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Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Daily, March 15th
Time flies when you're having fun - we're already halfway through SWC! But what if time actually flew? Today, use an idiom taken literally as a writing prompt! Will easy tasks turn into slices of cake? Or will you hand someone a frozen shoulder when you're mad at them? Write 300 words for 400 points, and you can earn an additional 100 points if you share your writing!
Idiom used: Pull yourself together

I emptied out the last of my cash on the table, counting up the coins and praying that somehow there would magically be enough money to afford the trip, even for at least one of us.



90 Klemos.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair and staring up at the ceiling. Cobwebs lined its corners, coated with layers upon layers of dust. We'd intended to get rid of them long ago, but I guess we just never found the time.

Huh. Time.

There didn't seem to be enough of that lately.

Letting out another sigh, I adjusted my position, reaching out for the photo frame on my desk. It contained a photo of my sister and I, a long time ago, back when we were barely ten and eleven. She had the biggest grin on her face, her arm wrapped around my shoulder in a playful manner.

I couldn't help but smile at the memory of those days; those days that were long gone, like grains of sand that disappear into the ocean.

“I wish you were here, Alizia…”

“Did you call my name?” A voice called. It wasn't exactly the voice I'd wanted to hear, but it was almost identical.

I turned around to see Alizi, the humanoid robot version of my sister that had been gifted to me by my grandparents several years ago.

Back then, the humanoid robots were seen as a way of helping people cope better with grief and loss.

But the mission failed, and the project backfired. People weren't learning to cope with bereavement — instead, they were getting attached to the robot versions of their loved ones, to the point that some people may not even know when someone they love has passed away.

Ever since, there's been a split in the government. There are those who believe that no new humanoid robots should be created and, if they can be tracked down, the existing ones should undergo a slow process of being exterminated. On the other hand, there are those who believe that doing such a thing would only restart the cycle of grief, thus making the situation worse, not better.

At present, the latter group has lost the most recent election. Humanoid robots are being sought out, and I know they mean well, but…

But yet, I…-

“Joseri?” Alizi called my name, disrupting my thoughts. I noticed that she was glancing at the money spread out on the table, her expression seemingly blank. “We don't have enough money.”

I just shook my head, letting out a disheartened chuckle. “Those ships are expensive. You know that the government are trying to track down humanoid robots like you, Alizi. We're not the only ones trying to run away.”

She sat herself down on the edge of the table, looking over the money with her eyebrow raised slightly.

I still remember that my sister used to do that whenever she was thinking about something. It was truly amazing how Alizi had replicated all of Alizia's mannerisms perfectly. At the same time though, it made me feel…weird? There wasn't really a proper word to describe how it made me feel, but I was feeling something. Mixed feelings, maybe.

“If they were to take me,” Alizi spoke slowly, “how would you react?”

Her eyes studied me, curious, in a way. They almost seemed kind of dull — as in, if you suddenly looked closely one day, you just might realise that the person in front of you isn't exactly human.

She looks like Alizia, you know that Jose, but that's not her, I reminded myself. That just isn't your sister.

“What kind of question is that?” I asked, gathering the money to put back into my pouch. I didn't look at Alizi as she responded, “well, I've been thinking that I wouldn't…I don't think I'd mind it so much.”

It took me a moment to register what she had said.

Then a shiver dashed down my spine, and I whipped around to face the robot that had my sister's face. “What?”

“I like being your sister, and in a way, I guess I've kind of started to think of you as my brother,” she hesitated, then sighed, making eye contact with me. "But at the end of the day, I'm just a robot. I'm not your real sister, I… I'm just a replacement.“

There was silence for a moment. My lower lip trembled as I reached to place a hand on Alizi's shoulder, before thinking better of the idea an putting my hand on the table instead. ”You…I…You're Alizi. You're not my sister, but you're important to me,“ I paused, tapping my fingers on the wood. ”I need you. I need you so much more than I thought I did.“

”I don't think you do,“ Alizi smiled a little. It was sad smile, the type of smile someone gave you when they were about to do something they thought was necessary, but that they also thought that you wouldn't like.

I gulped, my hands trembling now as well. ”What? Why are you smiling?“

Alizi turned away, murmuring, ”you don't need me anymore."

“You don't need me anymore,” Alizia murmured. She managed a smile, but it was evident that the mere effort of doing so made her face ache.

Her little brother whimpered, climbing onto her lap. “Yes I do. What am I supposed to do if you're not there, Al?”

“You'll manage, I'm sure you will,” his sister stroked his hair with a shaky hand, pulling him close to her for what they both knew could be the last time. “Joseri, I need you to know that I love you no matter what, okay?”

“Stop it,” Jose whispered, the first of many tears streaming down his face. “Don't say things like that. It scares me…-”

He clung onto his sister as tightly as he could, listening to the soft beating of a heart declining far too young. A drop of water settled on his forehead, and he looked up hesitantly.

“I'm sorry, Jose. Please forgive me.”

Joseri couldn't find the words to say, so he didn't say anything. He just sat there, his eyes squeezed shut in an effort to block out the world.

“Forgive me,” another faint whisper came.

An icy shiver dashed down Joseri's spine.


The voice of my younger self seemed to echo in my mind as the memory faded. I lifted a hand to myself to find it wet with tears, and I turned away before Alizi could comment on it. “See? I still need you.”

“No,” Alizi sighed, her voice quiet. “Look at you, Jose. I'm the one who's doing this to you. I'm the reason you can't move on.”

From the corner of my eye, I could just about make out her hand, reaching for my own. She snatched hers away at the last second, and when I caught a glimpse of her face a moment later, there were tears running down it.

“I'm sorry,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. “I wish things could have ended differently.”

My heart skipped a beat.

Humanoid robots often showed very little emotion because too much could cause…

I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to think about it. “Stop it, Alizi. We're getting the money, then we're getting ourselves out of this place. So pull yourself together.”

A loud thump filled my ears as something collided with the floor.

My eyes widened in horror as I began to turn, but Alizi's voice stopped me as she called softly, “turn away, Jose. Don't look. It'll all be over soon, I promise.”

"Pull yourself together, Alizi,“ I begged, my own tears streaming down my face. ”Please, I'm begging you. I can't do this again, I-“

”Thank you for being a great brother, and a good friend, Jose,“ a weary voice whispered behind me. ”Goodbye."

Another thump.

Then several more, all at once, in a jumbled melody of pandemonium, all lasting for a single moment.

In just a few seconds, it was all over.

She was gone.

I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. All I could do was let the tears fall to the ground over and over again.

