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July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

『 ↳✧・゚ Searching Sky ;
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277 words
(part 1 can be found in daily 1)

Continuing the story i wrote: Leah stopped herself from coughing up water. She wasn't in the small pond she had entered, but she had been pulled into another dimension. She seemed to be in another forest, with taller trees and the mist fogging up anything more than seven feet away. She looked behind her and oddly enough, she saw the same pond she had been dragged into by that mysterious hand. With caution, she looked into the pond again. She saw her face this time, but then she saw her dog! Rose seemed to sprint through the water and burst out, running into Leah's arms. She hugged Rose, and scanned her surroundings again. At least now she wasn't alone, but where was she?

She put rose on the ground and slowly walked away from the pond, finding a path through the mist. A few steps later and she heard voices coming from up ahead. She picked up Rose silently but quickly and brought her behind a tree. They seemed to be coming from a turn at the path just up ahead. They walked toward the direction of the pond, muttering about how a girl was supposed to be there. Leah's eyes widened in shock. If she hadn't moved a few seconds ago, they would have found her.. Who were they, and why were they looking for her? Leah looked up into the sky, to clear her thoughts and shuddered. She saw huge hands floating around in the sky, that looked like the hand that had dragged her from the pond into this dimension. The hands seemed like they were searching for something, or someone. Her? Why were they all looking for her..

Last edited by IzzyRS2010 (July 4, 2022 22:18:49)

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
6 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Swc daily day 2:
Prompt: will my character survive a magical world? Answer: Focus and ask again…
Story: How long has it been since ive seen a sign of life? A day? Or was it 2 days? Im not sure… But all I know is that i feel alone. I prefer not to share my real name, but many call me Techbow. I am very skilled at archery, and before i traveled to this universe, i was very reknowned in my community. All i know now, is that there are two magical forces in this world, and both are getting stronger by the minute. This magical world may end, as magic is a powerful force, a force to be reckoned with. I met a wizard, somewhere around my age. He was a wixard, unlike me. He taught me a few basic spells, such as power shield, healing field, and summoning. These are basic, yet crucial spells. However, with my skills, he told me i could possibly stop this conflict. Last i met up with him, was 2 days ago. (To be continued tomorrow)

TechBow909 here! Have a great day on my profile!

Signatures Be Like Happiness
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Weekly 1
2752 words total

Part 1
562 words

Character Sheet
84 words

Luz Noceda (Seasons 1 & 2)
Series: continuing
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: human

Strengths: cares about her friends, determined, creative, friendly, outgoing
Weaknesses: closes herself off, overly trusting
General view on life: not hateful

- Tends to hide her personal problems to not worry people.
Improvement: improving a little
- Tends to put others' wants and needs before hers, sometimes at the cost of her own well-being.
Improvement: no improvement
- Tends to jump into things without thinking of consequences.
Improvement: improving a little

Scenario: your character is stuck in a burning building with their friends and not everyone can escape
478 words

Luz quickly skimmed the recipe for a treatment for the common mold. The next ingredient that was needed, she read, was fire bee honey, a dangerous substance that could burst into flames if it was used in large amounts. Luz walked to the ingredients cabinet in the back of the classroom and scanned the inside. “Hm… fire bee honey, fire bee honey… there you are!” Luz exclaimed as she grabbed the last bottle.
“Hey human,” sneered a voice from behind her. “Give me that.”
Boscha snatched the bottle in Luz's hands, but Luz yanked back. It went back and forth until, the next thing they knew, the bottle was smashed and there was a huge glob of honey on the floor, starting to flame up.
The potions teacher glanced up, took one look at the burning honey on the floor, and shouted, “Everyone outside! Outside now!”
The fire alarm began screaming, and Luz started outside with the other students. Then she stopped, looked back at the still-growing fire back in the classroom, and pulled a handful of ice glyphs out of her pocket.
Before Luz could turn back, Amity ran up to her. “There you are! There are fire bees everywhere! What happened?”
“I had a little accident with fire bee honey. But I can fix it, I just-”
“No! Luz, fire bees follow the smell of their own honey. They'll keep coming, and the fire will get bigger. We have to evacuate!”
Amity and Luz ran through the hallway towards the exit, using magic to put out the small flames in their path. Just then, a whole swarm of fire bees zoomed past them, through a doorway into a classroom. Young kids inside screamed as bees buzzed around the room, setting fires that blocked off the exit.
Luz stopped. “That's the baby class! They can't get out!” She turned to Amity while setting off more ice glyphs. “Go on ahead, I'll meet you outside.”
“I'm not leaving you,” Amity retorted.
“This is my fault. I'm the one who spilled the fire bee honey and started this fire in the first place. I have to fix this alone!”
“Luz, it was an accident. You don't have to solve everything on your own. I'm helping too!”
Amity covered up the largest fire with a huge abomination, which cleared the way into the baby classroom. But now, the hallway to the school's exit was covered in flames, too. Luz cast a plant glyph, and a tangle of vines grew up to the window and broke it open.
“Everyone out the window!” Luz shouted. She and Amity grabbed kids and started helping them through the window. Luz stayed behind until she was sure every kid was out safely. Then Amity helped her out of the burning classroom, and they led the kids back to their teacher and the rest of their class.

Part 2
939 words

I'm using Sophie and Fitz from Keeper of the Lost Cities, specifically in the first book.

A lot of times, Sophie's voice is nervous and uncertain. This comes from her background of being the only Telepath in the human world. She's always been hearing negative thoughts about her, so when she's no longer allowed to use Telepathy, she just assumes that everyone thinks badly of her. When she asks questions, she speaks in an unsure and cautious way. This is because she knows the elves hate humans, and she doesn't want to say something incorrect that reveals her as a dumb human girl. Sophie uses short, concise words that aren't fancy. When she's nervous or closed off, she speaks in quick sentences that get to the point.

The day I learned about the Lost Cities was probably one of the craziest, scariest, most confusing days I've ever had. I was on a field trip to a museum with my class, and in the dinosaur exhibit I saw Fitz looking at me. I think I noticed him because of his teal eyes- um, you know, because it's not really common for a human to look like that. I was kind of creeped out because he was reading the newspaper with the article about me in it, and I could see that he knew me from my picture. He started talking to me. I guess I got nervous- maybe from not being able to read his mind and not knowing what he wanted- so I ran away.
I wasn't thinking. I ran into the street just as a car came by. Luckily, the car swerved, but it hit a light pole and made it fall over me. Maybe it was my instinct, but somehow I knew to reach out my hand and catch the light pole in the air with Telekinesis.
When Fitz caught up, he looked like he really wanted to talk, so I let him. I took him to the zoo parking lot because it was crowded and he couldn't hurt me with all those people around. He started talking about how people were looking for me, and I couldn't really understand. But it really hit me when he said that I'm not human, I'm an elf. Suddenly it kind of just clicked, like I finally understood why I was so different from everyone else.
When I wanted proof, he took me to see Eternalia, and- oh. Fitz said not to tell anyone that he took me there. Please keep it a secret, okay?
Anyway, he asked me to use my Telepathy on him, and I got past his blocking, but he couldn't get past mine. That was when we both realized I might be more powerful than the other elves. I never fit in with the humans; I wanted to at least fit in with the elves! Fitz said he had to go home and ask his dad about it, but he promised to be back.

Fitz is very confident, and he thinks highly of himself and his own opinions. He tries to sound formal with his vocabulary and sentence structure, though he is more casual around his friends. He is not very aware of others' emotions, so he can sometimes be rude or brag. His sentence structure varies, but he speaks for a long time, especially when explaining things. He is usually serious but can crack a joke sometimes. Fitz is known for being a perfect child, having both a high-class family and a strong ability. His confidence and way of speaking come from being praised and used as an example.

The day I met Sophie started off at a human museum, where my father said she'd be. While I scanned the class for the right girl, I kept glancing at the fossils and art around the dinosaur exhibit, which was pretty amusing. Is that really what humans think dinosaurs look like? Giant monsters with lizard scales? Pretty stupid, if you ask me.
When the class walked into the museum, I looked for the shortest, youngest girl among the towering high schoolers. I saw her, and she matched her picture all right, but I wasn't close enough to see her eyes. Since the picture was monochrome, I had to check if she had blue eyes like all elves do. She wandered in my direction. I knew I wasn't supposed to talk to her, but I asked about her article. She looked up. Her eyes were brown.
I was about to call it a fail, leap home, possibly catch the last few hours of Foxfire. But then, a crowd of tiny humans ran by, with thoughts so loud that I covered my ears. Next to me, Sophie was covering her ears too, and not in a loud noise way, but in a headache way. It was then that I knew I had found the girl.
All my questions seemed to scare her, though, so she ran outside. I found her a few minutes later using some of the strongest Telekinesis I'd ever seen to lift a light pole. Now, I was supposed to go home and report back to my father, but that Telekinesis combined with her strange brown eyes sparked my curiosity. I decided to tell her what she really was: an elf. She didn't seem to believe me, even when I showed her some special talents. Her human education was messing with her idea of possible and impossible.
The strangest part was, Sophie could get past my blocking, even when no trained Telepath could. And even trying my hardest, I couldn't get past hers. If she's that powerful now, there's no telling what she'll be able to do with a real education.

Part 3
728 words

Songfic, High School AU, Chatfic
Song used: “Popular” from Wicked
Fandom used: The School for Good and Evil

Wednesday, 7:28 AM
Sophie: Aggie what are u wearing to the Snow Ball?
Agatha: I'm not going.
Sophie: Oh Aggie, why not?
Agatha: Dances are just stupid social events that you think are the most important thing ever until you end up forgetting about them a day later.
Sophie: But dances ARE the most important thing ever!
Sophie: Guess who's going to ask me?
Agatha: Who
Sophie: Teddy of Camelot!
Agatha: That little snot Tedros?
Sophie: He's so strong and handsome and perfect. He's mine.
Sophie: Wait. Do u think someone will ask u?
Agatha: Who would, with this face?
Sophie: Oh but I'm sure someone would ask u.
Sophie: For your personality.
Sophie: Ok that would never work.

Whenever I see someone less fortunate than I

Sophie: Aggie I have a surprise for u.
Agatha: What
Sophie: U get to go shopping with me!
Agatha: No
Sophie: After school. Don't be late.
Agatha: No
Sophie: Do it or I'll drown your cat in a bathtub.
Agatha: Fine

My tender heart tends to start to bleed

10:31 AM
Hort: Sophie, I was wondering
Hort: Do you want to go to the dance with me?
Sophie: Ew no.

10:33 AM
Sophie: Aggie
Sophie: Aggie
Sophie: Aggie guess what?
Agatha: Stop texting in class
Sophie: Hort the little weasel asked me to the dance.
Sophie: I obviously rejected him.

3:30 PM
Sophie: I'm at the mall. Aggie where are u???
Agatha: Coming
Agatha: Where are you?
Sophie: In front of the parking lot.
Sophie: Oh I see you.
Sophie: Look I'm waving, see?
Agatha: Oh yea

And when someone needs a makeover, I simply have to take over
I know, I know, exactly what they need

3:52 PM
Sophie: Aggie where did u go???
Agatha: The candy shop
Sophie: What horrible villain would do such a monstrous deed as to put you in a candy shop?
Agatha: I did
Sophie: Why would you ever go somewhere as disgusting as a candy store?
Agatha: Because candy is good.
Sophie: But you left me!
Agatha: I got hungry, so I left.
Sophie: That's not fair! I was distracted by the new shoe collection!

