Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

Roblox Studio Topic

Here you can share:
  • Scripts you've made in studio
  • Any building work you've done
  • Any type of modelling (for a roblox game)
  • Any plans for future games
  • Full / W.I.P games you've made!
Sadly, Roblox Studio is only available on laptops and PCs, but it's completely free and there are loads of recourses out there to learn it!

This is not in TIRAP due to you not playing roblox studio, rather making games with them.

Last edited by BuzzedOut (June 17, 2023 11:01:47)

1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

So, can we share scripts we made on Roblox Studio?
First poster of this topic!

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
500+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

k0d3rrr wrote:

So, can we share scripts we made on Roblox Studio?
First poster of this topic!
Hmm… I’d guess. We could also (of course) share pictures of what we’ve built / games we’re working on, but scripts would make sense too.

1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

BuzzedOut wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

So, can we share scripts we made on Roblox Studio?
First poster of this topic!
Hmm… I’d guess. We could also (of course) share pictures of what we’ve built / games we’re working on, but scripts would make sense too.
Okay, I'll go first!

Here's a script I made in Roblox Studio for a shovel tool:
Shovel = script.Parent
Appear = script.Appear
Dig = script.Dig
Tool = script.Parent.Parent
Tool.CanBeDropped = false
Tool.Enabled = true
Terrain = workspace.Terrain
function Activate()
	Shovel.Anchored = false
	Tool.Enabled = false
	print("Tool being used.")
	Shovel.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 90)
	Shovel.Position = Shovel.Position - Vector3.new(0, 2, 0)
	Shovel.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
	Shovel.Position = Shovel.Position + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0)
	Terrain:FillBall(Shovel.Position, 10, Enum.Material.Air)
	Tool.Enabled = true
function Hold()
	print("Shovel held.")
	Shovel.Anchored = false
	Shovel.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
function Touch()
	print("Shovel touched.")
	Shovel.Anchored = false
The “wait(1)” command at the start is to stop the script from failing to load everything.

Or, for something really simple:

print('Hello, World!')

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
500+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

I’m trying to learn how to code, but I’m using a tutorial from 2013. It’s surprising how little Roblox studio has changed in terms of features; although the surface tool is completely gone now, sadly.

500+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

I think soon enough I’ll have enough skills to make a simple clicker game. It’ll also use datastore (hopefully)

1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

im making a find a game
how do i make the things to find collectable?
this is the roblox studio topic so

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

k0d3rrr wrote:

BuzzedOut wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

So, can we share scripts we made on Roblox Studio?
First poster of this topic!
Hmm… I’d guess. We could also (of course) share pictures of what we’ve built / games we’re working on, but scripts would make sense too.
Okay, I'll go first!

Here's a script I made in Roblox Studio for a shovel tool:
Shovel = script.Parent
Appear = script.Appear
Dig = script.Dig
Tool = script.Parent.Parent
Tool.CanBeDropped = false
Tool.Enabled = true
Terrain = workspace.Terrain
function Activate()
	Shovel.Anchored = false
	Tool.Enabled = false
	print("Tool being used.")
	Shovel.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 90)
	Shovel.Position = Shovel.Position - Vector3.new(0, 2, 0)
	Shovel.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
	Shovel.Position = Shovel.Position + Vector3.new(0, 2, 0)
	Terrain:FillBall(Shovel.Position, 10, Enum.Material.Air)
	Tool.Enabled = true
function Hold()
	print("Shovel held.")
	Shovel.Anchored = false
	Shovel.Orientation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
function Touch()
	print("Shovel touched.")
	Shovel.Anchored = false
The “wait(1)” command at the start is to stop the script from failing to load everything.

Or, for something really simple:

print('Hello, World!')
You should always use local functions as a micro-optimization. Just write local before every function definition.
Also, instead of using wait(1), you should use :WaitForChild for child Instances you need to be loaded.
Also you should use task.wait instead of wait, as wait is now deprecated.
1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

pkhead wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

BuzzedOut wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

So, can we share scripts we made on Roblox Studio?
First poster of this topic!
Hmm… I’d guess. We could also (of course) share pictures of what we’ve built / games we’re working on, but scripts would make sense too.
Okay, I'll go first!

Here's a script I made in Roblox Studio for a shovel tool:
print('This post has been snipped')
You should always use local functions as a micro-optimization. Just write local before every function definition.
Also, instead of using wait(1), you should use :WaitForChild for child Instances you need to be loaded.
Also you should use task.wait instead of wait, as wait is now deprecated.

However, I want the tool to be seen on all servers.

Also, the reason why I made it ‘wait(1)’ is because whenever I tried the ‘waitforchild’ command, the script would break and say “Oh, this asset doesn't exist in this tool *refers to the line in the script where this happened*”.