Last edited by JollofRice123 (March 16, 2022 00:00:57)

73 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

“How can I help you?” said the bored-looking girl at the counter.
“I’d like to buy some time, please,” I told her. I tried to stay calm. I’ll have enough time once I’m done, there’s time to be polite.
“How much time?” she asked.
I fished around in my pocket and set the money on the counter. “As much as I can buy with this.”
She counted the money up slowly, as if she had all the time in the world. Given where she worked, I guess she did. “Forty-seven dollars and ten cents. That’ll get you an hour.”
I stared at her, aghast. “Only an hour?”
“Yep.” She glanced at her phone. “You gonna buy it or not?”
“Can’t I get, like, a discount or something?” I asked desperately. “I kinda have to save the world…”
“Nope.” The girl shook her head. “Saving the world isn’t a valid reason for a discount.”
“Well, what is?” Don’t panic don’t panic don’t panic.
“Having enough customer cards. Now, do you want to buy the time or not?”
I sighed. “Fine, I’ll take it.”
She took the money, and handed me the change. “‘Kay, now you have an extra hour.”
An extra hour to save the world. That wouldn’t be enough… there was no way I could do it that fast…
Just then, the door burst open and a girl raced in. She pulled a wad of money out of her pocket.
“Hey, Callie,” said the teen at the counter. “Need more time for a daily?”
“Weekly,” said the other girl between gasps. She seemed to have run the whole way. “It’s about to change… I’ve got enough money for ten hours.”
“Ten hours?” I said. “Could I by any chance borrow some of your time? I really need it to save the world…”
“Save the world?” She looked at me. “Well, I really need to complete this weekly… But I guess I can spare eight hours. This means I help save teh world, right?”
I nodded vigorously. “Totally!”

Kit - she/her
queer & autistic
writer, artist, fangirl, SWCer
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

3.15.22 - daily 15

Idiom I chose: a piece of cake :)

Daily for Contemporary:

There's a witch in a class. Or a wizard. We don't know.

What we do know is that there are mysterious things happening in our math class, like letters vanishing from the board without being erased and people's notebooks being lifted into the air. Because everyone had at least one thing magical happen to them, we can't conclude who's doing it.

Or was it just a curse?

My friends and I created a group called The Sorcery Trap. Pretty cliche and ridiculous, I know. But we had to catch the villain before they did anything else that was worse.

Don't blame me for how naive I am, I'm in fourth grade. My older sister's helping me type this right now.

Now let me tell you about the most outrageous thing that happened a week ago.

There's this boy in our class that gets terrible grades, but is such a hypocrite that he brags about how great he is at math.

“Heyo, y'all!” He would say to us, acting all cool, “I'm so great at math! One plus one equals two! Two plus two equals four! See? And I'm super great at other subjects too! Like English!”

We would just roll our eyes and continue on with our own classwork.

The boy's name was Jeffrey. Jeffrey Nolimande. You know, since he was so annoying, maybe The Sorcery Trap would just go on and decide that he's the wizard causing all the trouble.

And there's this girl. She's basically as annoying as Jeffrey is. Her name is Catherine Smudging. We call her “know-it-all” Catherine. Of course, she was smarter than Jeffrey, that's why she's called a know-it-all, but is still completely dumb when she's talking and interacting with people.

“Jeffrey,” she would say, “What's four times four, then?”

She's a show-off too.

Okay so this one time, Jeffrey said, “Math homework is a piece of cake!”

This was to show his knowledge in math and also English literature. How amazing.

I clapped sarcastically.

Jeffrey turned towards me, and he bowed. “Thank you, thank you, Kate!”

Yes, my name is Kate. Kate Grumblewild. Make fun of me for that last name, I'm used to it. But what kind of last name is “Nolimande”? And even more, “Smudging”? Like, seriously?

Anyway, so the moment after I clapped, a really surprising thing happened, to everyone, including me.

The math homework Jeffrey was holding up at the time he bowed fell onto the four and turned into a piece of cake.

Like, actually.

(417 words)

Last edited by SophIIsa (March 16, 2022 00:03:35)

“The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid.” - Atticus

hii! <3
. ⇢ sophia/sofi/sofa ˎˊ˗
╰┈➤ she/her ꕥ 12 y/o ꕥ art + writing ꕥ infp-t - - - - - - - - - - - - > ❝ have a great day! ❞
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

a word war with @artisticcreator34 (6 minutes)

My hands were shaking. I was about to open an envelope. THE envelope.

“Should I actually d-do this?” I asked my friend, still shaking.

My friend, Elizabeth, nodded. She didn't speak, since she was quiet sometimes when she was nervous.

“Alright, then…” I muttered.

I hoped I got a good result.

Elizabeth and I were playing a game. The winner of the game could receive 10,000 dollars. I knew that if I won, I would have to split it between both of us. We were best friends, after all.

It was the last round of the game. This round… well it depended on luck. I just hoped that I would win, or at least get in the top 5. Those were the people that earned money.

There were many tests throughout the game. Jealousy, greed, enjoyment… all of that. Why did this round just have to be luck? Were the judges going to pick fairly or not?

The envelope was now open. I slowly pulled the paper out from inside.

I closed my eyes.

A second later, Elizabeth screamed.

“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?” My eyes were now wide open, and I was staring at my friend, her face pale.

I watched as her face returned to a normal color. What was it?


(214 words)

Last edited by SophIIsa (March 16, 2022 00:19:04)

“The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid.” - Atticus

hii! <3
. ⇢ sophia/sofi/sofa ˎˊ˗
╰┈➤ she/her ꕥ 12 y/o ꕥ art + writing ꕥ infp-t - - - - - - - - - - - - > ❝ have a great day! ❞
34 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

========March 15, Daily=========

Original lyrics
We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no!
We don't talk about Bruno… but
It was my wedding day
It was our wedding day
We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
No clouds allowed in the sky
Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin-
You telling this story, or am I?
I'm sorry, mi vida, go on
Bruno says, “It looks like rain”
Why did he tell us?
In doing so, he floods my brain
Abuela, get the umbrellas
Married in a hurricane
What a joyous day… but anyway
We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no!
We don't talk about Bruno!
Hey! Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling
I could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling
I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch-ch-ch
It's a heavy lift, with a gift so humbling
Always left Abuela and the family fumbling
Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand
Do you understand?
A seven-foot frame
Rats along his back
When he calls your name
It all fades to black
Yeah, he sees your dreams
And feasts on your screams (hey!)
We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no! (We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no!)
We don't talk about Bruno (we don't talk about Bruno!)
He told me my fish would die
The next day: dead! (No, no!)
He told me I'd grow a gut!
And just like he said… (no, no!)
He said that all my hair would disappear, now look at my head (no, no! Hey!)
Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read!
He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised, and someday be mine
He told me that my power would grow, like the grapes that thrive on the vine
Óye, Mariano's on his way
He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach
Betrothed to another
It's like I hear him now
Hey sis, I want not a sound out of you (it's like I can hear him now)
I can hear him now

Muddled lyrics
We're not talking about Bruno, no, no!
We're not talking about Bruno…but
it was my wedding day
it was our wedding day
We were high and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
Clouds are not allowed in the sky.
Bruno walks under the relentless sun…
Are you telling this story or me?
I'm sorry baby come on
Bruno says: “It looks like rain”
Why did you tell us?
flooded my brain
Grandma, bring the umbrellas
They got married in a hurricane.
Have a nice day… but still
We're not talking about Bruno, no, no!
We're not talking about Bruno!
To hear! Growing up, he was afraid that Bruno was lame or sparkling
I've always heard him mumble and complain
I associate it with the sound of falling sand, ch-ch-ch
Heavy lifting with such a modest gift
Grandma always left the family for fun
They talked about prophecies they couldn't understand
You understand?
seven foot frame
rats in the back
if you call him by his name
lives in the black
Yes, see your dreams
And it enjoys your screams (hey!)
We're not talking about Bruno, no, no! (We're not talking about Bruno, no, no!)
We're not talking about Bruno (we're not talking about Bruno!)
He said my fish would die.
The next day: dead! (It's not!)
He told me to grow my gut!
And as you said… (no!)
Said all my hair is gone, look at my head (no! Hey!)
Your fate will be sealed when your prophecy is read!
Said my dream life will be promised and one day I will be
He told me that my strength would grow like the grapes that bloom in the vineyard
Oh Mariano is coming
Said the man of my dreams would come true like this
bet on someone else
That's right, as I've heard now
Hello sister, I don't want your voice (because I hear it now)
sorry now

