Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

main cabin daily - july 4
vagueness vs ambiguity

words: 250
Dan called to Kate and Jake from the other side of the house with an errand for them.
Dan: “Hey, can you go to the store to go pick something up for me?”
Kate: “Who? Which one of us?”
Dan: “You know, you. The one who went last time.”
Jake: “We both went last time… whatever we'll both go, what do you need?”
Dan: “I don't know, maybe get me a drink, and also something from the bakery.”
Kate: “Which things?”
Dan: “You know what, just use the old shopping list.”
Jake went and found the shopping list they had used last time they went somewhere.
Jake: “Alright, I got it. Let's go.”
Dan: "No, not that shopping list! The one we took to the other store!“
Kate: ”Here, I got the one you wanted one, now let's go. Whose car do you want us to take?“
Dan: ”Yours. The one you bought.“
Jake: ”Both of us have cars we bought… I'm tired of this, let's just go.“
Kate and Jake went to the store in Kate's car, buying the drinks and baked goods that were on the shopping list from last time. They arrived home about thirty minutes later and gave the food to Dan.
Kate: ”Here, we got what you wanted.“
Dan: ”Thanks… but didn't I tell you to go to that store? Did you not understand?“
Jake: ”We went to a store and got what you wanted… I don't think you really told us anything…“

words: 269
Trevor ran into the office, carrying a stack of papers. ”I got news,“ he panted, ”it's about your job. Your position changed.“
”What?“ Charlotte asked. ”What happened?“
”I heard about it from Louis,“ Trevor replied. ”It's really changed.“ He handed Charlotte some of the papers. ”Here, take a look.“
Charlotte read them over, a look dawning on her face. ”I'm…shocked. It really is different. It's like nothing I've ever seen before.“
”See?“ Trevor said, taking back the papers and putting them on a shelf. ”I knew you'd agree with me, and it's good you took it that way.“
Charlotte nodded. ”I'm going to need to start planning quickly. This really changes the whole experience.“ She sat down, opened her computer, and began to type. ”See you!“
”Bye,“ said Trevor. ”I hope you get somewhere.“ He left and closed the office door.

A day later, Trevor and Charlotte both arrived at the hall for the opening day of her new job. ”Hey, Charlotte,“ he said. ”How did you do?“
”Well, I definitely did something,“ she replied. ”Anyways, how do I look?“ She gestured at her dress.
”You sure look different than usual,“ Trevor said. ”The design is interesting.“ They went inside and joined the other guests, most of which were already there and comfortable. After about fifteen minutes of just talking and relaxing, a voice was heard through a loudspeaker. It talked about the event, why everyone was there, and, finally, the details of the changed jobs. ”…and we may or may not have told you this before, but as one final change, everyone's salary will change by 10 percent."

hi! : D

folklore ftw!!
500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Main Cabin Daily 7/4
304 and 302 words

A woman walks up to me, looking frantic and confused. “Have you seen her?”
I look up from where I’m sitting and frown. “Who?”
She sighs impatiently. “You know, the girl.”
“What girl?”
“I don’t have time for this. Have you seen her or not?”
“I need more details. There have been a lot of people passing through here. Hair color? Height?”
“Her hair is a very nice color, she’s about average height - maybe she could be considered tall. Or actually she could be short.”
“That’s not helpful, ma’am. How old is she?”
“Oh, I don’t know anymore, I don’t do birthdays.”
“So is she an adult then?”
“Why do you keep asking questions? Have you seen her or not?”
I groan and point to a middle-aged woman crossing the street. “Is that her?”
“That weirdo? No, absolutely not! That looks nothing like her! This is not helpful at all!” She stamps her foot.
“Well, ma’am, you haven’t really given me much to work with.”
“I think she was wearing a leather jacket. Or, wait, she may have taken it off. And her leggings were black - or were they blue? I can’t remember.”
“Okay, jeans. That’s a start.”
“It may have been a skirt instead.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“It’s been ten minutes, I’ll move on. Thank you for nothing.” She shakes her head.
“Not my fault!” I call as she leaves.
Just then I see a teenager in dark blue leggings and a skirt. She has a leather jacket peeking out of her purse. I exhale slowly. It must be her.
“Excuse me?” I yell. “Come back! I think I found her!” The lady from earlier ignores my words, or maybe doesn’t hear them.
The teenager approaches me. “Have you seen her? You know, the woman, weird hair, wearing nice stuff…”

{Flora, can you figure out where the carousel is?} The text sends with a whooshing sound effect and I put my phone in my pocket, looking out at the river. Just then I hear a ding and I pick it back up to a response from her.
{On it!} is her reply, and I nod. Then, {This is where I am now} and an address appears. I assume she just wanted to let me know.
She’ll probably just text me when she finds it, so there’s nothing I have to do right now. A boat passes me - they come every 20 minutes - and a crowd of people step off. I’m hoping Flora finds the carousel soon, because this area is about to get real busy. I can already hear their joyful chattering.
I wait there for a while; I don’t know how long it’s been. I see another boat pass me. That means it’s been about twenty minutes and I still haven’t heard from Flora. I sigh and check my phone, and there’s nothing. I return it to my pocket.
Another boat passes, and another. That’s an hour gone. I finally grab the phone again.
{Where are you?} I type.
{Where am I? Where are you!?} comes the response.
{I thought you were finding the carousel!} I write, feeling so confused.
{I literally found it an hour ago.} I can almost hear the groan that goes along with it.
{Why didn’t you text me then?}
{I did!}
{I have no idea what you’re referring to.}
{I told you I was on it, and I sent the address!}
I scroll up to where it reads “525600 Rent Lane”, the address from earlier. Oh.
{I thought you meant you were on it as in looking for it!}
{Idiot. Hurry up and get over here.}

they say

adventure's a cabin of curious minds;
bi-fi's bizarre like the passage of time.

sci-fi has cool tech and lots of big booms;
dystopian pictures our imminent doom.

hi-fi remembers the things that are old;
poetry lies in our hearts, in our souls.

real-fi has stories of the ordinary;
horror is sometimes a little bit scary.

fan-fi begins at the end of a tale;
mystery leads us down numerous trails.

fantasy pushes our imagination;
non-fi provides us with new information.
script, line by line, takes collaboration;
folklore is passed down through our generations.

fairy tales, myth, all the cuts from past sessions
we mourn, but we welcome our newest accessions

and oh! there's another that's still on the list
thriller is cool because birdi insists <3

robin ~ she/any
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Main cabin daily - July 4

Ambiguity - 251 words
“You know how much I hate you right now, right?”
“I am aware.”
“You had a knife in your hand, and you did nothing! You didn’t do your job.”
“I would have if I’d been able to.”
“Oh, sure. You weren’t near the princess at the right moment. So everything went wrong, and now she’s injured in bed, just because you apparently forgot how to tell time?”
“Stop blaming me for this. You hired me because you thought I was the best person for the job. If I haven’t turned out to be good enough, I’m not to blame. You are.”
“Ha! You told me you had the experience, but that was a lie. Who’s fault is that?”
“I’m not listening to this anymore. Do you want me to leave, or not?”
“See, the thing I hate is that we still need you. We all do. There’s no one else suitable for the job.”
“Well, at least it’s settled, then… So, how’s the princess?”
“Not unexpectedly, she should recover. You saw that a guard threw her a dagger before any serious harm could be done.”
“I’ll do my job better next time.”
“You’d better, or you won’t get a penny for your effort.”
“Got it. Shall I start preparing for the future?”
“Yes. Practice fighting with that knife, for one thing. And next time, stay at the ball the entire time. No taking a break for ten minutes. Next time, the princess may or may not be as lucky as yesterday.”

Vagueness - 258 words
“Did you check?”
“Yup, and double checked. It’s gone.”
“Then we failed. The punishment will be great this time.”
“Look on the bright side - at least it wasn’t Fred this time.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better, what with the situation Fred’s in right now?”
“No, I suppose it isn’t… Do you think there’s anything we can do to cover this up?”
“Not likely. She’ll see through any lies.”
“I’ve lied to her before.”
“Well, either you imagined it, or she’s only pretending not to know.”
“Whatever. Speaking of her seeing through lies, does she know where you went yesterday?”
“Of course n - Very clever. No, because I didn’t have to lie. I didn’t even have to speak.”
“You’re overconfident.”
“And you’re too full of yourself.”
“So… how do we get out of this?”
“We could try to make it look like what happened last year happened again. If we ripped everything up, knocked a few things over…”
“Okay, sure. Even if she discovers the deception, our punishment shouldn’t be much worse than it would be otherwise.”
“Okay, so you go get the supplies we’ll need, and I’ll start setting things up here. Do you think we need to frame someone else as the culprit?”
“No, because we still want to catch the actual culprit, right?”
“Not for very long, though.”
“We’ll be quick.”
“What we’ll be is too late. What we’ll be is dead meat.”
“It’s only your past that makes you think so.”
“Perhaps, but you don’t know everything about my past.”

~ Paige ~ she/her ~ teen ~ writer ~ fandom fanatic ~

“Destiny is a book you write yourself.” - The Dragon Prince
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Daily 7/4


“We’ve come to pick up Leila,” I say, smiling at the kindergarten teacher.

She beams back at us. “Of course. Your daughter should be out shortly. She’s just packing up her things. I must say, I’ve never worked with a child quite like her before.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” I laugh, at the same time my husband exclaims, “Oh my god, was she being disruptive? I’m so sorry. I told her that she couldn’t chatter all day once school started, but she’s never been a particularly shy kid.” We stop and glance at each other, confused.

The teacher blinks and clears her throat awkwardly. “Well, your daughter certainly is quite- ”

She is cut off as Leila bursts through the door, grinning widely. “Mommy, guess what! Today was so much fun! We had show and tell, and Grace came up, and we all got to see her duck-”

“Duck?” my husband interrupts, confused. “What’s so special about seeing someone duck? Why did she duck? Were the kids throwing things at her?”

