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Savebats - Scratch Writing Camp July 2022 Proof

Main Cabin Daily: “Today is national lasagna day in the US - a food that’s quite special to one of us on the daily team. Lasagna is a food with many layers. Today, we will be combining layers of a story. Each person will comment one vague beginning, conflict, setting, climax and ending of a story, and then mix and match from other peoples’ parts to create their own unique story of at least 400 words to earn 500 points. You must do both of these tasks to earn points. You can earn an extra 200 points if you provide proof. (Bonus: Give @Polarbear_17 some lasagna!! No points.)”
Prompts I came up with:
Beginning: “Your character is teleported to another world.”
Conflict: “Your character's teacher is trying to kick them out of school.”
Setting: “Your current favorite book series.”
Ending: “Your character finds out that their friend wasn't being intentionally rude when they said that one joke in fifth grade.”
Prompts used:
Beginning (from @readingCat11): “You are having the worst day of your life.”
Conflict (from @–kitti-kat–): “You can't escape the odd creatures of this world.”
Setting (from @perhapslucy): “In the middle of a dark forest, the trees forming a dark roof above you.”
Ending (from @Delta_doodles): “Your character learns how to stop running and face their fears.”


Words: 626
Tws: Violence, an ambiguous ending that *could* mean death (but not necessarily)


Gold heard his feet thump against the rotting leaves, squinching up his nose as their odor floated up to meet him. This was the worst day of his life. (And believe him, he’d had a lot of those.) He was being chased by Pokemon that he hardly knew the names of, in the middle of a forest that he didn’t know his way around. (In short, it was a terrible situation.)

However, none of that was the real problem. The problem was the fact that he had somehow lost every last one of his Pokemon in the battle leading up to this predicament. That was bad for a variety of reasons, number one being that he had no real way to fight against the Pokemon that were chasing him, and a VERY VERY close second reason was the fact that his Pokemon were like children to him (or at least very close friends). He felt sort of… empty, without them around.

The trees whipped past him like bikers or a speeding van. Briars pulled at his legs, tearing the already broken skin into an even more undignified mess of blood. He was in pain, he missed his Pokemon, he was lost.

But more than anything, Gold was afraid.

The other dexholders had practically abandoned him, running away the second they had a chance to, and leaving him and his team all alone to face the impossible force. (Of course, he couldn't quite blame them, he was sure he would have done the same if he had been given the chance. But it still hurt to know that every one of his friends was really willing to just… abandon him. Leave him as the single death out of all of them.)

Less harm to the group, he supposed.

Maybe there was a real reason for why they had run away. (Because even he couldn't bear the idea of them leaving him for dead.) But he still couldn't fathom why, for the love of God, they hadn't communicated this plan with him, or at the very least, pulling him along with them!

But no.

Being the ‘Breeder’ wasn't that important of a job anyway. (Really all it meant was that he could hatch weird Pokemon out of eggs a lot faster than anyone else could. No matter what they joked.)

He was tired, he was cold, and his clothing smelled like half dry blood and cobwebs.

And the Pokemon were still gaining on him.

He didn't even know where he was! Right as his team was defeated, Gold made a break for the woods, breaking through an unfamiliar treeline and leaving his Pokemon behind so many layers of thorns. (He wanted to go back to them, save them, keep them out of Team Rocket's evil hands. But he couldn't. He was lost, and- oh ____. The Pokemon were in view behind him.)

He pushed his legs to move even faster, focusing purely on the path ahead as he weaved through the thorn bushes and trees. He couldn't spare a second to worry about what was behind him.

But there it was.

A ravine, right below his feet.

He froze.

The Pokemon were right behind him. In front of him was death, behind him was death, and there was no time to switch direction. The world seemed to slow as he turned to watch the Pokemon move towards him. What should he choose, death by undignified fall, or death by at least twenty Pokemon ripping him to shreds? He didn't know what the correct answer was, but he did know that he wasn't a quitter. (No matter how little time left he had to prove it.)

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and charged at the Pokemon.

