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the ham radio topic

im getting my number 1 license soon! and number 2

Last edited by wildwis (Nov. 5, 2022 03:14:00)

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
5 posts

the ham radio topic

a what licence?

when green flag clicked
I love to (code)

Last edited by sus_yeet_boi (Oct. 30, 2022 13:39:52)

100+ posts

the ham radio topic

sus_yeet_boi wrote:

a what licence?

a level 1 license is where you can get a ham radio walkly talkly sort of and you can use some freqenicy <sorry I spelt it wrong spelling IS NOT MY THING “look at the fcc website or the arrl website for more info” thank you

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

when green flag clicked
say [do ham radio all the time]

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
1000+ posts

the ham radio topic

Amateur/ham radio is something that I'm slightly interested in. Is there anything about ham radio that I should know before I try it myself?

I prefer to be called Landon. Don't use my full username too much.

Male|15 y/o|English|Rain World, Rhythm Doctor, No Man's Sky|American|Mineral Fish fandom co-founder|Neutral Sociality|#9d0|Chaotic Neutral


100+ posts

the ham radio topic

LandonHarter wrote:

Amateur/ham radio is something that I'm slightly interested in. Is there anything about ham radio that I should know before I try it myself?

see the fcc website or the arrl site for more info “but remember to only use the stuff you are aloud to”

Last edited by wildwis (Oct. 30, 2022 18:34:49)

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

ham radio is not only for emergencies it's a great hobby you can talk to people and do ham radio contests so if your interested get your license

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

when green flag clicked
say [ham radio is fun]

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

ham radio is fun and there are contests!!!

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
1000+ posts

the ham radio topic

Neat! I may try [amateur / ham] radio when I have enough money to buy equipment.
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

DifferentDance8 wrote:

Neat! I may try [amateur / ham] radio when I have enough money to buy equipment.

yes you can but you need to get level 1 license so you can get a ham talky and then get a level 2 license so you can get a unit “not to disurege you but ham radio units can cost 400 dollars but a ham talky can cost form 21 to 1000 dollars so you proabably want get one for about 20 to 100 dollars” and there are contests like field day go on the fcc or arrl website for info and ps you can get a level 3 license and get a ham radio tower but they will cost between 1000 and 20000 dollars for one and there are more than 800000 ham radio operators in the usa ALONE !!! not counting the other contriys

Last edited by wildwis (Nov. 5, 2022 03:16:16)

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
1000+ posts

the ham radio topic

wildwis wrote:

DifferentDance8 wrote:

Neat! I may try [amateur / ham] radio when I have enough money to buy equipment.

yes you can but you need to get level 1 license so you can get a ham talky and then get a level 2 license so you can get a unit “not to disurege you but ham radio units can cost 400 dollars but a ham talky can cost form 21 to 1000 dollars so you proabably want get one for about 20 to 100 dollars” and there are contests like field day go on the fcc or arrl website for info and ps you can get a level 3 license and get a ham radio tower but they will cost between 1000 and 20000 dollars for one and there are more than 800000 ham radio operators in the usa ALONE !!! not counting the other contriys
You do realize something called “formatting” exists?
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

DifferentDance8 wrote:

wildwis wrote:

DifferentDance8 wrote:

Neat! I may try [amateur / ham] radio when I have enough money to buy equipment.

yes you can but you need to get level 1 license so you can get a ham talky and then get a level 2 license so you can get a unit “not to disurege you but ham radio units can cost 400 dollars but a ham talky can cost form 21 to 1000 dollars so you proabably want get one for about 20 to 100 dollars” and there are contests like field day go on the fcc or arrl website for info and ps you can get a level 3 license and get a ham radio tower but they will cost between 1000 and 20000 dollars for one and there are more than 800000 ham radio operators in the usa ALONE !!! not counting the other contriys
You do realize something called “formatting” exists?

what is formatting?

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
4 posts

the ham radio topic

I have a Ham Radio but i have never tried to get a license for it before.
mostly just use it for listening to the weather and sorts.
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

Lardson wrote:

I have a Ham Radio but i have never tried to get a license for it before.
mostly just use it for listening to the weather and sorts.

when you get a license YOU can talk to other ham operators to do you want a book for studying if you do hear are some try the “easy way ham books all ham and no spam”by Craig buck K4IA K4IA<is his call sign

Last edited by wildwis (Nov. 14, 2022 20:26:01)

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

I'm a HAMmer hehe.

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

the ham radio topic is a topic that you talk about ham radio.

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
13 posts

the ham radio topic

Oh hi there! I am MKE! Here's my signature and here's a chicken <'_''
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

DifferentDance8 wrote:

wildwis wrote:

DifferentDance8 wrote:

Neat! I may try [amateur / ham] radio when I have enough money to buy equipment.

yes you can but you need to get level 1 license so you can get a ham talky and then get a level 2 license so you can get a unit “not to disurege you but ham radio units can cost 400 dollars but a ham talky can cost form 21 to 1000 dollars so you proabably want get one for about 20 to 100 dollars” and there are contests like field day go on the fcc or arrl website for info and ps you can get a level 3 license and get a ham radio tower but they will cost between 1000 and 20000 dollars for one and there are more than 800000 ham radio operators in the usa ALONE !!! not counting the other contriys
You do realize something called “formatting” exists?

I know I try

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”
100+ posts

the ham radio topic

Mr_Krazy_Enzo wrote:

hello how are you.

wildwis “life is fun in many ways”

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