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100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #1
308 words <3

A girl with short black hair snapped her fingers, illuminating the space around them with light.
“Allright, spill. Where, and how did you find this place?”
“I don’t know, it’s all just a blur,” Cora stammered.
The girl relaxed. “Thank goodness for that. The name’s Kat. I love sausage dogs, parmesan crackers, and reading.”
Cora smiled at Kat, who gestured to a shelf filled with books and crackers. “What sort of books do you read?’
“Mostly just Keeper of the Lost Cities, and other books I find interesting.” Kat grinned sheepishly. “It’s kinda hard to find really good books these days you know? I’m quite a fast reader, so I tend to read through books really fast.”
“Haha! Bet it gets annoying when you have cliff-hangers!” Cora laughed.
“Tell me about it,” Kat rolled her eyes. “Seems like all my favourite novels have the worst cliff-hangers. And I have to wait ages for the next book to come out.”
She snapped her fingers again, and several lamps brightened. “Here, sit down,” Kat pulled out two beanbags.
“Do you have any hobbies?” Cora questioned.
“Well, I read, obviously.” She laughed. “I like to knit, write and do digital art. Though recently my stylus broke, and I’ve had to resolve it the old-fashioned way. Traditional art. I mainly draw my characters, or heaps of fanart.”
Cora stood and looked around. “Personally, I prefer traditional art over digital. Watercolours are so smooth and free to paint with.”
Kat squealed. “I love watercolours! I must ask, what is your opinion of pineapple on pizza?”
“Excuse me? Pineapple obviously belongs on pizza. Ham doesn’t. Yuck”
“I respect your opinion.”
On that note, the two girls stood up, shook hands and went their separate ways.
That is what happens upon the discussion of pineapple on pizza.

⇏ ◌ Kat ◌ ⇍
⇏ ◸ she/her ◹ ⇍
⇏ ◆ writer <3 ◆ ⇍
⇏ ⋙ digital artist ⋘ ⇍
⇏ ⁂ proud new zealander ⁂ ⇍

1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 1st

Happy New Year! And welcome to the first day of camp. Usually, the first day of camp is an introductory day and this is no different. Or is it? For your first day, you’ll be introducing yourself but a bit differently. Write a short scene in the third person pov where you’re introducing yourself to someone. Try to include things about yourself not only in the dialogue but in the actions as well. This scene should be a minimum of 300 words. You’ll earn 400 points for this daily!

Iris was sitting in a chair, massaging her head and stomach. “Owww,” she groaned. Both hurt, as they often did, though not always at the same time. But today, they did hurt at the same time, so she was miserable.

Another girl bounded up to her, her dark hair with teal streaks flying all over the place. “Hi! I’m Dawn, and you are…?” But she trailed off, seeing that Iris wasn’t feeling too great. “Um, are you okay?” she laughed nervously.

Iris sighed, forcing a smile. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just cramps and a headache, that’s all. I’m Iris,” she said, standing up and offering out her hand.

Dawn took Iris’ hand, smiling back, but still slightly concerned. “So. What’s your favorite color, animal, and food? I’ll go first! I like teal, lions, and pizza. Your turn!”

“I like purple, capybaras and cats, and sushi! Sushi is amazing. I love the flavors of it and I always get it on Sundays after church. I also love shrimp, but that’s also pretty much sushi,” Iris shrugged. There were a few moments of silence until Iris spoke again. “Can you sing? I can! I’m a mezzo-soprano. I also play several instruments, including the viola, cello, piano, and drums! I took like five years of piano, and only 3 of viola, but I love the viola more.”

“Uh, no, I can’t, haha. I don’t play any instruments. Um, what about pets? Have any?”

Iris’ smile widened. “I do! I have one Siamese cat named Thor. He’s so freaking adorable and I love him so much! He hates hugs and cuddling but he still loves affection and attention and love. He makes me really happy.”

Dawn looked down at her watch, and her eyes widened. “Oh shoot! I have to go! See ya later! Nice to meet you, Iris!”

“Bye Dawn! Pleasure to meet you as well!” Iris waved as Dawn walked out the door and left, and then she plopped down in her chair and resumed massaging her head and stomach. What a nice person, Iris thought to herself.

55 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

MC Daily 1
327 words

January 1st: Happy New Year! And welcome to the first day of camp. Usually, the first day of camp is an introductory day and this is no different. Or is it? For your first day, you’ll be introducing yourself but a bit differently. Write a short scene in the third person pov where you’re introducing yourself to someone. Try to include things about yourself not only in the dialogue but in the actions as well. This scene should be a minimum of 300 words. You’ll earn 400 points for this daily!

Kate walked into the café. She went over to the counter and ordered a medium chai latte and a brownie. She doesn’t drink coffee but loves tea. When she got her drink and snack she went over to an open table and set her bag down. She unzipped the purse and pulled out a small notebook and a pencil and started doodling. After a couple of minutes a girl who looked around the same age as Kate walked over to her table. “May I sit here?” the girl asked with a welcoming smile. Kate looked up at her hazel eyes and responded “Sure!” The girl sat down in the seat across from Kate, setting her drink down on the beige colored tabletop. “Hi! My name’s Lola!” the girl said. “What’s your’s?”
“I’m Kate!”
“How you doing today?”
“Uhh, well, I’m doing good I guess. I’m here to escape the cold. Even though I do love it. You?” Kate replied with a polite smile.
“I’m doing great! Thanks for asking! ‘Nother one! What are some things you like to do? Lola questioned, keeping the smile plastered on her face.
“Ummm. I like to draw, write, be outside, horse back ride, bake, um… heh, I like to read but I rarely ever actually do it. And I like talk like I’m doing right now. My friends say I don’t ever stop. And you?”
“Oh me? I don’t really do much. Let’s just say I like to,” her smile faded, ”investigate.” And then the smile appeared again, like it never went away. Kate had an odd feeling. “Sorry, I have to get going. Thanks for the chat!” She quickly packed up her stuff and stood up. “Have a nice day!” she said waving. She left the cafe and tossed out her garbage. Lola watched her through the window unlock her bike and ride away down the street. Lola murmured under her breath,
“Oh I’ll find you, and your little secret”

Howdy do!
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily 1 - 430 words
Luna could hardly wait for her turn as she watched and listened to the others making their introductions. Since it was the drama club's first meeting, everyone had to introduce themselves. ‘Ughhh how long will it take before it all ends?’ Luna thought to herself, at this point she was open to the thought of imagining fake scenarios in her head which could keep her awake. However, she was interrupted by the club leader standing right in front of her.

