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National Novel Writing Month: Phases 1-4 (outline, writing, editing, *attempted* publishing :0)

Summary: When 13 year old Neveah Allison starts to hate herself, her whole life goes south. Bullies pounce on her insecurities, her mother gets mad that she's overly emotional, her parents start to fight, and she's spending more and more time alone. Neveah skips meals, wears baggy clothes, and cuts off all sweet foods. Meanwhile at school, the bullying gets worse and worse and she loses friends. Then her parents split up, and life gets even worse. Finally, her sister realizes what she's going through and gets her to therapy. Slowly, Neveah learns to love her body. She finds a new best friend, the school steps in to stop the bullying, and she starts to worry less about what she's eating. At the end of this novel, Neveah takes care of herself and celebrates her 14th birthday in peace.

neveah- 13 during story, 14 at resolution, female, pale skin, green eyes with glasses, shoulder length curly ginger, flat chest and a little on the fuller side, short, insecure about body weight (insecurities: stomach, chest, thighs, double chin), acts happy outside but opens up once you let her in, has no sense of humor
bully kaye- 14 during story, male, pale skin, brown eyes, ear length straight brown hair, very heavy build, tall, very rude to everyone, tends to get physical when bullying
bully victoria- 13 during story, female, dark brown skin, blue eyes, waist length straight whiteish blonde hair, very thin and curvy, average height, very good at noticing insecurities, mostly verbal when bullying
sister amelia- newly 16 during story, female, slightly tan skin, green eyes with contacts, elbow length curly ginger, average chest and a thin build, average height, very loving, sharp temper, intelligent, not afraid to stand up for herself and others, but also takes a little while to notice things
fake friend, crystal- 13 during story (exits at rising), female, milky brown clear skin, blue eyes, side cut elbow length brown, average build but very tall, uses friends to get things and talks behind their backs, very passive aggressive
mom- 48, female, pale skin, hazel eyes with glasses, straightened (og curly) dyed black (og ginger) shoulder-length hair, fuller build with flat chest and very short, has a short temper and yells a lot, doesn't like emotional people
dad- 47, male, pale skin, green eyes, very short curly ginger hair, very bony and short, very cold, ignores kids a lot, fights with mom but doesn't have as many anger issues
new bff chloe- same as neveah, female, dark brown skin,, blue eyes, shoulder length striahgt back hair, average build but very short, upbeat, bubbly, clumsy and a real sweetheart

CHAPTER OVERVIEW (15 chapters, 7 pages each)
p1: describes neveah eating breakfast and having a convo w/ mom about grades (average c trying to improve), and then going to weigh herself and examine herself in the mirror, sigh of dissapointment
words/phrases: “relentless teasing” “never good enough”
p2: describes neveah going to school

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