And even in your case, though it's the toughest case I've yet to face

Sophie: Come quick I found something you might like
Agatha: I'll hate it
Sophie: It's in black.
Agatha: Ok, MAYBE I'll like it

Don't worry, I'm determined to succeed.

4:26 PM
Agatha: I made it to the dressing room. Now what?
Sophie: Try on the clothes I found! Send me pics when u r done!
Sophie: I will find u more.

Follow my lead, and yes indeed, you will be…

Agatha: *sends picture*
Agatha: Here
Sophie: Aggie omg
Agatha: What?
Sophie: For the first time u look sort of okay!


Sophie: Stay there, I'll find more clothes and hand them to u.
Sophie: Ooh this is sooo fun!
Agatha: Sophie, half of these clothes are in pink. I specifically said NO PINK.
Sophie: Those are for me.
Sophie: But u can be my model!

I know about popular, and with an assist from me to be who you'll be

4:55 PM
Sophie: Aggie where did u go this time???
Agatha: The pet store.
Sophie: Ew. What are you doing at the pet store?
Agatha: Playing with the cats.

Instead of dreary who you were (well, are)

Sophie: COME BACK NOW!!!

There's nothing that can stop you from becoming popu-ler… lar!

Agatha: Can I just go to the bookstore while you get stuff for me?
Sophie: No! You’re my model, remember?
Agatha: But there are some new releases that I really want to check out!
Sophie: Are they romances?
Agatha: No, they’re about cats.
Sophie: Hate to break it to you darling, nobody will want to ask you to the dance if you look ugly and read cat books.

It’s not about aptitude, it’s the way you’re viewed, so it’s very shrewd to be

Sophie: Now maybe if you really want books…
Sophie: Get some romances.
Agatha: Why?
Sophie: So that you learn the art of being asked to the dance!

Very very popular like me!

Thursday, 7:05 AM
Sophie: Aggie
Sophie: Aggie
Agatha: What?
Sophie: Do the makeup routine I showed u!
Agatha: No
Sophie: Whyyyy?
Agatha: Because
Sophie: Do it!
Agatha: I'm not going to school looking like a clown.
Sophie: I thought you liked clowns?
Agatha: I only like them when they pretend to get brutally injured. So NO.
Sophie: Remember what I said about drowning your cat in a bathtub.
Agatha: Fine.

And though you protest, your disinterest, I know clandestinely…

Sophie: Send a pic!
Agatha: Ok. *sends picture*
Agatha: See? Ugly.
Sophie: Uh…
Sophie: How about I fix it when I get to school?

You're gonna grin and bear it, your newfound popularity

12:45 PM
Agatha: Sophie help
Agatha: People are staring at me
Agatha: Why is that snot Tedros staring at me?
Sophie: Because I did ur makeup and now u look fabulous! They can't look away!
Sophie: Thanks to me!

La la, la la, you'll be popular

1:02 PM
Tedros: Sophie, will you be my princess to the Snow Ball?
Sophie: Oh Teddy, I thought you would never ask!

Just not quite as popular as me!

Part 4
523 words

Hundreds of campers file out of buses with backpacks full of books, writing supplies, and mangoes. They look at their schedules and maps before making their way to their cabins.
I approach my cabin, the Fan-Fi Republic, and the exterior looks like a traditional sleepaway camp cabin. However, as soon as I step inside, it's like I've entered a whole different world. The interior resembles a bustling city, the orange and blue buildings stretching up into oblivion. Four counselors greet me and introduce themselves as Wari, Katie, Hope, and Willow.
“I'll show you to your room,” says Willow. She leads me to the outskirts of the Republic, to a small run-down blue-grey shack. It looks sort of underwhelming compared to the other buildings, to be honest, but the inside looks a mix of homey and futuristic. Computers and servers line one wall, bookshelves are built into another, and the middle is scattered with bunk beds and writing desks.
“Woah,” I marvel, “I'm in a building inside a building! That's epic!”
Willow laughs. She explains that my job will be to collect anomalies and hack the government.
“So we're rebelling against people in our own cabin?” I ask. “I thought we were a team!”
“We team up to earn points against the other cabins, but we can still have a bit of in-cabin competition,” Willow explains.
While I wait for more campers to arrive and get settled in, I explore the other cabins. I meet campers from Fan-Fi's sibling cabins, Myth and Non-Fi. Non-Fi's cabin looks like a printing press, and Myth's cabin has an entire maze on the inside. No one is really sure how all of the magical or futuristic stuff gets into the cabins in the first place. My theory is that the camp's magic is formed from the combined imagination energy that comes from so many writers being in the same place.
Finally, it's time for camp orientation. The hosts take turns introducing themselves and explaining the rules for SWC.
“Words will be counted starting at 12 AM tomorrow,” Birdi announces. “However, that is not an excuse for all of you to stay up until midnight and start writing then. Get some sleep, people!”
There is a collective groan from all the campers who want to stay up late. But the sound is drowned out by someone announcing dinner. Everyone grabs plates of mango soup and instantly forgets what Birdi said about sleeping.
That night, we sing Hamilton around a campfire and roast mango s'mores. Completely tired, I fall asleep the second I get back to my bunk bed, ready to write tomorrow.
I wake up to the sound of pencils on paper and fingers on keyboards. It's too dark to see anything. I fumble for my watch in my suitcase and squint at it.
“Guys, it's midnight. We shouldn't be writing now,” I complain.
“No one actually believes we listen to that rule,” says an unidentifiable person. “Wake up. The first daily's been posted.”
It takes a few slices of mango to wake me up. Once I do, I read the daily and start typing. Camp has officially started.

Last edited by TwirlStar (July 9, 2022 14:05:23)

Starry ☆ She/her ☆ Artist ☆ Bookworm ☆ Nerd ☆ Hufflepuff ☆ INFP-T
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

༺═─── daily 3 ───═༻

acts of kindness.

༺═── word count; 309 ──═༻

I'm glad to say that I've helped quite a lot of people in my life, as expected, of course. One vivid memory of me doing an act of kindness was to help my dad with gardening. Our garden has quite recently sprung up to be full of colour and light, and I've adopted quite a few plants in that garden to be my own. Through helping my family research, pick out, and plant the flowers and crops that we now have growing in our garden, I found that I quite like gardening myself. Not only was it fun helping him choose the plants that he wanted and then lugging them to our car, it was great fun sitting out in my garden by myself, casually planting radishes and marigolds in the spring. The flowers I ended up planting were marigolds, pinks (my personal favourite, as I chose, planted and now look after these solely by myself), and these beautiful pink blossoms that I cannot fully remember the name of. I'd check what kind of flowers they were if I was at home, but I'm not, so all I'll say is that they are extremely pretty and magenta, and quite a few people have complimented them for their lovely appearance. I would too, had I not been the one who planted them! Anyway, due to my expert (not really, I'm quite amateur unfortunately) gardening, my garden is now quite a pleasant sight, with flowers blooming in every corner, our deck lined with flower pots with blooming flowers, hanging plants dangling from the roof and our trees leaning over the sight in delight. I loved helping my dad with this passion of his and I'd like to say that it was an act of kindness, even if I did enjoy doing it. Hopefully, I'll be asked to help with gardening soon.

100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Questions- “ Will my OC be in the story?” Yes. “ Will she be running away from something?” yes. “ Will the story have robots?” Yes.

Even when it seems empty, there's always something there. I always have the cold, empty, hollow feeling that someone's watching me. I run, through the darkness, and it feels as if I have been doing this forever. I can never remember how long it been, not days, weeks, months or years. But it feels wrong. Like I shouldn't run, like I have no reason to. But I know I have to. My heart is pounding, I'm out of breath, and it only makes it worse that I cannot stop. I touch a hand to my arm, and I feel a liquid dripping out. Although I can't remember, this seems… familiar. Like this scene has happened many, many times before.
My auburn red hair is tangled, in a knotty mess I may never get out. But that doesn't bother me. Nothing does. All I want is to remember. Remember why I'm running, remember why every day feels so familiar, so close. But there's no time to think, for a bright light shines over onto me, and I know they're here.
I run once more, pain in every step I take. At least now, I can see where I'm going, the bare, endless forest ahead of me. But, wait- I see something in the distance, a house, maybe a shack. I take a small detour, not for me, I know how to outrun them. But for whoever- or whatever- is in that shack. They continue on, so I do, as well. Once I'm sure they're gone, I make a dash for the shack. I forcefully shove open the door, and shut it again, just to be safe.
“Hello?” I call out, but there's no answer.
I venture further into the shack, and I hear my footsteps echo on the wood floors. Click, clack, click, clack.
Then I see something rather unusual, a metal door in the wall. There's a panel with buttons on it next to the door. I'm desperate. I smash the buttons, as hard as I can, and surprisingly, the doors slide open, fog steaming out.
“Hello,” says a mechanical woman's voice. “ Would you like to enter?”
Woah. “ Uh, yeah, I guess.”
I can't believe I'm talking to an elevator.
I step inside, only finding more buttons. I hit one that simply says, “ Mechanics.”
“ Would you like to head to the Mechanics floor?” the robo-woman asks.
“ Sure.” I shrug. I don't care, just go!
Whoosh! I feel that fluttery, sick feeling in my chest, but before it really even begins, the woman says, “ Arrived.” and the doors swing open.
I step out, into the coolest room I've ever seen.
Conveyer belts run all around the room, gears spin and click together on the ceiling, and everything looks shiny and new. And the coolest part, there are robots, moving cardboard boxes. I've always heard of robots, but never seen one. Maybe since they're like, super smart, one of them can tell me about my past!

Sci-Fi, July 2022!

src hostie!
☾ Luna | she/her | grishaverse, agggtm, and more! | swc, src, sac, lots of camps ^^☽
“No mourners, no funerals,”
1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread


this is a mess :sob:


Character Ref Sheet For Vi (because yes hopefully I got the info mostly correct!!)

Name: Violet Kiramman
Age: 20-23
Species: human
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: lesbian

Strong, ambitious, daring, brave, durable, independent,

guilt, jinx :sob:, caitlyn :sob:

Romantic Partner/Interest:

Ekko, Caitlyn, Jayce

Si̶t̶u̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ Trauma:
Losing father figure, losing brothers, losing sister, losing basically her home :sob:

Scenario: (439 Words)

Your character has to sacrifice somebody close to them in order to succeed in their mission (and I thought arcane couldn't be any more traumatic :sob:
also this has nothing to do with something that happened in the actual show lol.

Vi could barely see through the thick smoke the explosion had caused. She brushed dirt off her cheek and when she looked down at her hands she saw that they were smeared with blood. “Curse you jinx.” she mumbled wiping the blood off on her pants. She heard a groan not far away. She headed towards the sound and saw Caitlyn under a pile of rubble barely conscious. She cringed as the flashbacks hit her. The flashbacks of last time jinx had lost control. The death of everyone she cared about, including her sister. Powder was dead and it was her fault. She pushed those thoughts away, she had to focus on the present. She wasn't going to lose someone again.

She started frantically digging Caitlyn out from the rubble. The tears that had started to form were clouding her vision and she wiped them away. She couldn't cry, not now. She had to get her and Caitlyn somewhere safe. That was all that mattered. She grabbed Caitlyn's waist and dragged her out of the wreckage and then collasped on the ground. She looked down at Caitlyn. Vi fought the urge to break down in tears, Cailtlyn's eyes were barely open and she was lying in a puddle of blood. Vi shakily stood up and helped Caitlyn up. Caitlyn slumped on Vi's shoulder. Looked like Vi was going to have to drag Cailtlyn out of here. She put her arm around Caitlyn and they slowly moved forward.