Last edited by savebats (July 30, 2022 05:21:22)

100+ posts

Savebats - Scratch Writing Camp July 2022 Proof

Weekly #4: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/716394528/

“You enter the main cabin, and something seems a little sus. Suddenly you see a person hop into a vent. You'd better complete your tasks before your cabin crew's chances of winning are sabotaged! There is one more weekly among us. Find it here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/716394528/

Note: I wasn’t sure whether I was meant to write down the lists I had to do, so I wrote down one of them and didn’t write down the other one, as that felt like a fair compromise. Sorry if that was the wrong thing to do. :( I swear I did them all!

Total Words: 4,271 (4,150 for just the main story, that extra bit is for the list I wrote in the doc. Take it out if you want. )


Story beginning (meant to keep to about 100 words)
Words: 100 exactly

Gold shivered and looked around himself, suddenly very confused as to where he was. He didn't remember this place. And he didn't remember what he had done to get himself in this situation. He was in some sort of lab, chemical equipment taking up the surfaces of the tables near him and a goggle cabinet on the wall near a door.

He staggered to his feet. Brushing his clothes off as frantically as he could (he didn't want chemicals on him), Gold racked his brain for any reason he would wake up in the back corner of a chemistry lab.


Use of a prompt from the opposite cabin in the rankings (which happens to be Myth… who is in first. Let’s take your guesses on how far my cabin is behind right now. /j) We write for ten minutes here.

Prompt (from @mossflower29 in this conversation: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31649263/comments/#comments-191555664 ): “Your character gets attacked by a friendly-looking animal

Words: 409

Gold stepped out of the corner, scanning the floor for any pieces of broken glass that he would want to avoid. (He didn’t know much about chemistry, really hadn’t made it past middle school, but he knew to avoid broken glass and random chemicals.) He didn’t see any, but he made sure to breathe lightly, especially when he passed a lab table that was completely covered in open beakers. (Many of which were giving off visible gas, and many of which Gold could only hope were not giving off gas as well.)

Finally, he passed the last lab table, and with a jolt it hit him that the room didn’t really seem like a lab so much as a chemistry classroom. ‘What..?’ He thought, passing rows upon rows of desks and chairs, ‘Why am I here?’

He looked toward the door, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. He walked quickly as torn papers and half open lab notebooks stared up at him from the otherwise empty desks. (For some reason, he felt like he was being watched.)

But before he could get to the door, a small ‘squeak’ froze him in his tracks. Hesitantly, he turned towards the noise, and before he could even process what exactly it was that he was looking at, the creature was already upon him.

He yelled in pain and shock as tiny claws dug into his arm, tearing at his sleeve and into his skin. “Ow!” He screeched, grabbing the tiny animal in his other hand and trying to rip it off of him. It was a small thing, and if he hadn’t already felt its wrath, he might have even called it cute. It had large gray ears, a puffy gray tail, and softness to its fur that made Gold sort of want to fall asleep. …if it hadn’t been for the fact that it was failing and squeaking as if its very life depended on attacking him.

He held it as far away from him as his arm would let him, feeling a shiver run down his spine as he imagined what would have happened if the creature attacking him had been any bigger. He grit his teeth and looked over his shoulder, half expecting Acreus to appear out of the shadows and dropkick him to his death.

But of course, there was nothing.

Just an open door.

A door that he was certain had not been open before.

Use of the ‘Chekhov's Gun’ principle in about 300 words.

Words: 348 (which, I say, is closer to 300 than 400, so HA)

Gold peeked out the door, and was immediately shocked by how dark it was in the hallway. Still holding the creature an arm's length away from him,
Gold took a tentative step outside of the lab. (Of course, he kept one foot inside the door, he had played enough video games to know that a door that opened by itself could also close by itself.) Staring out into the darkness, he squinted, trying to see for absolute certainty if there was anything in the darkness he should be wary of.

He patted his coat for reassurance, making sure that his Pokeballs were still securely in place. (And, after a brief moment of panic where he momentarily couldn't find Exbo's, Gold felt securely reassured.) He wasn't sure when or if he would need his Pokemon, but being seemingly teleported to a sketchy chemistry lab with no memory of how definitely seemed to suggest that he would sooner or later.

