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Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Daily 3:520 words

“Funfair! Funfair!” the two children giggled as the skipped about at the funfair. So far, they tried everything so far: waltzers, carousel, glass maze, haunted train, bobbing ducks, and countless other things. And yet they were not even tired yet.
“We need to do more stuff,” said Jack. "We need to do everything.“
”Yes!!“ agreed Lottie. ”Everything!!“
Now reader, you ought to think they just got tired, gave up and went home. And mind you, they actually started to consider that as well. But, with a wonderful stroke of luck, they came to big, beautiful ice cream truck.
”Excellent!!“ the children exclaimed simultaneously.
”What a wonderful stroke of luck!“ said Jack.
”I swear that wasn't there before!!“ said Lottie.
They were greeted by an old man with a flashing smile.
”What do you want today, kids? Caramel swirl? Chocolate bonanza? No flavour flavour? Today's special?!“
”We'll have today's special!!“ said Lottie with a flourish.
”All three?“ questioned the ice cream man excitedly.
”All three!“ said Jack.
”Excellent!! I'll be back in a jiffy!“ replied the man.
And so he disappeared into his ice cream truck. A little later, he came back with three cones with big, bright ice creams on to of it.
”Here you go!“ he smiled his flashing smile.
”Yum yum yum!“ exclaimed the children as he handed them the ice creams. They hold up one of them, a pink, cloud-shaped scoop with a light pink swirl around it.
”Let's try this first!" said Lottie.
They licked it. And it was nice. Okay, like really nice. It tasted sweet and light, like a cold, fluffy pink cloud. They smiled identical child-like grins.
“Oooooh! Yummy! Which flavour is this!” the children asked.
“That'll be candyfloss my friends!” replied the ice cream man. “Try the second now!”
They held up the second one. It was blue with colourful polka dots on it. They licked it. And it tasted nice. Okay, like really nice. it tasted strange but wonderful, like floating up like Mary Poppins and her umbrella.
“Oooooh! Yummy! Which flavour is this one?” the children asked.
“That'll be balloon my friends!” replied the ice cream man. “Now try the third one!”
The children held up the third one. It was orange, with multicoloured swirl running around and around it. They licked it. And it tasted nice. Okay, like really nice. It tasted extremely sweet and fizzy, like going around and around in a circle.
“Oooooh! Yummy!” which flavour is this one? asked the children.
“That'll be carousel, my friends! replied the ice cream man. ”That''ll be all of today's special then! You go away and enjoy your ice cream now!“
Happily, the children waved goodbye and walked away with their ice cream, eating it one by one. First they finished the candyfloss, then the balloon, then the carousel. When they finished, they felt very full and very sleepy.
”Yummy yummy ice cream.“ sighed Jack.
”Yeah,“ yawned Lottie. ”I'm so tired now. I suppose we did everything here."
And so with that, they slowly walked home, lay down on their sofa, and finally fell fast asleep.

Last edited by coolgirl100- (March 3, 2022 20:57:38)

Lolll what a scrumdiddlyumptious signature
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

First Weekly

Poetry Word Count: 310
Essay Word Count: 514
Script Word Count: 701
Nonfiction Word Count: 865
Total Word Count: 2,390


She Is Here
A pantoum poem

She is here
So long I have waited
Release my fear
My breath, held baited

So long I have waited
To say what she means
My breath, held baited
Here lie my dreams

To say what she means
Without being brisk
Here lie my dreams
How much do I risk

Without being brisk
She is here
How much do I risk
Release my fear

A Seed
An etheree poem

How small
Let it grow
Be big and tall
Poke from dirt
Leaves spread wide
Lanky stem, stronger
In time, brightest green
Bow to the wind, do not break
Grown now, seed no more, a tree is it

An elegy

You have left this world
I never expected this to be
Who would have thought
Already, you’d cut free

It came from no where
The truth, how cold
That you are gone
How long before I was told?

Do as she wishes
That’s what I think
What tears?
I just had to blink

No sadness, no sorrow
I will not cry
For though it is hard
I understand why

You were selfless
You valued fun
So despite this loss
Maybe I’ll crack a pun

How noble of you
Truly, how good
Though I wonder if by
You family, it’s not understood

Sometimes I wonder
How are they now?
Can they do without you?
I hope they know how

I do not know them
You see
Or I would check
Believe me

But do not worry
I’m sure they’re okay
But still think of you
Each day

For your time may have run short
You may no longer be here
But you’re never forgotten
By those who hold you dear

He Was Lost
A triolet

Shamed by all
He was lost
And so he left
Shamed by all
He tuned to theft
Keeping his secret, least he be
Shamed by all
He was lost

Komodo Dragon
A haiku

Long forked tongue
Scaly green back
And wise eyes

Fish are not decorations. I’m assuming you’ve been to a pet shop before and seen the fish on sale. Maybe bought some. Maybe you even own some now. And I assure you, I’m not saying that’s wrong; quite the contrary. Many species and breeds of fish cannot survive in the wild, after relying on human care for so long, though that’s a topic for another time. However, there are many problems with the pet fish industry. Everyday, thousands of fish are being mistreated, the mainly because they’re being seen as nothing more than pretty things. And they are. They’re absolutely gorgeous. But they’re also living things, not just trinkets to sit around. Treating them as such is horrible. Because fish are not decorations.
Take a look at any pet store tank. Quite likely, it’s filthy. The fish are crowded in groups far greater than that which is recommended for the tank size. They’re underfed. They’re sickly. Probably a few even worse off. But it doesn’t end there, oh no. Once someone has chosen to buy one of these fish, a whole new set of problems arises. Many of the pet store employees weren’t taught to care about the well-being of the fish, and scare them half to death in their poor attempts to catch them. This trauma, in addition to the stress of being moved to a new tank, is detrimental to the health of the fish. Perhaps after adjusting to their new home, the fish will lead a good life, it’s very much possible. But the alternative if just as possible; many owners do not properly research the needs of their fish before purchasing. They may be housed in a tank that’s overcrowded or small. They’re treated as decorations instead of as the living things they are. Some may argue that they’re fish and this doesn’t matter, but let me ask you this; if they were dogs, would we say the same? If they were cats, would we be so dismissive? If they were horses, would we allow this mistreatment to continue? The answer, likely, is no. So why should we allow fish to suffer at our hands? Why should we allow them to go through such trauma? We shouldn’t. This needs to stop. We need to band together and stand for better treatment of fish everywhere.
In conclusion, fish are not decorations and we need to stop treating them as such. They are living beings, just like you and me. How hard would it be to lay down some rules and show some compassion? Not very. What if pet stores were required to clean the tanks more often? What if they weren’t allowed to overcrowd the fish? Just this simple act would greatly improve the health of domestic fish everywhere. And the thing about caring is it wouldn’t have any negative impacts. It would simply lead to happier, healthier fish. And they should be happy. They should be healthy. Because they have a right to. Because they are alive. Because they matter. Because fish are not decorations, and never have been.



ERNIE sits on a chair in a fancy room.


I can’t believe I managed to get kidnapped. All because I was dumb enough to try and rescue my idiot twin. I never thought I would say this, but I would give anything to be back at the orphanage right now.


(Enters room, sits down in a chair across from ERNIE)

Look, I know this is a lot, but if you would at least try to-


(Shouting) I have tried! I’ve tried to see the good in Mortimer. I really have. But I can’t. You know why? Because there isn’t an ounce of good in that man!


Ernie, really. He took me in. That makes him a good person.


I wouldn’t call practically kidnapping you from the orphanage taking you in, but whatever. A good person wouldn’t order you to kill your twin just because he -that is, I- won’t cooperate.