The closure was starting to collapse around them and Vi tried her best to shield them from falling rubble. Vi could barely make out a light up ahead, but it gave her just enough motivation to drag Caitlyn the rest of the way to it. At the last possible moment Vi tripped and hit the already unstable doorway. The whole closure started to shake and fall all around them and Vi could barely keep her balance. Vi fell and hit her head on a rock. Her vision started to blur and the last thing she saw was Caitlyn's figure crawling over to her.

When she woke up she saw Ekko and some others watching her. Vi sat up quickly and immediately regretted it as her whole body started to ache. Ekko pushed her back down and told her to rest, but Vi couldn't rest. Not till she knew that Cailtyn was safe. She looked around and couldn't see her anywhere. Ekko looked at her with a disheartening look on his face that told her that her worst fear had came true. She had failed to keep someone she cared about safe again.


Aerith is a very selfless person who put everyone before herself. She looks like someone who could easily be bent to someone else's will, but behind her soft appearance she's also strong especially when defending loved ones. Many try to take advantage of what they think is her vulnerability, but she isn't as easy to trick as it seems. Aerith wears her golden heart on her sleeve, but when she is upset she does her best to hide it so that she doesn't make anyone worry for her. She would rather appear as if she was completely okay than to have someone take time out of there day to worry about her , but if one of her friends show the slightest sign of of not being there best she would be there for them. (134 Words)

Cloud is a self kept person who isn't big on social interaction. He hates the idea of failure or being too weak. He doesn't speak much, (mainly because of his serious trauma) but when he does what he says is going either cut the tension or make it even worse. People find him intimidating because even with the small amount of personality he lets others see unless you know him well his figure gives off a very “I could kill” type of vibe. The small amount of people that he let's get close to knows that he does secretly care even though he'd rather die than show it. (108 Words)

I was sitting at the table finishing dinner with my new mom. She had recently lost her husband and during dinner I had been doing my best to make her smile. It seems as if my reenactment of blowing up whoever had killed him only made her cry harder. I got up and gave her a hug and she started to cry into my shoulder. I patted her back and closed my eyes wishing I could take away all of her pain. I had also lost someone very close to me. My real mom had been killed about a year ago. Now mom was the only person I had and I would do anything to see her in her usual cheerful state again..

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I ran over to open it. I looked up to see a tall man in a black suit. As soon as we made eye contact I slammed the door shut again. “Who was that honey. It's not polite to slam doors in peoples faces.”
“It was nobody I swear.” Another knock from the door. Mom raises her eyebrows. She gets up and starts to head towards the door. I block her. “Please please he's a bad person please.” Mom ignores me and opens the door. The man steps in uninvited and glances around eyeing my mom's portrait of her husband. “Is this your daughter?” the strange man asks. My mom nods and I start to sweat. What did this man want? He stared at me in silence for a while and then finally he cleared his throat.The man gets down on one knee to be at my level. “You're probably wondering why I'm here.” I bite my lip and nod refusing to be intimidated by him. “I'll take that as a yes.” he looks me in the eye with a serious expression on his face. “Do you know who you are?” I gulp. This is what I was afraid of. (328 Words)

“Don't mess this up merch.” This must have been the thousandth time that I had heard Barret say those words today, like I got it already, if I screwed this up Barret would have my head and part of me kinda couldn't help, but think that that is exactly what Barret wanted. Well then to bad for him because I wasn't messing up.

After leading us up many soldier filled floors Barret finally stopped and pointed to a door. “Jessie you override the controls for the door. I'm going to have a little talk with our loyal little doggy.” I resisted the urge to snap back at him, I wasn't going to let him get to me when I had a job to do. Not that I was doing it to help anyone, I needed the money. I could care less about Avalanche's cause I just had to care for myself and right now the best way to do that was to get the job over with as soon as possible, get my money, and then be on my way.

I followed Barret to a corner. He then pinned me to the wall and looked me right in the eye. “Don't pull any tricks.” he growled at me. That was it.
“Do you really think I care enough to betray you!? It's in and out.” I snapped. Barret stared at me for a second and then let me go.
“If this is all just another job for you then fine. It can be that way, we'll leave you to do whatever you do and then we'll leave you be.” he said and then turned and walked away. A part of me wanted to ask what was so important about his mission anyways, but I fought the urge. I couldn't let this become anything more than a job. (307 Words)

PART THREE (1,261 Words)

I'm using the enemies to lovers trope and the magic au and canon divergent (also she-ra fanfic :eyes: )

Catra grinned, she had Adora this time. She slowly walked towards her dragging her claws across the cave wall. Adora slowly backed away from Catra, but she was running out of room, she was almost backed up against the wall.
“Looks like you've run out of places to hide.” Catra cackled. Adora smiled,
“Not quite. FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL!” She thrust her sword at the wall. She grinned as a huge crack formed in the wall. “Later Catra.” she said and punched the center of the crack. The stone split and she hopped onto Swift Wind who had been waiting for her. Catra's fingers curled into a fist as she watched Adora fly farther and farther away. Shadow Weaver would not be pleased.

As Catra had predicted Shadow Weaver was not pleased to hear that Adora had evaded Catra's capture yet again. “I give you one more chance to bring Adora back. Fail me and the consequences will be deadly.” Catra gulped.

As Catra lay in bed that night she couldn't help, but think about Adora, about all the memories they had made together as children. She pushed those thoughts out of her head. No. Adora and the other princesses were her enemy. She couldn't go soft now.

When Adora finally got back to Bright Moon she found both Bow and Glimmer waiting for her. “What happened?” Glimmer asked. “You don't look so good.”
“Catra happened.” Adora groaned. “I swear I can't get a day break from her. She somehow ends up finding me everywhere I go.”
“Well I was about to go practice my magic and bow was going to work on his tracker pad, but you should go get some sleep, you look exhausted.
”Good idea.“ Maybe she kept on having such close calls with Catra because she hadn't have a good rest in forever, maybe everything would be better after one good night sleep.

Adora woke up feeling refreshed. This time if she and Catra crossed paths she'd be ready.

Unlike Adora, Catra had barely slept at all. She was too busy worrying about what would happen if she didn't bring Adora back and at the same time she was worried about what would happen if she did bring Adora back. Would she be replaced as Force Captain? Would she and Adora still be friends? Would they still look out for each other? She honestly highly doubted that. There was no way Adora would even speak to Catra if she succeeded.

Adora met with Glimmer and the other princesses to discuss their plan for fighting off the horde. As always it was impossible to come up with a solid plan that everybody agreed with. Nobody wanted to work together and working together was the only way they would be able to succeed with anything. Adora thought about all the people they had lost to the horde. She gritted her teeth, she was not losing anyone else. No matter what.

Catra stood outside Shadow Weaver's doors trying to pull herself together. She was going to confront Shadow-Weaver. She would find out why she needed Adora so bad and what would happen to her role as Force Captain when she brought her back. She was also considering bringing up this deadly punishment thing, but decided that she didn't want to know and that she didn't have to worry about it because she was going to bring Shadow-Weaver back. Finally Catra knocked on the door. ”Come in.“ Shadow Weaver said in a low voice that sent shivers down Catra's spine. Catra straingtnened up. ”Shadow Weaver I will go after Adora I just have one well a couple questions to ask you before I do so.“
”And what would that be.“
”What are you planning to do with Adora when you get her back? Will she serve under me or…“ Shadow Weaver cackled.
”Why she'll replace you as force captain of course.“
”But Lord Hordak said…“
”I DON'T CARE WHAT HE SAID YOU LISTEN TO ME HERE CATRA. You WILL get Adora back and then she WILL replace you as force captain. Do I make myself clear?“
”Yes Shadow Weaver.“ Shadow Weaver then went to the middle of the room and waved her hand across her magical pool thing or whatever it was, Catra couldn't be sure, saying some magical words that made Adora appear.
”Bring her back or I'll have you sent to beast island. NOW GO!“

Bow's tracker pad had picked up something from the horde quite a while away from Bright Moon and Adora had offered to go check it out. Bow and Glimmer were going over to Bow's house to discuss something with his dad's and Adora happily snatched the chance to get just a little bit of alone time. Of course when she saw Catra waiting for her with a smirk she groaned. ”For the honor of grayskull.“ she mumbled. She was so annoyed with this turn of events that she almost wasn't ready for Catra to leap up at her and claw at her throat. Adora immediately got herself back together so that she could put her energy into fighting Catra. Adora was surprised by how determined Catra seems to be to beat her and eventually she found herself backing away from her yet again. This had to stop happening.

Catra grinned as Adora backed farther and farther away from her, nearing closer and closer to the edge of a jarring cliff. Catra leaped at Adora and surprised, Adora dropped her sword and fell back. She managed to grab on to the edge of the cliff. Catra smiled. This was perfect Adora was hanging off the edge of a cliff and now she couldn't run anywhere! She picked up Adora's sword and bent down near the edge of the cliff. ”Hey Adora. You really did pick the perfect direction to back into.“ she said fingering Adora's sword.
”Please Catra don't do this.“ Adora pleaded.
”Why shouldn't I. Why shouldn't I finish you off right here and now. I can tell shadow weaver that you toppled off the edge and that I couldn't save you. Then you'd be out of my way… forever.
“That isn't what you really want.”
“How would you know what I want.”
“Your right Catra I don't… but I do know what I want.” Something about the way Adora has said that peaked Catra's interest.
“What do you want… Adora?”
“Look… I- it doesn't matter okay now that you've…” Adora sighed. “Listen what makes you think we'd be happy back at the fright zone working under Shadow Weaver's command?”
“We'd have each other Adora. That's all we need.”
“But is that really how you want things to be. We'll never be able to take time to relax… to truly be happy together. I love you Catra and I don't want to fight you anymore. I won't fight you anymore.”
“You… you love me?” Catra said her eyes widening.
“Yes I always have.”
“I- I love you too.” Catra looked down at Adora. “It- it doesn't matter as much as I want us to have a happily ever after it won't work out. Your friends won't want me. Bright Moon accepted you because you were She-Ra. I'm… I'm nothing.”
“No your not Catra. Your everything. At least to me.”
“You really mean that?”
“Yes!” Catra offered Adora her arm.
“Can we start over then?” Adora took her hand and Catra helped her back up. Adora picked up her sword from the ground.
“Of course, we'll mend things over one day at a time.”