After another minute of staring into the hallway, Gold still didn't see anything in the thick shadows. He blinked once or twice (as the gray Pokemon in his hand finally stopped fighting), and drew his other leg into the hallway. Just as he had expected, the doors snapped shut behind him, and Gold felt a sudden whoosh of clean air as whatever gas had been in that room was cut off from his lungs. (Was that a good or a bad thing? He wasn't sure.)

But now, with the door closed behind him (and its light extinguished by what was apparently two way glass in its window frames), Gold could hardly see anything. Sure of what to do though, he reached into his pocket, grabbing the Pokeball that he was pretty sure was Exbo's and opening it. The momentary flash of red illuminated everything for a moment, and Gold was able to see that he had, in fact, picked the correct Pokemon.

“Exbo!” He said, “I could use a little light, man.”

As requested, the fire Pokemon lit its flames, and Gold could see the hallway once again.

He gasped.


The events up to this point in the story have been a dream! According to the next point on the checklist. qwq (At least 200 words.)

Words: 285

There, in the newly illuminated hallway, was Giovanni. He was staring at Gold, and he was smiling in that especially creepy way he did when you knew that something horrible was about to happen. (And, of course, Gold's blood ran cold.)

“Hello Gold,” the Team Rocket leader purred, “I see you've finally woken up.”

Gold opened his mouth to insult him, or to ask him what the hell was going on, or to say anything really, but before he could get the chance, his eyes were snapping open and he was sitting bolt upright. Next to him, Aibo jumped, but Gold couldn't find it in himself to care. His blood was ice, he was shaking like he had in the crack of time, and his hair was a mess.

He shivered and gripped his shoulders, speaking out loud as he wondered, “Was that… a dream?” He looked at Aibo, who was sort of looking at him like he had two heads. (Clearly thinking, ‘How should I know? I didn’t dream it.’)

“It didn’t feel like a dream,” Gold muttered, watching as sunlight filtered through his window and onto his bed, making the blankets shine oddly in the early morning light.

Aibo snorted and curled his tails around his face. Seeing this, Gold spoke (though his words were half sarcastic), “Sorry for waking you up,” he said, “I didn’t know you needed beauty rest.”

Again, the Pokemon snorted, and Gold smiled, satisfied. He was already awake, so he swung his legs over the side of his bed and prepared to face the day. Halfway through his preparations though, he suddenly remembered his dream.

He frowned.

It didn’t matter, it was just a dream.

He hoped.


Use aspects of Dystopian, Mystery OR Horror for the next bit. (Writing for five minutes too, very helpful. /j) -anyway I picked Mystery. :)

Words: 209

He shook the thoughts away, turning towards the door of his room, and stepping outside of it in one pivot. (Very fancy of him.) He practically fell down the stairs, excited to get himself a good bowl of cereal to clear his mind, but when he got there, something was… wrong.

At this time of day, his mom was, without fail, always making herself a pot of coffee. Normally, her being gone for a moment wouldn’t bother him (probably using the bathroom), but that wasn’t the only strange thing. The air felt… cold. Like someone had left a window open all night and closed it the second it started to get warm out.

He licked his lips, stepping tentatively forward as he instinctively sweeped the area with his eyes. For a moment, nothing looked out of the ordinary, but then he saw it. A note on a pink sticky note, scribbled in a handwriting that he most certainly did not recognize.
For some reason, he ran forward, racing to read the note. Maybe it was because he was spooked by the night’s dreaming, or maybe it was because he had a feeling something was wrong. ‘Why is this note in such weird handwriting?’ he thought furiously, ‘Where’s my mom?’

“One of the characters is revealed as having ulterior motives-” (oh god I only have one character so far), “-in 200 words” (OH GOD I ONLY HAVE ONE CHARACTER SO FAR.)

Words: 203

Gold read the note as well as he could, but was ultimately unable to decipher more than a few words. He growled, crumpling up the paper as he gave the counter a death stare. This wasn't fair! His mom hadn't done anything wrong! (But, from what he was able to decipher, whoever had written this note definitely seemed to think so.)

