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1000+ posts

Messages shows times in the future

My browser / operating system: ChromeOS 13904.55.0, Chrome 91.0.4472.102, No Flash version detected

All of my messages say they will happen in five days.

One topic I am following is very busy, and since making this screen capture I have received two more messages from it, saying current posts are 5 days in the future.

Last edited by mlcreater (June 24, 2021 00:27:18)

← there are 3 sig figs and 0 kumquats

1000+ posts

Messages shows times in the future

This problem has just stopped now…

← there are 3 sig figs and 0 kumquats

1000+ posts

Messages shows times in the future

Your system clock may have been wrong, check the clock in your device and set it to the current time.

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
Make a statue for Jeffalo
Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence

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