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Link to wiki on front page

keod1248 wrote:

There's a link to the wiki at the bottom of every page, including the front page.
Nobody wants to scroll all the way down to click the link - a link in the header would be much better.


post brought to you by the preview links bug and previously the uploads site bug. 看一下中文 Scratch 維基想參加?請參考這頁
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Made by Scratchers, for Scratchers, since December 6, 2008

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Link to wiki on front page


Throws up the deuces and walks out like a G
500+ posts

Link to wiki on front page


Please refer to me as Carry
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❝Life is like a tower. Remove one block and the whole thing comes tumbling down. — Carriage
Hey! Carry here. I’m 11, a girl, and I love making animations. Don’t forget to visit my profile! See you soon!
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1000+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

Support. I also had an idea like this and posted it, but it wasn't just for Scratch wiki, but it was a way for the Forums to get attentions ever since the navigation bar got shorter for space for the search bar, and for Contact Us. It was like a Help Section.

A few internet communication companies want to corrupt the internet by getting rid of net neutrality. Stop Them!
100+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

Support. This is an excellent idea, so that people don't have to scroll down to the bottom of the screen for ScratchWiki.
New Scratcher
100+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

1000+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

I wrote an extension to do this for me, and it comes in handy very often. I also don't see the argument for removing the discuss tab working here, as the wiki requires your sign-up to be manually approved. I definitely think that this is a good idea, even though I don't use the wiki nearly as much as the forums.

1000+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

Honestly, the wiki is more important than half the navbar, would answer lots of questions so I can stop linking to wiki pages in qas, and would be an all-around great addition.

this is a link
New Scratcher
100+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

Bump. I have requested this topic to be merged with this one.

Also, I decided to test the new filter and system and I got a message I haven't seen before:

It appears that your recent comments did not follow the Scratch Community Guidelines. Your ability to post new topics or replies has temporarily been paused.
100+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

mitchboy wrote:

^ that. It would make the wiki so much easier to access. It would be even better on the navbar, right after ‘Discuss’, so it could be accessed from anywhere.

  1. jvvg
  2. BoltBait (?)
  3. scimonster
  4. turkey3
  5. Somenights-
  6. KyleK7
  7. 7734f
  8. mathfreak231
  9. SilverEagle
  10. ProdigyZeta7
  11. curiouscrab
  12. dracae
  13. dvd4
  14. Mozzi64
  15. EH7meow
  16. CN12
  17. DotDash
  18. goldfish678
  19. Blazingwave
  20. nathan_tanara
  21. ErnieParke
  22. LiFaytheGoblin
  23. OvertOfficer1
  24. jh1234l
  25. cobraguy
  26. Firedrake969
  27. Lirex
  28. cheeseeater
  29. 1234abcdcba4321
  30. Zambonifofex
  31. klomaster10
  32. MCAnimator3D
  33. Blaze349
  34. powerboy0101
  35. AonymousGuy
(from curiouscrab's topic):
  1. NoxSpooth
  2. chocolatepenguin
  3. tpaley
  4. PhirripSyrrip
  5. BigBlueBlock
  6. sonicgames20
(from fyromaniac1's topic):
  1. Poosheku
  2. mariobros406
  3. Mozzi64

  1. I support

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Feel free to take a look! I'd really appreciate it!

I go by Katt and I use She/her pronouns currently I'm also a Proud Autistic Furry and Therian

Set (kintype) to (felinekin)
Meow (Goodbye!)
1000+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

kenny2scratch wrote:

keod1248 wrote:

There's a link to the wiki at the bottom of every page, including the front page.
Nobody wants to scroll all the way down to click the link - a link in the header would be much better.

there isn't a header link for discussion forums, community guidelines, or statistics, so you'd have to add them first because their official scratch things while scratch wiki is technically made by an external source with the help of the scratch team

also how hard is it to use a ding dong scroll wheel, just move your mouse to the bottom of the screen

Last edited by -Valtren- (July 28, 2022 00:59:53)

Famous quotes:

Za-Chary wrote:

Steve Carell as Scratch Cat yo what the heck bro src

-Rodri wrote:

106809nes wrote:

This is the second-best suggestion I've seen.
Why is it the second-best suggestion I've seen? Well, view this topic to find out!
what in the capitalism, you really had to sneak in an ad lol src

The_Game_ wrote:

From my careful predictions that I have been calculating for 3 whole years, spent thousands of dollars on and have stayed up at night doing; it'll have 1 billion projects. src

wolvesstar97 wrote:

THERE IS A SOLUTION: Narwhals! src

WallydogChoppychop wrote:

