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1 post

Bug of Cloud Variables

I am using Windows 10 and using google chrome. I find something very strange.

in cloudmonitor

in the programme

I have to say that I capture them at the same time. In these pictures, I find that these two cloud variables have a different value in the programme and the cloudmonitor respectively. I wonder whether this bug is caused by the new version of scratch. It didn't happen before the upgrade of scratch.

If you don't believe me, click this link and see whether I am true.
(My programme: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/491017565)

Please fix this serious problem.

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome 91.0.4472.124, No Flash version detected

Last edited by vincent-HK (July 10, 2021 04:13:33)

500+ posts

Bug of Cloud Variables

You can't save words/letters in cloud variables. Only numbers
1000+ posts

Bug of Cloud Variables

Can you try clearing your cache and trying again?

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100+ posts

Bug of Cloud Variables

PcUserPro wrote:

You can't save words/letters in cloud variables. Only numbers
He's not saving words/letters in cloud variables, he's turning those into numbers then storing them in cloud variables.

500+ posts

Bug of Cloud Variables

CakeandBott wrote:

He's not saving words/letters in cloud variables, he's turning those into numbers then storing them in cloud variables.
I got it
1000+ posts

Bug of Cloud Variables

If that project was made before 2019, it likely has broken cloud variables. After an update in January 2019, all of the existing cloud variables started having this problem. If this happens with your projects, you might be able to rename the cloud variables to fix it.

D-ScratchNinja • he/him
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