked Barjemb more and so the fight was evenly matched.
The wizard called Bamahi to help him, but Bamahi had heard everything that his brother had said about the river and so he joined his brother instead and they killed the wizard. Barjemb was sad to take a life but he knew that the wizard could do no more evil. He told his brother to hide and not come back for a week. Then he took the wizard’s heart which was more stone than anything else and gave it to the river along with the deer heart, which he said belonged to his brother and he sacrificed himself and the river became good again, though because she did not get Bamahi’s heart she is still very dangerous sometimes, but we can learn to work with that.”
Bel-Bel began to cry. “So he died?”
“Ah there is more. You see when Bamahi found out that his brother was dead he felt guilty and so he dove down into the water and brought his body up onto land. And he used magic to take out a piece of his heart and put it in his brother and bring him back to life. With a shared heart the brothers now mended the rift and Bamahi promised he would never be a coward again. In fact, when he found out that the river still wanted his heart, he said he would sacrifice himself again. But Barjemb would not allow this and said they would find a way to live with the wildness of the river. And so they built the first boat, and that is why life is the way it is today.” She walked over to each of her grandchildren and kissed them on the cheek one by one. “And now go to sleep.”

“Mem, I’m tired of rowing,” said Bel-Bel’s son Barjemb. Her husband was out hunting with the dogs and Barjemb was not very strong yet, so Bel-Bel was doing most of the work.
“Well then let’s pass the time with a story,” she suggested.
“As long as it has adventure.”
She smiled. “How about I tell you about the hero I named you after?”
“Long ago there lived a boy named Barjemb and his brother Bamahi and they were apprentices to a wizard…”
“And he went into the river without a weapon because he didn’t want to hurt anyone. The river taunted him about it.”
“And then he attacked the river with his fists!” Barjemb said.
She laughed. “No, no. What would that have done? He knew to avoid violence whenever possible.”
.”….. And so Bahami gave him a piece of his heart and they had many more adventures together and they built the first boat like we have.”

Barjemb would not learn to fully appreciate that story until he became a bard and realized that nearly every song that he was taught talked about glory and honor in war and so he made a song of this story and it became his favorite to tell and it was passed down among bards.
But many centuries later the Vateer Empire took over the land and they k*lled the bards because they knew the power of stories.
But one bard escaped and he met a group of rebels who were making a written form of their language so that the Vateer Empire could not erase who they were. And the bard told them all the songs and stories that he knew, including the story of the man the Ghyj now calls Saint Barjemb of the River and his brother Wizard Bamahi the Redeemed.

Epic poem in prose an attempt at a very small piece of Táin Bó Cúailnge with this as my main source https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/14391/pg14391-images.html 610 words

