Discuss Scratch

62 posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Last edited by 88135074 (May 25, 2022 17:02:03)

Scr@tch is amazing!
New to Scratch
6 posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

31 posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

turbowa wrote:

How do you have an empty forum post?

I'm Aiud1234 - Follow me on Scratch
62 posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Ingiriisi kaliya ayaan aqaan, kan waxaa loo turjumay Soomaali.

Scr@tch is amazing!
62 posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Aiud1234 wrote:

turbowa wrote:

How do you have an empty forum post?
Sticmaale turbowa waxay ku samaysay “DELETE” garabyada.

The owner wrote:

Ingriiska lama ogola, sidaa darteed waxaan ku sameeyay af-Soomaali.

Last edited by 88135074 (May 28, 2022 19:43:54)

Scr@tch is amazing!
8 posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/697907846/ lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllslllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
100+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Is Pig Latin allowed?

My Website, My youtube channel, My profile on PenUp
Feel free to take a look! I'd really appreciate it!

I go by Katt and I use She/her pronouns currently I'm also a Proud Autistic Furry and Therian

Set (kintype) to (felinekin)
Meow (Goodbye!)
1000+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I've got a dumb question, what about Esperanto? No country has adopted the language but it's still considered a language

everything below is my signature, it appears under everything I post.

(Y::undefined)(T::variables)(A::control)(R::operators)(I::sensing)(E::motion)(5::looks) ::extension 

Outside I'm smiling but inside I'm sans the skeleton

Why are you here you extension user!?!?

[quote=Future Paddle2see]Please create a separate topic for each suggestion you have, rather than creating a list of suggestions. That way, the conversation stays focused and each idea can get the attention it needs.

Before making a new topic, please check out the following:
[list][url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/657522/]The Suggestions Directory.[/url] If your suggestion is in this list, please continue the discussion in the existing topic, rather than making a new topic.[/list]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/343602/]The Official List of Rejected Suggestions.[/url] If your suggestion is in this list, please do not make a new topic about it, as it will not be implemented anyway.
Thank you![/quote]

Please only create new threads here if you're a New Scratcher introducing yourself the community. Check out [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/399690/]Making a guide/welcome topic? Please read this first![/url]
New to Scratch
100+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

YtArie5 wrote:

I've got a dumb question, what about Esperanto? No country has adopted the language but it's still considered a language
Esperanto topic

“The past is reinvented and becomes the future. But the lineage is everything.” - Philip Glass

1000+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

jlnilocalsip wrote:

YtArie5 wrote:

I've got a dumb question, what about Esperanto? No country has adopted the language but it's still considered a language
Esperanto topic

everything below is my signature, it appears under everything I post.

(Y::undefined)(T::variables)(A::control)(R::operators)(I::sensing)(E::motion)(5::looks) ::extension 

Outside I'm smiling but inside I'm sans the skeleton

Why are you here you extension user!?!?

[quote=Future Paddle2see]Please create a separate topic for each suggestion you have, rather than creating a list of suggestions. That way, the conversation stays focused and each idea can get the attention it needs.

Before making a new topic, please check out the following:
[list][url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/657522/]The Suggestions Directory.[/url] If your suggestion is in this list, please continue the discussion in the existing topic, rather than making a new topic.[/list]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/343602/]The Official List of Rejected Suggestions.[/url] If your suggestion is in this list, please do not make a new topic about it, as it will not be implemented anyway.
Thank you![/quote]

Please only create new threads here if you're a New Scratcher introducing yourself the community. Check out [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/399690/]Making a guide/welcome topic? Please read this first![/url]
100+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

FloatingMuffins wrote:

If you want to learn a language, I suggest Duolingo.
Do I look like the guy who wants to be hunted down by a green owl just because I missed my spanish lesson?

This is my signature, it goes beneath all of my posts. It isn't part of my post. You can create or change your signature here:

also feel free to give me an internet, you don't need to if you don't want to.
100+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

100+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This topic

Your text to link here…
1000+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

thanks, nice guide. was trying to teach a user not to spam here.

if one more person comments "Blaze" on my profile... | water
i ate an evil kumquat before it ate me!!!
DO NOT attempt to eat my- CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP!!!
you'll never take me alive, evil thing! credit to cheddargirl.
the 2016 Sing topic
100+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Question: is making a separate topic for a {LANGUAGE} Scratch Wiki allowed on this forum? I just don't want to clog up the Hungarian topic

Может команда Скретча не так уж и плоха…

Привет! Меня зовут Глеб, я программирую на TypeScript, ну и Scratch
Также изучаю Java и ООП.
Администратор русской Скретч Вики! Если хочешь помочь, то кликни на баннер сверху.

Be High Contrast
1000+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Latin is still used!