(Moment of silence)


(Sighing) Well, we wouldn’t be in this position in the first place if you’d just cooperate.


No, we wouldn’t be in this position if you hadn’t run off with Mortimer. I’m sorry, I really am, but there’s no way I can cooperate. Mortimer is a criminal, Eli, and he’s using you.


I don’t care what he is, he’s treating me like a son. When have either of us ever been treated like that?


Well, um…


Never, Ernie. No one has ever treated us like family. Until now. Mortimer would do the same for you if you let him.


No, he wouldn’t. And I wouldn’t want him to.


Why not? Look at this!

(Gestures around the extravagant room)

It’s more than we could have ever dreamed to have. More than most people could dream to have, really. And he’s letting me stay here! I have my own room, I can get anything I want from the kitchens at anytime… this is the life, I’m telling you.


He’s only giving you all that because he needs you! What happens when he doesn’t? What are you going to do when he tosses you aside?
(Mutters) Like you’re doing to me.


Mortimer wouldn’t do that. He’s already like a father to me.


Whatever you say, brother.


(Sighing) Just… are you completely sure you won’t help?


I’m sure.


Alright, well… want some tea?

(Gestures to tea set on coffee table)


(Surprised) What?


Tea. It’s cold out, and I’d offer you hot cocoa, but I know you’ve always liked tea better.

(Perplexed) Oh. Well… thanks.

(Sips tea)


(Sips hot cocoa)


Eli…? I feel strange-

(Guilty) What do you mean, strange how?


(Fighting to keep his eyes open)

It’s almost like, like-

(Eyes close, slumps against chair)



ERNIE lays on a basement floor. His hands and feet are tied. ELI is standing at the door upstairs


Ugh… (groans)

(Tries to move, realizes he’s tied up)

(Looks around, taking in his surroundings)


Good, you’re finally awake.




(Grinning) The one and only.


How- Why- How could you do this? Why would you do this?


(Genuinely) I was hoping you would understand.


How could I ever understand this?


Ernie, You know I’ve always wanted a family. This was my only shot.


(Pained) …I’m your family, Eli. I’m your other half. I thought I was enough.


(Looks away)


(Comes to stand behind ELI)

Well? Are you ready to do the task we came here for?


I… I…

(Fidgets with the sleeve of his shirt)


Get on with it. We haven’t got all day, you know.


(Nods and grabs chain hanging from the ceiling)


(Shouting) Eli, no! You can’t do this!


I have to, Ernie. I need to belong.


You belong with me. I thought I was enough.


(Finally meets ERNIE’S eyes, gaze is stone cold)


I thought I was enough for you
(Quietly) I guess I was wrong.


I guess you were.

(Pulls the chain)


(Is left in darkness as the door closes)


A Short Biography of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin, or as he is so often called, Ben Franklin (which, by the way, was likely never a nickname he went by while alive) was born in 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts, back when the thirteen colonies were still part of England. In fact, he played a key role in earning the colonies their freedom.
But, firstly, who was Benjamin Franklin? You may know him as an inventor, or a diplomat, a writer, perhaps. He was a man of many hats and had a great deal of accomplishments under his belt. Some of his most famous accomplishment include: “discovering” electricity, being one of America’s founding fathers, and inventing bifocal glasses. Through out his life, he also popularized a number of now common proverbs, mapped out better routes for mail delivery, and invented a type of swim fin, among many other things.
When he was young, Benjamin Franklin served as an apprentice to his older brother, who was a printer. Eventually he was publishing his own articles in the paper, under the pseudonym Silence Dogood. After a few years of this, however, he ran away from his apprenticeship to Philadelphia.
He ended up moving to England for a couple years, where he worked as a printer, before returning to Philadelphia and starting his own printing company. He had multiple pseudonyms that he wrote under, most notably Richard Saunders, under which he wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac from 1729 to 1766. Many common sayings can be traced back to Richard Saunders, including “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” And “Time is money.”
Years later, in 1776, when he was 70 years old, Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers who sighed the Declaration of Independence. Upon doing so, he announced “We must indeed all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” He went on to sign the Constitution of the United States in 1787, and was the oldest person to do so.
Through the years Benjamin Franklin did many, many great things for America, and the world. It would take far too much time to attempt to list his many contributions, and doing so would likely fill a book. And so, we must bring this biography to a close, and skip ahead to 1790; the year he passed away. He’s buried at Christ Church Burial Ground in Philadelphia. He lived to be 84 years old, and as said before, in this time he changed the course of history.
And that concludes this biography of Benjamin Franklin; Statesman, printer, inventor and more.

Welcome to Florida

Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State. When you think of Florida, you probably think beaches, palm trees, Disney World… am I right? And we’ve got all that! But that, my friends, is not the heart of this state. Oh no. I’m Ash, and I’m here to show you the real Florida. Let’s hop to it, shall we?
Way back when, Florida used to be primarily swamps. I bet it was awesome. But then, Joy oh joy, people came. And people have a habit of not wanting to let nature be. Frustrating, isn’t it? They drained the swamps, tore down forests, changed the course of wildfires… long story short, they meddled in things that didn’t need meddling with. But hey, it’s all cool, right? After all, in place of all that we get housing and malls and that’s so much better!
Note my sarcasm.
But anyway, as I was saying, Florida used to be primarily swampland. But that’s not to say it’s all gone, it’s not! There are still many places you can go to see towering Cypress trees, snow white egrets, and gentle manatees. Take the Everglades, for example. Swampland in the far south that’s in danger, but still truly wild. It’s also the only place in the world where alligator and crocodiles can be found naturally coexisting!
Of course, the beaches are something too, and provide a much needed rest for migrating shore birds, as well as nesting for other shore birds and multiple species of sea turtles.
Looking for some fast facts? The state capital is Tallahassee, and yeah I don’t really have anything to say on that. But the state bird is the Northern Mockingbird! They are fairly small, grey song birds that are often seen in neighborhoods, and out in the wild. They get their name because instead of having their own song, they copy the songs of other birds. It gets kind of confusing at times.
Oh, and I’m sure you know that Florida is known for growing oranges. Best orange juice I’ve ever tasted, by the way, and I’m 99% sure I’m not biased. If you took all the oranges grown in Florida in a single year, there would be enough to reach to the moon and back four times!
Well, now seems like as good as a time as any to bring this to an end. I hope you enjoyed my rambling, and if you didn’t, why in the world are you still here? I hope I managed to show you that there’s more to the state than beaches and palm trees.
Farewell from Florida, the Sunshine State.

Last edited by Wishingdeer (March 3, 2022 20:59:44)

Hi there! I’m Ash, aka Wish. She/Her.
My door is always open, so if you ever want to chat or rp, feel free to come visit!
Some things I enjoy: Reading, writing, Kotlc, bowling, birding, and did I mention Kotlc? Okay, yeah, I’m obsessed xD
If you respond to one of my forum posts and I don't see it, feel free to let me know on my profile
☮️ Peace Out ☮️
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

March 3rd: Main Cabin Daily
Make a story with the three ice cream flavours you chose
Ice Cream Flavours: Ice, Chocolate and Wind