“Hello? Are you awake or what?” The club leader said, making Luna come back to her senses. Her cheeks turned red in embarrassment when she realized she had dozed off a bit and everyone was staring at her. “O-Oh! Um sorry is it my turn to introduce myself?” Luna said, trying to sound as natural and calm as possible. The Club Leader nodded and Luna made her way up to the stage. ‘Cmon Luna you got this! You already made a bad first impression let’s fix that!' Luna said to herself while taking a few deep breaths. It was ironic that Luna wanted to act yet she had horrible stage fright. Her legs were shaking quite a lot and she started feeling a little dizzy, but she didn't let that stop her. She took one last deep breath and then spoke.

“Um… hey! I'm Luna and I like… like…” Luna looked around the room forgetting what she was about to say, suddenly a microphone caught her eye. “I like to sing! I absolutely love singing- oh yeah and of course acting! How could I ever forget? I'm in the drama club right now!” Luna said feeling more awkward every second, she started awkwardly laughing but she had an urge not to step down from the stage. “I also like writing stories! You see… fantasy and romance are my favorite genres to write in. Even though maybe in romance I don't know how the two characters would be able to fall in love or anything- OH! and I absolutely love voice acting, I've been voice acting for 2 years now and I love it! No regrets at all for starting that hobby because voice acting is basically my life!” Luna started feeling more confident but right when she was going to continue, the club leader stepped up on the stage. “Alright, I think you said enough, next!” The club leader said, but Luna was too happy to care. She finally was able to explain many things on stage in front of a group and that was a true success for her.

Hi, I'm Luna!
It's pretty rare to see me around forums unless it's camp related.
My current camps:
SWC March 2023 - Mystery
SMC April 2023 - Choral
Camp Ethereal April 2023 - Music/vocal
SVAC May 2023 - Emotion
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #2

This was in a plotter approach, I'm not very good at this type of writing, but I tried?

790 words!!

Kai sits near the window, her regular seat. She watches as the sun sets. A guy with dirty-blonde hair, a soft smile, and hazel eyes, comes up to her. “The usual?” he says. “Yep.” Kai quickly responds. “Thank you” She adds. “Trying out some manners today, eh? They look good.” he jokes. “Shut up, Noah.” Kai murmurs. “I can't hear you!” Noah, the barista, says. “Noah, you better stop, or you're gonna be lying on the floor asking for mercy” Kai says, clearly fake-annoyed. “Ah, well maybe some coffee will cheer you up.” Noah replies, as he walks behind the front desk, makes Kai's coffee in a flash; he's memorized the order. He also adds some extra sugar. It's not what Kai usually orders, but she doesn't mind. Noah comes back and hands Kai her order. “Here you go, madam.” Noah says charmingly. “Oh why thank you!” Kai plays along. Noah doesn't look into her eyes, like he normally does. “Hey, Noah, what's wrong?” Kai asks. “Huh? Why would you ask that?” Noah says, chuckling. “Hmm..” Kai says under her breath. She checks her watch. 10pm. She was super late, and was obviously getting a lecture from her older sister. “Noah, it's 10pm, I've got to go!” Kai exclaims. She hasn't even touched her coffee. “I'll drink this at home!” Kai shouts, running out the door. Noah waves, as if he was shooing her away. Then, he took a customer, and of course, charmed her with his signature charm, and added some extra sugar. She specifically asked for no sugar, but the woman wasn't noticing, as she was clearly very interested in her phone. Social media can do lots to you, gosh. But still, it was weird. What was up with him? Unfortunately, Kai had to rush home. So she did, only to be greeted by her older sister, Jazmin. Jazmin was really interested in law, and news and that stuff. Kai didn't understand. Jazmin had black hair and dark brown eyes, but Kai dyed her hair with a streak of purple. Otherwise, they looked the same. Jazmin was 18, while Kai was 15. 3 year difference. “Where on earth have you been?” Jazmin shouts nervously. “Relax, Jazzy, I was studying at Mia's house.” Kai lies. Truth is, Kai didn't even know anyone named Mia. In fact, She didn't know anybody who knew anybody named Mia. Risky move. Kai actually had lots of homework in her backpack, so the coffee would help boost her energy. Jazmin didn't buy it. But she looked like a completed zombie, So Kai figured she was really tired. Kai went to her room and sat on her desk, but didn't finish any homework. Kai was feeling.. fatigued. Which was the opposite effect of what coffee was supposed to do. Suddenly, her vision went black. Kai woke up on the floor. She felt very, very sick. Jazmin yells, “KAI! COME HERE.” And Kai immediately rushes to the living room. What's going on? On the TV screen is the news, in big bold letters, saying, “Woman found on the street, dead” Jazmin says, “This is scary, and it happened near a cafe in a dark alley, close to where we are. Walking distance, Kai!” Kai is completely frozen. This woman was the same woman in the cafe yesterday. “Kai?” Jazmin whispers. “Wow, that's.. crazy.” Kai says, but it barely comes out as a murmur. “What's wrong? You look kind of pale.” Jazmin says, a hint of concern in her voice. She quickly adds, “Let's get you to a doctor. Just in case. Remember? You missed your last check-up.” Kai knows that is true. She agrees, only because her head was pounding like crazy. When the two sisters both arrive at the hospital, a kind blonde-haired nurse greets them, and leads them to a room. The doctor comes in shortly after. He's got black hair and blue eyes. “Hello, girls, what brings you here today?” Jazmin says, “Just a little check-up.” So the doctor quickly checks Kai's blood, weight, and height. “Because you're at that age, I'm going to give you a drug test. Don't worry” The doctor says. “Sure.” Kai says quietly. After giving the test, the doctor looks at his computer in shock. Jazmin and Kai both look at each other. They can already sense what's wrong. “Unfortunately, it shows up as..” The doctor sighs. “Positive.” Kai instantly gets the gig. Noah. He's the one who did all this? It suddenly flicks in her mind, like a puzzle. The extra sugar. but, how come the woman was found dead? Did.. oh, Kai didn't want to say this, but.. did Noah manually kill her? It seemed impossible. But that was the only piece left to the puzzle.

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily 2 - 257 words
I would say I'm more of a pantster writer, I just write the story as I go

I'm going to try to think about a plot or a basic outline for a new story I'm thinking of writing, moonflower.

Ring! Ring! The bell chimed and the class was over. Naomi, a 22-year-old university student was walking back to her apartment thinking of her schoolwork and what she would do during the holidays. Suddenly, she felt this weird feeling in her head… it was a feeling of dizziness, and Naomi's vision started to blur while her legs started feeling like jello. She started stumbling on the street and then… everything went black.