He turned in the direction of the stairs, yelling for Aibo to come downstairs right this instant. Normally Aibo would take at least an hour to wake up, thankfully though, the Pokemon seemed to understand the urgency and anger in his voice, and came running only a minute or so after he was called. (For this, Gold gave him a small kiss on his tiny forehead.)

“Aibo,” he announced to the Pokemon that was now on his shoulder, “Mom's gone. We have to find her.”

Aibo looked at him, confused for a moment, but when Gold held up the crumpled note, he seemed to understand.

“Glad you got it buddy,” Gold said, grabbing his skateboard and marching towards the door, “At least someone is being normal around here.” (For, in that exact moment, he recognized the writing. Giovanni had kidnaped his mother.)


In 250 words, my character feels extreme dread that will carry through the rest of the story. (Oh my gosh???? An actually good prompt for my story???? SINCE WHEN????)

Words: 250

Speeding through the streets of New Bark Town, Gold felt his mouth twitching. ‘Giovanni…’ he thought, trying to remember everything he knew about the Leader of Team Rocket, ‘He’s a ground type trainer, he’s willing to do anything to get what he wants, and…’

Gold paused in his thoughts, his eyes catching on a ‘wanted’ poster on a nearby telephone pole. It was of a Team Rocket member, and though their face was slightly blurry, the emblazoned ‘R’ on their chest was as clear as day. ‘-And he has an entire corporation to back him up if he gets in trouble.’ Gold thought, his heart jumping into his throat.

How was he gonna do this?

Gold wasn’t by any means a weak trainer (in fact, he had been named as stronger than at least a decent half of the other dexholders), but he knew that even Red couldn’t take on all of Team Rocket alone. So how could he?

Everyone always said he was the most useless out of all of them…

He shook his head, causing Aibo to slip slightly. (Thankfully though, he was able to catch himself before falling. They couldn’t afford to lose any speed, not now..) It wasn’t like him to let that get to him. Not when his mother’s life could possibly be at stake

But still, all he felt was an overwhelming sense of dread.

The wind whipped his hair into his eyes, and he wondered if the moment of blindness was an omen.

The main character is a family member of the villain…? Uh, Silver is Giovanni’s son… right? And I don’t mind Silver and Gold as a ship… Okay they’re boyfriends now idc idc. (Also I only have 8 minutes to do this.)

Words: 313


Finally, he reached the place he knew to be Team Rocket’s current hideout. On the outside it didn’t look like much, just a dingy old shack with a few oddly new looking fences around the border. But Gold knew better. He knew that there was an underground laboratory down there, and probably even more.

(Of course, if anyone other than one of his friends asked him how he knew that, he would simply say it was a lucky guess, but if the asker did happen to be among his friends… Well, let’s just say that dating the son of the Team Rocket executive had something to do with it.)

Suddenly oddly distracted by the thought of Silver, Gold froze. Did that make him related to Giovani? Technically? The thought was terrifying, and did absolutely nothing to calm his nerves. As he waited behind a tree outside of the building, he felt his face morph into a scowl as he remembered what Giovani had done with his mother. If dating Silver meant he was related to that creep, he was glad to renounce such “family.”

Aibo poked his arm, and Gold was drawn out of his thoughts. “What is it, Aibo?” he whispered, turning slightly to watch the building even closer.
But even before the Pokemon could answer him, he saw it. The door was wide open!

“Right,” he muttered, taking the smallest of small steps forward, “We’ll just walk right in, no biggie.”

But before he could get any father, a laugh sounded behind him.

Gold froze.

“You really fell for that note?” Someone giggled, “Maybe you really are as stupid as all the stories say!”

Gold whipped around, and Aibo bared his teeth as menacingly as he could. “Who-?!” Gold started, but before he could finish his question (or even really see what he was facing up against) the world went dark.

Uhhh… a flock of birds has to appear and they have to have some sort of significance in the story. Also I have to figure this out in five minutes.

Words: 219

. . .

Gold felt his brain stutter as he slowly came to. ‘What the heck…?’ He thought, struggling to his feet as an odd scent wafted through the stuffy room he found himself in, ‘Where- where am I?’

