Discuss Scratch

19 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

I put a say for 2 seconds block on my sprite but for some reason the speech bubble wont disappear

please help me
100+ posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

I've made a post about this. I wonder what is causing it.
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/400266/?page=1#post-3976564

Hey, I'm MrScratchy09 and I'm an OS & Game developer on Scratch! I like to play games on PC and console, and enjoy messing around with Linux!

kumquats pls dont eat my signature
42 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

Yup, i was redirected here after i said this exact problem on ‘contact us’
100+ posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

Harakou wrote:

Nice megathread - thanks

:O how did you get that signature powerpuff girls/my little pony thing?
500+ posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

Comments take forever to load, and when I try to click on something I get signed out randomly.

“God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life.”- Romans 8:28

Heyo. My fav colour is blue.

I love Mint
choc chip ice cream.

I don't like pink.

I also love yellow.

Also, be moist

58 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

that keeps on happening to me
idk how to stop it and it's soooo anoying, when i was doing an RP, it kept on happening, and i couldn't see what they where saying
ask [how do you stop it?] and wait

blueberrycheescake hehehe! yummy
meh koala ran away to my profile, try and spot him
100+ posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

Here's a tip for making it go away. Just leave another comment on the page (like “reload,” or “comment glitch, ugh”). Reload the page and then go click on the link to it again. It usually works.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16.
Call me Hedgie.
I've been collecting some character creators.
52 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

I have had trouble loading comments too! It will also randomly sign me out

when I log in
wait (pick random (1) to (300)) secs
sign out current (username)
when comments button clicked
do not load comments

This is my signature. A signature is a small piece of text that is attached to your posts. In it, you can enter just about anything you like. Perhaps you would like to enter your favourite quote or your star sign. It's up to you! copy and paste this link and add your username https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/yourusername here/

If you think you have a shot at winning my game tournament, click here!

highlight + shift + down arrow to see the rest of my signature

life without a computer would be awful. That's why they invented them.

(wildfires1), <wildfires1animation> and [wildfires1test_tutor v]
(coder), <animator> and [tutor v]

comment on my profile 7:30 - 2:30 Mondays - Fridays to ask me questions. Click here for a tutor.
Click here for animations. Click here for my original account. go here for my intro account

make sure to check out some of my awesome games!

6 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

I'm often signed out randomly, whether I'm checking my messages or not. It's really weird.
42 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

I tried it and it happend to me

Hello, @scratchcat!
31 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

Hey! I have too a bug, The clones don't start in my new Pikes.io project where i'm working on. So, first the clones don't start, then the “Load from your computer” button don't work. After that the “Safe” text doesn't work and then the “Share” button dissapears! I almost finished the game. No hacked blocks, no cloud chat. Everything legal so the Scratch Team can't take my project off. WHAT IS THIS
9 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

Whenever I try to post a comment it says it has trouble loading and it won't post. This has been happening to me all day
1 post

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

I teach kids using scratch and a lot of them have been signed out randomly while working on projects whenever scratch tries to auto save. The project ends up not saving at all no matter how many times try again is clicked. When they refresh the page they've been signed out and get a server error page because they're signed out and can't access their unpublished project. Whenever they sign back in their progress has been lost. This has happened several times to many different students of mine. Is anyone aware that this is frequently occuring?
500+ posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

In the post it says to mention if you've had this issue on projects:
Yes I have also had this glitch when I am trying to reply to comments on a project, I follow the link from my mail and then the comment isn't there, only the comments previous to it

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
- Psalm 46:1 <3
3 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

I'm not sure where this would be, but I think it's here, so….? Yeah. Anyway, I made a project that had pictures of real-life fanart I'd made (like, pictures from a sketchbook with terrible lighting). I made it like two days ago. So, I was trying to get to the project yesterday, but I got impatient waiting for it to load, so I went offline while the page was loading. Understandably, when I opened it today, there was one of those bug-glitch-sign-things. But when I tried to reload, it kept happening. I've already logged into my computer, so that can't be the issue. The project is really simple coding; only six blocks in total (though it does have a song, and, like, 6 backgrounds). The only other thing I could think of is that it was blocked, but I can't think of a reason why, unless it was just to be mean, but I think you get a message or something when that happens? So I'm not really sure what's going on.

Edit: Also, when I clicked the ‘reload’ button on-screen, instead of using the one in my tool bar, it sent me to my profile.
Other edit: Nevermind, it's fixed now : )

Last edited by lumos713 (June 12, 2020 17:06:54)

100+ posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

yeah. i had this issue once. i was confused why i randomly got signed out

For Those That Question How I Type, You Don't Have To Question It Out Loud. I Know I Type Like This And It Is Intentional. You Shouldn't Criticize Me Because I Type In A Way That You Don't Like.

You Can Check Out My Quality Projects By Clicking The Image Or By Clicking This Text.
100+ posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

lumos713 wrote:

…Understandably, when I opened it today, there was one of those bug-glitch-sign-things. But when I tried to reload, it kept happening…

It looks like the project you described loads just fine.
14 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

I ran a test saying
when start clicked
wait (.2) seconds
set (v) to
wait (.2) seconds
set (v2) to
and instead of saying v=.2 seconds, it said v=1.33, then it said (v2)=1.66, how come, where I come where .2 seconds doesn't equal .33 seconds.
37 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

Comments don't load on projects too- I get lots of messages of comments and I can't see them- it's fine on my profile though…
21 posts

Masterpost/compilation: being signed out randomly, comments not loading/disappearing

For me, comments load forever! Like they take at least 5-10 minutes in some studios!

Last edited by DonutTri23 (June 15, 2020 16:36:15)

Hey, Scratcher!
Hope you're having a great day so far!
Want to check out my blog? https://trishasguineapigadventures.blogspot.com
Have fun!
And keep on Scratching!
<3, @DonutTri23

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