“I think she means the girl brought in a pet duck,” I correct him. “Isn’t that right, Leila?”

“And then we did an art project,” our daughter continues breathlessly, having already forgotten all about show and tell. “See?” She proudly holds up a crayon drawing of something that looks vaguely like a duck. The animal kind, I mean.

“That’s beautiful,” I say, admiring her work. “Is it Grace’s?”

“No, it’s mine,” Leila says, looking injured. “I would never steal Grace’s art! Anyway, she drew a chicken.”

“Oh no, no that,” I say hastily. “I meant the duck-”

My husband coughs. “Why don’t we go home, and you can tell us more about your drawing on the drive back?”

Leila perks up. “Okay! Bye!” she adds, waving at her teacher.

“Goodbye, Leila! I’ll see you tomorrow!”

I hold out a hand. My daughter grabs on to it, clutching her crayon art in the other. Together, we set off towards the parking lot.


“What if we took a trip this year?”

“When would we go on this trip?”

“Spring, summer, fall, or winter. I’m free any of those times.”

“That doesn’t tell me anything. You have to narrow it down to a more specific timeframe. Which season would be best?”

“I already told you: spring, summer, fall or winter. I don’t have a preference.”

I already told you, that means nothing. You might as well say we can go any day of the year.”

“Well, I’m free every day of the year.”

“Fine then. So we can go anytime. Where are we going?”

“Either someplace that’s warm and tropical. Or someplace that’s cold and snowy.”

“Be more specific.”

“Well, there should be lots of water. Although I’m not opposed to someplace more dry, like a desert. Oh, and a more moderate climate might be good too.”

“You just said that we should go somewhere warm and tropical or cold and snowy. That is not moderate.”

“Well, any of those options sounds great to me.”

“Okay then. Do you want to go someplace that’s very populated and urban, like a large city? Or do you want a quieter area, a location that’s more ideal for admiring nature?”

“Well, there should be other living things.”

“Other living things? I… really? Really?

“What’s wrong with living things?”

“Every place we could possibly travel to will have living things. That phrase means nothing.”

“Oh. Well, what about somewhere that is hospitable to humans? I wouldn’t want for us to not make it back home because of our travel destination.”

“That… I… You know what? I give up. This is completely hopeless.”

“What? Why, what did I say? Hey wait, come back! Where did you go?”

Your call has been ended.

Word count (ambiguity): 333
Word count (vagueness): 293
Total word count: 626

Last edited by pages-of-ink (July 4, 2022 20:10:17)

inky || she/her || reader || writer || introvert
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

『 ↳✧・゚daily four ;
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600 words in total

300 words:

The bell rang, just after the last student had walked into the classroom. The students were finding their seats, then taking out their notebook and what they would be needing for the lesson. The teacher filled out paperwork as they spoke,
“Welcome to class everyone. Please take a seat.” They continued their paperwork as the last of the students sat down. A late student walked in through the door, and walked up to the teacher's desk to ask a question, looking confused.
“Is this room accelerated math class?” They asked the teacher.
“This class is only as accelerated as you choose to make it.” The teacher didn't look up from their paperwork.
“What is that supposed to mean, exactly?” The student asked, raising their eyebrows.
“It is supposed to mean whatever you think it means.” The teacher sighed.
“I am just trying to find out what class I'm in!” The student raised his hands.
“Good luck with that.” The teacher chuckled.
“You are the teacher!” The student pointed at the teacher.
“You are interrupting my class right now.” The teacher started to take on angry tone.
“What class?!” The student demanded.
“This class.” The teacher was straining their patience.
“No, what class is this?” The student asked again.
“This class.” The teacher continued with their paperwork.
“Is this a joke?” The student was starting to be impatient.
“Stop interrupting this class.” The teacher instructed them.
“What class am I interrupting?” The student kept trying.
“Just take a seat already.” The teacher told them.
“In what class?” The student asked once again.
“This class, obviously. Just Sit down. Class is starting.” The teacher was getting annoyed.
“What class? Will anybody tell me?” They looked around at the class, looking for answers. All the students were silent and kept their head down.

300 words:

It was zoom class, and the teacher was instructing the students what their homework was for this week.
“I'd like for everyone to go to the online folder and choose an assignment that truly speaks to them, one that they can really hear.”
Jane clicked on each of the assignment options in the file, looking for one that they could hear the audio of, like their teacher had said. They couldn't hear any of them. Was something wrong with their earbuds?
“Uhh, I can't hear any of the assignments on the folder.” Jane told their teacher, with a worried frown on their face.
“None of them truly speak to you?” Their teacher asked, still maintaining their calm.
“No, I can not hear the audio from any of them. They assignments are just documents.” Jane told them. Jane was confused, since usually they were good with tech.
“Try pausing, taking a step back and really listening, and see which assignment is for you. The assignments are on mindfulness, after all.” Their teacher told them with plenty of patience in their voice.
Jane was confused and frustrated. Why wasn't the audio working? They decided to try to do what the teacher had suggested to them, and they paused the zoom call. They tried taking a step back and resetting their computer, then they opened the folder containing the assignments again. They turned their volume all the way up on both their earbuds and the volume all the way up on the device, and then they opened the assignments in the folder again one by one. They tried really listening closely, but they couldn't hear a thing from their earbuds. Why was the sound that was supposed to be attached to the documents not working? Was maybe it a problem with their computer?

Last edited by IzzyRS2010 (July 4, 2022 20:51:26)

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread


“Hey, uh, do ya know where that, uh, that popular toy can be found? Ya know, the one all those kids are playing with?”
I look up from the cash register. I'm used to being interrupted for help, even though I'm just the accountant. Toys R' Us is a big store, after all, and we are very understaffed at the moment.
“I'm sure I can help you, Sir. What exactly are you looking for?”
He lifts his hand to the back of his head bashfully. “The, uh, you know- that- that multicoloured one? I mean, I think there are different colours available, but-” he chuckles.
I sigh. He was going to be one of THESE customers.
“Sir, we have many multicoloured toys. Do you mean the new Fidget Flicks we brought in? Or the Mega Bricks?”
He shakes his head rapidly. “It's not those! Umm, it's, like, small? I guess? I mean, I don't really know, would it be considered ‘big’ for a toy? Umm, medium sized?”
“Sir, I'm really going to need more details if you want me to be able to help.” I decide to start asking questions. “What's it made of?”
“Uh, let me try to, uh- it was bendy? Like, bendy, but not that bendy? Kinda… normal? Um, it was kind of… solid. But it didn't really feel solid? It was squishy- no, wait, it wasn't, like, squishy, more like kind of solid, but with squish??”
This really isn't helpful. I give up.
“I'm sorry Sir, I'm sure we have it somewhere here but I can't quite understand what you're trying to describe. Perhaps you could ask John over there?” I gesture to an attendant stacking the shelves with Lego boxes.
“Thank you, thank you, uh- bye! Bye?” The man pivots and quickly shuffles away. I watch as he approaches John and begins to describe the item with exactly the unhelpful vagueness he employed on me. I grin as John slowly looks up at me and gives me the death stare.

335 words.

Ambiguity attempt one that failed but I'm keeping it in bc it's funny xDD

“Bro, you literally suck!”
“HEY! It's not my fault you couldn't bother to actually DO anything for our team!”
“All of you are trash! I was carrying and you guys basically killed me with your idiotic ‘base defense’ idea! Jeez, get good!”

Ambiguity attempt two

I'm excited for the breakfast. It's a once in a lifetime celebration in which we'll be praising Jennifer for her graduation from high school- I mean, seriously! How great is that! True, it's sad that our daughter is officially moving on from childhood, but it's a great occasion, and I'm choosing to focus on that aspect.
My husband, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be enjoying this very much. He's running around frantically, trying to get everything sorted for tomorrow. I can hear his anxious chattering as he lays the table and sets out flowers hastily. I roll my eyes, slightly exasperated.
“Come on, Dave. It's tomorrow! At nine! That's late enough, we can set the table then.”
He looks up at me, eyebrows furrowed. “No- no, I still have to make the waffle mix, and pick the strawberries, and prepare the toast-”
I sigh. “Look. I'll do all that. Just relax!”
Dave looks up hopefully. “Really, Ricky? Thanks so much! I could really use an HGTV break.”
I smile, glad to be of help to my husband. Sure enough, I bake quite a few batches of waffles to make sure they're quite perfect, I yelp as I pluck strawberries, or at least attempt to, and I make quite enough toast for everyone. I even make scrambled egg sandwiches and stuff some bread with ham to add variety. Happy, my husband and I go to sleep for the night.
The next morning, my husband looks delightedly over everything that I've prepared.
“Ricky, this- you're such a big help!” He smiles, and then his face morphs into quite a curious expression. “You even made toast, and sandwiches! Wow!”
I'm glad at the praise of the sandwiches, but-
“Didn't you ask for toas-”
I'm interrupted by the doorbell. Jennifer and her friend Lucy are here for their breakfast!
We have a delightful meal, full of laughter. Finally, the plates are cleared and Dave looks at me appraisingly. I frown, confused.
“The toast?” he whispers.
“I- I made it, we ate it?”
His face goes blank. “No, not that kind of toast! Are you joking? We don't have a toast!” Everyone is staring at us harshly ‘whispering’. Dave clears his throat.
“Uh, congratulations, to, uh, our beloved Jenny and Lucy! We, uh, we're so happy-”
I slump in my chair, realization drawing.
It wasn't that kind of toast.

396 words!!