After a moment of forcing his eyes to focus (and only achieving it after he promised himself that if he didn’t, he was going to get squashed by a boulder). He looked around, and (though glad to see the lack of giant boulders) was shocked to see the bars of a cage. He tried to stand, but found that he couldn’t get more than a few inches without stumbling and falling to his knees. With horror, he realized that all of his Pokeballs (and Aibo along with them), were nowhere to be found.

He was helpless.

…but at least he didn’t seem to be alone.

Off to the left of him, a secondary cage (completely PACKED with Murkcrows) seemed to be experiencing the same dizziness and weakness as he was. He watched as they opened and closed their beaks, seeming to struggle with the air around them. And with horror, he had an idea. ‘The fumes-’

He covered his mouth with his sleeve, but before he could figure out if that was going to help at all, a familiar laugh broke the silence.

I have to write using dystopian fantasy, urban fantasy, hidden worlds, science fantasy, or steampunk. Uh… I guess I’m going with science fantasy.

Words: 827 (Sorry I popped off. There were no limits.)

“You really thought you could save yourself by blocking out the poison?” A gas mask muffled voice asked, “You sealed your fate the second you let yourself be captured by our grunts.”

Gold growled, but he was too smart to quip back, even if he really really wanted to. He didn’t even shift his arm, though making a certain choice gesture at the woman now in front of him would have been a pretty cool move in his book. (Minimum contact with the gas was his goal.)

Though he couldn’t see her face, Gold could tell Ariana was grinning. She was revilling in the weakness that she saw in him, the weakness that was caused by a poisonous gas just as much as it was his own overwhelming dread. (Well, she had once said that her job was to elliminate enemies by any means nessessary, and murdering them slowly was certainly a way to do that.)

“You really scared us last night, when you dream jumped into Giovanni's lab,” she said, clearly okay with watching him choke as she made casual small talk, “I didn’t know you could do that, jumping through dreams and everything-,” she cut herself off, watching as one of the caged Murkrows fell still, “You were lucky you woke up when you did, to be honest.”

Gold felt like his lungs were on fire. At first, the gas didn't hurt, but now… Now it was really starting to get to him. Even though he could still breathe and the filtration that his sleeve provided was definitely helping him, it still hurt.

Ariana turned to him, and what he could see of her face looked quite serious. “But we knew you’d come here eventually,” she laughed, “You never know when to do what’s good for you, do you?”

Gold clenched his teeth, pushing his nose as far against his arm as it would go, and fighting with all his might to stay conscious. (And also to resist the urge to insult her back. A reaction was exactly what she wanted, and sometimes the best insult came in not insulting people. Even if they really deserved it.)

She waited a moment, and Gold felt a sick sense of pride when he realized that she was waiting for him to pass out. ‘Silly Ariana,’ he thought to himself, slightly hysterical, ‘It takes a bit more than poison gas to take out someone like me.’

Right on cue, her voice rang out again. “Since you aren’t going to be here much longer,” she said, pacing back and forth, “I might as well explain what this gas is, exactly.” She laughed. “Not that you’ll have enough time for that tiny brain of yours to process the science behind it.”

In any normal situation, Gold would probably appreciate a pretty woman explaining something to him, but this was far from a normal situation. He was collapsed on his face on the ground, listening to a woman who he thought had been kicked out of Team Rocket explain her and Giovani’s joint plan for world domination, with a cage of half dead Murkrows beside him.

Suddenly reminded of the poor birds, Gold scanned their cage again, trying to ignore the welling panic as he watched the Murkrows fall still one by one. But with a shock, he noticed something strange about the birds. The Pokemon on the top of the stack were lasting for more time than those on the bottom. In fact, those on the top just looked confused about what was happening to the others. If only he could stand up…

He looked towards the bars of the cage. He could probably lean against those for support, if he got the chance. And for a moment the stars were aligned, for when he glanced back at Ariana, he found that by some insane stroke of luck, she had turned away from him.