<OUO> :: motion  // this is gary he protects my siggy from evil kumquats 

(( ( •) ) _ (( •))    :: #000000   // this is Michael incase gary cant defeat the kumquats
Post your fakemon! (I would like to see your fanmade pokemon)
bring back the uploads image host
Please post on fakemon forum.
1000+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>


FloatingMuffins wrote:

I have seen a high amount of things in this forum that should not be here so I decided to create this guide.
Here you should create threads for languages that are not listed in the menu at the end of this page. If your language is not listed there then your language should be in a thread in this forum. Check through the pages of this forum to see. If it is not there create a thread for your language. These threads are used to discuss scratch in different languages.

But read this guide before creating a thread:

What should I NOT post here?
1. Duplicate topics
If there is already a thread for your language do not post another. Looking through this forum I have found 9 discussions for the Irish language. Post in a thread that is already there if there is one already there. Even if the thread is five years old still use that one. Necroposting is ok in this forum. It is best to keep the conversation all in one place.

2. A language you made up
You might have made up your own language with your friend. Unfortunately, this is not a place to discuss a language you made up. It is for the convenience of non-English speakers. Please be respectful to them.

3. Spam
Spam does not go in any forum. Do not advertise your projects or blockspam. This forum is for the convenience of non-English speakers. Please be respectful to them.

4. Any language that already has its own forum
Go to the end of this page: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/ . There is a list of languages that already have their own forum topic. If your language has its own forum use that.

5. Extinct languages
Please do not create a thread for an extinct language such as Latin. It will get closed down by a moderator

6. Fictional languages
Please do not create a thread for a fictional language such as Klingon. It will get closed down by a moderator.

7. Joke languages
You can set the language on the Scratch website to Edible Scratch and Meow. But these are just joke languages so please do not create a thread for them in this forum

8. English
Again, this forum for non-English speaking people. There is already a forum for the English language. (I know, this guide is in English )

9. Computer languages
No HTML, CSS, PHP or any of that. Also no wingdings.

10. Learn a language threads
If you want to learn a language, I suggest Duolingo.

So, if your language is breaking the rules above do not create a new thread for it. If it has passed the guidelines above it is probably safe to create a thread for it.

Thanks for reading!
is posting in languages you arent fluent in but learning allowed

this is my page

I'm not active on scratch anymore, I moved on.
48 posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

How about canadian english?

Hi im katthakitty!
Play one of my games here! game…
, No Flash version detected
knock knock. Who's there? Purple. Purple who? Purple is now screwed!!!!
, No Flash version detected
Time zone: EST
29 posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

zaxpo wrote:

FloatingMuffins wrote:

I have seen a high amount of things in this forum that should not be here so I decided to create this guide.
Here you should create threads for languages that are not listed in the menu at the end of this page. If your language is not listed there then your language should be in a thread in this forum. Check through the pages of this forum to see. If it is not there create a thread for your language. These threads are used to discuss scratch in different languages.

But read this guide before creating a thread:

What should I NOT post here?
1. Duplicate topics
If there is already a thread for your language do not post another. Looking through this forum I have found 9 discussions for the Irish language. Post in a thread that is already there if there is one already there. Even if the thread is five years old still use that one. Necroposting is ok in this forum. It is best to keep the conversation all in one place.

2. A language you made up
You might have made up your own language with your friend. Unfortunately, this is not a place to discuss a language you made up. It is for the convenience of non-English speakers. Please be respectful to them.

3. Spam
Spam does not go in any forum. Do not advertise your projects or blockspam. This forum is for the convenience of non-English speakers. Please be respectful to them.

4. Any language that already has its own forum
Go to the end of this page: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/ . There is a list of languages that already have their own forum topic. If your language has its own forum use that.

5. Extinct languages
Please do not create a thread for an extinct language such as Latin. It will get closed down by a moderator

6. Fictional languages
Please do not create a thread for a fictional language such as Klingon. It will get closed down by a moderator.

7. Joke languages
You can set the language on the Scratch website to Edible Scratch and Meow. But these are just joke languages so please do not create a thread for them in this forum

8. English
Again, this forum for non-English speaking people. There is already a forum for the English language. (I know, this guide is in English )

9. Binary code
I have only seen 1 binary code thread but I decided to include this anyway. Please do not create threads to discuss in binary code. These will be closed down by a moderator.

10. Learn a language threads
Do not create a thread for people to learn a language. This forum is for the convenience of non-English speakers. If you want to learn a language try Duolingo.

So, if your language is breaking the rules above do not create a new thread for it. If it has passed the guidelines above it is probably safe to create a thread for it.

Thanks for reading!
can we help other scratchers here using google translate?
of course

when green flag clicked
say [FOLLOW @gm_thelionking NOW hearth star all projects] for (123456765432) secs
1000+ posts

>>>>>>>>>>> READ BEFORE POSTING: What goes in the Other Languages forum? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

SonicFanX123_321 wrote:

is posting in languages you arent fluent in but learning allowed
I dont think so. paddle said it.

Paddle2see wrote:

Also please note that this forum is not intended for practicing foreign language skills - it is for the convenience of non-English speaking Scratchers. It is okay to answer posts, if you can be helpful, but do not use the forums simply to practice your language skills. Thanks again

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