PART FOUR (406 Words)

and now for the swc fanfic :eyes:
this may or may not be centered on a mango food fight idea from the brilliant @-JadeFox- <3
also with a touch of campers crying over the weekly in the background idea from @creatiivity

help what have I done ;w;

“I'm incredibly hyped for the weekly to come out!” Universe exclaims.
Excitedly Celes exclaims,“Same, I need some motivation to do more writing.”
“Only 5 more minutes!” Ellie reminds everyone.
When it finally comes time to announce the much anticipated first weekly everyone gathers around Birdi. A hush falls over the crows as Birdi announces the new weekly: fanfiction!! A couple campers burst into tears at the news while others are bouncing up and down with joy excited to start up on their amphibia and the owl house fanfictions and let's not forget the all time favorite swc fanfiction. The amazing leader team then surprises everyone with another announcement.
“To lighten the mood and take everyone's mind off the new weekly we're having a cabin food fight! And not just any food fight a food fight with the iconic fruit… mangoes!!” Any campers with an anxious look on their face immediately brighten up! The excitement quickly spreads throughout the crowd and everyone separates into teams. Most cabins join forces with their allies, but Sci-Fi on the other hand gathers together in a huddle and discusses their game plan. Once each cabin is ready the leaders bring out the mangoes. It's a mad rush to grab as many as possible from the middle and then retreat back to their territory. Once the mangoes are completely cleared from the middle Birdi blows a whistle and the fight begins. It's total chaos. Mango bits are flying everywhere, mango juice is all over the ground, everyone's fingers are sticky, but nobody really cares. The important thing is that everyone is having a total blast. Each cabin is holding their ground. Even Sci-Fi fighting which just their cabin is fighting with their all. Eventually campers start to retreat into the safety of their dorms, but they won't be sleeping for awhile (not that they were planning on sleeping anyways oop.) Eventually Sci-Fi despite being on their own claims victory because they're just cool like that. Everyone's still an awesome sport about it and congratulates each other. It seems as if the birdi's plan had succeeded. The weekly was now the last thing on anybody's mind and no one would be worried about completing it until tomorrow. Every one heads back up to their dorms chattering away about this battle. This will now go down in scratch writing camp history and now mangoes will be even more iconic as they should be.


Last edited by Cynthialz (July 6, 2022 04:56:44)

⤿ hey im celes <3

➤ she/they ∘ ambivert ∘ writer ∘ bi ✩

✎ chaotic fangirl┆scorpio┆guitarist ♡

bi-fi swc ftw! <3
forum signature to be changed soon haha <3
1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Daily for July 3rd
Word count: 300

*Name has been changed

A time that I can remember when I helped someone actually happened a lot. And not just one person, but a lot of people. A lot of kids. At the time I was in ninth grade and the kids I helped out were in second grade with a smattering of children from third grade. My math teacher was also the second-grade teacher and arranged a buddy program for us. It was unofficial and completely on a volunteer basis. I signed up. I was paired with Jane*. After we found out and met our buddies, I went out almost every day at recess and/or lunch to play with them. They loved it. At first, my friends and other people in my class would go out to see their buddies too but eventually drifted away and stopped going out. I was the only one who went out to see them consistently. My math teacher thanked those of us who went out, telling us that the grade two really enjoyed seeing us and that it was the highlight of their day. I kept going out, spending time with them, pushing them on the swings, chasing them, giving them piggybacks. Even when I was exhausted or had something else I wanted to do, I would go out and play with them. They enjoyed it and I didn't want to let them down. I dutifully went out almost every day, a minimum of once a week until school ended. They felt they could talk to me and I was a role model to them. I bonded with them through that. And that helped me as well. I offered them friendship and they returned it. So, in a way, my act of kindness was given back to me in turn. It benefited both of us.

100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

༺═─── weekly 1 ───═༻

finished finally ahhh yay!
part 1: 502 words
part 2: 111, 134, 426 and 333 words
part 3: 987 words
part 4: 452 words

༺═── word count; 502 ──═༻

➺ part 1:
Character reference sheet for Nick Nelson from Heartstopper

Series continuing or ended: continuing

Pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: bisexual

Species: human

Strengths: strong, cheerful, soft-hearted, open-minded, patient, optimistic, outgoing

Weaknesses: over-protective, defensive, somewhat awkward, hot-headed

(former) Weaknesses: desperate for approval

General view of life: positive

Relationships: Charlie Spring (boyfriend)

Tao, Elle, Darcy, Tara, Imogen, Isaac (friends)

Sarah Nelson, David Nelson (family)


Tends to act like someone he isn’t to fit in (improving)

Tends to keep himself engaged (same)

Tends to be quite touchy (improving?)

He often rushes into situations without thinking of the consequences (improving)

View of life: not hateful


Friend gets hurt:

Nick is instantly defensive. He defends them and insults the other person, even taking it to a physical fight if he thinks it is needed. He jumps in headfirst as soon as someone gets physically/mentally hurt and does not think of the consequences.

Romantic struggles:

He consults the internet, as well as asking people he knows about what to do and what they would do in his situation. He doesn’t tend to think of other people when struggling romantically, which is why he completely disregarded Tao as Charlie’s friend when they first met.

Playing Truth or Dare:

He would nearly always pick truth. He prefers thinking of feelings rather than doing things that can get him in trouble, though if someone is teasing him about it, he’ll definitely jump in with a dare!

Nick shuffles his feet together, watching his shoelaces curl and fold together. Sitting in a café, looking for a guy that he hadn't seen in what seems like centuries, he does not know what to expect. After all, how was he to understand what he was supposed to say? How was he to understand whether to accept this invitation or not, to see if this man truly had changed or if he still was the same person he had been all those years ago?

He shudders, and his fingers curl up inside his hand.

Whatever happened, if Harry truly turned out to be nice, he would forgive and forget. He'd force Charlie to forgive and forget. People deserved a second chance, and he was going to grant a second chance, even if it seemed worthless. Except, in the back of his mind, is a slight echo: was he truly in the position to forgive and forget? He had said some terrible things too – in Charlie's defense, of course, in his own defense, though he hadn't realised at the time. Perhaps Harry is still a rich millionaire, and scheduled this appointment only to scream at Nick and sue him. He hopes not. He really hopes not.

Before Nick almost has given up completely, a boy with spiky hair strides into the small café, instantly out of place. He is dressed in designer clothes, no mud or dirt visible on the cloth, and he smirks when he sees Nick. The man meets his gaze steadily, repeating, ‘change, change, change.’ in his mind.

“Hey, mate.” He slides into the seat opposite Nick, patting the chair as if it is worn-down and broken, a faithful companion for a couple of years.

“Hi.” Nick repeats steadily, then outstretches his hand. “I was surprised when you contacted me–”

“Yeah, yeah. I was given your name by my advisor and thought, hey, I know that guy! So, look where we are.” Harry waves his hand flippantly, and Nick contains staring. He hates how Harry takes it for granted that he had responded. He hates how Harry says, ‘advisor’, smirking, jutting out his bottom lip. He hates how Harry disregards their whole history.

But he also likes how he has come to be famous enough to be picked out. He likes how Harry thinks of him as an equal, someone to look at. He likes Harry's willingness to let bygones be bygones.

“I've started funding a rugby team, and you're good at it, right, mate? You should join. Good pay and the team's good at the game.”

He's not Ben, Nick reminds himself, because his heart is beating at the nonchalant offer. “Pay?”

“I'm official, Nick. I've done well for myself. Through business and social media. I'm incredible, can't you see?”

He's confident, Nick reminds himself, because he can imagine what Charlie will say when he bursts through the front door tonight with such news. “Arrogant, aren't you?”

“I deserve to be.” And Harry's face is grim and serious.

༺═── word count; 1019 total ──═༻

➺ part 2:
Red from Pokémon: (currently playing the pokémon games so <3) 111

Red is extremely determined. He challenges every obstacle and over the course of his journey, gets used to failure. However, he absolutely detests it, and does his best to win no matter what. He takes the advice of others around him, which leads to him having a knowledgeable mindset when it comes to social interactions. Red has an average vocabulary, for he travels often and doesn’t have the time for too much interaction, and his tone is often determined. He doesn’t mind jumping into random situations and can be self-deprecating if he doesn’t do well. Red has a quite mild and impartial character voice, but is still recognizable in this way.

Blue: 134

He’s confident. What can I say? Blue is extremely arrogant, and uses rude phrases quite often, to orally injure whoever his opponent is. He is quick to put other people down and puts himself on a pedestal. Blue doesn’t give up, either, and it leads for him to have a conceited and strong tone, as well as the belief that he will always be the best. When scared, Blue still puts on his arrogant mask, but runs away from any danger. This boy is super recognizable from his phrases, ‘Smell you later’, for one, and doesn’t rush into situations, unlike Red. He isn’t too nurturing but doesn’t harm his Pokémon in any way, preferring to work hard and disregard others feelings. He’d often interrupt in a conversation and barges in when he isn’t wanted.

Red’s Perspective: 426

I stop. In front of me on the road sits an ordinary guy on his bike, the wheels turning with his movement. He has his head tipped towards a tree, and in that tree sits Blue.

“I thought you weren’t supposed to be scared?” I laugh, striding towards him. The man glances towards me, puzzled, and I nod at him to show that Blue is fine. It is almost saddening to think that he could have been screamed at if I hadn’t been cycling along.

The man asks, “Are you going to get him down?”

“Yeah, unfortunately. We know each other.”

“I can tell.” The man walks away, leaving the bike behind, as I stand there, holding my own vehicle with my arms. My palms tighten over the grip, then I relax and start to untie my helmet.

Blue watches it all with a judgmental stare, all the way up until I jerk my head towards him and call, “Coming down, are you?” Then, he slides down the tree trunk, snatching his bike from me as if I was a disease.

“He would’ve stolen my bike.” He replies, factually, while dusting it off. “Good thing you came along when you did, Red.” What is this? Do I hear a sneer in his voice, after I saved him in the tower, after I was brave? He wasn’t brave, not whatsoever. His grandfather would not be proud of him.

“You were real’ brave.” Blue tells me, squinting in the sunlight. I stare.

“Got it, buster. Smell you later!”

He jumps on his bike without even inspecting the wheels, a mistake. While waving his hand behind him, he rolls over a rock, squealing when his tire starts losing air. “Help!” He demands, and I laugh again, jogging up alongside my bike to help him.

“Of course, your majesty.” I lean down to fix his tire, when I feel a nudge on my shoulder. I look up to see Blue literally hanging onto my bike, looking pleadingly down at me. Where has his sarcasm and superiority complex gone?

“We could switch?”
“As if.” I scoff, holding onto both of the bikes with a fierce grip. “Let’s walk to the next town together and get it fixed.”

“I don’t want to.” He lunges forward and hits my arm, causing me to drop his bike. He screams a second time as if he was the one who was attacked, and then drops down to look at the bike.

“You probably scratched it.”
“You deserved it.”
He stares up at me, wounded.

Blue’s Perspective: 333

I perch in a tree, my eyes gleaming as I scan the place below me. Oh, wow, it is wonderful. It is truly wonderful. Being so tall and so superior is incredible, until I see that my unguarded bike below me has a slight problem. There is a man idling up to it, a visible smirk on his face.

“Get away from my bike!” I screech down at him, but he just looks up with a dumbfounded expression. “Oh, hi there. This yours?” He questions, as if I hadn't already told him that. I think my screaming was good enough, but apparently, he needed more information than that.

I shake my head, and lean forward so I can yell at him again, but as luck has it, my terrible arch-nemesis just springs up behind this man, and starts chatting as if he wasn't about to snatch my bike away. I play with my belt until he notices me, shouting up some undisguisable words that I do not care about whatsoever.

The man and Red chat for far too long, as I work on edging my way over the branch and towards my bike on the ground. The robber departs just before I spring down, and leaves Red holding my beloved possession, as if my day wasn't already bad enough. I jump down and snatch it from him instantly, and watch as his expression turns from its usual I-am-so-amazing-and-perfect annoying one to an aggravated smile. Ah, as if my day wasn't already terrible enough, this dear boy – not – stops and makes me talk to him.