500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

DashingDiamonds wrote:

========March 15, Daily=========

You have to use it as a prompt! /gen /lh

banner m/w @hamilchaos eheheo love u lil sis /hj
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Word War w/ @Whimsy_lux - 5 minutes (I won)

I just wrote so much for the in-cabin weekly. The Comic Sans myth is true! I swear it is absolutely epic, next time on Mythbusters! Hahaha, I can’t wait to start the Main Cabin Daily, it looks like so much fun and I love to have fun. I think I will win my first word war right now! Technically this is my second ever word war, but I have a feeling deep inside me that is saying that I will win this. Right now, I have a bunch of spelling errors, but I am going to keep going. For me, to prove to myself that I can do things never thought possible to my small little pee wee brain. Actually, it’s not really a small brain. It's really large. Probably heavy, too. I can’t wait to prove to myself that I can do this! I will do this! I can and will do this, for myself. I will prove to myself that I am worthy of love, and friends. I feel like I'm being a little over sharey right now, but that’s ok. That’s what word wars are for right? I’m going to do this! I’m going to see how many words I have and win this! Yes, I’m so close. 5 minutes baby!

Word Count: 214

Last edited by -DesVision- (March 16, 2022 00:27:29)

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

26 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Blue's March 2022 SWC Bread Crumbs

Follow the bread crumbs and you'll find my main thread! Wow! I promise I absolutely will not be recreating Hansel and Gretel. I swear. I am not a candy witch in the forest. Yet.

>> Blue's March 2022 SWC Content Log <<

March 16, 2022
Main Cabin Daily Writing Prompt:

Prompt: Take the lyrics of a song (all or just a large chunk) through Google Translate five times and then write a 600 (or more) short story to earn 900 cabin points.

>> I translated the first eight lines through Italian, Igbo, Latin, Icelandic, and Danish (in that order) of “California Dreamin'” by The Mamas & the Papas and the final result is: “All wallpapers (all wallpapers)/ Gray hair (gray hair)/ I go (I go)/On a cold day/ I feel good and warm (I feel good with warm)/ If I Was In Los Angeles (If I Was In Los Angeles)/ California Dreamin ‘(California dreamin’)/On such a cold day”

Word Count:

Last edited by Bluemoon195 (March 17, 2022 03:16:25)

58 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

(hoping that this is long enough.)


The story is set in multiple locations.

The opening is set in a small town. Everybody knows everybody, but nobody knows who kidnapped Dawson Jordan.

The story then flashes to other places, like a seaside cottage, a busy city, and a barren desert. Nothing between the locations are similar, other than the fact that children were stolen in the dead of night, and that nobody knew where they went.

After that, the children are taken to a mansion with very few windows. They are told that it is on the top of a treacherous mountain, and window in the Great Hall confirms this. The mansion includes a dining room, a Study hall, a kitchen, a reception hall (that receives nobody), private chambers for everybody, and the Great Hall. It is later revealed that the house is, instead of a mountain, inside of a ginormous cave.

Another location is the governor's floating mansion–a humongous jet plane that is said to circle the mountain. It has all the fanciest technology, and it even is self sustaining, pulling moisture from the air and using it to grow crops various kinds, as well as creating fuel for the plane itself. The governor of the organization–Flavius–lives there with a full staff of servants, eager to wait upon him 24/7. .


Kosmo's Slave || Chocolate Puddie Enthusiast || SAC Worker || Has girl OCs || Has cringe projects || Wonderful poetry
33 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Word war
I woke up in this strange place. I don’t know where I am or who… who am I? Wait what's my name? My job? My age? What happened to me? I sit up from the cold floor. The walls around me are small and concrete. There's no doors or windows as far as I can tell. How did I get here? I look down at my clothes. They look like a school uniform with a skirt that goes below the knees and a shirt. It doesn’t have the name of the school on it and when I try to remember It I get a headache. I try to stand up but my muscles hurt. Did someone try to knock me out? When I stand up fully I feel claustrophobic. The room is small, I wouldn’t be able to jump without hitting my head. I touch the wall and a voice,
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Writing Competition entry
The small child,
wondering and waiting
for her
to come true.
The child, thinking
that she is
grown up
Prancing around
with her
The preteen,
going through changes
and confusion
as she
struggles to
figure out who
The teen,
stuck to her phone,
and her friends,
leaving time for family
Once in a while.
crowded with grades
and real life.
The young adult,
staying up late nights
studying for
a future
finding the
love of her
The adult,
with a family
and a job
and stress occasionally
thinks back to her past
The senior
in a small home
she reminisces
back on her past
when she was yet a little child
and wishes she could
go back in time.

Last edited by puppycutest (March 16, 2022 01:21:24)

Hi! My name’s Jojo! I would love if you could check out some of my newest projects!

I go by she/her, I’m a girl, I like pink and yellow, and I happen to be very good at debating. I’m a proud Aries.

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

just want feedback– maybe entry for writing comp (we'll see) ^^ please ask before giving feedback!

The heat beated down upon Arima’s jet black hair. They were tired, and hungry. They’d just finished their final assignment of the school year, submitted it, and was finally done with work for the school year. Essays were not fun.
“Amma, I’m tired. It’s so hot…”
“Watch some anime or something, I have to go to a meeting.”
“I don’t want to right now. I’m hungry.”
Arima’s mom brought her hand to her chin, and stood a few seconds in thought.
“Oh, I know! You could make some icecream.”
“Make– Ice cream?”
“Yeah, make it! I used to buy it from the store when I was younger in Chennai. Then, when I went to university here in the US, my Appa and Amma showed me how to make it.”
“Um, well, I don’t know how…”
“Just search it up, you’re always on the internet, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
“I-I don’t kn-”
Bang! The door to Amma’s office closed.
Arima sighed. They pulled out their phone, and went straight to Google. Icecream recipe easy, they typed out.
“Umm, all of these look so… boring…” Arima muttered, before scrolling to the bottom of the first page of results. “Oh, what’s this?” Arima clicked the link. Eazy Cream Iceclean.
Arima slowly started to read the recipes, confusedly.
Do your guests have stinky breath? Does it remind you of rats, crawling along your back? (ENCANTO PROMO! View at Urnumberonedisneygeek!!! Could be a scam be cautious) This Lysol Iceclean(cream) is perfect for you! Ingredients: One tub of Vanilla Icecream, 1 package of Lysol wipes, yep, that’s it! Use a mortar and pestle to smoosh up the lysol wipes. Add the juice into the tub of icecream. Use a paper shredder (Or a Vitamix) to crumble the wipe paper stuff into a garnish! Enjoy!!) Warning: Pleaseconsultyourdoctorbeforetastingthishastheabilitytodamageyourbodyproceedwithcaution.
Arima shook their head. “No way am I gonna eat that.” Out of curiosity, Arima continued scrolling through the flavors. All sorts of flavors came up, until something in particular caught their eye.
BRRRRR SQUEEEEEEEK VACUUM EEEEEEE ICECRWEAMMM DREAM… Eat this ice cream to be the person who nags the family to tidy up! Ingredients: One tub of Lysol Icecream One shredded vacuum this is a bad website do not trUST SKRRRRRRREEEEE
“Nope now way-” Arima looked away. Um, I might as well give up hope on this website. Obviously it was made by those lameos who make up memes that don’t have purpose. Like who cares about a rickroll? Why must we mock people in history!
Arima sighed. They really, truly wanted to make icecream. Arima took one last look. “Witch’s Brew?” What kind of icecream is that?" Arima gasped, like the theater kid they were.
Infused with Kit Kats that have witches on them you’ll never look away from this specialty flavor. Ingredients: 7,000,300,267 marshmallow Kit Kats, 1 tub of marshmallow fluff, 1 tub of green tea icecream, 2 scoops of Lysol Icecream, 1 crunched up rosewood broom, chocolate sprinkles (at least 300 tablespoons).
You know.. without the crazy ingredients and quantities, this could actually taste really good… Eh, I’ll pass. There’s nothing better than classic vanilla. And so, Arima sat down, and enjoyed a vanilla icecream. Possibly with a bit of Lysol juice because clean teeth oh no we’ve said too much-