Naomi woke up in a queen-sized bed, still dazed from what happened before she fainted. She then hears an unfamiliar voice say, “Your majesty, you're awake!” and looks up to see a maid in her room. “Your majesty? What-” Naomi was about to comment on how strange it was to call her ‘Your Majesty’ but gets distracted by all the riches in the room. Almost everything in the room is made of gold, and there are lines of fancy dresses that came with shiny accessories. She then gets up and looks in a mirror made of pure gold but sees a different appearance. ‘What… This doesn’t look like me…' and that's when it hits her, did she perhaps switch bodies with a princess? “Your majesty, why do you look so shocked?” The maid asks, looking worried. “Oh it's nothing, I may have just gotten a nightmare from my sleep.” Naomi lied, if she was in the body of a princess then maybe she could learn what it was like being in the royal family rather than being a boring college student doing schoolwork all day.

Hi, I'm Luna!
It's pretty rare to see me around forums unless it's camp related.
My current camps:
SWC March 2023 - Mystery
SMC April 2023 - Choral
Camp Ethereal April 2023 - Music/vocal
SVAC May 2023 - Emotion
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily 1/2
“Look up the definition of the pantster writer and the plotter writer. Which one would you say you are? Write 200 words of a story you've been working on using the opposite approach than what you normally do. Either jump in without planning this part you're going to write or strategically plan it out before you start. This daily earns 400 points. An extra 100 points if you share your work! Have fun trying a new approach!”

I’m definitely a pantser; I tell myself I’m going to plan it out, and perhaps I’ll start, but I get bored waiting to start writing and jump in without a clue of how the plot’s going to go XD

I just started working on a new novel, called Seven Daughters of Fire. I’m only a few pages into it, so this is still part of the introduction. Currently I’m introducing one of the girls, Leyena, and this is from her perspective. A bit of backstory about her: she works as part of a shadowy society of thieves and spies, and has a bit of a reckless and rebellious streak. She’s always been on her own, and prefers to work that way as well. Leyena doesn’t trust easily; the only person she ever confides in is her older brother.

I began planning by figuring out what I wanted the readers to learn about Leyena’s personality. The first page of the chapter focused on how secretive she is, and I wanted to add to this while introducing new elements of her character through the action. I first decided to jump into some sort of mission for the society, demonstrating how easily lying and sneaking around comes to her. I thought this was an important layer for the later parts of the plot. I eventually decided on an undercover sort of mission, which allowed me to develop one of her aliases that could be used later as well. I also wanted to end the chapter on her getting caught, because that would lead to one of her major secrets being revealed. Because of this, I ran into a bit of a wall; I wanted to show her skill at going undercover and keeping secrets, but I didn’t want to make her look like an amateur by failing. That meant she needed to be very solid, only with a slight slip-up causing problems. Since I imagined her as a very mentally and emotionally strong person, I came to the conclusion that her past had to be her weakness, which led to the idea of the mission taking place somewhere she knew well or someone being there that was affiliated with her past. Therefore, the rest of the chapter was planned out around those concepts.

Here’s the excerpt: (389 words)

The lights are bright in the estate, shining through the high paned windows like searchlights. A majestic white mansion, dressed with massive marble columns and a neatly kept yard of grass so green it seemed artificial. Bushes decorate the flowerbeds, planted in orderly rows along the stone walls. The whole place seems too perfect to be real.

I gaze out the window of the car, a sleek black limousine, politely borrowed from someone affiliated with our cause. My reflection peeks back at me, and I wrinkle my nose in disgust. Makeup turned my sharp features into soft curves, my high cheekbones now gentle pink roses rather than thorns; piercing eyes now painted with dark lashes. A silver necklace adorns my tan skin, matching the elegant lavender gown I’d been fitted into, all beauty and no practicality.

The whole setup is a bit ridiculous: infiltrate a fancy dinner party, learn the plans for the money the society needs, and escape without being discovered. Ridiculously simple, almost too much for my liking. An easy task for the celebrated Claudia Le’Strein.

The alias was much too perfect. A well-known and trustworthy woman, affiliated with all social circles and working for the greater good of society. Trademark curiosity and candidness. Questions were welcomed, and expected. No one would wonder why she was asking about the money.

I smile to myself. A quick mission, then I could be out of the stupid gown. It was already making my waist and neckline itch. I fingered the hem, and then touched the back of my neck, making sure my dark waves of hair were covering the mark.

The driver stopped at the driveway, and then hurried to open my door.

Be the picture of elegance. That was what they were expecting; any waiver in character could lead to a misstep.

I drew in a slow breath, and then straightened my shoulders and stepped out of the car. I kept my hands gently folded in front of me, and nodded to the driver. He winked at me, and then closed the door and returned to his seat.

A simple mission, one that would be a piece of cake to handle- as long as there were no unprepared-for details. I just needed to stay in character, and lucky for me, that was something I’d been doing for years.

reese (she/her) <3
reader | writer | swiftie
❝ who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay ❞
75 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily #1 - An Introduction

Words: 851
Points: 0

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Slightly out of breath from hurrying up the three flights of stairs, her cheeks red, Amethyst paused at the top step to tuck a stray brown curl that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear and tighten the shoelaces of her white sneakers. Once she caught her breath, she began walking across the velvety, plush red carpet towards the tall wooden door, engraved with artwork of owls and moons. After making sure there was no one around who could be watching her, she walked on her tiptoes, and did a theatrical twirl. Excitedly, she pushed open the heavy door, and stepped into her favorite place outside of home; the Quaint Quail Library.
The sounds of a scratchy jazz record filled the air, which smelled of hot croissants. There were no walls in sight; everything was covered in whimsical artwork, bookshelves, bookcases, books, books, and more books.
Grinning excitedly, her blue-gray eyes sparkling, Amethyst approached the front desk. A girl who appeared to be of college student age stood up from behind it, smiled at Amethyst and said, “May I help you?”
The librarian had chocolate-colored skin and puffy black curls pulled loosely into a ponytail with a brightly colored scrunchie, and was wearing a cheery green dress covered in strawberries, and earrings that appeared to be rubber ducks hanging from bead chains.
Amethyst fidgeted awkwardly with the corner of her soft, loose t-shirt and said,
”Um, hi- I was wondering if I could apply to volunteer in the Children’s Corner?”
The librarian, who’s name tag, Amethyst noted, read “Luci” replied,
“Of course, we always love to see our young book enthusiasts lending a hand! Would you like a volunteer form? You can fill it out here, or take it home with you and bring it back when you’re done.”
Luci handed Amethyst a sheet of paper with a questionnaire form on both sides of it and a sparkly silver pencil that she’d grabbed from a rainbow pottery jar full of writing utensils.
“Thanks! I’ll probably fill it out here,” Amethyst said.
With both the volunteer form and the pencil held in her right hand, Amethyst made her way across the library, eyeing a certain stool in the corner of the room. She realized she should probably grab a book to slip under her paper form as a firm surface to write on, so she stepped over to the nearest bookshelf and took out a large, sturdy book and tucked it under her arm.
“Hello, dear,” chirped a lady with snow white hair, who was stocking shelves nearby.
Amethyst smiled at her and waved with her free hand. She did consider herself a fairly friendly person, but she was a bit awkward at times as well as an extreme over-thinker, so she opted to not say anything and just give as genuine of a smile as she could.
She made it over to the stool she had chosen, one with a curved seat that looked like a mushroom positioned near a painting of a kitten sleeping in a basket, and sat down to start on the form.