796 words in total )

ello ello ello
CD, they/them

hey, you should join graffiti
in sac
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Word count: 512

[“What's that?” Jeff said, extremely confused.
“What?” George couldn't see anything Jeff could be referencing.
“That!” Jeff and George were both sitting on the couch, both texting each other, though they were sitting and inch apart. Jeff finally broke the silence to ask George a question.
“What?“ George was getting frustrated, why ask a question just to be vague about it!?
”That? Don't you understand?!“ Now Jeff was getting frustrated. He stands up suddenly, letting his phone fall to the couch.
”You can't say, ‘What’s that?' and not specify what, ‘that,’ is!“ Now both boys were yelling.
”Well when I ask, ‘what’s that?' it's because I don't know what, ‘that,’ is!“
”Is it something you see?! A sound?! What!?“ George was almost hysterical with anger now.
”What's that noise! Are you happy?!” Jeff was finally making sense.
“Yes!” They both paused to try and listen to whatever sound Jeff had heard.
The noise was like a a quick tuned little song. It went for 10 seconds before a little twig snapped and the noise was gone. Jeff still looked terribly confused, and George facepalmed.
It was a bird.
The entire argument happened because Jeff couldn't figure out what a bird call was.
“I can’t believe you,” George said.
“What?” Jeff was still thoroughly confused
“I mean you didn’t get that?” George was confused by the fact that Jeff was confused.
“GET WHAT?” And now everyone was getting mad again.
“It was a bird! You nitwit!” George yelled.
“What was the bird?!” Jeff still didn’t understand.

Amber and Joseph are both playing with their dog, who apparently loves to chase the laser pointer much like a cat. “It's funny how much she loves it!” Amber giggles. Joseph is pointing the laser this way and that, much to the dog's enjoyment. Amber, noticing how she hasn't gotten a turn yet, says, “Hey Jo, can I see the laser?”
“Sure!” He holds it up, and says, “I don't know why you want to look at it, but I understand if you appreciate the design,” He says, smirking and holding it just out of reach.
“Haha, real funny. Now let me see it please!” Amber begged.
“But you are looking at it!” Joseph says, continuing the tease.
“Come on Jo, you know what I mean. I just want a turn!” Amber still whined, much to Joseph's amusement.
“Fine,” giving in, he tossed the laser to his little sister. She grabs it, and plays with the dog. She eventually ditches the laser she worked “so hard” for, and started wrestling the dog herself. Joseph laughed, and watched his sister wrestle on the ground.
“It’s amazing isn’t it?” Joseph thought, “Just how one thing can mean two things. That’s how confusing our English language is.”
“Hey, sis, can I see the laser?” She paused her wrestling and smirked.
“Sure, you can look at it!” Joseph laughed, caught in his own joke!
“You know what I mean!”
“I understand if you like the design, it’s rather intricate don’t you think, JoJo?”
“I told you not to call me that!”

Last edited by WeirdlyAngie (July 5, 2022 02:32:53)

Hi! I'm Angie!
Basically just someone who likes:
Writing | Poetry | Coding | Crocheting | Drawing | Reading | Church
My Favorite:
Artist: NF | Genre: Poetry/Fantasy/Fairy-tales | Color: A dusty, rose pink
SWC (scratch writing camp) | Camp Galatians (grow your relationship with God, AND hang out with friends online!)
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

『 ↳✧・゚ fanfic tropes ;
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enemies to lovers
highschool au
modern au
(the wheel of time, Min, Egwene and Rand)
712 words

The bell rang, and Min watched as Egwene took her book from her locker, swung the door shut, and headed off the class. She started to space out. She was so jealous of Rand, who had all the girls' hearts, including Egwene's. Min pretended to like Rand too, in an attempt to be Egwene's competition and make Egwene jealous, but her plan wasn't working as well as she had hoped. The only one that it was making jealous was clearly herself. Rand was the most popular kid in school, and Egwene was one of the other most popular kids in school. Min was just some kid in her period three class. What reason would Egwene have to like her? Min sighed, knowing that she should be heading off to class now. Or she should have have been a few minutes ago. She got her book from her backpack, as she noticed something strange on her hand. Writing, saying how far away her soulmate was. Soulmate?

An announcement was made over the speaker, explaining the writing on her hand. Everyone had it now, and it was to help you find your soulmate. Min sighed again. Her soulmate couldn't possibly be anywhere near her- She looked at her hand again, and Min saw that the distance that her soulmate was from her had appeared. Twenty feet.. odd.

A staff member was walking through the hallway and spotted her.
“Hey you. Shouldn't you be in class right now? I should give you a late mark-” The person started to walk towards her.
Min scrambled down the hallway, running to her next class. She couldn't afford any more late marks. She had earned too many late marks by daydreaming about Egwene. She almost walked into her old elective, then quickly remembered that she had switched electives. She walked away from her old class and tried to remember the room number of her new classroom. 316? No, 314. 314, 314, 314.. 314! Min found her new elective class. She hurried inside of her class, and sat down in the only empty seat, in the middle of the third row.

“Welcome, Min.” The teacher practically spit out the words. She glared at Min angrily. She obviously didn't appreciate students being tardy. The teacher slowly walked to her seat at her desk and projected something on the board. Min couldn't see it, because it was blocked by the student sitting in front of her. Who was the skyscraper sitting in front of her? It was- Rand. Min glared at the back of his head, as if she could make him shrink. Of course her new class was had Rand in it. The teacher looked up from whatever she was doing at her computer, and apparently noticed that Min was struggling to see the lesson that was projected on the board. Min looked down at her hand, and didn't see when the teacher gestured for Rand to switch seats with another girl in class so Min could see. Min still didn't noticed they switched seats as the other girl sat down, since she was still distracted by her hand. The writing on her hand said that her soulmate was four feet away. Four feet away? The only person that could possibly be four feet away was Rand! The distance detector must have been broken, because-
“Excuse me? Do you have a pencil I can borrow?”
Min looked up, having expected to see Rand, but it was Egwene there in his seat, asking for a pencil to borrow! Min rubbed her eyes and looked around. Was it a dream? Did she fall asleep in the middle of class? She saw that Rand had been moved to another seat, which must have been where Egwene had been sitting before. When did they move? She totally spaced out again..
She realized Egwene was still waiting there expectantly for an answer to her question. Min supposed it wasn't a dream.
“Yeah.” She managed to say.
Min reached into her pencil bag to pull out a pencil, making sure it was sharpened and had a working eraser. She handed it to Egwene, and as she looked in her eyes, the realization hit her. If Rand wasn't her soulmate, whoever was sitting in the chair was.

Last edited by IzzyRS2010 (July 4, 2022 22:00:42)

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

『 ↳✧・゚ SWC fanfic ;
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476 words

Day four of SWC
Izzy woke up, early in the morning, pumped with energy and motivation. She did a quick stretch, then rolled out of bed, put on her camp clothes and shoes, then walked out the cabin door. It only took her a second to realize she forgot her glasses, She swung the door back open, went in to grab her glasses and was on her way out of the cabin for a second time. Mystery cabin always had, well, mystery, to it, so she was excited for whatever camp promised her today. She walked down to the mystery cabin advent calender to be surprised with a new present. It was an awesome banner made by Faer, for the fourth day of camp! She walked over to the mystery wordle-tree, to guess the new wordle. The first guess Izzy entered didn't give her any yellows or greens, just all greys. At least she knew that those letters were eliminated. Oh well. Izzy gave it another shot, receiving all greys once again. Hmm. What could it be? Izzy tried another guess, that excluded all of those letters from the first two words. Two greys.. but hey, three yellow letters! Izzy tried thinking of words that contained those three yellow letters. There was quite a few. Though ones that also related to the cabin theme, well that narrowed it down. She thought she had found the word! She guessed it, and what do you know, she was right! Her fourth guess. Well, that was not so bad, considering her history of having to try it again and landing on her seventh try.. Seeing the success as a good omen for the day, she headed off to check out the daily for today, on the board in the main cabin. She made her way through the other campers crowding in front of the board that said the new daily for today. She said a few “excuse me”'s and “sorry”'s as she went through. There sure was a lot of campers lingering in front of the board, rereading it in confusion. It was a bit of a difficult daily.. I took a seat on a chair in the main cabin to brainstorm about it. I whipped out my journal and pencil. I took out my sharpener, readying my pencil. A five-hundred word minimum.. I found my idea for the one I decided would be my first one, vagueness. A teacher confusing a student by not being direct with the answer to their question. Some time later, I had finished, at you guess what, three-hundred words! Then I stormed up my second dialogue, and made it about a student taking directions from a teacher differently than the way the teacher had meant it. Woah, well would you look at that, another three-hundred words exactly! I submitted my daily, and moved on to the weekly.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Weekly 1

Part one 193 + 329:
Character spreadsheet for Morrigan Crow from (the Nevermoor series)
Series continuing or ended?: Continuing

Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: ???
Species: human

Strengths: She’s courageous, and is not afraid to stand up for herself. She’s incredibly loyal to who she’s close to.
Weaknesses: She may be extremely moody, and worrisome sometimes. She can also be quite impulsive and is quite an overthinker.

General view of life: After setting in Nevermoor, she’s beginning to love the craziness of it all. Although, she still has to figure out who she really is and her past.

Her patron - Jupiter North.
Her friends in her unit - Thaddea, Lam, Hawthorne, Arch, Francis, Cadence, Anah, and Mahir.
Her friends in the hotel - Fenestra, Charlie, Dame Chanda Kali, Kedgeree, and Martha.
The Elders and her teachers have mutual relationships with her.

Tendencies: To overthink, to be impulsive, to be pessimistic, and to be stubborn.

Loss of a friend: She would be very sad, and avenge those who did that to her friend.
Romantic struggles: she’s 13.
Helping others: She would often try to help, but the others would just push her away because they don’t want to make a fuss.

A building is on fire and not everyone can be saved.