As quickly as his broken muscles could, he dragged himself to the bars, keeping one arm over his face for as long as he could. Just a few more inches… Just a few more before he would be able to breathe again…

There! His hand made contact with the bars. He took a huge breath, squeezed his eyes shut, and used both hands to drag himself into a somewhat standing position. Almost instantly, the air felt clearer. Sure, it was not perfect, but as a sound of surprise came from Arianna he took the biggest breath he could get, and smashed straight through the bars. (It’s shocking how strong a panicking Pokedex holder could be when they had to be.)

Before his captor even knew what was happening, Gold was already out the door, running as fast as he could through the oddly familiar hallways. (Dark and confusing as they were.) His muscles still felt like jelly, and his lungs still felt like he’d inhaled a month’s worth of volcano smoke, but he was running. Somehow.


Last one! I have to write as fast as I can for five minutes. (And then edit it afterward.) LET’S GO BABYYYY

Words: 325


A month later, he still couldn’t explain what exactly had happened in the Team Rocket hideout. (Yes, he spent that entire month in the hospital, what about it? And yes he had gotten his Pokemon AND his mom back, in the end. …which he couldn’t be more glad about.)

However, he still had questions.

What was that strange gas that had taken over the room? (None of the doctors or scientists he had worked with over the past month seemed to be able to figure out exactly what it was, even though it was the cause of many of his ailments.) And what was “dream jumping”? And, possibly most importantly, where had Ariana and Giovanni gone? When the police had swept the place, they had found nothing. (In their exact words, it seemed like no one had been there in at least a year.)

So… what had happened back there?

He certainly didn’t know. (But to be honest… he was okay with that, at least for a little while.) The exposing of the fact that Team Rocket was still up and kicking HAD undoubtedly been helpful, it still felt like the effort he had put into it was wasted. (And by that he meant by “up and kicking” was that the “trying to kill people” part of their operations was up and running again, they were always messing up the economy.)

Of course the Dexholder stans seemed to dissociate from the fact that it had been him, Gold of New Bark Town, that had found the schemes out, it had been him who had been smart enough to get out of a poison trapped basement, and that it had been him who had had the guts to go there in the first place. (Though, maybe that part was really stupidity, in the end.)

Somehow though, he couldn’t quite find it in him to care. At least his family was safe. …the family that mattered, anyway.


…okay apparently that wasn’t the last part???? I don’t know how to add this into the story really, so just take this as the epilogue or something. Though the first few sentences or whatever are connected to the last part lol. (I have to write 500 words to nicely wrap up the story… somehow.)

Words: 572

He smiled as he looked up at his house, its multicolored walls and unexplainable fasades might look strange to anyone else, but to him it was nothing short of home. He leaned on Silver’s shoulder as his mom finished parking the car.

‘Home…’ he thought, smiling quietly as he felt Silver’s breath at his shoulder, ‘Home is where those that you care about are. Home is where you can finally rest.’

“So Gold,” his mother asked, interrupting his thoughts, “When do you think you’re going to get back to training?”

Without even thinking about his answer before he blurted it out, Gold yelled, “As soon as I can!” He pushed Silver away, thoughts of home long forgotten as he riffiled through his Pokeballs. He pulled out the one that he knew contained Exbo, “Which also happens to be right now!”

His mother laughed.


Meanwhile, in a cave far far away…

“So,” Giovani said, his face still hidden in darkness, “The boy got away?”

Ariana bowed her head, “I’m sorry sir,” she tried, trying to ease her shivering with a deep breath or two, “He surprised me, I could do nothing to stop him. He ran past before I could do anything about it-“

Giovani interrupted her, raising his hand in a simple motion that, if executed correctly, sent fear burrowing into the hearts of whoever was unlucky enough to see it. (This of course, Giovani was an expert at.) ”Did you, by any chance, tell him how the poison was actually made?“ Her boss asked, his voice a false calm edged with a dangerously sharp bite.

Giovani turned to her, and Ariana felt a strike of fear shoot through her, but before she could open her mouth to ask him if what she had done was acceptable, he started to laugh. Not his usual evil sounding Team Rocket Executive laugh, but the laugh of someone who genuinely found something humorous. (Somehow, she wasn't sure if that made her feel more or less scared.)