Name: _____
Pronouns: _____
Age: _____
Grade: _____
Phone number or email address: ______
Emergency contact: ______
Previous volunteer experience: ________________
We want to get to know you! What are some of your hobbies and interests? ________________

After glancing over the whole form quickly, Amethyst began to write her answer to the first question and immediately made a mistake. She quietly chuckled and shook her head.
“Typical Amethyst,” she muttered, erasing it out.
Although she had a strong preference for writing with pens and loved the feel of a smooth ink moving with her fingers, as well as having a soft spot for antique fountain pens, she was glad that Luci had given her a pencil with a good eraser.
After fixing her mistake and quickly answering the first few questions semi-mindlessly, Amethyst came to the eighth question on the form: “What are some of your hobbies and interests?”
“Oh gosh, this could take a while…” She thought to herself, laughing a little. She could never quite decide what to say when asked things like that- “Oh, what do you like to do after school?” was a question she often heard. For one she was homeschooled, and that always required a lot of explaining; and when it came to her own hobbies, there were so many that she was never sure what to limit it to.
Amethyst decided to write down the things that most often dominated her mind and her free time:
“I love performing in theater, and I also do Irish dance and aerial arts. I also enjoy crocheting and crafting, reading mystery novels, and hanging out with my pets and family.”
After re-reading all of her answers about a dozen times, checking carefully for grammar errors and imperfect letters, Amethyst hopped up from the stool. Pulling up her leggings and randomly wondering why it was so hard to find leggings with a comfortable waistband, she walked back over to the front desk, and handed in her form to Luci.

Last edited by gamerny (Jan. 2, 2023 19:01:22)

she/her • cat lover • music lover • theatre kid • artist of sorts • crocheter
✎…✌ ♥
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

skye's thread




- Go to bed before 12:00 a.m. 3 days in a row

- Complete 15 dailies
- RP with someone from your cabin
RPed here: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/CookieRun_Kat/#comments-244506969

- Complete 2 weeklies
- Win 4 word wars
- Write a JWC fanfiction
- Enter the writing competition
- Enter the MB Cover contest

Last edited by Isauree (Jan. 4, 2023 10:03:52)

Last edited by Isauree (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
Swimmer & Cricketer
Biology lover
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 2nd

“Please, Sarah, can we please go shopping?” Ava pleaded with her stepmum. Given how her stepmom has been acting that day it was a good day. If Ava and her stepmum had anything in common it was that their mood differed from day-to-day. Some days they were friendly, but on most they were moody. Ava had told her stepmum about her magic one day that summer (on a good day) and ever since her step-mum had thought it was pretty cool unlike Ava’s dad.
“That’s mum to you,” her step-mum said, although with a smile. “And yes, we can go to Diagon Alley and go shopping.”

Ava searched for something to fit her needs, a fast broom, a racing broom. Ava was the kind of girl who always had money on hand or somewhere nearby. She walked up to the shopkeeper and asked what they thought would be a good broom for a soon to be second year. The answer was a Nimbus 1700. It was affordable and tough, good for racing and quidditch. Ava wanted to join the quidditch team as a chaser, and she hoped it would happen in this coming year.
“Mum, what do you think of this one?” They both blinked. Ava never called her ‘mum’. Her step-mum blushed. Ava didn’t even know why she had said that. Maybe it was because shopping felt like such a normal thing for a daughter and mother to do.
“I think the broom looks very nice. Would you like to buy it?”
Ava nodded enthusiastically. Yes. She dug around in her ‘wizard’ wallet, which held Wizarding money, until she found the whopping 22 galleons (gold) to buy the broom.

Ava was surprised. Her step-mum was changing, and maybe she was too.

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Weekly 1

Part 1
A 600 word story blurb including a protagonist, antagonist, deuteragonist, and a tertiary character
Protagonists: Ava, Charlie Deuteragonists: HB2 (James) Antagonists: Tyson Tertiary: ElevenElvn
13 year old twins Ava and Charlie are best friends. Since the moment they could walk and talk, they’ve done everything together. The one thing that excel at video games. The first time they ever played was at a friends party at the arcade. Within 10 minutes of getting to the arcade they were setting the arcades top scores and hitting the jackpot. Since they had gone to the arcade they had been begging for the Golden goose, the best Consol available to their generation, they had been begging for an archetype five. On their 10th birthday, their wishes have come true. An archetype five along with every attachment a gamer could wish for. The two has been chart climbing, boss battle fighting, and high score setting ever since, competing for a spot in the archetype tournament. Finally, The two are invited to compete. The prize of first place? An archetype six weeks before it’s released. Ava and Charlie have a five week gap from school to prepare. Immediately after being selected they get requests from famous champions asking to train them. They have until the end of the week to choose a trainer. Once the trainers are selected they are invited to stay in the exclusive archetype hotel. When they arrive at the hotel they find that almost everything is filled with technology. Throughout the week new contestants arrive from all over the country, ready to train for the competition. Ava and Charlie become accustomed to going by the gamer tags, thing_1 and thing_2.They first met ElevenElvn, and 11-year-old girl, and also the youngest in the competition. Ava and Charlie tag her as a friend. Their next acquaintance goes down as target though, HB2. Their meeting with less than friendly. HB2 was a bragger. Throughout the week Ava and Charlie need many new people. The day before the three week mark, something goes wrong. All the monsters they been battling in video games were there, and had the ability to hurt them, or worse. The creator is archetype arise and explains other glitch has broken out in the systems, and that he knew it could happen. All all enemies seem harmless compared to giant alien monsters and software engineer architect creator, Tyson Williams. After a week of being stuck hiding in the hotel, they begin to miss their old life. They miss mom‘s nagging and dad‘s terrible jokes. They need to find a way out in a way to defeat all the monsters. Soon they find a way into an armory and realize the glitch was supposed to be released, and that this was meant to happen. After suiting up they sent out to destroy monsters, help others and figure out who released the glitch. They work together to defeat scary alien monsters. After being confronted by both mega boss dragon spot in Tieszen Williams to argue about who to go after, causing them to split up. Ava doesn’t want to risk it and goes after dragon spot, and Charlie who wants to end the battle goes after Tyson. Without the other twin Ava and Charlie feel out of sync and unbalanced. In the battle with dragon spot Ava almost fails, but I saved by HB2, surprisingly enough. Charlie ends up captured by Tyson, and all screens despite her capture. Ava and Charlie come to regret their decision to split up from each other. With the help of HB2, or James, as he reveals, they set out to find where Tyson is hiding and where he put Ava‘s sister. Since they discover a hidden top floor and have the boss battle of old boss battles. The winner gets to keep Charlie.