Part 1: the prophecy of Fedelm

Long ago, in ancient times, King Ailill and Queen Medb of Connaught had sent messengers to the three other provinces of Éire, which is what they called Ireland, to tell these people to come to their home of Cruachan Aí, which is now called Rathcroghan.
The seven sons of Magac came, Ailill, Anluan, Mocorb, Cet, En, Bascall, and Doche, each with a hundred men. And so did Cormac Condlongas Mac Conchobair, an exiled prince who had three hundred soldiers. And Cormac’s men came in three groups.
The first group had multi-colored cloaks. Their shields were long and their spears were skinny.
“This is not Cormac,” Queen Medb said.
The second troop wore gray cloaks and carried white shields and five-pronged spears.
“This is not Cormac either,” the queen said.
Then the third group came with purple cloaks, and round shields, and spears as thick as the pillars of a palace.
“This is Cormac,” Medb said.
The group that had been assembled could not leave to do what they had come here for, which was to fight against Conchobar mac Nessa who was king of Ulster and father of Cormac, until the druids had received a good omen. But after two weeks they could finally set out.
“They’re going to curse me,” she confided in her charioteer. “All of them, because I gathered them.”
“Then I’ll turn the chariot with the sun so that we might get a good omen that says we will return,” the charioteer said. The charioteer turned and they set out.
They had not gone far when a chariot pulled by black horses stopped before them. The woman in the chariot was a stranger and she was armed. She wore a colorful cloak and she was very beautiful with long yellow hair that was partially put up, dark eyebrows, delicate eyelashes that seemed like partaing (that translation is unknown, but it seems important to keep it in) and teeth like pearls. But each of her eyes had three pupils.
Medb was the queen of this province, but she didn’t recognize this woman and this was not a face that she would forget. “What is your name?” She asked.
“My name is Fedelm of the Tuatha Dé Danann. I am the prophetess of Connaught.”
Medb still didn’t recognize her. “Where are you coming from?”
“From Scotland, where I learned the art of prophecy,” said Fedelm.
Perhaps this prophetess could help her. “Do you know the divination of Imbas forosnai (clairvoyance is probably the simplest but still fairly accurate translation I can find)?” Fedelm said yes and so Medb asked Fedelm to use her clairvoyance to find out what would become of the group she had gathered.
But each time that Medb asked how she saw the host, Fedelm always said that she saw bloodshed, and Medb said that she was lying. “Conchobar is sick in Ulster with his Ulstermen. And Celtchar Mac Uithichair is in his fort Dun Lethglaise with a third of his men. And Cormac and Fergus son of Roich are here with us with their men,” she said, impatiently. “Now tell the truth, Fedelm the prophetess.”
“I see a pale man with a noble face and a hero’s flame above his head and his forehead will be considered a place of victory. And he will have the seven gems of a hero and he is called Cú Chulainn, because he is like a hound. He will carry four swords in each hand with ivory hilts, and two spears that only he can wield. He will slaughter many of these people whom you have assembled. That is what I see.”

Last edited by xXFierroOrFalafelXx (March 10, 2024 08:37:01)

74 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

for to critique

i am aware it's not very good hehe it was originally for the jwc ‘24 writing contest and i was unaware that 3000 words is too little for a story like this so its super rushed ^^" anyway here’s an excerpt <3 (it kinda starts in the middle and then goes towards the end b/c this is the worst part)
ALSO TW swearing but in french lol and death/kidnapping

Lucy and Leia hurry down the street back toward their apartment which is just on the next block. Suddenly, a soft voice trying to make a dent in the din of the city cuts through and Lucy can hear the blonde girl yelling for her.
“Wait, wait! Don’t go, please! Please!” The girl bundles her skirts and runs toward Lucy. As she gets closer, Lucy can see the tears lining her face. She decides to stop moving and give her a second chance.
“La vache, what happened?!” Lucy is almost concerned for this naive girl, a pretty princess in the wrong side of town. People walking down the street glanced at her, confused.
The girl’s stomach heaves as she tries to catch her breath amid her sobs. “I-I…After you left I got…closer and I saw who he was…I-I recognized him.” She looks up with her large eyes filled with tears and whispers, “he was my father.”
“Nom de Dieu is it-is it really?” Lucy is confused and concerned and upset all at the same time, she hadn’t thought she would feel anything for this girl. “Come on, princesse, let’s go back.” Lucy holds out her hand and the girl’s delicate fingers lace around hers.
“Leia, go home. It’s just around the corner. If Maman isn’t there, go to Tante Joséphine’s.” Lucy presses the remaining francs into her sister’s hand. “Now, don’t spend these on candy. Keep them just in case. Be a good girl”
“Just in case.” Leia repeats slowly. “Good girls don’t waste money and are fast.” She disappears down the street and is swallowed by the crowds.
“Leia is a beautiful name,” the girl suddenly interjects. “What’s yours?”
“Lucy. Et toi?”
“Well Isabelle, I do believe we have a mystery on our hands. Allons-y!” Lucy and Isabelle head back to the Jardin, but when they get there the two girls are shocked.
“He-he’s not there?” Isabelle says in her soft way.
“How very astute of you.” Lucy adds dryly. She wanders around the clearing looking for any sort of clues. “I see nothing…this is very strange.” Lucy notices Isabelle pull out a beautiful pocket watch from her bodice and check the time
“Oh no! I have to get home or my mother will be very upset…” She sniffles and Lucy walks over and puts her arm around her.
“Would you like me to come with you?” Lucy offers, even though the thought of going to the eighth arrondissement sounds terrifying.
“No, Mère would be very angry if she knew I was talking to someone like…you” Isabelle looks down, ashamed. “Thank you very much, though.”
“Good luck, Isabelle.” Lucy hugs the other girl. “A demain.”
Isabelle’s eyes shine with tears as she moves away from Lucy and towards the gate. “You too.”