“He would've stolen my bike.” I tell him, as if he didn't already know that. And then, because I am so desperately annoyed, I add some stupid comment about how lucky it was that he came along when he did and defended it for my sake. I didn't need that. Nobody needs that. Nobody needs Red, yet he still acts like everyone does.

Does nobody need me?

༺═── word count; 987 ──═༻

➺ part 3:
Angst, songfic, AU (also superhero)

“first impressions tend to last through adolescence,”

There are two males sitting in a car. A van, to be precise. It is at the edge of an alley, at the exact lookout point where you can see whoever is approaching. In their case, they are waiting for a certain hero, and they are a certain two villains.

You do not have to go too far to see the names ‘ClownPierce’ and ‘BranzyCraft’ tattooed to a crumbling brick wall. The names are on ‘wanted’ posters, and they pass them every day when they leave their home.

“Clown,” Branzy starts, with an indifferent look to his accomplice – no, not his accomplice, his master, sitting on the front seat with his legs kicked up high past the dashboard – “Are you sure that he’s coming?”

“He’ll come.” Clown affirms, flicking the golden necklace with the inscribed, ‘20 Hearts’ with his thumb. It makes a strong, clinging sound as it hits his chest.

“I believe you.” But Branzy does not believe him. They have waited every day for this, in this same position, sometimes talking, sometimes not, always watching the end of the alleyway to see their rival march down the street. Today is no different; an average day, and four hours into the wait.

“and he still sort of hates everyone,”

Today is different. Clown can feel it. He has his sword beside him, his bored yet enthusiastic sidekick to his left, and there is optimism in the air for the first time in what seems like centuries. The radio is tuned to a softening song about growing up, and he thinks personally that if he achieves this feat, he will be grown up.

He glances over at Branzy and knows that he wants to grow up with him.

“Clown?” His friend leans over him, his own medallion clashing in Clown’s face; “I think that’s him.” It’s a whisper, and a disbelieving one. Clown props himself up and stares. For Rekrap, Rek, the infamous hero, is strutting down the street, staring up at the sky. Rekrap, Rek, is walking by without looking at them. Rekrap, Rek, is at their mercy.

“Set the trap off, Branzy!” He orders, and grins for the first time in four hours. “Set the trap off!”

Branzy leans forward and tugs at the lever, and Rek goes plummeting down a pit; it does not kill him, but that is not what they want; it injures him, but it leaves them time to get out of the van and lock the doors, embrace quickly in joy, and dash towards their hole to see what they have caught.

“Oh, Rek!” Clown howls to the sky, and his companion sobs in relief.

He looks down into the hole and sees the injured and known face of Rekrap2, and suddenly Clown is older, more mature, more alive.

“I did it.” He whispers, and fortunately Branzy does not hear him.

“you and I aren’t so different,”

Branzy sits beside Clown in the van, but he spends the majority of the trip to their base twisting around, staring Rek in the eye. The hero had been tied by Clown to restrain any movement, and he is now settled at the edge of the back, legs and arms tied together in an undignified manner. Every so often, Rek meets Branzy’s eyes, and he sneers, but he does not really care.

Every time that Branzy sees Rek, he is reminded that he, too, would have been sitting there, tied up, in the back of Clown’s van. There is nothing wrong with sitting in the front, he tells himself, but there was a time that he and Rek would’ve suffered together. Now, he is the one making Rek suffer, and it scares him.

Clown hums along to the radio as they drive, and sends Branzy a warm smile when the van is parked and he is forcing Rek out of the vehicle, but it isn’t what he wants. He is a villain, now, and he always will be.

“You’re a hero, Branzy, that’s what you were brought up to be,” But Branzy is a villain, and he is enjoying this punishment. That’s what he tells himself when he walks past the cell in their home and sees Rek standing there, knees bent.

“hindsight has perfect vision,”

Clown is joyous. He truly is. He sits at the kitchen table, polishing his sword, smiling at his reflection. He grins as he looks up and sees Branzy staring at him. He does not notice how pale his companion has become, and he does not see how he fidgets before sitting down.

“Clown,” Branzy begins with a soft sigh, “I’ve got something to ask you, if that’s okay.”

It isn’t okay, but Clown does not realise that.

“Of course.”
“I think we should let Rek go.”

They stare at each other, their appearances suddenly foreign.

“And why should we do that?” He asks, voice quiet.

“Because he doesn’t deserve it. He’s a hero, he’s doing his job,”
“So, we’re just villains that are sitting in the limelight.”

“I suppose so.” Branzy whispers, as Clown reaches for his sword. The blade glints in the artificial light.

“you don’t even know all the places that you’ll go,”

A tear runs down Branzy’s cheek.

“but I’m sorry that you feel so alone.”

Explosions. They are real explosions, coming from the belly of the house and making the floor rumble. In the smoke, Clown sees the mist-like silhouette of Rek, slipping past them. He sees Branzy grabbing at his pet goat, trying to run outside before he is caught in the explosion, and his heart breaks.

“everything’s gonna get better,”

Branzy looks up to see his master holding onto the lead with him, helping him haul the goat to safety, and he can’t stop the tears from coming.

“everything’s gonna get worse – when it gets hard, remember that’s the way it always works.”

༺═── word count; 452 ──═༻

➺ part 4:

reporting from in front of the hi-fi renaissance faire, by a slightly biased reporter

Star had made an incredible discovery before camp even started. Between her and Sun, they had figured out the logistics to create a being that had never been seen before; a goose. And in particular, a celestial goose.

In case you did not know, a celestial goose is an ordinary goose, except with a scattering of stars and power. The celestial goose descends from the empyrean ever so often to give great advice and wealth upon the fabulous Hi-Fi.

The Guilds had been warned about the goose, but no warning could prepare them when the goose first descended. With golden stars dotted around her ombre wings, she tried to be warm to all of the campers, but some had a few qualms about her appearance.

“I don't think I'm entirely comfortable with us – cheating this way.” commented Finch after being questioned by a local reporter. “I'd be fine if it was just for fun.”

Bakie, an English Guild member, shared the same concerns; “Though, if this goose helps me complete the weekly, I'm on board!” she added.

Some people, however, found the goose a pleasant addition to their cabin, including Alex, Phoenix, and Summer, two of which being from the Italian Guild. “Whatever we can do to win, we'll take.” Phoenix shared with a knowledgeable wink.

cut to the Japanese Guild

The tensions grew when the celestial goose decided to favour a particular type of writing, too. Soon, stories or any literature pieces that had any fantasy or historical elements would come out more polished, with no need to be edited. A couple of campers had comments about this.

Kat, a member of the Japanese Guild, explains, “I think the celestial goose is quite cool! It's great having help with fantasy and hi-fi writing.”

cut to the English Guild

As expected, the English Guild is also divided by the appearance of this goose. Star, the creator of the goose's powers and gifts, was quite delighted by the reappearance of such a beloved celestial being, but some of Star's loyal subjects had a different opinion, surprisingly.
We managed to get a quote from a supporter, Lycka: “This goose seems quite different from others I've seen; which is great, because other geese don't seem as nice!”

The statistics for the celestial goose drama are as follows; 7 supporters and 2 who believed otherwise about the goose.

All in all, despite the division of the supporters or not, Hi-Fi has incredible potential as a cabin and will hopefully do well throughout camp! (of course, because it's hi -fi for the win!)

written by the celestial goose

Last edited by gooseful (July 6, 2022 10:50:27)

1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

«────── « ⋅ Weekly One ⋅ » ─────»
Total Word Count: 3442

⤜ Part One ⤛
Word Count: 689

Character Sheet

Name: Keefe Sencen
Series continuing or ended?: Continuing

Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Elf

General view on life: Keefe's outlook starts out as cheerful, thinking his world was close to perfect. He could see the humour in almost everything. As the books progressed, he was forced to deal with more grim issues. Those issues change his view to be more realistic and purposeful. He wants to protect people and make things right.

Strengths: Keefe is fiercely loyal to his friends. He's also incredibly funny and can cheer anyone up from even the gloomiest funk.

Weaknesses: A weakness of Keefe's is thinking that because of his not so great (Read: Horrible) parents, he has to do everything in his power to not be like them. He thinks that since he's their son and his mother did something to him, he was born to be evil and that he's dangerous. He shuts himself out from his friends to protect them.

Love Interest: Sophie Foster (Though she doesn't know it)
Friends: Sophie Foster, Fitz Vacker, Biana Vacker, Dex Dizznee, Linh Song, Tam Song, Marella Redek, Maruca Chebota, Stina Heks (Frenemy), Wylie Endal, Ro (Bodyguard)
Family: Lady Gisela (Mother), Lord Cassius (Father)

Keefe tends to be impulsive and plow ahead. Go, do what he thinks is right without a solid plan. He isn't really improving. His impulsive nature is shown throughout the book multiple times.
Keefe is also a huge troublemaker. He doesn't care if he's punished. He enjoys annoying people and causing mischief. Especially with his goblin bodyguard Ro.
He tends to hold in his feelings, which might be due to the fact that he's an empath and can feel everyone else's emotions, which he's confessed to be overwhelming at times.


Scenario: Your character is face to face with their evil clone and needs to convince their friends that they are the real character

“FOSTER!!” Keefe yelled. “It's me! Keefe!!! You know, the one who joined the Neverseen! The one who has detention every day! The one who-” Keefe bit his lip to stop from saying, The one who loves you!
His voice turned pleading, “Please, Sophie. You know me.” He saw a look of sadness flash across her face at him calling her Sophie and not Foster or Lady Fosboss. But it was quickly replaced by a guarded look of caution.
“We can't know for certain who you are.” Fitz's accented voice broke through as he stepped in front of Sophie, guarding her. “It's best if you leave.”
Keefe looked at each of his friends in turn. Fitz, Biana, Dex, Wylie, even Stina. And SOPHIE. Brave, incredible Sophie. Even Ro was standing with them. Giving him a hard, stony glare. But when his eyes met her's for a fleeting second the wall came down and he saw fear and sadness in them. It was back up for a moment though.
Keefe hung his head and turned away.
“Sophie, no!” Keefe turned around in time to see Sophie break free from the group and Fitz trying to grab her and hold her back.
“Keefe! I know how to settle this.” Sophie seemed to take a deep breath. “Let me read your mind.”
“I…” Keefe thought for a moment. “Sure. I don't care. I have nothing to hide.”
Keefe stood patiently as Sophie closed her eyes and placed her fingers on his temples. Keefe also closed his eyes, letting himself enjoy the warmth from her fingers and her close proximity to him. It was over in a second though and Sophie drew back, looking startled.
Fitz frowned, “What's wrong?”
Sophie met his eyes and didn't say anything.
After a few moments, Keefe interrupted them. “Hey. Remember you guys aren't alone?? If you're having telepathic conversations, I'm going to assume you're flirting.” No one laughed. Keefe knew it was a weak joke but he had to try to relieve the tension somehow.
“You're the real Keefe,” Sophie said quietly, not looking at him.
“I told you. Now may I join you guys again? Or do you want an empath to test if I'm lying as well?” Keefe raised an eyebrow, glancing at Stina.
“No. It's fine. Let's all head back to Havenfield.” Sophie drew in a shaky breath.
Keefe paled. Sophie knew. She had to know. What other information in his brain would freak her out so much?

⤜ Part Two ⤛
Word Count: 1,262

Warning: Spoilers for KotLC book one below!!