Ice spread through the paved road as Ellie trudged through the frosty yet beautiful landscape. It was a relatively calm day in the chilly mountains of Nightbrook. A freezing breeze swept past Ellie, giving her the cold she was used to. She wondered when the winters would end, it was already the month of February but the icy winds continued, she sighed. “The temperature never went lower than 6 degrees here. Now it was the coldest day on record. How could they let school be on,” Ellie thought. She dragged he feet to keep moving for what seemed like forever.
She accidentally slipped on the ice, pain, and coldness sprawled through her forehead. The last thing she saw was a man covered with chocolate. Ellie giggled hard, looking back on it she would think that she was going crazy but it seemed funny to her at that moment. Her eyes closed as she drifted into unconsciousness.
The world was dark for Ellie, but maybe it was because her eyes were closed. She blinked them open and immediately regretted doing so. It was like she was above the clouds, the sun was shining so hard. It nearly blinded her eyes. Ellie wondered where in the world she was. She kept her eyes closed and decided to only open them once she gets accustomed to the light.
“I am definitely not in Nightbrook,” she thought to herself, “The sun has never shined so brightly in a lifetime there,” but if she wasn't in her hometown, where was she? She slowly opened her eyes, a man with his back to Ellie was quietly working on something and he was covered in-
“Chocolate! Finally!” the man screamed. Ellie nearly screamed by fear but realized she couldn't do so as her mouth was taped. Then she realized that her whole body was tied up with rope. She struggled hard to get out but soon realized that it was not possible, the ropes were tied so hard.
Ellie didn't know what to do, she wondered if the chocolate-man had abducted her, no, that's absurd. Her heart skipped a beat. She blinked twice to see if she wasn't hallucinating after that fall on ice but the man remained covered with chocolate.
Ellie wondered in a panic if this was the chocolate-town people of her town talked about. Then what happened in the next second was too chaotic for her to understand.
The chocolate-man yelled something she couldn’t quite comprehend and suddenly a hole appeared below her and she fell down for what seemed like ages. She had enough time to come to the conclusion that she had lost her sanity and then boom! Ellie crashed onto something which felt comfortable and soft. She rubbed her eyes and saw that she was back in her old usual bedroom with the same old desk she had spent the previous night doing her homework while drinking a hot mug of coffee. She realised that she had just had the weirdest dream.

+501 words

reva (she/her) <33
↠ bibliophile | directioner
↠ a queer mess

“i realize it now, there's always grace in the depth of insanity”
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

3/3/22 - Ice cream challenge:
My flavors: Rainbow chocolate with rainbow sprinkles, strawberry cicada, and hamster claws with orange zest.
Flavors I’m using: Stinky dog fur delight, Wet socks wonder, Muddy face munch.
(credit to @-_Artist0_- )
A good life lesson to all children with somewhat-normal taste buds: Never, ever let the kids on your mountain biking team give you the “Mystery Ice Cream Sundae.” I think I’m going to need therapy, because that frozen treat was traumatic.
I suppose I should backtrack to yesterday - Saturday. The forecast was for sunny skies and highs in the 70s, but Bruno said it looked like rain. So rain it did. And this wasn’t just your average, late-September sprinkle; this was full-on, slap-you-in-the-face pouring. And on a mountain bike race weekend, no less. But I’m rambling now. Back to the story.
My dad and I drove up early Saturday morning. We wanted to help with race course set-up. My dad feels obligated to, because he’s the head coach of my team; I just do it because racetape is fun. Also I get to hang out with the cool older kids.
There was tall grass in parking lot, and the dew was soaking through my beat-up shoes. I’d had these shoes for a year and a half, and I still wear them today as I’m writing this story. I call the pair “Old Faithful.” They’re sturdy shoes: Gray Merrells with teal and purple stripes, and velcro straps that my dog likes to chew on. The toe has broken on the right foot, and that morning the mud and dew turned my bright blue rubber duckie sock brown. Although my feet felt gross and smelly, I went over to the cool older kids and pestered them until they let me help with setup.
I may not be the best at stringing up racetape, but I’m better than some of the other kids there. After a lot of screaming from the trail coordinator, we were done and my friends were starting to pour in to the venue, followed by my mom, sister, and dog.
That was when the rain started.
At first, it was just a sprinkle. Nobody saw any reason to call anything off, so my friends and I went to preride the course. As we started up the first hill, the rain started picking up. This was no problem for me; my bike has plus-size tires and is designed to handle the weather conditions. But as the rain intensified, so did the mud. Mud splattered everywhere: My legs, my face, my bike, the seat of my pants… by the time the ride was over, I was one exhausted teenager. I was so thickly coated in mud you could barely see my face.
The rain petered out over the course of the afternoon, giving way to bright sunlight and weather conditions that more closely resembled the forecast. My dog, who looked more like a waterlogged carpet than a dog after that downpour, took it upon himself to drink, roll in and dig in every mud puddle he could find. I had to get my mom to buy me new socks at the convenience store, mine were so wet and gross.
I thought we had recovered from the torrential rains, but then someone found the ice-cream bike. On a normal day, the ice-cream bike was a delightful treat; a stationary bicycle with an ice cream maker hooked to the back. My friends and I liked to make the varsity riders pedal it for us, so we could reap the rewards without actually doing any work. No pain and all gain, as we liked to say. Today, however, was different. You see, my mountain bike team is populated by a multitude of idiotic, smirk-faced boys who love to cause chaos and make life harder for everyone. They got ahold of my wet socks and dumped them into the ice cream maker. When they were done, I drank the ice cream! You can’t blame me - the mud looked a lot like chocolate. I thought the Wet Sock Wonder was bad, but then they tricked me into trying their next concoctions: Stinky Dog Fur Delight, a flavor made of my soaked dog’s fur; and Muddy Face Munch, which was literally frozen mud taken right out of a dirty, disgusting puddle.
They tasted quite good, actually; what really got me was the girls on my team’s reactions. I guess it’s my own fault that I’m so mortified now; after all, I’m the only one who allows their opinions of my taste buds to have an effect on me.
Word count: 733
New total: 3344


❝You may be right // I may be crazy // but it just might be a lunatic you're looking for.❞
-Billy Joel
8 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)


daily + 73
“I am a creature who wears a blindfold around my soul. You are a creature who has a free soul. Do you not know what that means? It means many unfortunate things. Coming to speak with me isn’t the best idea. You see that you are always considered kind, while I am considered cruel. Now, do you understand? You and I are not alike. You are my enemy, forever on,” said the siren.
77 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

»»———- ᴢᴏᴅɪᴀᴄᴅᴏɢ'ꜱ ᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛꜱ———-««


»»———- ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍᴇ ———-««

Hello! Welcome to my table of contents!
Zodiac Writing Reading Drawing Dogs :3 Animals WoF Roleplays


»»———- ꜱᴛᴀᴛꜱ ———-««
Reserves: 0


»»———- ᴅᴀɪʟɪᴇꜱ ———-««

March 5th
March 6th
March 7th
March 8th
March 28th

»»———- ᴡᴇᴇᴋʟʏ ———-««


»»———- ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ———-««
March 20th

Last edited by zodiacdog (March 29, 2022 21:53:24)

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Flavors: Fern, hand sanitizer, Metal Tang
My life isn’t a game for you to play

News Reporter
Breaking news, there have been 3 new ice cream flavors found as you know if you don’t find them in the 24 hours after they were first collected, you're dead. You're looking for Handsanitizer, Metal Tang, and Fern. Good Luck.

I shut off the TV and ran to get my shoes on. I live in a game, a game where you collect ice cream to survive. Every night on the news they announce what was found during the day, once someone finds a flavor everyone else has 24 hours to find it before they die. I have been doing this for 23 years now and I still stress every night

I quickly lock the door and get on the hunt. The name of the ice cream corresponds to where it is, oh god today’s could be anywhere. We are in the middle of a pandemic so hand sanitizer is probably gonna be pretty easy. I'll look for that first, then fern, then metal tang.

I get into my car and drive off to target I go. Ugh so, many, PEOPLE! I ran to the hand sanitizer aisle, looks like everyone else had the same plan. After all, we only have 4 more hours till midnight and no one wants to die. I search everywhere and it's not there, so I wasted 20 minutes which might not seem like much but that's 20 minutes I could spend somewhere else. I get right back in my car and drive off, after all there's no time to waste. I go to the nearest restaurant, I mean there's got to be hand sanitizer there right?