hi everyone u.u

tis i, the great, ALLYSAURUS :o

when green flag clicked
play sound [it's corn! v]
11 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

DAILY 16/03/2022

original lyrics:I can't explain the feeling I get when I call you mine (mine)
And you know I know you're always on your mind (mind)
It ain't the same without you, real love is hard to find
And I can't stop lookin' in those blue eyes (blue)
Oh my (oh), shawty so fly (so fly)
Need you all night (all night), need you for life (life)
She look like “Wow” (wow), in love with your smile (your smile)
And every time I get to (to)
Kiss you each morning
With strawberry skies
'Cause I get so lost in
Your blueberry eyes
I'm running through my dreams to
See you in the light
'Cause I get so lost in
Your blueberry eyes
translated 5x times: I can not describe how you feel when I call you mine.
You know I know you're still in my mind.
Without you, it is difficult to find true love
I can not stop staring into the blue (blue) eyes
Oi lo'u (oh), shawty so lele (lea lele)
You have to be up all night (all night), you have to live.
She looks “Wow” (Wow) and I like your smile (smiles)
at any time (i)
I'm kissing you all morning
sky and strawberries
for I am lost in it
or blueberry eyes
I run in my sleep
meet the light again
for I am lost in it
or blueberry eyes

my writing: (free verse poem)
do you feel the same as me?
you've been on my mind all day.
without you, true love may be dismay.
i'm flustered with your blue,blue eyes.
live up with the night, the moon will rise.
you look wonderful, worth for a wow.
please, k1ss me now.
the sky may not be blue, but pink like a strawberry.
oh how i'm lost in it, it's scary.
or blueberry eyes

Last edited by kinderbuenohazel (March 16, 2022 02:18:19)

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

ʚ short collaboration story ɞ
589 words total, I wrote 322 and my partner wrote 312
back to full weekly

Total story:
589 words

Lily's Innocence

Lily was walking through the school grounds, with her earbuds playing music and her eyes looking at the nature of the school, the trees, the bushes, the sky and she watched as the birds chirped. The lunch bell was set to ring in about 15 seconds, but Lily didn't care. The nice warm breeze floated peacefully across her face. It felt good to be away from the drama of the classrooms. The bell rang, and she sighed as she had to put her earbuds in her pocket and jog to her locker. She pulled out the book for her next class, english. Lily strolled into the class minutes later, and felt all eyes on her. “Sorry Ms. Bird, I saw I few pieces of garbage in the courtyard and had to clean them up.” She batted her eyes at the woman. Ms. Bird laughed, “Oh, you don't need to apologize for helping the environment and our school. Go sit down, I won't mark you late.” Ms. Bird assured her, not even suspecting a bit of Lily's lies. “Thank you Ms. Bird!” She said with a smile, and walked to her desk. A boy beside her looked over in suspicion, then looked ahead to what they were learning. Lily pulled out her book and flipped to a page. Inside of Lily's book, she had cut out a rectangle shape that snugly fit her phone. She slid her phone into it without any fellow students or Ms. Bird noticing, and looked as if she were paying attention. Since she sat in the back of the classroom, no one behind her could have snitched on her. Only the people to the sides could, but Lily forgot about that. She texted an online friend, quickly snapping a photo of herself with her tongue out. She quietly giggled to herself, then sent it. She looked back at the board, pretending to be focused. She glanced back down. The boy to the side of her heard the ding of her online friend responding, and glanced at her. She looked at him in horror, her gut knowing she was going to be exposed to the teacher even before his hand shot up into the air. With great speed she grabbed the phone and shoved it into her pocket, switching to the correct page of the book with no cuts. She might not be doomed just yet! She relaxed her shoulders and tried to look natural. Not nervous, and totally not panicked. Ms. Bird called on the boy. “Yes, Chris?” She asked him. He took a glance at Lily and his jaw dropped. Ms. Bird looked concerned, “Chris?” She asked. She shook her head and looked at the whole classroom, “Guys, do not waste mine and your time with these pranks, we don't have time-” “I wanted to ask if I could go to the bathroom?” Chris created a cover. “Yes, Chris.” Ms. Bird sighed. He got up and walked out to the bathroom, with a glare at Lily. Lily relaxed, sitting back in her chair. Chris wasn't fairly popular, so she wouldn't have to deal with any of his friends. She continued off her phone for the rest of the lesson, still quite tense. “Lily?” Ms. Bird's voice broke through Lily's spacing out. “The answer?” She asked. The whole class was staring at her. “Yes?” she said tentatively, looking up in horror again. Ms. Bird looked annoyed and turned back to the board. “No, Lily. The answer in no. I hope you know pi never ends..”

What parts each of us wrote:

@IzzyRS2010 Lily was walking through the school grounds, with her earbuds playing music and her eyes looking at the nature of the school, the trees, the bushes, the sky and she watched as the birds chirped.

@froggitti The lunch bell was set to ring in about 15 seconds, but Lily didn't care. The nice warm breeze floated peacefully across her face. It felt good to be away from the drama of the classrooms.

@IzzyRS2010 The bell rang, and she sighed as she had to put her earbuds in her pocket and jog to her locker. She pulled out the book for her next class, english.

@froggitti Lily strolled into the class minutes later, and felt all eyes on her. “Sorry Ms. Bird, I saw I few pieces of garbage in the courtyard and had to clean them up.” She batted her eyes at the woman

@IzzyRS2010 Ms. Bird laughed, “Oh, you don't need to apologize for helping the environment and our school. Go sit down, I won't mark you late.” Ms. Bird assured her, not even suspecting a bit of Lily's lies.