Morrigan looked around hurriedly, trying to think fast. There was no time for pondering thoughts, because she needs to get everyone out. As soon as possible. She quickly headcounted everyone - 49. She was confident that everyone would make it out in time before the blazing fire got even close to them. Morrigan quickly started ordering instructions.
“You, there - out! No, the other way!! Ugh, go through the exit!”
By the time five minutes had passed, she had gotten about ten people through the door. She coil feel the smoke settling in the room, and began ordering instructions quicker.
“Go go go go go! Through the exit! The fire’s nearly here!”
She could see the few licks of the red fire, creating a pile of ash on the floor. There were still about twenty five people still in the building.
“Hurry up! Faster!!” Morrigan cupped her hands and screamed. “FASTER!!”
Morrigan had gotten out an extra five people when the realisation dawned on her. She could not get everyone out in time - that’s too many people and not enough time.
Morrigan’s mind went blank on what to do next. She stood there, unable to think. She couldn’t possibly sacrifice people, could she? That would be too many lives lost, and she would have to watch it all.
She gazed at the remaining people left in the building, trying to barge their way through. It was a mixture of young children, old couples, and fit, middle-aged people. She couldn’t let them not escape.
Though, at the last minute split second, Morrigan headed to the back of the queue, pushing everyone through the door, allowing the tips of her clothes to catch fire.
“Push through! Go!” she choked. The smoke was getting to her now. “Go!!!”
At last, she found herself toppling through door - right before the building erupted in flames. She felt light-headed and dizzy, but was thankful that she could get everyone out in time.
Until she heard the screams.

Part two (223 + 621):
I’m doing Lam and Thaddea from the Nevermoor series.

Thaddea, at first glance, is intimidating already - she has a distinctive, strong built structure, with red curly hair. She can be seen as sometimes aggressive, as she doesn’t want to lose anything she is particularly fond of. She’s a very stubborn person, but she knows what’s best for her and who she is close to. She often sees herself as the strongest of the pack, due to the fact that she can fight. She’s not afraid of being in the limelight, nor to question everyone. She can very well and truly hold grudges to those who had cost her a loss. She is incredibly loyal to those she cares about, nonetheless.

Lam is more of a subdued character - she’s often the character in the background most of the time, as she’s one of the smallest. But when she speaks, she has the aura of a queen - a very regal and posh one. She avoids conflict most of the time, and leads others away from it too - although, she sometimes uses her peers as an advantage to stay out of trouble. She’s often terrible at lying, so she stays quiet when she has a secret. She can be quite the “I told you so” kind of person. Contrary to Thaddea, she isn’t the confronting type, though she’s very loyal to those she’s close to.

Thaddea’s POV:

We all know all Wundersmiths were bad, so when I found out a person in our unit was a Wundersmith - Morrigan Crow, in fact - I was shocked beyond belief. The audacity to let a Wundersmith into our unit was absurd. We all know a Wundersmith was bad - let alone call it a dangerous entity. I have learnt to deal with it, though, but the thought still haunts me to this day.
It was a normal day, and I was about ready to go onto the Hometrain when a note arrived. We all crowded around to read it. I could feel the fury burning inside of me. That stupid Wundersmith!
“We should take it to the Elders.” I demanded at once when I had finished. This statement had caused an argument to erupt.
In the middle of it all, Morrigan Crow emerged from her door, looking as dazed and confused as ever.
“The truth about…?”
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” I demanded, turning to face her with blazing anger. “It’s about you.”
I was too angry to acknowledge her feelings. “It’s talking about you!”
I couldn’t remember what her expression was on her poor, pale face. I had never asked for a Wundersmith in this “family” anyways. Sometimes I wondered what would’ve happened if Morrigan wasn’t here.
Morrigan was speechless, and her friend Hawthorne defended her. As always.
“We will not throw her under the bus!”
“Well, yeah? Because you’re her friend!” I spat.
“We’re supposed to be a family!” He replied in defence, his furrow deepening.
“I didn’t ask for a Wundersmith in my family!”
That was when the piece of paper disappeared into flames, burning my hand.. I felt pleased that it wasn’t our problem now, and that we could go tell the Elders since we didn’t have it anymore, but slightly annoyed at the pain.

Lam’s POV:

It was another day of keeping quiet, I guess. I emerged from my door to see a crowd of people from my unit talking in hushed voices, standing around. I peered curiously at them, their heights towering over me as I tried to stand on tiptoes, but to no avail. That’s when I heard a thunderous Thaddea and agitated Hawthrone having a go at each other. I decided to step back - not wanting to be in the middle of it all, in case I accidentally let something slip.
That was when Thaddea spoke of a phrase that engraved fear into my soul.
No, this couldn’t be.
They couldn’t have known, could they?
I took another step back. Just a tiny one.
“What’s going on?” someone said. It was Morrigan, who emerged, slightly confused by the crowd. I felt slightly relieved at her presence. She was going to get targeted instead of me.
“The truth about…?”
Oh no. No one would have known, could they?
“It’s talking about you!” Thaddea said to Morrigan, her face a blazing red. I looked cautiously at them both. Morrigan looked rather taken aback.
Morrigan was at a loss for words, Her face was calculating what to do next.
I can feel another vision trying to engulf me. I tried to wave it away. But to no avail - I was locked into another universe for a mere few seconds.
In those few seconds, there was paper, then fire, then ash. I didn’t see how there was fire, but there was definitely fire. Once I was snapped back into reality, I peered curiously at the piece of paper Thaddea was holding. I thought about whether I ought to warn her, but I decided to step back for today like I usually do. She won’t like it either.
Moments later, there was a loud gasp, and a pile of ashes on the floor.

Part three (700):
Three tropes - modern AU, high school AU, and songfic (was ist dein lieblingsfach)
I’m using Constance from The Mysterious Benedict Society

Constance peered into the depths of the school, clutching her bag. She looked from side to side, noticing how noisy the bunch was. School kids bustled in from every corner, talking and laughing with their friends. The teachers filed into the hallway from every door, always holding a stack of papers. They were also holding many, different coloured files in their arms.
A teacher dropped one of her red files near Constance’s feet. Constance merely stared at the teacher, kicking the file out of the way with her small feet.
“Care to pick it up for me?” the teacher asked, evidently looking annoyed at Constance’s lack of integrity. Constance peered at the teacher - she has grey, grizzled hair along with grey, piercing small eyes.
“No,” Constance said, confidently and loudly so that everyone around her could hear. She merely folded her arms and stood as the teacher’s face turned red. She noticed a badge pinned onto the teacher’s shirt. Looking closely, Constance noticed it said “L. Smith English”.
“I wouldn’t expect much from an English teacher, anyways,” Constance continued, the ends of her mouth twitching at the thought.
“You -” the English teacher, Miss Smith, stopped herself before she could get fired. “This is not the end you’ll hear from me, you know it, young lady?” the teacher scooped up the blood-red file with a huff and walked away.

Englisch ist mein Lieblingsfach, Lieblingsfach, Lieblingsfach. Was ist dein Lieblingsfach? Englisch oder was?

“Yeah yeah yeah,” Constance called after her boldly, smirking. She fished in her bag for her timetable. “First up…”
She walked through the various hallways. Being the smallest in the school, Constance could easily barge her way through the various crowds of the students hurrying from one class to the next. She stopped in front of a very small looking classroom before the bell buzzed to signal the start of the day.
She stared at it for a bit before the teacher - whose hair had been ruffled by the wind and looked quite flushed, she noticed - ushered her in.
“Ah yes, new student?” he commented on Constance’s presence. “Alright, hurry up. Go in.”
“Welcome, new teacher, to the world of changing schools,” Constance replied, rolling her eyes as she walked into the class, followed very closely behind by a very taken aback teacher. She settled on a desk in the corner of the classroom and sat down.
“Good morning, uhm, everyone. I’m Mr Traud, your PE teacher for this year.” he rubbed his hands as if he’s trying to start a fire. “Let’s go over what we’re doing this year.”
“So boring,” Constance said loudly.

Turnen ist mein Lieblingsfach Lieblingsfach, Lieblingsfach Was ist dein Lieblingsfach? Turnen oder was?

The PE teacher certainly didn’t like Constance one bit, especially about the part where she audibly said that PE is boring - or, his lessons were boring. The teacher felt the urge to pull her outside, but he knew that she would cause more ruckus, so he just kept quiet.
Once PE was finished, Constance was the last to stroll out of the classroom. She merely walked to the teacher’s desk.
“Your class is boring,” she remarked to him, looking around. “I’m dropping this next year.”
With that, she turned on her heel and walked straight out of the classroom without another word, leaving the teacher in utter shock at her rudeness.
When she walked out, there was an announcement in the loudspeakers.
“Could all students report to the main hall for the weekly announcements.”
Constance, instead of obeying the rules as the other students are instructed, simply took out a sandwich from her bag and ate it loudly. The other students looked at the small girl with blonde pigtails with a curious look.
“What are you looking at?” Constance asked them in between bites, taking another large bite.
“Ahem, young lady, please go to the main hall!” An old man wheezed, scurrying past her. “It’s very important, you know! A good student must… always attend those weekly assemblies.”
“No,” Constance said simply, eating her sandwich with large bites. “I am not bothered.” She glared at him.
The old man sighed, walking away. “Well, it’s only one day a week after all.” He hurried off to the main hall. “I’m going to be late!”
Constance stared after him, a smirk forming on her face. “That doesn’t concern me.”

