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Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:


Fun fact: If you have malware on a Windows NT device, it's possible that deleting system32 will severely damage the malware. It will also damage your Windows install.

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The rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat attacked by a terrible president who ate my banana shot down this signature instead of shooting down the TikTok Cell Tower white balloon that probably had a camera bundled with it.

1000+ posts

Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:


Fun fact: If you have malware on a Windows NT device, it's possible that deleting system32 will severely damage the malware. It will also damage your Windows install.

Help keep this topic alive!

The rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat attacked by a terrible president who ate my banana shot down this signature instead of shooting down the TikTok Cell Tower white balloon that probably had a camera bundled with it.

500+ posts

Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

EngineerRunner wrote:


i've never heard that before. i don't think that's right, as i'm pretty sure the EU doesn't have jurisdiction over what the company lets people who aren't in the EEA do. also, the UK and California have a similar law (with the UK's one even being called the GDPR), so it wouldn't make much sense for the EU to punish them for letting anybody submit a GDPR request.

The UK's one is the DPA, not the GDPR according to official resources.

Last edited by floppasyay (Oct. 27, 2023 10:25:45)

que hiciste!?!? | hey i am entitled here is my comic con PRIORITY pas /j | visit the virtual doge memorial

lo siento si mi grámatica no es buena - aún aprendo | I have tasted mutated kumquats in the Philippines | Want cœl forum emojis? Click here!|

(born in UK but 100% Filipino)
Aprendo español y tagalo.
Main languages (to learn): Spanish (español), Tagalog (my parent's mother tongue (they speak English as well))
1000+ posts

Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

floppasyay wrote:

EngineerRunner wrote:


i've never heard that before. i don't think that's right, as i'm pretty sure the EU doesn't have jurisdiction over what the company lets people who aren't in the EEA do. also, the UK and California have a similar law (with the UK's one even being called the GDPR), so it wouldn't make much sense for the EU to punish them for letting anybody submit a GDPR request.

The UK's one is the DPA, not the GDPR according to official resources.
oops, my bad

social experiment: comment here to not get curator

simpsons and futurama fan

RickRoIler (the first l is a capital i) on PSN, NotXboxGamer765 on xbox (and by that i mean xbox 360), EngineerRunner on Minecraft (find me on hypixel)
also im on the orange cat social media as EngineerRunner

join the worst guild on hypixel with this command!!1/!/!?1/!/
/guild join los gamers

if any of my suggestions ever get accepted, i will have my profile picture set to Just Stamp The Ticket Man for 3 months

give internets pls

an australian cumquat ate my snag and onions

“maintainer” of Pyratch, a very simple text-focused frontend for Scratch
oh god am I becoming an ATer

when I am deleted ::hat control
ask (join (join [what the hell does ] (when I am deleted ::hat control)) [ do?]) and wait
create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
casually taking over the forums:

this is what happens when school goes back in the US, scratch has like no activity

when I am deleted ::hat control

create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
1000+ posts

Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:


Fun fact: If you have malware on a Windows NT device, it's possible that deleting system32 will severely damage the malware. It will also damage your Windows install.

Help keep this topic alive!

The rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat attacked by a terrible president who ate my banana shot down this signature instead of shooting down the TikTok Cell Tower white balloon that probably had a camera bundled with it.

1000+ posts

Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:


Fun fact: If you have malware on a Windows NT device, it's possible that deleting system32 will severely damage the malware. It will also damage your Windows install.

Help keep this topic alive!

The rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat attacked by a terrible president who ate my banana shot down this signature instead of shooting down the TikTok Cell Tower white balloon that probably had a camera bundled with it.

1000+ posts

Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:


Fun fact: If you have malware on a Windows NT device, it's possible that deleting system32 will severely damage the malware. It will also damage your Windows install.

Help keep this topic alive!

The rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat attacked by a terrible president who ate my banana shot down this signature instead of shooting down the TikTok Cell Tower white balloon that probably had a camera bundled with it.

1000+ posts

Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

How does entering your username provide security at all when your username is literally shown on the top right corner of the page?

If someone wanted to delete their account, there would be two options now: “delete my account” and “completely erase everything about my entire account with no way to get it back”. The option that the majority of users would select is obvious, and it would defeat the point of the current deleting system where you have two days to change your mind.
1000+ posts

Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:

PPPDUD wrote:


Fun fact: If you have malware on a Windows NT device, it's possible that deleting system32 will severely damage the malware. It will also damage your Windows install.

Help keep this topic alive!

The rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat attacked by a terrible president who ate my banana shot down this signature instead of shooting down the TikTok Cell Tower white balloon that probably had a camera bundled with it.

100+ posts

Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

Pros and Cons
Cons: A user may GDPR themselves not knowing the consequences of GDPRing themselves, a hacker may GDPR an account that they hacked.
Pros: It would help with privacy
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1000+ posts

Make account GDPRing possible in the account settings

Captain-Doggo wrote:

a hacker may GDPR an account that they hacked.
I was going to respond and say “a hacker could also delete an account that they hacked”, but when you think about it, you can probably use Contact Us to get a deleted account back, but not a GDPR'd one.

@mythoslore was so much more obvious than @spookily

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