Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Show exact count of projects in a studio!

Yes, why not? It will be easier to track the number of projects in a studio…


(1000 Posts. (✔::operators)(❌::variables)(❌)(❌)(❌) 5000 Posts! 

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1000+ posts

Show exact count of projects in a studio!

I believe they did away with that due to the high amount of activity there is.

Be Moist Also, here's a helpful link to Ocular
I am DV4L, Erector of Text Walls, Typer of Long Posts, Creator of Mini-mod posts
The kumquats have eaten this line, so I have to have a new way to repel them.
Had a bad day or are feeling bored? Watch this to make your day better in an interesting way.
Do you think you've been banned unfairly? Then you'd be wrong. The ST aren't children, so quit acting like they are.
500+ posts

Show exact count of projects in a studio!

Duplicate: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/510029/?page=1#post-5191225

Last edited by BanMeOS (Aug. 19, 2021 00:05:09)

([foo v] ::variables)
([list v] ::list)
set [ v].y to [] ::variables
([foo v] [ v] pos :: variables)
<[] is exactly [] :: operators>
<mouse moving? ::sensing>
point towards x: () y: () ::motion

glide () secs to [sprite v] ::motion

we reach 410 + 10 posts :: sound

lol ::operators

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