Einmal in der Woche…

Part four (1180 words):

It was another day in July. Another day meant another day’s worth of SWC. Addie, an early riser who cannot sleep in, woke up at exactly 5 o’clock in the morning. She awoke in the Non-Fi cabin, a desk sitting on the side along with a chair and a few writing utensils. She yawned, before checking her watch. She woke up about half an hour before her alarm. This was great, she thought, standing up. She got into her white-buttoned shirt and grey pants before setting up her desk to write for the day. She decided to ramble on and on about her job as a leader and how she must bribe her campers in order for them to do the dailies and weeklies. She was about 400 words in when her alarm started ringing. Sighing, she realised the mess she had made - pens and pencils were everywhere; pencil shavings were on the floor; pieces of paper were sprawled on her bed; her laptop was open at an awkward angle on her desk; and she had to clean it all up by 6. She wondered whether she should procrastinate on cleaning it, but deciding that she should set a role model of herself, she cleaned it, bit by bit. First throwing the pencil shavings in the bin, then placing the writing utensils in her bag. After that, she tidied up the papers and slid them in the desk drawer beside her. By the time she was done, it was about to strike 6, so she packed her laptop in her day bag and opened the door.
Some campers were already awake, and started to greet her when she arrived.
“Hello,” Addie said, waving at them. “Are we ready for Non-Fi’s 1st place era?”
“Yes!” they chorused excitedly.
“Great!” Addie said, smiling.
She headed out the door, where many other campers, leaders, and hosts were filing around the main cabin. Some were excitedly waiting to speedrun the daily and weekly and had skipped breakfast entirely whilst the others were chatting amongst themselves. There were also some evident rivalry as well; Real-Fi’s and Fairy Tales’s cabins were painted with the words “We will win!”
Addie was just about to get breakfast when she witnessed 5’3 tall Bone Dust running around in circles trying to look for her allergy meds.
“ADDIE!!!” Bone Dust replied, dust swirling about her. “Have you seen my allergy meds?!”
“Uhm…” Addie didn’t know what to reply with. “No, sorry.”
“Aahh!!” Bone Dust groaned. “Where did my meds go? I need to find them before I do my weekly!!”
Addie often wondered why a pile of dust needed allergy medications, and this was no exception. She was about to point this out when Bone Dust accidentally bumped into the translucent figure of Sine, who was listening to music with her earbuds in her ears. They were knocked out, and Sine’s music started blasting in the main cabin.

Wann hast du geburtstag?

“Argh!! Who - oh.” Sine turned to face a flushed Bone Dust. “What are you doing?”

Wann hast du geburtstag?

“I’m trying to find my allergy meds!!” Bone Dust nearly needed to bellow over the loud music. A few campers’ heads turned in confusion at the noise. “Have you seen them?!”

Wann hast du geburtstag?

“No,” Sine replied. “Sorry. :yum:”

Wann hast du geburtstag?

“Aagh!” Bone Dust moaned in annoyance. “I need to do the weekly!!”

Addie decided to skip breakfast altogether to avoid the chaos and go on with her duties as a leader. She went to the Non-Fi cabin, and went to the doors of the campers in her word count studio. From there, she counted up the words and added them to her sheet. She wrote down all the totals on a piece of paper and stuck it to the noticeboard of the cabin.
“Campers in my word count group - your word counts have been updated!” she called. It was time for the last task of the morning.
“RYNN!” she yelled at a door with the label “rynn_”. “Do the daily and weekly!”
“Okay,” called a voice from behind the door, sounding tired.
“Do it right now!”
“Okay, okay!”
“I will be waiting here for you to submit your daily and weekly!” Addie called.
Two minutes later, Addie was at Rynn’s door again. “Have you done the daily yet??!”
“109 words in!”
“Type faster!!” Addie yelled. “Or I’m going to threaten you with a -”
“Oops,” replied a flustered Rynn. “But this is the fastest I can go!”
Rynn slid a picture of a cat typing faster than she ever will.
“Good,” Addie murmured, examining the paper.
A few minutes later, Addie was back at Rynn’s door again.
“RYNN HAVE YOU DONE THE DAILY YET?” Addie yelled, banging softly on the door.
“248 words in!”
“Type faster!!!”
“Okay,” Rynn sent a cowboy emoji. Addie slid it back under the door. They did it back and forth.
“You have a typing speed of 10!”
Addie heard Rynn cough. “It’s actually 72.”
“It’s been 20 minutes, with that time you should’ve written 1440 words!”
Rynn slid the cowboy emoji under the door. Addie sighed.
“By the time I’ve gotten my glass of water you have to be done!”
Addie proceeded to open the cabin door, and walked outside, where she witnessed a rather drunken Alyelle ordering her cos around.
“Mechus, tofu flavoured hair gel, cinnamech roll, tofu, hair gel, get over here right now, or you’ll be thrown into the vortex!!!” she yelled at a rather flustered Mech. She turned to her other cos. “Zai, Kenna, do something!!”
“What are we supposed to do?” Kenna asked, standing there confused.
“We need to write more!!!” Alyelle shouted at her.
“But we’re already writing more!” Zai said.
“Write more or I’m feeding you to my pet vortex!”
Addie decided to leave the scene and proceed down near the Thriller cabin, where Birdi was doing a guided meditation with her campers.
“And now, you take a deep breath in, then out.” Birdi whispered wistfully. “Let your thoughts wander away. In, out.” She sat crossed legged with her campers. “After this, you will have to do it again by yourselves and write.” She had her eyes closed peacefully. “Daisy, stop moving.”
Daisy was moving restlessly. “I’m trying!!”
And then, she witnessed perhaps the most peculiar thing of all - Robin dressed up in a duck costume entertaining campers near the Myth cabin. She was spinning around in circles singing the duck song:

“Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day”

“I -”
Robin winked at Addie.
After Addie had gotten her glass of water, she strolled to the Non-Fi cabin, opened the door, and proceeded to yell in Rynn’s direction.
“Rynn, have you done the daily yet?!”
“482 words in,”
“You’re so close!!”

Addie went back out again, to the place where everyone submitted their stories. Addie took her place and started examining the stories’ word counts.
“Added, added, added - oh sorry, the word count minimum is 500,” she gently pushed away a green coloured folder.
“I’m done!” came the voice of Rynn, running towards Addie. Addie stared at her.
“Here,” Rynn shoved the folder to Addie. Addie looked through the contents.
“Took you long enough - added.”

final word count: 3246
go non-fi!!

bonjour! most people call me addie nowadays, but emily and jack are fine.
leading non-fi for swc july '22. see you there!
52 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Vagueness - 255 words
Rachel was applying for a job, at the local office. But the boss is confused on what she means, and is too vague.
“Hey, what time would you like to meet?” Rachel asked her soon-to-be boss
“Sometime between like one and nine”
“Can you be more descriptive?”
“Oh yah- Pm”
“That doesn't really narrow it down, maybe you could give me an exact time?” Rachel was minorly annoyed
“I don't know, I'm free anytime from one Pm to nine Pm”
“Whatever, we can still discuss were we'll meet”
“Probably somewhere with ten blocks of the coffee store downtown”
“Do you have any idea how little that narrow it down? I need a street, an address, even the NAME of it would work for me” Rachel was very frustrated now.
“I really don't care were we meet, anywhere will do”
“How about the coffee shop then, at six?”
“Actually six isn't a good time for me”
“But you just said you were free from one to nine!”
“Well I just remembered I have a heating from five to six-thirty”
“How about the coffee shop, at three”
“Ooh I don't like going to that coffee shop, its old and crusty-”
“WERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO THEN” Rachel was furious by now
“The soup restaurant at three, I guess”
“So just to check, we are meeting at the soup restaurant at about three clock pm?”
“I meant 3 am, but 3 pm works too I guess”

Ambiguity - 292 words
“I can't get a single bar out here!” jaryle said
“Your sixteen you don't need to be going to bars anyways” his mother says
“I meant I don't have any internet”
After a while of driving they get to school, its the first day,
“That's an odd pupil, I wonder how old they are”
“Don't make fun of other people eyes Jaryle” his mother says,
“I meant pupil as in student mom”
Later that day jaryle gets out of class
And his mother gets a text message
“We need to talk about jaryle”
“Jaryle!” His mother calls,
“Yes ma'm?”
“What did you do this time?”
“I didn't do anything mom-”
“Then why did the teacher just text me with ‘we need to talk about jaryle’”
“I don't know!”
Later that day, jaryle's mother goes to meat with the teacher.
“What's the problem today miss”
“Actually nothing wrong, ms wieldfounder”
“I'm actually here to talk about moving you son to a more difficult class”
“He has aced almost all of these classes, and I think he's ready for a night difficulty”
“Really? Your not pulling my leg? Wow.”
“Sure, absolutely” jaryle's mother says
“Just sign here, and your son will be moved to a higher class”
“Oh, and you might want to get him a new sole”
“A new soul?!” “Are you saying my son doesn't have a soul?!
”sorry for the confusion, I meant a shoe sole, his old ones are worn out“
”they after jaryle's mother gets back, she says to him
“sorry for chastising you, it was a big misunderstanding”
“Turns out they wanted to move you to a higher level, so I did!”
*Jaryle sighs
“Thank God- I though I was being framed for something I didn't do”

Last edited by Stevesdoritos (July 4, 2022 22:28:40)

Hello! I enjoy playing piano and drawing! If you need help with something, feel free to ask me here! Or you can check out my projects here!

33 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

The hot-headed boy stared back at his map and then up at the building in front of him. While the drawing on the map looked fortified and grand, the one he needed to go to looked ancient, a shell of what it might’ve been. Or the map is a massive exaggeration and this whole trip is a scam, he thought but quickly shook his head. That can’t be. I need to save her.

He walked into the building, ducking his head to avoid the loose plank barely holding on to the door frame. Inside he saw an old man with a bald head and a long white beard. A small smile could be seen on his face. For a second, the smile seemed to shift into a smirk but when the boy looked again it was back to his smile, sweet and innocent. The boy wanted to get in and out, he had better things to do. Before the old man even turned his way he started talking.

“Are you the special old man that’s supposed to help me?” The boy leaned on the desk between the two of them, despite a chair being right beside him.

“No greeting? I don’t get many customers around these parts, it’d be nice to at least get a hello,” The man replied, a mischievous glint in his pale blue eyes. The boy could feel his annoyance growing.

“I don’t have time for greetings, just answer the question old man,”

“That’s not very respectful, is it? Has your sister never never taught you manners?”

Sister? I never- I made sure I never mentioned her at all. How? Several thoughts ran through his head. The old man quirked his brow, still smiling, the boy’s confusion and frustration must’ve been evident on his face. He slammed his fist on the table, his voice low with anger.