The next day, Lucy awakes to see that Leia has left the bed next to her. She feels where the indent in the pillows was, and it is cold.
She’s been gone a while, Lucy thinks and quickly throws on a simple dress and braids her hair away from her face. Her mother has gone off somewhere, so Lucy opens the shop and prepares for the morning rush of people coming to buy their daily bread. Lucy decides to take a tram out farther into the city because Leia wasn’t anywhere she would have expected, and as she boarded the tram she recognized the girl sitting a few rows in front of her.
“Isabelle!” She calls out quietly, hoping Isabelle would hear her. The other girl turns around and meets Lucy’s eyes before quickly extracting herself from her full bench and moving to sit next to Lucy. “Have you any news?”
“No,” Isabelle says sadly, looking down. “My mother is not home yet and I don’t know what to do. Hey wait, where’s Leia?”
“I don’t know! I can’t find her anywhere, and I’m afraid something bad has happened to her…since the whole, well, you know.”
The tram stops at a station and Isabelle moves to leave. “I have to grab something to eat, I’ll come by the garden later, oui?”
“See you then,” Lucy replies as Isabelle steps off the tram and onto the busy boulevard. As another person passes, a small slip of paper falls into Lucy’s lap and when she lifts it up to return it to the man he just winks at her and keeps walking. She unfolds the paper and looks at it closely, trying to read the messy handwriting scrawled on it.

Parc Monceau. 7 o’clock sharp. Bring the girl.

Lucy doesn’t have to guess to understand who “the girl” was, nor what the purpose of the note was. The people who murdered Isabelle’s father had struck again: they had kidnapped Leia.