Last edited by k0d3rrr (June 9, 2022 04:10:54)

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

Here are some screenshots of some games i was working on:

A 2.5D puzzle platformer. I'm not very good at art though – I don't think I'm experienced enough to make an entire game like this and have it look good. Also the sproinger is a bit stretched in this frame, since I have a squash and stretch effect whenever they bounce.

The player can grapple onto the red-colored squares and swing around it like a pendulum. I'm also planning ledge grabbing and wall jumping to make platforming more interesting.

A 2010 roblox studio simulator. I don't know if i'll still keep working on this, as I realize it'll be a hassle to moderate user creations if it were to be finished.

I even wrote my own custom humanoid to more accurately emulate old Roblox humanoids. (For example, in the old behavior, when landing, the character starts slightly penetrating the surface, then slowly glides to directly on top. I emulated this using a BodyPosition. Although since BodyPositions are deprecated, I should be using a VectorForce with a spring equation.) I also used the modules Yueliang and FiOne for iser script support, and wrote Lua “classes” to wrap/sandbox Roblox instances for the scripts. Pretty neat.

…I have several years of Studio experience. Mainly working on games for one week and then losing motivation. That's why most of my public games are games that'd probably only take like 3 days to make. (EDIT: my finished public games)

Last edited by pkhead (June 9, 2022 04:19:33)

1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

k0d3rrr wrote:

However, I want the tool to be seen on all servers.

Also, the reason why I made it ‘wait(1)’ is because whenever I tried the ‘waitforchild’ command, the script would break and say “Oh, this asset doesn't exist in this tool *refers to the line in the script where this happened*”.
I wanna fix your script so bad i love coding
Well not “fix” – it's already working. Just… make it better… in my opinion?

Honestly I don't know what the asset loading problem is coming from. I'm guessing Appear and Dig are Animations. Maybe it has something to do with those? Or uh I don't think so. I just think making the script wait 1 second to fix this is a hack, and surely there must be a better way to fix this problem.

Oh, hold on no, Appear and Dig are Sounds. Mhm it all makes sense now.
…I still got nothing.

Also an interesting reason about how using locals are recommended, if you're curious on how the Lua VM works internally – it's because locals are quicker to access than globals. When you access a global, the Lua VM has to look up its name in a table I believe, whereas locals are more immediate somehow. I forgot how.
1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

pkhead wrote:

Also an interesting reason about how using locals are recommended, if you're curious on how the Lua VM works internally – it's because locals are quicker to access than globals. When you access a global, the Lua VM has to look up its name in a table I believe, whereas locals are more immediate somehow. I forgot how.

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
500+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

pkhead wrote:

Here are some screenshots of some games i was working on:

-ultimate snip-

Those look REALLY cool! Are you going to publish them? I would definitely play!

500+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

Marc92020 wrote:

im making a find a game
how do i make the things to find collectable?
this is the roblox studio topic so
I’d reccomend looking up a tutorial, since it’s a little complex, but you would have to:
- Define a variable for Xs collected
- A function that makes the object disappear
- A line of code that detects when a player touches it
Although this probably doesn’t help much, you could also search how to do all of these things separately and try and put it yourself together.

1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

BuzzedOut wrote:

pkhead wrote:

Here are some screenshots of some games i was working on:

-ultimate snip-

Those look REALLY cool! Are you going to publish them? I would definitely play!
Well I'm not sure about the Roblox Studio simulator, since as I said I'm not sure about having to moderate user creations… But for my platformer game I'll publish it when I have some levels for people to play.
1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

I'm making some Roblox games right now, and learning a bit on how the basic functions work.

BuzzedOut wrote:

although the surface tool is completely gone now, sadly.
I'm kinda late right now but there's a free plugin in the marketplace that's actually more convenient than the deleted way you put surfaces on parts.

Also this new ui is kinda… questionable, i don't really like it

i love life
500+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

historical_supa wrote:

Also this new ui is kinda… questionable, i don't really like it

I’ll be honest, an update to the UI was well overdue. I think they’ve been using those icons… forever, actually.
But I also don’t really like them as they feel a lot more serious and I liked them being playful.

I’ve learnt a lot more roblox studio since the last time I’ve posted here, and I’ve made a few nice scripts. I’ll post them here soon!

500+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic


I plan on making an actual banner for this topic soon.

1000+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

hi, it crashed on me multiple times, i have auto save on

J. N.

Here is my cute cat:
500+ posts

Roblox Studio Topic

Kitten-da-Cat wrote:

hi, it crashed on me multiple times, i have auto save on

Did you add any free models? (Anything from Toolbox)? If yes, then you probably got a malicious model that crashes your game one purpose. It’s normally best to not use them at all.

If not, check your scripts. You must always add something that ‘waits’ in a while true loop, otherwise your roblox studio will crash (although it should go back to the place?)

Finally, if it’s neither of these, your hardware probably just can’t support it, so you’d need a better computer.

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