“Are you the ‘special’ old man who’s supposed to help me? Answer. My. Question!”

“I don’t believe I’m any more special than anyone else, everyone is special in their own way. And how exactly should I help you, I don't even know your name?”

“Yet you know I have-!,” He covered his mouth, and took a deep breath, he wasn’t going to tell the man anything more than he had to, “You know what I mean by special, don’t play dumb with me!”

“I’ve never heard of a game by the name of dumb and I’ve lived quite some time young man. What exactly does it entail?”

“You're a magic man or something, you're supposed to tell me how to do what I need!”

“Maybe you should calm down and take a seat, what exactly do you need?” The man asked calmly but the boy didn’t sit down, he kept standing, his heart beating faster with every word the old man said. If he doesn’t tell me what I need, I might as well leave.

“If you're actually magic, you should already know and let me go on my way.”

“If you value your sister's life, you’d stop keeping secrets and answer this old man’s question.” He stated plainly, now the boy could clearly tell the man was smirking. He was enjoying this. The boy couldn’t take this anymore. He smacked the items off the desk, many of them shattering with a loud clang, the boy didn’t care. He slammed both his hands on the table, leaning in, he was seeing red.

“How dare you say something like that! I’ve been doing all I can for the longest time, you don’t know anything about me, what I’ve been through, what I’ve had to deal with! Give me my answers, I don’t care if your special, I don’t care if your senile! For saying something like that I don’t think you value your own life, old man. If it wasn’t for- I’ll give you one one more chance, tell me how to fix this!” He yelled, but the old man didn’t even look at him, not one. Instead it was on the mess on the ground, specifically the shattered teapot.

“That was my favorite tea set. It’s almost as old as I am. The man who gave it to me had a short temper just like yours. Oh that brings to the years of my youth, oh how the time has passed, seems like it was only yesterday.” He said wistfully, and then looked at the boy, gazing into his eyes and through his soul, “That man’s eyes turned red as well, he knew how to control it though.”

The boy’s eyes widened and he stared at his reflection in one of the several broken glass shards. His eyes did turn red. It happened again. Then the shards rose, as well as the tea pot and all the other fallen items, they came together and landed back on the desk, right where they were previously .

“He was special in his own way, like you. His temper made him lose the control he so desperately tried to gain, his attempt to save others hurt them more than it ever should’ve. His temper was his downfall. I did try to teach him, but he seemed to forget what I had said. I think I still have those scrolls somewhere, it would be nice to take a trip down memory lane. Maybe they would help you as well, though you are leaving since I haven’t told you the answers, no?” He asked, the smile still on his lips. Like he was having a pleasant conversation and not speaking of a tragedy. Then before the boy could answer he stood up, about to leave.

“Wait! where are you going? These scrolls, what are they? Where are they? Can they help with what’s happening? Don’t go, I'm not leaving yet, old man!,”

“I’m just going on a small trip, you could follow if you so choose.”

“I’ll go but where are you taking me? I’m not supposed to stay here, I need to go,”

“I’m not taking you anywhere, you're the one following me,”

“Fine, just show me what I need,” The boy said, following the old man. He didn’t know what the future would hold, but if it meant saving her, he’d do it.
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

・ 。゚ : * . ☽ . * : 。゚・ july 4th daily ・ 。゚ : * . ☽ . * : 。゚・

☆ 708 words || 700 points ☆

|| vagueness ( 332 words )

I hold the handle, stepping on the ride. The man looks, giving a peculiar look.

“Hello,” I say. “Take me to the destination.”

“Uh- where do you want to go, mister?”

“The DESTINATION, sir,” I reply, annoyed. “Look, I’ve brought currency.”

He looks down. “What currency? Do you mean euros, dollars-”

“THE PROPER CURRENCY, sir, can you listen to me?” I sit down, placing my item on the man. “And it wouldn’t bother you to take my item, make a pit stop at the other place? She will be delighted to have this, and so will the others like her.”

Now the man looks agitated. “Sir, what item? What other place? Who do you want me to deliver this to? Also, you still need to pay me-”

“Are you HEARTLESS, sir? Or worse..” I fall into a nervous mumbling.

“Oh- okay, mister, have a seat right here,” the man says, adjusting something.

“Where? There’s nothing!” I scream. The man’s nose turns into a pineapple. “What in the universe is going on?!”

He grabs me. “I care so deeply about you!!” he suddenly screams in my face, his eyes bulging. “SIT DOWN!”

Frightened, I sit in the place in which he suggests. “I’m so very uncomfortable, please remove the item and do the stuff to ensure good customers..”

The man lets out a noise. “Argh- if you keep this up I’ll have to report you to the people and they’ll make you do the sad things. Besides, I have others to tend to!”

“Well, SIR, I don’t see any others! This ride is too much to have others of her!” I hiss at the man.

“Others of who- what are you talking about?!” The man wipes his nose. Now it is a potato. I’m speechless until I’m not.

“Your hand- it’s him!” I whisper, shaking at him.

The man looks at me angrily and pushes me. I feel in a different way, gazing at the silly man. “Go waste some other person’s time!”

|| ambiguous ( 376 words )

Gertie was in the living room when she heard sounds from the kitchen. In the kitchen, Arthur was roasting some peanuts.

“You peanuts are so despicable that you were made to be eaten!” Arthur yelled, holding a bat. Arthur was about to hit the peanuts when the bat suddenly flew away.

“Gosh, that sucks,” Gertie commented as she entered the living room. She was typing a comment on a video on her phone, and pointing at a baby sucking its thumb.

“Aw, that baby is adorable! You should get it on tape!” Arthur said excitedly.

“Ooo, okay!” Gertie said, pulling out duck tape. She removed the ducks from the tape roll and taped the baby to the floor.

“Ahhh!! That baby is so cute, I just want to eat it up!” Gertie commented, satisfied with her work.

Arthur shrugged and brought in some salt and ketchup. “Okay, let’s season that baby!” The two started drawing the four seasons on the baby, who begged for freedom.

“We are respectable humans!” Gertie yelled, throwing the duck taped, seasoned baby out the window. The admirers of Gertie and the baby stood still and watched as the baby was freed.

Arthur watched sadly as Gertie gave kisses to her fans. “I wish I was famous enough to be on TV..”

Gertie passed out the last of the chocolates to the fans, whose blades chopped the chocolates into tiny pieces. “It’s really not hard,” she said, getting off the TV she had been sitting on in the kitchen. “Here, you can have a turn!”

Arthur turned the TV and sat down. It began playing a football game.

“Our TV is very talented,” Gertie sighed, as the TV threw Arthur into a pool and disappeared. “A magician AND a football player!”

Arthur sat up on the pool, getting off the table and placing all the pool balls back on. “Hey, you’re going to be late for your date at the bank of the nearby river!”

“Oh, yes!” Gertie exclaimed, grabbing her accounting folders and calendars in preparation to go to work at the bank. “Hey, call me a taxi, would you?”

Arthur smiled. “Okay! Bye, taxi!”

I was watching this whole interaction. “How did I manage to raise those two so horribly..”

☆ join sfc! kindness cabin september ‘22 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/718208712/ || . : ・ 。゚
500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread


Main Cabin Daily, July 4th: Have you ever seen a sentence that could be interpreted in two or more ways? That’s ambiguity. However, that's different from a sentence that just doesn't have the details necessary to understand it, which is vagueness. The difference between the two is what we will be focusing on today. Today, write two separate dialogues, the first one where a character is being vague, and the second where a character is being ambiguous. Each dialogue must be at least 250 words long, for 500 points. Sharing your writing will earn you 200 bonus points!
651 words

Vagueness (284 words):
Kyrie stormed down the hall. The pressure in her head felt like it was going to burst. She needed air. She shoved open the thick wooden doors at the entrance to the temple and stumbled outside, gulping in deep breaths. Slow down, Kyrie. Calm your mind. Her master’s voice echoed in her head. Although part of her clung to the words like a lifeline, she shoved the thoughts away. She wanted nothing to do with Talos now.
The girl sat down, supporting her head with clasped fists. She let the pain and anger surge through her, not caring if it lasted for eternity. Kyrie closed her eyes, drowning her thoughts in a tidal wave of emotion.
“What are you doing here?” A voice interrupted her reverie. Kyrie started, glancing up to see a guard staring at her, a disapproving look marking her sharp features.
“Oh, I was just…” the girl scrambled to her feet, her mind racing for a convincing explanation.
The guard didn’t wait for her to finish. “You’re an apprentice. Where’s your master?”
“He’s… um, busy.” Kyrie smiled nervously, hoping that was enough. The guard’s eyes narrowed.
“Did he give you permission to be outside?”
The apprentice’s grin froze on her face. “You know how Master Talos is,” she tried. “Do you really think I would be out here if I didn’t ask him first?”
A long silence stretched out. Sweat pooled down Kyrie’s back. This is it. I’m done for. Then the guard spoke.
“Get back inside, apprentice,” the guard commanded, her voice quiet but firm. “And don’t let me catch you out here again.”
“Yes sir,” Kyrie mumbled. She pulled the door open, moving into the hall without another word.