*ding* yes I found the first one I ran out of the restaurant 2 more to go. Fern, fern, they are everywhere dang it this is gonna be hard

-McDonalds (no)
-School (no)
-Office (no)
-Home (no)

Mall. Ok 5th times a charm. I get to the mall, its not at Forever 22 or American Badger, nor is it at Old Purple. Where is this fern ice cream? Maybe its not at the mall, maybe I looked right past it in one of the other 4 places I have been. I get back in my car with literal sweat on my forehead, it's never taken me this long to find them all even when there's 7. The suddenly black, not dark, black. Is the game malfunctioning? Apparently not cause something shows up it reads “You have failed to find the markers” then nothing more happened ever, I failed, I died.

Last edited by SeltzerWater1000 (March 3, 2022 21:40:36)

50 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

daily : words - swc, mango and sleep by @FrogandChick
Everyday, it's the same thing. Over and over again. You wake up in the morning. You speed-run getting ready. You hop online, open SWC and realise you have half an hour to write 500 words. It’s your first SWC. The first couple of days were easy, off sick from school, you had all day. Not any more. Not any more. The mangoes in the fruit bowl slowly disappearing; your only food source. It’s what keeps you energised. Keep going. Keep typing. Just keep typing. And then there’s your infamous enemy; sleep. It drags at your eyelids, making you yawn, forcing you into it’s state of dreams. You could be working, your brain says. Eat those mangoes! Earn those points for your team! Fan-fi will win! It’s what your best at! Sleep is for the weak!

But you still need it, you say. Sleep gives you energy.
So do mangoes, it argues back.
Don’t argue with me. Your brain yells, jolting you out of your peaceful reverie. WORK!
Sometimes you don’t get a choice. If we could choose, we would be working on SWC all the time. Non-stop. Earn those points. Write those words. Post in that massive megathread with thirty threads. Attempt to find your writing tracker because you forgot to copy the link. Keep going.
Sometimes you stop. You take care of yourself. You sleep. You drink four glasses of water. Because they earn shards for your faction of the cabin, so you can beat the other two factions. Did I mention that? Welcome to Fan-fi.
Looking back on last years SWC, there was some weird obsession with mangoes. What will it be this year? Avocado?
No- no- get away from me, you avocados! Stop! You’re invading SWC! THAT ONE JUST SHAPESHIFTED INTO A MANGO-
Anyway. Yes. Where were we? Ah, talking about SWC! And… only one hundred words to go! Time to ramble a bit.
When you sleep, you always dream, generally in two parts. Most of the time. Some people think they don’t dream, because they never remember them. Well, I’m here to tell you that is not true. Sometimes you just don’t remember anything. It happens. I dreamt about mangoes taking over SWC last night. I think I just had mango ice cream the day before, however. And worked on a lot of SWC stories. It happens to the best of us. Anyway, I think my time is coming to an end. This format is ending. This post has reached its end. Goodbye!

Admin Helper of TFCRP, CEO of DPRP, Admin of WCPM, OWoN, and plenty of other roleplays. I used to be active in the forums, but not so much anymore.

73 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

March 3 daily
403 words
Ice cream flavors from Moss
I walk into the ice cream shop. It’s a new one, I think, because I’ve never seen it before. I walked down this street a few days ago, and it wasn’t there. There was no building here then. Ice Cream of Enchantment seems to have popped up overnight.
“What can I get for you?” asks the lady at the counter.
“Hmm…” I scan the list of flavors. Unicorn’s Touch, Kelpie’s Embrace… boy, this ice cream parlor sure is creative with their names.
Eventually, I settle on one. “I’ll take a scoop of Dragon’s Flight,” I tell the lady. “In a cone, please.”
She serves me a cone of a sky blue ice cream streaked with shimmering gold.
“Thanks!” I take it, and head for the door.
The lady smiles. “Be careful with that, now, dear,” she tells me. Her hair floats around her like she’s underwater, even though it’s not like the building is flooded or anything, and there’s these weird twinkling lights following her.
“I will,” I say as I push the shop’s door open. Does she think I’m going to drop it? I haven’t dropped an ice cream cone since I was five. Okay, since I was eight. Well, it’s been a few years since I dropped my ice cream, anyway.
I walk out of Ice Cream of Enchantment. The bell on the door gives a pleasant otherworldly tinkle as the door swings shut.
I take a lick of the ice cream. It tastes kind of like pear, and kind of like chocolate, and kind of like… something else. Something I haven’t tasted before. I’m trying to decide whether I like it or not when I am flying. Soaring over the sidewalk on invisible wings, the wind rushing past me, the world spreading out below. I’ve never flown before, never been so high, never felt so powerful. I glide over the library, the coffee shop with the best pound cake, the statue that pigeons love to sit on. I swoop down, and the birds all fly off.
I fly higher, higher, higher, farther, farther, farther, and then I am standing on the sidewalk in front of the ice cream shop again, holding the end of the cone in my hand.
Um… wow. That is some ice cream shop. Interesting flavors. I can definitely say I’ve never had any ice cream like it before. I wonder what the other kinds taste like…

Last edited by KitVMH (March 3, 2022 23:34:56)

Kit - she/her
queer & autistic
writer, artist, fangirl, SWCer
80 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Daily 3/3 - 436 words
Chocolate, fire, and tree flavored ice cream, suggested by @superbrocolli


Sage and I talk as we walk into the ice cream shop. “Ooh, look!” she exclaims. “New flavors!”
I walk over to check it out. Sure enough, there are two new flavors, fire and tree. “Interesting…” I remark. “I’ve never seen flavors like this before.”
“Me neither. Should we try them?” She asks.
“Why not? I think I’m going to get a triple cone so that I can have my favorite, which is chocolate, but also try both new flavors,” I respond.
“Yeah, I’ll do that too. Mint chocolate chip, fire, and tree” She agrees.
We place our order, and the person getting our orders seems surprised about our choices, but gets them for us. We pay and sit at a table.

The flavor at the top of my cone is chocolate. This one isn’t new to me, it’s my favorite flavor! I take a bite. Yum, I think it’s even more chocolatey this time. Or maybe I just missed it so much from not having it in a while that it tastes better. I love chocolate. I like Vanilla too, but chocolate is definitely the best. I look at Sage, who’s eating her mint chocolate chip. I can tell she’s enjoying it too.

The next flavor is fire. I’ve never had fire flavored ice cream before. I wonder what it will taste like. Fire is Sage’s next flavor too. We glance at each other, and take a bite. I’ve never tasted anything like this! It’s spicy, which I guess is supposed to represent the heat of fire. What flavor is that though? It tastes like a Flamin Hot Cheeto. It also has a weird consistency. Instead of feeling like ice cream, it almost feels like there’s a real fire in your mouth! It’s actually really good though. I exchange another look with Sage, and I can tell she likes it too.

The last flavor is tree. I take a bite, and it tastes different. I take another bite to see if I can identify it better. Hm… it tastes like the time I ate paper, 6 years ago. I bite it again to make sure. Yes, that’s definitely what it tastes like. Ew. Paper does not taste good, and neither does this ice cream. I make a face, and Sage sees it and cautiously takes a bite.
“Ewww…” She says, disgusted. “What is this?”
“I don’t know, but it tastes like paper.” I answer. “Disgusting.”
Sage agrees, and we throw away the rest of our cones and walk out together.
“Well, at least the other two flavors were good!” I say.
Sage nods in agreement.

