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4 posts

Fishy foods Is here (´◡`)

Hello Fellow scratchers I've made a game that i'll hope you enjoy cause you got lots of food on your plate!

This game is called “Fishy foods” It's a game where you eat or get eaten by the shark you can customize your fish-like cursor and choose your fish to begin with, There shall be new updates in the future that will include: Settings, New enemies (and you can choose the enemies), achievement shop and last but not least achievements of course. Try your skills to win this underwater game! Greetings from @Bruuh_ch * P.S if there are new features to the game, The game shall be paused until the update is finished* Here is The link to the game! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/699720304/

Last edited by bruuh_ch (Aug. 5, 2022 18:02:19)

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