Sophie: When this scene took place, Sophie was very shy and cautious. She didn't want to draw attention to herself and hated attention. She's still not a big fan of attention. She had very low self-esteem and always assumed people are thinking the worst about her. Her low self-esteem could also be attributed to her ability to read minds. When she met Fitz, she's very mistrustful because, unlike all the humans she's grown up around, his mind is silent. It's unnerving for her to not be able to know his intentions. He's also telling her things she thought were impossible, giving her a disbelieving character voice.

Fitz: Growing up in a world of perfect elves, being the golden child of a golden family, Fitz is rather self-confident. Sometimes he's too self-confident though and can come off as quite prideful. He is quite straightforward in speech and doesn't mind meeting new people. When he meets Sophie, he is surprised by her eyes, giving him a tone of unbelief and surprise. He is not afraid to speak his mind, though he usually does it in kindness unless his emotions get out of whack. When he's really emotional he tends to put up a wall of anger to protect himself.


Scene from Sophie's POV

It had started out as a normal day for me, just a field trip to the dinosaur museum. I had just been embarrassed and insulted, yet again. My class's thoughts were so loud that I had stayed behind while the rest of my class moved on. I had hoped for some peace and quiet for a bit, just to dull the headache. Then I saw him. Across the room. He was standing there, reading a newspaper with the embarrassing article about me. The article pretty much just talked about how I chose a city college over Yale. My parents freaked when they saw the article and I didn't blame them. I hate attention so being a “child prodigy” didn't exactly please me. The boy, who I now know as Fitz, looked up and stared straight at me. I probably should have been embarrassed but his eyes caught my attention. They were the brightest teal I had ever seen. When he saw my face, I saw something like disappointment flicker across his face. Inwardly, I shrank. The look of disappointment, combined with his amazing good looks made me extremely self-conscious. He approached me with a smile and pointed to the front of the newspaper. “Is this you?” He had asked. I nodded. His voice was odd. It was crisp and accented. He had said something that had confused me back then. He said, “I didn't realize your eyes were brown.” Something felt off about the whole thing. It made me extremely uncomfortable. Especially since I wasn't used to talking to boys. He was about to leave when two classes of little kids came in. Their thoughts were so loud and sharp. It had made me raise my hands to my head, trying to ease the needles of pain shooting through my head. I had looked around to see if anyone had noticed my reaction and discovered Fitz wincing, probably just like what I'd looked like. He couldn't have been a telepath like me, right? At the time, I was so confused. That's when I realized, I couldn't hear his thoughts. He asked if I was a telepath and I had flinched. Which pretty much gave away my answer. I wasn't going to share my secret with a random stranger. He was making me majorly uncomfortable and I had tried to slowly and inconspicuously get away from him. Unfortunately, he had noticed. He said he was a telepath too. That information had shocked me so much that I froze. At the time, I was suspicious, I thought I was the only telepath. Ever since I had developed telepathy, I had wished there was someone else like me. It was too outrageous to believe. I had to get out. I ran outside, not caring where I went. I realized too late I was in the street, with a car racing towards me. The car swerved right, into a lamp. Before I knew what was happening, the lamp was hurtling toward me. All I remember was feeling panicked and throwing out my hand to protect myself. I waited for the crash, the collision. But it never came. I remember staring, unbelieving, at the lamp that was somehow being held up above me. It was somehow being held up by my mind.

Scene from Fitz's POV

I remember that day well. someone sent my dad a newspaper article. A “child prodigy” it said. It couldn't be a coincidence that they used the word prodigy. My dad sent me to go investigate. When I arrived in the human world, it was so loud. I shielded their thoughts quickly though. I made my way to a dinosaur museum. I had to stifle a laugh as I looked around. The humans had very weird and wrong ideas of what dinosaurs look like. I quickly found the girl in the picture. She was with a class of humans a lot older than her. I tried not to look suspicious while leaning against the wall, pretending to read the newspaper. As I listened to the girl, the newspaper called her Sophie, recite back facts to her teacher, I was more and more certain that she was the girl we had been looking for for 12 years. Finally, the rest of her class moved on. I glanced around, no one else was in the room but the girl and me. I looked at her. She had been looking at me. My eyes met hers and I was disappointed. This couldn't be the girl we were searching for. Her eyes were brown, all elves had blue eyes. But she had already seen me, so I figured I might as well talk to her. She seemed nervous. I wondered why. I asked her about the Albertosaurus, well, that's what the humans called them. I asked her if that's what she really thought they looked like. Thinking about it now, I probably shouldn't have. I sounded really suspicious. I had talked to her, so I decided to leave, she wasn't the girl. I turned around just as a lot of young kids ran into the room. Their mental voices were overwhelming. They slipped through my mental shield, penetrating my mind with sharp spikes of pain. I glanced over to see Sophie holding her head in pain as well. “Are you a telepath?” I had asked, shocked. She had to be an elf. But her eyes were brown, not blue. I probably shouldn't have asked her if she was a telepath. It made her look immensely uncomfortable. I also shouldn't have told her we've been searching for her for 12 years. That freaked her out and caused her to run. I chased after her, emerging out into the sunshine in time to see a metal object hurtling towards her. The humans called them cars, they seemed extremely dangerous. I stopped, not wanting to see the collision. But at the last moment, the car swerved to the right and ran into a lamp post. The lamp post teetered, falling towards Sophie. I got my feet to move, to try and push her out of the way. But there was no need. She threw out her hand and stopped it. Using telekinesis. But, she was living with the humans, no one could have trained her. And no one untrained should have telekinesis that strong.

⤜ Part Three ⤛
Word Count: 730

The tropes I'm including are: High school AU, Friends to Lovers, and Chatfic

Group Chat

Sunday, November 21, 10:15 pm

Hey, guys! What's up?
What do you want now, Keefe?
What makes you think I want something???
You never ask “what's up?” unless you want something.
She's right.
Ok, so, maybe I forgot to do our Math homework that might be due tomorrow and I might be wondering if I can copy one of you guys' homework
Nope, you're on your own
Aww, come on Fitzy
I'm not going help cheat, sorry.
Dex, Biana, Linh???
I would let you except I already turned it in.
Sorry, I'm currently out shopping with my mom.
Sorry, Keefe.
I hate to do this, but what about you, bangs boy??
Don't call me that
Sorry Tam. Will you let me copy your homework?
Ugh, well I'm not asking Stina
Y'all suck. /j What am I going to tell Mr. Fletcher???
The truth?
Not helpful, Foster
Goodnight, Keefe.

Monday, November 22, 4:32 pm

I got a 0 on the homework
What did you expect? 100% for doing nothing?


Monday, November 22, 8:28 pm

Hey Fitz?
What's up?
Would you be mad if I told you I like Sophie?
Do you like her??
Keefe, that's great! Of course, I wouldn't be mad! Sophie and I broke up a while ago. You and she would be so cute together. <3
Well, that's a load off my mind!
You know I'm going to tease you about it though, right?
Yeah. You just better get a girl of your own that I can tease you about
Will do

Monday, November 22, 9:15 pm

SHOULD I TELL HER?????????????
Woah, calm down, Keefe. I think you should tell her.
She won't, trust me.
Because you two are perfect for each other.

Foster <3

Monday, November 22, 9:17 pm

Hey, Keefe!
Keefe, what's wrong?
I love you


Monday, November 22, 9:19 pm

FITZ!!!!! HELP!!!!! SHE'S NOT REPONDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keefe, it's alright. She's probably just thinking about how to respond.

Foster <3

Monday, November 22, 9:20 pm



Monday, November 22, 9:20 pm

That's great, Keefe!!

Foster <3

Monday, November 22, 9:21 pm

Does this mean we're a couple?
… I guess?


Monday, November 22, 9:22 pm

Keefe told me he loves me!!
And you said?
I love him too. Well, I actually sent a heart because saying “I love you too” feels too awkward. Now I'm rambling.
That's awesome, Sophie! I'm so happy for you! Now if only Tam would notice me…
Don't worry. He'll tell you soon.
I hope so…

Group Chat

Tuesday, November 23, 7:08 am

Sophie and I are officially a couple!!!!!
That's great!
Aww, I'm glad for you two. <3
Oh, great, now instead of Fitzphie, we have Sokeefe.

⤜ Part Four ⤛
Word Count: 761

Map of the Campus (In my mind)

Dawn opened the rough wooden door. Inside the cabin was chaos. Dawn picked her way around suitcases and beanbag chairs, and made her way to the check-in area.
“Hey, Birdi! I'm here to check in!”
“Great!” Birdi chirps (Lol, unintentional pun). “Dawn…” She scrolled through the sign-in list of leaders and cos.
“Ah! Here you are.” She reached under the desk. “Here's your tablet with your schedule, map of the campus, and writing program. When the dailies and weeklies come out, it will automatically update.” She handed the tablet and small, portable keyboard to Dawn.
“Thanks, Birdi!” Dawn headed out of the cabin and followed the path leading towards Adventure. She knew the path well from walking down it with Soki and Jess while they were still planning. She reached the main tent and lifted the flap. She spotted Soki and Jess inside. As well as a handful of campers.
“Hello! I'm Dawn, one of your co-leaders for this session.” Dawn stepped inside and pulled up her list of campers who are in her word group. “If you're…” She started calling names. “Then you're in my tent! Please follow me and we'll drop off your stuff.” Dawn exited the camp with 10 campers following her. After a short, 3-minute walk, they arrived at a slightly smaller tent.
“Here we are!” Dawn said, shrugging off her pack. “Choose a bed and place your stuff on it. We'll come back later to unpack. Right now we're going to head back to the Main Cabin to hang out for a bit and get to know the other campers. Then we'll come back to unpack and eat dinner. After that, we'll go back to the Main Cabin and wait for the first daily with everyone else.” Her campers nodded and together they trooped down to the main cabin. They met up with Soki and Jess along the way.
When they arrived at the Main Cabin, it was still as chaotic as ever. A hustle and bustle of activity. Everyone went off to do their own thing and meet new people.
Dawn spotted Moss and navigated through the crowd to stand next to her. “Hey, Moss!” Dawn greeted the blonde girl in a long, swishy cape. “I love your outfit!”
“Thanks!” Moss grinned. “Adventure looks good so far!”
“Thank you! Myth is amazing! If I were a camper I would want to be in Myth! Or Script! Or Mystery, or Real-Fi, or any of the other cabins!” They both laughed.
“Oh, hey! There are some of my campers!” Moss waved to someone with short light brown hair and a girl with two black pigtails. They both came over.
“This is Aurora,” Moss gestured to the girl. “And CJ.”
“Nice to meet you!” Dawn smiled at Aurora. “And I know you from Scratch Art Camp!” She said to CJ.
“Yep!” CJ grinned.
Moss was called away by someone, and Aurora and CJ started talking together.
Dawn saw someone across the cabin. “Arlie!” Dawn greeted her old co-leader. “It's good to see you!”
“Hi, Dawn!” Arli stopped talking to Vi and turned to wave.
Dawn was heading over to talk when she spotted a girl struggling with a bunch of suitcases. “Here, let me help you with those!” She ran over and picked up one of the larger ones.
“Thanks!” The girl straightened up, holding the other two suitcases. “I'm Maddy.” She blew a stray hair out of her face.
“I'm Dawn. Nice to meet you. What cabin are you in?”
“Fantasy. What about you?”
“I'm co-leading Adventure this session.” Dawn pointed to the suitcase she was holding. “Want to go drop these off at your cabin then come back?”
“Sure.” Maddy led the way as Dawn followed her down the path to Fantasy.
After dropping off the suitcases and returning to the main cabin, Dawn gathered up her campers. “We'll head back now and unpack. The other cabins will be doing the same.”
They all trooped down to Adventure and unpacked in record speed.
After dinner, all the Adventure campers trekked back to the main cabin to wait for the first daily. Dawn flopped down in a beanbag next to Jia, one of the co-leaders of Mystery, and Ash, an Adventure camper. The room was filled with the excited chatter of campers, leaders, co-leaders, and hosts, all eagerly anticipating the arrival of the first daily.
Finally, 12 am UTC arrived and a hologram popped up in the center of the room. Everyone quickly read it, then pulled out their tablets to start writing. Camp had officially started.

