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StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Will there be a Start menu in StorageOS?

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Last edited by Windows91fan (July 16, 2023 19:24:49)

30 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Windows91fan wrote:

Will there be a Start menu in StorageOS?

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yeah i think so

This is an automated signature. If you want to make your own, go here.
1000+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

W1-F1 wrote:

@scratchcode1_2_3, can you add me to github? This is my github: https://github.com/RealW1-F1
Maybe, but you have to show me a basic webpage made in at least html/css to show how much experience you have with these.

I am scratchcode1_2_3 I like making projects based on…………………………cubes?
select + shift + scroll down to see my signature | Also, comment on my Comment animations #2 + Bonus Q+A!
when green flag clicked
set [scratchcode v] to [1_2_3]
add [hello] to [list v]
stop [every single project v]
define BLOCK
click green flag


I'm very helpful when it comes to coding projects, not very helpful when it comes to art decently helpful when it comes to art (i wrote that a long time ago when i couldn't draw) XD
So, If you need help, I'll be there! (when I'm active, of course)

picture made with awesome-llama's image editor– go check it out: scratch | turbowarp it saves to BBCode and other formats as well

Order on my shop now! Orders open! Need staff.

(#^-^) // this is a circly that is now good! he defends my signature! that bite mark is from the time josueart tried to eat it... 
Oh no! The circly was bitten by josueart!

100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Good news guys! i can acess github on my iPad, sadly it won't let me sign up

To scroll through my signature, highlight any part of it and tap the down arrow while holding “shift” @Mariominecraftpup @billybobbaby @MMP_Test @Scratchy49005 @Doggo49005 @-20thCenturyFox- @MMP_Teach I am a Kid
That is Moo, my evil Kumquat Protector
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ChromeOS 14541.0.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected

, No Flash version detected

100th Follower: @90909hp

I made an Ocular account!

HELP dying StorageOS
I can

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StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Inactivity form
Username: Mariominecraftpup
How long: July 26th thru August 1st
Reason (or N/A): Vacation Time!
Note: I am there already

Last edited by Mariominecraftpup (July 27, 2023 12:56:07)

To scroll through my signature, highlight any part of it and tap the down arrow while holding “shift” @Mariominecraftpup @billybobbaby @MMP_Test @Scratchy49005 @Doggo49005 @-20thCenturyFox- @MMP_Teach I am a Kid
That is Moo, my evil Kumquat Protector
when green flag clicked
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ChromeOS 14541.0.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected

, No Flash version detected

100th Follower: @90909hp

I made an Ocular account!

HELP dying StorageOS
I can

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StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Inactivity form:

Username: scratchcode1_2_3
How long: a week
Reason (or N/A): the math is haunting meeeeeee…. in all seriousness i need to focus on my math course.

I am scratchcode1_2_3 I like making projects based on…………………………cubes?
select + shift + scroll down to see my signature | Also, comment on my Comment animations #2 + Bonus Q+A!
when green flag clicked
set [scratchcode v] to [1_2_3]
add [hello] to [list v]
stop [every single project v]
define BLOCK
click green flag


I'm very helpful when it comes to coding projects, not very helpful when it comes to art decently helpful when it comes to art (i wrote that a long time ago when i couldn't draw) XD
So, If you need help, I'll be there! (when I'm active, of course)

picture made with awesome-llama's image editor– go check it out: scratch | turbowarp it saves to BBCode and other formats as well

Order on my shop now! Orders open! Need staff.

(#^-^) // this is a circly that is now good! he defends my signature! that bite mark is from the time josueart tried to eat it... 
Oh no! The circly was bitten by josueart!

1000+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Nothing is forever…

Last edited by Roblox888i (Aug. 12, 2023 21:18:28)

Below this little line ^ is my signature, you can edit it by going to scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/YOURUSERHERE/ also highlight a part and do CNTRL+SHIFT+DOWN to scroll down.

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| | Scratch Wiki Profile | |
15 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Can I join storage os pls
1000+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Roblox888i wrote:

Can I be added?
I'm kinda off right know (see post #926) but if you show me that you have experience with HTML, CSS, and/or JavaScript you may join. You also need a github account.

I am scratchcode1_2_3 I like making projects based on…………………………cubes?
select + shift + scroll down to see my signature | Also, comment on my Comment animations #2 + Bonus Q+A!
when green flag clicked
set [scratchcode v] to [1_2_3]
add [hello] to [list v]
stop [every single project v]
define BLOCK
click green flag


I'm very helpful when it comes to coding projects, not very helpful when it comes to art decently helpful when it comes to art (i wrote that a long time ago when i couldn't draw) XD
So, If you need help, I'll be there! (when I'm active, of course)

picture made with awesome-llama's image editor– go check it out: scratch | turbowarp it saves to BBCode and other formats as well

Order on my shop now! Orders open! Need staff.

(#^-^) // this is a circly that is now good! he defends my signature! that bite mark is from the time josueart tried to eat it... 
Oh no! The circly was bitten by josueart!