Ambiguity (367 words):
Kyrie scrambled over the hill, her heart pounding. A glance back told her that her pursuers weren’t far behind. They whooped as they neared, eyes glinting with menace. The apprentice tightened her grip on her staff, ready to use it if it came to it. She kept her eyes trained on the crop of rocks ahead. Safety. Kyrie dashed forward, praying she would make it in time.
Then a weight stopped her in her tracks, nearly pitching her over. She twisted and snarled, bashing the attacker in the face with her staff. He let out a grunt, stumbling back, but Kyrie had already lost her precious lead. She whirled around, ready to face the others, when something whizzed past her head.
The arrow thunked against the second enemy’s chest, sending her wheezing to the ground. Another arrow clonked against the head of the final pursuer, knocking her back.
Kyrie didn’t wait for them to get up. She raced for the outcropping, slinging herself over it in a fluid move. Crouched behind the outcrop, she glanced at Rohan, who lunged upwards and launched another quarrel to ward off their attackers.
“I’ve got the flag,” she reported breathlessly.
“Good.” Rohan didn’t take his eyes off their enemies. “Give it to me.”
Kyrie handed it over, and Rohan slid it into his quiver. “We’re nearly to the border. All you have to do is cover me as I get it out of the battleground.”
“Wait,” Kyrie gasped, but Rohan was already moving into action. “NOW!”
He took off running, and Kyrie was forced to follow. She wielded her staff, glancing back towards their pursuers. “Rohan, wait!”
It was too late. He had already crossed the border. Blaring blue spotlights illuminated the field. Rohan stumbled back, confused, as the enemy team erupted into cheers. He yanked out the flag from his quiver, his face turning the same shade of red as the cloth.
“That was our flag!” Kyrie screeched, catching up to him. “I got our flag back! You were supposed to take it to the camp, not off the field!”
Rohan glared at the ground. “You said it was their flag.”
Kyrie clenched her fists. They had lost the game.

Last edited by scratch_warrior_cat (July 4, 2022 23:32:55)

40 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Daily 7/4 - Ambiguity vs Vagueness

Ambiguity: 317
Aleia looked up, squinting at the sun as sweat started to form on her forehead within seconds. Gathering up her hair and fanning herself with her hand, she turned to look at Madison, entirely focused on her phone, not seeming to mind the heat at all.
“I’m so hot.” Aleia panted, causing Madison to look up and raise a skeptical eyebrow.
“Uh-huh… yeah. Sure.”
“Isn’t it hot?!”
It took a second for Madison to register what she was saying. “What- oh. Yeah. It is.”
Aleia tapping her fingers on the rail in impatience. “You seem… different today.”
Madison frowned, looking bewildered. “I cut my hair two days ago. Did you seriously not notice?”
Aleia smacked her hand across her forehead, sighing in irritation. It didn’t help that the temperature was only increasing by the minute, so that she was drenched in sweat by the time they actually reached the roller coaster. “I meant how you’re talking. And stuff.”
“What? Do I have an accent? You are so weird today.”
“Ahh!!” Aleia yelled in frustration, causing eyes to swivel around to her from all directions. “I meant. How you’re so cold.”
“… Did you literally not realize how hot it is today?”
“I give up. Goodbye.”
Madison looked at her in surprise and confusion. “Are you not riding the roller coaster? We waited all this time for it. It’s fast, don’t worry.”
“What’s fast? The line? Or the roller coaster?”
“… The roller coaster.”
“You call this fast?! It’s literally clanking up the ramp at like, one millimeter per minute. By the time we go we won’t be able to check out anything else.”
“Oh please. Where is your logic? Of course we won’t be able to check out anything when we’re literally riding it. Also, I meant that the ride itself is short. It’s just two minutes. Be patient, sheesh.”
“… Why is it always so frustrating talking with you?!”

Vagueness: 281
Elian looked over at Sebastian, completely immersed in his phone, not contributing to the assignment at all.
“… hey.”
“Sebastian, dude. Could you do something?”
“What? Oh, sure.” Sebastian placed his phone face down on the desk, peering at the computer where Elian had started their partner essay.
“Uh… what do you want me to do again..?”
“…” Elian’s eyebrows came together slightly, sighing in exasperation.
“…” Sebastian raised his eyebrows, letting a chuckle slip through his mouth. “Okay. Like, specifics maybe? What type of work?”
Elian groaned and smacked his palm to his forehead, not even caring to hide his impatience.
“I swear, you are definitely doing this on purpose,” he mumbled through his teeth, annoyed.
Sebastian put on his most innocent face, completely surprised and hurt that Elian would think of him this way. “I’m not. I just want to know what I have to work on.”
“Whatever. Just… you know, editing. The paper,” Elian gestured to the digital report in front of them, packed with words even with the margins reduced to half an inch on each side.
“Okay.” Sebastian turned to the computer, scrolling through the report and scanning over most of the information.
“Cool… this is all great… okay, wait.” Sebastian pushed back his chair from the desk, facing Elian with a bemused expression. “This is… a lot.”
“I know. Thank you for thanking me for doing all the work.”
“What- no. That is totally not what I meant. I just wanted to ask… with five whole pages of text, where, really, do you want me to edit it?”
“Just… you know.”
Sebastian sighed, rubbing his temples, looking out the window. “Okay. Thanks a lot.”

Last edited by angelwings- (July 4, 2022 23:26:55)

100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Daily July 4


“Duck!” cried the man rushing towards me at full tilt.
“What?!” I yelped, but reflexively knelt, pulling my chin to my chest. After a moment, when nothing whizzed over my head, I glanced around, my dark hair flying around my face. “Great. Funny,” I snapped sarcastically at the man who was now cowering several feet behind me, crouched under the cover of a wooden cart that lay on the cobblestone road. My heartbeat was returning to normal. But the man’s fear had been infectious, no matter how false I now realized it was.
“Duck!” he again exclaimed, eyes wide.
“Yes—very—very—helpful. Thank you,” I grunted, getting to my feet and brushing nonexistent dirt off my shirt. “There’s nothing to duck under. You just made me look ridiculous.”
“Duck under what?”
I sighed in exasperation. “Yes—precisely.” Idiot, I thought. Shaking my head, I walked away.
“Wait! Don’t go that way!” the man shouted, his voice almost painfully shrill.
Tuning him out, I stomped away.
As I turned a corner, I started to notice a raucous noise reverberating off the stone walls of the buildings.
Harried footsteps behind me distracted me from the other sound, however. A hand roughly grabbed my arm.
“Not you again,” I sighed. This wasn’t even funny anymore. Oh, wait—it never had been.
“Duck! Coming this way! Don’t you hear?”
“No—I mean—wait—a duck. As in the water fowl? Why—why didn’t you just say so?!”
“What else would I mean?” the man seemed genuinely confused. That didn’t exactly curb my irritation, though.
“I dunno…what else would you mean…,” I growled.
261 words


“Before you is a path that is…clouded. Dark. Winding. It threads beyond—far—you will live a long life…yet—I see something…in the distance,” the fortune teller’s voice was tenuous, matching her thin neck. It wavered, thick with practiced fear. “Someone…will betray you….”
“Who? When? Can—can you see anything…more…?” More detailed. Anything worth listening to would be an upgrade, really. Finished the onlooker, studying the man who had spoken. His dark eyes were wide and alight with the glow from the crystal ball before them on the table.
“The Fates choose how they speak. I know not their ways. Merely can catch…bits…and pieces…of their plans,” the fortune teller had some real emotion in her voice now, a tinge of annoyance that the fearful man before her didn’t seem to notice, nodding along with her words, though they were as vague as ever.
No, no, nothing useful. I thought she might have a real connection. Ah, well.
The onlooker waved his hand and the image disappeared, along with the strong scent of spices from the dark tent interior.
Sighing, he turned back to the loom on which hung an unfinished tapestry. As he watched, strands of brightly colored yard threaded themselves through as though moved by invisible hands. They started a new pattern at the top.
Snip. Snip. Black threads fell, ending the zigzag pattern they’d formed a few inches from the top, where yarn was still interweaving in a beautiful, practiced dance that he had seen far too many times to be intrigued by its beauty.
Two more are gone, then. Pity, sighed the onlooker, perhaps no more sad than the fortune teller was truly seeing the future.
The fortune teller was right about one thing, at least: the Fates choose how they speak.

291 words

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

daily for hi fi july 4th

Ezra stepped into the church, quietly genuflected before the altar and slid into the pew next to his family. Be strong, he told himself fighting back tears.
“You’re late for your brother’s funeral,” his mother hissed. Ezra knew she got mean when she was upset, but it still broke him and made him cry. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
She sighed and hugged him. “Come on now, it’ll be okay. You didn’t miss anything too important. They’re just talking about Jasper’s life”
The teenage boy nodded numbly and looked at the priest as he read a passage from the Gospel all about Heaven. “I’m sorry it happened,” he whispered to his family. “It shouldn’t have turned out this way.”
Ezra’s older sister Helga put a hand on his shoulder, not saying anything, just being comforting. Still, Ezra felt a heavy weight on his chest.
When the time came for everyone to line up and touch the casket and say a little prayer, Ezra knew what he had to do. He knelt by the casket, touched it and whispered. “I’m sorry I suggested we chase the woman with the kn*fe. If we’d just gotten off that video game faster, maybe you wouldn’t have been on the chair when it expl*ded.”
Later on, Ezra was putting a flower on the grave, Helga put her hand on his shoulder again. “It’s gonna be okay, Ezra,” she told him, “And I’m the one who should be sorry. Not you.”