➲ hi i'm log
➼ she/they • isfp-t • cancer ♡

-ˏˋ follow my friends! ˎˊ-
@asha16lc5 @Bean6248 @AudPod @Kitty-Covers
Panda_Bear_2009 @seastarr- -Mistpool-
60 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Main Cabin Daily by Kat (Fan-fic cabin)

book ice cream, miraculous ice cream, metal ice cream
400+ words

The metal scrapes my hands, and I flinch. It’s cold, very cold, but I keep going. Pushing on and on and on. On and on. For what? A book.
If my situation wasn’t so serious, I might’ve laughed. Who would’ve thought that the one to save them would be me? A scorned young girl, out of her depth, always with her head in the clouds, saving them? Would they take me seriously, or would they shame me? If they won’t accept me this time…
My heart thuds viciously, full of fear, as I realize what will happen then. A long fall into the darkness, thousands of feet down. The air growing poisonous around me, suffocating me. Until suddenly, An explosion of pain as I hit the water. Then nothing. Death, my body joining the hundreds of others that had been cast out in life. But they will take the miraculous book from my hands before they kill me. They will accept the cure, naturally, but not the only one who could save them.
Stupid, selfish people.
I continue on, despite what my fate may be if I continue on this road. My palms are sweating, my only emotions are anxiety and fear. Too much fear.
I stop, suddenly, my breathing growing harsh. The noise of my struggle cuts through the air as I wrestle with the millions of thoughts filling my mind. Why should I save the people who will only kill me? Why can’t I take the Book of Cures back to the city, and keep it for myself? Save the lives of those deserving to live without ever revealing my role in the process?
All answers point to my mother.
I see her as she was when I last looked at her, only hours ago. Right before I turned down the path that will lead to my death. She lay in that hospital bed, only machines keeping her alive, and for how long? I could not bring the Book into the hospital unnoticed, and it would be selfish of me to even try.
I continue to walk, my heart thudding in my ears.
When light reaches my eyes, I have to shield them as they adjust from the miles of darkness. I enter a round chamber, and in the center, on a small mound of stones, sits the Book.
“So the legends are true.” I whisper to myself. I reach out a hand to touch the cover. The Book of Cures does exist. A collection of spells that can cure any ailment, save death.
But as I pick it up, a sudden jolt of pain shoots through me. I scream, and the world around me rapidly falls into blackness.

Kat - she/they
SWC November 2022 - Hi-Fi ftw!!!!!
34 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

=======Weekly 1!========
~~Part 1, poetry~~
A cat
Just in the
Corner of your eye. A small cat
Too smart to be imagined. An
Invisible figure, prowling just
Out of sight. Sharp claws and
Teeth are just an example of the
Power of their ancestors. Small
Yet powerful. Don’t let the small
Proportions fool you. They
Are more powerful than
Us simple mortals can’t
Even imagine. Cunning minds
And light treads, practically
Myths. Only in legends can this beast
Be tamed. Don’t be fooled by soft
Eyes and mellow fur. You are only a
Means to food. We are just simple tools to
Be used to them. They carry themselves in
A way of pure pride and glory. Our inevitable
Death means nothing to them. Cats. The
Name itself incites glorious evil.


Poetry is shorter than it looks.
Bringer of dreams and communication
Can soar above or dive to the deeps
A story as precious as amber
-From Amber and Clay, page 1


A star soars above
Glittering skies, midnight blue
The perfect evening


Once on halloween
A girl had a dream
She dreamed of a pig
Who bought a wig
To disguise ice cream

Free Verse

That day-
I remember
Walking into the shelter
So many dogs,
I could have picked any one
I chose you

All of them barking
Crying for attention
Except you
You were always special

They warned me-
You were disabled.
You would never walk
I didn’t care.
Soft, mellow

I remember taking you home-
It was raining
The rain
Only made you glow more.

You were always like that-
The sun in the storm-
The light in the dark
You were perfect

You never left me-
Even when it all came crashing down
You were always the light

You weren’t a pet
You were a friend
I hope you knew that
You will always be important to me
You will never be forgotten

Rest in Peace

~~Part 2, essay~~
All kinds of products in the world use animal testing. Each year, over 100 million animals are taken and forced to take drugs, chemicals, and eventually killed. These animals are given no right and unjustly abused for their entire lifespan. Testing dangerous products on animals is not only inaccurate, but it is inhumane. Only 3 percent of the animals survive this process, and they are crippled for life. Without a doubt, animal testing is a cruel thing that must be ended.

One reason why animal testing should be banned is because it provides incorrect information. Animals have different body types and cells. The inaccurate information can hurt people, while also wasting away at the lives of innocent animals. One drug, Viozz, was tested on many animals, but it caused over 27,000 heart attacks and deaths before being removed from the market. This shows the fact that animal testing is not accurate and can end in more deaths than cures. A study in proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the USA found that a vaccine failed to work on ill patients, despite it succeeding during animal testing . 92% of the drugs that are safe on animals end up affecting humans differently, often in unsafe ways.

Another reason why animal testing should be banned is because of how inhuman it is. These animals are forced to ingest or inhale chemicals, deprived of food and water, burned, inflicted with wounds, or experimented on. If you have ever had a pet, imagine your pet being forced to have a syringe injected into its stomach, and people experimenting on it. That is the fate of millions of animals every year. Not only that, but medical progress is perfectly possible without the use of animals. So many people decide not to give animals rights just because they cannot communicate with humans. If we do not give animals rights because they are smaller than us, that is the equivalent of letting bullies and criminals have free reign just because they are willing to do what is wrong. Animals are creatures too, and they deserve to have rights.

Some people would argue that the sacrifice of animals allows human civilization to thrive. Not only that, but animals that are tested result in animals themselves. They would say that millions of animals and humans have been saved, and without animal testing, the human race would die out. However, lots of this is used for completely unneeded things. 100,000 to 200,000 animals die every year for cosmetics, such as makeup. Not only that, but makeup is still considered bad for your skin’s health. This means that the lives of animals are used to put makeup on a shelf. Animals are killed and tortured for things that are completely unneeded. That is just wrong. Not only that, but animal testing only works for around 6% of the time, and more lives are shed than saved.

In conclusion, animal testing is a inhumane, cruel thing that must be ended. Animals are killed and given no rights whatsoever, and animal testing must be banned and ended to save these lives.

~~Part 3, Script Writing~~

SAM is staring out the window at mount everest


Leans by door

Yeah, I guess. I can’t imagine being up there for the next two months

Me either
Looks out the window
Anyway, get some sleep, it's a big day tomorrow

Smoothens bed cover

Leaves the room

The lights flick off, and when they turn on, EMMET and SAM are in the mountain gear and going toward the mountain.

Lets out whoop
Lets do this!

Smiles and nods

Both start climbing the mountain.

SAM and EMMET are climbing through the snow. It is snowing hard.

We should get to the base camp soon

Yeah, I don’t know how much of this we can handle

YETI shadow in the distance

Woah, did you see that?

See what?

There was a weird figure in the distance

Looks doubtful
Are you sure you're ok?

Sam says angrily
I’m not joking! There was something there!

Ok, ok calm down.

I’m sure what I saw, whether you believe me or not

I believe you, but its been a long time since we have taken a break, I jus thought you might have been a little tired.

Looks into the distance where the yeti was
Your right, lets just get to the base camp

Scene shows SAM and EMMET continuing to climb, and reaching base camp

Welcome to the base camp! I’m George! May I have your names please?

Emmet, nice to meet you!
Glares at sam

Is looking of into the distance distractedly
What? Oh! I’m Sam

Ok, you guys are in cabin three
Hands them a map

Starts walking away

Looks at sam
Why are you being so distant today, are you ok?

Yeah…i’m ok. I guess I’m just distracted.

Well, you have to focus. We have to be careful.