Part 2
Three character bios of different character types
STATIC CHARACTER // Username: Thing_1 // Name: Ava Athena McClenin // Pronouns: she/her // Hobbies: gaming, reading // Likes: food, dogs, V12 // Dislikes: cats, green, homework, school // Family: Charlie Cara McClenin (twin), Garret Kim McClenin (father), Sarah Ellianna McClenin (mother) // Personality: fun loving, kind, confident, easily-distracted // Appearance: blond hair, medium length, blue eyes, sweatshirts and leggings //

ROUND CHARACTER // Username: HB2 // Name: James Colin Friedrig // Pronouns: he/him // Hobbies: gaming, science // Likes: tacoes, snow, V12 // Dislikes: animals, babies, homework, school // Family: Fred Lucian Friedrig (baby brother), Simon Friedrig (father), Valarie Elira Friedrig (mother) // Personality: gruff, rude, attentive, easily-distracted // Appearance: brown hair, buzz cut, hazel eyes, T-shirts and sweatpants //

FLAT CHARACTER // Username: DeathCrusher // Name: Tyson Vagler // Pronouns: he/him // Hobbies: gaming, coding // Likes: robots, engineering, school // Dislikes: people, babies, elderly, gamers better then him // Family: unknown // Personality: gruff, rude, evil, easily-distracted // Appearance: black hair, buzz cut, green eyes, sweatsuits //

Part 3
And a 1k word story featuring and focusing on the characters.
done, needs to be typed up

Wordy’s Calendar
Monday: 300 words story blurb
Tuesday: 300 words story blurb

Wednesday: character bios, 100 word story
Thursday: 300 word story
Friday: 300 word story

Saturday: Wrap up, type everything up

Last edited by reallybigwords (Jan. 7, 2023 17:33:23)

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

TW: d3@th

✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

About Me

Nickname ➣ Kenzie
Pronouns ➣ she/her
Cabin ➣ Sleuth (Camper)

Daily Info

Look up the definition of the pantster writer and the plotter writer. Which one would you say you are? Write 200 words of a story you've been working on using the opposite approach than what you normally do. Either jump in without planning this part you're going to write or strategically plan it out before you start. This daily earns 400 points. An extra 100 points if you share your work! Have fun trying a new approach!

Points ➣ 500
Words ➣261 of the part that I added from the daily (total 606)
The part that I added is in bold

✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Sofie opened her eyes. Another morning, another new day. She walked over to the calendar to see what she had to do today. It said that she had to go to school so Sofie got dressed, brushed her hair, and packed her bag. Sofie was an atheist. Her parents were atheists too. They did not believe that a God existed. Sofie had always wondered if her parents were wrong and that there WAS a God. But she of course knew nothing about that.
Sofie packed her bag and went outside to go wait for the bus.Once it arrived she stepped in and went to sit down in her usual spot with her friend Faith. She was a Christian unlike Sofie. She believed in Jesus. Faith had tried to tell Sofie about Jesus but Sofie did not want to listen. Deep down in her heart Sofie did know that there was a God but she did not want to listen to that voice. She would block it off whenever it tried to speak.
Finally, after about 10 minutes the bus stopped at their small school called River Middle School. Or as Sofie and her friends liked to call it River Mid. Another long and boring day. Was the thought that was going through Sofie’s head. She sulked over to her first class which was Math. Math was her least favorite subject. It was taught by the strict teacher Ms. Dendall. She and her friends liked to joke that the teacher's name was Ms. Endall.
Ms. Dendall had everyone sit down and she then started calling attendance. She was a very strict teacher. Then suddenly a short boy named Peter came into the class, “S-sorry i-i’m l-late.” His small and squeaky voice said. Ms. Dendall sighed and said. “Young man. What did I tell you about being late to my class?”
“I-im sorry m-ms. D-dendall.”
“Detention. Mr. Stuart. And go sit down in your seat.”
“O-ok M-ms. D-dendall.”
Sofie sighed. She constantly feared for her life because of Ms. Dendall. She even had nightmares about her.
A few hours later Sofie was hanging out with her best friend Faith when suddenly Faith said, “Sofie, Can I talk to you about something?”
“Sure, I guess”
“Ok! So do you have a relationship with Jesus?”
“No, I don’t. And well I don’t really want to talk about this subject. Have you done your homework for Mr. Beetles yet?”
Faith sighed and said “Yup! I’ve done it!” She always felt sad whenever she tried talking to Sofie about it and stuff. Then suddenly the principal Mrs. O’dell came running up to Sofie. Out of breath she said, “Sofie, your grandma is at the office, she wants to talk to you.” Sofie was confused. Why would her grandma be at the office? Faith asked if she could come with Sofie but Mrs. O’dell said no and that Sofie should handle it herself.
Once they were at the office, she saw her grandma. Her grandma stood up and said “Sofie, I have some bad news for you.”
Sofie looked confused so she said.
“Your dad was in a really bad accident. He’s at the hospital right now.”
Sofie started shaking. Why was this happening to her? What would she do? She did not want her dad to die so she kept telling herself that it would be all right.
The next few hours passed by in a blur. She went to the hospital with her grandma. Sofie remembered the nurse comforting her after her father passed away. Once she went home with her mom she ran upstairs and cried herself to sleep.

✄ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈


Kenzie ✿ she/her
writer ♡ bookworm ♡ Christian

1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #2

I definitely lean towards the panster side of the writing. So I’ll be making a bit of a med drama plot here as that’s the only thing I can think up of right now

374 words (story) + 90 words (planning) = 464 words total

I only write half of the story-

Annalise is slowly recovering from leukemia on the cancer ward. It’s her birthday, but her parents are unable to come to it. Nina, a bedside nurse, does her best to make Annalise’s birthday the best it can be. The story is from Nina’s point of view.