Later that day, Isabelle is eating a baguette while sitting on someone’s steps when she sees Lucy approach, a strange expression on her face. Before Isabelle can ask her about it, the other girl smiles and says that she has good news.
“I think I know where Leia is!” She exclaims, and glances at Isabelle to see her reaction.
“Well, have you gone there yet?” Isabelle is confused why Lucy would need to tell her first.
“No…it’s across town by the Parc Monceau. Have you heard of it?”
A smile flits across Isabelle’s face. Why hasn't she thought of that before? “I have in fact! It’s right across the street from where I live.”
Lucy’s expression brightens. “I’ve always wanted to visit it! I don’t know why in the world Leia would be there but she is I guess, and I, uh, don’t have enough money to pay tram fare across town and it takes too long to walk…do you think you could spare some?”
“Of course, I’d be happy to. Leia is such a sweet girl, I wouldn’t want anything to happen to her.”
The two girls arrive outside the Parc Monceau just before 7 o’clock. Isabelle turns to ask Lucy where Leia is, but she starts talking instead.
“I think she’s inside. Let’s go in. Please don’t hate me.”
Before Isabelle has a chance to ponder this strange statement, Lucy is grabbing her hand and pulling her into the darkening garden. The lush green vines arching over trellises with bright flowers dotting their branches add a much-needed pop of color to the dull March atmosphere, and Isabelle is so captivated by the beauty surrounding her that she doesn’t notice the man steadily approaching behind her until she feels the sharp coldness of metal at her throat
“Ne bouger pas,” a quiet voice in her ear says. “I am Lancelot.” She is as still as a statue, barely breathing. Lucy is standing next to her, looking at her with frightened eyes. But she doesn’t look surprised.
“Lucy! What have you done!” Isabelle momentarily forgets about the man with the knife pressed against her.
“I’m sorry. I really am. They had my sister. I’m sorry.” Lucy closes her eyes and Isabelle can see the glint of a tear in the moonlight, but she is not ready to forgive yet. When she opens her eyes again, Lucy has a determined set in her face. She faces another figure farther back in the garden whom Isabelle hadn’t noticed before. “Where’s my sister? You told me you’d bring her back to me.” She raises her voice at the end of the statement, surprising Isabelle at the ferocity in her words.
“I said nothing of the sort.” The chilling voice coming from the person covered in shadows terrifies Isabelle and she unconsciously shrinks back into the man holding her. “Take a look at your note.”
“WHAT?!” Lucy is terribly angry now. She rushes at the woman but another person appears and holds her back. “How dare you!” She struggles but the person’s grip is strong around her.
A gunshot.
A shout.
A thump.
A wave of hair
A yell.
Before Isabelle can tell what’s happening, Lucy is tackling the man holding Isabelle, the figure in the distance is on the ground, presumably the one who was shot, and several meters away stands Leia, huddled on the ground with wide, scared eyes watching the proceedings with a sense of morbid curiosity.
With nothing holding her back now, Isabelle rushes to Leia. She scoops the younger girl in her arms and rocks her, whispering that it’ll be alright.
It’ll be alright.
Another yell comes from Lucy as the man pins her to the hard ground, the knife shining in his hand as he prepares to bring it down on her. Suddenly a flash of white streaks across the aisle and leaps onto the man. He lets go of Lucy in surprise and she scuttles away, watching as what turns out to be a cat attacks the man.
Realization dawns on Isabelle as she realizes who the cat is and why it’s there. It’s Chouxchoux, her beautiful Birman cat who lives in splendor and has never dirtied his paws a day in his life, somehow knew she was in danger and saved Lucy’s life. Chouxchoux backs up and the man lays limp on the ground. Lucy rushes over and takes Leia from Isabelle, cradling her sister to her body.
The sound of wagon wheels breaks the reunion and suddenly a group of sergeants de ville have arrived, no doubt notified of the commotion by a neighbor.
“Je m’appelle Mademoiselle Trim, and I’ll take it from here.” A stiff-looking woman steps off of a carriage.
“Merci,” Lucy says, as a courtesy because all three girls know she came too late.

Last edited by wolfiebear- (March 10, 2024 15:32:18)

3 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily: 3/10/2024

It is now eight o’clock. My sister told me to be asleep before now but I ignored her. Staring out the window of my room I noticed the rain. I was bored so I went back to my bed. Hours passed. 9:00 now 10:00. 11:00 and now 12:00. I was tired but couldn’t sleep. Suddenly a bang rang out through my room. It seemed to be coming from the closet.
I walked over to the door and pulled it open. A huge hole appeared in the wall and a small creature ran into my room. It seemed scared. It ran around my room looking for something. It finally settled on my hairbrush and scurried away, through the hole. I ran after it. I don’t know why, but I did.
The passage was dark and I could see glowing orbs along the walls and ceilings. Purples, greens, blues and pinks. The creature I noticed was a small yellow ‘fluffball’ with a long white tail. The tail was sort of like yarn. I grabbed it by the tail well, I tried to but it quickly dodged my attempt and jumped to the ceiling.
It grabbed onto the orbs of colors climbing faster than I could run. Suddenly I felt a pull from my arms and it felt like I was floating. I flipped so that I was now on the ceiling with the creature. I ran for a while with the creature still around seven feet ahead of me. It seemed like an eternity until I saw a bright light. The creature jumped through it and I sprinted after. As I started to see through the light I noticed that there were more of the creatures. More than fifty of them in all colors. Green, purple, yellow, pink, blue, orange, and colors that didn’t even exist.


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