”Don't worry about that my dear,“ he smiled, reaching a gloved hand out for her to grab, ”Gold always seems to get away, and besides, don't you think my son would be sad if his boyfriend ended up dead?“

She blinked and paused for a moment, unsure of how to respond, before copying his smile and gripping his hand in hers. ”Of- of course sir,“ she said, trying to sound confident but stuttering a bit anyway, ”He probably would."

Giovani nodded, and to her surprise, took a step out of the shadows. Always sharp with her eyes, Ariana quickly noticed that his normally white dress shirt was speckled with something red. She swallowed and stepped a bit closer to him, feeling her shoulders shudder as her eyes met his. Something about that red… something about it was just so… beautiful. Alluring. Attractive even.

“We don’t need to kill someone to get the reaction we need out of them, do we my dear?” He purred.

“Of course not,” she answered, echoing his tone in the most natural sounding way that she could, “We can still estimate how quickly someone with the strong will of a dexholder will go down, even if they get away a second or two before it actually happens.”

Giovani grinned, and the hair on the back of Ariana’s neck stood straight up. “Now,” he said, soft as silk, “We can start working on the final product.”


From the middle of the game somewhere: List of the five things I am most proud of??? Apparently??? (Not in any particular order.)
Words: 121

1. My full length 3rd Life AMV that I couldn’t post on Scratch because of the song. :,) (“The _________ Tango.” Do with that what you will.)

2. My ‘Dragon’s Of The Caves’ story. I’m not gonna post it, especially not before I publish it, but it slaps lol.

3. My art style in general. (Idk it’s cute.)

4. The fact that I got (at least really near) whatever the highest score is on one of my AP tests this year???? Girl how.

5. My Mixed AU. (No one’s gonna know what that is, but it’s a very expansive AU that has pretty much taken up all my midnight talking time with my sister for the past three years. It’s really fun!)


Final save code:

PATHS TAKEN: 3-1, 2-3, 4-2, 1-4, 5-2, 102-3, 9-2, 6-2, 82-3, 7-2 | SABOTAGE RESULTS: 9- S;2- S;1- S;8- S;5- F, 7- S;4- S;6- S;3- S | ENDING: good

Last edited by savebats (July 30, 2022 04:37:52)

100+ posts

Savebats - Scratch Writing Camp July 2022 Proof

Main Cabin Daily: “I’m on the fence about this daily. Just kidding - but imagine if I were actually sitting on a fence, pondering this daily. Today’s daily is about idioms taken literally! Choose a common idiom and write at least 300 words about a story in which it is taken literally for 400 points. You can earn an extra 100 points for sharing proof.”

Idiom used: “Knock ‘em dead”

Note: Slight AU where Lochlan dies in a different part of a battle, lol.

Tws: Animal Death and implied violence (but nothing near as bad as Shark Wars, which is intended for children, making this okay for Scratch)

Words: 706


Lochlan forced a smile at Gray, even as his fin steamed blood into the already reddened waters. “I’m okay mate,” he lied, “Just let me rest a moment…”

Gray clearly knew that he was lying, if the shine in his eyes and the nervous twitching of his tail were any indication. “But Loch,” he started, sounding like he was about to cry, “We need you to lead the charge against Finnivus!”

Lochlan tried to push himself forward, but wasn't able to get very far. (His tail was missing part of the tip, and one of his fins was completely gone.) He was lucky he was even able to breathe, but thankfully there was a current brushing through the waters, prolonging his conversation with Gray “No, no you don't,” he murmured. He wasn't even in pain, just a simple happy calm as the waters of the Sparkle Blue began to float before his eyes, “You can do this-”

Gray cut him off, slamming his tail against the seafloor and sending huge plumes of sand to whoosh past them, sped along by the same current that kept the water drifting through his gills. “But it doesn't matter if I can,” now he was really crying, “I just care about you!”