Annalise is a normally cheery and greatful girl, taking all she has as a blessing.
Nina is a kind and observant person. She performs well under pressure, but will always do her best for her patient. She does come off as blunt very often.

I checked in on Annalise on the ward, doing my standard morning tests while talking to her. She seemed more upset than normal. I knew she was a strong and brave girl, but it was not normal.
“What’s up, Annalise?” I asked. Hopefully she had come down with nothing more than fatigue from all the chemo she was undergoing.
“My parents said they wouldn’t be able to visit me on my birthday in two days…” Annalise was clearly upset, and my heart immediately went out to her.
“Aww, Annalise,” I replied, being kind to the best of my ability. “I’ll see what I can do for you.”
Annalise looked slightly happier, but I’m not too sure if her mood had at all improved. “Thank you,” she replied.
“You are getting better though,” I added, trying to cheer her up. “By the end of this, hopefully you’ll be in remission.”
“I guess,” Annalise looked just the same as before.
“I’ll make a few phone calls, and I’ll see what I can do for you, alright?” I tried to be as kind as possible, but I didn’t want her to be too upset if it wasn’t up to her expectations. I knew that Annalise was grateful for everything she has, but I didn’t want to upset her. I walked out the ward, and had the vaugest idea of what I was going to do.
I go to the nursing station to call up Michelle, the doctor treating Annalise. It took a few rounds, but I managed to get through to her.
“Hi, this is Michelle at Paediatrics,” the voice on the phone answered.
“Oh, thank you for answering Michelle! This is Nina from the Paediatric Oncology ward,” I replied. “I was just wondering if we could get anything organised for Annalise? Her parents are unable to come to celebrate her birthday in two days.”
“Hmm… well, she’s qualified for Make-a-Wish, but we haven’t told her yet. I’d suggest getting her a birthday present and decorating her bedside.” Michelle answered.
“Cool, cool. I’ll try to get that organised with the nursing staff.” I replied. “See you later.”
“Bye, bye…”
Click. The end of the line disconnected. I now only have two days to make her birthday perfect.

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 2nd

Look up the definition of the pantster writer and the plotter writer. Which one would you say you are? Write 200 words of a story you've been working on using the opposite approach than what you normally do. Either jump in without planning this part you're going to write or strategically plan it out before you start. This daily earns 400 points. An extra 100 points if you share your work! Have fun trying a new approach!
I'm a pantser writer so I'm planning it out below. Continuing it from here.
50 words: Iris goes to sleep and has a nightmare about Dawn trying to kill her
75 words: Iris confronts Dawn on this and is suspicious
50 words: Cut to Dawn with a strange liquid and she pours it into Iris' drink
25 words: Iris drinks the drink and faints
Disclaimer: Dawn is a very nice person <33
Trigger Warning: mention of drugg!ng, d3ath, k!lling

Iris massaged her stomach and head, and leaned back in her chair. Oo! It reclined! She slowly drifted off into sleep. But what she hoped to be sweet dreams turned out to be nightmares. Iris was running through a hallway, being chased by Dawn! She screamed and woke up in a cold sweat. She had to confront Dawn about this.

She found Dawn in the dining hall at camp and plopped her tray down next to her. Taking a deep breath, she spoke.

“H-hey. Are you… this is going to sound crazy, I know, but…,” Iris started.

“What? What is it? You can ask me,” Dawn assured.

Iris took a deep breath again and continued. “Are you trying to kill me?” she blurted out.

Dawn's eyes filled with laughter but her voice was defensive. “No! Not at all. Why would you think that?”

Iris laughed, relieved. “Okay, phew, I had a weird dream, that's all. Thanks.” But Iris still had some suspicions. “I'm gonna go use the bathroom, be right back!”

Dawn watched Iris leave and pulled out a flask of a clear liquid. Smirking, she poured it into Iris' cup, quickly putting the flask away when Iris returned. Dawn watched Iris take a huge gulp of the drink and collapse to the ground. Glancing around, Dawn dragged Iris' body away.

Last edited by Eeveedonut (Jan. 3, 2023 23:39:59)

55 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily 2
445 words

Warning: Is this piece of writing very bad? Yes. Did I rush though it? Yes. Do I suck at writing romance? Also yes. Is this story also very cringy? Also yes. Read at your own risk.

Look up the definition of the pantster writer and the plotter writer. Which one would you say you are? Write 200 words of a story you've been working on using the opposite approach than what you normally do. Either jump in without planning this part you're going to write or strategically plan it out before you start. This daily earns 400 points. An extra 100 points if you share your work! Have fun trying a new approach!
I learned I’m a pantster so I “plotted” (attempted to) this story out.

I went on walk the other day and I noticed a flower shop that I hadn’t seen before. So rightfully, I went in. It was a small shop but boy was it gorgeous. It had a very rustic feel with soft brown counters and shelves, grey walls, and black metal accents. The flowers came wrapped in beige paper and the petals popped against all the neutral color. It looked like something you would see off of Pinterest. After I finish admiring the spectacular view in front of me I saw another one. This time it was a girl who looked around my age. She had brown hair which perfectly matched the room and the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. I could feel my face turn red and my stomach felt like it was going to burst with butterflies. I immediately went to go hide behind some flowers out of embarrassment. I looked around to find some flowers to buy. I settled on a simple and small bouquet of carnations. I went to the register hoping she wouldn’t notice my flushed face. I have the bouquet to her and she scanned the tag in tapped some buttons in the register.
“Did you find everything alright?” she said sweetly.
“Y-yes!” Dang it! I stuttered! She would definitely tell something was up.
“Well that’s good! Your price is 50 dollars and 43 cents.” She smiled. My face definitely got redder. She handed me the flowers and I picked one out of the bouquet and set it on the counter. I left without saying another word. The next few weeks I would walk past that flower shop on my daily walks just to see her face. I noticed that she would work shifts on the weekend. However, one day I went into the store to buy some flowers for my mother. When I arrived and looked through the window, she wasn’t there. Which was strange because it was Saturday and the same time she was always there. I figured she was just in the back or somewhere else in the shop. I walked in and there was another lady at the register. I got my flowers and went to purchase them. While the lady was ringing me up I asked her where the girl who was around my age was. She said she was out of town with her boyfriend. It was at that moment when my heart shattered into a million pieces. I payed for the flowers and left the store. I was ashamed for even liking her in the first place. I guess I’m what my mother would call me, a “silly goose”. :sob

Howdy do!
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Word War with @iinspirqtion
249 Words
Piper looked around the Sleuth library as the new arrivals were going to and fro looking around at the library and honestly trying to find some way out of here. She didn’t want to spoil anything by helping them, since of course she already knew what everything that was going to happen if and when they found all the clues, however she did really enjoy talking to all of them as they all seemed extremely smart and caring and they all seemed to love books just ab out as much as she did, which was of course something that she could appreciate- being a librarian and all. She looked around and waved to Pineapple, her assistant librarian, as she walked by, giving some more newbies the tour of the library. They were all looking the same way most newcomers did when they saw the library; awestruck and amazed at the sheer size of the library. And admittedly sometimes Piper herself was even in awe of how large the place was with so many passages and bookshelves, she sometimes thought that nobody could ever find everything that was hidden away in all of the nooks and crannies of this place. However that didn;t mean that she wasn’t going to try. So, looking back to her book she decided to finish it so she could move on to the next book in her to be read pile and hopefully read many more of the books the library had to offer.