@froggitti “Thank you Ms. Bird!” She said with a smile, and walked to her desk. A boy beside her looked over in suspicion, then looked ahead to what they were learning. Lily pulled out her book and flipped to a page

@IzzyRS2010 Inside of Lily's book, she had cut out a rectangle shape that snugly fit her phone. She slid her phone into it without any fellow students or Ms. Bird noticing, and looked as if she were paying attention. Since she sat in the back of the classroom, no one behind her could have snitched on her. Only the people to the sides could, but Lily forgot about that.

@froggitti She texted an online friend, quickly snapping a photo of herself with her tongue out. She quietly giggled to herself, then sent it. She looked back at the board, pretending to be focused. She glanced back down

@IzzyRS2010 The boy to the side of her heard the ding of her online friend responding, and glanced at her. She looked at him in horror, her gut knowing she was going to be exposed to the teacher even before his hand shot up into the air.

@froggitti With great speed she grabbed the phone and shoved it into her pocket, switching to the correct page of the book with no cuts. She might not be doomed just yet! She relaxed her shoulders and tried to look natural. Not nervous, and totally not panicked

@IzzyRS2010 Ms. Bird called on the boy. “Yes, Chris?” She asked him. He took a glance at Lily and his jaw dropped. Ms. Bird looked concerned, “Chris?” She asked. She shook her head and looked at the whole classroom, “Guys, do not waste mine and your time with these pranks, we don't have time-” “I wanted to ask if I could go to the bathroom?” Chris created a cover. “Yes, Chris.” Ms. Bird sighed. He got up and walked out to the bathroom, with a glare at Lily.

@froggitti Lily relaxed, sitting back in her chair. Chris wasn't fairly popular, so she wouldn't have to deal with any of his friends. She continued off her phone for the rest of the lesson, still quite tense.

@IzzyRS2010 “Lily?” Ms. Bird's voice broke through Lily's spacing out. “The answer?” She asked. The whole class was staring at her.

@froggitti “Yes?” she said tentatively, looking up in horror again. Ms. Bird looked annoyed and turned back to the board. “No, Lily. The answer in no. I hope you know pi never ends..”

My writing:
322 words

Lily was walking through the school grounds, with her earbuds playing music and her eyes looking at the nature of the school, the trees, the bushes, the sky and she watched as the birds chirped.The bell rang, and she sighed as she had to put her earbuds in her pocket and jog to her locker. She pulled out the book for her next class, english. Ms. Bird laughed, “Oh, you don't need to apologize for helping the environment and our school. Go sit down, I won't mark you late.” Ms. Bird assured her, not even suspecting a bit of Lily's lies. Inside of Lily's book, she had cut out a rectangle shape that snugly fit her phone. She slid her phone into it without any fellow students or Ms. Bird noticing, and looked as if she were paying attention. Since she sat in the back of the classroom, no one behind her could have snitched on her. Only the people to the sides could, but Lily forgot about that. The boy to the side of her heard the ding of her online friend responding, and glanced at her. She looked at him in horror, her gut knowing she was going to be exposed to the teacher even before his hand shot up into the air. Ms. Bird called on the boy. “Yes, Chris?” She asked him. He took a glance at Lily and his jaw dropped. Ms. Bird looked concerned, “Chris?” She asked. She shook her head and looked at the whole classroom, “Guys, do not waste mine and your time with these pranks, we don't have time-” “I wanted to ask if I could go to the bathroom?” Chris created a cover. “Yes, Chris.” Ms. Bird sighed. He got up and walked out to the bathroom, with a glare at Lily. “Lily?” Ms. Bird's voice broke through Lily's spacing out. “The answer?” She asked. The whole class was staring at her.

Frog's writing
312 words

The lunch bell was set to ring in about 15 seconds, but Lily didn't care. The nice warm breeze floated peacefully across her face. It felt good to be away from the drama of the classrooms. Lily strolled into the class minutes later, and felt all eyes on her. “Sorry Ms. Bird, I saw I few pieces of garbage in the courtyard and had to clean them up.” She batted her eyes at the woman. “Thank you Ms. Bird!” She said with a smile, and walked to her desk. A boy beside her looked over in suspicion, then looked ahead to what they were learning. Lily pulled out her book and flipped to a page. She texted an online friend, quickly snapping a photo of herself with her tongue out. She quietly giggled to herself, then sent it. She looked back at the board, pretending to be focused. She glanced back down. With great speed she grabbed the phone and shoved it into her pocket, switching to the correct page of the book with no cuts. She might not be doomed just yet! She relaxed her shoulders and tried to look natural. Not nervous, and totally not panicked. With great speed she grabbed the phone and shoved it into her pocket, switching to the correct page of the book with no cuts. She might not be doomed just yet! She relaxed her shoulders and tried to look natural. Not nervous, and totally not panicked Lily relaxed, sitting back in her chair. Chris wasn't fairly popular, so she wouldn't have to deal with any of his friends. She continued off her phone for the rest of the lesson, still quite tense. “Yes?” she said tentatively, looking up in horror again. Ms. Bird looked annoyed and turned back to the board. “No, Lily. The answer in no. I hope you know pi never ends..”

Last edited by IzzyRS2010 (March 20, 2022 20:44:52)

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
15 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

word war proof ^^

chapter one

Just a Disgrace

Everyone’s story starts in a different way. Cinderella’s lovely story — which, by the way, does not portray real life, like, at all — starts off with the pleasant words, “Once upon a time.”

Other types of literature, such as Moby Dick, start with, “Call me Ishmael. Some years ago — never mind how long precisely — having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.”

Both of these excerpts are famous ones, but neither start my story.

Mine will start with the words, “Seeing through people are interesting. My sister thinks it’s amazing. My parents think it’s a shame to our good name. My friends — can’t know. At all.”

I’m Noel Kennedy. I like watching TV, painting, and oh yeah, almost forgot, that’s right — I can read people’s minds. There, I said it.

Again, my parent’s think it’s a disgrace or a shame. Anything that’s the same thing as “horrible thing that we will never, ever, ever bring up while you’re on our grounds.”

My sister Nia think’s it’s amazing. It’s not. Nia has it at least 10 times better.

Nia doesn’t know. Neither do my mom and dad. They just don’t get it. They don’t get that it’s so hard to be in my shoes.

Dad, Mom, and Nia haven’t had to lie to their best friends, have the struggle of trying not

. annyeong mortal

. my main profile, @artisticcreator34, is here
. i also make aesthetics on @purqle–
. trash other things will probably be posted at my alternate account, @piiano-days

── ── ── ── ──

. hey, i'm arti. i post pretty much everything (;

❝ impossible is for the unwilling ❞
36 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

daily for 16.03.2022!
original song: frework by katy perry
translated version:
Are you ready for plastic bags?
Should you start with wind and waves?
Have you ever smelled paperless?
Which bank has problems?
Do you know why it was completely buried?
His veins were six feet long. But he's not the only one.
Did you know there is a second chance?
Because you have a formula?
All you have to do is turn off the lights and turn them back on.
On the 4th of July they only had one night.
My love is revived thanks to you
Let's show your worth.
Let's go
It flew into space
Honey, you're a firefighter.
Let your color be permanent
Let's go
let them go
You don't want to get frustrated if you can't get the right pitch. So invest in a good capo.
Telling the truth is free
If you know what the future has in store
name the storm
So he closed all the doors.
Allows you to open constantly
His heart melts like an electrician's.
And you know
All you have to do is turn off the lights and turn them back on.
On the 4th of July they only had one night.
My love is revived thanks to you
Let's show your worth.
Let's go
It flew into space
Honey, you're a firefighter.
Let your color be permanent
Let's go
let them go
Government Government
Lighter than a month
You are you
It's time to move on
My love is revived thanks to you
Let's show your worth.
Let's go
It flew into space
Honey, you're a firefighter.
Let your color be permanent
Let's go
let them go
Government Government
Lighter than a month
Government Government
Lighter than a month

(how am i gonna use this gahhh-)

Last edited by astro-liiqht (March 16, 2022 02:48:29)

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

writing comp | four hundred forty-four
(444 words)


My fire burns. With ash, smoky with endless fear, and a significant mark. I have a story to tell, ashes to ember; I've changed, metamorphosed. My life is not okay, shaky hands writing this folklore.

