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1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

davidtheplatform wrote:

Does the replit version support everything? If not you might want to add/replace it with snazzle.davidtheplatform.eu.org
Nope, it doesn't support everything!
1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

davidtheplatform wrote:

Does the replit version support everything? If not you might want to add/replace it with snazzle.davidtheplatform.eu.org
Sure, I'll make it redirect there.

Edit: I have nuked the repl's homepage and it now shows a message in the banner instead of the normal banner:

The forum browser and project pages will continue to work on the repl.

Last edited by Redstone1080 (Sept. 6, 2023 23:25:35)

Maintainer of Snazzle | User of Linux (Fedora in particular) | Fan of Rockets
1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community


I'm bored, give me features to add

Maintainer of Snazzle | User of Linux (Fedora in particular) | Fan of Rockets
1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

Redstone1080 wrote:


I'm bored, give me features to add
Add easter eggs with chicken pictures and add a secret developer mode.

Fun fact: If you have malware on a Windows NT device, it's possible that deleting system32 will severely damage the malware. It will also damage your Windows install.

Help keep this topic alive!

The rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat attacked by a terrible president who ate my banana shot down this signature instead of shooting down the TikTok Cell Tower white balloon that probably had a camera bundled with it.

1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

PPPDUD wrote:

Add easter eggs with chicken pictures and add a secret developer mode.
Alright, will do

Maintainer of Snazzle | User of Linux (Fedora in particular) | Fan of Rockets
1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

Redstone1080 wrote:


I'm bored, give me features to add

consider posting here maybe?
hey guys
1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community


Redstone1080 wrote:


I'm bored, give me features to add
Will add later

Maintainer of Snazzle | User of Linux (Fedora in particular) | Fan of Rockets
1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community


I might create a GitHub org for all our custom code soon. What should we call it? My idea is GlobTech.

Also, TBGers what do you think of a TBG forum browser?

Last edited by Redstone1080 (Sept. 10, 2023 14:58:17)

Maintainer of Snazzle | User of Linux (Fedora in particular) | Fan of Rockets
500+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

Redstone1080 wrote:


I might create a GitHub org for all our custom code soon. What should we call it? My idea is GlobTech.

Also, TBGers what do you think of a TBG forum browser?
Just call it Snazzle.

Yes. The new SMF UI looks bloated. Can you make it with the ability to login. (I might help when I get my ChromeBook)

I am a guy who codes weird stuff. Don’t check my GitHub only if you want stupid HTML pages (or something to host them). Check my platformer if you want to see something to see.

Profiles: GitHub.
You won't understand stuff in my signature because I talk about stuff in the ATs (Advanced Topics).
Check out this song for @griffpatch https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/887382049/

1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

Yes. The new SMF UI looks bloated. Can you make it with the ability to login. (I might help when I get my ChromeBook)
If this looks bloated to you

Then I'm sorry, you probably won't like the Snazzle browser.

Last edited by Redstone1080 (Sept. 10, 2023 15:26:09)

Maintainer of Snazzle | User of Linux (Fedora in particular) | Fan of Rockets
500+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

Redstone1080 wrote:

Yes. The new SMF UI looks bloated. Can you make it with the ability to login. (I might help when I get my ChromeBook)
If this looks bloated to you

Then I'm sorry, you probably won't like the Snazzle browser.
No. It doesn’t show information in the correct format, and the true problem is that when you post you get 1000 stuff in the toolbar. And what is your TBG username

Last edited by zaid1442011 (Sept. 10, 2023 16:51:13)

I am a guy who codes weird stuff. Don’t check my GitHub only if you want stupid HTML pages (or something to host them). Check my platformer if you want to see something to see.

Profiles: GitHub.
You won't understand stuff in my signature because I talk about stuff in the ATs (Advanced Topics).
Check out this song for @griffpatch https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/887382049/

1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

zaid1442011 wrote:

It doesn’t show information in the correct format
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what the “correct format” is and what should be in the “correct format”. Could you please specify?

zaid1442011 wrote:

the true problem is that when you post you get 1000 stuff in the toolbar
So basically I should condense all of this into a few dropdowns? Got it.

zaid1442011 wrote:

And what is your TBG username

Maintainer of Snazzle | User of Linux (Fedora in particular) | Fan of Rockets
500+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

One person has been opening snazzle all day

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
45 posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

ay redstone still want ideas for this? if so maybe do a page like snazzlebutpmservers.github.io that replaces the scratch servers with the pm one, plus adding a pm based theme

|| - - r u b i i - - ||

”where logo design becomes a passion.”
bbcode and banner by the artsy shop
500+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

what is pm

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

davidtheplatform wrote:

what is pm

social experiment: comment here to not get curator

simpsons and futurama fan

RickRoIler (the first l is a capital i) on PSN, NotXboxGamer765 on xbox (and by that i mean xbox 360), EngineerRunner on Minecraft (find me on hypixel)
also im on the orange cat social media as EngineerRunner

join the worst guild on hypixel with this command!!1/!/!?1/!/
/guild join los gamers

if any of my suggestions ever get accepted, i will have my profile picture set to Just Stamp The Ticket Man for 3 months

give internets pls

an australian cumquat ate my snag and onions

“maintainer” of Pyratch, a very simple text-focused frontend for Scratch
oh god am I becoming an ATer

when I am deleted ::hat control
ask (join (join [what the hell does ] (when I am deleted ::hat control)) [ do?]) and wait
create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
casually taking over the forums:

this is what happens when school goes back in the US, scratch has like no activity

when I am deleted ::hat control

create clone of [Stage v]
delete this project ::control
stop [eh, a few] sounds ::sound
1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

Dark_Sodium wrote:

ay redstone still want ideas for this? if so maybe do a page like snazzlebutpmservers.github.io that replaces the scratch servers with the pm one, plus adding a pm based theme
Might be able to do that, I'll call the theme Popcorners as well, or just name it PenguinMod like a normal person

Last edited by Redstone1080 (Sept. 18, 2023 23:37:44)

Maintainer of Snazzle | User of Linux (Fedora in particular) | Fan of Rockets
45 posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

Redstone1080 wrote:

Dark_Sodium wrote:

ay redstone still want ideas for this? if so maybe do a page like snazzlebutpmservers.github.io that replaces the scratch servers with the pm one, plus adding a pm based theme
Might be able to do that, I'll call the theme Popcorners as well, or just name it PenguinMod like a normal person
Coolio, do it then go on my profile and send the link when done.

|| - - r u b i i - - ||

”where logo design becomes a passion.”
bbcode and banner by the artsy shop
1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community


This is very dead

Maintainer of Snazzle | User of Linux (Fedora in particular) | Fan of Rockets
1000+ posts

[1st anniversary!] Snazzle: A better frontend for Scratch, built by the community, for the community

Redstone1080 wrote:


This is very dead
Because Pyratch over took it and then it also became dead.

Try out Noml!

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