Last edited by Piper_Camps (Jan. 2, 2023 23:28:38)

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Random RP’s
January 2 - Wordy was near Chloe as well and turned at the sound of her voice. She had been inspecting the dusty cover of a book, though not touching it because she was afraid it would set something off. Usually Wordy stayed to herself, but ever since arriving at the library she had stayed in sight of someone, even if they didn’t know it. “I’m here.” she said without her usual energy. She was a little tired from sleeping in an understaffed armchair, which felt more like a wooden chair. - 88
January 2 - Wordy hated to interrupt a seemingly good conversation, but she was sleep deprived from sleeping in an under stuffed armchair, and she was very moody that day. She didn’t feel too bad interrupting. “Is there anywhere I can get a decent nights rest in this darn library?” She asked. The librarian, Piper, Wordy thought, had been looking quite cheerful for being trapped in an old (and dusty) library. You couldn’t say the same for Wordy, that was for sure. She tapped her foot impatiently. - 84

Last edited by reallybigwords (Jan. 2, 2023 23:59:02)

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Jan 2nd Daily: Look up the definition of the pantster writer and the plotter writer. Which one would you say you are? Write 200 words of a story you've been working on using the opposite approach than what you normally do. Either jump in without planning this part you're going to write or strategically plan it out before you start. This daily earns 400 points. An extra 100 points if you share your work! Have fun trying a new approach!
I'm definitely a plotter, and so I kind of went into this with a very vague idea of what I wanted it to be about and just tried to let everything flow without planning ahead too much!
Word Count: 577

Ashley stared at the blank screen in front of her, the cursor constantly blinking, reminding her that she had nothing written. Of course she would have writer's block right now; while she was trying to write one of the most important papers of her life. Okay.. Maybe she was being a bit dramatic about things’ but that’s how it felt to the seventeen year old as she stared at the blank page that was supposed to be holding her college essay. She had been sitting here for almost an hour and a half, trying to think of an idea for something original that she could use for her college essay. She knew that it had to be something that would catch the attention of the auditors as soon as they saw it, so there really was no room for her ramble as she sometimes tended to do. She also felt as though there really was nothing exciting about her life that she could use to write about. Ashley sighed and slammed the laptop closed, standing up and stretching before picking up her phone and laying on her bed, texting her friend Emily thinking she might have some ideas that she could use.

Ashley: hey em?

She waited for her friend to pick up and respond, and in the meantime she closed her eyes and tried to think of anything interesting or odd about her life that she might be able to use for this college essay. She didn’t have any major high school achievements she could write about, and there really was nothing special about her family… Other than her mother had immigrated from Mexico when she was a child… But that seemed much too common for her to use as a college essay topic. Suddenly her phone buzzed, and she opened her eyes, picking it up and reading her friend’s text.

Emily: hey girl! what’s up?

Ashley: trying to think of a college essay topic…

Emily: you haven’t thought of a topic!?! that’s not like you!

Ashley: yeah yeah yeah, i know, but c’mon i need something soon or my mom’ll kill me!

Emily: ok, ok… um what about your mom immigrating here when she was little? how you learned about your culture or something when you didn’t live in the country?

Ashley: i though about that, but i feel like that’s probably wayyyy to overdone.

Emily: yeah… maybe… um.. hold on, give me some time and i’ll get back to you.

Ashley sighed and she put her phone down, putting her head in her hands and thinking as hard as she could. Suddenly, something that Emily had said sparked an idea in her head. Emily had suggested something about learning about her Mexican heritage; however that had sparked in her about the times her friends and sometimes even her family had questioned whether she was truly Mexican. She recalled a time her cousin had looked at her and asked “Are you even really Latina?” or telling her “That’s like the only Spanish thing I’ve ever heard you say” when she said something to her grandma in Spanish. Her Filipino friends also questioned her Filipinoness since her dad had never taught her about her heritage either, and she knew even less about the culture of the Philippines than she did about Mexican culture.

Ashley: nm em, i think i have an idea. i’ll send it to you later

Emily: awesome! i knew you could do it!

Last edited by Piper_Camps (Jan. 3, 2023 00:01:27)

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #1: 1/1/23
word count: 746
points: 400