You don’t have to act like my mom, i’m fine

Turns away
Fine. Bye


Keeps walking, and ignores SAM

Next scene

The camera shows SAM walking towards EMMETS cabin
Looks behind him and gasps

YETI/GEORGE is standing near SAM

Starts running

SAM runs into EMMET

Looks at Sam
I know we started out a little rough yesterday, but I’m sorry-

Runs hand through hair
I saw the yeti again! It was-

Sam, you have to stop this. There is no yeti out there. You have to stop thinking about this.

I’m not lying! It's true!

Maybe you should just go back down the mountain. I’m sure I can just join another group.

Fine. You’re right. There is no yeti. I’ll stop talking about it.

Good, let's go.

The camera shows SAM and EMMET exiting the camp

Hi, you guys leaving?


Ok, well then, goodbye!


The scene show EMMET climbing alone

Ok, we finished this part of the mountain-
Turns around

SAM is not in the picture

Looks worried

The lights flick off, EMMET saying ‘Sam?’ echoes on the stage. The lights flick on

Opens eyes

SAM is in a dimly lit cave. The YETI is in the corner

Scrambles up
WHhaaa? W-who ar-re you?

Turns around

The YETI transforms into GEORGE


Yes, its me

Backs into the cave’s wall
W-why? Hhow?

Ive always been like this. Sometimes I am a yeti, sometimes I am just a human. I don’t know who I am anymore, what species I am.

Does anyone know?

Shoulders slump
I mean, all those yeti sighting…they were all me. I keep thinking…maybe some of those yeti sightings are others like me, or maybe I am the only one of my kind

Sam starts to relax
But..does anyone really know that behind the yeti sightings…you are also part human

No. Nobody knows. You’re a first.

Y-you aren’t going to eat me, r-right?

Laughs loudly
No! Of course not. But-
Eyes narrow
If you ever betray me and tell my secret, it’ll be the end of you.

~~Part 4~~

Skiing, a memoir

I went up the hill again, air rushing past me. I breathed in, filling my lungs with oxygen, enjoying the adrenaline of going down. Alas, the moment couldn’t last forever, and I fell to the ground, my skis tangled together.
“Good job!” My dad exclaimed, pulling me up “You were doing good up there, but the ending was a little rough.” I brushed myself off, and looked at him. “I think I can go on the bigger hill.” He sighed, rolling his eyes slightly. “Don’t try to speed the process. Maybe just go on this hill a few more times?” My gaze rose to the top of the hill, a small slope, a thing for beginners in my head. “I can do it!” I insisted “Let me go up the mountain.” My dad’s gaze hardened a bit. “You can go, but you know I don’t have skis. If you get stuck up there, I can’t help you.” I inwardly shivered, remembering being stranded on the hill the prior time, taking what felt like hours to come down.
“This time is different, I promise you!” I said, creating a promise I couldn’t make.
“Ok, but be careful.” I rolled my eyes at this. “I will.” I said grudgingly.
I made my way to the mountain, marveling at its sheer size. ‘I can do this’ I thought ‘there is nothing to be afraid of!’ Despite trying to calm myself down, a feeling of dread started hanging around me, as I knew this was a promise I wouldn’t be able to make.
I got on to the ski lift. I had never been one to be scared of heights, but with heavy skis strapped on my feet and dangling at least 20 feet off the ground, all alone was a nerve racking experience. Every time the wire creaked, a shiver went down my spine. When I finally reached the top, I set myself at the top of the mountain. It was a steep way down, and at that moment, I knew I wouldn’t make it all the way. I moved myself forward, sending me down the hill quickly. Wind blew in my face, but it was hard to find it pleasant. The only thing I could think of was me falling and breaking my leg. I panicked, and I dropped down to the ground, forcing myself to stop. Everything went downhill from there - no pun intended - My ski fell off, and I couldn’t put it back on, and my sticks were left higher up. My ski shoes were impossible to walk on, so that's how I ended up scooching down a skiing hill. Not my proudest moment, for sure. I got to the bottom and we all just laughed about it. So the moral of the story is! …Yeah, I have no idea.

The titanic, a narrative

A sudden crash woke me. I sat up in my bed, debating whether the noise was a part of my dream, or something that came from the ship. My heart hammered in my chest as I imagined something happening to the ship. It only lasted a moment though, and I relaxed, remembering the ship’s state of the art structure. I lay back down, hoping to fall back asleep, but my relaxation was short-lived. The next moment, a bell rang out, rippling through the air.
“We need to evacuate now! Women and children!” I pulled the cover over my head, trying to block out the noise, when the meaning set in. We were in danger. I tried to deny it, but images popped into my head, the worst scenarios possible appeared. I stepped out, still in my pajamas, to face whatever awaited me.
When I finally reached the top deck, I was hit by a wave of sea air. The scene in front of me gave me a shock. Kids and women were boarding lifeboats, families were tearfully separating from each other. I didn’t understand. Questions were bubbling in my head, but I knew it wasn’t the time. I gripped my jacket and put on my life jacket, getting ready to board the boat. Only when I was on the boat did I realize how dire the situation was. I could see the Titanic sinking slowly, a clear tilt in the boat. I could see all the people on the ship, and I realized that there would never be enough lifeboats for all of them. Most of these people were going to die. The thought hit me like a rock, knocking the air out of me.
“Get a move on! We have to get to land!” a person next to me said. For a moment I was angry, but as soon as I looked at her, I realized that she was as scared as I was. I tried my best to pull myself together, and started rowing as fast as I could, pushing the lifeboat with all I had. We stopped a few moments later, a safe distance away from the huge sinking ship. We watched in horror as the ship sank. Screams echoed through the air, and after a few minutes it went eerily quiet, and we knew that the silence meant everyone else was dead. We might as well be dead, I thought bitterly. We were stranded out here after all. All hope was lost
My arms were on the verge of frostbite, I was tired and hungry, but then I saw the lights of a ship. Safety! We might survive after all! We burned a newspaper a child had brought, and the ship saw us. All hope wasn’t quite lost.

Last edited by DashingDiamonds (March 9, 2022 23:06:48)

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Verity struggled against the harsh snowy winds, grasping at thin branches and trying her hardest not to slip off the mountain she was climbing altogether. Her fingers were frozen even under the protection of her thick brown gloves, and the hood of her jacket had come off and left her long black hair flying behind her in the frigid wind. Even with these difficulties, she was determined not to stop climbing. She leaned against another foothold, heaving herself up the final stretch. The part where the mountain curved over was covered in ice and sharp, jagged rocks, and she had to be careful where she put her limbs. At last though, just when she began to lose hope, she felt the solid, snowy ground beneath her and pushed her entire body over the top of the mountain, rolling over and leaving a flurry of snowflakes drifting in her wake. As she stood up and brushed herself off, Verity rubbed her eyes and gasped at what was before her. So the legends were true - the legendary, mystical turquoise phoenix really was here, living at the peak of the highest mountain in the North, resting in the middle of a blizzard. All her life, Verity had dreamed of seeing this magnificent bird for herself, and even though the book of legends she had gotten her information from was old and the information was questionable, she had not given up and had risked life and limb to see this creature in its natural habitat.
The turquoise phoenix was everything Verity had expected, but at the same time so much more. It looked like a beautiful peacock with long, glossy blue feathers and a form that looked like it had been carved from ice. Its eyes were like large sapphires, its beak curved and elegant. There was a crown of feathers decorating its head, glinting like snowy gemstones and trembling softly in the wind. Its neck was long like a swan, its wings like gigantic turquoise fans. When Verity approached, it made a tinkling sound, like bells, and rose from its perch, gliding elegantly along in the direction of the wind, as smooth as water flowing downstream. As Verity watched, thunderstruck, it rose up and up through the falling snow, up to the clouds, where it hovered and gazed down at Verity with an unreadable expression on its face.
“H-hello.” Verity took a step forward, the snow crunching under her boots. The wind persistently bit at her cheek and she drew her arms around herself, both of a sign of humility and a way to shield herself from the cold. She didn't know what the turquoise phoenix would do. At this distance, it seemed so big and she seemed too small.
The bird stayed perfectly still in the air, watching her like a judgmental ice statue. And then suddenly, it raised its beak to the air and breathed out a gust of white fog and bright blue ice crystals, which hung suspended up out of Verity's reach. Then, with a chirp and another tinkling of bells, the phoenix flew up swiftly out of sight behind the clouds.
Verity didn't know what to do next. She stood frozen, like she had been struck by a spell, and watched as the tiny blue crystals spun slowly downward around her head, settling and melting on the snow. She turned around and saw a long, turquoise feather lying on the ground beside her feet. She picked it up. It sparkles and glimmered in her hand.
She smiled, then looked back up at the sky, where the wind had calmed and the blizzard had ended, leaving everything quiet and peaceful once again.
Verity tilted her head and grinned. “Thank you.” She said softly as she pulled the hood of her jacket back up over her head, ready to start her trek down the mountain and back home. Tucking the Pheonix feather into her hair, she wondered what her friends would say about her journey. Perhaps she could recount it to them over a nice cold bowl of turquoise ice cream.
Daily for March 3. 681 words, prompts: Legend, feathers and turquoise ice cream