I'm a penny to your copper. Shards of glass, clearly broken. Smoke unwinds under my grasp, I can’t take it anymore. Fury, outrage, rebellious action–it’s too much for me to suck in all that air within my entrance.

Silver sparkles enlighten the air, but it’s no longer in motion.
Gone. Gone where the birds fly away from their mothers. Gone from those who needed help. Gone are all the things Amma left me with; bad luck was trembling in the air. The four leafed clover was suddenly burning in the horizon.

There’s no sign of life, I’m just one out of thousands and thousands and thousands. To control fire is to control emotions, deep down the pure rage leads to spite and leads to flames engulfing. Houses light up, but there’s no pity. There’s no happiness, revenge, and bitter-sweet moments.

Nothing can stop me, no hydrokinetic, flood, absolutely nothing. And that’s what keeps me going; to suck out all the happiness and turn it into fright. Where Amma and Appa were hugging each other, sobbing like they’ve never before – to see the majestic beast they’ve created.

Jaz is the name to all, not like jazz music–just Jaz. My folks are always scared; Grandamma is also fearless. She lived with such shame and pity, we were like the same people. We have marks on our ever so burning arms; a number. We are a number to the townspeople.


My number is 444. The four hundred-forty fourth wield of fire woman. No man can wield what we wield, such a shame for them–being the weaklings among us. Men are peasants in this realm, married just for their little to none strength. Because women feel bad; I was told Amma saw Appa on the streets, dragging his rag and pitchfork. Only marrying him to reduce the sound in town, so everyone could have a free unrestless sleep.

“Listen to the ghost”

Amma once said. She once said before death. She once said with so much meaning, she almost was the daughter of fire and treason.

We’re all ghosts now, sickled little things that just float in the air, unnoticed. Little pedents of rubies, we lie, we are untrustworthy. My brain is filled with chaotic emotions, soon unbearable for all.

Soon I won’t be breathing uncontrollably, the thumps in my heart will vanish, swifter than anything else I’ve experienced. Fire on fire, I’ll be left in havoc and my story will end.
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Weekly 2 (WIP)

Part 1 - Warm Up (383 words)

Mia sighed. She was studying the ceiling, carefully avoiding the pair of brown eyes across from her.

She was nervous, she could feel her heart pounding as if it would jump right out. But, she had to examine the ceiling, to finish her test. She let out a sigh and then concentrated.

The ceiling wasn't a perfect white, it was more of an off-white, sort of like ivory, but not quite as bright. She could see where shadows pooled and light gathered over its surface.

She was running out of time as the watch on her wrist kept ticking. She reported everything about the ceiling to the proctor.

Once again, she sighed. Moving on to the next segment of the test, she began to answer the questions about dimensions and angles.

She wasn't entirely prepared for this but she had to face it sooner or later. After half an hour she was done with it. She felt great, she felt she answered every answer right. But, after the announcement of their rankings, she was devastated. She had never failed so badly in her entire life.

Her friends were celebrating their near perfect scores, but Mia didn't have the heart to go over and congratulate them. Besides, she didn't want their pity. She hadn't studied well, and she'd gotten what she deserved for that. Still, it was brutal to fail.

She felt dejected and decided to go back home. On her way she reflected on what she might have done wrong. She understood her mistakes and started preparing for the exams again. But, this time with clear concepts and practical experiments to follow.

As she worked through the material, she realized how much she had forgotten. Slowly, she began to relearn it, making sure she knew everything well enough that she could even teach her younger sister the content.

She decided to practice each question at least ten times and even gave herself a mock test to be sure if she was prepared for the exams. The clock kept ticking and her pen kept scribbling. Until she looked at the clock around 5 in the morning and decided to sleep for some time and practice later.

A few hours of restless sleep later, she was awake, ready to continue studying. She nearly fell out of bed, and as she stumbled over to her desk, she realized exactly how exhausted she was. Maybe she had pushed herself too hard. Sighing, she made her way back over to her bed, threw a pillow over her head, and went back to sleep, hoping she'd feel a bit better later.

At around 7 in the evening she woke up, refreshed and her mind was clear. She got ready quickly to go on a walk. As she want outside the cool breeze touched her face and relaxed her. her walk was calm and quite with no distractions anywhere.

Refreshed, she returned to her house, ready to resume studying. Only an hour later, she was satisfied with her extensive knowledge of everything that could possibly be on a test.

She called her sister and asked her for dinner. Her sister quickly, like lightning speed prepared the table. She knew that her sister studied very hard and poured everything into it. “Sis! all done” she called out to Mai and both them ate their dinner together, laughing and cracking jokes after a long time.

It felt good to be able to freely enjoy herself with her sister after so many hours spent pouring over textbooks and notes. After they finished dinner, Mia made them both ice cream sundaes with extra hot fudge and of course, lots and lots of sprinkles. She deserved the extra treat after working so hard.

Mia felt sluggish from her day, sleeping and eating so she asked her sister if she wanted to watch any movie. Her sister replied with a beautiful smile that she would like to watch a horror movie. After hearing this Mia suddenly felt chills and remembered how scared she is of horror movies. But, her sister persuaded her to watch the movie and both of them ended up falling asleep after watching the movie.

She slept peacefully, dreaming about being a bird, soaring through bright clear skies. Her sister was a bird too, and soared beside her high above the ground, safe from the world and free of worry and responsibility. She relished the feeling as she woke the next morning, ready for a new day.

For the new day to begin, she didn't go back to her room and studied instead she made a place for herself to study on the terrace. As the terrace had many plants and the sunset could be viewed too. So she decided to study from there that day onwards this way she wouldn't be too stressed as well.

It was truly beautiful, and she was sure the time she spent there would also be enjoyable, regardless of what she was doing.

-The End-

Part 2 - Character (532 words)

Name: Evelyn Miller
Age: 14
Species: Human

Personality and Traits (215 words): Evelyn is usually a calm and collected girl. She can be very patient, especially with younger children, but has very little for others her age who act, to put it quite simply, stupidly. She’s very smart, and generally tries to be helpful towards other people who aren’t nearly as intelligent as she is, often attempting to explain herself to them, but usually ends up frustrated with the results. She’s very kindhearted, and also very innocent. She looks at things and sees the good in them far more than the bad, and usually focuses on those parts. She is a very likable person, and is very easy to talk to. Evelyn isn’t particularly talkative, but she’s also not shy or afraid to speak out. She is neither an introvert nor extrovert, as she possesses traits of both, and considers herself an ambivert. She tends to be very quick to forgive, and almost without exception never holds grudges. She’s also not one to take things personally or make things personally. She’s quick to defend others who are being picked on, and is not afraid to stand up to anyone, regardless of who they are and what they can do. She firmly believes in doing what she thinks is the right thing no matter what the situation is.