Last edited by Dawn_Camps (July 4, 2022 14:55:23)

4 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Daily for day 2
Word count: 428
It is too late for it to count for the daily, but i wanted to share anyway.

Kayleen was hiding in the woods after school when she saw someone she knew dying. It was her old friend Nara, and she was bleeding badly, with pools of blood around her.
Kayleen rushed over to see if she could help, and said “What happened? Where are you hurt?”
“Kayleen? What are you doing here?”she said, surprised.
“Never mind that, we need to get you help, quick”
“No. It's too late for that” Nara said groggily. “You need to hide, quick. Their coming to finish me off, and you might get hurt if they see you”
“What? Who are you taking about?”
“Death and his friends. Their trying to get this artifact to end the world. They must be stopped. Take it and run.”
A tree in the distance cracked in half and caught fire as lightning struck from the clear sky.
“RUN” Nara yelled in desperation.
Kayleen took the artifact bracelet and ran. Nara seemed to be seriously afraid and that lightning was really creepy. She got across the clearing they where in, and hid behind a tree. She knew that Nara said to run, but she wanted to see this Death for herself.
Someone in black robes and carrying a scythe, came into the clearing, and pronounced in a booming voice “It’s over now, Hope. I finally beat this pesky avatar, and now all these pitiful souls of Earth shall be consumed by the Great Dark One”
Nara coughed and said “Oh really, Death? I don’t see the artifact here” She opened her hands to show they were empty of all but her own blood.
“I never tell you! It’s gone, and lost to you forever!”
“NO!” He swung his scythe in anger at Nara and it landed with a loud crunch, killing her.
Kayleen let out a gasp, but quickly stopped herself and ran as fast as she could away from there.
Death turned his head when he heard someone gasp, and saw a blur running away fast. He gestured to one of his minions to chase it down to make sure it told not one of his fellow gods of this day, thinking it unimportant. He then shifted to his realm to brood and think of where Hope might hide an artifact.
Kayleen ran all the way to her treehouse in-between the woods and her house, and held up the bracelet, Nara had said it was an artifact? It started to glow and she heard a voice say “Hello? My name is Hope, what’s yours?”
1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

ic daily: july 3
words: 408
spoilers: Fullmetal Alchemist

If I could create and step inside a virtual reality based on a world that somebody else wrote, which world I chose would depend on what the rules of the simulation are: specifically, how large the simulation can be and/or how long I can stay in it (or save my progress). If it can be as large as a country, I would definitely choose to go to Amestris, but if there is a time limit of hours and/or can only be a city, I would make a not great decision in regards to my safety and choose to go to Central City on the Promised Day. Now, because it is a simulation, the Promised Day has no danger for me. I have read the books, so I know that if I go through the tunnel district (I would probably try to end up near Rebecca and the ice cream van as she picks up Colonel Mustang’s team for easier navigation and so I can look at the palm tree. By which I mean Envy the homunculus) and wait until Scar breaks the floor, then jump in, I’ll be safe from the effects- but if I feel like horrifying myself I would head for the radio station and wait for the eclipse to start. If I time my visit to the radio station well, I’ll catch both the radio broadcasts, the stone-ifying, and the de-stone-ifying, but I might also possibly leave the radio station as the circle activates and head for the area in front of the Central HQ so I can witness the “boss battle” of Fullmetal Alchemist. Plus, the Central Headquarters seem like they would be a good place to watch the Dwarf in the Flask break open the door to power and pull it down from the sky. Since it would seem I can create unlimited simulations, I would probably try and do all of those routes. I might be assuming a few untrue things about whether or not the simulation notices me or if I can get hurt by the simulation, though. Oh, and if I feel like having some fun and laughing about things I would head to Xing on the Promised Day. Why? Because Xing seems like a good point from which to safely watch the Dwarf in the Flask’s power-grabbing attempt, and it might be fun to see it from a point of view where the eclipse doesn’t quite align.

465-word add-on below (writing), same spoilers apply
As her fingers flew across the keyboard, Peachi couldn’t help but grin. Their first true simulation was about to begin… When she finished the details of the world.
Peachi paused, took a deep breath, and clicked on the category “F”. She stared at the list of results- who knew there would be so many locations beginning with “Fa”? After a while of scrolling, they finally reached the one she was looking for: Fullmetal Alchemist.
Another click, and the words on the screen changed.
After a long pause, they clicked on the option labeled “Central City”.
Another pause- did she go on the Promised Day or not? Peachi sighed, and clicked on “The Promised Day”.
Peachi grimaced. There were four main options for them: she could go underground and wait, eavesdrop on the Central higher-ups and Olivier Armstrong in Central Headquarters, join “Team Mustang” and follow the plot, or hop aboard Rebecca’s armored ice cream truck and hope they didn’t get motion-sick.
Eavesdropping seemed dangerous, and she wasn’t sure that the truck filled with weapons or the dangerous underground tunnel district would be a good place to go- but the only remaining option they liked was still dangerous… Just in a different way.
Then, a fifth option appeared: the radio station. It didn’t seem that dangerous, and she could probably chill in the radio station until the afternoon. Plus, the radio broadcast was a part that they liked.
Without hesitation, she turned on the invisibility setting and turned off tangibility. Then, after pausing, turned on captions. Then, realizing that the simulation had those settings, they quickly pressed the ‘back’ button to re-choose her sublocation.
Immediately, she changed their location to a certain warehouse and continued.
Going with the settings from before, she went to the final step.
After scrolling through the list of settings, they finished up the interactive part of the simulation’s preparation stage.
A bar appeared on the screen, and no more than five seconds later her field of vision vanished into a cloud of white particles and Peachi was transported into the warehouse they had chosen. Due to the settings, she could just step upwards and move up to the rafters, where some of Colonel Mustang’s former subordinates were preparing and talking in hushed tones so they wouldn’t be noticed.
As Colonel Mustang, 2nd. Lieutenant Breda, Master Sergeant Kain Fuery, and First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye (urging Mrs. Bradley forwards) ran in, Peachi opened up their copy of the volume it occurred in and began comparing the panels to the images the simulation created.
“Amazing,” they thought. “These simulations are great!”

Last edited by Peach_Drawing (July 3, 2022 19:52:16)

「 Procrastinator - Exhausted - Awkward - Chaotic - Human - Inconsistently Social
(peachi - she/they(/xey) - artist, camp tropiland co-host, writer)
6 posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

SWC daily day 2: words: 411 ;How long has it been since ive seen a sign of life? A day? Or was it 2 days? Im not sure… But all I know is that i feel alone. I prefer not to share my real name, but many call me Techbow. I am very skilled at archery, and before i traveled to this universe, i was very reknowned in my community. All i know now, is that there are two magical forces in this world, and both are getting stronger by the minute. This magical world may end, as magic is a powerful force, a force to be reckoned with. I met a wizard, somewhere around my age. He was a wizard, unlike me. He taught me a few basic spells, such as power shield, healing field, and summoning. These are basic, yet crucial spells. However, with my skills, he told me i could possibly stop this conflict. Last i met up with him, was 2 days ago. He didn't have much news, other than more people joining both sides. I know ithad to do with power, and those who had a lot of power has many followers. I have experienced one thing over my life. War leads to chaos. And chaos, ultimately causes destruction, and if it is great enough chaos, it could lead to the end of the world. However, this war may not have to escalate to such meaures of destruction. If we are able to stop this war, we can have an eternity of peace. I could explore this world of magical possibilities, and explore so, so, so much of this world. “For every action, there is a equal reaction.” This was a statement from a scientist who studied physics. The action in this case, is war. The equal reaction is Peace. If the war is too much, we must retaliate with kindness of an equal amount of fierceness. War will not help problems,. It will make them worse. These wars over petty things such as power, are worthless. That is why im going to try to stop this war. Because, if i don't, the world may not ever have a chance at peace. Ever. Im going to go to my pals house, he will teach me a new spell, reinforce. It strengthens barriers and other spells, to create stronger forcefields, spell barriers, and more. And when you strengthen the spell, it strengthens your speed in casting it and the strength of the reinforce. Anyways, thats my story for now. Ill update whenever i get the chance. Techbow Out!

Last edited by TechnicallyWins (July 3, 2022 01:53:21)

TechBow909 here! Have a great day on my profile!

Signatures Be Like Happiness
1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

July 3rd Daily
Word Count: 317

this is kinda cringe, but whatever :')

One time while I was at a park there were a couple younger kids playing with some sort of toy (no way I'm remembering what it was.) They were tossing it around, I think they were trying to see who could toss it the highest or something, but somehow it got stuck in a tree and the little girl whom the toy belonged to started to cry. I was sort of reading a book sort of watching them (I swear I wasn't being creepy lol they were my neighbors and I knew who they were.) I felt really bad for the girl and the toy honestly wasn't very high up. The tree had a sort of garbage bin underneath it and I stood on it to climb onto the first branch. I only had to climb like one more branch or something to reach the toy. I tossed it down to the kid since there was absolutely no way I was climbing back down with that in my hands. I don't think the girl knew who I was, but my dad was friends with their parents and he talked about them sometimes and we'd been to their house before, but she seemed really happy when I returned the toy to her so I was really glad that I did it. To be honest I have absolutely no idea where the girl and her brother's (I think) parents were, but luckily they got their toy returned to them. They also noticeably stopped throwing it so high and moved farther away from the tree which was definitely a smart decision. After that I went back to reading my book, but I remember how good it felt afterwards knowing that I had put a small on both of their faces. I'm really glad that I was at the park when I was so that I was able to help them.