Last edited by LuckyDuckyLife (March 3, 2022 22:25:38)

My signature was eaten by the Lochness Monster
34 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Edit: Please ignore this post. If possible to delete it, please delete it

Last edited by DashingDiamonds (March 3, 2022 22:23:17)

2 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Hi! Here are my CRAZY ice cream!

Lemon Marsh Mellow flavored ice cream
Death by Chocolate ice cream
Pickle flavored ice cream

13 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

March 3rd Daily
Ice creams: clothesline, spring (like in the sense of a river), fresh flowers.
Words: 865

“Emaria! It's your turn to wash the clothes,” Mother fastened her bandana, looping her hair into a messy ponytail. I lumbered out of bed, passing the doors of my brothers and sisters. The soft sound of the wind calmed me. I noticed the unfamiliarity of silence. Mother seemed perfectly fine, but inside, I knew she wasn't. Ever since Father died, she had stayed quiet, trying to stay sane.
As I entered the kitchen, I peered around the wall. Outside, Mother was working hard, folding the clean clothes. I grabbed a clementine, pulled up my hair, and seized the basket of dirty clothes. The work of eight children, I chuckled. I stepped outside, and cracked my knuckles.
“Good morning, Mother,” I smiled, placing the basket next to the clothesline. I heard the spring water flow behind me. Such tranquility warmed my heart.
“Good morning, Emaria.” Mother handed me another basket of clothes. I dropped the clothes into a bucket of cold water, mixing soap in, too. I sat there in silence, a shallow awkwardness beginning to form.
“Mother?” I began, “I want you to recognize that you shouldn't be afraid to talk to me. I'm your eldest child. I can handle some weight.”
“I know. After the kids go to bed tonight, I'd like to talk to you by the spring,” Mother nodded solemnly, “We can bring out a blanket and lantern.”
“Okay,” I replied, wondering what we would talk about. Finishing up the laundry, I hung up the clothes on the clothesline. I saw Mable walking out of the house, brushing her curly hair out of her face and shielding her eyes from the sun. Mable, my five year old sister, rushed over to me.
“Emaria! Bennet stole Blanky again!” Mable cried, “Help…” She sniffed and guiltily looked down at the ground.
“Ahh, always Bennet,” I joked, hoping Mable would perk up. Surprisingly, she did.
“I know! He is so annoying!” She agreed, reaching for my hand. Her sweaty palms led me into the house.
“Bennet!” I yelled up the stairs. I let go of Mable's hand and walked up the stairs. I swept my fingers along each door until I reached Bennet's room. He shared a room with Charles. “Bennet!” I repeated. I could hear him mumbling some nonsense. I opened the door slowly and peeked in. Bennet was on the bed, ripping up Mable's blanket.
“Bennet!? What are you doing!” I slammed the door and ran in, prying the blanket out of his hands, “Don't do that ever again!” I knew Mable would be hysterical. Tears welled in Bennet's eyes. I stormed out of the room. Mable started crying. Everyone started crying! I threw the blanket on the ground and sprinted downstairs and outside. My heart aching for the forest, I jumped over the branches and climbed my favorite tree. I curled up in a ball and wept. I couldn't take it anymore. Father was dead. My siblings drove me crazy. I did too much housework. My life was just too much for me. I heard Mother coming up behind me. She reached for my foot, and rubbed it.
“Honey. I'm sorry,” I could hear in her voice that she was genuine. I whipped the tears from my cheeks and looked at Mother.
“I just feel so helpless.” I sniffed. I jumped down from the tree and collapsed into Mother's arms.
“I love you.” It was warm to hear those words. I squeezed her tightly, “We should be getting back. There's some…chaos.”
I sighed, but nodded my head. Once we got back home, I went upstairs. “Hey guys.”
Bennet turned away, Mable clasped onto me. “Have you apologized, Bennet?” He shook his head.
“Well, I advise that you do,” I rubbed his back, “And Mable, I can try sewing this back together.”
“Okay,” Mable mumbled. She handed me her shredded Blanky. Six torn up pieces, to be exact.
“Mable…sorry! I didn't mean to upset you,” Bennet burst out quickly. I smiled, happy to see a compromise between them.
That night, Mother took me around the fields, gathering fresh flowers. We ended up sitting next to the spring, curled up on a blanket. It was nice just talking to her, no children to worry about. As a fifteen year old, and practically a part time mom, I need breaks. Like most people.
“Emaria, we need to talk about something important. Father died two years ago today, as you know. I will always remember him and love him. But…” She fidgeted with her fingers nervously. I could sense the uneasiness in her voice. “I think I've…found someone else who I love.” She looked away from me, preparing for my reaction. I didn't have anything to say, though. How could she find someone else? Memories flooded my brain. The times when we went sunflower picking, did the laundry together, played in the spring water. I stood up, grabbed my dress and bolted off, leaving the flowers behind.
I ran up to my room, more than ever thankful that I didn't share a room, and slammed the door. I burst into tears, emotions tumbling everywhere. Anger. Grief. Frustration. Surprise. Betrayal.
But, most of all, I needed revenge.

Last edited by beeblush (March 3, 2022 22:27:56)

Bee | they/she
Thriller win dominate
Good luck, folks!
1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Celes's Swc March 2022 Daily #3
┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ ✄
422 Words (thanks honeybreeze for the flavors fire balloons and tapestry)
Table Of Contents

“Come on! Hurry up!” my sister Annabelle shouted from the doorway. “Alright, Alright one second!” I'm still tying the laces on my boots. I look down at my younger sister's feet and see that she didn't even tie her own laces. “Anna” I start, because no one actually calls her by her full name. “Your shoes are untied.” “It doesn't matteeeeeerrrrr” she whines. “I wanna go!” She then runs around and some how her hair gets caught on the nail holding up the tapestry. She tries to free herself, but is unable to. I offer to help, but she says that I'll hurt her so I get a screwdriver from the garage, my boots still half tied. I take out the screw so that she can free herself easier. It's beginning to get dark which is fine since we're going to our friends bonfire to celebrate they're birthday. Eventually me and Anna are ready so we head out of the house. Anna doesn't complain, but by the way she's wrapping her arms around herself I can tell that she's cold. I ask her if she has her coat and she said she left it at school. I sigh. At this rate we were never going to get to the bonfire. She says she'll be warm enough by the fire and I agree she has a point, but I still let her wear mine until were there. I can't drive yet, but our friends house is close enough anyways. When we get to our friends house they're waiting for us, smiling. Our friend Jordan is mostly my friend from school, but Anna still hangs out with us a lot. Jordan has a balloon saying “Happy Birthday” hanging from her mailbox. Anna asks if she can have it. (sometimes younger siblings have a lot of nerve ad courage,) but of course Jordan let's her keep it. Anna takes the balloon and attempts to tie it in her hair for some absurd reason. The balloon immediately comes undone and floats into the air. Anna started to cry, but Jordan took her hand and brought her inside promising her cake. After Anna had ate she looked a lot happier. We went outside where Jordan's parents were setting up the bonfire. Meanwhile we sat down with a blanket around our shoulders chatting. Eventually the bonfire grew bigger and Jordan's parents brought out dinner for us. After eating Anna curled up in her blanket and fell asleep. I don't want to say I was relieved, but I was.