A girl dressed in a grey sweatshirt sat at the corner of the room with her nose in a book. Her black wavy hair was swept back into her signature ponytail with a grey hair tie. She sat there waiting for her assigned school club. Mostly everyone had already left the waiting room and headed to their clubs, she was one of the last people still waiting. She was sitting alone until a woman, dressed in a sharp red suit walked up to her, the sharp click clack of the woman’s high heels sounded ominous. The woman’s long nails were painted a dark shade of crimson, her lipstick in the same color. She narrowed her ice blue eyes, glancing at her clipboard for a brief second then looking up.
“Name please,” she demanded looking straight into the girl’s eyes, opposite of hers.
“Uh, Pinky,” stammered the girl, quickly darting her eyes back to her hands as she fidgeted with them. The woman glanced back down at her clipboard, her eyes scanning the first page quickly until her eyes stopped upon the girl’s name.
“You’ve been assigned to Ms. Lassie’s class for book club, room 104, I suggest you hurry on there, Ms. Lassie doesn’t like being kept waiting.” The woman then turned around swiftly and headed back to her office. Pinky held down an urge to jump up in excitement, she had been hoping that she would be put into the book club. She hurried along the school halls quickly dodging others who were headed in the opposite direction. As she approached room 104 Pinky began to feel nervous. Pausing before the large wooden door stenciled with ‘Room 104’ she took a deep break and opened the door. Immediately ten heads turned towards her and the teacher at the front of the room did as well.
“Hello, what’s your name?” the teacher, Ms. Lassie asked, smiling. She had red hair that was braided back into a loose braid. She wore a beige dress with a white vintage shaw.
“H-hi, I’m Pinky,” Pinky replied looking down at her toes, she hated talking in front of groups of people.
“Lovely,” replied Ms. Lassie, looking down at her clipboard that she had picked up, “I see you right here on my list. Welcome to the book club, we were just getting started, you aren’t too late. This year we will be reading and discussing books together, you will get together in groups that I’ve assigned by tables, get to know each other and eventually on the last day of the club do a fun presentation, up to your group, related to your book. Sounds fun doesn’t it?” Pinky nodded and tried returning Ms. Lassie’s enthusiasm through a smile, though it looked more like a grimace with Pinky’s nervousness. “And for you, I’ve assigned you at table three with Cynthia and Alana, there’s an empty seat right at their table. We were discussing what books you all would like to read so head on over, the girls will catch you up!” Pinky nodded quickly, walking over to table 3 at the front right of the room. She sat at the circular table facing two girls. One wore a lime green headband which kept the girl’s short chestnut curls pushed back. The other had her unicorn colored hair, with silvery, light pink, lavender, and baby blue highlights, tied back in 2 french braid pigtails.
The girl with the headband was the first to talk, “Hi! I’m Cynthia, and this is Alana,” she said, rolling her eyes at the other girl, Alana, “How about you tell us a bit about yourself, maybe your favorite books?”
“Uh sure. Well, I’m Pinky, like the teacher already said…,” Pinky started the girls smiled encouraging her to speak more, “I love reading, my favorite series are Harry Potter, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and the Lunar Chronicles,”
The girl, Alana, immediately perked up when she heard ‘Keeper of the Lost Cities’. “Oh my goodness you like KOTLC too?!”
“Yeah,” Pinky grinned.
“Same! What’s your favorite part in Stellarlune? My favorite part is when-,”
“NO SPOILERS!!” shouted Cynthia, “I will NOT forgive you two if you spoil ANYTHING in Stellarlune. The book isn’t arriving till Sunday.” Pinky and Alana giggled.
“Okay, okay,” replied Pinky, “Promise, no spoilers.”
“Good,” Cynthia replied, “Now let’s discuss what book we should read!” Pinky nodded and smiled, she had a good feeling that this club was going to be an exciting adventure!

Last edited by Pinkmouse773 (Jan. 3, 2023 01:23:26)

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
 ꕀ ⊹ ᴇɴɢ/中文/ᴇꜱᴘ ⊹ ꕀ
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #3 1/2/23
word count: 954
points: 500

“On the planet of Zooma in the galaxy of DC-773, there once lived the population of Zoomalians. Zoomalians were technically only Zoomalians if they were born on the planet. The Zoomalians were a group of, originally scientists and their families from Earth, aka humans, who had moved permanently, to the planet of Zooma amidst the climate crisis on Earth. The climate crisis of Earth had caused a whole shortage of food, water, and supplies, leading up to the collapse of several countries and their governments.
The WorldUnited government, basically leaders from all across the world, who gathered together once a year to basically decide the fate of the whole world, opened signups for humans who were scientists, and who were willing to move to the Planet of Zooma, in the nearby galaxy to help discover a possible new land for humans to live, or a Planet B. The trip was 30 years long during which all travelers would be put into a deep sleep and kept in compartments to prevent aging, the compartments contained special liquids to keep the body stable and healthy.
At least a million scientists who believe that this would work, immediately applied for themselves and their families, in hopes of having a better future for their children. Only 100 applicants were accepted. Together they boarded the high tech space ships designed by highly decorated aerospace engineers from around the world on December 15, year 3050. The space ships had individual rooms for each person, enough food for 45 years for the crew, an additional 100 people from ages 5-10 were brought aboard, they were called the Backups. That was literally their job, they were trained from the time they boarded till their predecessors, the first generation crew members had passed on, then they would fill in. This would be the only group that would assure the safe arrival in Zooma. After a long 30 years, the group of now 150 people, including both the travelers and the crew, arrived safely on the planet of Zooma. The planet of Zooma wasn’t that different from Earth, it had a rich ecosystem housing creatures of all sorts. The most important was that it had a plentiful supply of water and food. The land is good for crops as well, the scientists planned to plant the seeds they brought from Earth. Within a year of settling on Zooma, the past travelers, now Zoomalians had finally found a new home. Their populations also started steadily increasing.
The first birth of the year 3081, on Earth, was a special case. The child that was born had antlers. Antlers! Just like the ones you would see on reindeers back on earth. The births that followed were the same. Each kid was born with antlers, and each time the weather started turning cold the kids would shed their antlers and by spring the antlers would grow back larger and stronger. The parents, who were also scientists, were extremely puzzled. Humans and reindeers were two different species, how could humans end up with antlers? The scientists studied this for years, transmitting their concerns and doubts back to Earth, it took 10 years for them to receive a response, when they did it bore a single useless sentence, ‘No information on this case.’ The scientists were furious, their own people, the humans on Earth refused to help them or even try to help all of them while they had to bear the weight of leaving their only home, Earth, just so that they could help the government find a better place for the humans. The antlers bothered the Zoomalian kids tremendously, the antlers would double in size every year which meant the children’s homes needed a new renovation each year till the antlers reached their full size when the kids matured.
After a while the population started to decrease, the group elected leader of the Zooma settlement radioed Earth for what would be one of the last times. In response they received a message bearing the 3 devastating words, ‘Earth’s no more.’ The scientists were shocked, they knew that Earth was going to be gone one day but they hadn’t expected Earth to be completely demolished within 50 years of their departure. They had no way of confirming this though, no telescopes or high tech engineered items like there were on Earth, no way to view the Earth so the only appropriate response was to accept that the citizens of the Zoomalian settlement were indeed the last humans alive in the universe. As the population decreased, so did the people’s hope. They had hoped that the planet of Zooma would be able to carry human civilization forward, but without proper support from their Earth government and not well trained leaders, it was indeed devastating to say that the Zooma Mission had failed. These scientists were not able to discover why their children had antlers. Over time the last humans from Earth had passed on leaving only their antlered children on Zooma. These antler children, also called The Antlered, were no longer children anymore. Most of them were grown up, almost adults. They soon had their own children who also had antlers. This created the population that people know today as the Zoomalians, the humans who evolved to have antlers. Though it is still unknown why they have antlers, how it happened, it is presumed that something in the food that they eat, the soil and water contain a protein that caused them to develop antlers.”
That is all for today on Supernaturals 24/7 from the humans in Galaxy CD-1664, we hope you tune in tomorrow at 4:45 for or next special on the Ruins. Have a great day.

Last edited by Pinkmouse773 (Jan. 3, 2023 02:21:57)

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
 ꕀ ⊹ ᴇɴɢ/中文/ᴇꜱᴘ ⊹ ꕀ

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