Last edited by Cynthialz (July 6, 2022 04:55:48)

⤿ hey im celes <3

➤ she/they ∘ ambivert ∘ writer ∘ bi ✩

✎ chaotic fangirl┆scorpio┆guitarist ♡

bi-fi swc ftw! <3
forum signature to be changed soon haha <3
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

I took a prompt from the poetry waterfall: make your favorite quote into a poem:
“But I don't want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked. “Oh, you ca'n't help that,” said the Cat: “we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
Words: 96
“I don't want to go with the mad people”
A little girl once said
Years later she would learn
To stick to that she'd have to leave her head
She had ignored the cat when he spoke the truth
She had thought there couldn't be any proof
After leaving Wonderland,
She thought she was safe
But reality, she found
Was more mad a place
She dreamed and dreamed to return
And leave the world as it burned
But she chose to leave, it was too late.
Let's hold our dreams close
Before life cracks our plates

Last edited by WeirdlyAngie (July 3, 2022 03:07:05)

Hi! I'm Angie!
Basically just someone who likes:
Writing | Poetry | Coding | Crocheting | Drawing | Reading | Church
My Favorite:
Artist: NF | Genre: Poetry/Fantasy/Fairy-tales | Color: A dusty, rose pink
SWC (scratch writing camp) | Camp Galatians (grow your relationship with God, AND hang out with friends online!)
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Thriller Rift Door Challenge II

Part One

During my ten minutes of meditation, I had twenty-three different thoughts. Towards the beginning, I felt somewhat uncomfortable and kept getting distracted by the sounds around me. I soon learned to tune those noises out, and my thoughts drifted to how I was going to do this cabin challenge. I often write things in my head, sometimes unconsciously, and I was doing that now. Most of my thoughts were actually me trying to figure out what I was going to say in this activity. Other thoughts included My nose itches - oh wait I’m not supposed to be thinking, and Why are you thinking that, you shouldn’t be thinking anything. I can’t say that I ever felt relaxed or peaceful as one is supposed to be while meditating. When my mind wasn’t wandering, I was thinking deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths or clear mind clear mind clear mind on repeat, and then inevitably some other thought would intrude this chant, and I would push it away, feeling mildly annoyed. I was very aware of my thoughts the entire time, and kept trying not to think, which only led to me thinking more. It did not feel weird, like I expected, just uncomfortable. Still, this was an interesting experience, and I’m not opposed to having it again (which I suppose I will, tomorrow, for the second part of this activity).

Part Two (written in the third person because why not)

Inky put on her headphones, pressed play on the meditation soundtrack, and set a timer for ten minutes. She then closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind. This was her second time meditating, and she had decided to do two things differently. The first was to have gentle music playing in the background. She had found a soundtrack on YouTube, which promised relaxing instrumental sounds for sleep and meditation. That should help to calm her mind, right? The second thing was to not mentally scream at herself about not thinking. That was not calming at all, and kind of ruined the point of having a clear mind. Inky took slow, deep breaths, trying to let her thoughts settle and disappear. This was easier said and done. Still, she felt much more relaxed than she had yesterday - the music helped with that. And by focusing on the gentle flow of sound coming in from her headphones, and by letting herself flow along with it (that didn’t make much sense, but it was the only way she could describe it), she could forget her thoughts, if only for a few moments. The timer rang, and Inky opened her eyes. Her thoughts had wandered quite a bit (mostly to the same things they had yesterday) but she felt surprisingly relaxed. The music had helped a lot. So did being kinder to herself about thinking. She smiled, opening up the Discussion Forums to start writing about her experience.

Word count (pt. 1): 230
Word count (pt. 2): 246
Total word count: 476

Last edited by pages-of-ink (July 13, 2022 16:13:40)

inky || she/her || reader || writer || introvert
500+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

July 3 - Today is Compliment Your Mirror Day! We all have good things we’ve done in our lives that we should be proud of, and acts of kindness are one of them. So today, for 400 points, write at least 300 words writing about a time you helped someone! No bonus points for proof today.

328 words

Moonlit sighs, happily remembering all the kids she’s taught to do various tricks over the years. More than anything, it’s the smiles on their faces and the way their eyes light up when they finally do it, like there’s nothing they could ever want more than to do whatever it is that they just learn that makes the time and energy spent helping them millions of times more than worth it. She especially loves working with the younger ones, who not only are absolutely incredible and sweet, but are often the most enthusiastic. Despite the fact that the youngest ones may or may not almost always be her favorites, she adores the confidence and competence many of the older kids bring. She admires how they’re doing something they’ve never tried before, but they listen carefully and are some of the quickest learners.

Remembering some of her all time favorites, Moonlit thinks about (name), one of the most adorable little boys she’s ever met. Despite his age, he was an impressively quick learner, and was always eager to try something new. In particular, she loved teaching him how to roll and flip.

(Name) was another one of her favorites, and Moonlit envied her natural talent. She didn’t so much need a teacher as a guide, someone to explain what she’s doing, not tell her what to do and how to do. She picked up so much on her own, and as much as she really didn’t need her help, Moonlit immensely enjoyed working with her, and watching what she could do.

And last but certainly not least, (name)! More than anything else, it was their shared experiences and ability to understand where the other was coming from that made working together so incredible - while (name) had only been a camper briefly before becoming one of her fellow junior counselors, she enjoyed teaching him nonetheless, and greatly cherishes the memories of working with him - as a camper and junior counselor.

100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Daily #3 32/07/2022 Act of kindness

Note: Loosely based around a true act of kindness

A rhythmic tinkling sound rings through the air; a tiny tintinnabulation, faint as fairy bells. Charli turns around and studies the footpath behind me before smiling. I open my mouth to ask her what she's looking at, but she stops me, lifting her fingers to her lips, telling me to be silent. She points at something behind me as I pivot, with one foot, wobbling a little as I spin. I shuffle to regain my balance and twist my head in search of the mystery noise maker. A cat sits to my right in the middle of the nature strip. A smooth white coat, dappled with grey patches obscures a thin pink collar in ruffles of fur, a tiny silver bell dangling from the vibrant leather strap.

The cat studies us as Charli kneels down next to me. She offers her hand to the cat as I crouch down, shifting my weight so that my backpack doesn’t pull me over. The cat gratefully accepts, nuzzling Charli’s hand, and mewing. I bend down to look underneath the cat “it’s a girl,” I announce, mockingly, giving Charli a cheesy grin. I flip my wrist up to check the time, I relax, seeing that we’re still running early for the bus. Charli looks over the cat and gently runs her hands up to its sides, her fingers grazing over the flank with precision. She turns to me, hand still on the cat “she’s a little underweight, probably not being fed properly.” I nod and give her a sad smile. I shrug my shoulders, letting my bag slide onto the concrete below and stand up slowly. Trying not to startle the cat, I bend over to unzip my bag and pull out my lunchbox. Charlie gives me a quizzical look “do cats like sandwiches?” I ask, she shrugs in response. I tear off the corner of my sandwich and hold it out in front of the cat. She sniffs it quickly before downing it. “I hope you like honey and peanut butter” I whisper.

We watch as the cat eats, stroking her before Charli nudges me and points at my watch, reminding me that we have a bus to catch. I pack away my things and then sling my backpack over my shoulder. Waving goodbye to the cat, me and Charli walk off.

388 words

13 • She/her • Straight ally • blue • Reading • LD Running • Taurus • Swimming • Art • Flute & Viola • SWC • Dyslexic
1000+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Daily for July 3 :)

So once this really mean kid joined my group for a class project. (I’ll call this kid Lily.) This project was almost done, and Lily had been on vacation. The moment she joined my group, she started to say some bad stuff (mainly about me and my group). The project was for an upcoming test. Since Lily wasn’t here for the majority of the project, she barely knew anything about the test. The school had disabled her Google account since they thought she wasn’t coming back until next year. So now my group was stuck with a jerk who couldn’t do anything to help us with the project. The other people in my group just thought she was annoying and they just wanted to finish the project. I felt really bad for her since she couldn’t do anything, so I gave her my computer and let her use my account to study. She thanked me and used my computer. A few minutes later, she goes to the teacher and says, “Ma’am? My group is excluding me.” The teacher walked over to where my group was working and tells them to “include Lily” and “not be mean.” After that, the whole group was very annoyed at Lily. She walked to a chair, sat down, and gave us a look that said now give me something to do or I’ll get you all in trouble. I took my computer and started to work on my project. After finishing my part of the project, I gave her my computer again. When I discovered she wasn’t studying on my computer, I decided to use a study sheet the teacher gave everyone to help her study.

Now I feel really good about this since I helped someone, even though she sorta failed the test (we caught her cheating lol)

I'm Skye, an artist, writer, reader, cat owner, and lover of Minecraft.
This account is now unused, since I moved accounts to -Midnight–Moon- ! You can chat to me and follow me there.
I only use this account for Scratch Empires.
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Poetry Cabin Weekly wrote:

explore the poetry lodge, the adventure, the waterfall, and the ski lift. then write a poem, minimum 50 words, inspired by each studio—200+ words total.

Poem 1: Poetry Lodge | Word Count: 52 wrote:

Amidst the freezing winter blow
A mountain lodge protects from snow
Where climbers meet
And campers greet
Writing lines for summits reach
Writing lines for our rhyming speech
Amidst the freezing winter
Writers gather from far and wide
To begin their climb
The mountain lodge
Where by each other campers stand beside

Poem 2: The Adventure | Word Count: 54 wrote:

3 leaders chosen to guide us through
Up the mountain to a poetry rescue
Before Jade our nemesis reaches the top
Campers push on by writing nonstop
Up the mountain to find the deities,
Line, Rhythm, Sound, Density, and Imagery
Up the mountain to a poetry rescue
3 leaders chosen to guide up through

Poem 3: Poetry Waterfall | Word Count: 58 wrote:

Poets join in search of lines
They come to the waterfall to gather rhymes
Giving ideas or coming in need
To help the writers stuck in a block
Not to be used in means to mislead
Come over, it's just a short walk
To the waterfall, a place of inspiration
To the waterfall, helping a poet's great creation.

Poem 4: The Poetry Ski Lift | Word Count: 55 wrote:

Bring your works of great!
Bring your stories to this place
Up the ski lift words to be counted
The words of campers echo once they're sounded
Working together to reach a goal
Counting words as a cabin whole
To the ski lift up the mountain
Bring our poems, get the count in

Last edited by WeirdlyAngie (July 4, 2022 03:03:16)

Hi! I'm Angie!
Basically just someone who likes:
Writing | Poetry | Coding | Crocheting | Drawing | Reading | Church
My Favorite:
Artist: NF | Genre: Poetry/Fantasy/Fairy-tales | Color: A dusty, rose pink
SWC (scratch writing camp) | Camp Galatians (grow your relationship with God, AND hang out with friends online!)
100+ posts

July 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

07.03.22 - daily
398 words
back to my encyclopedia ⇆

My act of kindness (that I chose) wasn't so much an act for a specific person, but helping my community. I vividly remember the summer before the coronavirus (or, at least I try too- who wouldn't?), and recently the local train station (called BART) that's only a few blocks from my house had been attracting quite a bunch of trash from the train users that park in the neighborhood. My family made a plan with a neighbor on the street next to us, as we'd gone biking and had a few visits before, as well as done a few garbage-picking-up before, and we all picked up a few garbage bags and those squeezy pincher things that a lot of garbage people use from a store, and we began walking down the road and already, there were some pieces of plastic and garbage (that's honestly how bad the place had gotten), so we picked those up and placed them into the garbage bags.
Then we finally arrived at the actual station, after a little under a mile, and one bag was already filled up, and the others were half-full. Our neighbors had prepared before and asked the BART people if we could clean up their area a bit, and I think we got an answer (were we doing this a bit illegally? yes. was it for a god cause. also, yes.)? It had gotten pretty nasty anyway, so we started cleaning in the bushes (that sort of signified where the station began), and we got so much trash. We also cleaned in the little walkways along the station's parking lot, where there was a lot of trash as well, plus some more that got swept in by the wind from a busy street that is perpendicular to the street that the station owns.
I would say that's the most memorable for me- partly because a car that was driving by gave us a cheer of motivation and yelled a thank you as we went on picking up trash. A few other cars nodded their thanks as well, I guess that's how dirty it got! It's been much better because they got some people to clean it up, I would say quarterly? And because of the pandemic, it's been less busy. But overall, it was a great experience, and I would love to do it again once it gets busier.

stan a charger, its the only thing that gives u energy

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