Wants, Hopes, and Strengths (202 words): Evelyn is without a doubt a girl with big dreams. Like any other child, she wants to be rich, but she isn’t really sure about what specifically she wants to do. She’s smart and talented enough that she has the potential to do literally anything she wants if she sets her mind to it. She’s set her sights on an Ivy League school, in particular either Havard or Yale. She’s not sure how she plans on getting there or what she wants to do there, but she is certain of the fact that she wants to attend one of them. She’s also always dreamed of being on a TV show, much like other children, but she’s not sure how she wants to do that. In the short term, Evelyn wants a puppy. She thinks that they are cute, cuddly, and overall pretty adorable, and would absolutely love to have one of her own. She’s not sure which breed of dog she’d like, but she knows that she wants something that stays little. She also wants a hammock, for no real reason other than she thinks they’re cool and look like the perfect place to settle down to nap or read a book.

Dislikes and Fears (111 words): Evelyn isn’t afraid of snakes, but she strongly dislikes them. She hates how they slither around and hiss and pretty much everything else about them. She’s also not a huge fan of spiders with all of their legs or of bugs in general. As far as humans go, she’s pretty tolerant of everyone, regardless of their personalities, interests, hobbies, and appearance. The one thing she will not tolerate is people who are deliberately unkind to others. Evelyn’s one big fear is of the dark. She hates not being able to see, and constantly feels like something is going to jump out at her or grab her when she’s in the dark.

Part 3 - Setting (406 words)

(To anyone who takes it upon themselves to write a story using this gibberish: Good luck xD)

The story takes place in a futuristic dystopian version of the world in the year 2130. No one is sure precisely when the plague that took out most of humanity struck the planet, but the few that care estimated it was around 2105. Scholars say the deadly plague was first bioengineered in a government run lab. The details of which country and what their intention was are a bit murky, and surviving historical evidence is shrouded in propaganda and doubt. What remains of humanity usually refers to it as simply The Plague. It was an incredibly versatile virus, one that could adapt to reside in food, water droplets, blood, wood, metal, almost anything, and was transmitted by any form of contact, whether that was touch, spit, or simply shared air. It’s effect was immediate- it began eating away at the brain of the victim, leaving them in an almost zombie like state. The race of zombies died off pretty quickly without any sense of direction or purpose, as did the plague, which quickly ran out of food sources after the last of insolated humanity died. The few that had managed to isolate themselves in doomsday bunkers, which had been built around a century earlier after the development of new nuclear and biochemistry weapons, were able to emerge after a few months. They were left with a largely world that no longer had a large population to accommodate, no real order or laws to abide by, and little undamaged food and water. There were around a million survivors, a mere fraction of the planet’s former 30 billion. They quickly banded together and found their way to Chicago, one of the larger mostly intact cities. Unfortunately, while they did manage to save what was left of the human race, the strongest and most intelligent among them quickly seized power and established the strict surveillance oriented government that is in place today. This government has had its successes, including obliterating crime, poverty, and conflict, but it’s price has been the freedom of the citizens. No one is allowed to travel outside of their home city without the approval of their local government and the local government of the place they wish to visit. Almost everything is provided and assigned, from food to housing, education, jobs, and transportation. As for the conditions of the day the story is set in, it’s a typical Chicago summer day, warm, humid, and raining.

Part 4 - Premise (155 words)

The story begins as the main character falls asleep, and slowly drifts into a nightmare that represents their deepest fear. They are slowly faced to face this fear, whatever it is, with no way out. As they grow closer and closer to confronting this fear at its absolute worst, they grow increasingly desperate, seeking to find a way to escape their inevitable fate, eventually regaining enough willpower to attempt to wake up. They regain some consciousness, allowing them to have some awareness of what is happening, but their eyes remain closed, trapping them in the dream. They finally manage to force their eyes open, and when they do, they realize their dream is reality. The main character is literally in their worst nightmare, facing their biggest fear. Will they find a way to escape, or will they confront their phobia? Will they find a way back to their home, or will they remain trapped forever?

Part 5 - Bringing It All Together (XXXX words)

(procrastinating this of course)

Last edited by MoonlitSeas (March 16, 2022 03:49:08)

73 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Daily March 16

Song translated: The first few parts of Surface Pressure from Encanto (Lots of people are doing WDTAB and I've already done Waiting On a Miracle so-)

Google Translated lyrics
I'm strong so don't worry
I am strong as the dust of the earth
built a temple
I want to know the cost
How hard is the job?
may draw attention
I already have diamonds and platinum
I take what I have and see what I want
Under water
Crazy with three really clean bells
Under water
“Yes,” said Hercules, “I do not want to go against Cerberus.”
Under water
I'm sure it can't be used
error or error
Dry grass
half broken
rest today
Be careful, be careful, be careful not to lift the charge, Fr.
Press the “Close, Break, Scatter” button until it appears.
For your sister for your sister's wife
Give them a good w!ne, we can't stand it
Who can't stop the ball?
if I feel like it