Last edited by Cynthialz (March 3, 2022 22:38:48)

⤿ hey im celes <3

➤ she/they ∘ ambivert ∘ writer ∘ bi ✩

✎ chaotic fangirl┆scorpio┆guitarist ♡

bi-fi swc ftw! <3
forum signature to be changed soon haha <3
9 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

More random writing because I'm obsessed with doing so:

(So, I might make this into a novel, I bet the idea has already been thought of before, but if not, I'll definitely use it!)

Emily has been obsessed with writing ever since she could pick up a pencil. Well, maybe not since then, but since she learned how to properly write with a pencil. But, a certain kind of writing. Story writing. In all honesty, she hated writing essays, scripts and poems. She found it didn't quite give her the creativity she wanted with her writing.

Her stories started very basic, ranging from one sentence to one paragraph until she was about 6. When she turned 6, she started writing slightly longer stories, roughly 2-3 paragraphs. Once she turned 7 though, she found the amazing thing called typing. She used that a lot for her stories when she learned about writing on a computer.

It was when she was about 10 she was ready to give novels a try. They may have not been the most developed, but they still sounded cool to her. Most of her stories then were very based on fictional things from another universe Emily created. She was so obsessed with it, she one day stood by her window, knowing of a meteor shower. She watched the stars twinkle while looking for shooting stars. Every shooting star that went by, the same wish was made: “I wish that my stories came true and that I could live in them forever!” Sadly, her wish never came true. Or did it?

It was many years later. Emily was nearly through high school. She wasn't very into fantasy novels anymore. She liked writing in the dystopian genre, and sometimes realistic fiction, kinda sad ones too. She would dedicate nearly all of her free time to writing these novels on her old computer.
Then came one night. Emily was fast asleep on her cosy bed. Well, that was until a suddenly flash of light came on in her room. “Huh? What!?” she said, her eyes opening widely. “Is there a rain storm outside?” she continued, looking out of the window. There was no rain to be in sight. But, there was a little girl at the door. Emily shrieked when she saw her.
“Calm down, calm down!” the little girl said, soothing Emily until she didn't seem as frightened. “I'm just a wish giver!” Emily stared at the girl blankly. “Ugh… a wish giver, a being who is given the task to deliver a wish whether it was sent by shooting star, birthday candles, four leaf clovers, wishing at 11:11, or any other wishing techniques. They go down to the one who delivered it, usually when they're asleep and usually does not disturb them, don't blame me, I'm just learning, and, yeah, their wish comes true.” the little girl explains. Emily still sat there blankly.
“I don't remember making a wish…” Emily said.
“Actually, you did, you actually spammed us with a wish 8 years ago. To make your story come true. We ignored it, because of your spamming, but someone decided that we should actually give it to you, so here I am.” the little girl answered. Emily looked at the girl.
“Oh no… not that wish, I don't want it anymore…” Emily said.
“Well, I kinda already made it happen, so… yeah…” the little girl said, kinda embarrassed. Emily was almost ready to scream at the girl, but she disappeared before anyone could do anything. At this point, Emily figured this was only a dream, so she fell asleep.

The next morning came fast, so Emily awoke. She got ready for school and was ready to walk out the door. She did. But something was going on. It all looked normal, until “Buzz!” came a noise. The world became very grey and gloomy for a moment. It then returned.
“What the-” Emily said, rubbing her eyes. She continued on her way. When she went into her school, she heard everyone chatting about the same thing.
“Did anyone else see the weird glitch in the world?” someone said. Everyone was also talking about. Emily knew what was going on. Her novels had become a reality. Sadly, not the ones of the past, but the ones of now. All of the dystopian stuff.

As the day went by, the world as everyone knew it was slowly becoming worse quite quickly. Random homes were suddenly bits and pieces, everything looked more cloudy and grey. Even everyone's emotions were more gloomy. Emily felt queasy. She did not want this to happen. What was going to happen to the old world? Would it return? Or would it stay this way forever? And if it did stay this way forever, was there a way to end it? Of all of the stress, she ran into a corner, huddled into a ball.
“And this is why you never wish upon a star…” she said, a tear rolling down her eye.

(Thank you, thank you very much for reading! Also, 802 words! Yay!!! DD)

Heyo green beans, human beans, and quite possibly Scratch Teams
Mango || They/them || Artist-ish || An enthusiast of: FPCs, Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi, and Kirby || Cats are the supreme animal

Be warned, my obsessions constantly change, and I will not stop talking about my current obsession once I start ranting on about them.

“What in the sideways bee stinger is that!?” - Kabbu, Bug Fables
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

March 3rd Daily

“Next please!” I step up to the counter and a girl a bit older than me ask me “What would you like?” I look at the to ice-cream cabinets beside me. 
“Um- can I have the-“ I quickly glance over at a random flavour. “Vanilla, um- popcorn ice-cream? And uh- Bac- Bacon ice-cream” 
“Ok! Just saying you are the first to try the bacon flavour ice-cream, any thing bad happens to you after eating, contact us!” I kinda lost her at flavour, but yeah. Soon the girl hands me my ice-cream and says this cringe thank you and goodbye thing, I mean the things people say to get payed.

It’s hot today, I hardly ever get ice-cream but if I only got to choose one day a year to have ice-cream, a day this hot would be it. I lick this ice-cream and immediately regret not choosing the flavour, I never should have randomly chosen them. I felt a bit sick in the stomach after finishing my ice-cream, the bacon flavour still sat in my mouth. I opened my apartment door, I wasn’t old enough for an apartment by myself but it was next door to my Aunt’s place. So mum let me move in.

I rubbed my shoes on the rug and chucked them beside the door. I needed water, I walked to the kitchen and took a mug of the drying rack and filled it with tap water. Ugh, i felt sick. I walked to my room and closed the blinds, I needed no sunlight to sleep. My hand picked up the air-con remotes and switched it on, no that was better. I threw myself on the bed hardly and tried to curl up under covers. But it was too late I was asleep. But somehow my mind was conscious of it, well at least i know that im not dead.

Wait what if I am. But before i can panic my mind is in another place, a my home-town town but different, it look better at least. I need to get out, but how? I run up the street then out of the town but then it loops me back to the town. I try going to the airport, apparently it's ‘closed’. Ugh. Wait- what if i eat the same Ice-cream? I run as fast as i can to the ice-cream store, it's closed. I ignore the closed sign and break in banging my body against the door. I run the the front of the store and grab a cone, ugh Vanilla- Popcorn and ugh, BACON!“ I demolish the ice-cream fast and suddenly wake up from my dream, my Aunt standing over me. ”Gwen? Are you ok"

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”

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