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2 posts

Scratch Should Add Blocking.

I want scratch to add blocking to their website. This feature would of course, do what you’d think it does, which is just block a certain user so then you can’t see comments on your profile or on your projects. They should also make it so that you can’t see blocked user’s remixes of your projects. I hope you all understand why I’m trying to get the scratch team to add this, because people can be the worst, and to block out all that negativity from that 1 person, the block option always has your back.

Last edited by ThegiftedSpicyBee (April 21, 2022 00:19:08)

1000+ posts

Scratch Should Add Blocking.

It is rejected:

Rejected suggestion wrote:

8.6 Blocking or ignoring Scratchers
This suggestion refers to an optional system that makes it so that you do not have to see comments that a particular user posts. This feature existed in Scratch 1.4, but the Scratch Team found that it buried any problems rather than solving them. Even if you block a user, that does not stop them from harassing other Scratchers. If someone is being disrespectful, be sure to report that user with the Report button, or use the Contact Us link if the situation requires more explanation.

However, a system to block users while simultaneously reporting them is NOT rejected; you can discuss them on this topic.
Please read The Offical List of Rejected Suggestios before suggesting

Last edited by Kiska-7275 (April 21, 2022 07:39:25)

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2 posts

Scratch Should Add Blocking.



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