30 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Master_ScratchJ wrote:

Can I join storage os pls
Hey! So, I am not sure if the co-owner (@YC72909) is on vacation because I have messaged him but I haven't been getting response, and I'm not sure about the owner (@StorageOS) and what is happening with him

StorageOS, Head Tester

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Kahoot Account
StorageOS Discussion Forum
1000+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Nothing is forever…

Last edited by Roblox888i (Aug. 12, 2023 21:18:08)

Below this little line ^ is my signature, you can edit it by going to scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/YOURUSERHERE/ also highlight a part and do CNTRL+SHIFT+DOWN to scroll down.

| Ocular Profile | Scratch Profile | ScratchStats Profile |
| | Scratch Wiki Profile | |
15 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

wthatme wrote:

Master_ScratchJ wrote:

Can I join storage os pls
Hey! So, I am not sure if the co-owner (@YC72909) is on vacation because I have messaged him but I haven't been getting response, and I'm not sure about the owner (@StorageOS) and what is happening with him

He is my friend in scratch

I hope he has a good vacation
1000+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Roblox888i wrote:

I have github, i know HTML (<h>, <h1>,), User is Roblox888i on github.

Yeah but one heading element isn't really much experience, and you forgot the other 1 in the first <h1> and you didn't add the / for </h1> as the closing tag. I meant to create a simple webpage of whatever you like, something that would only take around 5 minutes to complete.

I am scratchcode1_2_3 I like making projects based on…………………………cubes?
select + shift + scroll down to see my signature | Also, comment on my Comment animations #2 + Bonus Q+A!
when green flag clicked
set [scratchcode v] to [1_2_3]
add [hello] to [list v]
stop [every single project v]
define BLOCK
click green flag


I'm very helpful when it comes to coding projects, not very helpful when it comes to art decently helpful when it comes to art (i wrote that a long time ago when i couldn't draw) XD
So, If you need help, I'll be there! (when I'm active, of course)

picture made with awesome-llama's image editor– go check it out: scratch | turbowarp it saves to BBCode and other formats as well

Order on my shop now! Orders open! Need staff.

(#^-^) // this is a circly that is now good! he defends my signature! that bite mark is from the time josueart tried to eat it... 
Oh no! The circly was bitten by josueart!

1000+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Nothing is forever…

Last edited by Roblox888i (Aug. 12, 2023 21:16:57)

Below this little line ^ is my signature, you can edit it by going to scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/YOURUSERHERE/ also highlight a part and do CNTRL+SHIFT+DOWN to scroll down.

| Ocular Profile | Scratch Profile | ScratchStats Profile |
| | Scratch Wiki Profile | |
1000+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Roblox888i wrote:


scratchcode1_2_3 wrote:

Roblox888i wrote:

I have github, i know HTML (<h>, <h1>,), User is Roblox888i on github.

Yeah but one heading element isn't really much experience, and you forgot the other 1 in the first <h1> and you didn't add the / for </h1> as the closing tag. I meant to create a simple webpage of whatever you like, something that would only take around 5 minutes to complete.

okay, even though i was expecting something more like
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>thing i made in 5 minutes </title>
        body {
            background-color: rgb(30, 30, 30);
            color: white;
            font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    <h1> hello welcome to this useless webpage hahahaa</h1>
    <p>why are you still here </p>
    <h3>meow lol</h3>
which if ran….

but sure i guess maybe tommorow or saturday

I am scratchcode1_2_3 I like making projects based on…………………………cubes?
select + shift + scroll down to see my signature | Also, comment on my Comment animations #2 + Bonus Q+A!
when green flag clicked
set [scratchcode v] to [1_2_3]
add [hello] to [list v]
stop [every single project v]
define BLOCK
click green flag


I'm very helpful when it comes to coding projects, not very helpful when it comes to art decently helpful when it comes to art (i wrote that a long time ago when i couldn't draw) XD
So, If you need help, I'll be there! (when I'm active, of course)

picture made with awesome-llama's image editor– go check it out: scratch | turbowarp it saves to BBCode and other formats as well

Order on my shop now! Orders open! Need staff.

(#^-^) // this is a circly that is now good! he defends my signature! that bite mark is from the time josueart tried to eat it... 
Oh no! The circly was bitten by josueart!

53 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!


Hi. I am nathanking2023. I am finally 8 years old. And I learned how to scratch!
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when green flag clicked


The StorageOS.
30 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Master_ScratchJ wrote:

wthatme wrote:

Master_ScratchJ wrote:

Can I join storage os pls
Hey! So, I am not sure if the co-owner (@YC72909) is on vacation because I have messaged him but I haven't been getting response, and I'm not sure about the owner (@StorageOS) and what is happening with him

He is my friend in scratch

I hope he has a good vacation
he is actually very busy so he wont be on as much as he used to.

StorageOS, Head Tester

Scratch Profile
Kahoot Account
StorageOS Discussion Forum
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

no one is paying attention to me, not even when I sent the offline form : (

Last edited by Mariominecraftpup (Aug. 3, 2023 12:33:34)

To scroll through my signature, highlight any part of it and tap the down arrow while holding “shift” @Mariominecraftpup @billybobbaby @MMP_Test @Scratchy49005 @Doggo49005 @-20thCenturyFox- @MMP_Teach I am a Kid
That is Moo, my evil Kumquat Protector
when green flag clicked
Follow ME
when I receive [followed]
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ChromeOS 14541.0.0, Chrome, No Flash version detected

, No Flash version detected

100th Follower: @90909hp

I made an Ocular account!

HELP dying StorageOS
I can

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44 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

hey guys, my ipad broke all summer so i couldnt do scratch, and i just got a new computer, so am i still in?
30 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Username: wthatme
How long: 1 week
Reason (or N/A): Going to the beach today!
If anyone is going on vacation, have a good one!!!! See ya'all when I get back!

StorageOS, Head Tester

Scratch Profile
Kahoot Account
StorageOS Discussion Forum

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