Loch grinned, and though it was a little bit forced, it was at least a little bit genuine. “Well, that's really nice of you mate,” he said, his breathing labored as the current suddenly shifted a bit, “But we have to win against Finnivus, and I'm just another shark-” he cut himself off with a labored cough, “-in the long run.”

Gray (who was still crying) rolled his eyes and swam a bit closer, clearly intending to push Lochlan to safety, “But you're the king of AuzyAuzy Shiver, and I'm not even from that ocean! How am I meant to lead your shiver? I don't even know your battle commands!”

Lochlan shook his head, “That's not true, Gray,” he forced his broken fins to move a little bit, “You were just as good as any of the sharks in my line, and besides, you wouldn't just be leading my shiver, but your own too.”

Gray froze, his tail twitching with emotion. He didn’t seem to have thought of that.

Lochlan laughed, and it hurt, but it was worth it. “Come on mate! You aren’t telling me you really forgot that?!” He broke off to cough, “You being the leader would be just as good as me leading them, your shiver is in there too you know.”

Gray choke laughed, “But Rouge Shiver is only six sharks-”

Lochlan interrupted him, slicing what was left of his tail feebly through the water. “‘Still a Shiver, bud-” Gray once again rolled his eyes, and then fought back a sob as Lochlan continued speaking, “-So it’s your job to lead them to fight back against Finnivus.”

There was a pause as the greenie wavered in the reddened water.

“You really think that?” Gray murmured, his voice slow and sad.

Lochlan nodded, even though it was hard, “Totally! But if you want to do it, you’re gonna have to get back into the battle soon,” he turned his head upward, watching as other sharks spiraled down through the water around them, “They need you, mate.”

Gray looked up as well. Watching in silence and letting the din of the battle overwhelm his senses. He knew that Loch was right, he knew that all he said was true.

He closed his eyes.

“Go, Gray.” Lochlan said gently, using his broken fins to propel him an urchin spine closer to the young Megladon, “They need you.”

Gray nodded, and slowly turned back toward the battle, but stopped dead in his tracks as Lochlan spoke one last time.

“Oh, and Gray-” he said, his voice weak but so strong, “If you see Finnivus, knock him dead for me, alright?”

Gray nodded and turned toward him, and Lochlan was glad to see the shark’s face was determined and angry. “I promise, if I get my teeth on Finnivus, it will be the sweetest blood I’ll ever taste.”

Lochlan grinned at him, even as the blue megalodon sped away. That was exactly what he had needed to hear.

Last edited by savebats (July 30, 2022 23:07:56)

100+ posts

Savebats - Scratch Writing Camp July 2022 Proof

Word War with @22shock (I lost lol.) (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/700921014/#comments-281316197 )
Words: 201

Gold shuffled his feet, unsure of what to do.

“Uh, Green,” he muttered, looking down at the floor, “I wanted to tell you something,”

She tilted her head at him, brown hair falling around her face in cute little strands, “Yeah, what is it?”

Gold took a deep breath, his eyes still trained firmly on his feet. “Well, I just wanted to say that I-” he cut himself off for another calming breath as Green looked at him with a confused expression on her face, “- I just wanted to tell you that I love you,” he finally said, squeezing his eyes shut with embarrassment, “If that’s okay with you.”

Green paused for a moment (which kinda made Gold want to crawl into a hole and die), but then smiled, “That’s alright Gold,” she whispered, leaning in close to him, “I like you too.”

Gold blinked, and wheeled around to face her. “Really?!” He asked, unable to believe he was hearing this, “Are you for real??”

Green laughed, “Of course! You’re a strong trainer, and you’re quite nice and-” she cut herself off and Gold felt his face heat up at Green blushed, “-never mind what else, actually.” She finished, looking embarrassed.
100+ posts

Savebats - Scratch Writing Camp July 2022 Proof

Uh… I guess this is goodbye then. (For Scratch Writing Camp.)

Thanks to all my wonderful cabin mates for being awesome! Just because it looks like we're ending in dead last didn't make this any less fun. >^-^<

And to Dystopian's cabin leaders (@ButterPopcorn8 , @Starrial , @2GS6 (my word counter :,)) , and @Firetender), thank you all for making this an amazing month!

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