I have quite a lot going on.
I have three little sisters, Valorie (married to my sister-in-law, Riley), Crystal, and Jacklyn. Valorie is twenty-three, Riley is twenty-two, Crystal is eighteen, and Jacklyn is twelve.
I'm Lillian, the oldest at twenty-five. And ever since our parents died and Valorie and Crystal have been busy taking care of their newly adopted son, Nolan, I've had to take their place. People are constantly wanting to know about my family, mainly because we're the granddaughters of Mirabel Madrigal, and having Madrigal blood means we have Gifts, just like our ancestors. We've never actually been to the Encanto, but we've seen bits of our family's rooms over virtual meets with them, and they were on other virtual meets to see our Gift Ceremonies. I got the ability to transform objects, which I've been told is a lot like our grandmother's cousin Camilo's. Valorie got the Gift of being able to see others' emotions. Crystal can control water. And last but not least, Jacklyn is able to communicate with people over long distances, making her our main link to our family members back in Colombia. (Our parents eloped because their great-grandmother, Alma, didn't approve of my mother. The only reason we even got Gifts is because Abuela Mirabel thought we all should, so long as we didn't use them in ways we didn't want to.)
Anyway, I was just minding my own business at home one day when my tío Jorge burst in, shouting “FAMILY EMERGENCY!”
I immediately ran downstairs, followed by Crystal, Jacklyn, Valorie, and Riley holding Nolan's hand (Nolan was just two years old).
“Jorge! What happened?” I asked frantically.
My uncle had the Gift of teleportation, which explained how he got here so quickly. However, that didn't mean he wasn't tired as he said between deep breaths, “Stan's missing.”
My sisters and I gasped, while Riley just looked confused. “Who's Stan?” she wondered aloud.
“Our family's pet salmon in the Encanto. He has a gift too, to breathe on land. He's also got legs,” Valorie explained, only making her wife more confused.
Jorge went on. “He was going for a walk, Antonio said so, and after three hours, he still hadn't returned. He's always back within thirty minutes!”
“What do you think happened?” inquired Jacklyn.
“Will I have to use my Gift?” wondered Crystal, emphasizing the question by forming a blob of water above each of her hands.
“To both of you, I say, we don't know.” My uncle's voice was melancholy, as if this was having a huge impact on the family. But hey, Stan is still a Madrigal. He has a gift and everything. And no one messes with the Madrigals, especially when there's one that can teleport the family members in the United States right back to the Encanto.
“Take us there. If we have to go to such measures, I say we give Nolan his Gift early if all else fails,” asserted Valorie.
“Val, he's too young!” Riley exclaimed, “You've said it yourself, a Gift is a huge responsibility. Plus, we don't know if Alma would approve of me, either. We both know how she likes things to be perfect.”
Valorie sighed, “Yeah…but if Alma doesn't approve, so be it! What's she gonna do? Haunt us? She's dead and the only one that can talk to her is tío Hernando!”
The room fell silent for a moment. Yes, Alma was dead. And yes, Hernando could talk to the dead. That's how we find out who she does and doesn't approve of, and if she doesn't like that my sister married someone of the same gender…
What would she say about that?
I was snapped out of my thoughts by a question from my uncle. “Lillian, do you want to help save Stan?”
I thought for a moment. “How hard will it be? Won't I attract attention?” I replied.
“Eh, it depends on how sneaky the kidnapper is. And they'll accept you, I think. I mean, you have a Gift.”
I thought about that, and then nodded. “Fine.”
Jorge turned to my other sisters. “And you three?”
Each nodded as well. Even Riley offered to help. And so, my uncle teleported us to the result of our miracle itself.
The Encanto.
“It's even more colorful than I imagined,” Jacklyn commented.
I had to agree. The entire town was filled with music, color, and chatter from the villagers.
“Alright. Let's find this fish.”
We looked around for at least two hours, Antonio (who had grandkids of his own by now) helping alongside us, and Crystal trying to track the same type of water we found in Stan's fishbowl.
Eventually, we found the culprit. She wore the same colors as Pepa's side of the family, but she wasn't a Madrigal. She held a fishbowl in her hands, but unlike when we'd heard about her, she had no fishbowl in her hands.
“You've touched the water from Stan's fishbowl!” Crystal cried.
“You better show us where he is, or we report you straight to Mirabel!” Jacklyn threatened.
The woman simply grabbed my arm and started running, when suddenly, a command popped into my head. Was it from Pedro? A few of Mirabel's children and grandchildren have reported strange commands that always helped.
So I shouted it: “Close, Break, Scatter!”
Things suddenly started to move. Every container on the street closed and broke apart, and the pieces scattered all around. Fish Lady wouldn't be able to escape without stepping on a shard. However, she did pick one up and aimed to throw it at my sisters, but when she threw, I jumped in front of it instead.
“NO!” Jacklyn cried. She knew what was about to happen.
“Be quiet,” I half-whispered to her, the shard of pottery having struck me in the shoulder, “I'll be alright. Just get Julieta. I'm doing this for you, for your sisters, for your sister's wife, and for the rest of the family. Just…get…Julie-…”
And then there was a taste of something fresh in my mouth, and the world went black. Camilo even claims that at that moment, he could have sworn he heard Bruno call out my name from his room.

“She's awake!” Cried Riley, tears covering her face, “She's alive!”
I sat up and looked at my shoulder. It was healed. I looked over at Valorie, who had a slight grin on her face but had clearly also been crying. “I told you, Julieta's food is literally magical.”

(…1,083 words-)

Last edited by SqueakyBird520 (March 16, 2022 03:30:28)

A squeaky door that also happens to be a bird

And a theatre kid-
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Writing Comp Entry

The Darkness Within

ps: this is a continuation of a story. if you want to see the first part, go here and scroll to word war with whimsy_lux (again)

I remember being carried by a nurse. Her face expression looks like that something bad happened. I remember being put in a basket and set to the river. I remember being carried by a man, and he brought me to his house. And he's now with me. Or, at least, was with me. But, were going to talk about that later. Since the man found me, he has been taking care of me and protecting me from the Shadow Monster. Talking about the Shadow monster, I haven't really told you much about it. The Shadow Monster is a monster that once gets inside a person's body, it will consume it from the inside. It loves consuming kids, and the only thing it's scared of is blue tulips. Billions of people have died from the Monster. And both of us are one of the only people still alive. The man went by the name Dunn. But he insisted me to call him ‘Dad’. I loved him. He might not be my actual dad, but he acts like a dad. He's the nicest person I've ever met. Everyday, Dad would send me outside to hunt for animals for food and pick blue tulips to scare the Monster. He's a good cook. Everything he cooks will no doubt be delicious. Dad sometimes let me help him. Or even let me cook myself. But one time, I tried to cook soup, and it was straight up HORRIBLE. Dad got sick for a week and couldn't stop vomiting. And at that moment we both agreed that I will never ever cook again without recipes. It was good memories. Until, he wanted to go out to the outside world and look for other kids like me so he care for them just like he did with me. He gave me his recipes so I could cook for myself and not end up like last time. I said goodbye, and he was gone. Gone forever. You guys might think, how would he be gone forever? He's just going for a while. Well, I'll tell you about it. A year later, he came back. I hugged him. He didn't bring anyone back, but I was still happy he was still safe and sound. Or, so I thought. Everything was normal, until the next day. I did my usual routine. Hunting animals and picking blue tulips, I brought a lot because I noticed that there was no blue tulips in the house. but when I came home with the tulips, his whole body shook. It was like he just saw something terrible. Dad took it out of my hand and burned it. It was not like him. But, maybe he just had a bad day yesterday. Dad told me to never ever again bring blue tulips back home. I didn't want to ask why, because I know everything he says has a reason. At dinner, Dad wasn't cooking like he used to, he cooked meat, but the meat was half raw, which is VERY unlikely for him. And when I went to bed, he would always tell me goodnight, but he didn't. Something is up with Dad. He wasn't the Dad he used to be. But every time I ask him he's okay, he would say “E-Everything's perfectly okay.” while stuttering and sweating. Dad wasn't Dad. He isn't himself. He isn't human. Those are the thoughts that went in my head. Something could've happened to him. And, something went trough my head. What if he was the Shadow Monster? What if it somehow attacked him and instead of consuming him it took over his body so it could consume me later. The Shadow Monster loves kids. That's the most reasonable explanation. Kill him now if you don't want to be its breakfast tomorrow, I thought. But, in the back if my head another thought lies, He has been taking care of you, if he's gone, you'd probably die. But I had no choice. I went out of my room quietly, bringing a bat Dad gave me for my 10th birthday, and sneaked to the dining room. I saw it, the Monster still in Dad's body, but with dark tentacles. With no second thought, I hit him in the head and all I could hear was a horrible shrieking. The Monster melted and evaporated into thin air, leaving only Dad's clothes. Now, I'm alone. With only his clothes to keep my company. What am I going to do now? I'm probably the last person on earth now.

Last edited by kimmie2711 (March 16, 2022 08:18:42)

average dum dum 6th grader artist

michael wishes you to have a great day/night :]

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