“Alright, let’s try this new GPS,” said Susannah Johnson to her kids who were in the back of the car.
“Yay!!” cheered Lucy and Kelly.
“Go straight then turn left,” the gps said in its robotic voice. Susannah drove straight waiting for the gps to tell her when to turn left, and this was a very long road. “Turn left at the house with yellow window shutters,” said the gps.
“They basically all have yellow window shutters!” Susannah shouted in frustration, but she took the next left turn.
“You went the wrong way, please correct your error,” said the GPS.
“Moooommmmmmm, we’re gonna be late for my ballet practice!!” Kelly whined.
Susannah started to pull into a parking lot to turn around, but her gps started beeping. “Error, error. This is the wrong destination, please correct your mistake.”
Susannah was getting really fed up, but she couldn’t snap while her kids were in the car. She ignored the beeping and turned around. Once she was back on the road, her gps went back to its pleasant voice. “Please drive straight then turn left.”
This time Susannah knew to turn back onto the road she’d been on earlier. So she did and the GPS told her, “Turn left at the house with the yellow window shutters.” this time Susannah turned onto a different street, and with luck this was the right street.
“Drive until you get to the traffic circle then take the exit that you need to take,” said the GPS, and Susannah was beginning to think it sounded very smug.
“Which exit!?” she shouted.

rip my skills….
68 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Daily for July 4th:

658 words in total

My ambiguity dialogue(330 words):

The apprentice tapped his mentor on the shoulder, causing her to jump slightly. She whipped her head around to meet his eyes with an agitated countenance. “Yes? I’m investigating right now.”
“I was going to say I found something of interest,” the apprentice began with an expression equal parts concerned and frustrated. “But, if you don’t feel like speaking to your student at the moment, then that’s fine too.”
Though he was speaking with relative sass to the older detective, the teenager couldn’t help but feel slightly intimidated. The usually upbeat young woman was unusually tense, and had not once exhibited any sort of hostility towards the student before.
In fact, she had been on edge for the entirety of the investigation, which greatly worried the apprentice. So far, the case had been ordinary for the most part, and it didn’t make sense to him why this one mattered so much to his mentor.
Fortunately, the detective’s attitude dawned on her, and her stance quickly loosened as she rose from the spot where she had been previously scouring for evidence. “Nonono, tell me! Sorry, I’m just a little jumpy today,” the woman amended with apologetic eyes. “What did you want to show me-”
As the young man held up a notebook opened to a page with seemingly indecipherable scribbles, the color drained out of his mentor’s face. She yanked the journal away from him swiftly, scanning her eyes over the page for only a few seconds before shutting it just as fast. “We need to go.”
“G-go where? Do what?!” the teenager quavered, pursuing the detective closely as she paced away.
She paused momentarily so the apprentice could catch up. He dashed in front of her, freezing up when he saw the older woman’s dark expression. “…Where are we going?” he asked her warily.
The detective looked the student in the eyes, only saying a few words. “To see an old friend and a new enemy at the same time.”

My vagueness dialogue(328 words):

“WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” Adrian called out as his adopted sister ran down the street.
“YOU’LL SEE!!” Lily shouted back, an obvious grin in her voice as she beckoned him to follow.
Adrian rolled his eyes, following nonetheless. He kept his breathing steady as he sarcastically inquired, “I assume you won’t be telling me what you’re planning until we get to wherever you’re going, so can I ask for hints?”
Lily seemed to think about it for a few seconds as she jogged beside him, then responded with a nod. “We’ll do 20 questions,” she decided with a cheeky smile.
Adrian gave a resigned smile back as he began with the questions. He wasn’t going to let up. “Okay…is it a prank on someone?”
“Yeah,” Lily confirmed with a surprised expression. “How’d you know?”
“You’re always playing a prank on someone!!” Adrian exclaimed in response. “That someone also happens to be me sometimes, so I would know.”
“That is true,” Lily laughed. “Alright, next question.”
“Does the prank involve Nolan somehow?”
Lily turned to Adrian with a sly face, slowing down her pace slightly. “Why, didya want to see him?”
Adrian recoiled immediately, averting eye contact with her to hide his blushing. “N-no, I just- I was just asking!”
“Suuuuure,” Lily teased as Adrian leaned down to tie his sneakers. “For the record though, it does. Nolan and I are working together.”
Something fluttered in Adrian’s chest at the thought of meeting up with him, but he quickly pushed it down. Feelings were not going to consume him today. Rising back up to continue their conversation and journey, Adrian asked another question. “Okay…is it at the school?”
It was Lily’s turn to recoil as she complained, “Why are you so good at guessing stuff, dude?!”
Adrian just smirked at her as they approached the building and subject of the conversation. “Let’s just say I had a lot of training.”
“Ugh, you suck, Adri.”
“Hey, don’t call me that!”
2 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

7/4 daily

Vague | 285 words |

“Hey Ryan, what's up?” I called. “Just chilling at my house eating some doritos.” He replies. “I think we should meet up at the park today!” “Uh, I don't really feel like going to the field today.”
“Why not?” I replied. Before I could say anything else, he hung up. I wonder what happened. As I try to call Ryan again, he calls me first. “Actually, want to hang out at the field Chris?” “Sure why not.” I replied. I hung up and got to the field. “Hey Ryan, what's up?” I said. “Hey Chris, have you been hearing the news?” “No, I haven't.” “But also, why do you sound like you are in a rush?” I say in a worried tone. “On the news, it said there's a new disease!” Ryan said even more worried than I was. “Especially In California!” “WHAT!?!?!??!” I say, terrified. “What's the disease like? Is it deadly? Can it kill people?” I say in a worried tone. “It's deadly.” Ryan says, surprisingly calm. “What is it like?” I say. “Just a mix of green and dark red.” Ryan replied. I look around. Everyone seems calm. “Ryan, can you tell me more about the disease?” “Look, Chris, the disease is literally just a green and dark red blob.” “RYAN! I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS QUICK! Is it really contagious?” I yell. Everyone looks at me. “Uh, you need to know about what?” someone says. “The disease! It was on the news!” “Where is it spreading?” he says. “It's spreading here! In California!!!!!” “What's the disease like? Is it deadly? Can it kill people?” He replied in a worried tone. “Just a mix of green, dark red, it's deadly…”

Ambiguous | 252 words |

“Hey Max!” “Hi David,” I replied. “Would you mind coming over to my house?” David said. “Sure, why not!” I said. Once we got to David’s house, my stomach started growling. “Hey David, would you mind if you could call me uber eats?” “Sure, Uber Eats!” “Hey, Uber Eats? Would you mind if we actually order Joe's pizza’s pepperoni pizza to come?” “Sure! Why not!” I replied. “Hey, Joe's pizza’s pepperoni pizza, can you please come? It's an order. “Coming over!” Joe's pizza’s pepperoni pizza said. “Alright everyone!” “Who wants to play Monopoly?” David said. We all instantly raised our hands. “Alright! Let's get started first! “Okay David” I replied. “Hey started, would you come over and play Monopoly with us?” “Sure!” Started said. “Alright, we got everyone!” David said. “Everyone was lying on David's bed. “Hello, people! Everyone said. Everyone got a character and started. “Hey, who wants to roll first?” “I do!” Joe's pizza’s pepperoni pizza said. David handed the dice to Joe's pizza’s pepperoni pizza and Joe's pizza’s pepperoni pizza rolled. He rolled a six, and moved six spaces. Next it was my turn. I took the dice and rolled. David's bedroom had a very soft and fluffy carpet, so when I was rolling I did not get hurt. I rolled a three, and moved three spaces toward jail. “Oh my gosh! I didn’t go to jail!” I said. I passed the dice to Started and he also rolled. Started rolled a one, and sadly moved only one space.
500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

7/4 - Have you ever seen a sentence that could be interpreted in two or more ways? That’s ambiguity. However, that's different from a sentence that just doesn't have the details necessary to understand it, which is vagueness. The difference between the two is what we will be focusing on today. Today, write two separate dialogues, the first one where a character is being vague, and the second where a character is being ambiguous. Each dialogue must be at least 250 words long, for 500 points. Sharing your writing will earn you 200 bonus points!

Ambiguity -
(258 words) “Hey Abby! Have you seen Mary lately?” Moonlit asks, wondering where her friend is this time. Mary has a habit of going on trips without warning, and she’s not quite sure where she’s at at the moment.
“No, but I think I saw her duck yesterday,” Abby answers, smiling.
“So you have seen her duck? Where?” Moonlit replies, confused.
“At the bank!” Abby says, as if the answer were obvious.
“What were you doing at the bank?” Moonlit wonders.
“Watching her duck,” Abby answers, sounding confused.
“So you were at the bank just to watch Mary duck?” Moonlit asks, wondering why Abby would ever sit around at a bank, all just to watch her friend duck.
“No, no, of course not!” Abby exclaims, finally understanding Moonlit’s confusion. Of course she hadn’t been just lounging at some random bank, waiting for Mary to come by and duck. “I saw Mary’s duck at the river bank,” she explains.
“Ohhh,” Moonlit says, drawing the word out. “So you went to go see her duck swim around in the river bank? That’s cool, I didn’t know she had a duck!”
“She does! Her name is Beautiful,” Abby responds.
“Ooh, what’s her name?” Moonlit asks, curious.
“Beautiful,” Abby says, starting to get annoyed. Hadn’t she just told Moonlit that?
“I’m sure it is,” Moonlit says, confused. “So what is it?” she asks, hoping she doesn’t sound too annoyed.
“Her name is Beautiful,” Abby repeats, not sure what Moonlit doesn’t understand.
Moonlit sighs, still confused, but decides to change the subject and move on.

Vague -
(266 words) “Hey Moonlit, can you get me the book from the library?” Her mom asks, without looking up from whatever she’s doing on her laptop.
“What book?” Moonlit asks, confused by her vague request. There were thousands of books in the library, so which one did her mom want?
“The red one,” her mom answered, seeming distracted.
Moonlit sighed, wishing her mom would give her a more helpful description of the book. “Do you know what the book’s title is?” she asked.
“I’m not sure,” her mom replied, “but I think it has something to do with a girl?”
Trying to hide her frustration, Moonlit got to her feet and paced in a circle. What else could she possibly ask for as a description. “Do you know where it is in the library?”
“On a shelf,” her mom said, oblivious to her annoyance.
Moonlit resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead asking, “Do you know what section it would be in?”
“Young adult, or maybe adult,” her mom answered, still not looking up from whatever it is that she is doing. Moonlit nearly growled with annoyance. Could her mom be any less helpful? Of course it was young adult or adult, her mom wasn’t about to read children’s picture books.
“What’s it about?” she asked half heartedly, doubting that she would get a straight answer.
“I don’t know,” her mom answered, just as she had expected, “I haven’t read it yet.”
Moonlit sighed, but got up to find her shoes. If her mom wasn’t going to be helpful, she might as well try on her own.

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