Scratch cat looked like a mouse src

Za-Chary wrote:

among_us1w2 wrote:

no like in darkrp if you have been warn for failbase class 1 you get warning but if you do failbase class 3 you get warning but next time you break rules you get 5 min jail
This is the greatest slang of All Time. src

WindowsAdmin wrote:

It is when you don't whip people src

More quotes here.
500+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

I added a Wiki button on the German header, (German words tend to be longer) and the search bar is still visible and easily clickable. Seeing as the Wiki is an extremely useful resource, there is no compromise and is only beneficial.
1000+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

-Valtren- wrote:

there isn't a header link for discussion forums, community guidelines, or statistics, so you'd have to add them first because their official scratch things while scratch wiki is technically made by an external source with the help of the scratch team

also how hard is it to use a ding dong scroll wheel, just move your mouse to the bottom of the screen
Discuss button was on the forums; read TOLORS to see why if was removed (there's a good explanation about this in a Wiki article ). Community Guidelines are important, but it's already broken down and rephrased when you accept the invitation to be a Scratcher (plus, there's even a page on the Wiki about this ). Statistics aren't really that important; just an “oh, look at the increase in projects” thing (this is also on the Wiki too ).

The Wiki has many more resources than those pages (excluding the forums, maybe) and encompasses the things in the pages you mentioned, including lots of tutorials, FAQs, and pages on almost any topic on Scratch. Just because it wasn't created directly by the Scratch Team at first (but it was maintained by them for a while; read the Wiki history article ), it doesn't mean it doesn't contain valuable information. It would make sense to prioritize it and not shove it in the footer.

don't feed the trolls. feed yourself pizza cupcakez .[1] [2] [3] [4]

KangaCoder • [he/him] • kæŋɡəˈ koʊdər

Random Fun Facts: Male, Christian, US resident, EST time zone, Ravenclaw, likes Math and Science, learning German, knows HTML, Python and Java, loves chocolate, favorite color, possibly a kangaroo
On the Main Site: Experienced Wikian, Camp Counselor, SWC Reviewer, SDS Helper, Forum Helper
On the Forums: 2.65K+ forum posts
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Check out some weird and cool Scratch pages!
1000+ posts

Link to wiki on front page


Also this would be an awesome feature, and it'd make it much more convenient to get to the wiki. I know it'd benefit me quite a bit, because often I link to wiki articles regarding forum related things such as Scratchblocks and Dupes.

i mean heck id take one on the bottom too

Last edited by 7salad3salad (Jan. 4, 2023 14:07:13)

Forumer Post Count Bar Graph! (inspired by AIGamesDeveloper)
Project: Forummon by randomguy3513
hi, contrast

dont call me 7salad
dont call me 7salsa lol
just simply “Salad” will do.

:]::#00289A// This is my pet Noobles! He protects my signature from [i]unwanted guests[/i]


}::#800080//This is Noobles' big brother, Probles. He has returned and Noobles is happy to see him!
//oh, yeah, he is also cool so he wears sunglasses.

:P::cap sensing//This is their little brother, Doobles

old banner thnng
1000+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

Maybe removing the about tab and replacing it with a wiki button?
I don’t see a reason to have the about button be equal to the explore create and ideas button as you really are only gonna use the about button once and then never again
And besides there’s already a link to the about page at the top of the footer, why have it there?

⠀ ⠀ I beat Mario 64 yay! ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ I love you ivy & may :3
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀GEOMETRY DASH

1000+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

Ah, it would seem this topic has once again fallen into the deepest darkest depths of what would be the second page. Fear not, topic! I will have you returned to the top of the Suggestions Sub-forum in an instant!

Last edited by 7salad3salad (Jan. 4, 2023 19:19:51)

Forumer Post Count Bar Graph! (inspired by AIGamesDeveloper)
Project: Forummon by randomguy3513
hi, contrast

dont call me 7salad
dont call me 7salsa lol
just simply “Salad” will do.

:]::#00289A// This is my pet Noobles! He protects my signature from [i]unwanted guests[/i]


}::#800080//This is Noobles' big brother, Probles. He has returned and Noobles is happy to see him!
//oh, yeah, he is also cool so he wears sunglasses.

:P::cap sensing//This is their little brother, Doobles

old banner thnng
100+ posts

Link to wiki on front page

support. I also really like this:

cookieclickerer33 wrote:

Maybe removing the about tab and replacing it with a wiki button?
I don’t see a reason to have the about button be equal to the explore create and ideas button as you really are only gonna use the about button once and then never again
And besides there’s already a link to the about page at the top of the footer, why have it there?
I guess the Scratch Team might have their reasons for having the About button at the top, but honestly it's, as the quote above says, “only gonna be used once”.

and if they REALLY want to keep it, they could just share. As someone (I forgot who) made a mockup of, we have plenty of room to put a “Wiki” button in.

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